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A 69-year-old Hispanic woman presented for the evaluation of nodules on the head and back. In the past, she had been treated for basal cell carcinoma (BCC) of the face; the referring physician was concerned that the new lesions might also be BCC. The patient had an extensive past medical history. In addition to BCC, she had been treated for breast cancer, colon cancer, and cervical cancer prior to emigrating to the USA. Her colonic malignancy had been localized proximal to the splenic flexure. She also had a history of colonic polyps and distal colonic villous adenoma. She denied ever being treated with radiation. Further details of her medical history and cancer staging were not available. Her family history was significant for a sister with colon cancer and transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder. In addition, she had a great aunt with oral cancer and a great uncle with lung cancer. Neither the patient or her relatives had any history of tobacco use. On physical examination, in addition to scars from a radical mastectomy and midline abdominal laparotomy, four skin lesions were noted: two on the scalp, one on the tragus, and one on the mid-back. The first lesion on the vertex of the scalp was a yellow-brown waxy papule measuring 0.6 x 0.5 cm. This lesion was similar to that on the mid-back, except in size. The lesion on the back measured 1.2 x 1.0 cm. The second lesion on the frontal scalp measured 0.8 x 0.6 cm and was red-brown with a pearly appearance and some central hyperkeratosis. The tragus lesion was similar in appearance to that on the frontal scalp. Shave biopsies of all lesions were obtained. The lesions on the scalp and mid-back revealed lobules of sebaceous cells in the dermis with a minority of surrounding basaloid cells, consistent with a diagnosis of sebaceous adenoma (Fig. 1). Although the lesion on the frontal scalp also showed sebaceous differentiation, there were a greater number of basaloid cells, some with hyperchromatic nuclei and mitotic figures; this was consistent with a diagnosis of sebaceous epithelioma (Fig. 2). The final lesion (tragus) was histologically consistent with a keratotic BCC. No further treatment was required for these benign sebaceous tumors, but their presence defined our patient's condition as Muir-Torre syndrome. Mohs' micrographic surgery was performed on the tragus BCC and the margins were tumor free in one stage. The patient returned 1 year later with a lesion anterior to the left axilla which was biopsied to rule out BCC (Fig. 3). Histologically, this lesion was also consistent with sebaceous epithelioma.  相似文献   

A 29-year-old white woman with a history of Netherton's syndrome presented with two squamous cell carcinomas on the right dorsal hand and the left upper arm. She reported a 2-year history of these lesions, which were originally treated as warts. She denied excessive sun exposure, immunosuppressive therapy, or a previous history of skin cancer. Her past medical history included acute renal failure, multiple urinary tract infections, meningitis, and recurrent otitis media as a child. In addition, she had an ovarian abscess at 4 years of age with resulting salpingo-oophorectomy. She also reported a history of severe myopia, glaucoma, and multiple ocular infections with a resulting corneal scar. In addition to atopic dermatitis, she had a 10-year history of psoriasis. Her medications included topical steroids and emollients for atopic dermatitis and psoriasis, in addition to Timolol ophthalmic drops for glaucoma. Her family history was significant for a 22-year-old sister with Netherton's syndrome (Fig. 1). She denied any history of skin cancer in her sister or other members of her family. On physical examination, she had an exfoliative erythroderma, madarosis, and diffuse patchy alopecia. In the bilateral axilla, she had well-defined pink scaly plaques which were confirmed as psoriasis by biopsy. On the right dorsal hand, she had a 1.5 x 1.0 cm pink verrucous plaque (Fig. 2). On the left upper arm, she had a 1.5 x 0.8 cm pink scaly plaque. Biopsies of both sites confirmed squamous cell carcinomas. Both lesions were completely excised with 4 mm margins.  相似文献   

We describe a rare case of metastatic melanoma in an epitrochlear lymph node in a 29-year-old female patient. The patient had been aware of a brown macule on her right posterior forearm at puberty. Because the lesion had enlarged rapidly, she was referred to our hospital. Histological examination revealed a malignant melanoma. She underwent wide local excision with 3-cm margins and split thickness skin graft closure, but we were not able to perform sentinel node biopsy. She also received three cycles of systemic chemotherapy with dacarbazine, nimustine, vincristine and interferon-beta. However, an epitrochlear node (interval node) metastasis occurred during pregnancy (seventh week) 2 years after the operation. We emphasize that it is important for clinicians to pay attention to the possibility of epitrochlear node metastasis in patients with malignant melanoma in the upper extremity and that it is necessary to perform sentinel node biopsy to identify uncommon lymph node metastasis.  相似文献   

