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A novel T cell subset characterized by cell surface NK1.1+ TCRß+expression was investigated for its TCR usage, particularlythat of invariant V14 TCR, which was found to be preferentiallyused in peripheral CD4CD8T cells developed atextrathymic sites. We found that NK+ ß T cell subsetsaccount for 0.4% in thymocytes, 5% in the splenic T cells and40.5% in the bone marrow T cells. Among these NK+ ßT cells, two distinct subsets were detected; cell surface TCRV14+and V14 subpopulations. Almost all of NK+ ßthymocytes express V14 mRNA; however, only<20% were positive,while >80% were negative or undetectable for V14 TCR expressionon the cell surface in the thymus. Similarly,50% of NK+ ßT cells in spleen and bone marrow are V14+; as revealed by FACS.TCR repertoire analysis by nucleotide sequences on inverse PCRproducts demonstrated that most NK+ ß T cells expressan invariant TCR encoded by the V14J281 gene with a 1 base N-regionin all tissues. Thus, invariant V14 TCR is uniquely expressedon NK T cells, and can be a marker to distinguish NK, NK T andT cells.  相似文献   

Reactivity of murine T cells with viral or bacterial superantigensis clearly correlated with the expression of TCR Vßdomains. Thus, T cells responding to the minor lymphocyte stimulatorylocus (Mls-1a) or staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) expresspredominantly TCR Vß6 or Vß8.2 respectively.We have investigated the involvement of the other major variableelement of the TCR, the V domain, in these superantigen responses.Using a panel of anti-TCR V mAbs, It is demonstrated that theTCR V repertoire among superantigen stimulated Vß6+or Vß8.2+ blasts (responding to Mls-1a or SEB respectivelyin vitro) is altered in comparison with anti-CD3 stimulatedcells expressing the same V domains. Furthermore, the TCR Vrepertoire is strongly skewed in TCR Vß8.2 transgenicmice that have undergone extensive peripheral clonal deletionafter SEB injection. These data imply that the V domain influencessuperantigen recognition by sthe TCR.  相似文献   

To Investigate the significance of Intercellular adhesion molecule-1(ICAM-1) and leukocyte function-associated antlgen-1 (LFA-1)In host defense against infection with Intracellular parasites,we examined the effects of In vivo pretreatment with mAbs toICAM-1 (1A29) and LFA-1 (WT-1) on the protection against Infectionwith Listeria monocytogenesIn Fisher F344/N rats. Expressionof ICAM-1 and LFA-1 molecules on T cells In spleen, liver andperitoneal cavity of rats was down-regulated after i.p. administrationwith daily doses of 300 µg of either 1A29 or WT-1 for10 days. The survival rate of rats inoculated with viable Listeriawas significantly reduced byIn vivo pretreatment with 1A29 togetherwith WT-1 for 10 days but not by In vivo pretreatment with controlmAb. The numbers of bacteria In the spleen In rats pretreatedwith both 1A29 and WT-1 were significantly increased on day3 and day 6 after Infection with 1 x 107 of viable Listeriacorresponding to 1/30 of LD50 to normal rats. Thus, the resistanceagainst llsterial Infection was severely Impaired by combinationalpretreatment with mAbs In ICAM-1 and LFA-1. As shown In ourprevious report, the early appearance of CD3+TCRßT cells, presumably TCR cells, was evident In the peritonealcavity and liver of control rats at the early stage after llsterialInfection, while this was suppressed at this stage in rats pretreatedwith both 1A29 and WT1. These results suggest that the ICAM-1and LFA-1 adhesion pathway may be critically involved in protectlveroles of CD3+TCRß– T cells at the early stageof rat listeriosis.  相似文献   

