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Facial paralysis is a commonly encountered disease in the clinic. It is known in Westernmedicine as Bell‘s paralysis and in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) as deviation of the eye and mouth. Currently, there are a variety of therapies for treating facial paralysis both in TCM and Western medicine, each therapy has its advantages. In recent two years the author has tried acupoint injection therapy for treatment of 82 cases of periphery facial paralysis (attributed to wind-cold pattern) and achieved a good therapeutic effect. Here is the report.  相似文献   

With gradual generalization of acupuncture-moxibustion therapy in developed countries, an increasing attention has been paid to its application in the athletic field. Wrist-ankle acupuncture is a kind of shallow acupuncture, by which 6 points in the wrist and ankle regions are selected and punctured for treating diseases related to individual parts of the body. It is a kind of information therapy concerning biological hologram regularities. The analgesic effects of the therapy in treating some common diseases in 64 athletes are reported as follows.……  相似文献   

Study on Impact of Inserting Qihai and Sanyinjiao Point on the Endocrine Changes in Insulin Resisting PCOS
HU Zhi - hai, WANG Yi, SHEN Hong- bin
Abstract:Objective:To explore the impact of inserting qihai and Sany- injiao point on the endocrine changes in insulin resisting(IR) PCOS. Methods:Fifty cases of IR PCOS were divided into a Sanyinjiao therapy group of 25 cases and a Qihai therapy group of 25 cases with randomized and controlled method. Two groups were treated for three months. Levels of hormones and BMI,FNS before treatment and after treatment of 3 months were investigated. Results: It was obvious change for E2 and T on the Sanyinjiao group(P 〈 0.05), it was significant change for E2(P 〈 0.01),and obvious change for LH and IH/FSH (P 〈0.05) on the Qihai group. It was not obvious change for BMI,  相似文献   

In the present paper,the clinical curative effects of catgut embedding therapyand traditional acupuncture therapy for treatment of lumbar muscle strain were compared.The sameacupoints were used in both groups.Results showed that the effective rates were 100% and 92.5%respectively in 80 cases of the catgut embedding group and 40 cases of the acupuncture group.Therewas a significant difference between the two groups(P<0.005).It indicates that the catgut embed-ding therapy is an effective method for treatment of lumbar muscle strain.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of electroacupuncture as an adjuvant treatment with first-line medications on bone metabolism biomarkers and interleukin-17(IL-17) in the peripheral blood of patients with rheumatoid arthritis(RA).METHODS: Sixty RA patients were randomized into three groups. The control group was treated with methotrexate plus leflunomide(MTX + LEF),the acupuncture group was treated with simple needling plus MTX + LEF, and the patients in the electroacupuncture(EA) group were treated with EA plus MTX + LEF. EA or acupuncture was applied every other day for a total of 10 times over a treatment period of 8 weeks.RESULTS: In all three treatment groups, serum levels of the bone metabolism markers PICP, N-MID,and B-ALP were elevated and the concentrations of the inflammatory markers β-CTx, IL-17, CRP, and TRACP-5b were reduced after treatment. These differences were significant for the EA group but not the other groups(P 0.05).CONCLUSION: EA could effectively reduce the suffering and improve the quality of life of RA patients. It is a promising adjuvant therapy for enhancing the effectiveness of clinical therapeutics.  相似文献   

Objective: To observe the clinical effects of acupoint sticking therapy in the three ten-day periods in summer and three nine-day periods in winter. Methods: Herbal medicines were prepared into crude herbal powder and made into paste with ginger juice, and were respectively applied to the corresponding acupoints in the three ten-day periods in summer and three nine-day periods in winter. Results: The results showed 45 cases were cured, 50 cases were improved, and 5 cases failed out of 100 cases, with the total effective rate of 95%. Conclusion: The acupoint sticking therapy for the treatment and prevention of allergic rhinitis is simple in method, remarkable in effects, acceptable to the patients, and is worthy of clinical popularization.  相似文献   

