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To clarify the functional development of the descending monoaminergic input to the chick spinal cord we have studied the ontogeny of beta-adrenergic receptors by measuring the specific binding the tritiated dihydroalprenolol (DHA). In addition, we examined the ability of isoproterenol to stimulate the accumulation of cyclic AMP in slices of developing chick spinal cord. Results show that the chick spinal cord contains a high density of beta-adrenergic receptors that are apparently linked to adenylate cyclase. During development, both the density of beta-receptors, as determined by the specific binding of DHA, and the response of tissue slices to isoproterenol underwent marked changes. beta-Adrenergic receptors (approximately 4 fmol/mg tissue) were first detected on the fourteenth day in ovo. Receptor density increased to approximately 20 fmol/mg by day 20. Between day 20 and the time of hatching, a sharp increase in receptor density, to approximately 50 fmol/mg, was seen. The density of receptors remained high until the second day after hatching, fell off to approximately 30 fmol/mg by the fourth day, and remained relatively unchanged through day 30. The response of spinal cord slices to isoproterenol showed a similar pattern of development with the peak response (7-fold increase in levels of cyclic AMP) occurring at or near the time of hatching. During the period between day 18 in ovo and the time of hatching, when both the response of tissue slices to isoproterenol and the density of beta-receptors increased markedly, the activity of phosphodiesterase did not change. Therefore, the pronounced changes in adrenergic responsiveness that occurred near the time of hatching appear to be related primarily to changes in the density of beta-adrenergic receptors coupled to adenylate cyclase. Such developmental changes in the density of beta-adrenergic receptors and adrenergic responsiveness may play an important role in determining the functional state of the descending monoaminergic systems in the chick spinal cord.  相似文献   

The present work shows the existence of adenosine-dependent cyclic adenosine monophosphate (AMP) accumulation in the chick optic tectum. When tecta from 18-day-old embryos were incubated with the phosphodiesterase inhibitor IBMX and RO 20-1724, the cyclic AMP level increased from 39.2 to 73.3 and 285.5 pmol/mg protein, respectively. The high level obtained with RO 20-1724 could be inhibited by increasing concentrations of IBMX or by adenosine deaminase, but not by dipyridamole. 2-Chloroadenosine promoted a dose-dependent cyclic AMP accumulation in tecta incubated with RO 20-1724 and adenosine deaminase. This effect was blocked by IBMX and varied substantially during the development of the tissue. The degree of stimulation increased after day 11 of incubation, attaining maximal levels on day 14. The effect of 2-chloroadenosine remained constant until day 18, a period when both the protein content and the basal cyclic AMP levels are increasing in the developing tectum. The cyclic AMP increase elicited by 2-chloroadenosine was greatly reduced in tecta from 20-day-old embryos and 2-day-old chicks. The putative transmitters glutamate and glycine and the neurotransmitter analogs isoproterenol and carbachol had no stimulatory effect on the cyclic AMP accumulation of tecta from 10- and 17-day-old embryos.  相似文献   

The convulsant agent, pentylenetetrazol (PTZ), increased the content of cyclic AMP (cAMP) in rat cortical slices incubated in vitro in physiologic media. This increase was partially reversed by theophylline. The addition of PTZ to maximally effective concentrations of either adenosine or 2-chloroadeosine resulted in a significantly greater than additive augmentation of cAMP accumulation, suggesting that PTZ may produce its effect by enhancing the action of endogenous adenosine. The PTZ response was not antagonized by either diphenylhydantoin, phenobarbital or ethosuximide.  相似文献   