A 36-year-old woman presented with multiple yellowish cutaneous cysts of 5 years duration, over the scalp, trunk and upper limbs. She had pachyonychia, keratoderma of hands and feet, eyebrows which stood straight out and a single cafe-au-lait macule.  相似文献   

A 45-year-old premenopausal woman presented with an 18-month history of a band-like area of fibrosing alopecia affecting the frontoparietal scalp. She also had marked thinning of the eyebrows. The histopathology was consistent with frontal fibrosing alopecia (FFA). Several months later she developed multiple pruritic papules on the wrists and feet. The clinical presentation and histopathology were consistent with cutaneous lichen planus. Although FFA has been reported to occur with mucosal lichen planus this is the first reported case of FFA associated with cutaneous lichen planus. This provides further evidence that FFA is a variant of lichen planopilaris.  相似文献   

Satoyoshi syndrome is a very rare disorder of unknown etiology, characterized by progressive, intermittent, painful muscle spasms, alopecia universalis, diarrhea or unusual malabsorption, various endocrine disorders, and secondary skeletal abnormalities. This report describes a 9-year-old Thai girl who developed alopecia universalis when she was 6 years old. At age 7 years, she began to have recurrent, painful muscle spasms. The spasms progressed in time, producing recurrent patella dislocation. The laboratory investigations and radiologic study were compatible with Satoyoshi syndrome. She was treated with oral corticosteroid therapy, with marked improvement of her muscle spasms and alopecia. She underwent corrective surgery for deformities of both knees with a normal healing process.  相似文献   

Alopecia areata is a common skin disorder of presumed autoimmune etiology and it usually shows an unpredictable course. Treatment of alopecia areata is challenging. There is very little information on the use of surgical therapies for the treatment of alopecia areata in the medical published work. A 24-year-old male patient was referred to a private hair transplantation clinic owned by one of the authors for the treatment of therapy-resistant alopecia areata affecting both eyebrows. He had quickly lost all body hair 4 years prior beginning from the scalp. He received psoralen and ultraviolet A (PUVA) therapy for alopecia universalis and all body hair re-grew except his eyebrows. Alopecia areata was stable for the 18 months following the last medical treatment he received. Because there was no response to various medical therapeutic agents, we decided to transplant occipital hairs to the eyebrow area. After the patient understood and accepted all risks, occipital hairs were transplanted to the eyebrows by using the follicular unit extraction technique. Postoperatively, the patient did not receive any topical or systemic therapies for alopecia areata. Although 40% hair re-growth was detected in his eyebrows at 1 year postoperation, this rate was 80% by 2 years postoperation. However, there was resistance to re-growth in the medial eyebrow regions. New eyebrows grew as occipital hairs and required trimming. His satisfaction from the surgical procedure was 90% at the end of the 24th postoperative month. Surgical treatment of diseases like alopecia areata is still controversial. Our case report offers an additional contribution to the published work on the surgical methods used in the treatment of stable alopecia areata.  相似文献   

A 39-year-old woman, had a lesion on her right thigh that first developed when she was 6 weeks old. This lesion was said to have resembled "spider bites," and was initially treated with cryotherapy. It continued to enlarge and was biopsied in May 1969, when she was 13 years old. The patient was told she had "neurofibroma." In 1971, the lesion was rebiopsied and a question of a sarcoma was raised in the pathology report. She underwent extensive surgery to remove the lesion, requiring a skin graft at the operation sife. Multiple lesions subsequently developed around her graft. Biopsies of several lesions were interpreted as dermatofibroma, and she was referred to the Indiana University, Department of Dermatology. When seen in 1995, she had a well-healed 30 cmx14 cm hypopigmenfed split-thickness skin graft present on the lateral right thigh. The margin of the graft was outlined by multiple red-brown firm papules and plaques. Some of the papules and plaques extended beyond the margin of the graft by several centimeters (Fig. 1). Histopathology of the satellite lesions showed epidermal hyperplasia and diffuse spindle cell proliferation in the upper and lower dermis (Fig. 2). The majority of the spindle cells stained positively for Factor Xllla (a marker for dermal dendrocytes). They did not stain with CD34 (a marker for dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans).  相似文献   

