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This study examined the overall life satisfaction of personal care workers (PCWs) delivering dementia care in elderly day care centers in Hong Kong. A total of 142 PCWs participated in the present study. Regression analysis results showed that self-efficacy in dementia care was a robust predictor for PCWs' life satisfaction. Female gender, perceived adequacy of training, low staff to client ratio, and high emotional support from colleagues predicted a high level of self-efficacy. To promote a higher level of life satisfaction among PCWs, it is essential for organizations to enhance their sense of self-efficacy. Providing PCWs with adequate training that address areas specific to their perceived needs is of utmost importance in achieving this goal.  相似文献   

Background: Given the importance of primary care to healthcare systems and population health, it seems crucial to identify factors that contribute to the quality of primary care. Professional satisfaction has been linked with quality of primary care. Physician dissatisfaction is considered a risk factor for burnout and leaving medicine.

Objectives: This study explored factors associated with professional satisfaction in seven European countries.

Methods: A survey was conducted among primary care physicians. Estonia, Finland, Germany and Hungary used a web-based survey, Italy and Lithuania a telephone survey, and Spain face to face interviews. Sociodemographic information (age, sex), professional experience and qualifications (years since graduation, years of experience in general practice), organizational variables related to primary care systems and satisfaction were included in the final version of the questionnaire. A logistic regression analysis was performed to assess the factors associated with satisfaction among physicians.

Results: A total of 1331 primary care physicians working in primary care services responded to the survey. More than half of the participants were satisfied with their work in primary care services (68.6%). We found significant associations between satisfaction and years of experience (OR?=?1.01), integrated network of primary care centres (OR?=?2.8), patients having direct access to specialists (OR?=?1.3) and professionals having access to data on patient satisfaction (OR?=?1.3). Public practice, rather than private practice, was associated with lower primary care professional satisfaction (OR?=?0.8).

Conclusion: Elements related to the structure of primary care are associated with professional satisfaction. At the individual level, years of experience seems to be associated with higher professional satisfaction.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to identify factors associated with satisfaction among inpatients receiving medical and surgical care for cardiovascular, respiratory, urinary and locomotor system diseases. Two weeks after discharge, 533 patients completed a Patient Judgments Hospital Quality questionnaire covering seven dimensions of satisfaction (admission, nursing and daily care, medical care, information, hospital environment and ancillary staff, overall quality of care and services, recommendations/intentions). Patient satisfaction and complaints were treated as dependent variables in multivariate ordinal polychotomous and dichotomous logistic stepwise regressions, respectively. Patient sociodemographic, health and stay characteristics as well as organization/ activity of service were used as independent variables. The two strongest predictors of satisfaction for all dimensions were older age and better self-perceived health status at admission. Men tended to be more satisfied than women. Other predictors specific for certain dimensions of satisfaction were: married, Karnofsky index more than 70, critical/serious self-reported condition at admission, emergency admission, choice of hospital by her/himself, stay in a medical service, stay in a private room, length of stay less than one week, stay in a service with a mean length of stay longer than one week. The factors associated with inpatient satisfaction elucidated in this study may be helpful in interpreting patient satisfaction scores when comparing hospitals, services or time periods, in targeting patient groups at risk of worse experiences and in focusing care quality programs.  相似文献   

This study examines various factors which influence consumer satisfaction with medical care at a family practice office of a randomly generated sample of 259 rural households. Consumer perceptions regarding physician competence, seeing the same doctor on successive visits, and whether the physician's office is meeting the general medical needs of the community were important predictors of satisfaction. Marketing implications are suggested to increase the economic and professional viability of medical practice.  相似文献   

目的 了解流动育龄妇女围孕保健服务现状和满意程度,分析其满意度的影响因素,为改善流动育龄妇女的优生健康质量提供依据. 方法 利用2005年北京、南京、厦门、深圳和重庆五城市流动人口生殖健康抽样调查数据,描述分析流动育龄妇女围孕保健服务利用及满意程度分布情况,对影响满意度的有关因素进行多因素分析. 结果 5 399例有效调查问卷中,流动育龄妇女在流入地的围孕保健服务利用率为41.1%,其中对服务满意者占63.3%.多因素Logistic回归分析发现,流动育龄妇女对围孕保健服务的满意度在调查地区间存在差别,差异有统计学意义;自评健康状况一般(OR=1.79,95% CI:1.43 ~2.25)或身体状况差(0R=1.87,95%CI:1.10~3.16)、检查婚育证明(OR=1.63,95% CI:1.20~2.22)、未参加计生部门宣教活动(OR=1.28,95% CI:1.04~1.57)、自行前往参与服务(OR=1.54,95%CI:1.22~1.94)、付费检查(OR=1.36,95% CI:1.08 ~ 1.72)、服务态度差(OR =2.33,95% CI:1.81 ~2.99)、设施环境差(OR=1.54,95%CI:1.20~1.97)与较高的不满意度存在统计学关联. 结论 自评健康状况一般或差、无婚育证明、未参加计生部门宣教活动、自行前往孕检、付费检查、服务态度差、设施环境差与较高的不满意度有关,建议将计生服务与围孕保健相结合、积极促进流动育龄妇女社会融入、提供优惠、专业的保健服务,提高流动育龄妇女对围孕保健服务满意度,有助于降低不良妊娠结局发生风险.  相似文献   

