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A modified version of the Bacteroides fragilis transposon Tn4400, designated Tn4400', enabling rapid isolation and analysis of B. fragilis mutants has been constructed. To identify potential virulence factors, Tn4400'-generated mutants were screened by a new method; this resulted in the isolation of 21 mutant strains with impaired growth characteristics on tissue culture monolayers but normal growth in rich medium anaerobically.  相似文献   

In order to study virulence factors of the opportunistic oral pathogen Streptococcus mutans we have used Tn917 mutagenesis to generate mutants defective in specific phenotypic properties believed to be associated with virulence. This work describes the procedures required to use the temperature-sensitive transposon Tn917 delivery vector pTV1-OK, along with two techniques to recover inactivated genes. This vector has proven useful in generating transposon mutants of a poorly transformable S. mutans strain. We have successfully isolated mutants with diminished growth at pH 5.0, with defects in production of a mutacin, formerly known as BLIS or bacteriocin-like inhibitory substance and with nutritional requirements in minimal media including adenine, glutamate and arginine auxotrophy. The transposon has been used successfully in two strains of S. mutans, JH1005 and NG8, where transposition frequencies of 10–5 and 10–4 were observed, respectively. Rescue of inactivated genes was achieved using a recovery vector, pTV212TetM, that generates a replicative E. coli plasmid by reciprocal recombination with the mutant S. mutans chromosomal transposon site, and shot-gun cloning chromosomal DNA of mutants into pUC18, followed by selection of ampicillin and erythromycin resistant transformants in E. coli. The techniques described here can be adapted for generating mutants and recovering genes from a number of other Gram-positive and possibly Gram-negative bacteria.  相似文献   

Hemolysin is considered a potent virulence factor in a large number of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacterial pathogens. The hemolysin produced by the oral pathogen Porphyromonas gingivalis functions to provide the cell with its required heme-containing molecules for growth in the periodontal pocket. Two distinct P. gingivalis genes, each of which confers a hemolytic phenotype in Escherichia coli, were isolated by screening genomic DNA libraries of P. gingivalis on sheep blood agar plates. The results obtained from physical maps and Southern blots indicated a considerable degree of divergence in the nucleotide sequences of these two genes. Maxicell analyses of the recombinant plasmids in E. coli suggested that plasmid pPGH5 encoded a polypeptide of molecular weight 48 kDa, while an 18-kDa polypeptide was obtained with pPGH1 and pPGH7. When E. coli harboring these hemolysin genes was subjected to iron starvation, the levels of hemolysin activity increased. Biochemical characterization of hemolytic activities indicated that the activity of both hemolysins was inhibited by Mg2+ and Ca2+; but not by EDTA. Elevated levels of hemolytic activity were obtained from the E. coli recombinant strains in the presence of glutathione, DTT and 2-mercaptoethanol. Cholesterol inhibited the activity.  相似文献   

Fimbrillin is the major subunit protein of fimbriae from the human periodontal pathogen Porphyromonas (Bacteroides) gingivalis. We describe here the generation and initial characterization of recombinant fimbrillin (r-fimbrillin) isolated from P. gingivalis 381. A fragment of DNA encoding the gene for fimbrillin was generated by polymerase chain reaction and cloned into the expression vector pET11b. Plasmids containing the recombinant gene were transfected into Escherichia coli. Clones were selected on plates for ampicillin resistance and individually screened by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) for protein production after activation with IPTG (isopropyl-beta-D- thiogalactopyranoside). One clone, OW0.2, produced significant amounts of a 42-kDa protein after induction with IPTG. This clone contained the pET11b plasmid with a 1-kb insert that had sequence homology to the gene encoding fimbrillin. The majority of recombinant protein from clone OW0.2 was found in the cytoplasm within inclusion bodies. Protein aggregates were solubilized in 8 M urea, and SDS-PAGE analysis showed two major protein bands, one at 42 kDa and the other at 17 kDa. These two proteins coeluted from a DEAE-Sepharose column at 0.15 M NaCl and were reactive to rabbit antiserum to fimbrillin in a Western blot (immunoblot). A preparation giving a single protein band at 42 kDa in SDS-PAGE was obtained by size fractionation by using continuous-elution electrophoresis. Lymph node cells from animals immunized with either fimbrillin from P. gingivalis or r-fimbrillin showed antigen-specific proliferation to both P. gingivalis fimbrillin and r-fimbrillin in an in vitro recall assay. Therefore, it appears that r-fimbrillin is chemically, antigenically, and serologically identical to fimbrillin isolated from P. gingivalis 381.  相似文献   

