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Background22q11.2 deletions (22qDEL) and duplications (22qDUP) are among the most common copy number variants (CNVs) associated with neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs). Little is known about the earliest developmental features of 22q11.2 CNVs and whether developmental delays are detected in early childhood. This study primarily aimed to assess general development and social communication in 22q11.2 CNV carriers age 5 and under.MethodParticipants included parents of children age 5 and under with a reported genetic diagnosis of 22qDEL (N = 63) or 22qDUP (N = 30). In addition to questions addressing clinical and intervention information, two standardized parent questionnaires—the Ages & Stages Questionnaires, Third Edition (ASQ-3) and the Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales Developmental Profile Infant/Toddler Checklist (ITC)—screened for developmental and social communication delays, respectively.ResultsDevelopmental delay and speech and/or language delay were the most commonly reported NDD diagnoses among young 22q11.2 CNV carriers, with prevalences at 19% and 17%, respectively. In the vast majority (91%) of 22q11.2 CNV carriers, parents reported concerns in at least one developmental domain, with 71% reporting global developmental concerns. 70% of parents of 22q11.2 CNV carriers age 2 and under also reported social communication concerns.ConclusionsThe high prevalence of reported developmental concerns in both CNV groups reinforces the need for close monitoring of early neurodevelopment in 22q11.2 CNV carriers with regard to both developmental delays and autism risk.  相似文献   

The extent to which the phenotype of children comorbid for velocardiofacial syndrome (VCFS) and autism spectrum disorders (ASD) differs from that of VCFS-only has not been studied. The sample consisted of 41 children (20 females) with VCFS, ranging in age from 6.5 years to 15.8 years. Eight children with VCFS met formal DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for autism based upon the ADI-R. These eight plus an additional nine participants met diagnostic criteria for an autistic spectrum disorder (VCFS + ASD). Ninety-four percent of the children with VCFS + ASD had a co-occurring psychiatric disorder while 60% of children with VCFS had a psychiatric disorder. Children with VCFS + ASD had larger right amygdala volumes. All other neuroanatomic regions of interest were statistically similar between the two groups.  相似文献   

Chromosome aberrations have long been studied in an effort to identify susceptibility genes for schizophrenia. Chromosome 22q11.2 microdeletion is associated with DiGeorge and Velocardiofacial syndromes (DG/VCF) and provides the most convincing evidence of an association between molecular cytogenetic abnormality and schizophrenia. In addition, this region is one of the best replicated linkage findings for schizophrenia. Recently, the reciprocal microduplication on 22q11.2 has been reported as a new syndrome. Preliminary data indicates that individuals with these duplications also suffer from neuropsychiatric disorders. In this study we have investigated the appropriateness of testing schizophrenia patients for the 22q11.2 microduplication. We used multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) to measure copy number changes on the 22q11.2 region in a sample of 190 patients with schizophrenia. Our results corroborate the prevalence of the 22q11.2 microdeletion in patients with schizophrenia and clinical features of DG/VCFS and do not suggest an association between 22q11.2 microduplication and schizophrenia.  相似文献   

22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22qDS) is a genetic syndrome associated with a chromosome 22q11.2 deletion and variable phenotypic expression that commonly includes schizophrenia. Approximately 1% of patients with schizophrenia have 22qDS. The schizophrenia in 22qDS appears broadly similar to that found in the general population with respect to core signs and symptoms, treatment response, neurocognitive profile, and MRI brain anomalies. However, individuals with a 22qDS form of schizophrenia typically have distinguishable physical features, have a lower IQ, and may differ in auxiliary clinical features. IQ, length of 22q11.2 deletions, and COMT functional allele do not appear to be major risk factors for schizophrenia in 22qDS. Ascertainment biases and small sample sizes are limitations of most studies. Larger studies over the lifespan and continuing education about this underrecognized condition are needed. 22qDS-schizophrenia is an important genetic subtype and a valuable model of neurodevelopmental mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Adolescents with 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome (22q11.2DS) and Schizotypal Personality Disorder (SPD) are at increased risk for the development of psychosis based, respectively, on genetic or behavioral factors. Thus both groups would be expected to manifest heightened rates of the prodromal signs that typically precede psychosis. Although there are now standardized procedures for assessing prodromal symptoms, there has been little research on the manifestation of these symptoms in 22q11.2DS patients, and no studies of differences in prodromal symptom patterns between genetically and behaviorally defined at-risk groups. In this study, demographically matched groups of 23 SPD, 23 22q11.2DS, and 23 control participants were administered the Structured Interview for Prodromal Syndromes (SIPS). Both risk groups showed elevated positive, negative, disorganized, and general prodromal symptoms, as well as elevations on 10 of the same individual symptom items, relative to the control group. Approximately 60% of individuals in the 22q11.2DS group and 70% of individuals in the SPD group met symptom criteria for a prodromal psychosis syndrome. The 22q11.2DS group scored significantly higher than the SPD group on the "decreased ideational richness" item and showed a trend toward greater motor abnormalities. The results suggest that these two high-risk groups are similar in prodromal symptom presentation, possibly as a result of overlapping causal mechanisms, and that standardized measures of prodromal syndromes like the SIPS can be used to identify 22q11.2DS patients at greatest risk for conversion to psychosis.  相似文献   

