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胎儿心脏锥干畸形产前诊断评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的评价胎儿心脏锥干畸形产前超声心动图诊断准确性。方法运用胎儿超声心动图进行先天性心脏病产前诊断,并与心脏病理诊断或新生儿心脏超声诊断进行比较分析。结果2063例胎儿进行心脏超声检查,产前发现胎儿心脏锥干畸形28例,诊断时平均孕周26.6周(16~40周),产前诊断包括大血管转位5例,法洛四联症5例,右室双出口6例,永存动脉干9例,室间隔缺损合并主动脉骑跨可能1例,2例检查发现大血管位置异常但胎儿超声心动图未予明确诊断。24例经胎儿心脏病理检查或新生儿心脏超声检查确诊,4例失访(包括1例TOF/TA?,2例“大血管发育异常”,1例TGA)。比较产前诊断与产后诊断,分析大血管位置关系诊断准确性为75.0%(18/24)。结论胎儿超声心动图可正确诊断胎儿心脏锥干畸形,需运用多种超声切面及彩色脉冲多普勒确定大血管位置关系。  相似文献   

目的 探讨产前胎儿心脏超声检查对室间隔缺损(ventricular septal defect,VSD)的诊断价值及局限性. 方法 2009年1月1日至2010月10月31日,在复旦大学附属妇产科医院进行系统产前检查的孕妇于妊娠20~24周进行胎儿心脏超声检查,产后48 h新生儿接受心脏超声检查;引产终止妊娠者行胎儿尸体解剖以明确心脏畸形的诊断,共纳入孕妇4392例(1例双胎妊娠,胎儿4393例).计算产前超声对于VSD的检出率及漏诊率. 结果 (1)复杂性VSD检出情况:产前胎儿心脏超声检查共检出23例复杂性VSD,其中1例合并部分性心内膜垫缺损,但产后新生儿心脏超声未见异常,另22例均引产终止妊娠,引产胎儿尸体解剖证实产前诊断.(2)单纯性VSD检出情况:产前胎儿心脏超声检出16例单纯性VSD,其中15例产后新生儿心脏超声未见异常,另1例产后新生儿心脏超声证实为单纯性VSD.(3)检出率:产前胎儿心脏超声检查中未检出VSD的4354例胎儿中,产后新生儿心脏超声检出54例VSD,均为单纯性.产前检出产后证实的及产后诊断的VSD共77例,发生率为1.8% (77/4393),单纯性VSD发生率为1.3%(55/4393),复杂性VSD发生率为0.5%(22/4393).产前胎儿心脏超声检查对于复杂性VSD的检出率为100.0%(22/22),漏诊率为0.0%(0/22),误诊率为0.2‰(1/4371).产前单纯性VSD的检出率为1.8%(1/55),漏诊率较高(98.2%,54/55),误诊率为3.5‰(15/4338). 结论 产前胎儿心脏超声检查对于合并有其他心脏结构异常的复杂性VSD的检出率及准确率高;而对于单纯性VSD,有较高的漏诊率及误诊率.  相似文献   

