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Bruijn M  Busari JO  Wolf BH 《Medical education》2006,40(10):1002-1008
BACKGROUND: Clinical supervision promotes the professional development of specialist registrars (SpRs). Our objective was to investigate and compare the perceived quality of supervision (PQS) in a university teaching hospital (UTH) and a district teaching hospital (DTH) and to identify aspects of supervision that could be improved. METHODS: The Cleveland Clinic's teaching effectiveness instrument (CCTEI) was used to measure the quality of supervision of attending doctors. Fifteen items reflecting good teaching ability were rated on a 5-point Likert-scale (1-5 = poor-excellent). RESULTS: SpRs rated 47 attending doctors using the CCTEI. A total of 416 ratings were obtained. Overall, the mean PQS was 3.85 (SD = 0.29) in the DTH and 3.56 (SD = 0.44) in the UTH (P = 0.02). A significant difference in PQS was found in 6 items. The supervisors in the DTH scored better on all these items. The best predictor of PQS was the item 'Organises time to allow for both teaching and care giving'. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, PQS was better in the DTH compared to the UTH. In both settings, generating a good learning environment and respecting the autonomy of the SpRs scored favourably. Supervisory roles focusing on improving cost-effective practice and communicative skills need more emphasis.  相似文献   

Context The NHS Plan has indicated the need to increase the number of doctors in the NHS. To accommodate the substantial increase in student numbers in Birmingham, clinical teaching will need to expand from its traditional base within established teaching hospitals (THs) to district general hospitals (DGHs). Previous studies elsewhere have suggested the experience of students who undertake clinical attachments in DGHs is different from that of students attached to THs. We sought to investigate whether such differences exist in the West Midlands region and to explore the opportunities and problems such differences may present to educators and students alike. Methods A questionnaire‐based survey of the TH and DGH experiences of all medical students in their final year (2000/01) of undergraduate training at the University of Birmingham Medical School was carried out. Results A total of 80% of students responded. Respondents indicated that both the identification of learning objectives and the provision of teaching to meet such objectives were likely to occur in TH and DGH settings equally. However, other differences emerged, suggesting that DGHs offer a friendlier and more supportive learning environment, with greater opportunities for the acquisition of hands‐on practical experience. Conclusions At present, the popularity of DGHs derives from the attitudes of staff and the opportunities for hands‐on experience. However, as student numbers increase, DGHs may be required to take on additional teaching commitments. Will DGHs be able to retain their existing educational characteristics or will they take on those associated with established THs?  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To explore attitudes among National Health Service consultants responsible for delivering basic clinical teaching to medical students. DESIGN: Postal questionnaire. SUBJECTS AND SETTING: A total of 308 acute hospital trust consultants working in 4 'new' and 4 'established' teaching hospitals in the West Midlands metropolitan area, and involved in the delivery of clinical teaching to Year 3 medical students at the University of Birmingham Medical School during 2002-03. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): The questionnaire explored contractual requirements, actual teaching commitments and perceptions of medical students' knowledge and attitudes. Responses from doctors and surgeons and from respondents working in established and new teaching hospitals were compared. RESULTS: A total of 249 responses were received (response rate 80.8%). Although many consultants enjoy teaching students, their enjoyment and their ability to deliver high standards of teaching are compromised by time and resource constraints. For many the situation is aggravated by the perceived inappropriate organisation of the clinical teaching curriculum and the inadequate preparation of students for clinical practice. Linking these themes is the overarching perception among teachers that neither service nor educational establishments afford teaching the levels of recognition and reward associated with clinical work or research. CONCLUSION: To overcome barriers to teaching requires more reciprocal links between hospital staff and medical schools, opportunities for consultants to understand and to comment on curricular and timetable developments, and, perhaps most importantly, recognition (in contractual, financial, managerial and personal terms) of the importance of undergraduate teaching in the competing triad of service, research and education.