The differentiation of D1 and D2 dopamine receptors was investigated during the ontogenesis of the chick embryo retina. Our results reveal an interesting complexity in dopaminergic differentiation, with one major receptor system developing before synapses and another one developing after. The dopamine-dependent increase of chick retina cAMP level differentiates early during retina ontogeny. By the embryonic day 10-11 10(-4) M dopamine and ADTN elicit a 13-fold increase in cAMP content of the retina. However, [3H]spiperone (D2 ligand) binds very little to crude membrane preparation of retinas from embryos in the same developmental stage (12-13 fmol/mg protein). High specific binding of [3H]spiperone is only detected after the embryonic day 17-18, attaining 80 to 100 fmol of specific spiperone binding sites in the retinas from post-hatched animals. Apomorphine also promotes the accumulation of cAMP of retinas from early embryonic stages. However, it is only 20-30% as effective as ADTN or dopamine. In addition, while the dopamine responsiveness of the tissue decreases sharply during its ontogeny, the apomorphine effect remains practically constant throughout this period. Both dopamine and apomorphine are equally effective in eliciting cAMP accumulation of retinas from post-hatched animals. Moreover, apomorphine is a potent inhibitor of dopamine-induced cAMP level of the embryonic tissue. The results presented here indicate that D1 and D2 receptors differentiate independently from each other, and that apomorphine elevates retina cAMP levels via a subclass of D1 receptors that does not desensitize significantly during retina development.  相似文献   

The distributions of dopamine D1 receptors, dopaminoceptive neurons, and catecholaminergic fibers were investigated in the forebrain of the domestic chick by using D1 receptor autoradiography and immunohistochemical detection of D1 receptor protein (D1rp), the dopamine- and cAMP-regulated phosphoprotein DARPP-32, and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH). Particular attention was paid to two forebrain regions, the mediorostral neostriatum/hyperstriatum ventrale (MNH) and neostriatum dorsocaudale (Ndc), which have been shown to be crucially involved in filial imprinting. In general, there was a good, but not complete, correlation between the immunohistochemical pattern of DARPP-32 positive perikarya and the distribution of D1 receptors. Both, DARPP-32 positive neurons as well as D1 receptors were highly enriched in the striatal part of the basal ganglia including the lobus parolfactorius (LPO) and paleostriatum augmentatum. High to moderate densities were observed in the outer rind of the pallium. Low to moderate densities were found in the belt regions of primary sensory areas, whereas densities in the respective core regions were generally low. Labeling in the MNH and Ndc was heterogeneous. Whereas the neostriatal part of MNH displayed both, moderate DARPP-32 immunostaining and moderate D1 receptor densities, the hyperstriatal part showed also moderate D1 receptor densities but was only weakly labeled by DARPP-32. The rostral part of the Ndc was among the most intensely DARPP-32 labeled areas of the pallium, its caudal part revealed only moderate DARPP-32 immunostaining. By using D1 receptor autoradiography, a homogeneous labeling throughout the rostrocaudal extension of the Ndc was found. Double-labeling experiments with antibodies to DARPP-32 and TH revealed that TH positive fibers in the MNH, Ndc, and LPO were often closely related to DARPP-32 positive perikarya. At the ultrastructural level, both immunoreaction for D1rp and DARPP-32 in the MNH and Ndc were primarily found to be associated with postsynaptic elements. Whereas D1rp immunoreactivity was enriched at postsynaptic densities or in their vicinity, reaction product for DARPP-32 was present throughout the perikaryal cytoplasm, dendrites, and dendritic spines. These results indicate that DARPP-32 as well as D1 receptors in the avian forebrain reveal a distribution that is substantially similar to that of mammals. J. Comp. Neurol. 388:146–168, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The development of the chick optic lobe was impaired following removal of the optic cup of the early embryo. Tectal cell number is reduced but cell size may be relatively normal. Ther was evidence of neuronal cell death and several neuron-associated proteins and enzymes (nerve-specific protein and acetylcholinesterase) showed selectively impaired maturation. However, other nerve-specific enzymes (choline acetyltransferase, tyrosine hydroxylase), develop normally on a per cell basis. The noninnervated optic lobe had a normal blood-brain barrier but a depressed ability to accumulate amino acids from plasma. Levels of 3':5'-cyclic GMP were also reduced in the nonafferented lobe.  相似文献   