Previous studies of the TCR chain gene have located promoterelements 5' to the start of the various V genes. The only fullycharacterized enhancer for the entire chain gene (V, J andC genes) has been located {small tilde}3 kb from the 3' endof C. We now report the existence of additional regulatory elementslocated in the introns of several murine V genes (V1, V3 andVB6.2.16). In the case of V1, this element appears to be a promoterwith bidirectional activity that is not T cell specific. Interestingly,upstream of the promoter in the antisense strand, an open readingframe has been found that codes for a small molecular weightprotein ({small tilde}60 amino acids) that contains a prollne-richregion and a tyrosine-isoleucine motif that has homology toIgß (the B29 gene product). A rabbit antiserum madeagainst this sequence has confirmed its existence by Westernblot and immunoprecipitation. Thus this V1 intronic promoterhas the potential not only to induce the formation of a truncatedV1 gene product, but also regulates the expression of a smallmolecular weight protein that may be involved in lymphocyteantigen receptor signaling. The activity of this promoter isregulated by changes in intracellular calcium. In the presenceof ionomycin the promoter is down-regulated in the sense directionand its activity is enhanced in the antisense direction. Thisresult suggests that this promoter can act differentially toproduce two very different gene products. The bidirectionalV1 promoter appears to be the first in the Ig superfamily toinduce potentially functional proteins in both directions.  相似文献   

We have investigated the involvement of adhesion molecules inthe lymphocyte infiltration associated with acute intestinalgraft-versus-host disease (GVHD) induced by injection of C3Hlymph node cells into irradiated (C3H x DBA/2)F1 mice. Firstwe analyzed the expression profile of adhesion molecules including1, 2, 4, 5, 6, L and ß7 integrins, CD44 and L-selectinof lymphocytes from lymph nodes and gut mucosa in normal mice.In normal mice, intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL) and laminapropria lymphocytes (LPL) uniquely showed increased expressionof 1, 2 and ß7 integrins, and decreased expressionof L-selectin compared with that of lymphocytes of the lymphnodes and Peyer's patches. In mice with GVHD, IEL and LPL ofdonor lymph node cells origin underwent phenotyplc changes characterizedby the increased expression of 1, L and ß7 integrins,and the loss of L-selectin. The expression profile of adhesionmolecules on IEL and LPL of GVHD mice resembled that of normalmice except for the lack of 2 integrin. Treatment of GVHD micewith anti-1,-4 or-ß7 integrin antibody alone partiallyprevented the mucosal pathology of intestinal GVHD, whereasonly mice treated with anti-1 showed reduced donor lymphocyticinfiltration into the intestinal mucosa. In contrast, treatmentwith anti-L or anti-CD44 antibody did not affect the intestinalGVHD. Furthermore, dual blockade of both 1 and 4 integrins completelyinhibited the mucosal pathology and donor lymphocyte infiltrationof intestinal GVHD. These results indicate that 1 and 4 integrinsplay an important role in the pathology of intestinal GVHD.  相似文献   

Differences in the surface antigen phenotype, such as the expressionCD8 as an homodimer or the lack of Thy-1, on Intestinal Intraepitheliallymphocytes (IEL) are related, In part, to alternative differentiationpathways. The relationship of IEL lacking the pan-T cell markerCD5 to these IEL, their TCR repertoire and function has notbeen examined directly. We explored the TCR repertoire and functionof the CD5 IEL subset In relation to the expression ofthe ‘autospecific’ Vß6 TCR in Mls-1a miceand to TCR. The results indicate that CD5 expression was absenton the majority of TCR IEL (96.9%) and on a significant proportionof TCR ß IEL (25.0%). Virtually all IEL In DBA/2 (Mls-1a)mice that expressed the ‘autospecific’ Vß6TCR were CD5, and this correlated with the expressionof CD8 . To assess the functional capacity of this subset ofIEL, we examined proliferation and IL-2 production in responseto TCR activation. Although CD5 IEL proliferated in responseto anti-CD3, IEL bearing TCR Vß6, In Mls-1a mice,were not responsive to TCR-mediated activation. Similarly, TCR IEL were not responsive to stimulation by anti-TCR antibodies.The addition of exogenous IL-2, however, reconstituted the prollferativeresponse of both TCR IEL and the TCR Vß6 expressingIEL. We conclude that the lack of CD5 defines a unique subsetof intraepithelial T cells expressing either TCR or ßthat Include potentially autoreactive cells that remain anergicin the absence of IL-2.  相似文献   

