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Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), with its key features of abdominal pain and disturbed bowel habit, is thought by both patients and clinicians to be strongly influenced by diet. However, the complexities of diet have made identifying specific food intolerances difficult. Eating disorders can masquerade as IBS and may need specialist treatment. While typical food allergy is readily distinguished from IBS, the mechanisms of gut-specific adverse reactions to food are only just being defined. These may include gut-specific mast cell activation as well as non-specific activation by stressors and certain foods. Visceral hypersensitivity, in some cases mediated by mast cell activation, plays a key part in making otherwise innocuous gut stimuli painful. Rapidly fermented poorly absorbed carbohydrates produce gaseous distension as well as short-chain fatty acids and lowering of colonic pH which may cause symptoms in IBS patients. Limiting intake of these in low FODMAP and related diets has proven popular and apparently successful in many patients. Existing diet, colonic microbiota and their metabolic products may be helpful in predicting who will respond. Wheat intolerance may reflect the fact that wheat is often a major source of dietary FODMAPs. It may also be either a forme fruste of coeliac disease or non-specific immune activation. Wheat exclusion can be successful in some of these patients. More research is needed to fully understand the mechanisms of food intolerances and how to best ameliorate them in a personalised medicine approach to diet in IBS.  相似文献   

目的探讨中医情志调理对肠易激综合征伴发焦虑患者的影响,指导肠易激综合征患者心理状态和焦虑症状的改善。方法对肠易激综合征伴发焦虑患者按照入组顺序分组,每组各117例。对照组按照肠易激综合征治疗常规,研究组在常规治疗的基础上加用中医情志调理,治疗六周。在入组时和出组时分别对患者进行简易应对方式问卷(SCSQ)、防御方式问卷(DSQ)、汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HAMD)、汉密尔顿焦虑量表(HAMA)和中医症状积分评定。结果第6周研究组HAMA、不成熟型因子、消极应对分、中医症状积分值显著低于对照组(P0.05);研究组第6周HAMA、不成熟型因子、消极应对分、中医症状积分值显著低于第0周(P0.05);研究组中医症状积分总有效率显著高于对照组(χ~2=9.4,P0.05)。结论中医情志调理可以有效改善肠易激综合征焦虑症状。  相似文献   

(1) Background: Predictors of dietary treatment response in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) remain understudied. We aimed to investigate predictors of symptom improvement during the low FODMAP and the traditional IBS diet for four weeks. (2) Methods: Baseline measures included faecal Dysbiosis Index, food diaries with daily energy and FODMAP intake, non-gastrointestinal (GI) somatic symptoms, GI-specific anxiety, and psychological distress. Outcomes were bloating, constipation, diarrhea, and pain symptom scores treated as continuous variables in linear mixed models. (3) Results: We included 33 and 34 patients on the low FODMAP and traditional IBS diet, respectively. Less severe dysbiosis and higher energy intake predicted better pain response to both diets. Less severe dysbiosis also predicted better constipation response to both diets. More severe psychological distress predicted worse bloating response to both diets. For the different outcomes, several differential predictors were identified, indicating that baseline factors could predict better improvement in one treatment arm, but worse improvement in the other treatment arm. (4) Conclusions: Psychological, nutritional, and microbial factors predict symptom improvement when following the low FODMAP and traditional IBS diet. Findings may help individualize dietary treatment in IBS.  相似文献   

Dietary control plays an important role in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). However, few studies have examined the relationship between dietary intake and symptoms of IBS in Koreans. The current cross-sectional study aimed to examine the diet in food consumption and nutrient intake in Korean adults aged 20 to 40 with IBS. The data collected were completed by 857 subjects using a community-based web survey. The questionnaire covered functional bowel disorders based on Rome III, the semi-quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire (SQ-FFQ), and the food items causing symptoms. In total, 186 of 857 subjects (21.7%) were diagnosed with IBS. The non-IBS group had a fat intake of 76.9 ± 47.9 g/day, while the IBS group had a fat intake of 86.6 ± 55.1 g/day (p = 0.014). The non-IBS group had a total fermentable oligosaccharide, disaccharide, monosaccharide, and polyol (FODMAP) intake of 12.6 ± 9.7 g/day, whereas the IBS group had a total FODMAP intake of 13.9 ± 9.9 g/day (p = 0.030). Foods that contributed to the onset of symptoms in the IBS group were instant noodles (70.8%), Chinese noodles with vegetables and seafood (68.7%), pizza (67.2%), and black bean sauce noodles (66.3%) which are mostly classified as high fat and high gluten foods. The dietary intake of IBS patients differs from that of non-IBS subjects. Increased intake of gluten-containing or high-fat foods due to the westernized diet caused more IBS symptoms than high FODMAPs and dairy products in Korean adults in their 20 s to 40 s.  相似文献   