The effect of exogenous vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) on the accumulation of cyclic AMP in the isolated suprachiasmatic hypothalamus prepared from rats sacrificed at midsubjective day (CT6), subjective dusk (CT12) and midsubjective night (CT18) was determined. VIP (2 microM) caused a transient, 2.5- to 3.4-fold increase in cyclic AMP which peaked 5 minutes after the addition of VIP and returned to prestimulation values by 10 minutes. The effect of VIP was dose dependent between 0.1 and 10 microM. Cyclic AMP content, both before and after VIP stimulation, was slightly but significantly higher in rats sacrificed at CT6 compared to those sacrificed at CT18; however, the degree of stimulation was similar at all three circadian times.  相似文献   

The temporal course of the development of GABA receptor sites in chick optic lobe was studied as a parameter of neuronal differentiation in the central nervous system. At 10 days of incubation, specific [3H]GABA binding was of 0.08 pmol/optic lobe and increased 7-8 fold between 12 and 16 days of incubation, reaching at 16 days a value of 0.60 pmol/optic lobe. This coincides with the period of arrival of the retinal fibers to the optic lobe. After this stage, the number of GABA binding sites decreased to a value of 0.35 pmol/optic lobe at hatching. After hatching a new increase appeared which reached at 5 days post-hatching a value of 0.87 pmol/optic lobe. Scatchard analysis of the saturation binding data obtained at 16 days of incubation and at hatching revealed the presence of two binding sites: one with high affinity and the other with low affinity, while at 12 days of incubation, the earliest stage examined, only the low-affinity binding site appeared. The high-affinity binding site for [3H]GABA was inhibited by muscimol, GABA, and bicuculline (IC50: 0.006, 0.002 and 10 microM, respectively). These values correspond to the potencies shown by those compounds in the binding to the synaptic GABA receptor. Treatment of the synaptic membranes with Triton X-100 showed a marked increase in the amount of specific [3H]GABA binding after 16 days of incubation reaching a 3-fold increase at hatching. These results suggest that endogenous inhibitors of the higher affinity binding site, probably appear during this period.  相似文献   

Adenosine inhibits cyclic AMP synthesis induced by dopamine in embryonic but not in post-hatched chick retinas. N6-Cyclohexyladenosine (CHA), which preferentially activates A1 receptors as well as 2-chloroadenosine, inhibits cyclic AMP accumulation induced by dopamine in retinas from 10-day-old embryos (E10) with IC50's of 0.1 and 0.5 microM, respectively, but this effect is not detectable after hatching. In order to verify if this developmental change reflects variations in the number or affinity of A1 adenosine receptors, their development during chick retina ontogeny was studied. Binding studies using 3(H)CHA revealed the presence of A1 receptors at all stages of development examined, including the post-hatched retina. The number of binding sites increased between E10 and E17, and then decreased in post-hatched animals. In the latter, 3(H)CHA binding was to a single site with a Bmax of 128.6 +/- 13.4 fmol/mg protein and a Kd of 2.1 + 0.2 nM. Various ligands showed similar hierarchies of affinity for the A1 receptor in embryonic and post-hatched retinas, namely, CHA greater than R-N6-phenylisopropyladenosine (1-PIA) greater than 5'-N-ethylcarboxamideadenosine (NECA) greater than isobuthylemethyl-xanthine (IBMX). Given that CHA inhibited forskolin-induced cyclic AMP production and Gpp(NH)p inhibited 3(H)CHA binding in both embryonic and post-hatched retinas, it appears that receptor coupling to adenylate cyclase is present since early embryonic stages. The results suggest that the A1 receptors may have different functions in the embryonic as compared to the mature chick retina.  相似文献   