胎儿先天性心脏病产前超声筛查诊断模式的评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 评价胎儿先天性心脏病产前超声筛查诊断模式.方法 收集2004年2月-2007年5月复旦大学附属妇产科医院产科在孕24周前行产前诊断的11 410例孕妇,应用超声筛查其11 544例胎儿的先天性心脏病发生情况.超声筛查切面包括四腔心切面、流出道切面(包括左室流出道+三血管切面),计算不同切面诊断先天性心脏病的敏感性及特异性,并随访胎儿预后.结果 (1)11 544例胎儿中,筛查出先天性心脏病48例,漏诊6例,先天性心脏病发生率为0.47%(54/11 544).(2)四腔心切面发现胎儿先天性心脏病33例,主要为室间隔缺损18例(其中9例合并锥干异常)、房室瓣膜异常6例及左、右心不对称9例.四腔心切面诊断先天性心脏病的敏感性为61.11%(33/54),特异性为99.98%(11 488/11 490).流出道切面诊断胎儿先天性心脏病15例,包括肺动脉闭锁1例,肺动脉瓣狭窄3例,大血管错位2例,肺动脉狭窄及大血管错位1例,法洛四联症6例,肺动脉狭窄2例.四腔心切面+流出道切面诊断胎儿先天性心脏病的敏感性为B8.89%(48/54),特异性99.98%(11 488/11 490).(3)48例先天性心脏病胎儿中,有11例合并其他器官系统异常,另有11例行羊膜腔穿刺检查胎儿染色体,其中5例为21三体.结论 四腔心切面+流出道切面对胎儿先天性心脏病的产前超声筛查有较高的检出率,此产前超声筛查诊断模式在临床上诊断胎儿先天性心脏病切实可行.  相似文献   

先天性心脏畸形的产前诊断及临床分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨先天性心脏畸形的产前诊断及临床意义。方法本研究应用Yagel5个心脏横面和心脏长轴切面进行胎儿心脏扫描,并有效多普勒血流技术、彩色血流、M型超声等超声仪器各项功能技术,对2002至2004年982例先天心脏畸形高危患者进行胎儿心脏全方位检查,并对引产胎儿进行尸体解剖核对产前诊断的正确性,并进行胎儿染色体分析;对产前诊断未发现明显异常的胎儿进行临床随访,胎儿出生后进行新生儿或要儿心脏超声检查,判定产前诊断的正确性。结果(1)982例先天心脏畸形高危患者中,检查发现胎儿心脏结构异常为46例(4.7%)。其中应用单纯四腔心即能诊断的先天性胎儿心脏结构异常为32例,其余14例需同时结合其他心脏检测平面诊断。(2)41例引产胎儿中,32例进行尸体解剖,病理结果与产前超声检查符合率为93.8%(30/32),其中1例患者病理诊断为永存动脉干畸形,产前诊断为法洛四联症;另1例为右心室双流出道畸形,产前诊断为大动脉转位。(3)46例患者中,32例进行胎儿染色体检测,合并染色体异常8例(25.0%)。(4)5例为产前诊断右心系统略大胎儿,分娩后新生儿或要儿心脏超声检查,结果与产前基本相同,表现为单纯右心系统略大,但新生儿和要儿无任何临床症状。(5)936例产前诊断为正常胎儿心脏患者,新生儿或要儿心脏超声检查发现室间隔缺损1例,动脉导管未闭2例,房间隔缺损1例。结论(1)应用本研究方法,以先天心脏畸形高危患者为筛查对象,产前诊断先天性心脏畸形阳性率为4.7%,产前诊断与尸体解剖符合率为93.8%。(2)应用本研究方法可使高危人群产前诊断胎儿先天性心脏畸形的敏感性达92.0%,特异性达99.6%。(3)单纯左右心比例轻中度失调胎儿可能有较好的临床预后。  相似文献   