角膜炎、鱼鳞病、耳聋综合征一例国内首报   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
目的报告1例先天性鱼鳞病、感音神经性耳聋、血管化角膜炎患者。方法 根据临床及实验室检查结果证实该例患者的诊断。结果患者有典型的面部、耳及鼻部角化性损害,四肢皮肤过度角化,干燥呈皮革样,手足掌过度角化增厚。有典型的睫毛、眉毛脱失,脱发及眼的病变。患者发育正常,智力低下;MRI提示小脑发育不良,第4脑室囊状扩大,显示Dandy Walker征象。结论 口服阿维A3周后头皮损害明显改善,四肢及躯干皮损有改善,阿维A可用于改善患者的过度角化症状。  相似文献   

A 27-year-old white woman was referred for consultation with regard to the presence of extensive multiple keratotic lesions. She began to develop these lesions at the age of 9 years, with healing of the lesions resulting in scar formation. A biopsy was performed at the age of 16 years, but the patient was unsure of the results. Since then, she had not had any treatment or biopsies, and stated that she had not suffered from any health problems during the intervening period. She was most concerned about the tumors on her heels and soles, which caused difficulty with ambulation. The family history was negative for skin diseases, including melanoma, nonmelanoma skin cancer, psoriasis, and eczema, and positive for Type II diabetes mellitus. A relative reported that the patient's grandfather had similar lesions, but the patient's parents and siblings were healthy. She was married and had one child, a 9-year-old daughter. Her child had no skin lesions. The patient's only medication was Ortho-Tricyclene birth control pills. She had no known drug allergies. Physical examination revealed the presence of multiple lesions on her body (Fig. 1). Her left superior helix contained a well-demarcated, dome-shaped nodule with a rolled, mildly erythematous border with a central hyperkeratotic plug. A similar lesion was present in the scaphoid fossa of the left ear and smaller lesions were scattered on her face. Numerous lesions were present on the arms and legs bilaterally, with the majority of lesions being located on the anterior lower legs. There were also lesions present on the palms and soles. The lesions ranged in size from 5 mm to 3 cm, the largest being a verrucous exophytic nodule on the anterior aspect of her left leg. Overall, there appeared to be two distinct types of lesion. One type appeared round, oval, and symmetric with a central keratotic plug, similar to that on the ear. The other type was larger, more exophytic, and verrucous, including the lesions on the volar surfaces. Also present were numerous, irregularly shaped atrophic scars where previous lesions had healed spontaneously. There were no oral lesions or lesions on her fingernails or toenails, and her teeth and hair were normal. A biopsy was obtained from an early lesion on the right dorsal forearm. Histology revealed an exo-/endophytic growth having a central crater containing keratinous material (Fig. 2). The crater was surrounded by markedly hyperplastic squamous epithelium with large squamous epithelial cells having abundant glassy cytoplasm. Some cells were dyskeratotic. Within the dermis was a dense, chiefly mononuclear inflammatory infiltrate. A buttress of epidermis surrounded the crater. The clinical and pathologic data were consistent with keratoacanthomas. Initial laboratory screenings revealed elevated triglycerides and total cholesterol, 537 mg/dL (normal, < 150 mg/dL) and 225 mg/dL (normal, < 200 mg/dL), respectively, with all other laboratory results within normal limits. In anticipation of starting oral retinoid therapy for her multiple keratoacanthomas, she was referred to her primary care physician for control of hyperlipidemia. After her lipids had been controlled, she was placed on isotretinoin (Accutane) 40 mg/day. There was some interval improvement with regression of some lesions leaving atrophic scars. She was also started on topical application of tazarotene (Tazorac) for all nonresolving lesions. Possible side-effects from the isotretinoin occurred, including dry mouth and eyes. After 8 months of isotretinoin, the patient was switched to acitretin (Soriatane) 25 mg to determine whether it might have a more beneficial effect on the resistant lesions. Many of the larger lesions regressed leaving atrophic scars. The dose of acitretin was subsequently increased to 35 mg because the lesions on her heel and the ball of her foot persisted. Almost all of the lesions resolved, except those on her feet, which are slowly regressing. Currently, the patient is on a regimen of acitretin 25 mg once a day with tazarotene 0.1% gel applied directly to the few residual keratoacanthomas on her feet, which are slowly improving.  相似文献   

