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To evaluate the effectiveness of surgical correction of varicocele in restoring the function of the varicocelized testicle, experimental varicoceles were created in 16 male rabbits by partly ligating the left lumbotesticular trunk. Five control rabbits received a sham operation (group A). Two months later, eight of the varicocelized rabbits underwent surgical repair by ligation and cutting of the dilated left testicular vein (group B). The remaining eight varicocelized animals did not receive any additional treatment (group C). Five months after the initial operation, group C animals had a significantly lower sperm concentration, sperm motility, bilateral testicular androgen-binding protein activity, bilateral testicular vein testosterone concentration, bilateral testicular versus intraabdominal temperature difference, and fertility when compared with groups A and B. These findings suggested that the surgical repair of an experimental varicocele in the rabbit can significantly improve the parameters indicating the harmful effects of the varicocele on the testicles.  相似文献   

Prior studies had suggested that triptolide, a diterpene triepoxide isolated from a Chinese medicinal plant, might be an attractive candidate as a post-testicular male contraceptive agent. Despite the promise that triptolide would not affect testis function, nagging concerns remained that a delayed onset of testicular effect might exist. The objectives of this study were to assess the effects of relatively longer treatment duration of triptolide on fertility, spermatogenesis, and epididymal sperm pathophysiology; and to evaluate the reversibility of these effects after the cessation of treatment. Adult male Sprague-Dawley rats were fed daily with either 30% gum acacia as a vehicle control (n = 12) or 100 microg/kg body weight (BW) of triptolide for 82 days (n = 12) followed by a recovery period of up to 14 weeks (n = 6). At the end of the treatment period, all rats treated with triptolide were sterile. Cauda epididymal sperm content decreased by 84.8% and sperm motility was reduced to zero. In addition, virtually all cauda epididymal sperm in the triptolide-treated group exhibited severe structural abnormalities. The most striking changes observed were head-tail separation, premature chromatin decondensation of sperm nuclei, a complete absence of the plasma membrane of the entire middle and principle pieces, disorganization of the mitochondrial sheath, and aggregation of many sperm tails. Longer treatment duration of triptolide also affected spermatogenesis, with marked variability in the response of individual animals. The degree of damage ranged from apparently normal-looking seminiferous tubules to flattened seminiferous epithelium lined by a single layer of cells consisting of Sertoli cells and a few spermatogonia. Affected tubules exhibited intraepithelial vacuoles of varying sizes, multinucleated giant cells, germ cell exfoliation, and tubular atrophy. Recovery occurred as early as 6 weeks after cessation of treatment. By 14 weeks, 4 out of 6 triptolide-treated males were fertile and the females that were impregnated by 3 out of 4 triptolide-treated male rats produced apparently normal litters. These results suggest that triptolide has 2 phenotypic effects on mature and maturing germ cells. The first action appears earlier and manifests mainly in epididymal sperm. The second action presumably is directly on germ cells in testis and causes a variable impairment of spermatogenesis that may not be completely reversible. It is unclear if the earlier effect is a delayed manifestation of subtle testicular injury or post-testicular action.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the effects of a left-sided experimental varicocele on testicular morphology and fertility in right hemicastrated adult rats. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A double-controlled experimental study was carried out using mature Sprague-Dawley rats, with 12 rats in each treated group and five corresponding controls. Group 1 underwent right orchidectomy, group 2 right orchidectomy and a left varicocele, and group 3 only a left varicocele; each control group underwent a corresponding sham operation. Two months after surgery each rat was placed with two mature female rats for one month to assess fertility. All the rats were then killed and their testes weighed; the mean testicular weight was calculated for each group and the mean seminiferous tubule diameter (STD) measured. Johnsen scores and histological abnormalities were evaluated for each testis using light microscopy. RESULTS: The mean (SEM) testicular weight and STD in group 2 were significantly lower, at 1311 (100) mg and 225 (11) microm, respectively, than in group 1, at 1771 (28) mg and 255 (4) microm (P<0.05). The mean weights of both testes in rats in group 3 were significantly lower than those in group 1 (P<0.05) and although both mean STDs were less than in group 1, the differences were not significant (P>0.05). There were no differences between the Johnsen scores in groups 2 and 3. There were severe histological abnormalities in the left testes in three of nine and two of eight animals in group 2 and 3, respectively; in group 3, changes in the right testis were detected in one rat. Six of nine and seven of eight rats were fertile in group 2 and 3, respectively. CONCLUSION: Experimental left varicocele decreased the left testicular weight and STD in both hemicastrated and intact adult rats. However, the presence of the right testis is important for preserving fertility.  相似文献   