The use of HLA transgenic mice in models of immunity and diseaseassumes that human MHC molecules are able to contribute towardthe positive selection of the mouse TCR repertoire. As an initialstep towards analysis of this we have compared the relativeability of DR/Eß or E/Eß complexes to induceT cell receptor (TCR) positive selection in H-2Ea and HLA-DRAtransgenic mice lacking endogenous E. The results show that,like E/Eß, the hybrid DR/ß complexes arecapable of mediating positive selection of Vß2+;,Vß6+, and Vß10+ cells. However, differenceswere found between the effects of the two transgenes. Thus,while Vß6+ cells were efficiently selected in bothH-2Ea and DRA transgenic mice, positive selection of Vß10+cells was less apparent in the DRA transgenic mice. Variationbetween Ea and DRA transgenic mice is consistent with the notionthat this process is dependent on differential binding of endogenouspeptides to the E/Eß and DR/Eß complexes.Furthermore, contrary to expectations, in neither set of micewas positive selection limited solely to the CD4+ subset. Thus,examples were found in which Vß-specific positiveselection was confined to either the CD4+ or CD8+ subsets, andothers in which both subpopulations were concomltantly increased.In the case of Vß2 positive selection, H-2Ea transgenicmice showed expansion of these cells in both the CD4+ and CD8+subpopulations whlle in DRA transgenic mice this occurred predominantlyin the CD8+ subpopulatlon.  相似文献   

Small numbers of T cells have been isolated from the normalmouse liver and many of these are of the CD4CD8TCRß+phenotype. Larger numbers of such cells are present in the liversof mice homozygous for the Ipr mutation and the liver has beenproposed to be the site of an extrathymlc T cell developmentpathway that is expanded in Ipr/lpr mice. Using a modified separationprocedure that increases the liver T cell yield, we have beenable to characterize a subset of CD4CD8TCRßintermediateT cells that express the B220 epltope of the CD45 molecule,and resemble in this and many other ways the accumulating Tcells in Ipr lymph nodes. These cells are an actively dividingpopulation and even in healthy, unmanipulated mice a large proportionof them are undergoing apoptosis. We propose the model thatthe normal liver is a major site for T cell destruction andthat the Ipr defect results in failure of this process withleakage of B220+CD4CD8TCRß+ cells fromthe liver to peripheral lymphoid tissues, particularly lymphnodes.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that TCR ß chain expressioncan effect the differentiation of CD4CD8 double-negative(DN) thymocytes to CD4+CD8+ double-positive (DP) thymocytes.The TCR ß chain is expressed on the surface of DPthymocytes in association with CD3, and chains, suggestinga potential role for CD3 components in this signaling process.We now report detection of a very tow level of surface expressionof CD3 on adult DN RAG-2–/–; thymocytes. This surfaceCD3 was associated with CD3 and chains, as detected by anti-CD3immunoprecipitation analyses. Significantly, injection of anti-CD3mAb into RAG-2–/– mice led to the accumulation ofan IL-2R CD2+ DP cell population and a nearly 100-foldincrease in thymic cellularity to essentially normal levels.Together, these data strongly indicate that TCR ßchain-mediated developmental signals are transduced by CD3 componentsand provide potential insights into mechanisms by which TCRß chain expression may effect this process.  相似文献   

We have examined CD38 expression on mouse lymphocytes usingthe rat mAb NIM-R5 and demonstrate that CD38 expression is restrictedto {small tilde}8% of thymocytes. Although CD38 is absent fromthe majority of CD4+ CD8 and CD4CD8+ T cells,we detected a strong correlation between CD36 expression andß+CD4CD8 T cells in the thymus, withnearly 80% of ß TCR+CD4CD8 thymocytesbeing CD38+. Using heat stable antigen (HSA) and CD38, we dividedß+CD4+CD8 thymocytes into four subsets: HSA+CD38,HSA CD38hi, HSACD3810low and HSA CD38.Two established characteristics of ß TCR+CD4CD8cells, bias towards Vß 8.2 TCR expression and highlevels of IL-4 production, were used to establish a possiblerelationship between the above thymocyte subsets. Our presentdata show that the HSA+CD38 subset is not biased towardsVß8.2 TCR expression whereas the HSA CD38subset does show this bias (–47%). Neither of these subsetsmake IL-4 upon CD3 mediated stimulation. In contrast, the CD38+subsets are heavily biased toward Vß8.2 expressionand produce large amounts of IL-4 upon stimulation, particularlythe CD38low cells. Taken together, these data suggest that thesefour subsets represent various stages of a possible differentiationpathway for ß TCR+ CD4CD8 cells, withthe HSA+CD38 subset being the most Immature while theHSACD38low subset is the most functionally mature. Thesecharacteristics support the view that ap TCR+CD4CD8T cells represent an independent lineage with a distinct, butas yet obscure, role in immunity  相似文献   