A 23-year-old woman was seen for widespread skin lesions present since the age of 2.5 years. Twenty years ago, she developed a brown macular lesion on her right buttock. The lesion became hyperkeratotic and subsequently spread through the posterior aspect of her right leg. It later spread to the right side of the trunk and to the right arm. When she was 9 years old, she developed similar lesions on her left arm and leg. After she was 13 years old, no new skin lesions appeared. There was no family history of similar lesions. On examination, there were numerous linear and whorled, reddish-brown, hyperkeratotic plaques, with central atrophy and raised borders, following Blaschko's lines on all of the extremities. These lesions on the extremities extended to the dorsum of the hands and feet (Fig. 1). She had hyperkeratotic lesions on the pressure points of both of the soles, but no palm involvement. The number of lesions on the right side was greater than that on the left. Reddish-brown annular plaques with central atrophy and raised borders, appearing in zosteriform configuration, and numerous individual 2-3-mm erythematous lichenoid papules were observed on the right side of the thorax and the right inguinal region (Fig. 2). No face, scalp, or mucous membrane involvement was seen. The nails of the second and fifth fingers of the right hand and the nail of the third finger of the left hand showed nail dystrophy with longitudinal ridges and pterygium. All the nails of the right foot and the nails of the first and fifth toes of the left foot showed dystrophic changes with subungual keratosis. The patient was otherwise in good health. Two biopsy specimens taken from a hyperkeratotic plaque and a lichenoid papule showed an epidermal invagination with angulated parakeratotic tier, denoting cornoid lamella. The epidermis just underneath the cornoid lamella displayed vacuolization and the granular layer was absent. The adjacent epidermis was atrophic, and hydropic degeneration within the basal cell layer was seen. In the dermis, a nonspecific, mild, chronic, inflammatory cell infiltrate, telangiectatic vessels, and pigment-laden macrophages were present. These findings were consistent with linear porokeratosis (Fig. 3). Microscopic examinations and mycologic cultures of the nails were negative. We decided to treat our case systemically with retinoids, but the patient refused this therapy. So, topical tretinoin 0.05% was started once a day. A marked improvement was observed in hyperkeratosis through the first 4 weeks of treatment and plateaued at 8 weeks. After 10 weeks, the lesions had almost disappeared. We planned to continue the applications every other day. One year later, she remains stable with application of topical tretinoin 0.05% twice a week and is satisfied with the final appearance. She is under regular follow-up.  相似文献   

Syphilis has been given titles such as the great imitator, the great mimic, and the great masquerader. It may lack pathognomonic signs and often presents similar to many other dermatological conditions. We present a case of a young woman who developed asymptomatic papulonodular lesions on the forehead; the lesions were clinically similar to pseudolymphoma but it was determined that she had secondary syphilis exhibiting prozone phenomenon. She also had alopecia of eyebrows. Both the alopecia as well as nodular lesions clinically resembling pseudolymphoma responded to and completely recovered with antisyphilitic treatment.  相似文献   