Patient satisfaction has become a frequently researched outcome measure of the quality of health-care delivery. This article reviews research of patient satisfaction after recent, identifiable medical care visits. Results of the reviewed studies are grouped into 13 factors of the medical care setting and of the physicians' competence and relationships to their patients which may be related to patient satisfaction. The factors with the clearest relationship to satisfaction include the accessibility of medical care, the organizational structure of clinics, treatment length, perceived competence of physicians, clarity and retention of physicians' communication to patients, physicians' affiliative behavior, physicians' control, and patients' expectations. Other factors with more complicated or no apparent relationship to satisfaction were mode of payment, clarity of patients' communication to physicians, physicians' personality, patients' sociodemographic characteristics, and patients' health status. The additive and potential interactive effects of these factors are discussed. Additional studies of the interactive aspects of the physician-patient raltionship are encouraged, and implications for further research are presented, with emphasis on sampling, measurement, and design issues.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate whether choosing one's own primary care doctor is associated with patient satisfaction with primary health care. To evaluate factors related to population's satisfaction with primary health care. POPULATION: A random sample of Estonian adult population (N=997). STUDY DESIGN: Cross-sectional study using a pre-categorized questionnaire which was compiled by the research group of the University of Tartu and the research provider EMOR. RESULTS: Altogether 68% of the respondents had been listed in their personal physician. Their overall satisfaction with the physician as well as satisfaction with several aspects of primary health care were significantly higher compared with those of unregistered respondents. Although some other factors (practice size, patient age, health status) also influenced patient satisfaction, presence of a personal physician appeared the most important predictor of high satisfaction with physician's punctuality and understanding, effectiveness of prescribed therapy, clarity of explanations given by the physician as well as with overall satisfaction with the physician. CONCLUSION: Personal doctor system is associated with patient satisfaction with different aspects of care.  相似文献   



Development of managed care, characterized by limited provider choice, is believed to undermine trust. Provider choice has been identified as strongly associated with physician trust. Stakeholders in a competitive healthcare market have competing agendas related to choice. The purpose of this study is to analyze variables associated with consumer's satisfaction that they have enough choice when selecting their primary care provider (PCP), and to analyze the importance of these variables on provider trust.  相似文献   

This study examined factors associated with satisfaction or regret following sex reassignment surgery (SRS) in 232 male-to-female transsexuals operated on between 1994 and 2000 by one surgeon using a consistent technique. Participants, all of whom were at least 1-year postoperative, completed a written questionnaire concerning their experiences and attitudes. Participants reported overwhelmingly that they were happy with their SRS results and that SRS had greatly improved the quality of their lives. None reported outright regret and only a few expressed even occasional regret. Dissatisfaction was most strongly associated with unsatisfactory physical and functional results of surgery. Most indicators of transsexual typology, such as age at surgery, previous marriage or parenthood, and sexual orientation, were not significantly associated with subjective outcomes. Compliance with minimum eligibility requirements for SRS specified by the Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association was not associated with more favorable subjective outcomes. The physical results of SRS may be more important than preoperative factors such as transsexual typology or compliance with established treatment regimens in predicting postoperative satisfaction or regret.  相似文献   



Assessment of patients' satisfaction with health care services could help to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the system and provide guidance for further development. The study's objectives were to: (i) assess the pattern of satisfaction with hospital care for a sample of people with schizophrenia in Kuwait, using the Verona Service Satisfaction Scale (VSSS-EU); ii) compare the pattern of satisfaction with those of similar studies; and iii) assess the association of VSSS seven domains with a number of variables representing met and unmet needs for care, family caregiver burden, severity of psychopathology, level of psychosocial functioning, socio-demographic characteristics, psychological well-being and objective quality of life.  相似文献   