We conducted a meta-analysis exploring the effect of a low fermentable oligo-, di-, monosaccharides, and polyols diet (LFD) on the overall symptoms, quality of life, and stool habits of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) patients. The meta-analysis was performed using a random-effects method. The effect size was presented as weighted standardized mean difference (SMD) and 95% confidence interval (CI). Subgroup analyses were conducted to determine the potential effects of covariates on the outcome. Twenty-two papers were included. The LFD group showed a moderate reduction in symptom severity and a slight improvement in quality of life compared to the control group (SMD, −0.53 and 0.24; 95% CI, −0.68, −0.38 and 0.02, 0.47, respectively). IBS symptom improvement was consistent between subgroups stratified according to proportions of female patients, study durations, IBS subtypes, assessment methods, and control interventions. Three studies regarding stool habits change in IBS-D patients showed a significant decrease in stool frequency (mean differences [MD], −5.56/week; 95% CI, −7.40, −3.72) and a significant improvement in stool consistency (MD, −0.86; 95% CI, −1.52, −0.19) in the LFD group compared to the control group. This is the most updated meta-analysis including studies that adopted diverse control interventions such as dietary interventions, supplementation, habitual diets, and lifestyle changes.  相似文献   



A new patient-reported outcome (PRO) instrument to measure fatigue symptoms and impacts in relapsing multiple sclerosis (RMS) was developed in a qualitative stage, followed by psychometric validation and migration from paper to an electronic format.


Adult patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) were interviewed to elicit fatigue-related symptoms and impacts. A draft questionnaire was debriefed in cognitive interviews with further RRMS patients, and revised. Content confirmation interviews were conducted with patients with progressive-relapsing multiple sclerosis (PRMS) and relapsing secondary-progressive multiple sclerosis (RSPMS). Psychometric analyses used data from adult patients with different RMS subtypes and matched non-RMS controls in a multicenter, observational study. After item reduction, the final instrument was migrated to a smartphone (eDiary) and usability was confirmed in interviews with additional adult RMS patients.


The qualitative stage included 37 RRMS, 5 PRMS, and 5 RSPMS patients. Saturation of concepts was reached during concept elicitation. Cognitive interviews confirmed that participants understood the instructions, items, and response options of the instrument—named FSIQ-RMS—as intended. Psychometric validation included 164 RMS and 74 control patients. Internal consistency and test–retest reliability were demonstrated. The symptoms domain discriminated along the RMS symptom-severity continuum and between patients and controls. Patients were able to attribute fatigue-related symptoms to RMS. Usability and conceptual equivalence of the eDiary were confirmed (n = 10 participants).


With 7 symptom items and 13 impact items (in 3 impacts subdomains: physical, cognitive and emotional, and coping) after item reduction, the FSIQ-RMS is a comprehensive, valid, and reliable measure of fatigue-related symptoms and impacts in RMS patients.  相似文献   

