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后组颅神经鞘瘤临床上比较少见。我们分别在1999年和2008年显微手术治疗2例颅内外沟通性颈静脉孔区神经鞘瘤,效果良好,现报道如下。  相似文献   

颈静脉孔区神经鞘瘤发病率较低。手术切除是过去首选的治疗方法,但肿瘤全切除率极低,且手术后多数病人后组颅神经障碍的症状有所加重或产生面瘫。80年代以前文献报道手术后死亡率在9.1%~16.1%。伽马刀治疗颈静脉孔区神经鞘瘤是十多年来开展的新项目,但临床报道很少。我院对8例病人进行伽马刀治疗,结合随访情况作一总结。  相似文献   

颈静脉孔区神经鞘瘤(JFN)是罕见的颅内肿瘤,占颅内神经鞘瘤2.9%~4%。并位于颅底重要神经血管之间,手术切除困难。近期我们对3例JFN病人采用远外侧入路和颞下窝入路切除肿  相似文献   

颈静脉孔区神经鞘瘤的显微外科治疗   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
颈静脉孔区神经鞘瘤可向后颅窝、岩骨或颅外生长 ,其临床表现、术前诊断、手术方案选择及预后差别很大。本院自 1 990年至 2 0 0 0年间经手术处理和病理证实的各种类型颈静脉孔区神经鞘瘤共2 1例 ,现结合文献进行总结 ,以期提高颈静脉孔区神经鞘瘤的治疗效果。资料与方法   1 .一般资料 :男 8例 ,女 1 3例。年龄 1 5~ 61岁 ,平均 3 8岁。病程 2个月至 8年 ,平均 2年零 4个月。病变位于左侧 9例 ,右侧 1 2例 ,其中 2例为复发肿瘤。肿瘤最大直径 1 5~ 4 3cm ,平均2 3cm。根据肿瘤的部位不同 ,将颈静脉孔区神经鞘瘤分为 4型 :颅内型 1 4…  相似文献   

颈静脉孔区神经鞘瘤较为罕见,且常与颈静脉球瘤、听神经鞘瘤发生误诊,影像学诊断技术的进步增强了对该部位病变的鉴别能力,更利于选择准确的手术入路。现复习近年有关文献,对本病的诊断与治疗予以综述。  相似文献   

目的 总结颈静脉孔区神经鞘瘤术后护理经验。方法 回顾性分析2013年1月至2019年7月手术治疗的23例颈静脉孔区神经鞘瘤的临床资料,总结术后护理经验。结果 术后14例新出现后组颅神经症状,其中2例行气管切开术,4例留置胃管或鼻肠管;4例原有后组颅神经功能障碍无加重;1例术后8 d突发心率、血压下降,抢救无效死亡。结论 颈静脉孔区神经鞘瘤术后并发症较多,需细致观察,认真护理,多数效果良好。  相似文献   

颈静脉孔区神经鞘瘤的诊断及显微外科治疗   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨颈静脉孔区神经鞘瘤的诊断及显微手术治疗方法。方法回顾分析我院2003年至2008年5例诊断为颈静脉孔区神经鞘瘤的患者临床资料。结果术后病理均证实为神经鞘瘤。全切肿瘤3例,次全切2例。术后3例有声音嘶哑伴吞咽困难,1例面部感觉麻木伴面瘫,随访中逐渐好转,1例听力丧失,余术后面神经和听神经功能均有所改善。结论根据临床症状和CT、MRI相结合可以进行正确诊断和肿瘤的分型。选择最佳手术入路,达到以最小的创伤而获得最佳的手术效果。  相似文献   

目的 探讨颈静脉孔区哑铃型神经鞘瘤的临床特点、手术入路及治疗效果.方法 回顾性分析采用枕下乙状窦后-颌下联合入路显微切除5例颈静脉孔区哑铃型神经鞘瘤的临床资料、手术入路及术后随访情况.结果 术中证实,术后病理确诊颈静脉孔区哑铃型神经鞘瘤.5例肿瘤中,全切除4例,次全切除1例.术后患者临床症状均较术前明显改善.结论 经枕下乙状窦后-颌下联合入路能良好显露、安全切除颈静脉孔区哑铃型神经鞘瘤,手术治疗效果良好.  相似文献   