The behavioural phenotype of 22q11.2 deletion syndrome syndrome (22q11DS), one of the most common human multiple anomaly syndromes, frequently includes intellectual disability (ID) together with high risk of diagnosis of psychotic disorders including schizophrenia. Candidate cognitive endophenotypes include problems with retrieval of contextual information from memory and in executive control and focussing of attention. 22q11DS may offer a model of the relationship between ID and risk of psychiatric disorder. This paper reviews research on the relationship between the cognitive phenotype and the development of psychiatric disorders in 22q11DS.Aspects of cognitive function including verbal I.Q., visual memory, and executive function, are associated with mental health outcome in people with 22q11DS. This relationship may result from a common neurobiological basis for the cognitive difficulties and psychiatric disorders. Some of the cognitive difficulties experienced by people with 22q11DS, especially in attention, memory retrieval, and face processing, may, however, in themselves constitute risk factors for development of hallucinations and paranoid delusions.Future research into factors leading to psychiatric disorder in people with 22q11DS should include assessment of social and psychological factors including life events, symptoms associated with trauma, attachment, and self-esteem, which together with cognitive risk factors may mediate mental health outcome.  相似文献   

Arthrogryposis is a rare congenital disorder characterized by multiple fixed joint contractures. Decreased fetal movement, regardless of etiology, causes an immobilization of the affected joints and subsequent contractures. Amyoplasia refers to the most common variant of arthrogryposis in which patients develop symmetrical limb contractures because of muscle underdevelopment. It is a sporadic condition with no known genetic abnormality being linked to this syndrome. The authors report a 4-month-old boy with amyoplasia carrying a novel de novo 614-Kb duplication of the 22q11.2 region. Amyoplasia has not been reported in patients with 22q11.2 microduplication syndrome. This particular 614-Kb duplicated segment contains 7 genes located within the typical 22q11.2 duplication region and 2 genes, TUBA8 and USP18, mapping outside of the typical region. This patient broadens the phenotypic spectrum of the 22q11.2 microduplication syndrome and raises the possibility that TUBA8 and USP18 may play an important role in the pathogenesis of amyoplasia.  相似文献   

Velocardiofacial syndrome (VCFS) is a congenital disorder characterised by multiple dysmorphisms, cleft palate, cardiac anomalies, and learning disabilities due to a microdeletion of chromosome 22q11.2. Although VCFS is often associated with psychiatric symptoms, its prevalence among psychiatric patients is unknown. A total of 326 patients admitted in September and October 1997 to a Japanese psychiatric hospital were screened for the clinical features of VCFS. Twelve patients with minor facial dysmorphia were identified; chromosomal analysis with fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH) was performed in six patients who, further assessment suggested, were most likely to have VCFS. Chromosome 22q11.2 deletion was identified in a 41 year old woman who had symptoms of schizophrenia but no major dysmorphia, such as cardiovascular anomalies and cleft palate. Her behavioural and neuropsychological profiles were similar to those previously reported in VCFS. She was hemizygous for the FISH probe N25 (GDB locus D22S75) and also for probes N72H9 (D22S181), sc11.1a, C443 (D22S941), sc4.1 (D22S134), sc11.1b, N19B3 (D22S264), N122B5 (D22S934), and N77F7 (D22S939). The size of the deletion was about 3 Mb. Our patient had only some features of VCFS including a square nasal root, hypernasal speech, and hypoparathyroidism. She did, however, have the common larger deletion of type A. This finding suggests that psychiatric symptoms in VCFS can occur without major developmental symptoms such as cardiovascular anomalies and cleft palate. Additional patients with schizophrenia may have subtle features of VCFS which are unrecognised on routine medical examinations.  相似文献   

Bayat  Michael  Bayat  Allan 《Neurological sciences》2022,43(3):1695-1700
Neurological Sciences - 22q11.2 deletion syndrome is the most common microdeletion syndrome. This article reviews the different neurological manifestations of 22q11.2 deletion syndrome. The...  相似文献   