目的探讨胎儿心脏超声Yagel法扫描对双胎妊娠胎儿先天性心脏病的产前诊断价值。方法1103例双胎妊娠孕妇中,有胎儿先天性心脏病的高危病史孕妇127例(高危双胎组),正常双胎妊娠孕妇976例(低危双胎组)。应用超声Yagel法对两组双胎妊娠胎儿进行心脏5个心脏横切面(胎儿腹部胃泡平面、四腔心平面、五腔心平面、三血管气管平面和动脉弓平面)快速扫描,并对诊断为先天性心脏病而引产的胎儿进行尸体解剖,以核对产前超声Yagel法诊断的正确性,同时进行胎儿染色体分析;对未引产或产前诊断未发现明显异常的胎儿进行临床随访,胎儿出生后进行新生儿或婴儿的心脏超声检查,判定产前超声Yagel法诊断的正确性。结果(1)1103例双胎妊娠中,有12例产前发现有先天性心脏病,检出率为1.09%,其中4例(33.3%,4/12)来自高危双胎组,8例(66.7%,8/12)来自低危双胎组。(2)2例双胎为两个胎儿同时患同一种先天性心脏病,其中1例双胎胎儿均为法洛四联症(TOF),另1例双胎两个胎儿均为心脏横纹肌瘤;1例双胎为两个胎儿患不同类型异常,一胎儿为TOF,另一胎儿心脏正常,但十二指肠闭锁。上述3例患者均选择终止妊娠放弃胎儿,尸体解剖结果与产前超声诊断相同。9例双胎仅一胎儿受累为先天性心脏病,另一胎儿正常,均足月分娩或自然早产,其中7例在行新生儿心脏检查时得出的诊断与产前相同。(3)12例中,2例有先天性心脏病的双胎被发现染色体异常。(4)1091例双胎妊娠孕妇产前超声检查未发现胎儿心脏异常,但其中1例双胎中的1个胎儿出生后被诊断为室间隔缺损(VSD),染色体异常(为21三体)。另1个胎儿正常。另1例双胎中的1个胎儿出生后被诊断为动脉导管未闭,另1个胎儿正常。(5)应用超声Yagel法产前诊断双胎先天性心脏病的敏感度为82.4%,特异度为100%。结论心脏超声Yagel法是筛查和诊断双胎妊娠中胎儿先天性心脏病的简单、有效和可靠方法,值得在临床产前诊断中推广应用。  相似文献   

胎儿心律失常的诊断和治疗进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胎儿心律失常发病机制尚未明确。通过胎心听诊、超声检查、连续胎心监护以及胎儿超声心动图检查,可准确地诊断胎儿心律失常,并进行相应处理。对于胎儿心动过速者,行胎儿超声心动图检查后,通常可继续监测;药物可用于控制持续性胎儿心动过速。对出现持续心动过缓胎儿,免疫抗体检测阳性妊娠妇女应进行密切监测,需要除外胎儿心脏畸形;对出现不规则心律胎儿,可临床随诊,药物治疗效果有限。大多数心律失常胎儿预后好,心脏畸形发生率很低。  相似文献   

目的 探讨2006年国际妇产科超声协会公布的"胎儿心脏筛查指南"在产前超声筛查胎儿先天性心脏病中的应用价值.方法 2006年9月-2007年7月在南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院母胎医学中心接受胎儿超声筛查的单胎孕妇5000例.平均年龄28岁(18~48岁),平均孕周27周(妊娠18~40周).以"胎儿心脏筛查指南"为标准对胎儿四腔心和左、右心事流出道及三血管切面进行扫查,对疑有心脏异常者进一步行胎儿超声心动图枪查,对确诊先天性心脏病胎儿建议羊水或脐血穿刺行染色体核型分析,终止妊娠者行胎儿尸体心脏解剖;继续妊娠者,于胎儿出生后2~6个月行超声心动图随访.结果 (1)超声筛查各切面获取率:5000例单胎孕妇中,四腔心切面获取率为97.64%(4882/5000),其中左、右心室流出道及三血管切面的获取率分别为87.69%(4281/4882)、82.51%(4028/4882)和96.29%(4701/4882).5000例孕妇中,孕中期筛查2750例,孕晚期筛查2250例,孕晚期各标准切面的获取率明显低于孕中期(P<0.05).(2)胎儿先天性心脏病发病率:4882例胎儿中最终诊断先大性心脏病73例,发病率为1.50%(73/4882),其中产前超声确诊50例(孕中期24例、孕晚期26例).超声漏诊23例,误诊1例,合并其他器官畸形18例.(3)随访结局:产前诊断为先天性心脏病的胎儿中接受尸体心脏解剖19例,均与产前超声诊断结果一致;继续妊娠者胎儿出生后接受超声心动图检查12例,其中与产前诊断符合11例,另1例产前诊断三尖瓣关闭不全,产后超声检查正常.接受染色体检查23例,染色体核型异常7例.(4)产前超声筛查的敏感性与特异性:四腔心切面确诊先天性心脏病胎儿28例,同时加入左、右心室流出道及三血管切面共诊断先天性心脏病50例,诊断的敏感性为69%(50/73)、特异性为99.98%(4808/4809),假阴性率为0.48%(23/4831),假阳性率为2%(1/51).结论 国际妇产科超声协会2006年公布的"胎儿心脏筛查指南"临床实用、易于遵循、便于操作.就最佳超声切面获得来说,孕中期(18~27周)是最佳筛查时间.胎儿四腔心和左、右心窒流出道及三血管切面同时筛查,可产前诊断69%的先天性心脏病胎儿.  相似文献   