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: The need to use outpatient clinics as a major learning environment in hospitals for students and doctors-in-training is clear. However, consultant supervisors perceive major barriers to this and continue to rely heavily on traditional inpatient learning. This quantitative study examines what approaches consultant supervisors employ in outpatient learning, together with what they perceive themselves to use and what they would value in further training. METHODS: We observed learning episodes for students and doctors-in-training in medical and surgical clinics. A questionnaire on outpatient teaching was also sent to consultant doctors and surgeons. This was based on these observations and focus groups with students and doctors-in-training. RESULTS: There was an overall survey response rate of 62% (194/311). The dominant forms of learning we observed were 'arms-length' supervision for doctors-in-training and 'modelling' for students. Only 7% of learning episodes involved a doctor-in-training doing something under direct supervision. In contrast to the observation results, consultants considered that students and doctors-in-training received a lot of direct supervision and interaction. For example, 45% considered that doctors-in-training 'may see patients with me in a joint consultation'. Only 30% of respondents would be interested in staff development in learning in outpatient clinics. CONCLUSIONS: Although consultants reported that they frequently used an active approach to learning in outpatient clinics, modelling was used predominantly for students and arms-length supervision was used for doctors-in-training.  相似文献   

Summary. The Universities of Kuopio and Tampere in collaboration with the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health and Finnish Medical Association carried out the 'Junior Physician 88' study in 1988, the purpose of which was to shed further light on the life situation and future plans of young doctors and their views concerning undergraduate and postgraduate medical education. The study concerned all the doctors registered during the years 1977–1986 in Finland (   n = 5208  ). After randomization, a postal questionnaire was sent to one half (   n = 2631  ) of these doctors. After the first reminder letter, 1745 questionnaires (66.3%) were returned. According to the views of the respondents undergraduate hospital teaching was adequate but the teaching of practice in health centres, school health care, team-work, health care of the elderly, home health care, rehabilitation, environmental health care and administration did not meet the professional needs of doctors. All doctors were satisfied with the hospital teaching in their undergraduate curriculum. However, only the doctors who graduated from the two modern universities in Kuopio and Tampere were satisfied with their undergraduate health centre teaching.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Debate continues with respect to when to introduce interprofessional education for maximal potential benefit. One perspective is that interprofessional education should be introduced early in the undergraduate curriculum before students develop stereotyped impressions of other professional groups. However, it may be that students at entry to medical school have already developed these stereotypical impressions. This study examines perceived professional characteristics of doctors and nurses by students entering medical school. METHODOLOGY: Year 1 medical students in 4 consecutive years completed a questionnaire on their perceptions of the characteristics and backgrounds of nurses and doctors and on their attitudes to shared teaching. RESULTS: Year 1 medical students were found to perceive the characteristics of doctors and nurses differently. They considered nurses to be more caring and doctors to be more arrogant. They considered nurses to have lower academic ability, competence and status, although comparable life experience. They were generally very positive about beginning shared learning at an early stage of training. DISCUSSION: Whilst it is encouraging that medical students are positive about shared teaching, it is of concern that they have a poor perception of the academic ability, status in society and professional competence of the nurse at entry to medical school. These perceived impressions, which may reflect societal misconceptions regarding the roles and responsibilities of nurses within a modern health care system, may have an impact on the success of early interprofessional teaching initiatives in undergraduate curricula.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine whether doctors in their first year after qualification wanted career advice, and, if so, whether they thought they had been able to obtain useful advice, and whether older doctors thought that adequate career advice had been available to them. METHODS: We carried out a postal questionnaire survey of all UK medical graduates of 1988, 1993, 1996, 1999 and 2002, and a 25% random sample of the graduates of 2000. RESULTS: The response rate was 67.4% (24 261/35 976 mailed questionnaires). Of doctors in the first postgraduate year, 95% agreed that: 'It is important to be given career advice at this stage of training.' A total of 38% disagreed with the statement: 'I have been able to obtain useful career advice since graduation.' Of more experienced doctors surveyed between 3 and 11 years after graduation, 34% agreed that: 'Making career choices has been made more difficult by inadequate career advice.' CONCLUSIONS: The great majority of junior doctors want career advice after qualification. It cannot be assumed that they are able to seek it out for themselves satisfactorily. Career advice needs to be planned into postgraduate work and training.