Interactions between the basal ganglia and the cerebral cortex are critical for normal goal-directed behavior. In the present study, we used immediate-early genes (c-fos, zif 268) as functional markers to investigated how basal ganglia output altered by stimulation/blockade of D1 dopamine receptors in the striatum affects cortical function. Systemic administration of the mixed D1/D2 receptor agonist apomorphine (3 mg/kg) increased immediate-early gene expression in the striatum and throughout most of the cortex. Unilateral intrastriatal infusion of the selective D1 receptor antagonist SCH-23390 (0.5-10 microg) blocked this response bilaterally in striatum and cortex in a dose-dependent manner. Even apparently regionally restricted blockade of striatal D1 receptors attenuated gene expression throughout striatum and cortex in both hemispheres. Intrastriatal administration of the D1 antagonist inhibited apomorphine-induced sniffing/whisking, whereas other motor behaviors were unaffected. To determine whether such changes in cortical gene expression could reflect altered cortical function, we examined the effects of blocking striatal D1 receptors on whisker stimulation-evoked immediate-early gene expression in the sensorimotor cortex. Apomorphine increased sensory stimulation-evoked gene expression in the barrel cortex, and intrastriatal infusion of SCH-23390 attenuated this effect. These results suggest that stimulation of D1 dopamine receptors in the striatum exerts a widespread facilitatory effect on cortical function.  相似文献   

The developmental profiles of the lipid composition and their de novo synthesis and remodelling in the optic lobe of the chicken were studied. The 32P incorporation to phospholipids showed an active de novo synthesis mainly of phosphatidylinositol and of a particular fraction of phosphatidylcholine during the early stages of the embryo development, concomitantly with the beginning of synaptogenesis. This de novo synthesis of phospholipids strongly increased at hatching. On the other hand, phosphatidylinositol presented an active lipid exchange (acylation-leacylation) in the early stages of embryogenesis, indicating a strong incorporation of 14C-arachidonic acid during this period, followed by a fast drop in specific activity. Two different fractions of phosphatidylcholine were isolated by high-performance thin-layer chromatography with a different profile of fatty acid composition, disclosing their different physicochemical behavior, metabolic activities and evolution during embryogenesis. 32P incorporation into phosphatidylethanolamine remained very low during the earliest stages of embryogenesis, showing an increase when the process of synaptogenesis began, until hatching, when radioactivity reached a plateau. 14C-arachidonic acid incorporation into phosphatidylethanolamine was minimal. Furthermore, the phosphatidylethanolamine pool was progressively enriched in its ethanolamine plasmalogen throughout the development. Chromatographic analysis of lipid extracts showed the presence of cerebroside traces after 16 days of embryo incubation. At hatching, a remarkable increase in non-hydroxylated cerebrosides was observed concurrently with the appearance of hydroxylated ones. These glycosphingolipids, as well as the sulfatides, were markedly increased in the lipid extracts of optic lobes of adult animals, indicating the progressive development and maturity of the myelin sheath.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to study the role of dopamine D1 receptors in caffeine elicited ERK phosphorylation in the prefrontal and other cortical (cingulate and motor) and subcortical (shell and core of the nucleus accumbens) regions. To this end, caffeine (3 and 10 mg/kg) was administered before phosphoERK immunohistochemistry. Caffeine dose‐dependently increased the number of phosphoERK‐positive neurons in the prefrontal and cingulate cortices but not in the secondary motor cortex and in the nucleus accumbens shell and core. The dopamine D1 receptor antagonist, SCH 39166 (50 μg/kg), fully prevented phosphoERK activation by caffeine (10 mg/kg) in the superficial and deep layers of the prefrontal cortex but failed to prevent it in the cingulate cortex. Given that phosphoERK can be regarded as a postsynaptic marker of neuronal activation, the present results indicate that psychotropic properties of caffeine may result from the activation of prefrontal, via dopamine D1 receptors, and cingulate cortices. Failure of caffeine to activate ERK in the nucleus accumbens further supports, indirectly, the observation that caffeine fails to activate dopamine transmission in this structure and is consistent with the tenet that caffeine lacks of true addictive properties. Synapse 64:341–349, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