An in vivo expression technology (IVET) system was designed to identify previously unknown virulence genes of Porphyromonas gingivalis. Fourteen ivi (for in vivo induced) genes that are induced during infection in a mouse abscess model were identified in our study. Of these, seven had homology to genes in the NCBI database, and the rest had no homology to reported DNA sequences. In order to determine virulence-related properties of these genes, three mutant strains, deleted of ivi8 (no homology to genes in the database), ivi10 (homologous to a putative TonB-dependent outer membrane receptor protein), and ivi11 (an immunoreactive 33-kDa antigen PG125 in P. gingivalis), were created. The mutants were tested in a mouse abscess model for alterations in virulence relative to the wild type by a competition assay in BALB/c mice. After 5 days we observed the enrichment of the wild-type strain over mutant strains Deltaivi10 and Deltaivi11, which indicated that mutant strains Deltaivi10 and Deltaivi11 are less able to survive in this model than the wild-type strain, while Deltaivi8 survives as well as the wild-type strain. We propose that knockout of these ivi genes reduced the ability of the mutated P. gingivalis to survive and cause infection compared to the wild-type strain at the site of injection. Also, in separate experiments, groups of mice were challenged with subcutaneous injections of each individual mutant strain (Deltaivi8, Deltaivi10, and Deltaivi11) or with the wild-type strain alone and were then examined to assess their general health status. The results showed that knockout of these ivi genes conferred a reduction in virulence. The ability of the mutants to invade KB cells compared to the wild type was also determined. Interestingly, the CFU counts of the mutant strain Deltaivi10 recovered from KB cells were eight times lower than those of the wild type, indicating that this mutant has a lower capacity for invasion. These results demonstrate that IVET is a powerful tool in discovering virulence genes and the significant role that ivi genes play in the pathogenesis of this species.  相似文献   

Porphyromonas gingivalis is regarded as one of the risk factors of periodontitis. P. gingivalis exhibits a wide variety of genotypes. Many insertion sequences (ISs), located in their chromosomes, made P. gingivalis differentiate into virulent and avirulent strains. In this research, we investigated the prevalence of P. gingivalis in the gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) among periodontitis patients from Zhenjiang, China, detected the P. gingivalis rag locus distributions by multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and analyzed the origin of the P. gingivalis rag locus based on evolution. There were three rag locus variants co-existing in Zhenjiang. The results showed that the rag locus may be associated with severe periodontitis. This work also firstly ascertained that the rag locus might arise, in theory, from Bacteroides sp. via horizontal gene transfer.  相似文献   

Exposure of the mouse oral cavity to Porphyromonas gingivalis results in the development of gingivitis and periapical bone loss, which apparently are associated with a Th1 response to bacterial antigens. We have used this infection model in conjunction with direct T-cell expression cloning to identify bacterial antigens that induce a preferential or biased T helper response during the infectious process. A P. gingivalis-specific CD4 T-cell line derived from mice at 3 weeks postchallenge was used to directly screen a P. gingivalis genomic expression library. This screen resulted in the identification of five genes coding for previously identified proteins and three other putative protein antigens. One of the identified proteins, P. gingivalis thiol peroxidase, was studied in detail because this molecule belongs to a protein family that is apparently involved in microbial pathogenesis. Infection of mice with P. gingivalis, either via the subcutaneous route or after exposure of the animal's oral cavity to viable bacteria, resulted in the induction of a strong thiol peroxidase-specific immune response characterized by the production of high titers of specific serum immunoglobulin G2a antibody and the production of gamma interferon by antigen-stimulated lymphoid cells, a typical Th1-biased response. Thus, the use of a proven T-cell expression cloning approach and a mouse model of periodontal disease resulted in the identification and characterization of P. gingivalis proteins that might be involved in pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Growth of Bacteroides fragilis and Escherichia coli was monitored during early stages of single (mono-) and mixed intra-abdominal infection in a rat fibrin clot model. When B. fragilis and E. coli were together involved in the infection, B. fragilis numbers increased about 6 h after an initial decline. This increase was not found with B. fragilis mono-infections. The numbers of E. coli increased rapidly in both mono- and mixed infections and stayed high for several days, but only mixed infection resulted in abscesses that persisted for more than 7 days. Macrophages, the main component of the peritoneal cellular defence mechanism, were outnumbered by polymorphonuclear leucocytes during the first 6 h of infection. Further characterisation of the macrophage population by means of monoclonal antibodies showed a shift from resident to exudate macrophages as the result of influx of the latter.  相似文献   

