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也谈社会药学与药事管理学   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
孟锐  刘涛 《药学教育》2004,20(3):16-18
阐述了社会药学和药事管理学两门学科的结构体系、主要研究内容和方向,初步探讨了两门学科之间的关系。  相似文献   

我国药事管理学科应开展社会学研究和教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为改善药学专业人员的知识结构,适应社会发展需要,推动药学界由面向药品向面向病人和面向社会转变,本文通过分析社会发展和体制改革对药学的影响,对比中美药事管理学发展史,认为我国药事管理学科应开展社会学研究和教育,并提出了改革的方向和内容。  相似文献   

药事管理学与社会药学相关问题的再辨析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孟锐 《药学教育》2004,20(4):13-18
以辨析形式进一步阐述了药事管理学与社会药学各自的结构体系及主要研究内容、方向等问题,并探讨了两门学科的性质和关系。  相似文献   

针对我国教育市场,分析中国加入WTO后对教育市场的影响,指出应对入世加强药学教育的建议:加强中药学教育;培养药品营销人才;开展临床药学教育;强化药事管理教育。  相似文献   

基层医疗机构开展临床药学工作的实践与思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郝少君 《中国药事》2009,23(7):670-671,678
目的阐述基层医疗机构开展临床药学工作的重要性。方法简要分析了基层医疗机构临床药学工作的现状,阐述了开展临床药学的重要性与必要性。结果与结论提出基层医疗机构开展临床药学工作,要建立临床药师机制,强化用药跟踪指导机制,优化信息服务机制,积极延伸药学服务触角,严格药物不良反应监测,着力当好临床用药参谋。  相似文献   

医院药事纠纷与开展优质药学服务   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
杨兴无 《医药导报》2009,1(1):53-55
归纳分析药事纠纷类型及原因,指出开展优质药学服务是新形势下医院避免药事纠纷,进行药事管理的必然选择,并从更新药事服务理念、健全药事管理制度、加强药师素质培养与职业道德教育、优化药事执业环境等方面探讨如何开展优质药学服务,以保证用药安全、改善医患关系、预防药事纠纷,提高药学服务质量.  相似文献   

现代医院药学工作的思考   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
孙家跃 《安徽医药》2006,10(4):293-294
随着城镇职工基本医疗保险和医疗卫生制度改革的加快,医院的体制和职能发生新的变化,一方面给医院药学工作的发展带来了前所未有的机遇;另一方面医院药学与临床医学的关系更为密切,二者相互渗透、相互促进,给医院药学工作提出了更高的要求。医院药学工作应从单纯的“以药品供应为中心”向“以病人为中心”的药学服务模式转变[1]。因此,开展医院药学由传统药品供应保障型向临床药学技术服务型的转变,建立以合理用药为中心的临床药学服务体系已成为医院药学发展的趋势。1转变观念,明确“以病人为中心”的服务方向,建立现代药学模式长期以来,我…  相似文献   

《药事管理学》教学探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
药事管理学是药学领域中的一门新兴学科。本文作者10年来致力于探索如何实施本门课教学,使学生对学习这门课的重要性有了明确的认识,促进了药事管理学在药学领域中不断发展壮大。  相似文献   

加强药事管理学科建设 完善我国高等药学教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
卢光洲  闫福林  李鹏 《中国药事》2009,23(4):385-387
目的阐述药事管理学教学在药学人才培养中的作用。方法分析我国高等教育药事管理学科的现状,提出加强药事管理学科建设的建议。结果与结论促进药事管理学科建设,完善我国的高等药学教育。  相似文献   

医院药学的建设与发展方向   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
医院药学的建设与发展方向吴永佩(卫生部医院管理研究所药事部100061)汤光(北京友谊医院)颜青(中国人民解放军304医院)医院药学是医疗工作的主要组成部分,随着科学技术的发展,医院药学事业也有很大的进步。由于医院药学的发展,对医学及治疗学的发展,对...  相似文献   

为进一步加强高职药学专业的实习管理,阐述在医院药房和社会药店实习中指导教师的指定、教学计划的制定、实习薪资、实习培训以及实习考核的相关情况,分析高职药学专业实习生在医院药房和社会药房实习存在的相关问题,提出政府、学校、实习单位三方共同努力,加大对实习工作的经费投入,引入质量优良的第三方实习管理评价机构,建立完善科学严谨的实习管理标准SOP,提高实习带教教师及指导教师自身素养,将会有利于提升高职药学专业学生在医院药房和社会药房实习的培养质量,有助于培养社会所需的药学专门人才。  相似文献   

