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Profound loss in childhood as a precipitant for symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder has been a largely neglected subject. There is now some literature to suggest that severe loss and the absence of care may be as predictive of psychological distress in children as events that are more frequently studied, such as exposure to natural disasters and physical or sexual abuse. This paper combines the author's personal experience as an orphaned child who was placed in foster care with a discussion of this emerging literature to examine the relationship between childhood loss and trauma symptoms. An awareness of the traumatic nature of severe losses in childhood could help caregivers and mental health professionals deal more effectively with such children.  相似文献   

BackgroundThere is considerable evidence of dysconnectivity within the default-mode network (DMN) in schizophrenia, as measured during resting-state functional MRI (rs-fMRI). History of childhood trauma (CT) is observed at a higher frequency in schizophrenia than in the general population, but its relationship to DMN functional connectivity has yet to be investigated.MethodsCT history and rs-fMRI data were collected in 65 individuals with schizophrenia and 132 healthy controls. Seed-based functional connectivity between each of 4 a priori defined seeds of the DMN (medial prefrontal cortex, right and left lateral parietal lobes, and the posterior cingulate cortex) and all other voxels of the brain were compared across groups. Effects of CT on functional connectivity were examined using multiple regression analyses. Where significant associations were observed, regression analyses were further used to determine whether variance in behavioral measures of Theory of Mind (ToM), previously associated with DMN recruitment, were explained by these associations.ResultsSeed-based analyses revealed evidence of widespread reductions in functional connectivity in patients vs controls, including between the left/right parietal lobe (LP) and multiple other regions, including the parietal operculum bilaterally. Across all subjects, increased CT scores were associated with reduced prefrontal-parietal connectivity and, in patients, with increased prefrontal-cerebellar connectivity also. These CT-associated differences in DMN connectivity also predicted variation in behavioral measures of ToM.ConclusionsThese findings suggest that CT history is associated with variation in DMN connectivity during rs-fMRI in patients with schizophrenia and healthy participants, which may partly mediate associations observed between early life adversity and cognitive performance.  相似文献   

In an effort to confirm the factorial validity of the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ) across sex, the items from the CTQ for 916 university students were subjected to confirmatory factor analysis. Results indicated that the factor structure for the CTQ was significantly different for men and women. For women, the items from the Physical Abuse subscale did not create a stable factor and thus appear not to be conceptually valid. Conversely, for men, the five-factor model provided a relatively good fit to the data. This investigation provides important information regarding sex differences in the factorial validity of the CTQ. Implications and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

The Dynamic Assessment Interview (DAI) is a semi-structured interview with anchored scales to rate patients' suitability for psychodynamic psychotherapy. The DAI was inspired by the Personality Assessment Interview developed by Selzer et al. in 1987 and it introduces from the beginning of the assessment interview an explicit focus on the patient's immediate interactions with the interviewer. Seven theoretical derived varables are assessed, namely psychological mindedness, capacity for self-observation, capacity for empathy, tolerance of frustration, motivation, response to confrontation, and ability to contain and work with affect. In addition, the patient's attractiveness as a psychotherapy patient and his or her assumed confidence in the forthcoming treatment are assessed. The patient's personality organization ad modum Kernberg is measured from a global assessment of the interview. The present paper describes the DAI and presents its psychometric properties. An acceptable level of inter-rater agreement was found for the theoretically derived variables and for the personality organization diagnosis, with intra-class correlations or kappa coefficients ranging from 0.68 to 0.80.  相似文献   

Assessing and engaging suicidal adolescents in psychoanalytic psychotherapy is filled with complexity and stress, but offers a potential for lasting suicide prevention. This study provides a detailed account of the initial psychotherapy sessions with a suicidal teenager, drawing extensively on the comprehensive notes taken by the therapist. Four discussants were invited to provide their perspectives as to how they would assess the main factors in the case and from this to provide a brief commentary for their own perspectives. This study concludes with a discussion of the differences and commonalities between the various contributions.  相似文献   