Pembrolizumab is an immune checkpoint inhibitor that targets the programmed cell death (PD)‐1 receptor. Common cutaneous adverse side‐effects of PD‐1 inhibitors include maculopapular rash, pruritus, vitiligo and lichenoid skin and mucosal reactions. Here we describe a man in his sixties with metastatic melanoma treated with pembrolizumab who subsequently developed fading or disappearance of pigmented skin lesions, lightening of the skin, and poliosis of the eyebrows, eyelashes and scalp and body hair. Compared with baseline high‐resolution three‐dimensional total‐body photography, we observed fading or disappearance of solar lentigines, seborrhoeic keratoses and melanocytic naevi, suggesting that PD‐1 inhibitors may affect the evolution of these benign skin lesions. With dermatoscopic follow‐up, altered lesions showed either blue‐grey peppering/granularity or fading in colour without other identifiable features. No halo lesions or lesions with surrounding inflammation were identified. One changed pigmented lesion that showed blue‐grey peppering/granularity on dermoscopy was biopsied and interpreted as a macular seborrhoeic keratosis with melanophages. Further studies are required to elucidate the effects of PD‐1 inhibition on benign skin lesions.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Fibrosing frontal alopecia is scarring form alopecia and is most often seen in menopausal women. It is currently considered as an anatomoclinical form of lichen planopilaris of selective topography. We report a case of hair repigmentation during the course of post-menopausal frontal fibrosing alopecia. CASE REPORT: A 78-year-old woman developed alopecia of the scalp and eyebrows in 1997. Her eyebrows had been white for some ten years. In 1999, she noted repigmentation of a strip of hair at the edge of her scalp, but the rest of her hair remained white. The patient had not been taking any long-term drugs or any hair treatment. Histological examination of the regions of alopecia revealed lesions of lichenoid appearance at the junction with erosion by lymphocytes and keratinocytic necroses of the lower layers of the epidermis. Direct cutaneous immunofluorescence testing was negative. A diagnosis of post-menopausal fibrosing frontal alopecia was made on the basis of the clinical and laboratory evidence. DISCUSSION: 96 cases of post-menopausal fibrosing frontal alopecia have so far been reported in the literature, but to our knowledge, this is the first case combined with or inducing hair repigmentation. The other cases of repigmentation were eliminated by history-taking, and clinical or laboratory examinations. The mechanism of hair repigmentation in our patient could have been the result of a post-inflammatory process.  相似文献   

A 50-year-old female had vitiligo and alopecia universalis. She developed pemphigus vulgaris with a history of recent increase in the size of the vitiligo patch. Corticosteroid therapy controlled the pemphigus vulgaris, halted the extension of the vitiligo lesion and promoted regrowth of hair. The coexistence of these three diseases in the same patient lends credence to the contention that autoimmunity plays a role in the pathogenesis of these diseases.  相似文献   

A 73-year-old African American female presented to our clinic with painful lower extremity lesions of 2 weeks duration. She was in her usual state of health until 3 months prior to presentation when she reported symptoms of fatigue and weakness. She also noticed an enlarging mass on the left side of her neck. She denied fevers, chills, night sweats or cough. Her symptoms were unresponsive to a course of oral dicloxacillin. The neck mass enlarged over 8 weeks and she was referred to our institution for evaluation. CT scan of the neck showed an enlarged lymph node. Ten days prior to her presentation in dermatology, a fine needle aspirate of the enlarging lymph node revealed necrotizing granulomas. Tissue was sent for routine mycobacterial and fungal cultures. Routine blood work, chest radiograph, and a tuberculin skin test were also performed. At the time of her dermatology visit she described the development of multiple new painful, non-pruritic lesions, bilaterally on the lower extremities. She also reported a red crusted area that appeared at the site of her tuberculin test that was placed subsequent to the development of her lower extremity lesions. Her past medical history was significant for Parkinson's disease, hypothyroidism and hypertension. Her current medications included l-thyroxine, estrogen and diltiazem. Her travel history was only remarkable for a trip to Jamaica the previous spring. She was born and raised in Haiti. She reported a history of a positive tuberculin skin test 20 years ago, but received no therapy. Physical examination revealed a 2 x 3 centimeter firm, nontender left lateral neck mass (Fig. 1). Her right forearm revealed an erythematous, ulcerated, indurated plaque 1.5 cm in diameter (Fig. 2.). Her lower extremities revealed tender 0.5 to 1 cm erythematous nodules below the knees bilaterally (Fig. 3). A punch biopsy of a lower extremity nodule revealed a mild pervisacular dermal infiltrate. Within the subcutaneous tissue there was septal widening. There was also a lymphohistiocytic infiltrate with a slight admixture of neutrophils within the septa of the fat lobules. There was no evidence of necrotizing vasculitis or collagen necrosis. An acid-fast stain was not performed. The histologic findings were consistent with a diagnosis of erythema nodosum. Her laboratory evaluation including CBC, electrolytes, thyroid studies, angiotensin converting enzyme level and chest radiograph were normal. Approximately 1 week after her dermatological evaluation, the fine-needle aspirate culture grew Mycobacterium tuberculosis. A diagnosis of tuberculous lymphadenitis associated with erythema nodosum was confirmed. The patient was started on quadruple therapy of isoniazid, rifampin, ethambutol and pyrazinamide. Her lower limb skins lesions rapidly resolved over the subsequent month and her neck mass also diminished in size. She completed 6 months of antituberculous therapy with complete resolution of her lymphadenopathy.  相似文献   