先天性心脏病的超声和遗传学诊断的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国新生儿出生缺陷中先天性心脏病居前五位,且发生率逐年上升。普遍认为先天性心脏病的发病率在足月、活产的新生儿是鼢~8‰,在早产儿、死产或流产的病例中更高,国内报道为0.13%~1%,在流产儿和死胎中则高达10.12%。先天性心脏病的产前诊断始终是围产医学的重要研究课题,提高先天性心脏病的产前诊断水平对降低出生缺陷提高人口素质有着十分重要的现实意义。先天性心脏病的产前诊断目前主要依靠超声检查,并且先天性心脏病的遗传研究近年来也日益得到重视,本文就先天性心脏病与染色体异常的关系以及遗传学诊断的研究进展综述如下。  相似文献   

超声心动图对胎儿先天性心脏结构异常的诊断价值   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的探讨超声心动图对胎儿先天性心脏结构异常诊断的价值.方法2004-01-2005-10江门市妇幼保健院对724例胎儿心脏进行了二维、M型、彩色多普勒血流显像检查.取胎儿四腔心切面,三血管平面,大血管短轴切面,左心室长轴切面,主动脉长轴切面,右室两腔切面等多切面检查.结果724例胎儿超声心动图检查中15例诊断胎儿先天性心脏结构异常,4例伴有多发畸形.13例进行了治疗性引产,其中9例均经尸解证实超声诊断结构,4例拒绝尸解;1例心包积液;1例超声诊断为卵圆孔增大,出生后复查心脏结构未见异常.709例产前超声心动图检查未发现异常者3例于出生后发现先天性心脏病.结论超声心动图对胎儿先天性心脏结构异常的诊断具有重要价值.四腔心切面、三血管平面是超声诊断先天性心脏结构异常最重要的切面.  相似文献   

目的 评价二维超声四切面法,即四腔心切面、左室流出道切面、右室流出道切面和三血管平面在胎儿先天性心脏病(congenital heart disease,CHD)筛查中的价值. 方法 应用二维超声四切面法对孕21~25周的2419例胎儿进行CHD筛查,并对所有2382例活产新生儿行超声心动图检查.统计学分析采用x2检验,并计算敏感性、特异性、阳性预测值和阴性预测值. 结果 2419例胎儿中产前筛查出CHD共281例(11.62%),其中简单型CHD 245例(87.18%)、复杂型CHD 36例(12.82%).高危因素组和非高危因素组阳性率分别为13.60%(34/250)和11.39%(247/2169),差异无统计学意义(x2=1.069,P=0.301).产前四切面法筛查阳性且新生儿期超声心动图检查诊断CHD 36例,总体敏感性、特异性、阳性预测值、阴性预测值分别为12.8%、99.8%、90.0%和89.7%;诊断简单型CHD 7例,敏感性2.9%;复杂型CHD 29例,敏感性80.6%.产后新生儿诊断CHD252例,占活产新生儿总数的10.58%(252/2382),其中简单型241例,复杂型11例. 结论 二维超声产前四切面法对简单型CHD诊断敏感性较低,对复杂型CHD诊断的敏感性较高.在常规产前超声检查中加入心脏四切面法可筛查出大部分的胎儿复杂型CHD,而简单型CHD漏诊率仍较高,新生儿超声心动图普查可弥补产前CHD筛查的不足.  相似文献   