颈静脉孔区颅内-外沟通瘤的手术治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:总结、探讨远外侧经颈静脉孔入路治疗颈静脉孔区颅内-外沟通瘤的手术方法和注意事项。方法:对17例颈静脉孔区颅内-外沟通瘤患者采用远外侧颈静脉孔入路切除肿瘤。结果:患者肿瘤全切除13例,近全切除3例,次全切除1例。术后患者功能障碍大多明显改善。10例患者获临床和MRI随访3~42个月,未见肿瘤残留和复发。结论:采用远外侧经颈静脉孔入路可以充分暴露颈静脉孔区,利于手术同时切除颅内-外肿瘤。采用从颈静脉孔上、下两端分离肿瘤的手术方法,可保持肿瘤包膜完整,是减少颈静脉(球)和神经损伤、防止肿瘤残留的关键。根据DSA或MRV显示,结合术中判断乙状窦闭塞的情况切开乙状窦。手术结束时须严密缝合硬脑膜。  相似文献   

ObjectiveWe present our experience with surgery of jugular foramen schwannomas with special consideration of clinical presentation, surgical technique, complications, and outcomes.MethodsThis retrospective study includes ten patients with jugular foramen schwannomas treated by the senior author between January 2007 and December 2012. Three patients had undergone partial tumour resection elsewhere. The initial symptom for which they sought medical help was hearing loss, dysphagia, hoarseness, and shoulder weakness. Preoperative glossopharyngeal and vagal nerve deficits were the most common signs. In our series, tumour extension was classified according to Kaye-Pellet grading system. In two cases the tumours were classified into type A and 8 patients presented with type D tumours. A retromastoid suboccipital craniotomy was performed for type A tumours and modifications of cranio-cervical approach were suitable for type D.ResultsNo death occurred in this series. Four patients deteriorated after surgery: in two patients preoperative cranial nerve deficits deteriorated after surgery while new cranial nerve palsy occurred in 2 other patients. In four patients, the cranial nerve dysfunction had improved at the last follow-up examination. In all other patients, the cranial nerve dysfunction remained the same. One patient experienced tumour recurrence over a follow-up period of 40 months. This patient underwent a successful second surgery without further evidence of tumour growth.ConclusionsJugular foramen schwannomas can be radically managed with the use of skull base surgery techniques. However, the surgical treatment of jugular foramen schwannomas carries a significant risk of the lower CN deficits.  相似文献   

远外侧经髁入路到颈静脉孔区的国人显微解剖   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨远外侧经髁入路到颈静脉孔区的显微解剖结构,为颈静脉孔区手术入路提供解剖学基础。方法:对10例经福尔马林固定的成人湿性头颅标本和10例成人头颅骨标本进行解剖学观察,通过模拟该手术入路对颈静脉孔区的重要解剖标志进行描述和测量。结果:颈静脉孔内口距内耳门为4.54±0.88mm;颈静脉孔内口距舌下神经管内口为9.06±1.24mm;舌下神经管内口到枕骨髁后缘的距离是10.08±0.76mm;舌下神经管内口到颈静脉结节的距离是7.22±1.44mm;该手术入路的关键是枕髁的正确磨除和椎动脉的安全显露,并且在手术过程中要注意小脑前下动脉的变异。结论:通过远外侧经髁入路可以较好地从后方暴露颈静脉孔区及其毗邻结构,避免了颞骨岩部的磨除,面神经的移位,减少了神经损伤等不利因素。  相似文献   

目的在尸头解剖基础上构建颈静脉孔区计算机三维解剖模型。方法先对5例尸头标本行头颅CT和MR/扫描,动脉和静脉依次灌注混合造影剂乳胶后再次行头颅CT扫描,解剖显露脑干和脑神经后再次行头颅MRI扫描。影像数据输入Vitrea虚拟现实系统,进行三维重建和图像融合,构建颈静脉孔区三维解剖模型。对照尸头解剖进行观察比较。结果Vitrea虚拟现实系统模拟颈静脉孔区三维解剖可视化效果良好,相关解剖结构显示清晰,与尸头观察结果一致。结论计算机颈静脉孔区三维解剖模型有助于无创直观地观察和理解相关解剖结构的整体空间关系,节约时间和标本,为指导相关手术提供解剖依据。  相似文献   