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Undergraduate medical education in the UK has changed considerably over the last decade. One development has involved the creation of teaching-specific posts for junior doctors by medical schools. These posts are generally termed 'clinical teaching fellowships', but it is not known how many of them exist, or whether they are similar in terms of educational activities, professional development, and research and clinical experience opportunities. METHODS: Teaching deans in all UK medical schools were sent a questionnaire relating to clinical teaching fellowships, and were asked to distribute a second set of different questionnaires to their clinical teaching fellows, which were to be returned to the authors separately. RESULTS: A total of 28 deans and 46 fellows responded. Fifteen medical schools had clinical teaching fellows and there appeared to be a total of 77 such posts in the UK. There was little uniformity in the activities undertaken within the posts. Deans who employed clinical teaching fellows were unanimously positive regarding the posts. Fellows were generally positive but expressed reservations relating to approval for postgraduate training, career development, deterioration in clinical skills, financial disincentives, credibility within one's own specialty, and provision of training and support. CONCLUSIONS: Clinical teaching fellow posts are generally enjoyed by fellows and valued by deans. Fellows carry out differing duties and their training in medical education is variable. The posts can be unstructured and may lack credibility to doctors outside medical education. Providing specific structured training in medical education, recognised at a national level, would help deal with these concerns.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Career choice, sense of professional identity and career behaviour are influenced, subject to change and capable of development through interaction with the learning environment. In this paper workplace learning discourses are used to frame ongoing concerns associated with higher specialist training. Data from the first stage of a multimethods investigation into recruitment into and retention in specialties in the West Midlands is used to consider some possible effects of the specialist learning environment on recruitment and retention. METHODS: The aim of the study was to identify issues, through interviews with 6 consultants and questionnaires completed by specialist registrars from specialties representing a range of recruitment levels. These would inform subsequent study of attributes and dispositions relevant to specialist practice and recruitment. The data were analysed using NVivo software for qualitative data management. RESULTS: Participants' perceptions are presented as bipolar dimensions, associated with: curriculum structure, learning relationships, assessment of learning, and learning climate. They demonstrate ongoing struggle between different models of workplace learning. CONCLUSION: Changes in the postgraduate education of doctors seem set to continue well into the future. How these are reflected in the balance between workplace learning models, and how they influence doctors' sense of identity as specialists suggests a useful basis for examination of career satisfaction and recruitment to specialties.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To obtain an understanding of basic science medical teachers' conceptions of learning and their ideas for facilitation of learning. METHODS: Teaching staff at a biomedical centre (n = 62) were asked to describe their definitions of learning, their suggestions for how to solve an applied educational problem and their intended activities when teaching students. The research was carried out using a questionnaire consisting of open-ended and fixed-choice questions. RESULTS: Although 1 in 4 teachers endorsed constructivist conceptions of learning, only 1 in 8 actually reported using activating teaching strategies. Conceptions of learning did not co-vary with teaching practice. CONCLUSIONS: The assumption that conceptions of learning and teaching practice are aligned was challenged. The current questionnaire could be used as an intervention tool for educational development to map whether or not there is a match between teachers' conceptions and their practice.  相似文献   

Basic clinical skills: don't leave teaching to the teaching hospitals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OBJECTIVE: To compare student perception of teaching in general practice (GP), district general hospitals (DGHs) and teaching hospitals (THs) and their examination results. SETTING: The medical school at Queen's University, Belfast. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: A total of 161 medical and 34 dental students completed an objective structured clinical examination and questionnaire at the end of their second semester of basic skills teaching. They scored the course for teaching style, educational value and enjoyment. Teaching attributes of the tutors were similarly recorded. Students were also asked to quantify how time was used and to comment on the course. INTERVENTIONS: A new programme for teaching first- and second-year students basic clinical skills in the community. RESULTS: Teaching in GP and DGHs was reported to be more educational and enjoyable than in the TH. In GP most time was spent being lectured, in DGHs most time was spent with the patient, and in THs, waiting for the tutor. General practitioners and doctors in DGHs were more likely to model positive teaching attitudes such as showing interest in students and providing feedback. The most common complaints related to insufficient time spent with patients in GP and poor tutor preparation in THs. All teaching sites achieved similar examination results. CONCLUSION: Clinical skills can be taught to medical students early in their curriculum using GP tutors. Student preference was strongly for being taught by GPs rather than in THs. Simple steps such as prior preparation and the locating of a suitable patient could markedly improve student experience both in GP and in hospitals.