It has previously been described that V3 cells can proliferateextensively in vitro in the presence of different cytokines.Here, the role of cytokines in the maintenance of V3 cells inthe thymus has been determined. Culture of fetal thymocytesin cell suspension for 24 h showed that, whereas immature TCRlowHSAhighV3cells remained viable, all mature TCRhighHSAlowV cells died.These cells died by apoptosis since protein synthesis was requiredand flow cytometric analysis as well as DNA gel electrophoresisshowed that the DNA was degraded to oligonucleosomal bands.Addition of IL-2, IL-4 or IL-7 to suspension cultures of fetalthymocytes rescued V3 cells from dying. Addition of IL-1, IL-3,IL-5, IL-6, IL-9, TNE- or IFN- was without effect. Phenotypicanalysis showed that the -chain of the IL-2 receptor (IL-2R)was expressed by part of the immature V3 thymocytes, all matureV3 cells expressed the p-chain of the IL-2 receptor (IL-2RP).Addition of anti-IL-2R mAb to fetal thymic organ culture (FTOC)resulted in a moderate reduction of the cell number of matureV3 thymocytes. Addition of anti-IL-2Ra, anti-IL-4 or anti-IL-7mAb had no effect. The cell number of mature V3 cells was highlyreduced when both anti-IL-2Rp and anti-IL-7 mAb were added toFTOC. These results show that IL-2 and IL-7 are actively involvedin the maintenance of mature V3 cells in the thymus. This cytokinedependence of mature Vthymocytes may explain their selectivelocalization in skin epithelium.  相似文献   

Since lumenal bacteria have been postulated to play an Importantrole in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD),we investigated the humoral response to cecal aerobic bacterialantigens by Western blot analysis in TCR+ mice which spontaneouslydevelop IBD. The sera from TCR+ mice revealed an alterationof the recognition pattern against aerobic bacterial antigensfrom polyclonal to oligoclonal with age. This alteration wasnot observed in TCR+ and TCR+ mice. The alteration of the recognitionpattern in TCR+ mice was associated with production of autoantibodiesagainst tropomyosin and the development of IBD. The unique populationof CD4+ TCRß+ cells in TCR+ mice may be involvedin the recongnition of these bacterial antigens and the absenceof the chain may result in the alteration of immune response.  相似文献   

The structure and function of the TCR-CD3 complex containinga homodimer of the gamma chain of the high affinity receptorfor IgE (FcR) (FcR+ TCR) was investigated by transfecting theFcR gene into a CD3, CD3, FcR T cell line.Introduction of FcR, as well as CD3, induced a high expressionof the TCR-CD3 complex on the cell surface. Transfected FCRformed a homodimer and associated firmly with the TCRßdimer but only weakly with the CD3. Stimulation of both FcRand CD3 transfectants by antibodies against TCR or CD3 inducedaccumulation of inositol phosphates, the Ca2+ response, IL-2production, and growth inhibition. On the other hand, antigenstimulation of transfectants expressing FcR as well as CD3 inducedIL-2 production, but only the latter exhibited the antigen-inducedgrowth inhibition. In vitro kinase assay suggested that theCD3 dimer but not the FcR dimer associates with the Fyn kinase.These results indicate that the FcR homodlmer Is able to forma functional TCR complex but that the mode of assembly and thesignaling function of FcR+ TCR, including its association withtyrosine klnase(s), may differ from the TCR-CD3 complex containingCD3 homodimers (+ TCR). This provides an example which illustratesthat different TCR isoforms mediate distinct signals and functions.  相似文献   