A diet low in fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols (LFD) improves both gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms and the psychological profile of patients with irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea (IBS-D). The effects of 12 weeks of LFD on GI symptom and psychological profiles in relation to inflammation and the involvement of the intestinal barrier were studied in twenty IBS-D patients. The IBS Severity Scoring System, the Symptom Checklist-90-Revised, the Italian version of the 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey, the IBS-Quality of Life (QoL) questionnaire, and the Psychophysiological questionnaire were administered. The GI barrier function was assessed by sugar absorption test, the serum and fecal zonulin levels, and the serum levels of intestinal fatty-acid binding protein and diamine oxidase. Interleukins (ILs) and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) serum levels were evaluated along with dysbiosis. At the end of LFD, GI symptoms, psychological state (mainly anxiety, somatization, psychoticism, and interpersonal sensitivity), and QoL significantly improved in these patients. Simultaneously, an improvement in small intestinal permeability and intestinal mucosal integrity occurred, while IL-6, Il-10, LPS, and fermentative dysbiosis significantly decreased. The LFD can modify the immune-inflammatory features and enhance intestinal permeability and mucosal integrity, thus determining a concurrent improvement in the clinical and psychological conditions.  相似文献   

Patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) are increasingly presenting with a wide range of neuropsychiatric symptoms, such as deterioration in gastroenteric physiology, including visceral hypersensitivity, altered intestinal membrane permeability, and gastrointestinal motor dysfunction. Functional imaging of IBS patients has revealed several abnormalities in various brain regions, such as significant activation of amygdala, thinning of insular and anterior cingulate cortex, and increase in hypothalamic gray matter, which results in poor psychiatric and cognitive outcomes. Interrelations between the enteric and central events in IBS-related gastrointestinal, neurological, and psychiatric pathologies have compelled researchers to study the gut-brain axis—a bidirectional communication that maintains the homeostasis of the gastrointestinal and central nervous system with gut microbiota as the protagonist. Thus, it can be disrupted by any alteration owing to the gut dysbiosis or loss of diversity in microbial composition. Available evidence indicates that the use of probiotics as a part of a balanced diet is effective in the management of IBS and IBS-associated neurodegenerative and psychiatric comorbidities. In this review, we delineate the pathogenesis and complications of IBS from gastrointestinal and neuropsychiatric standpoints while also discussing the neurodegenerative events in enteric and central nervous systems of IBS patients and the therapeutic potential of gut microbiota-based therapy established on clinical and preclinical data.  相似文献   

Objective: A high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency (VDD) in gastrointestinal (GI) disorders and the role of vitamin D in the function of the gut have been shown previously. Therefore, we aimed to evaluated the VDD and the possible association of the GI symptoms severity and quality of life (QoL) score with the serum levels of vitamin D in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Methods: A total of 90 patients with IBS based on Rome III criteria enrolled in the study from the tertiary referral university hospital. In addition, 90 sex- and age-matched healthy controls (HCs) were recruited. To measure the serum levels of 25(OH)D3, blood samples were taken from all the participants. Severity of clinical symptoms, IBS quality of life (IBS-QoL), and IBS symptom severity score (IBSSS) were assessed.

Results: In 66.7% of IBS patients, serum 25(OH)D3 concentrations were <20?ng/mL. The mean serum 25(OH)D3 of IBS patients was statistically (p?<?0.05) lower vs. HCs. When different subtypes were analyzed, the serum 25(OH)D3 concentrations in diarrhea-predominant IBS were statistically (p?<?0.05) lower as compared to HCs. Furthermore, the lower serum concentrations of 25(OH)D3 were associated (p?<?0.05) with higher severity of abdominal pain and distention, flatulence, overall GI symptoms, and IBSSS. However, a direct significant association was seen between IBS-QoL and serum 25(OH)D3.

Conclusion: Results of this study showed a high prevalence of VDD in patients with IBS. In addition, VDD was associated with a higher severity of clinical symptoms and lower QoL in IBS.  相似文献   

Congenital sucrase-isomaltase deficiency (CSID) is a rare metabolic intestinal disorder with reduced or absent activity levels of sucrase-isomaltase (SI). Interestingly, the main symptoms of CSID overlap with those in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a common functional gastrointestinal disorder with unknown etiology. Recent advances in genetic screening of IBS patients have revealed rare SI gene variants that are associated with IBS. Here, we investigated the biochemical, cellular and functional phenotypes of several of these variants. The data demonstrate that the SI mutants can be categorized into three groups including immature, mature but slowly transported, and finally mature and properly transported but with reduced enzymatic activity. We also identified SI mutant phenotypes that are deficient but generally not as severe as those characterized in CSID patients. The variable effects on the trafficking and function of the mutations analyzed in this study support the view that both CSID and IBS are heterogeneous disorders, the severity of which is likely related to the biochemical phenotypes of the SI mutants as well as the environment and diet of patients. Our study underlines the necessity to screen for SI mutations in IBS patients and to consider enzyme replacement therapy as an appropriate therapy as in CSID.  相似文献   