In this study, we describe the development of an efficient transpositional mutagenesis system for Porphyromonas gingivalis using the Bacteroides fragilis transposon Tn4351. Using this system, we have isolated and characterized a Tn4351-generated mutant of P. gingivalis A7436, designated MSM-1, which exhibits enhanced resistance to polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMN) phagocytosis and killing. P. gingivalis MSM-1 was initially selected based on its colony morphology; MSM-1 appeared as a mucoid, beige-pigmented colony. Analysis of P. gingivalis MSM-1 by electron microscopy and staining with ruthenium red revealed the presence of a thick ruthenium red-staining layer that was twice the thickness of this layer observed in the parent strain. P. gingivalis MSM-1 was found to be more hydrophilic than strain A7436 by hydrocarbon partitioning. Analysis of phenol-water extracts prepared from P. gingivalis A7436 and MSM-1 by Western (immunoblot) analysis and immunodiffusion with hyperimmune sera raised against A7436 and MSM-1 revealed the loss of a high-molecular-weight anionic polysaccharide component in extracts prepared from MSM-1. P. gingivalis MSM-1 was also found to be more resistant to PMN phagocytosis and intracellular killing than the parent strain, as assessed in a fluorochrome phagocytosis microassay. These differences were statistically significant (P < 0.05) when comparing PMN phagocytosis in nonimmune serum and intracellular killing in nonimmune and immune sera. P. gingivalis MSM-1 was also more resistant to killing by crude granule extracts from PMNs than was P. gingivalis A7436. These results indicate that the increased evasion of PMN phagocytosis and killing exhibited by P. gingivalis MSM-1 may result from alterations in polysaccharide-containing antigens.  相似文献   

Listeria monocytogenes is a gram-positive, facultative intracellular pathogen that can cause severe food-born infections in humans and animals. We have adapted signature-tagged transposon mutagenesis to L. monocytogenes to identify new genes involved in virulence in the murine model of infection. We used transposon Tn1545 carried on the integrative vector pAT113. Forty-eight tagged transposons were constructed and used to generate banks of L. monocytogenes mutants. Pools of 48 mutants were assembled, taking one mutant from each bank, injected into mice, and screened for those affected in their multiplication in the brains of infected animals. From 2,000 mutants tested, 18 were attenuated in vivo. The insertions harbored by these mutants led to the identification of 10 distinct loci, 7 of which corresponded to previously unknown genes. The properties of four loci involving putative cell wall components were further studied in vitro and in vivo. The data suggested that these components are involved in bacterial invasion and multiplication in the brain.  相似文献   

Isolation and characterization of a protease from Bacteroides gingivalis.   总被引:6,自引:15,他引:6  
A protease was purified from Bacteroides gingivalis ATCC 33277 culture fluid by sequential procedures including ammonium sulfate precipitation, ion-exchange chromatography, and isoelectric focusing. The enzyme was active against benzoyl-L-arginine-p-nitroanilide, carbobenzoxy-L-phenylalanyl-L-valyl-L-arginine-p-nitroanilide azoalbumin, azocasein, azocoll, and p-tosyl-L-arginine methyl ester. The molecular weight of the enzyme was about 300,000 as determined by gel filtration. Its isoelectric point was 5.0. The maximum activity was found at pH 7.5, and the optimum temperature for activity was between 40 and 45 degrees C. The apparent Km value for benzoyl-L-arginine-p-nitroanilide was 2 mM. The enzyme was inhibited by sulfhydryl group-blocking reagents, tosyl-L-lysine chloromethyl ketone, and EDTA. Soybean trypsin inhibitor and diisopropylfluorophosphate were not inhibitory.  相似文献   