目的了解胎儿期心律失常的诊断方法、临床意义及对新生儿预后的影响。方法选择2004年6月至2006年1月于浙江大学医学院附属妇产科医院产前检查中发现胎儿心律失常孕妇57例,分析孕妇病史、胎儿心电图、胎儿超声心动图、妊娠结局。结果胎儿心律失常中胎儿心动过速、胎儿心动过缓和不规则胎儿心律的构成比分别为17.4%、4.3%和78.3%。首次发现胎儿心律失常的孕周及胎儿心律失常的类型与新生儿预后没有显著关联。持续发作心律失常的胎儿,其预后显著差于偶发心律失常的胎儿。经期待疗法,孕期胎儿心率恢复正常的有21例(36.8%),出生后新生儿心率迅速恢复正常的有15例(26.3%),经对症治疗后有14例新生儿恢复正常心率(24.6%)。发现4例(7.0%)胎儿心脏结构异常。59.7%的孕妇合并产科并发症。结论大部分心律失常的胎儿预后良好,在临床上可以密切随访,可在分娩前或出生后恢复正常心率;与胎儿预后不良有关的因素为持续发作心律失常、胎儿伴有水肿。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The paper presents a review of cases with fetal extrasystole coexisting with different cardiac and extracardiac pathology. DESIGN: The aim of the study is to analyse the results of echocardiographic examinations of fetuses with premature atrial contractions (PAC) quantitatively significant (bigeminy, trigeminy) or coexisting with other abnormal findings in fetal heart or other extracardiac pathologies. MATERIAL AND METHOD: Selected group of 33 (24%) fetuses from 135 with fetal extrasystole was analyzed. The mean gestational time of diagnosis was 29.2 + 4.1 weeks. RESULTS: Quantitatively significant arrhythmia (bigeminy, trigeminy) was diagnosed in 14 fetuses. Blocked PAC (2:1) occurred in two cases causing fetal bradycardia. Premature atrial extrasystole coexisting with different type of arrhythmias were diagnosed in 10 cases (4 x with SVT, 4 x with sinus bradycardia, 2 x with ventricular extrasystole). Heart defects in the analyzed group with PAC were recognized in two fetuses (1 x d-TGA, 1 x heterotaxy syndrome--common a-v canal). Myocarditis was diagnosed in 3 (9%) cases. From the group of 33 fetuses 6 newborns died (1 x d-TGA, 1 x T18, 1 x myocarditis, 1 x circulatory centralization). Mortality in the analyzed group was 18.2%. CONCLUSION: In cases of fetal arrhythmias echocardiography should be widely applied in order to evaluate the kind of arrhythmia, sufficiency of circulation and coexistence of heart defects, extracardiac malformations or functional abnormalities with arrhythmia in fetal circulation.  相似文献   