Celiac disease (CD) is a chronic immune-mediated enteropathy triggered by exposure to dietary gluten in genetically predisposed individuals. In contrast, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common functional gastrointestinal disorder affecting the large intestine, without an autoimmune component. Here, we evaluated the prevalence of IgA and IgG antibodies to maize zeins (AZA) in patients with CD and IBS. Using an in-house ELISA assay, the IgA and IgG anti-zein antibodies in the serum of 37 newly diagnosed CD (16 biopsy proved and 21 serological diagnosis) and 375 IBS patients or 302 healthy control (HC) subjects were measured. Elevated levels of IgA AZA were found in CD patients compared with IBS patients (p < 0.01) and HC (p < 0.05). CD patients had the highest prevalence (35.1%), followed by IBS (4.3%) and HCs (2.3%) (p < 0.0001). IgG AZA antibodies were not found in any CD patients, IBS patients, or HC subjects. A significant positive correlation was found between IgA AZA with IgA anti-gliadin (AGA, r = 0.34, p < 0.01) and IgA anti-deaminated gliadin peptides (DGP, r = 0.42, p < 0.001) in the celiac disease group. Taken together, our results show for the first time a higher prevalence of AZA IgA antibodies in newly diagnosed CD patients than in IBS patients, confirming a biased immune response to other gliadin-related prolamins such as maize zeins in genetically susceptible individuals.  相似文献   

《Value in health》2021,24(12):1807-1819
ObjectivesThis study aimed to develop and assess the content validity of a patient-reported outcomes (PROs) instrument to measure symptoms and impacts experienced by patients with active multiple myeloma (MM).MethodsThe PRO instrument was developed using an iterative, mixed-methods approach. The list of concepts was generated based on a review of existing evidence (qualitative studies and literature) and post hoc psychometric evaluations of 2 PRO instruments in 3 clinical trials. A total of 30 adult patients with MM from the United States participated in hybrid concept elicitation/cognitive debriefing interviews to validate the content validity of the newly developed PRO instrument. Translatability assessment was completed in 8 languages.ResultsThe item generation process resulted in 17 symptom and 9 impact concepts for evaluation. The concept elicitation interviews and analysis were based on the first 25 participants; evidence of saturation was observed. The cognitive debriefing interviews and analysis were based on the last 23 participants across 4 waves of interviews. On the basis patient feedback, 10 items were removed, and 1 item was added to the PRO instrument. The translatability assessment resulted in 1 minor revision. The multiple myeloma symptom and impact questionnaire (MySIm-Q) includes 11 symptom and 6 impact concepts, organized within 8 hypothesized subdomains, with each concept measured using a 5-point verbal rating scale and a 7-day recall period.ConclusionsThe MySIm-Q instrument was developed using rigorous and mixed methodology and with direct input from patients who received a diagnosis of MM. The MySIm-Q has good content validity and is culturally relevant for use in global clinical trials.  相似文献   

Intestinal dysbiosis seems to play a role in the pathophysiology of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The present pilot study aimed to elucidate the association between nutrient intake and Mediterranean diet (MD) adherence with IBS symptoms and gut microbiota in IBS patients. The nutrient intake of 28 IBS patients and 21 controls was assessed through a food diary, the reference intake ranges (RIs) for energy-yielding macronutrients and the MD serving score (MDSS) index. MD adherence and nutrients intake were compared to IBS symptoms and fecal microbiota, obtained by 16S rRNA targeted-metagenomics. In IBS patients MDSS index was altered compared to controls (p < 0.01). IBS patients with low-MD score reported severe abdominal pain and higher flatulence point-scales. Through Linear discriminant analysis effect size (LEfSe), Erysipelotrichaceae were detected as a microbial biomarker in IBS patients with altered RIs for macronutrients intake, compared to controls. Lactobacillaceae and Lactobacillus were associated to an altered carbohydrates intake in IBS patients, while specific taxonomic biomarkers, such as Aldercreuzia, Mogibacteriaceae, Rikenellaceae, Parabacteroides and F. prausnitzii were associated with an adequate intake of nutrient in these patients. This study supports an association between dietary patterns and gut microbial biomarkers in IBS patients. Further investigations are needed to clarify these connections.  相似文献   