ObjectWe present our experience with surgery of jugular foramen meningiomas with special consideration of clinical presentation, surgical technique, complications, and outcomes.MethodsThis retrospective study includes three patients with jugular foramen meningiomas treated by the senior author between January 2005 and December 2010. The initial symptom for which they sought medical help was decreased hearing. In all of the patients there had been no other neurological symptoms before surgery. The transcondylar approach with sigmoid sinus ligation at jugular bulb was suitable in each case.ResultsNo death occurred in this series. All of the patients deteriorated after surgery mainly due to the new lower cranial nerves palsy occurred. The lower cranial nerve dysfunction had improved considerably at the last follow-up examination but no patient fully recovered. Two of three patients with preoperatively impaired yet functional hearing deteriorated after surgery with no subsequent cranial nerve VIII function improvement. In one case postoperative stereotactic radiosurgery was performed due to non-radical tumour resection (Simpson Grade IV) and tumour remnant proved stable in the 4-year follow-up. None of the patients have shown signs of tumour recurrence in the mean follow-up period of 56 months.ConclusionsJugular foramen meningiomas represent one of the rarest subgroups of meningiomas and their surgical treatment is associated with significant risk of permanent cranial nerve deficits.  相似文献   

BackgroundDumbbell-shaped jugular foramen schwannomas (JFS) are rare but challenging for the treatment. Surgical resection is believed to be the optimal therapy; however, postoperative dysfunction of the lower cranial nerves (CNs), tumor residual, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leakage, and subcutaneous hydrops are common. The current study's objectives were to describe the optimal surgical strategies for the total removal of dumbbell-shaped JFS, the functional preservation of lower CNs, and the prevention of postoperative CSF leakage.Methods26 consecutive patients with dumbbell-shaped JFS were surgically treated between January 2014 and June 2019. All patients were operated on via two-piece lateral suboccipital approach, vascularized muscle flap was used for the repair of the dural defect after an operation. The clinical information and radiological data of these patients were retrospectively reviewed, and the optimal surgical strategies were further evaluated and discussed.ResultsThe tumor was completely removed in all 26 patients, one patient developed new CN Ⅶ paralysis, and 2 developed new CN IX and Ⅹ paralysis after an operation, all patients were significantly relieved during follow up. None of them developed subcutaneous hydrops and postoperative CSF leakage. No tumor recurrence was observed during a mean follow up of 38.8 (16–69) months.ConclusionsDumbbell-shaped JFS could be safely and completely removed via the two-piece lateral suboccipital approach. Postoperative CSF leakage could be effectively prevented by careful repair of the dural defect in the jugular foramen (JF) and filling the mastoid cavity with a vascularized muscular flap.  相似文献   

目的探讨前侧颅底颅内外沟通瘤的手术策略、技巧。以提高手术疗效。方法回顾性分析经手术治疗的前侧颅底沟通肿瘤50例,着重于肿瘤部位、范围、病理与病例选择、术前计划、入路选择、手术技巧等之间的关系。结果肿瘤全切31例,次全切15例,部分切除4例。术后出现并发症23例,无死亡病例。绪论根据肿瘤病理类型、位置、范围选择合适手术入路。利用不同工具和方法,争取一期全切肿瘤。重建颅底硬膜及颅骨结构,避免脑脊液漏。保留功能和容貌是手术的关键。  相似文献   

目的探讨颈静脉孔区肿瘤的显微手术治疗方法及效果。方法36例颈静脉孔区肿瘤患者行显微外科手术切除,观察切除程度、死亡率、术前术后的颅神经功能和主要并发症。结果全切29例,次全切4例,部分切除3例。术后死亡1例,脑脊液漏1例,出现新的神经功能损害7例。术后1个月KPS分级超过80分28例,术后6个月超过80分32例;术后面神经功能Ⅰ~Ⅱ级(H-B分级)31例;术前有残余听力,术后听力保存者11例;全切后复发3例。结论选择合适的入路进行显微外科手术,可以全切肿瘤并较好的保护或恢复颅神经功能,特别是体积较大和颅神经受损明显的肿瘤,手术切除是首选。  相似文献   

舌下神经管解剖学与哑铃型舌下神经鞘瘤手术入路研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的探讨哑铃型舌下神经鞘瘤的手术入路.方法采用20例干性颅底和15例寰椎标本及15例头颈湿性标本,对舌下神经管及相关结构进行测量和CT薄层扫描,并在湿性标本上研究暴露舌下神经管全程和内外口的手术入路.结果舌下神经管位置深在,周围结构复杂,其暴露的主要骨性障碍有寰椎横突、颈静脉孔、颈静脉结节和枕髁;以髁管和颈静脉孔为解剖标志在枕髁上方打开舌下神经管,切除寰椎横突,扩大枕髁前外侧的暴露,可在硬膜外暴露舌下神经管全程和内外口;结合硬膜下入路,可一期切除哑铃型舌下神经鞘瘤.结论远外侧经寰椎横突-髁上入路可作为哑铃型舌下神经鞘瘤一期手术切除的入路选择.  相似文献   

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