胎儿心律失常的超声心动图检测及其临床意义   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
目的 探讨超声心动图检测对胎儿心律失常的诊断价值及临床意义。方法 采用超声心动图对725例胎龄16-41周临床疑诊为心律失常或存在其他异常的胎儿进行检测。结果 共检出胎儿心律失常90例。其中,期前收缩72例(房性期前收缩65例,室性期前收缩7例),心动过缓9例,心动过速6例,2:1房室传导阻滞2例,心房扑动1例。4例心动过缓胎儿并发先天性心血管畸形患者,2例在随访过程中死于宫内(尸体解剖证实为单心室伴肺动脉瓣狭窄1例,心脏横纹肌瘤1例),2例终止妊娠(尸体解剖证实为二尖瓣闭锁1例,共同房室通道1例)。1例胎龄38周心房扑动胎儿经吸氧及严密监护24h后,心律失常无缓解,立即行剖宫产术,出生后应用西地兰后心律转为窦性。其余85例胎儿心律失常均为阵发性,不伴有胎儿心脏形态、结构畸形及胎儿水肿,均足月出生,出生后听诊均未闻及心脏杂音及心律失常。结论 胎儿超声心动图是产前检查胎儿心律失常的可靠的无创性影像技术,其应用有助于早期检出并指导心律失常胎儿的处理。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Premature atrial contractions are common in obstetrical practise but there is little information available on recommended management and mode of delivery. DESIGN: The aim of the study was to describe our clinical experience in the management of fetal arrhythmia including the indications for certain time and way of labour. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 128 fetuses with diagnosed supraventricular arrhythmia described as atrial extrasystole were examined. They were divided into 3 main groups: group I (84 fetuses) with single PAC, group II (37 fetuses) with quantitatively significant arrhythmia or accompanied by another kind of arrhythmia and group III (7 fetuses) associated with extracardiac abnormalities. RESULTS: Among 128 fetuses with supraventricular arrhythmia, 44 cases (31%) required systematic monitoring. Quantitatively significant arrhythmia was recognized in 15 cases, blocked bigeminy (2:1) in 2 fetuses, 10 cases were accompanied by another arrhythmias: 4x SVT, 4x sinus bradycardia, 2x premature ventricular contractions (PVC). There were 3 fetuses diagnosed with heart defects and 7 with extracardiac malformations. Fetal echocardiography revealed additional functional circulatory changes in 7 fetuses with premature atrial contractions. Myocarditis was recognized in 2 fetuses. The mode of delivery was analyzed in 128 cases. In the first group 27 patients (32%) underwent caesarean section, in the second group--23 (62%), in the third group 3 patients (43%), respectively. Cardiac indications for caesarean section equalled 22% of all the indications occurring in fetuses suffering from arrhythmia. CONCLUSIONS: Caesarean section is much more commonly performed among fetuses diagnosed with arrhythmia accompanied by another fetal anomalies comparing to the group of fetuses with isolated arrhythmia. Although there are no particular cardiac indications for such way of delivery, total amount of caesarean sections performed in that group is really great. Above all, it may suggest that the obstetrician is under pressure of stress while making decision concerning caesarean section performance, even when there are no other indications and the condition of fetus is stable enough.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The paper presents review of different kinds of fetal arrhythmias, diagnosed in our centres. DESIGN: The aim of our study was to analyse results of echocardiographic examinations of 141 fetuses with diagnosed arrhythmias referred for fetal cardiac examination in years VI. 1996-V. 2001 and neonatal outcome. RESULTS: Premature contractions were recognised in 113 (80%) fetuses, tachyarrhythmias in 7 (5%) cases and complete atrioventricular block in 5 (4%). Heart defects were diagnosed in three cases. Three fetuses developed congestive heart failure (2x SVT, 1x HLHS + block a-v III*). From all group 6 newborns died. CONCLUSION: In case of fetal arrhythmias echocardiography should be widely applied in order to evaluate the kind of arrhythmia, sufficiency of circulation and coexistence of heart defects or functional abnormalities with arrhythmia in fetal circulation.  相似文献   

