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Nelson EC Rust RT Zahorik A Rose RL Batalden P Siemanski BA 《Journal of health care marketing》1992,12(4):6-13
Analysis confirms that patient perceptions of quality are associated with hospital financial performance. Multivariate analysis involving more than 15,000 patients discharged from 51 medical/surgical hospitals shows that discrete dimensions of hospital quality (i.e., medical and billing systems and discharge processes) explain approximately 17%-27% of the variation in financial measures such as hospital earnings, net revenue, and return on assets. The findings suggest that measurable improvements in patients' judgments of hospital quality might translate into better financial performance. The implications of these results and the limitations of the study are discussed. 相似文献
Herr A 《Health economics》2008,17(9):1057-1071
This paper is the first to investigate both the technical and cost efficiency of more than 1500 German general hospitals. More specifically, it deals with the question how hospital efficiency varies with ownership, patient structure, and other exogenous factors, which are neither inputs to nor outputs of the production process. The empirical results for the years from 2001 to 2003 indicate that private and non-profit hospitals are on average less cost efficient and less technically efficient than publicly owned hospitals. The hospital rankings based on estimated efficiency scores turn out to be negatively correlated with average length of stay, which is highest in private hospitals. The results are derived by conducting a Stochastic Frontier Analysis assuming both Cobb-Douglas and translog production technologies and using a newly available and multifaceted administrative German data set. 相似文献
Do private hospitals outperform public hospitals regarding efficiency,accessibility, and quality of care in the European Union? A literature review 下载免费PDF全文
Florien M. Kruse Niek W. Stadhouders Eddy M. Adang Stef Groenewoud Patrick P.T. Jeurissen 《The International journal of health planning and management》2018,33(2):e434-e453
European countries have enhanced the scope of private provision within their health care systems. Privatizing services have been suggested as a means to improve access, quality, and efficiency in health care. This raises questions about the relative performance of private hospitals compared with public hospitals. Most systematic reviews that scrutinize the performance of the private hospitals originate from the United States. A systematic overview for Europe is nonexisting. We fill this gap with a systematic realist review comparing the performance of public hospitals to private hospitals on efficiency, accessibility, and quality of care in the European Union. This review synthesizes evidence from Italy, Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Greece, Austria, Spain, and Portugal. Most evidence suggests that public hospitals are at least as efficient as or are more efficient than private hospitals. Accessibility to broader populations is often a matter of concern in private provision: Patients with higher social‐economic backgrounds hold better access to private hospital provision, especially in private parallel systems such as the United Kingdom and Greece. The existing evidence on quality of care is often too diverse to make a conclusive statement. In conclusion, the growth in private hospital provision seems not related to improvements in performance in Europe. Our evidence further suggests that the private (for‐profit) hospital sector seems to react more strongly to (financial) incentives than other provider types. In such cases, policymakers either should very carefully develop adequate incentive structures or be hesitant to accommodate the growth of the private hospital sector. 相似文献
The tax exemption for not-for-profit hospitals has been subject to many recent challenges, in part related to concerns over whether these hospitals provide sufficient levels of community benefits to merit tax exemption. Computing the value of community benefits for California hospitals as the sum of uncompensated care, education and research, net income, money-losing services, and price discounts from for-profit hospitals reveals that 20 to 80 percent of hospitals would have met various recommended community benefits standards. There is a clear need for hospitals and their communities to establish dialogues on what levels of community benefits are appropriate. 相似文献
For policy-makers the heterogeneity of hospital response to reforms is of crucial concern. Even though a reform may entail a positive effect on average efficiency, policy-makers will consider the reform as less attractive if the variation in hospital efficiency increases. The reason is that increased variance of efficiency across hospitals is likely to increase the impact of geography on access to hospital services. This paper examines the heterogeneity with respect to the impact of a financial reform—Activity Based Financing (ABF)—on hospital efficiency in Norway. From a theoretical model we find an ambiguous effect of hospital heterogeneity on the effect of ABF on efficiency. The data set is from a contiguous 10-year panel of 47 hospitals covering both pre-ABF years and years after its imposition. Substantial heterogeneity in the responses, as measured by both estimated and predicted coefficients, is found. We did not find any significant correlation between pre-ABF measures of efficiency and the effect of ABF on efficiency. We did however find a strongly significant correlation between the effect of ABF and post-ABF efficiency. Thus, the analysis confirms the impression that, whereas pre-ABF efficiency did not play any role in how hospitals responded to ABF, those responding generally ended up as better-performing hospitals. Hence, for the type of reform studied in this article we find that policy-makers do not need to worry about the impact of location on patients’ access to hospital services. 相似文献
Peden EA 《Health care financing review》1992,14(2):125-134
Hospitals adjust expenditures to be a constant proportion of their revenues. An unexpected 10-percent change in hospital revenue generates a 3.5-4.8 percent expenditure change (in the same direction) the year it occurs, with declining changes thereafter (10 percent in total). Non-profit and government hospitals adjust expenditures about 80 percent of the way toward their longrun change near the end of the third year of the revenue change; for-profit hospitals do this at the end of the fourth year. Hospitals with revenue increases make an 80-percent adjustment toward the end of the third year; those with revenue declines do so near the end of the fourth year. 相似文献