A case of pyogenic meningitis caused by Bacteroides fragilis in a 72-year-old woman is reported. Although the isolate was susceptible to thiamphenicol, the patient did not respond to this drug. Metronidazole, which showed high bactericidal activity, was administered and achieved sterilization of the cerebrospinal fluid and complete clinical response.  相似文献   

Colonization of the plaque biofilm by the oral pathogen Porphyromonas gingivalis is favored by the presence of antecedent organisms such as Streptococcus gordonii. Coadhesion between P. gingivalis and S. gordonii can be mediated by the SspB protein of S. gordonii; however, the P. gingivalis cognate receptor for this protein has not been identified. In this study, we identified a surface protein of P. gingivalis that interacts with the SspB protein. Coprecipitation between P. gingivalis outer membrane proteins and purified SspB protein demonstrated that a 100-kDa P. gingivalis protein bound to SspB. The 100-kDa protein also bound to an engineered strain of Enterococcus faecalis that expresses the SspB protein on the cell surface. Monospecific polyclonal antibodies to the 100-kDa protein inhibited the binding between P. gingivalis and S. gordonii in a dose-dependent manner up to 86%. Amino acid sequencing of the 100-kDa protein showed homology to a protein previously identified as the P. gingivalis minor fimbria. The minor fimbrial protein may exist as a complex with a hemagglutinin-like protein since the genes encoding these proteins are adjacent on the chromosome and are cotranscribed. Thus, the P. gingivalis receptor for S. gordonii SspB is a 100-kDa protein that structurally may be a minor fimbria-protein complex and functionally effectuates coadhesion.  相似文献   

《Microbial pathogenesis》1994,17(5):355-360
The molecules that mediate the adherence of Porphyromonas gingivalis, a periodontal pathogen, to Streptococcus gordonii, a commensal plaque organism, were investigated. Outer membrane proteins of P. gingivalis were labelled with biotin, extracted by EDTA and reacted with S. gordonii cells. Interactive porphyromonas components were identified by SDS-PAGE of the S. gordonii cells followed by electroblotting and visualization of the adsorbed porphyromonas molecules with streptavidin-alkaline phosphatase. A P. gingivalis molecule of 35 kDa bound to S. gordonii. Monospecific polyclonal antibodies to the 35 kDa protein inhibited binding of P. gingivalis to S. gordonii by 71%. The antibodies also reacted with the P. gingivalis fimbriae, indicating that the 35 kDa molecule is antigenically related to, or associated with, the fimbriae.  相似文献   

Enterotoxigenic Bacteroides fragilis was isolated from stool specimens of 8 of 44 diarrheic individuals (ages, 4 months to 69 years). The individuals had watery diarrhea and intestinal cramping; and infants had hyperthermia, vomiting, and blood in the stools. No recognized enteric pathogens were detected in seven of the eight diarrheic individuals positive for enterotoxigenic B. fragilis. The bacterium produced an enterotoxin detectable in concentrated broth that supported bacterial growth. Fifteen adult rabbits with ligated ceca developed fatal enteric disease following intraileal injection with 5 x 10(9) CFU of enterotoxigenic B. fragilis. Conversely, eight control rabbits injected with nonenterotoxigenic B. fragilis remained clinically normal. As few as 5 x 10(3) CFU of enterotoxigenic B. fragilis caused fatal enteric disease in the rabbit model. Disease in rabbits was characterized by mucoid, often hemorrhagic, diarrhea. The bacterium colonized the caudal small intestine and the colon of the rabbits and caused moderate to severe necrotizing colitis. Enterotoxigenic B. fragilis is widespread in the intestinal tract of diarrheic humans and is enteropathogenic in adult rabbits with ligated ceca. Its possible role in the enteric disease complex merits further study.  相似文献   