In 40 pubertal boys with a varicocele a comparative followup study was performed to evaluate the efficacy of surgical correction of the varicocele in this age group in regard to improvement of fertility after completion of sexual maturation. The varicocele was corrected surgically in 24 patients and it was left uncorrected in 16. Testicular atrophy was noted in all cases at the initial visit and after followup. Of the 24 corrected patients 16 had atrophy of at least 1 testis before surgical treatment, whereas only 7 demonstrated atrophy after followup. Of the 16 uncorrected patients testicular atrophy was noted in 8 at the initial visit but 12 had atrophy after followup. Semen examination of 23 patients who had completed sexual maturation demonstrated a higher quality of routine seminal parameters, for example sperm density, sperm motility and percentage of morphologically normal spermatozoa, in the corrected group than in the uncorrected group.  相似文献   

Varicocele adversely affects semen parameters.However,the effect of varicocele repair on the sperm retrieval rate and testicular histopathological patterns in m...  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We investigated the effect of varicocele repair on testicular volume according to age in children and adolescents and review the long-term results of varicocele surgery. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study included 39 boys 11 to 19 years old with clinical palpable varicocele who underwent varicocele surgery with at least 1 year of postoperative followup. Preoperative and postoperative testicular volumes were monitored and measured with an ellipsoid Prader orchidometer. Physical examination findings (testicular volumes and testicular consistency) in all boys, and serum hormone values and semen parameters in 16 adolescents were recorded and compared before and after surgery. RESULTS: Left unilateral varicocelectomy was done in 29 boys (74%) and bilateral varicocelectomy in 10 (26%). While no postoperative hematoma, infection or testicular atrophy was observed, 1 boy (2.5%) had varicocele recurrence and 2 boys (5.1%) had minimal hydroceles that required no intervention. Significant increases were observed in postoperative sperm concentration (p = 0.01), total motile sperm count (p = 0.009), testis volume (p = 0.000) and serum testosterone level (p = 0.014). All 15 boys with preoperative soft testis had normal testicular consistency postoperatively. Of the 19 boys with preoperative testicular atrophy 10 (53%) did regain normal testicular growth, while 9 (47%) retained testicular volume loss after surgery. When comparing preoperative to postoperative increase in testicular volume according to age in all boys, the mean was statistically significantly higher in boys younger than 14 years (left testis p = 0.037, right testis p = 0.000). CONCLUSIONS: Testicular consistency achieved normal firmness after varicocelectomy in all boys with preoperative soft testis. While there was catch-up growth in comparison to the contralateral testis, testicular consistency improved but testicular volumes may not increase significantly after varicocele repair at ages older than 14 years. However, in these adolescents postoperative semen parameters and serum hormone values may significantly improve regardless of testicular volume. Therefore, boys with varicocele and their families should be fully informed in light of these findings.  相似文献   

Spermatogenesis has been studied in testicular biopsies by means of microfluorometric assessment of the DNA-DNP complex using ethidium bromide in 10 men with histologically normal spermatogenesis and in 10 men with histologically reduced spermatogenesis. The expected haploid DNA value was found in the round spermatids, whereas only 70% of the haploid fluorescence value was found in the elongated spermatids and around 60% in the testicular spermatozoa. No difference was found in the mean fluorescence values between the pathological group and the controls. It is suggested that structural changes or an increase in basic nuclear proteins gradually exclude the ethidium bromide from the binding to the DNA molecule and that this phenomenon occurs concomitantly with a decrease in double-stranded RNA. The difference in fluorescence intensity before and after RNAase treatment was regarded as an approximate estimate of the RNA content. There was a significant decrease of these values during spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

Varicoceles adversely impact semen quality and sperm DNA fragmentation,which typically improve with surgical repair.Some men with varicoceles have ipsilateral testicular atrophy due to damage from the varicocele.This study assessed semen quality and the sperm DNA fragmentation index(DFI)response to varicocele repair in men with ipsilateral testicular atrophy(TA)versus men with no testicular atrophy(NTA).Semen parameter values and DFI in both groups were compared preoperatively and postoperatively.The Mann-Whitney U test and the Wilcoxon signed-rank test were used where appropriate.There were 20 men in the TA group and 121 men in the NTA group with no difference in age,varicocele grade,or preoperative semen parameter values between the two groups.The NTA group had a higher preoperative DFI than the TA group.Both groups showed improvement in semen quality postoperatively,only the TA group showed a significant improvement in DFI,whereas the NTA group showed significant improvements in several parameter values and DFI.The change from preoperative to postoperative parameter values when comparing the two groups revealed a difference in total sperm motile count and DFI,with a larger mean improvement in the NTA group than in the TA group.Both TA and NTA groups showed improved semen quality and DFI after varicocele repair,but the NTA group had more improvement than the TA group.However,only total motile count(TMC)and DFI had a significantly greater mean change in preoperative to postoperative response in the NTA group than in the TA group.  相似文献   