The author used the pricking-blood therapy to treat 14 cases of laryngeal car-buncle.The pricking-blood therapy included clumpy pricking(local area),spot pricking(prickingSanshang points on the thumb and three points of the helix).The therapy has role of clearing awaypathogentic heat and toxic materials and promoting subsidence of swelling.It could avoid forming py-opoiesis and free from operating treatment.The treatment was given once daily,result:13 cases cured(93%),1 case failed(7%).In 14 cases,antero-upper type has 13 cases which cured,postero-uppertype has only 1 case which treated failure.It is because its imflammation was located on posterior totonsillae,exposed bad and pricked difficulty.So the therapy only used antero-upper type of laryngealcarbuncle and had a good effect.  相似文献   

This article Introduces the clinical experience of treating pain syndrome by shu (stream)points of the hand three Yang meridians.The authors used the shu(stream)points for some pain syndromes.It develops the indications of shu(stream)points which used to be only applied to heavy sensations of the body and painful joints.It is highly important for the effective result to be the contralateral puncturing combined with doing exercises and a long retaining of needlles,such as one hour.Most of acute pain can be cured by one treatment.As for stubborn pain,It can be alleviated by 5—10 treatments.  相似文献   

Intradermal needle therapy is a kind of therapy by embedding specially-made short needles in the points for long time retaining.It is also known as needleembedding therapy,develops from the ancient method of needle retaining[1].Intradermal needle therapy can be used to treat some diseases which need long time retaining of the needle[2-5].  相似文献   

贺普仁教授是我国著名针灸学家、国医大师,贺老根据自身实践及前人经验创立针灸"三通"法,分别为"微通法"、"温通法"、"强通法",贺氏火针归属于"温通法"。周震教授师从贺老,继承其医学理论及临床经验,对其斑秃的治疗深入研究,整理并归纳贺老的理论及贺氏火针治疗斑秃的临床经验,为临床提供参考。  相似文献   

针刺疗法心理干预的基本特征及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针刺疗法全过程是语言暗示、认知行为治疗和躯体治疗系统的完整组合.辨证诊断有语言暗示作用,得气的生物信息放大现象及可操作性有认知行为治疗作用.针刺的客观疗效既有临床治疗意义,又有减少或杜绝外源性不良心理刺激,调节5-羟色胺、多巴胺浓度,稳定机体内环境等多重心理治疗作用.按照"告之以其败,语之以其善,导之以其所便,开之以其所苦"程序操作,以得气为重点将各环节的心理治疗特征有序、有效地组合,协同心理治疗与躯体治疗作用的效果,符合中医学标本兼治和"气至而有效"等理论.  相似文献   

杨晓琼 《光明中医》2012,27(5):855-857
目的探讨《玉龙歌·杨氏注解》中所记载的透穴刺法对头痛的治疗及其理论根据,使其更好地运用于临床。方法通过查阅古籍,对《玉龙歌·杨氏注解》中有关透穴刺法治疗头痛的内容进行分析、归纳。并参考现代临床实际疗效,进行典型病例分析。结果《玉龙歌·杨氏注解》中所记载的透穴刺法治疗头痛具备很多有力的理论依据,而现代临床实践也表明其疗效显著。结论无论在古代抑或是现代,透穴刺法治疗头痛都有其独特的治疗优势,应广泛应用于临床。  相似文献   

Dr. He's bloodletting therapy utilizing three edged needles is one of his “three adjusting methods of acupuncture”. During his 70 years of clinical practice, he developed the theory that most diseases are caused by qi stagnation, and in order to restore qi circulation one needs to improve the blood circulation first. Based on this theory, in combination with empirical insights from clinical practice, he has developed a unique technique for using three-edged needles. He has also categorized and extended the application of bloodletting therapy with three edged needles to cover over 150 diseases. In addition, Dr. He's bloodletting therapy with three edged needles is an innovation that may inspire other physicians to develope and expand the use of acupuncture-related therapies to treat disease.  相似文献   