Research on the effects of childhood trauma has been limited by the lack of a comprehensive, reliable, and valid instrument that assesses the occurrence of early traumatic experiences. This paper presents the development and preliminary psychometric properties of an instrument, the Early Trauma Inventory (ETI), for the assessment of reported childhood trauma. The clinician-administered ETI is a 56-item interview for the assessment of physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, as well as general traumatic experience (including items which range from parental loss to natural disaster). For each item of the ETI, frequency of abuse/trauma by developmental stage, onset and termination of abuse/trauma, perpetrator of the abuse/trauma, and impact on the individual are assessed. Initial analyses indicate acceptable inter-rater reliability, test-retest reliability, and internal consistency for the ETI. Comparisons between the ETI and other instruments for the assessment of trauma, as well as instruments for the measurement of symptoms related to abuse, such as dissociation and PTSD, demonstrated good convergent validity. Validity was also demonstrated based on the ability of the ETI to discriminate patients with PTSD from comparison subjects. Based on these findings, the ETI appears to be a reliable and valid instrument for the measurement of reported childhood trauma.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the predictive validity of a particular interview and rating scale of patient suitability for psychoanalytic psychotherapy: The Dynamic Assessment Interview (DAI) scale. METHOD: Seventy-four psychiatric out-patients were interviewed with the DAI and the associations between DAI-scores and measures of outcome and of therapeutic alliance were investigated. RESULTS: Small to moderate correlations were found between the DAI suitability score and outcome (0.06-0.46) and between DAI suitability score and early rated alliance (0.14-0.45). The predictive value of the DAI-score was limited although on a par with the alliance measures used in the study. No other pretherapy predictor variable investigated was found significantly to predict outcome. CONCLUSION: The predictive power of the DAI measure was limited, a result, which is in agreement with results from former studies on suitability.  相似文献   

This paper investigates which factors inherent to the various forms of psychotherapy are conducive to success and which are not. Particular emphasis is placed on the role of communication between the therapist and the patient, with specific regard to the outcome of treatment. The habitual practices and main problems facing healthcare professionals with regard to information and consent to psychotherapy are analysed in the context of the results of some recent studies of outcomes and processes which support the notion that the factors most frequently associated with successful psychotherapy are cooperation, proper information and a shared commitment to achieving the objectives of treatment.  相似文献   

Background: Treatments that integrate religious clients' beliefs into therapy may enhance the therapeutic alliance (TA) in religious clients. Objective: Compare the effects of religiously integrated cognitive behavioral therapy (RCBT) and standard CBT (SCBT) on TA in adults with major depression and chronic medical illness. Method: Multi-site randomized controlled trial in 132 participants, of whom 108 (SCBT = 53, RCBT = 55) completed the Revised Helping Alliance Questionnaire (HAQ-II) at 4, 8, and 12 weeks. Trajectory of change in scores over time was compared between groups. Results: HAQ-II score at 4 weeks predicted a decline in depressive symptoms over time independent of treatment group (B = ?0.06, SE = 0.02, p = 0.002, n = 108). There was a marginally significant difference in HAQ-II scores at 4 weeks that favored RCBT (p = 0.076); however, the mixed effects model indicated a significant group by time interaction that favored the SCBT group (B = 1.84, SE = 0.90, degrees of freedom = 181, t = 2.04, p = 0.043, d = 0.30). Conclusions: While RCBT produces a marginally greater improvement in TA initially compared with SCBT, SCBT soon catches up.  相似文献   

Background and HypothesisSchizophrenia has been robustly associated with multiple genetic and environmental risk factors. Childhood adversity is one of the most widely replicated environmental risk factors for schizophrenia, but it is unclear if schizophrenia genetic risk alleles contribute to this association.Study DesignIn this systematic review and meta-analysis, we assessed the evidence for gene-environment correlation (genes influence likelihood of environmental exposure) between schizophrenia polygenic risk score (PRS) and reported childhood adversity. We also assessed the evidence for a gene-environment interaction (genes influence sensitivity to environmental exposure) in relation to the outcome of schizophrenia and/or psychosis. This study was registered on PROSPERO (CRD42020182812). Following PRISMA guidelines, a search for relevant literature was conducted using Cochrane, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, Web of Science, and Scopus databases until February 2022. All studies that examined the association between schizophrenia PRS and childhood adversity were included.Study ResultsSeventeen of 650 identified studies met the inclusion criteria and were assessed against the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale for quality. The meta-analysis found evidence for gene-environment correlation between schizophrenia PRS and childhood adversity (r = .02; 95% CI = 0.01, 0.03; P = .001), but the effect was small and therefore likely to explain only a small proportion of the association between childhood adversity and psychosis. The 4 studies that investigated a gene-environment interaction between schizophrenia PRS and childhood adversity in increasing risk of psychosis reported inconsistent results.ConclusionsThese findings suggest that a gene-environment correlation could explain a small proportion of the relationship between reported childhood adversity and psychosis.  相似文献   

Is psychodynamic therapy (PT) an evidence-based practice? What makes PT work? In the present article we shall discuss empirical evidence for these as well as other vital questions. First, we shall examine the existing findings concerning two of the most widespread myths about PT: (1) PT is not an evidence-based therapy; (2) PT is not directed at and, therefore, not effective at alleviating symptoms. Second, we shall examine some of the existing findings regarding what it is that actually enables change in PT. The aim of the article is to provide some access to the knowledge accumulated from numerous studies on PT treatments, conducted by dozens of therapists, with the hope that it will benefit clinicians.  相似文献   