The IL-2 receptor (IL-2R) is composed of three chains a, ßand . In mice, contrary to the human system, we have previouslydemonstrated that the IL-2Rß complex does not bindIL-2. Therefore, mouse IL-2 response is completely dependenton the expression of the IL-2R gene product. T cell clones expressingmouse IL-2Rß and the human IL-2R transgene have beenstudied. When cells are grown in IL-4, mouse IL-2R is not expressed.However, exposure to IL-2 leads to the expression of the endogenousmurine IL-2R subunit. The T cell line expressing mouse IL-2Rand human IL-2Rß can grow in IL-2 but does not expressendogenous murine IL-2 R. Transfection of these cells with thehuman IL-2R gene restores the capacity to induce murine IL-2R.This result demonstrates that IL-2-IL-2R interactions are requiredfor induction of IL-2R. The kinetics of induction and deinductionof murine IL-2R have been studied using clone 18.III. From negativecells, expression of murine IL-2R is a very slow phenomenon.From cells fully expressing IL-2R, deinduction is a two-stepprocess: after a rapid decrease of IL-2R the cells continueto express, for a long period of time, basal levels of murineIL-2R. When cells expressing basal levels of IL-2R are exposedto IL-2, induction of IL-2R is a very rapid phenomenon. Theautoregulatory loop formed by IL-2-IL-2R therefore displaysdifferent levels of functioning.  相似文献   

The CD2 molecule is normally expressed on nearly all murinelymphocytes, and is co-stimulatory in T cell activation viathe antigen receptor (TCR). A naturally occurring T lymphocytepopulation that is bimodal for CD2 expression was found in theintestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL). TCRß+IEL contain CD2 and CD2+ cells of approximately equalproportion, while TCR+ IEL are predominantly CD2. Theproliferative response of IEL to stimulation with an anti-CD3mAb or with PMA plus ionomycin co-segregated with CD2 expression;the CD2+ subset proliferated vigorously under these conditionswhile the CD2 subset was much less responsive. The respondingCD2+ IEL contained both TCRß+ and TCR+ cells. However,activation of the CD2 IEL with anti-CD3 mAb resultedin only the expansion of TCR+ IEL, while activation with PMAplus ionomycin did not promote expansion of either the TCRß+or the TCR+ IEL. These findings parallel observations in theautoimmune lpr mouse, where massive numbers of peripheral TCRß+CD4CD8T cells that lack CD2 expression are also hyporesponsive tomltogenic stimulation. The apparent energy of CD2TCRß+IEL, as well as CD2 T cells from lpr mice, demonstratesthat the absence of CD2 on TCRß+ T lymphocytes co-segregateswith nonresponsiveness.  相似文献   

Human intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes (DEL) are a uniquepopulation of predominantly CD8ß+ TCRß+lymphocytes and, to a lesser extent, TCR+ lymphocytes that proliferatepoorly to anti-CD3 mitogenic signals but display significantcytolytic activity. Studies in mouse model systems have shownthat the chain of the high-CD3 affinity receptor for IgE (FcRl)may substitute for the chain in the TCR-CD3 complex of iIEL.This has suggested that the functional properties of these cellsmay be associated with an altered composition of the TCR-CD3complex. We therefore analyzed the TCR-CD3 complex of normalhuman iIEL. One-and two-dimensional non-reducing/reducing SDS-PAGEanalysis of CD3, CD3, CD3, and FcRr chain immunopreclpitatesof cell surface radiolabeled proteins with subunit-specificantibodies revealed a TCR-CD3 complex without associated FcRrchains. Thus, normal human NEL contain a TCR-CD3 complex thatconsists predominantly of , homodimers in association with theß TCR and CD3, and , similar to the majority of peripherallymphocytes. This indicates that the distinct properties ofhuman DEL are not associated with substitutions of the FcRlchain in the TCR-CD3 complex.  相似文献   

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