Fetal echocardiographic, electrocardiographic, and pulsed Doppler ultrasonic examinations were performed to detect congenital heart anomalies and fetal arrhythmias antenatally, from April 1980 to March 1985. In nineteen subjects, these techniques revealed premature atrial contractions (PAC) in five fetuses, PAC and blocked PAC in two, PAC and premature ventricular contraction (PVC) in one, PAC, blocked PAC and PVC in one, sinus bradycardia in one, congenital complete atrio-ventricular block in one, atrial septal defect with PAC and PVC in one, fetal unilateral hydronephrosis with PAC and PVC in one, complicated heart anomalies with dilated colon in one, single atrium and ventricle with esophageal and anal atresiae in one, complicated heart anomalies with encephalocele and single umbilical artery in one, and asymmetrical septal hypertrophy in one, antenatally. In nine out of fifteen cases with fetal arrhythmias, the arrhythmia resolved within the first month of life. Sustained arrhythmias occurred in three cases. In three cases with fetal arrhythmias, in utero therapies with Coenzyme Q10(CoQ10) were performed, and anti-arrhythmic effects of CoQ10 recognized. Deaths occurred in three cases with complicated heart anomalies.  相似文献   

Long-term outcome in fetuses with cardiac arrhythmias   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
OBJECTIVE: The objectives of this follow-up study of 292 fetuses with various cardiac arrhythmias were to estimate the incidence of structural heart defects and fetal compromise, to investigate the effects of antiarrhythmic medication, and to evaluate perinatal mortality and morbidity and long-term outcome. METHODS: The arrhythmias were classified into atrial extrasystoles (n = 200), atrial tachycardias (n = 35), atrioventricular block (n = 36), sinus bradycardia (n = 14), and ventricular extrasystoles (n = 7), and outcome of the infants was analyzed. RESULTS: The incidence of cardiac anomalies was 12% in the study population. In utero cardiac failure was noted in 11%. Among fetuses with atrial extrasystoles, 1% developed supraventricular tachycardia after birth. During antiarrhythmic therapy, sinus rhythm was achieved in 92% of nonhydropic and in 63% of hydropic fetuses. The latter had higher mortality and risk for neurologic morbidity than did nonhydropic fetuses; 38% versus 3.7% and 40% versus 12%, respectively. Among fetuses with atrioventricular block only, the survival rate was 82%, with a heart defect, prognosis was poor: 50% survived. Sinus bradycardia and ventricular extrasystoles were associated with survival rates of 75% and 67%. In the follow-up of the whole study population lasting a median 5 years, 93% are alive and 3% have a neurologic disorder. CONCLUSION: All fetal arrhythmias except atrial extrasystoles were associated with a moderately high risk for fetal distress. In cases of compromise, fetal and neonatal prognosis was poor and was an indication for perinatal medication. After the newborn period, the prognosis has been good. However, the risk for neurologic morbidity must be taken into consideration.  相似文献   

Objective: Neonatal arrhythmias (NAs) are defined as abnormal heart rates in the neonatal period. They may occur as a result of various cardiovascular, systemic and metabolic problems.

Methods: A retrospective chart review was performed on newborns who were diagnosed with NA during hospitalization in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), or who were admitted to the NICU because of an arrhythmia diagnosis in two NICUs in Turkey from May 2011 to June 2013.

Results: Seventeen neonates with arrhythmias were identified. The incidence of NA was 0.4% and 0.3% in the two NICUs, and was 0.37% in the study population as a whole. Mean gestational age was 37 (29–40) weeks. Nine of the infants (53%) were diagnosed with fetal arrhythmia (FA) during the last week of gestation. The distribution of NA types was as follows: six (35%) supraventricular tachycardia (SVT), six (35%) premature atrial contractions (PACs), two (11%) premature ventricular contractions (PVCs), two (11%) multiple arrhythmias such as SVT?+?PAC and AV block?+?PVC, and one (5%) AV block. Wolff–Parkinson–White syndrome was present in one patient. An association of NA with congenital heart malformations was identified in five cases.