T Minami  Y Oomura  J Nabekura  A Fukuda 《Brain research》1990,519(1-2):301-307
The process by which 17 beta-estradiol rapidly modulates the excitability of neurons in the ventromedial hypothalamus, a facilitation center of female sexual behavior and satiety center of feeding behavior, through mediation by cyclic nucleotides, was investigated by intracellular recording from the guinea pig brain slice preparations. Two types of short-term responses were produced by depolarization with decreased K+ conductance and hyperpolarization with increased K+ conductance. These two responses were enhanced by the phosphodiesterase inhibitor, isobutylmethylxanthine. However, the specific adenylate cyclase activator, forskolin, enhanced only the depolarization. The analogue of cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate (cAMP), 8-bromo-cAMP, induced only depolarization, the ionic mechanism of which was similar to that of 17 beta-estradiol. In addition, the possibility of non-specific effects of cyclic nucleotides was precluded by an experiment using an analogue of cyclic guanosine 3',5'-monophosphate (cGMP), 8-bromo-cGMP, which hyperpolarized neurons. Thus, the present study strongly suggests that the production of depolarizing responses of neurons in the hypothalamus produced by estradiol is specifically mediated through cAMP.  相似文献   

Previous pharmacological studies have reported that striatal dopamine efflux is negatively modulated not only by presynaptic D2 dopamine autoreceptors but also by striatal D1 dopamine receptors. The present experiments employed in vivo microdialysis to further examine the ability of widely used benzazepine-class D1 agonists to modulate striatal dopamine efflux. In the present study, both the partial D1 agonist (+/-)-SKF 38393 (10 microM) and the full D1 agonist (+/-)-SKF 82958 (10 and 100 microM) significantly reduced striatal dopamine efflux during intrastriatal application. Intrastriatal application of the less active enantiomer, S(-)-SKF 38393 (10 microM) did not decrease striatal dopamine suggesting a selective receptor-mediated mode of action of (+/-)-SKF 38393. Additional experiments were conducted with the full D1 agonist (+/-)-SKF 82958 in order to characterize the receptor(s) mediating the observed decrease in dopamine efflux. Neither local application of the D1 antagonist R(+)-SCH 23390 (100 microM) nor local application of the selective D2 antagonist raclopride (5 microM) blocked the ability of (+/-)-SKF 82958 (10 microM) to decrease striatal dopamine efflux. However, intrastriatal application of the less selective D2 antagonist haloperidol (1 microM) did prevent the decrease in striatal dopamine efflux observed during intrastriatal (+/-)-SKF 82958 application. The present data suggest that the ability of intrastriatally applied benzazepine-class D1 agonists to decrease striatal dopamine efflux is receptor-mediated, but this action apparently is not mediated at D1 or D2 receptors. There is therefore no indication for an intrastriatal population of D1 receptors capable of modulating dopamine efflux.  相似文献   

J Van?cek  L Vollrath 《Brain research》1989,505(1):157-159
Subnanomolar concentrations of melatonin inhibit cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP accumulation in neonatal rat anterior pituitary stimulated in vitro with luteinizing-hormone releasing-hormone. Melatonin also inhibited forskolin-stimulated cyclic AMP accumulation in pars tuberalis. Inhibition of cyclic AMP accumulation is specific for melatonin, since its analogs N-acetylserotonin and 5-methoxytryptamine are 1000 times less potent. Cyclic nucleotides may thus serve as second messengers transducing the effect of melatonin on cellular level.  相似文献   