Microduplication of the 22q11.2 chromosomal region has been recognized since 1999 and has been associated with a highly variable phenotype. Neurodevelopmental impairment and behavioural problems are very common in patients with 22q11.2 duplication. Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) have previously been reported in only two patients with 22q11.2 duplication and striking dysmorphic features. We report here on a 4‐year‐old male of healthy consanguineous parents presenting with ASD according to DSMIV, revised, criteria as a primary manifestation. The child walked at 16 months and started to say one word and some sounds. Parents noticed a subsequent developmental arrest. At 4 years his functional development age, evaluated by the Psychoeducational Profile, was roughly 6 months. Mild non‐specific facial dysmorphism was noted. Genetic analyses of the child demonstrated a de novo microduplication of the 22q11.2 chromosomal region. This genetic anomaly was best seen in interphases of blood lymphocytes and in buccal smear nuclei. Our case illustrates once again the clinical heterogeneity of the 22q11.2 duplication as well as the wide genetic complexity of ASD. We suggest that genetic evaluation of ASD should include fluorescence in‐situ hybridization analysis of the 22q11.2 chromosomal region.  相似文献   

22q11.2 deletion is the most common microdeletion in humans and one of the most important risk factors for schizophrenia. Nevertheless, case reports of children or adolescents with 22q11.2 deletion and schizophrenia are very rare. After a review of the current knowledge about physical, developmental, behavioural and psychiatric problems in 22q11.2 deletion, the case of a 12;10-year-old boy with schizophrenia and the microdeletion is reported. About three years after the first symptoms, and only after medication with several neuroleptics, the patient reached his pre-morbid functioning level under treatment with risperidone. Under medication with clozapine he had experienced a single event of seizures which were due to hypocalcemia. This case report illustrates the importance of serum calcium controls at regular intervals for patients with 22q11.2 deletion and schizophrenia who are on neuroleptic medication. Ideally, children and adolescents with the deletion and co-morbid psychiatric problems should be treated in child and adolescent psychiatry units specialized in problems associated with the deletion. A good cooperation with other medical services is absolutely necessary.  相似文献   



22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11.2DS) is a common neurogenetic syndrome associated with high rates of psychosis. The aims of the present study were to identify the unique temperament traits that characterize children with 22q11.2DS compared to children with Williams syndrome (WS) and typically developing (TD) controls, and to examine temperamental predictors of the emergence of psychosis in 22q11.2DS.


The temperament of 55 children with 22q11.2DS, 36 with WS, and 280 TD children was assessed using the Emotionality, Activity, Sociability (EAS) Temperament Survey, Parental Ratings. The presence of a psychotic disorder was evaluated in 49 children and adolescents with 22q11.2DS at baseline and again 5.43 ± 2.23 years after baseline temperament assessment.


Children with 22q11.2DS scored higher on Shyness compared to WS and TD controls. Children with 22q11.2DS and WS scored higher on Emotionality and lower on Activity compared to TD controls. Shyness was more severe in older compared to younger children with 22q11.2DS. Baseline Shyness scores significantly predicted the later emergence of a psychotic disorder at follow-up, in children with 22q11.2DS.


Our results suggest that shyness is an early marker associated with the later emergence of psychosis in 22q11.2DS.  相似文献   

Both copy number changes in the 22q13 region and mitochondrial disease have been associated with autism spectrum disorder. In this report, for the first time, a girl with autism spectrum disorder is described who exhibits both mitochondrial disease and a 22q13.1-33 duplication. This child demonstrated hypotonia, developmental delays, growth deficiency, microcephaly, dysmorphic facial features, and white matter abnormalities, consistent with previous cases of 22q13 region duplication. The patient also demonstrated a unique pattern of electron transport chain abnormalities with marked decreases in complex II and II/III in fibroblasts and complex I/III and II/III in muscle tissue. The 22q13.1-33 region contains 6 genes associated with mitochondrial function. Thus, disruption of this chromosomal region could cause many of the clinical findings in this child through disruption of mitochondrial function. Therefore, a mitochondrial workup should be considered in individuals with copy number changes within the 22q13 region, such as those with Phelan-McDermid syndrome.  相似文献   

Recent studies observed an association between the structural integrity of the hippocampal structure and the manifestations of clinically significant psychotic symptoms in participants at high risk for psychosis. The present study sought to investigate the longitudinal trajectory of the hippocampal volume and its subregions among a sample of participants affected by 22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11.2DS), a neurogenetic disorder associated with elevated risk for psychosis. We specifically investigated possible correlations between hippocampal volumes, as measured by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and the manifestation of positive psychotic symptoms (hallucinations and delusions). Regional hippocampal volumes were measured twice with cerebral MRI obtained at 3-year intervals in 30 healthy participants and 31 gender-matched 22q11.2 microdeletion carriers aged 6 to 22. We examined potential associations between psychotic symptom manifestations and volumetric parameters at both time points. We found a hippocampal body-driven significant reduction in hippocampal volume among patients with 22q11DS compared to controls. No significant group by time interaction for the total or the subregional volumes were observed. In patients, larger hippocampal head at baseline was associated with the presence of hallucinations at follow-up. We first discuss the reduced hippocampal body finding in light of potentially abnormal mesiocortical circuits. We further discuss the association between baseline hippocampal head volume in participants with 22q11DS as a possible marker related to the later unfolding of psychotic symptoms.  相似文献   

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