王永炎先生研究发现急性脑卒中半数以上存在痰热腑实,并提出了化痰通腑治法,当时受到中华全国中医学会内科学会推荐。经过30多年的临床研究和临床应用验证,不断为化痰通腑法治疗中风急症提供依据,已被编入卫生部"十二五"规划教材《中医内科学》等,成为中医治疗中风急性期的主要治法而备受推崇,在一定程度上推动了中医治疗中风的临床进展。  相似文献   

石学敏院士从"百病始生,皆源于神,凡刺之法,必先治神"的整体观念论治特发性震颤,治疗以神为本,注重对"神"的调节,提出治疗特发性震颤的新方案。石院士认为本病病位在"脑",脑为髓之海,病机为窍闭神妄,阳缓阴急,致使经筋拘挛弛纵,诱发颤证。治疗应醒神开窍,安神定志,调和阴阳,并强调"醒神、调神、安神"的重要性,形成以脑统神、以神统针、以针调神的学术思想。石学敏院士重视手法的运用和针刺手法量效关系,在其从医数十载的临床治疗中发现,神机异常是百病始生的关键。通过"醒神、调神、安神",在改善特发性震颤患者不自主运动方面均显现其独特优势。  相似文献   

“毒邪”的内涵及其致病特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
系统回顾历代医籍中有关毒邪论述,对毒邪的概念进行了归纳分类,提出毒邪(邪之甚者)致病的发展过程分为气、血、精三个阶段,并概括毒邪致病在不同阶段的临床特征,为毒邪致病的临床辨治提供新的思路。  相似文献   

移动灸法,系指医师运用点燃的药艾条在人体穴位或患处进行活动性治疗的一种艾灸疗法。由传统的“悬起灸”、“温和灸”、“回旋灸”、“雀啄灸”演变而来。具有温经散寒、回阳固脱、消瘀散结。补虚泻实、平衡阴阳、防病保健、促使循经感传气至病所的作用。1.上热下温、疏通经脉:治疗者两手各持1~2支点燃的艾条,一手灸患处,一手灸远端穴位,使患者皮肤产生上热下温的感觉。此法适应于胃痉挛、肠痉挛、胆道蛔虫、痛经、寒庙等病证。2.下热上温、益气因脱:治疗者两手各持1~2支点燃的文条,一手灸患处,一手灸远端的穴位,使患者皮肤产…  相似文献   



For three years, a 40 year-old male patient had been suffering from headache after having lost his job. His permanent pain could not be influenced by analgetic drugs. Additionally, he suffered from lower back pain and tinnitus (ringing in both ears). All these problems affected his general condition in a way that he didn't feel capable of looking for a new job.


Improvement of pain and reduction of tinnitus, to enable the patient to find a new employment.


YNSA, ear and body acupuncture


After ten treatments, there was no significant improvement of the headache and the lower back pain. There was also no change in general condition and regarding the tinnitus. The patient quit acupuncture after the tenth session, as he felt he could not relax in the busy surroundings of the outpatient service of the hospital. Within the following weeks the patient felt better little by little without any further treatment. Finally, the ringing in the ears only reoccurred in stressful situations. He found a new job and needed no consultations for 4 years until after an argument with his son, the headache reappeared.


For a positive reaction to manifest, chronic disease sometimes needs more than 10 treatments with acupuncture. Still, it may be justified to stop therapy, especially if the patient doesn't feel comfortable with it and longs for the end of the treatment series. A sudden improvement may as well happen within the weeks following the termination of therapy. There can be a delayed reaction causing the desired effect to manifest in a period of “no treatment”.  相似文献   

文章从病因、诊断、治疗三个层面探讨邪概念的内涵,认为邪或从外来、或自内生,均是与正相对待而伤正为害的因素。邪从“审证求因”诊断而来,与现代医学的理、化、生物致病因素不可等同;所谓祛邪治疗也决非单纯排毒杀菌,而是对机体抗邪反应综合调节的结果。  相似文献   

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