A variety of biologic processes are perturbed when exposed to microgravity (space flight) for more than 7 days, including testicular function. Suspension of rats in a special harness (caudal elevation) to induce thoracic pooling of blood fluids and remove the support function of the hind limbs is used to mimic, on earth, the effects of microgravity encountered during space flight. Typically, this induces cryptorchidism in male rats. Three experiments were conducted to differentiate the effects of caudal elevation (30 degrees angle) and anatomic location of testes on spermatogenesis and steroidogenesis. Rats were subjected to caudal elevation for 7 days using either a tail harness (experiments 1 and 2) or a whole-body harness (experiment 3). Testes of rats fell into the abdominal cavity when a tail harness was used, but ligation of the inguinal canal prevented this repositioning. For rats with abdominal testes, testicular weight was reduced (P less than 0.05) and histology of testes was abnormal; the number of spermatids per gram parenchyma was lower (P less than 0.05) in tail-suspended rats compared with control rats. In contrast, spermatogenesis was not affected by caudal elevation in most rats in which the inguinal canal was ligated or in rats elevated by whole-body harness. Concentrations of testosterone in serum and testicular interstitial fluid were lower (P less than 0.05) in suspended rats, regardless of the method used for caudal elevation or anatomic location of testes. Concentrations of luteinizing hormone in serum were elevated (P less than 0.05) in rats with intra-abdominal testes.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Five cases of right aortic arch with aberrant left subclavian artery and left ligamentum arteriosum, with or without Kommerell's diverticulum, are presented. Either right or left thoracotomy with divesion of the aberrant retroesophageal left subclavian artery can be accomplished with good results. However, a right thoracotomy is recommended in the presence of a large Kommerell diverticulum because such a diverticulum should be excised. The development of a subclavian steal syndrome later in life may be prevented by reimplantation of the divided left subclavian artery into the aorta or the left common carotid artery.  相似文献   

Significant subfertility exists in patients following unilateral testicular torsion, implying bilateral testicular disease. Immunological activation has been detected after experimental torsion and the present study sought to demonstrate immunologically mediated effects on contralateral spermatogenesis following experimental torsion, as well as quantifying ipsilateral damage. Early and late effects of torsion on bilateral spermatogenesis were studied at 1 and 6 months in 10 groups each containing 20 rats. Gross and histological examination, direct immunofluorescence tests, vas deferens counts and copulation studies were performed. Severe ipsilateral damage was noted, even after brief torsion periods. No contralateral testicular effects, immunological or otherwise, were observed. Ipsilateral damage after torsion may have been underestimated. There is no damage to contralateral testicular exocrine function following unilateral experimental torsion.  相似文献   

Varicocele, the leading cause of male infertility, can impair sperm quality and fertility via various oxidative stress mechanisms. An imbalance between excessive reactive oxygen species production and antioxidant protection causes alterations in nuclear and mitochondrial sperm DNA, thus rendering a subset of varicocele men less fertile. In particular, sperm DNA fragmentation is usually elevated in men with clinical varicocele in both abnormal and normal semen parameters by the current World Health Organization criteria. In this review, we discuss the evidence concerning the association between varicocele, oxidative stress, and SDF, and the possible mechanisms involved in infertility. Furthermore, we summarize the role of varicocele repair as a means of alleviating SDF and improving fertility. Lastly, we critically appraise the evidence-based algorithm recently issued by the Society for Translational Medicine aimed at guiding urologists on the use of SDF testing in men with varicocele seeking fertility. Current evidence based on careful review of published studies confirms the effectiveness of varicocelectomy as a means of both reducing oxidatively induced sperm DNA damage and potentially improving fertility. Varicocele repair should be offered as part of treatment option for male partners of infertile couples presenting with palpable varicoceles.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the effects of aescin treatment in a rodent model treated with an experimentally induced varicocele. Experimental varicocele was induced by partial ligation of the left renal vein of rats. Aescin administration was performed daily for 4 weeks after the varicocele induction. Seven weeks later, a contrast‐enhanced ultrasound was performed of the rats' testis to assess testicular blood flow. The animals were sacrificed, and H&E staining was then used to evaluate testicular pathological changes and polymorphonuclear leucocytes density. Cauda epididymal sperm counts and motility were evaluated. Blood was collected for the measurement of follicle‐stimulating hormone, luteinising hormone and testosterone. Contrast‐enhanced ultrasound showed that there were significant decreases in testicular blood flow in the aescin‐treated groups compared with those in control varicocele group. Testicular oedema was detected in those rats treated with a varicocele but without aescin, while no oedema was found in the experimental group. H&E staining showed dysfunctional spermatogenesis in both cohorts; however, polymorphonuclear leucocytes density was significantly reduced in aescin‐treated groups. There was an increase in sperm counts of the aescin‐treated groups. Our study demonstrated that aescin could exert therapeutical effects on reversal of testicular lesions in varicocele rats.  相似文献   

Nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA) is a naturally occurring lignan with potent antioxidant activity. Currently, it is in clinical trials as anticancer agent. As there is no earlier report on the effect of NDGA on spermatogenesis and fertility, this study was designed to investigate this aspect. Administration of NDGA to rats for 60 days produced degenerative changes in testis but had no effect on sperm DNA integrity test and androgen receptor expression. Ultrastructural studies revealed loss of integrity of cells in seminiferous tubules, vacuolation and presence of apoptotic bodies. Derangement of the outer dense fibres was noted in some sperm flagella. Acrosome formation appears to be normal. About 13.7% of epididymal spermatozoa had deformations like short tail or rounded head. This may explain the lower fertility index in NDGA‐treated group. No external deformations in newborns were noted. In conclusion, NDGA may have adverse effects on spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

Twenty-four patients with varicocele and 26 normal men were analysed according to the seminal ejaculate and testicular biopsy. Patients were divided into two groups based on the criteria of sperm normality and abnormality, respectively. Hypospermatogenesis with both normal and abnormal seminal fluid occurred in the varicocele patients, but no statistical differences could be established when compared with each other. We concluded that testicular biopsy is not useful in the evaluation of patients with varicocele.  相似文献   

Forty-four patients with history of cryptorchidism were studied: 15 untreated (group A); 14 treated by orchiopexy at age 4.5 +/- 1.4 years (group B), and 15 with unilateral orchiectomy of undescended testis at 8.4 +/- 1.6 years (group C). Testicular volume, semen analysis, and LH and FSH were measured. Normal sperm counts were noted in 53%, 36% and 47% of patients in groups A, B and C, respectively. FSH and LH serum levels showed no differences between the groups. Testicular volume of the normal descended testes showed no differences between the three groups. Positive correlation was obtained between testicular volume/sperm concentration and negative correlation between gonadotropins/sperm concentration. The remaining testicular volume and gonadotropin serum values from adults with history of chryptorchidism who underwent orchiectomy were not different from those orchiopexied treated nor with untreated patients. The percentage of men with sperm count greater than 20 millions/mL was lower in the orchiopexied men compared to A and C groups. There seems to be different etiologic factors in our patients.  相似文献   

This study was set up to determine if there are any age-dependent differences in the adverse effects of DBCP on the reproductive system of male rats. Groups of male rats were injected at the ages of 7,30 or 90 days with a single (50 mg kg-1 body weight) or repeated (20 mg kg-1 body weight once a week for 3 weeks) dose of DBCP, dissolved in DMSO. Ninety days after the last injection the males' fertility was estimated and the animals were killed. Blood was collected for future hormone assays, organs were weighed, testes were then taken for histological studies and sperm counts. The results were compared with those of control peers. The results showed that animals injected at the ages of 7 or 90 days under both regimens of treatment were adversely affected. The damage was noted in their fertility rate, sperm production, testicular histology and hormonal profile. Those injected at the age of 30 days showed only an insignificant variation compared with controls.  相似文献   

目的:研究精索静脉曲张(VC)大鼠模型中睾丸不同水平自噬对生精细胞凋亡的影响。方法:雄性SD大鼠54只随机分为6组:空白对照组、雷帕霉素对照组、氯喹对照组各6只,VC组、VC+雷帕霉素组、VC+氯喹组各12只。采用HE染色观察睾丸、附睾组织形态学变化,并对睾丸及附睾中精子形成情况进行评分,TUNEL染色检测生精细胞凋亡指数(AI),Western印迹检测LC3、p62、Bax、Bcl-2的表达。结果:空白对照组、雷帕霉素对照组、氯喹对照组大鼠睾丸及附睾组织均未发生明显形态学变化,精子形成情况评分及AI亦无显著差异(P>0.05);VC组大鼠睾丸及附睾组织发生明显病理损伤,精子形成情况评分显著降低(P<0.01),AI显著升高(P<0.01),但VC+雷帕霉素组较VC组明显改善,而VC+氯喹组较VC组轻度加重。此外,与空白对照组比较,VC组自噬相关蛋白LC3(包括LC3-Ⅱ/LC3-Ⅰ的比值)和促凋亡蛋白Bax表达显著增加(P<0.01),抑凋亡蛋白Bcl-2表达则显著降低(P<0.01);且VC+雷帕霉素组LC3与Bcl-2表达显著高于VC组(P<0.01),p62和Bax表达则显著低于VC组(P<0.01);而VC+氯喹组LC3与Bcl-2表达显著低于VC组(P<0.01),p62和Bax的表达则显著高于VC组(P<0.01)。结论:VC可诱导大鼠睾丸自噬和生精细胞凋亡,上调自噬可抑制生精细胞凋亡,阻滞自噬则可促进生精细胞凋亡。  相似文献   

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