ObjectiveExperiencing traumatic events in childhood is related to various psychiatric problems in adulthood, and a comprehensive tool for measuring childhood trauma is necessary in this field. This study aimed to examine the psychometric properties, and factor structure of the Korean version of the Early Trauma Inventory Self Report-Short Form (ETISR-SF). ETISR-SF measures the childhood trauma, including physical, and emotional sexual abuse, as well as general traumas.MethodsA clinical and nonclinical samples comprising of 97 subjects from a local community, and 207 patients with the ETISR-SF, were assessed. Other tools, including the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire-Short Form (CTQ-SF), the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), and the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) were used to assess clinical symptoms. Additional data from 69 college students was used to examine the test-retest reliability.ResultsThe original four-factor model was supported by the confirmatory factor analysis scale [χ2 (351, n=304)=3374.025, p<0.001, TLI=0.969, CFI=0.972, RMSEA=0.030]. The ETISR-SF was found to be a reliable instrument (Cronbach''s α=0.869). Comparison of the ETISR-SF scores discriminated the clinical group from that of the control group. The measure showed good convergent and divergent validity, in that the scores were correlated higher with the scores on the CTQ-SF (0.691) than with the scores on the BDI or BAI (0.424, 0.397 respectively). The ETISR-SF was found to be temporally stable, showing the moderate to high correlation (0.844).ConclusionThese findings suggest that the Korean version of the ETISR-SF appears to be a reliable and valid instrument for the measurement of reported childhood trauma.  相似文献   

The first years of life and the family context are key to the promotion and protection of children’s health and wellbeing, emphasizing the need for interventions aimed to support families with young children. This review aimedto explore the effectiveness of early childhood interventions developed for promoting mental health and parentingamong families with young children in the Nordic countries. Six electronic databases were systematicallysearched, and 20 articles covering 16 studies applying various quantitative and qualitative methods met the studyinclusion criteria. The studied interventions were assessed as universal health-promoting interventions andhealth-promoting interventions with elements of prevention. Outcomes of interest encompassed mental health,related risk and protective factors among the parents and/or the children, or child-parent interaction. The resultsfrom studies applying statistical methods show significant improvements in parents’self-efficacy, self-esteem, andparental satisfaction, while few improvements in parents’ social support or parental relationship were identified.Improvements in social support and parental relationships were however reported in qualitative studies. Mostquantitative studies reporting on parents’ mental health problems and stress found a significant decrease, andqualitative studies highlighted experienced positive effects on mental health and well-being. The majority of studies reporting on children’s mental health and/or development as well as strengths and difficulties indicated astatistically significant positive development. No significant changes were however found for existing behavioralproblems. The majority of studies examining parenting strategies and/or parent-child interaction found signifi-cant positive changes after the interventions. In sum, although findings are heterogeneous, early childhood interventions show various positive effects on the parenting and mental health of both children and their parents. Thefact that different types of initiatives have been developed and implemented can be seen as an advantage, considering the varying needs and expectations of different families.  相似文献   


This study tested hypotheses related to linear and curvilinear relations among adherence, competence, and outcome and interactions of these effects with the quality of the therapeutic alliance among patients (N=95) who received individual drug counseling as part of the National Institute on Drug Abuse Collaborative Cocaine Treatment Study. Results support a hypothesized curvilinear relation between adherence and outcome as well as an interaction between this curvilinear effect and alliance early in treatment. For patients with a strong therapeutic alliance, counselor adherence to the treatment model was essentially irrelevant to treatment outcome. When the alliance was weaker, by contrast, a moderate (vs. high or low) level of counselor adherence was associated with the best outcome. The current results suggest that studies of the relation between therapist's adherence to models of treatment and outcome may need to take into account the complex moderating effect of therapeutic alliance.

