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目的 尝试在护生素质培养过程中引入学分制,探索护生素质培养方法。方法 以90名普通中专护理专业入学新生为对象,对照班(47人)采用传统方法教学,教改班(13人)在学生综合素质评定及操行评定方面实施学分制。结果 教改班各单项比赛获奖率及普通话测试得优率显著高于对照班(均P〈0.01).英语及护理技术成绩显著高于对照班(均P〈0.01)。结论 在护生综合素质培养及良好操行养成方面,学分制不失为一种行之有效的方法。  相似文献   

学分制在中专护生素质培养中的应用   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
目的 尝试在护生素质培养过程中引入学分制,探索护生素质培养方法.方法 以90名普通中专护理专业入学新生为对象,对照班(47人)采用传统方法教学,教改班(43人)在学生综合素质评定及操行评定方面实施学分制.结果 教改班各单项比赛获奖率及普通话测试得优率显著高于对照班(均P<0.01),英语及护理技术成绩显著高于对照班(均P<0.01).结论 在护生综合素质培养及良好操行养成方面,学分制不失为一种行之有效的方法.  相似文献   

本科专科护生临床护理实习的调查分析   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:10  
林征  李秀珍 《护理学杂志》2001,16(10):622-624
为探讨护理本、专科护生实习方面的特点,从而制定针对性的带教计划,对92名临床护理实习的本、专科护生进行了整体护理模式的临床教学,采用问卷调查与考核的方法随机调查护生对实习基地认识、带教工作、业务能力、专业思想的情况,随机调查了64例病人对护生工作能力的评价。结果本、专科护生在实习时有不同特点。提出应因势利导,加以正确引导,将两者优势结合起来,可提高实习质量。  相似文献   

目的 探讨双维度教学法对培养护生职业危害自我防护意识的教学效果.方法 将100名中专护生随机分为观察组和对照组各50名.对照组采用传统教学法进行肌内注射理论教学及操作训练;观察组运用双维度教学法,即从无菌观念、自我防护意识2个维度进行肌内注射理论教学及操作训练,并以2个维度考核评价教学效果.结果 观察组操作技能考核成绩及职业防护知识显著优于对照组(均P<0.01).结论 运用双维度教学法有助于提高护生肌内注射操作技能,且能培养护生职业危害自我防护意识.  相似文献   

目的探讨双维度教学法对培养护生职业危害自我防护意识的教学效果。方法将100名中专护生随机分为观察组和对照组各50名。对照组采用传统教学法进行肌内注射理论教学及操作训练;观察组运用双维度教学法,即从无菌观念、自我防护意识2个维度进行肌内注射理论教学及操作训练,并以2个维度考核评价教学效果。结果观察组操作技能考核成绩及职业防护知识显著优于对照组(均P〈0.01)。结论运用双维度教学法有助于提高护生肌内注射操作技能,且能培养护生职业危害自我防护意识。  相似文献   

目的 探讨归因训练对中等职业学校(下称中职)护生心理素质的影响.方法 将163名中职护生分为对照组(85名)和实验组(78名),对照组按照教学计划采用传统的教学方法,实验组在教学过程中融入归因训练,采用缺陷感量表、情感量表对两组护生的心理素质进行测定.结果 除外貌外,实验组护生心理素质的其他因子评分显著优于对照组(均P<0.05).结论 归因训练能提高中职护生的心理素质,有利于其个性心理发展.  相似文献   

The Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) was a randomized clinical trial of prevention of type 2 diabetes in high-risk people. Troglitazone, an insulin-sensitizing agent, was used initially but was discontinued during the trial. Troglitazone therapy was compared with other DPP interventions, considering both the short-term "in-trial" results and the longer-term results after troglitazone were discontinued. From 1996 to 1998, participants were randomly assigned to treatment with metformin (n = 587), troglitazone (n = 585), double placebo (n = 582), or intensive lifestyle intervention (ILS) (n = 589). Because of concern regarding its liver toxicity, the troglitazone arm was discontinued in June 1998, after which follow-up of all participants continued. During the mean 0.9 year (range 0.5-1.5 years) of troglitazone treatment, the diabetes incidence rate was 3.0 cases/100 person-years, compared with 12.0, 6.7, and 5.1 cases/100 person-years in the placebo, metformin, and ILS participants (P < 0.001, troglitazone vs. placebo; P = 0.02, troglitazone vs. metformin; P = 0.18, troglitazone vs. ILS). This effect of troglitazone was in part due to improved insulin sensitivity with maintenance of insulin secretion. During the 3 years after troglitazone withdrawal, the diabetes incidence rate was almost identical to that of the placebo group. Troglitazone, therefore, markedly reduced the incidence of diabetes during its limited period of use, but this action did not persist. Whether other thiazolidinedione drugs used for longer periods can safely prevent diabetes remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Stress is common in junior secondary school students (JSSS). This study aimed to determine the feasibility and effectiveness of a Chen‐style Tai Chi programme for stress reduction in JSSS. A non‐equivalent pre‐test/post‐test control group design was adopted, and a convenience sample of 69 JSSS was recruited. The experimental group (n = 32) joined a Chen‐style Tai Chi programme, which included 10 sessions of 80‐minute Tai Chi training (one session per week). The control group (n = 37) proceeded with self‐study. Participants' stress levels were assessed using the Perceived Stress Scale. Feasibility was determined as the percentage of participants completing and attending the programme. Effectiveness was measured as the significant difference in changes in stress levels before and after the intervention between the two groups. Results preliminarily supported that the programme was feasible for JSSS. Completion rate was 100%, and attendance rate was 90%. However, no significant difference was noted in changes in stress levels before and after the intervention between the two groups. The potential health benefits of Tai Chi could not be detected owing to the restrictions imposed by the research setting and study limitations. The present study represents initial efforts in this direction and serves as reference for future study. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Daily low-dose acetylsalicylacid (ASA) is prescribed to patients with atherothrombosis frequently to prevent vascular complications. In reports on complications and side effects of low-dose ASA use in the literature there is a range of definitions. We explored the incidence, characteristics and consequences of symptoms suggestive of ASA intolerance in patients on low-dose ASA.General practitioners and specialists in 105 centres were asked to review their patient files for the last 10 consecutive patients who were prescribed ASA. Participating patients completed a questionnaire about their current ASA use (doctors completed the questionnaire together with the patients), use of co-medication and symptoms suggestive of ASA intolerance.A total of 947 patients were included in this study. Sixty patients (6.6%) had ceased ASA treatment, predominantly because of the occurrence of side effects suspected to be caused by ASA use. A quarter of the patients concomitantly used an anti-acid agent. Of the 947 patients, 271 (30.6%) indicated symptoms during ASA intake. The most common symptoms were related to the gastrointestinal tract (25.1%).In patients prescribed a low-dose of ASA monotherapy, side effects suggestive of intolerance are common. More awareness should be created to detect and treat these symptoms, because the occurrence of side effects is the most important reason for patients to discontinue ASA treatment.  相似文献   

循证护理在中专护生基础护理教学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨循证护理在基础护理学(下称基护)教学中的应用效果,提高护生的批判性思维能力.方法 随机抽取1个教学班62人作为实验班,另一教学班63人作为对照班.对照班采用传统授课法按教材内容讲解;实验班在基护课程开课前讲授循证护理基础知识,课堂教学中选择部分内容进行循证护理教学和实践.结果 实验班基护理论成绩、信息载体与场所利用率及对教材知识采取批判性思维的比例显著高于对照班(均P<0.05),实验班67.74%~100%护生对该教学方法持肯定态度.结论 基护教学中引入循证护理有利于培养护生的批判性思维能力,提高教学效果.  相似文献   

实习护生心理危机干预培训效果探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 帮助实习护生掌握心理危机干预知识和技能,以保障患者安全及有效应对突发事件.方法 对60名实习护生采用自行设计的心理危机干预知识和技能调查问卷进行调查和心理危机干预知识试卷测试后,实施针对性的心理危机干预知识培训,包括理论教学、典型突发事件多媒体播放及讨论等授课方式,共10个学时(分4次,每周1次)后评价效果.结果 护生心理危机干预知识由(17.7±14.6)分提高至(66.4±30.8)分(P<0.01),27项心理危机干预知识和技能掌握正确率由0~80.0%提高至70.0%~100.0%.结论 护生心理危机干预知识和技能水平低,针对性培训效果显著.  相似文献   



The concept of brain death (BD) is not very well known in the population, and its unknown nature is one of the main factors that could lead to an attitude against organ donation. The teaching sector has an important influence on the education of adolescents, and for this reason the teacher's knowledge of these concepts is fundamental to spread the correct meaning of the concept to young people.