The aim of this randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study was to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of multi-strain probiotic in adults with diarrhea-predominant irritable bowel syndrome (IBS-D). The patients were randomized to receive a mixture of Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, and Streptococcus thermophilus strains or placebo for eight weeks. Primary endpoints included changes in symptom severity and improvement assessed with the IBS Severity Scoring System (IBS-SSS) and Global Improvement Scale (IBS-GIS). The probiotic in comparison with placebo significantly improved the IBS symptom severity (the change of total IBS-SSS score from baseline −165.8 ± 78.9 in the probiotic group and −105.6 ± 60.2 in the placebo group, p = 0.005) and in the specific scores related to the severity of pain (p = 0.015) and the quality of life (p = 0.016) after eight weeks of intervention. The probiotic group indicated an improvement in symptoms with the use of the IBS-GIS compared with the placebo group after four (p = 0.04) and eight weeks (p = 0.003). The occurrence of adverse events did not differ between study groups. In conclusion, the multi-strain probiotic intervention resulted in a significant improvement in IBS symptoms evaluated with the use of both IBS-SSS and IBS-GIS scales. The results suggest that the studied probiotic preparation is well tolerated and safe and can offer benefits for patients with IBS-D. (registration number in Clinicaltrials.gov NCT 04662957).  相似文献   

Self-management of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is increasingly focusing on exclusion diets. In particular; patients are showing a significant interest in the gluten-free diet for the treatment of IBS. However; the lack of scientific evidence prevents the establishment of clear dietary guidelines and attention is needed as dietary restriction can lead to potentially adverse effects. This cross-sectional study aims to explore the practice of gluten avoidance in participants identified with IBS in a large cohort of non-celiac French adults. The population included 15,103 participants of the NutriNet-Santé study who completed a functional gastrointestinal disorder questionnaire based on the Rome III criteria to identify IBS in 2013 and a food avoidance questionnaire in 2016. Data on diet and anthropometric and sociodemographic characteristics were collected. Multivariate logistic regression models were used to compare the avoidance of gluten between IBS and non-IBS participants. Participants were mainly women (73.4%) and the mean age in this population was 55.8 ± 13.2 years. Among these individuals, 804 (5.4%) participants were identified as IBS cases. Among them, the prevalence of gluten avoidance was estimated at 14.8%, of which 3.0% reported total avoidance; versus 8.8% and 1.6% in non-IBS participants. After adjustments; gluten avoidance was higher in IBS participants compared to their non-IBS counterparts: (OR = 1.86; 95%CI = 1.21, 2.85) for total and (OR = 1.71; 95%CI = 1.36, 2.14) for partial avoidance. Participants identified with IBS were more associated with gluten avoidance than non-IBS participants. Further studies are needed to explore the long-term consequences of dietary interventions and to provide consistent dietary guidance connected to patient perception.  相似文献   