Diese Studie testete Hypothesen bezüglich linearer und kurvilinearer Beziehungen zwischen vorgabegetreuem Vorgehen, Kompetenz und Erfolg, sowie der Interaktion zwischen diesen Variablen und der Qualität der therapeutischen Allianz bei Patienten (n?=?95), die individuelle Drogenberatung im Rahmen der gemeinsamen Drogenabhängigkeits-Behandlungs-Studie des Nationalen Instituts zur Kokain-Abhängigkeit erhielten. Die Ergebnisse unterstützten die vorhergesagte kurvilineare Beziehung zwischen vorgabegetreuem Vorgehen und dem Ergebnis, sowie einer Interaktion dieses kurvilinearen Effekts und der Allianz zu einem frühen Zeitpunkt der Behandlung. Für Patienten mit einer starken therapeutischen Allianz war das vorgabengetreue Vorgehen des Beraters zum Behandlungsmodell für das Behandlungsergebnis ohne Einfluss. Dagegen zeigte ein moderat vorgabengetreues Vorgehen des Beraters (im Vergleich zu einem hohen oder niedrigen Festhalten an den Vorgaben) den besten Erfolg, wenn die Allianz schwächer war. Die vorliegenden Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass Studien zur Beziehung zwischen einem Vorgehen des Therapeuten konform zu den Behandlungsrichtlinien und dem Ergebnis den komplexen Moderatoreffekt der therapeutischen Allianz berücksichtigen müssen.

Cette étude a testé des hypothèses au sujet de relations linéaires et curvilinéaires entre adhérence, compétence et résultat, et des interactions de ces effets avec la qualité de l'alliance thérapeutique chez des patients (N?=?95) qui avaient reçu du counseling individuel pour abus de drogues dans le cadre de l'Etude en Collaboration de l'Institut National pour l'Abus de Drogues sur le Traitement de la Cocaïne. Les résultats apportent du soutien à l'hypothèse d'une relation curvilinéaire entre adhérence et résultat ainsi que d'une interaction entre cet effet curvilinéaire et l'alliance en phase précoce du traitement. Pour les patients avec une alliance thérapeutique forte, l'adhérence du conseiller au modèle de traitement ne jouait pas de rôle essentiel pour le résultat du traitement. En cas d'alliance plus faible, par contre, un niveau modéré (versus haut ou bas) d'adhérence du conseiller était associé avec le meilleur résultat. Ces résultats suggèrent que des études de la relation entre l'adhérence du thérapeute à un modèle de traitement et le résultat devraient tenir compte l'effet de modération complexe de l'alliance thérapeutique.

Este estudio testeó hipótesis vinculadas con las relaciones lineales y curvilíneas entre adherencia, competencia y resultado así también como interacciones de estos efectos con la calidad de la alianza terapéutica entre pacientes (n?=?95) que recibieron Cunseling individual por drogas como parte del Estudio Colaborativo del tratamiento por cocaína del Instituto Nacional para el Abuso de Drogas. Los resultados apoyaron la hipótesis de la relación curvilineal entre adherencia y resultado, así también como la interacción entre este efecto curvilineal y la alianza temprana. Para los pacientes con una fuerte alianza terapéutica, la adherencia del consejero al modelo de tratamiento fue totalmente irrelevante al resultado. En los casos en los que la alianza fue más débil, en cambio, un nivel de adherencia del consejero (ni alta ni baja) estuvo asociada con el resultado mejor. Estos resultados sugieren que los estudios de la relación entre la adherencia del terapeuta a los modelos de tratamiento y resultado han de tener en cuenta el efecto moderador de la alianza terapéutica.

Let me know pls if this is all. Best, Beatriz

Il ruolo dell'adesione e della competenza del terapeuta ed il ruolo dell'alleanza nella previsione dell'esito del counseling individuale per le droghe: i risultati dall'Istituto Nazionale sull'abuso di droghe in equipe con lo Studio di trattamento della cocaina. Questo studio ha valutato le ipotesi collegate alle relazioni lineari e curvilinee tra adesione, competenza ed esito e le interazioni tra questi effetti con la qualità dell'alleanza terapeutica in pazienti (N: 95) che hanno ricevuto un counseling individuale sulle droghe come parte dello Studio di trattamento della cocaina in collaborazione con l'Istituto Nazionale di abuso di droghe.

I risultati supportano un'ipotizzata relazione curvilinea tra adesione ed esito, così come un'interazione tra questo effetto curvilineo e l'alleanza all'inizio del trattamento.

Per i pazienti con una forte alleanza terapeutica, l'adesione del counselor al modello di trattamento è stata essenzialmente irrilevante rispetto all'esito del trattamento. Quando l'alleanza era pi[ugrave] debole, al contrario, un moderato (verso l'alto o il basso) livello di adesione del counselor è stato associato con un miglior esito.

I risultati attuali suggeriscono che gli studi sulla relazione tra l'adesione del terapeuta ai modelli di trattamento e l'esito potrebbero aver bisogno di considerare il complesso effetto moderatore dell'alleanza terapeutica.