LM Kern A Wilcox J Shapiro RV Dhopeshwarkar R Kaushal 《The American journal of managed care》2012,18(8):438-445
Objectives: The financial effects of electronic health records (EHRs) and health information exchange (HIE) are largely unknown, despite unprecedented federal incentives for their use. We sought to understand which components of EHRs and HIE are most likely to drive financial savings in the ambulatory, inpatient, and emergency department settings. Study Design: Framework development and a national expert panel. Methods: We searched the literature to identify functionalities enabled by EHRs and HIE across the 3 healthcare settings. We rated each of 233 functionality-setting combinations on their likelihood of having a positive financial effect. We validated the top-scoring functionalities with a panel of 28 national experts, and we compared the high-scoring functionalities with Stage 1 meaningful use criteria. Results: We identified 54 high-scoring functionality- setting combinations, 27 for EHRs and 27 for HIE. Examples of high-scoring functionalities included providing alerts for expensive medications, providing alerts for redundant lab orders, sending and receiving imaging reports, and enabling structured medication reconciliation. Of the 54 high-scoring functionalities, 25 (46%) are represented in Stage 1 meaningful use. Many of the functionalities not yet represented in meaningful use correspond with functionalities that focus directly on healthcare utilization and costs rather than on healthcare quality per se. Conclusions: This work can inform the development and selection of future meaningful use measures; inform implementation efforts, as cliniciansand hospitals choose from among a "menu" of measures for meaningful use; and inform evaluation efforts, as investigators seek to measure the actual financial impact of EHRs and HIE. 相似文献
Bolon DS 《Hospital topics》2005,83(4):2-9
In this article, the author examined the content of mission statements in both the for-profit and not-for-profit hospital sectors. He used content analysis to compare and contrast the existence and frequency of words or phrases found in the mission statements of each sector. In particular, he analyzed the following three concepts: cost, access, and quality. The author found no significant differences in mission statement content across these three concepts when he compared investor-owned (for-profit) and nongovernmental not-for-profit hospitals. The results of this study suggest that the hospital industry lags behind other sectors in the design and development of thorough and complete mission statements. Hospital executives are encouraged to devote more time to the construction of hospital-specific and comprehensive mission statements that will provide important information for stakeholders, while simultaneously capturing the organization's unique purpose and niche in the competitive healthcare environment. 相似文献
Voyi K 《La Medicina del lavoro》2006,97(2):376-382
INTRODUCTION: The definition of globalisation is varied. However, one certainty is that in a globalised world the borders are porous in many aspects; people movement, goods exchange, knowledge sharing and redistribution of labour. The concept of globalisation, its impact on society, and its direction leads to a two-sided argument. Could this be the effect of globalisation on ethics and social responsibility, as it is perceived? This paper endeavours to further our understanding of the dynamic relationship of globalisation, ethics and social responsibility in occupational health. METHOD: The multidisciplinary activity approach to occupational health was used. The globalisation, ethical and social responsibility relationship of the activities in occupational health was analysed using a schematic map of the direct and indirect influences. RESULTS: The analysis revealed areas that can be clustered to address the interaction between driving forces in occupational health ethics and social responsibility for a healthy workforce. DISCUSSION: Each cluster is discussed highlighting areas of concern. In the discussion proposals are made on how we can modify the way we think in order to avoid repeating mistakes. Suggestion is made of using an innovative method borrowed from other disciplines and adopted for use in occupational health. A partnership approach is proposed and explored on how it will be applied in situations of unequal balance of power. 相似文献
The U.S. hospital industry has recently witnessed a number of policy changes aimed at aligning hospital payments to costs and these can be traced to significant concerns regarding selection of profitable patients and procedures by physician-owned specialty hospitals. The policy responses to specialty hospitals have alternated between payment system reforms and outright moratoriums on hospital operations including one in the recently enacted Affordable Care Act. A key issue is whether physician-owned specialty hospitals pose financial strain on the larger group of general hospitals through cream-skimming of profitable patients, yet there is no study that conducts a systematic analysis relating such selection behavior by physician-owners to financial impacts within hospital markets. The current paper takes into account heterogeneity in specialty hospital behavior and finds some evidence of their adverse impact on profit margins of competitor hospitals, especially for-profit hospitals. There is also some evidence of hospital consolidation in response to competitive pressures by specialty hospitals. Overall, these findings underline the importance of the payment reforms aimed at correcting distortions in the reimbursement system that generate incentives for risk-selection among providers groups. The identification techniques will also inform empirical analysis on future data testing the efficacy of these payment reforms. 相似文献
Shelton G 《Health manpower management》1995,21(4):11-14
Analyses the proposition in this title by reference to experience and reflective consideration, both of the motivation of organizations which are embracing the TQM philosophy and of the essential requirements to understand and interpret social and industrial contexts. 相似文献