Many multidrug-resistant transposons found in natural isolates of Gram-negative bacteria are close relatives of Tn21. Thus, the Tn21 subgroup of the Tn3 family of transposable elements is the most successful homogeneous group in acquiring resistance to newly introduced antibiotics. This paper summarizes the mode of acquisition of resistance genes by these elements.  相似文献   

To further understand the epidemiology of enterotoxigenic Bacteroides fragilis (ETBF), 89 extraintestinal B. fragilis strains from Seoul, Korea, were examined for secretion of B. fragilis toxin (BFT) by the HT29/C1 biologic assay and for the B. fragilis toxin gene (bft) by colony blot hybridization and PCR. Complete agreement between the three techniques was found. Overall, 34 B. fragilis strains (38%) were identified as ETBF. Eleven of the 34 ETBF strains (32%) expressed a new isoform of BFT (Korea-BFT). This new isoform is more related to BFT-2 than to BFT-1. Like BFT-1 and BFT-2, Korea-BFT cleaves E-cadherin, the zonula adherens protein.  相似文献   

Aspergillus niger var.awamori contains multiple copies of a transposable element, Vader. This element was detected as a 437-bp insertion in four independently isolated spontaneous mutants of theniaD (nitrate reductase) gene. The Vader element is present in approximately 15 copies in bothA. niger var.awamori andA. niger. A single copy of Vader was detected from only one of the two laboratory strains ofA. nidulans which were also examined. Insertion of the Vader element into theniaD gene ofA. niger var.awamori caused a 2-bp duplication (TA) of the target sequence. The Vader element is flanked by a 44-bp inverted repeat. The genetic stabilities of the inserted Vader elements atniaD were examined by studying reversion frequencies resulting in colonies able to grow on nitrate as a sole nitrogen source. MutantsniaD392 andniaD436 reverted at a frequency of 9x10-3 and 4x10-2, respectively. Two of the mutants,niaD587 andniaD410, reverted at a lower frequency of 6x10-4.  相似文献   

We have discovered two distinctly different fimbriae expressed by the same Porphyromonas gingivalis strain. The construction of a fimA mutant of P. gingivalis ATCC 33277 has previously been reported by N. Hamada et al. (Infect. Immun. 62:1696-1704, 1994). Expression of fimbriae on the surface of the fimA mutant and the wild-type strain, ATCC 33277, were investigated by electron microscopy. The wild-type strain produced long fimbrial structures extending from the cell surface, whereas those structures were not observed on the fimA mutant. However, short fimbrial structures were seen on the surface of the fimA mutant. The short fimbrial protein was purified from the fimA mutant by selective protein precipitation and chromatography on DEAE Sepharose CL-6B. We have found that the second fimbrial structure of P. gingivalis ATCC 33277 is distinct from the 41-kDa (43-kDa) major fimbrial protein (FimA). We provisionally call this protein minor fimbriae. The molecular mass of the minor fimbriae is 67 kDa as estimated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under reducing conditions after boiling at 100 degrees C. The component shows a ladder-like pattern at 80 degrees C under nonreducing conditions, suggesting a tendency to aggregate or polymerize. In immunoblotting analysis, anti-minor fimbria serum reacted with both the 100 degrees C- and the 80 degrees C-treated minor fimbriae. The anti-minor fimbria serum also reacts with the same-molecular-size fimbrial preparation from the wild-type strain. Immunogold electron microscopy showed that the anti-minor fimbria serum bound to the minor fimbria on the cell surface of the wild-type strain. This is the first report on the identification of the minor fimbria produced by P. gingivalis. These results suggest that the minor fimbriae appearing on the fimA mutant strain are produced together with numerous long major fimbriae on the wild-type strain. Moreover, the minor fimbriae are different in size and antigenicity from the earlier-reported FimA, a major 41-kDa fimbrial component of P. gingivalis.  相似文献   

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