Este estudo estudou as hipóteses de relação linear e curvilínea entre adesão, competência e resultado e as interacç[otilde]es destes efeitos com a qualidade da aliança terapêutica em pacientes (N=95) que receberam aconselhamento individual para toxicodependência como parte do Estudo Colaborativo do Tratamento da Dependência da Cocaína do Instituto Nacional para o Abuso de Drogas. Os resultados apoiaram a relação curvilínea entre adesão e resultado, bem como uma interacção entre este efeito curvilíneo e aliança inicial. Para pacientes com uma forte aliança terapêutica, a adesão do terapeuta ao modelo terapêutico era, essencialmente, irrelevante para os resultados do tratamento. Quando a aliança era mais fraca, em contrate, um nível moderado (vs. baixo ou elevado) de adesão do terapeuta estava associado a melhores resultados. Estes resultados sugerem que estudos da relação entre adesão do terapeuta a modelos de tratamento e resultados terapêuticos podem necessitar de ter em consideração o efeito moderador complexo da aliança terapêutica.


Depression is a persistent and impairing illness for adolescents. Many adolescents have limited access to care and/or do not receive adequate treatment for their depression. Researchers have developed a number of empirically supported interventions for adolescent depression; the challenge is to bring these treatments into community settings and assess their effectiveness under real world conditions. This paper provides a critical examination of research conducted on the use of Interpersonal Psychotherapy for depressed adolescents (IPT‐A). The paper presents evidence for the efficacy and effectiveness of IPT‐A. Implementation and dissemination efforts are discussed in regard to lessons learned and directions for future research.  相似文献   

Purpose: Childhood trauma in an important public health concern, and there is a need for brief and easily administered assessment tools. The Early Trauma Inventory (ETI) is one such instrument. The aim of this paper is to test the psychometric properties of the Swedish translation of the short, self-rated version (ETISR-SF), and to further validate the instrument.

Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 243 psychiatric patients from an open care unit in Sweden and 56 controls were recruited. Participants were interviewed and thereafter completed the ETISR-SF. Internal consistency was calculated using Cronbach’s alpha, a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was performed and goodness-of-fit was determined. Intra Class Correlation (ICC) was used to calculate test-retest reliability. Discriminant validity between groups was gauged using the Mann–Whitney U-test.

Results: Cronbach’s alpha varied between 0.55 and 0.76, with higher values in clinical samples than in controls. Of the four domains, general trauma showed a lower alpha than the other domains. The CFA confirmed the four-factor model previously seen and showed good to acceptable fit. The ICC value was 0.93, indicating good test–retest reliability. According to the Mann–Whitney U-test, the non-clinical sample differed significantly from the clinical sample, as did those with PTSD or borderline diagnosis from those without these diagnoses.

Conclusions: The Swedish translation of the ETISR-SF was found to have similar psychometric properties as both the original version and translations. ETISR-SF scores could also distinguish between different diagnostic groups associated with various degrees of trauma, which supports its discriminant validity.  相似文献   



Side effects of psychotherapy are common. Therapists and patients must recognize negative developments to take countermeasure. Therapists can be reluctant to talk about problems of their own treatment. The hypothesis could be that talking about side effects can impair the therapeutic relationship.


We examined whether a systematic monitoring and discussion of side effects has a negative effect on therapeutic alliance. Intervention group (IG) therapists and patients filled in the UE-PT scale (unwanted events in the view of patient and therapists scale) and discussed their mutual ratings (IG, n = 20). As unwanted events can be independent of therapy, but also be treatment-related side effects, the UE-PT-scale first asks for UE and then for their relation to the ongoing treatment. In the control group (CG, n = 16) treatment was done without any special side effect monitoring. Both groups filled in the Scale for Therapeutic Alliance (STA-R).


IG-therapists reported various unwanted events in 100% and patients in 85% of cases: complexity of problems, burdensome or overdemanding therapy, problems with work, and symptom deterioration. Any side effect was reported in 90% by therapists and in 65% by patients. Most frequent side effects were demoralization and worsening of symptoms. IG therapists observed an improvement of global therapeutic alliance in STA-R (M = 3.08 to M = 3.31, p = 0.024, interaction effect in ANOVA with two groups and measurement repetition), and reduced patient fear (M = 1.21 to M = 0.91, p = 0.012). IG patients perceived improvement in bond (M = 3.45 to M = 3.70, p = 0.045). In the CG no comparable changes were seen (alliance M = 2.97 to M = 3.00; patient fear M = 1.20 to M = 1.36; patient-perceived bond M = 3.41 to M = 3.36).


The initial hypothesis must be rejected. The results suggest that monitoring, and discussion of side effects can even improve the therapeutic alliance. Therapists must not be afraid that this will endanger the therapeutic process. The use of a standardized instrument like the UE-PT-scale seems helpful.  相似文献   

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