This paper develops and tests a dynamic model of hospital focus. It does so by tracing the performance trajectories of specialist and general hospitals to identify whether a performance gap exists and whether it widens or shrinks over time. Our longitudinal analyses of all hospital organizations within the English National Health Service (NHS) reveal not only a notable performance gap between specialist and general hospitals in particular with regards to patient satisfaction that widens over time, but also the emergence of a gap especially with regards to hospital staff job satisfaction. These findings reflect the considerable potential of specialization as a means to enhance hospital effectiveness. However, they also alert health policy makers to the threat of a widening performance gap between specialist and general hospitals with potential negative repercussions at the patient and health system level. 相似文献
BACKGROUND: Important evidence about the mental health effects of unemployment exist; however, little is known about the possible protective effects of various social interventions or about their long-term impact. This study examines the long-term consequences that different types of social programmes, i.e. entitlement and means-tested benefits, might have as regards ameliorating a negative mental health impact of unemployment among women and men. METHODS: Multiple regression models were used to analyse panel data collected in the National Survey of Families and Households in 1987 and 1992. In all 8029 individuals interviewed in both 1987 and 1992 were included in the analysis. A depression index was created from the responses to 15 items from the Center for Epidemiological Studies' Depression Scale-D (CES-D) which were included in the survey. RESULTS: The receipt of government entitlement benefits by unemployed women is associated with a reduction of depression symptoms in the long term. Men and women not working and receiving means-tested or welfare benefits are more likely to report depression in both the short and long term. CONCLUSIONS: The study underscores the need for monitoring the impact of welfare reform on mental health. 相似文献
In 1994 Germany enacted a universal-coverage social insurance program for long-term care to largely replace its means-tested system. The program has achieved many of its stated policy goals: shifting the financial burden of long-term care off the states and municipalities; expanding home and community-based services; lessening dependence on means-tested welfare; and increasing support of informal caregivers. Many of these goals were reached without exploding caseloads or uncontrolled expenditures. We examine the German long-term insurance program, focusing on issues of financing, eligibility and assessment, benefits, availability of services, and quality assurance. 相似文献
Bacikova-Sleskova M van Dijk JP Geckova AM Nagyova I Salonna F Reijneveld SA Groothoff JW 《International journal of public health》2007,52(3):180-187
Objectives: The main purpose of this paper is to explore whether unemployment influences adolescents’ subjective perception of health
and whether perceived financial stress and social contacts can mediate the effect of employment status on health. We are also
interested in the differences in financial situation and social contacts between unemployed secondary school leavers and their
employed and studying counterparts.
Methods: Data were obtained from 844 adolescents (mean age 19.6) from Slovakia. The effect of unemployment on several health indicators
was measured and subsequently controlled for perceived financial strain of respondents and their social contacts.
Results: The results showed highest financial strain among unemployed, whereas only small differences in social contacts were found
between three groups. Negative influence of unemployment on perceived health of respondents was confirmed. Nevertheless, strong
influence was found only on long-term well-being and mental health. Financial situation and social contacts contributed to
the prediction of almost all health outcomes, and to some extent mediated the effect of unemployment.
Conclusions: Although unemployment was found to have a negative impact on health of adolescents, sufficiency of social contacts and good
financial situation seem to decrease this effect and protect the health of unemployed people.
Submitted: 22 May 2006; Revised: 16 February 2007; Accepted: 27 February 2007 相似文献
Carlson P 《Social science & medicine (1982)》2004,59(9):1985-1992
The 'European east--west health divide' has been documented both for mortality and for self-rated health. The reason for this divide, however, remains to be explained. The aim of this study is, firstly, to investigate whether in 1995-97 differences in self-rated health persisted between countries in central and eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union, and western Europe. A further aim is to try to explain these differences with reference to people's financial status and social capital. This study found substantial differences in self-rated health between countries in western Europe, in central and eastern Europe, and in the former Soviet Union (where self-rated health seems to be poorest in general). There were also substantial differences between areas in terms of economic and social capital, with western Europe doing better in all the analysed circumstances. In economic terms people in the former Soviet Union seemed to be more dissatisfied than those living in central and eastern Europe. When one looks at differences in social capital between the two post-communist areas the picture is more mixed. Economic satisfaction was demonstrated to have a strong and significant effect on people's self-rated health, with a higher satisfaction reducing the odds of 'poor' health. When this factor was controlled for the area, differences in self-rated health were reduced dramatically, for both men and women. Organisational activity (men only), trust in people, and confidence in the legal system also reduced the odds of 'less than good health', but were not as important in explaining the health differences between areas. One can conclude that economic factors as well as some aspects of social capital play a role for area differences in self-rated health. Of these it would appear that economic factors are the more important. 相似文献
Lutz S 《Modern healthcare》1996,26(7):85-6, 90, 92 passim
When a tax-exempt hospital is sold, board members may wax eloquently about the synergies, mission and vision of the deal. But how much the facility sells for is becoming the key issue in many communities where tax-exempts have been purchased by investor-owned companies. 相似文献