This study aims to (1) assess ethnic differences in health care access and health outcome between Asian Americans and whites and between Asian American subgroups, (2) examine effects of cultural factors, and (3) investigate moderating effects of health risk behaviors between cultural characteristics and health care access and outcome. Data were derived from the 2007 California Health Interview Survey. Asian Americans (n = 4,462) and whites (n = 4,470) were included. There were significant ethnic differences in health care access and health perception between Asian Americans and Whites and across Asian American subgroups. Health risk behaviors moderated relationships between cultural factors and health care access and outcome. Findings reveal that ethnicity affects an individual's health care access and health perception, and their health behaviors are an important factor that may improve or worsen outcomes. This study may increase our knowledge base of research and interventions to enhance ethnic minority populations' health care accessibility and perceptions.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To identify factors associated with inadequacy of prenatal care utilization in urban community. METHODS: A cross-sectional study of a systematic sample stratified by maternity hospital, consisting of hospital births in the municipality of S?o Luís, Brazil, was carried out from March 1997 to February 1998. Socioeconomic and demographic factors, reproductive health, morbidity during pregnancy, and utilization of prenatal care services were studied. Mothers answered a standardized questionnaire before hospital discharge. The adequacy of prenatal care utilization was analyzed by means of two indexes: APNCU (Adequacy of Prenatal Care Utilization) and a new index based on the recommendations of the Brazilian Ministry of Health. RESULTS: There were interviewed 2,831 women who delivered at 10 public and private maternity hospitals. The inadequacy of prenatal care utilization was 49.2% according to the APNCU index and 24.5% when determined by the Brazilian index. Prenatal care at public services, low maternal schooling, low income, having no partner, and absence of maternal diseases during pregnancy were associated with inadequacy of prenatal care use according to both indexes. High parity and maternal age of 35 years or more were also associated with inadequacy, whereas primiparity, morbidity, and young maternal age (<20 years) seemed to protect from inadequacy when the Brazilian index was used. CONCLUSIONS: Prenatal care showed low coverage in the municipality of S?o Luís. The inadequacy of prenatal care utilization was associated with several factors linked to social inequality.  相似文献   

The population of children in foster care is rapidly growing. Previous local and state-level analyses have measured the prevalence of chronic conditions among such children to be from 44%-82%. The study objective was to identify factors associated with chronic conditions among a nationally representative sample of children in foster care for one year. The authors analyzed data from The National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being (NSCAW), Wave 1, the first national dataset of children in the child welfare system. In regression analysis, factors significantly associated with having a chronic condition included: child age under 2 years, caregiver race/ethnicity other than Hispanic, and relatively few household members. Discussion includes consideration of chronic conditions in this high-risk population.  相似文献   

To improve the satisfaction of people who had periodical worksite health check-ups, we conducted a questionnaire survey. It is possible that a portion of the health check-up participants who have a medical history of serious disease may have different expectations of periodical health check-ups compared to healthy individuals. We conducted the analysis by dividing the participants into three groups: those with a medical history of serious disease, those without a medical history of serious disease, and the whole group of those with and without a medical history of serious disease. There were 50 individuals with a medical history of serious disease and 226 without a medical history of serious disease. There were 231 males and 45 females. The average age was 40.3 yr (range: 21-64). To investigate the factors that influence overall satisfaction, we conducted multiple linear regression analysis by a stepwise method, with overall satisfaction as a dependent variable, and attributes of health check-up participants, factors related to the physician, factors related to the examination, and indirect factors such as waiting time as independent variables. The selective criterion for the variables was that the p value was less than 0.05, but sex and age were always included in the final model as independent variables because they might be confounding factors. In the whole group of those with and without a medical history of serious disease, overall satisfaction was significantly associated with the technical level of the person in charge of the examinations, the explanation of the person in charge of the examinations, the time spent for examination, the content of the interview with physicians and interview time with physicians. In the group with a serious disease medical history, overall satisfaction was significantly associated with the explanation of the person in charge of the examinations and interview time with physicians. In the group without a serious disease medical history, overall satisfaction was significantly associated with age, the technical level of the person in charge of the examinations, the time spent for examinations, the content of the interview with physicians and interview time with physicians.  相似文献   

This was a cross-sectional study of all victims of traffic accidents in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, admitted to the three largest public hospitals in the city from November 10 to December 14, 2003, to identify characteristics associated with the use of pre-hospital emergency treatment and investigate whether the time between the accident and hospital admission was shorter among these victims. The association between pre-hospital treatment and target variables was assessed by prevalence ratios obtained from Poisson regression. Among 1,564 victims, 778 (49.7%) were transported in vehicles with pre-hospital treatment. Pre-hospital treatment was less common for bicyclists and pedestrians. The prevalence ratio was higher among victims with more severe injuries (AIS = 2 and AIS>or= 3), older victims (30-39 years, 40-49 years, >or= 50 years), those who reported alcohol use, and when the time between accident and hospital admission was less than 60 minutes. According to the results, pre-hospital treatment is more frequent among severely injured victims and helps reduce the time between the accident and hospital admission.  相似文献   


The authors of this study aimed to describe the level of maternal satisfaction during labor reported by a national sample of low-risk childbearing women in Chile by identifying the dimensions of intrapartum care most determinant for overall satisfaction. Maternal satisfaction was measured in the postpartum period with an instrument previously validated in Chile. Almost half of the participants (49.4%) reported having optimal satisfaction, 29% adequate, and 22% worse. Treatment of women by professionals and the physical environment were the most important dimension predicting of maternal satisfaction, consistent with findings from developing countries emphasizing patient-provider interaction during labor as a key component of birth care quality.  相似文献   

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