Chicks of 1-8 days after hatching were submitted to unilateral visual deprivation and, in both optic lobes, muscarinic receptors, labeled with L-[3H]quinuclidinyl benzylate [( 3H]L-QNB) and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) were assayed. Between 1 and 6 days the number of [3H]L-QNB binding sites was lower in the contralateral optic lobe; the AChE underwent a drastic reduction (-42% at 2 days); later on the differences became not significant. The pre- and postsynaptic localization of the two cholinergic markers and the possible influence of light on axonal transport are discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of administration of subtype selective dopamine (DA) agonists on the 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) lesion-induced increase of striatal preproenkephalin (PPE) mRNA was examined by dot-blot hybridization. Eight days following a unilateral 6-OHDA lesion of the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc), PPE mRNA levels in the ipsilateral striatum were increased approximately two-fold. Administration of the D2 DA agonist, quinpirole, dose-dependently attenuated the 6-OHDA lesion-induced increase in striatal PPE mRNA. The effect of quinpirole was blocked by coadministration of the D2 DA antagonist eticlopride. In contrast, administration of the D1 DA agonist, SKF 38393, either dose-dependently augmented or had no effect on the 6-OHDA lesion-induced increase in striatal PPE mRNA. In the contralateral striatum, administration of quinpirole decreased PPE mRNA, while administration of SKF 38393 increased PPE mRNA compared to sham lesioned control levels. These data suggest the action of DA at D1 and D2 DA receptors differentially regulates striatal PPE mRNA levels and the apparent inhibition of ENK biosynthesis by DA is mediated via an interaction with D2 DA receptors.  相似文献   

In order to determine the role of dopamine (DA) D1 receptors in the control of striatal acetylcholine (ACh) transmission, we studied the effects of SCH 39166 (D1 receptor antagonist), alone or in combination with quinpirole (D2/D3 agonist) or PD 128,907 (D3 agonist) on ACh and DA release. Quinpirole reduced DA and ACh release; PD 128,907 decreased DA but not ACh relase. SCH 3916 stimulated DA and decreased ACh released. Pretreatment with quinpirole reduced or prevented (depending on the dose) the stimulation of DA release while potentiating the decrease of ACh relase elicited by SCH 39166. Similarly, SCH 39166 administered following PD 128,907 did not stimulate DA release, further decreasing ACh release. These results indicate that quinpirole or PD 128,907 affect the actions of SCH 39166 on DA and ACh relase in opposite manner, counteracting the increase of DA release and potentiating the reduction of ACh release. These data support the tenet that endogenous DA exerts a stimulatory input on striatal ACh neurotransmission mediated by D1 receptors.  相似文献   

The distribution and time course of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) immunoreactivity was investigated in the cranium of the chick embryo from 2 to 16 days of incubation (E2-16). A fraction of nerve fibers transiently stains GABA-positive in all cranial motor nerves and in the vestibular nerve. Cranial motor nerves stain GABA-positive from E4 to E11, including neuromuscular junctions at E8-11; labeled fibers are most frequent in the motor trigeminal root (E6-9.5). Substantial GABA staining is present from E4 to E10 in a subpopulation (1-2%) of vestibular ganglion cells. Their peripheral processes are labeled in the vestibular endorgan, predominantly in the posterior crista. Some GABA-positive fibers are present in the olfactory nerve (after E5) and in the optic nerve (after E9.5); their immunoreactivity persists throughout the period investigated. Transient GABA immunoreactivity follows "pioneer" fiber outgrowth and coincides with the formation of early synaptic contacts. GABA-containing neurons may change their neuronal phenotype (loss of GABA expression) or they may be eliminated by embryological cell death. Periods of cell death were determined in cranial ganglia and motor nuclei by aggregations of pycnotic cells in the same embryonic material. The periods of embryonic cell death partly coincide with transient GABA immunoreactivity. The function(s) of transient GABA expression is unknown. Some lines of evidence suggest that GABA has neurotrophic functions in developing cranial nerves or their target tissue. In the developing neuromuscular junction, GABA may be involved in the regulation of acetylcholine receptors.  相似文献   

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