Background: Patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) may be intolerant to fermentable carbohydrates (FODMAPs). The aim of this study was to test the feasibility of eliminating and subsequently reintroducing FODMAPs in patients with IBS symptoms as part of the IBD manifestation and to compare the severity of IBS symptoms and pain, bloating and quality of life (QoL). Methods: An eight-week randomised open-label FODMAP elimination with double-blinded, crossover provocations of FODMAP and placebo. Diet patients were on a low-FODMAP diet for eight weeks with blinded two-week provocations after two and six weeks. Questionnaires, blood and stool samples were collected. Results: Patient enrolment was challenging. Nineteen participants were included in the study. Eliminating low FODMAP for two weeks resulted in significant decreases in pain and bloating scores (p < 0.003), whereas there were no statistical differences in pain scores between diet patients and controls. Pain and bloating scores increased, returning to baseline levels after two weeks of double-blinded provocations with placebo, (p > 0.05). Conclusions: The results document the possibility of performing a randomised controlled study following the gold standard for testing food intolerance with blinding of the Low FODMAP diet. Recruitment of participants was challenging.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Tegaserod is effective, safe, and well-tolerated in the treatment of patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) with constipation. The aim of this study was to assess, from a payer perspective, the cost-effectiveness of tegaserod in the treatment of IBS patients, based on the TEgaserod in NORdic region (TENOR) trial data. METHODS: Female and male patients (Rome II criteria) were randomized to receive tegaserod 6 mg b.i.d. or placebo for 12 weeks. Patients (247 tegaserod; 238 placebo) completed the EuroQol EQ-5D questionnaire at baseline, Week 4, and Week 12. A 12-week economic study was undertaken to assess the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) of tegaserod in terms of cost per quality-adjusted life-year (QALY) gained. Cost-effectiveness acceptability curves were calculated to estimate the probability of tegaserod being cost-effective at different benchmark values of cost per QALY gained. RESULTS: By assuming a daily drug cost to payers of Euro 2, Euro 3, and Euro 4, the ICER of tegaserod ranges between Euro 19,000 and Euro 38,000 per QALY gained, with the percentage of the bootstrap estimates below the willingness to pay level of Euro 50,000 per QALY gained ranging between 90% and 69%. CONCLUSIONS: This study established directly from a randomized controlled clinical trial that tegaserod is cost-effective in the treatment of non-D-IBS patients.  相似文献   

A low FODMAP diet (LFD) has been hypothesized to relieve symptoms of functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGD) in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The aim of the study was to systematically review the literature for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) assessing the effectiveness of the LFD in patients with IBD and FGD. Four databases were searched, but a meta-analysis was not performed due to methodological and outcomes heterogeneity. Four RCTs fulfilled the criteria, with three having some concerns in their risk of bias assessment. All interventions compared the LFDs against a “typical” or sham diet, spanning in duration from 21 days to 6 weeks. Quality of life was improved in two RCTs, while revealing inconsistent findings in the third trial, based on different assessment tools. The fecal assays revealed non-significant findings for most variables (fecal weight, pH, water content, gene count, and gut transit time) and inconsistent findings concerning stool frequency and short-chain fatty acids concentration. Levels of fecal calprotectin, CRP, or T-cell phenotype did not differ between intervention and comparator arms. Two RCTs reported a reduction in abdominal pain, while results concerning pain duration and bloating were inconsistent. In one trial, energy intake was considerably reduced among LFD participants. Regarding gut microbiota, no differences were noted. A considerable degree of methodological and outcome heterogeneity was observed, paired with results inconsistency. The available data are not sufficient to justify the claim that an LFD induces relief of FGD symptoms, although it may pave the way to a placebo response.  相似文献   

Bloating is a symptom frequently reported by subjects with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and small bowel dysbiosis, and Low FODMAP’s diet (LFD) has been used to treat them. Extracts of Curcuma longa and Boswellia serrata share anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects that could be useful in the management of these clinical conditions. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of curcumin and boswellia extracts (as Curcumin Boswellia Phytosome, CBP) and LFD on the relief of abdominal bloating in IBS subjects with small bowel dysbiosis, in comparison to LFD alone, in a 30-day supplementation, randomized trial. IBS participants were randomized to either the intervention (500 mg bid of CBP and LFD) or control arm (LFD). Small bowel dysbiosis has been defined by an increase of urinary indican with normal urinary skatole. A total of 67 subjects were recruited. The intervention group (33 subjects) showed a significant decrease (p < 0.0001) of bloating, abdominal pain, and indican values at the end of the study, when compared to the control group (34 subjects). Moreover, the subjects of the intervention group showed a significantly better (p < 0.0001) global assessment of efficacy (GAE) as compared to controls. In conclusion, in subjects with IBS and small bowel dysbiosis, abdominal bloating can be successfully reduced with a supplementation with CBP and LFD.  相似文献   

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