Objective. To identify gaps in health equity and anti-racism education across the pharmacy curriculum, define the key health equity and anti-racism concepts that are suggested to be included across the pharmacy curriculum, and recommend a framework with steps to integrate health equity and anti-racism education across the pharmacy curriculum.Findings. Other professions, such as social work, nursing, and medicine, have taken steps to address social injustice by integrating anti-racism into their curriculum. The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) advocates for “social justice and social change with and on behalf of clients” and included racism and health equity in its mission to eradicate “discrimination, oppression, poverty, and other forms of social injustice.” The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) curricular standards for baccalaureate nursing education provided four key changes for immediate implementation to overcome structural, individual, and ideological racism (SIIR). In October 2020, the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) released a four-pillar framework to address racism.Summary. The Academy must also actively engage in efforts to eradicate social injustices by incorporating into its curriculum topics that would result in the graduation of culturally and linguistically sensitive and structurally competent pharmacists. The five-phase framework, Pharmacy Health Equity Anti-Racism Training (Rx-HEART) provides guidance on how to accomplish the objectives described in this paper and the theme issue on social injustice.  相似文献   

Racism has been declared a public health crisis. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted inequities in the US health care system and presents unique opportunities for the pharmacy Academy to evaluate the training of student pharmacists to address social determinants of health among racial and ethnic minorities. The social ecological model, consisting of five levels of intervention (individual, interpersonal, organizational, community, and public policy) has been effectively utilized in public health practice to influence behavior change that positively impacts health outcomes. This paper adapted the social ecological model and proposed a framework with five intervention levels for integrating racism as a social determinant of health into pharmacy curricula. The proposed corresponding levels of intervention for pharmacy education are the curricular, interprofessional, institutional, community, and accreditation levels. Other health professions such as dentistry, medicine, and nursing can easily adopt this framework for teaching racism and social determinants of health within their respective curricula.  相似文献   

Pharmacy education in India traditionally has been industry and product oriented. In contrast to the situation in developed nations, graduate pharmacists prefer placements in the pharmaceutical industry. To practice as a pharmacist in India, one needs at least a diploma in pharmacy, which is awarded after only 2 years and 3 months of pharmacy studies. These diploma-trained pharmacists are the mainstay of pharmacy practice. The pharmacy practice curriculum has not received much attention. In India, there has been a surge in the number of institutions offering pharmacy degrees at various levels and a practice-based doctor of pharmacy (PharmD) degree program was started in some private institutions in 2008. However, relatively little information has been published describing the current status of complex pharmacy education of India. In this paper we describe pharmacy education in India and highlight major issues in pharmacy practice including deficiencies in curriculum. The changing face of the profession is discussed, including the establishment of the PharmD program. The information presented in this paper may stimulate discussion and critical analysis and planning, and will be of value in further adaptation of the pharmacy education to desired educational outcomes.  相似文献   

Pharmacy education programs in Vietnam are complex and offer various career pathways. All include theory and laboratory modules in general, foundation, and pharmaceutical knowledge; placements in health facilities; and a final examination. The various pharmacy degree programs allow specialization in 1 or more of 5 main fields: (1) drug management and supply, (2) drug development and production, (3) pharmacology and clinical pharmacy, (4) traditional medicine and pharmacognosy, and (5) drug quality control, which are offered as main specialization options during the reformed undergraduate and postgraduate programs. However, pharmacy education in Vietnam in general remains product oriented and clinical pharmacy training has not received adequate attention. Only students who have obtained the bachelor of pharmacy degree, which requires a minimum of 5 years of study, are considered as fully qualified pharmacists. In contrast, an elementary diploma in pharmacy awarded after 1 year of pharmacy study permits entry into more junior pharmacy positions. Since the 2000s, there has been a surge in the number and types of schools offering pharmacy qualifications at various levels.  相似文献   

目的 医药分开及健康中国背景下,探索中国社会药房的发展模式。方法 基于对日本社会药房发展历程的分析,结合中国医药政策环境及社会药房实践,提出中国社会药房的发展模型。结果 日本社会药房从门前药房到经常就诊药房再到健康支持药房的发展模式实现了医药分业和以患者为中心的服务能力提升,在医药分开和健康中国战略的政策背景下,中国可借鉴日本经验设计社会药房的理想模型。结论 实现理想社会药房需要政府、企业和行业协会多方面的努力。  相似文献   

我国在药学伦理教育研究的开展有一些成就和进步,在与药学相关研究的许多方面都会不同程度涉及到伦理学,进一步与心理学、行为科学,促进形成一个互补的作用。药学伦理教育无疑具有很大的研究价值,作者从伦理的角度进一步探索现代药学教育,旨在促进现代药学教育的发展。  相似文献   

中国药学教育的现状和展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
奚念朱  江志强 《中国药事》1997,11(5):342-343
本文对我国药学教育的专业分类、毕业后就业情况及药学教育的组织管理体制进行了分析,并提出21世纪药学教育应打破条块分割,专业不宜分割过细和强化药学专业的思想。  相似文献   

临床药学教育刍议   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
本文对美国、日本、中国的临床药学教育作一简介,并对我国发展临床药学教育试作一讨论。  相似文献   

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