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Medical student numbers in Britain are increasing rapidly, beyond the capacity of most teaching hospitals, with more clinical teaching taking place in district general hospitals (DGHs). Surveys show that students value the intensive clinical teaching, smaller student numbers and perceived greater friendliness in DGHs. This paper explores DGH staff attitudes to teaching--their level of initial enthusiasm, their attitudes to current teaching, its effect on the hospital and to the sustainability of DGH undergraduate teaching--as both student numbers and service workloads continue to rise. METHODS: Semi-structured interviews with 6 key informants were used to generate themes for a 19-question pre-piloted anonymous postal questionnaire sent to all 68 staff involved in undergraduate medical teaching in Northampton General Hospital. RESULTS: The total response included 85% of consultants. Responses in the 3 staff groups were similar. Most respondents felt enthusiastic at the prospect of medical students, although they realised that this would be intellectually challenging and increase time pressures. These predictions were largely fulfilled. Respondents felt that in comparison to teaching hospitals the DGH teaching was more clinically based and consultant-led, with more approachable staff. Currently 41 respondents (82%) felt that they had inadequate teaching time. A majority felt that the arrival of students had improved patient care and that their department had benefited. Thirty-seven responders (74%) felt that the planned doubling of student numbers would impose an unsustainable departmental load, and would compromise teaching quality. The change felt most necessary to support additional teaching was increased clinical medical staff. Better co-ordination between the DGH and the medical school was also felt necessary. The most popular choice for the distribution of extra teaching finance was to the teacher's directorate, i.e. speciality [33 (66%)]. Forty-four (86%) felt that increased student numbers would have a significant impact on the character of the hospital. The 108 free-text comments (2.1 per respondent) centred on hospital character and the benefits of students. CONCLUSIONS: This study shows a considerable initial enthusiasm for teaching in DGH staff, which is persisting despite increasing student numbers. However, the current teaching load is seen to be substantial. Teaching more students is likely to produce major problems, based on lack of teaching time and increasingly heavy service commitments rather than lack of patients. This is likely to be a widespread problem for DGHs. Failure to ensure adequate teaching staff and facilities as well as co-ordination could threaten the sustainability of this potentially valuable teaching initiative.  相似文献   

The examination for membership of the Royal Colleges of Physicians has a high failure rate despite intensive clinical coaching provided by many postgraduate courses. One of the main difficulties appears to be the failure of candidates to identify specific shortcomings in their clinical behaviour. In this study videorecording was used as a method of self-appraisal enabling the candidate to identify strengths and weaknesses. The evidence from the study suggests that self-appraisal by videorecording should be used as an adjunct to clinical instruction.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The principal aim was to assess the psychiatric topics that doctors and students considered most important for undergraduate teaching. Differences between doctors and students, men and women, physicians/students with or without an interest in psychiatry were examined. DESIGN: A mailed questionnaire was used concerning the knowledge and skills of psychological/psychiatric medi- cine considered to be needed in medical practice. SETTING: The Medical School of the University of Geneva. SUBJECTS: Doctors and undergraduate medical students in their last 2 years of medical training. RESULTS: Both doctors and students agreed on most topics, even though the students tended to give all items a higher rating. Both groups agreed on the importance of the following main topics: the doctor-patient relationship, identification and management of the principal psychiatric disorders and their associated risks and problems of a psychosocial nature. Those doctors showing an interest in psychiatry tended to accentuate the importance attached to interpersonal skills. The male and female doctors and students expressed very similar opinions. The female doctors, however, tended to attach greater importance to relational-emotional aspects and to disorders affecting children and adolescents than did their male colleagues, which is probably a reflection of the specific role that women still play within our society. When asked to assess the current teaching they received in medical school, the students considered that certain important aspects of psychiatry were insufficiently taught. CONCLUSION: These results confirm the importance of teaching psychiatry with an emphasis on problems encountered in general practice.  相似文献   

Objectives  In order to teach medical students to engage more fully with patients, we offer ethics education as a tool to assist in the management of patient health issues.