Conclusions: Cardiac arrhythmias are important causes of infant morbidity, and an occasional cause of infant mortality if undiagnosed and untreated. It is important for the physician to be aware of the etiology, development and natural history of arrhythmias in the fetal and neonatal period.  相似文献   

目的 探讨胎儿肾积水的产前超声诊断的临床意义及其预后评估价值.方法 2004年12月至2005年11月在浙江大学医学院附属妇产科医院就诊的妊娠20周以上的9526例单胎孕妇行常规产前超声检查,发现胎儿肾盂前后径≥8 mm者诊断为肾积水而纳入本研究.并按Grignon分级法进行分级,定期检查和记录妊娠结局,直至分娩.结果 (1)胎儿肾积水的发生率及Grignon分级:9526例中共有162例胎儿发生肾积水,发生率为1.7%.于肾积水高峰期行Grignon分级,1级71例,2级59例,3级7例.4级3例,5级22例.(2)发生肾积水的孕周分布:初次发现胎儿肾积水的孕周平均为(33±5)周.肾积水程度达到最高峰的孕周平均为(36±3)周.110例(68%)胎儿肾积水在妊娠期即自行消失,消失孕周平均为(37±4)周.(3)不良妊娠结局:162例肾积水胎儿中有不良妊娠结局40例(25%),其中11例初次发现于孕20~24周中有3例(27%),20例初次发现于孕25~28周中有6例(24%),53例初次发现于孕29~32周中有14例(26%),48例初次发现于孕33~36周中有11例(23%),30例初次发现于孕37~40周中有6例(20%).胎儿肾积水Grignon分级越高,不良妊娠结局发生率也越高,3级及以上者不良妊娠结局发生率达100%.(4)随访结果 :分娩健康新生儿122例(75%,122/162),为110例出生前肾积水自行消失者和12例出生后1周内肾积水自行消失者,随访2年以上其生长发育正常,无泌尿系统后遗症;分娩肾积水新生儿20例(12%,20/162),为出生后1周内超声复查仍存在肾积水者,其中Grignon分级在3级及以下者11例,肾积水消失时间在出生后3个月至12个月不等,患儿生长发育均与同龄儿无明显差异,无泌尿系统症状.结论 胎儿肾积水初次发现的孕周越早,程度越严重,胎儿预后越差.应用Grignon分级法对胎儿肾积水程度进行分级可用于评估肾积水胎儿的预后,以指导临床处理.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/PURPOSE: Outcome for fetuses with prenatally detected congenital heart disease (CHD) and/or cardiac arrhythmias is important for prenatal counseling and perinatal management; however, there exists little literature regarding the outcome for CHD diagnosed in utero in Taiwan. Therefore, we attempted to investigate the outcome for fetuses with CHD and/or cardiac arrhythmias diagnosed prenatally at a tertiary care medical center in Taiwan. METHODS: Between January 1995 and December 2000, 339 patients referred to the National Taiwan University Hospital for fetal echocardiography were included in this study. Medical records were reviewed retrospectively to determine the salient clinical characteristics for all fetuses. RESULTS: CHD was found in 103 fetuses. Gestational age at diagnosis ranged from 17 to 40 weeks; in 37 cases (35.9%) the diagnosis was made before 24 weeks. Mean gestational age at diagnosis was 27.8 weeks. Of the 103 cases, 15 fetuses (14.6%) had major extra cardiac malformations and 15 fetuses (14.6%) had chromosomal abnormalities (five had both) and 30 pregnancies (29.1%) were terminated. Of the remaining 73 pregnancies, three (4.1%) of the fetuses died in utero and 28 (38.4%) postnatally, with 42 (57.5%) surviving. The mortality rates were both 60% in cases with extracardiac or chromosomal anomalies. Arrhythmias were identified in 25, and two pregnancies involving hydrops fetalis were terminated. Of the remaining 23 continued pregnancies, two (8.7%) with long QT syndrome expired postnatally. CONCLUSION: Outcome for fetuses with prenatally detected CHD remains poor, with the prognosis negatively influenced by the presence of complex heart defects as well as extracardiac and chromosomal anomalies. However, prognosis is good for fetuses with cardiac arrhythmia, except with long QT syndrome or hydrops fetalis.  相似文献   

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