A 77-year-old-female presented with a painless, pigmented lesion, which had been present for approximately 10 years but had increased significantly in size during the last 3 months. Her past history was unremarkable, but she had been a farmer for more than 50 years and was routinely exposed to excessive amounts of sunlight. On examination, a lesion measuring 11 × 15 mm was noted on the base of left thumb. The lesion was black, slightly elevated and irregularly shaped with a relatively demarcated border. Histological examination of the biopsy specimen was consistent with an acral lentiginous melanoma (ALM) with a thickness of 4 mm. Whole body computed tomographic examination and bone scan demonstrated no distant metastases.
The patient refused not only the surgical treatment but also the recommended chemotherapeutic regimen due to her advanced age. She was then referred to the WHO Collaboration Viral Hepatitis Center at Kyungpook National University for consideration for immunotherapy with Tubercin.
The patient consented to a trial of Tubercin, which was initiated on December 24, 1999. She received three 0.3 mL subcutaneous intralesional injections of Tubercin and 2 mL intramuscular injections on the buttock every other day. After 10 months of treatment the lesion appeared as a faint brown-colored macule and almost complete regression was noted. The follow-up histological examination performed after 1 year showed no evidence of melanoma (Fig. 1). The treatment regimen was reduced to biweekly treatments consisting of two 0.2 mL intralesional injections and one 2 mL intramuscular injection. After an additional year, the treatment will be further reduced to a biweekly 1 mL intramuscular injection. The patient has remained free of any metastases and demonstrated no local or systemic reactions.  相似文献   

A 12-year-old boy born of a nonconsanguineous marriage presented with dry rough skin and photophobia since birth. His growth and developmental milestones were normal and there was no history of any neurological problem, hearing deficit or scarring around the hair follicles. Cutaneous examination revealed diffuse thinning of scalp hair with loss of eyebrows and eyelashes and a sandpapery texture of the skin all over the body, suggestive of ichthyosis follicularis with alopecia and photophobia syndrome.  相似文献   

A 68-year-old man, a known case of hypertension, coronary artery disease and old cardiovascular accident with right-sided hemiplegia, came with the chief complaints of a large cauliflower like growth with pus discharge on the left heel since 15 years. The patient had sustained a penetrating injury by a thorn on the left heel region few days before the lesion appeared. Dermatological examination revealed a single verrucous lesion measuring 7 × 7 cm on the left heel region associated with discharge of foul smelling cheesy material. There was also a enlarged right inguinal lymph node which was non-tender, firm, measuring 2 cm in diameter with normal overlying skin. X-ray left ankle was done which showed some soft tissue swelling. A skin biopsy showed hyperkeratosis, acanthosis and parakeratosis. Elongated rete ridges with keratinocyte hyperplasia, forming a large mass pressing on the underlying dermis were seen. There was formation of multiple large keratin filled invaginations and crypts. No atypical cells were seen. Based on history, clinical examination and investigations, a diagnosis of epithelium cuniculatum type of verrucous squamous cell carcinoma was made. A wide excision with a flap cover was performed in consultation with the oncosurgeon and the excision sample was sent for histopathological re-examination, which confirmed the diagnosis of epithelioma cuniculatum.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Alopecia areata (AA) is a common skin disease which is characterized by nonscarring localized or diffused hair loss. In this study we assessed the efficacy of 308-nm Excimer laser in the treatment of alopecia areata in children. A total of 9 children with 30 recalcitrant patches alopecia areata and two children with alopecia areata totalis were enrolled in this study which included seven male and four female patients, aged between 4 and 14 years and the durations of their disease were between 7 and 25 months. All of these patients had more than one lesion of alopecia areata and at least one of them was left as a control for comparison. The lesions were treated with the 308-nm Excimer laser twice a week for a period of 12 weeks. Regrowth of hair was observed in 18 (60%) alopecia patches in the scalp, while there was no response in the control patches and over the extremities. Only four patients with scalp lesions showed a recurrence of alopecia after 6 months post laser therapy. So, 308-nm Excimer laser is considered an effective safe therapeutic option for patchy alopecia areata in children.  相似文献   

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