Methods  We propose that many dilemmas in clinical medicine would benefit by having the doctor embark on an iterative reasoning process with the patient. Such a process acknowledges and engages the patient as a moral agent. We recommend employing Kant's ethic of respect and a more inclusive definition of patient autonomy drawn from philosophy and clinical medicine, rather than simply presenting dichotomous choices to patients, which represents a common, but often suboptimal, means of approaching both medical and moral concerns.
Discussion  We describe how more nuanced teaching about the ethics of the doctor–patient relationship might fit into the medical curriculum and offer practical suggestions for implementing a more respectful, morally engaged relationship with patients that should assist them to achieve meaningful health goals.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to develop a better understanding of how medical trainees define medical errors and what factors influence medical trainees' perceptions of medical errors. METHODS: We surveyed 423 medical students and house staff at an urban academic medical centre to learn about how they defined medical errors, their experiences with medical errors, their beliefs about when a patient should be informed of an error, and their attitudes towards medical errors with differing severity of outcomes. RESULTS: Trainees stated that an event could be considered an error regardless of outcome, negligence, intention or consent. Definitions did not vary according to gender or level of training. Trainees had increasing feelings of guilt and fear as the outcomes related to errors worsened. Respondents were more likely to feel guilty and angry at themselves, and be afraid of accusations of malpractice, losing their licence, damaging their reputation, or losing confidence when errors were made while working individually versus in a team setting. Female trainees were more likely than male trainees to feel guilty and angry at themselves, and were afraid of losing confidence if they made an error. CONCLUSIONS: Trainees' perceptions and attitudes towards errors vary depending on whether they are in their clinical years, the severity of outcome, and whether the error is attributable to an individual or a team. These factors will have to be explored in greater depth if we are adequately to prepare young doctors for the errors they will inevitably make.  相似文献   

Context Small‐group learning is advocated for enhancing higher‐order thinking and the development of skills and attitudes. Teacher performance, group interaction and the quality of assignments have been shown to affect small‐group learning in hybrid and problem‐based curricula. Objectives This study aimed to examine the perceptions of student groups as to how teacher performance, group interaction and the quality of assignments are related to one another and to learning effects in seminars of 15–30 students in a hybrid curriculum. Methods We constructed a 28‐item questionnaire and administered it to 639 students attending 32 seminars in Years 1–4 of an undergraduate veterinary curriculum. We performed factor analysis and reliability analysis of the questionnaire. We used correlation and regression analyses to explore the interactions of the four‐factor model, with teacher performance, group interaction and quality of assignments as independent variables and the perceived learning effect of the seminars as the dependent variable. Results The response rate was 99%. Teacher performance (β = 0.78) and group interaction (? 0.28) significantly influenced the perceived learning effect. The total effect of the quality of assignments (through effects on teacher performance and group interaction) was 0.47. Discussion The strong relationship between teacher performance and learning effect suggests that students rely strongly on their teachers. The negative effect of group interaction may reflect poor alignment of teaching and assessment and poor organisation of group processes. This should be further examined. Comparative studies on seminars are also recommended.  相似文献   

Objectives  The need to address cultural and ethnic diversity issues in medical education as a means to improve the quality of care for all has been widely emphasised. Cultural competence has been suggested as an instrument with which to deal with diversity issues. However, the implementation of culturally competent curricula appears to be difficult. We believe the development of curricula would profit from a framework that provides a practical translation of abstract educational objectives and that is related to competencies underlying the medical curriculum in general. This paper proposes such a framework.
Methods  The framework illustrates the following cultural competencies: knowledge of epidemiology and the differential effects of treatment in various ethnic groups; awareness of how culture shapes individual behaviour and thinking; awareness of the social context in which specific ethnic groups live; awareness of one's own prejudices and tendency to stereotype; ability to transfer information in a way the patient can understand and to use external help (e.g. interpreters) when needed, and ability to adapt to new situations flexibly and creatively.
Discussion  The framework indicates important aspects in taking care of an ethnically diverse patient population. It shows that there are more dimensions to delivering high-quality care than merely the cultural. Most cultural competencies emphasise a specific aspect of a generic competency that is of extra importance when dealing with patients from different ethnic groups. We hope our framework contributes to the further development of cultural competency in medical curricula.  相似文献   

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