To analyze the concept of BD among teachers of compulsory secondary education (CSE) in southeast Spain and to determine teachers' influence on attitude toward organ donation.

Materials and methods

Ten CSE level schools were selected and stratified according to geographical location in southeast spain. A random sample was taken of CSE teachers. The knowledge of the concept of BD and attitude toward donation were analyzed using a validated questionnaire, which was self-administered and completed anonymously.


Sixty-four percent (n = 180) of respondents knew the BD concept and they considered it to be the death of an individual. Of the rest, 34% (n = 95) did not know this concept, and the remaining 3% (n = 8) believed it did not mean a person's death. Those who understood the concept of BD were more in favor of deceased donation than those who held the wrong concept (82% versus 75%; P < .01). The knowledge of the concept of BD is associated with variables directly and indirectly related with donation and transplantation (P < .05).


A third of the CSE teaching staff did not know or understand the BD concept as the death of an individual. The knowledge of BD positively affects attitude toward organ donation. Given that teachers are a source of information, the basic training of CSE teaching staff in basic concepts such as BD would be important.  相似文献   



Organ shortage for transplantation is a crucial problem all over the world. Educational intervention may appeal to young people's altruism, increasing organ donation and decreasing the opposition.


This study assessed the influence of an educational program, including organ donation and transplantation, to forming students' altruistic behaviors.


A total 680 students of 25 secondary schools were asked about their attitudes, intentions, and knowledge about organ donation and transplantation from September 2008 to June 2009 during a 45-minute lesson.


In this study, altruistic attitudes were measured through questions about the expression of will to give organs away after death; to give one kidney to relatives; to use the bone marrow from a foreign person; and to sign a donor card. Attitudes were assessed by questions about conversations with relatives, an evaluation of the educational project. More than 1500 donor card were distributed and more than 90% of students wanted to sign them; 73.6% agreed to sign a donor card with the ID card. Before the project, only 8% of students had a signed donor card. Almost everybody is ready to agree to give their organs after death (80.6% male; 92.2% female), or to relatives (100% male; 90.38% female), or bone marrow (80% male; 55.7% female). The students talked to their family, informing them about their decision (36.9% male; 45.9% female).


The proposed educational project successfully encouraged teenagers to make well-considered choices with regard to organ donation and created altruistic behaviors.  相似文献   

中专护生技能考核方法的改进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨有效督促中专护生训练、增强其实践技能的考核方法.方法 将2005级"3 2"高职护理班121名护生随机分为对照班(60人)、实验班(61人),<护理学基础>实验教学中对照班采用"一操作一考核"结合"个体评价"的考核方法,实验班采用"一操作一考核"结合"整体评价"的考核方法.结果 两班期末护理操作技能考核成绩比较,差异有显著性意义(P<0.05,P<0.01);实验班对考核方法的评价显著高于对照班(P<0.05,P<0.01).结论 在护理技能考核中采用"整体评价",可提高中专护生护理操作技能,培养中专护生的团队精神.  相似文献   

Child and adolescent posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is associated with an increased risk for a number of deleterious mental and physical health outcomes that if untreated may persist throughout the life course. Efficacious interventions applied soon after trauma exposure have the potential to reduce or prevent the development of PTSD symptoms and their associated impact on behavior and physical health. We review extant research related to treatment‐modifiable peritraumatic predictors of pediatric PTSD, which have informed an emerging field of pharmacologic secondary prevention (i.e., occurring shortly following trauma exposure) of PTSD. Challenges and opportunities for early posttrauma PTSD prevention are described. Finally, we offer new models for biologically informed integration of pharmacologic and psychosocial secondary prevention intervention strategies for children and adolescents.  相似文献   

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