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Inflammatory mechanisms, like microglial activation, could be involved in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (AD). (R)-[11C]PK11195 (1-(2-chlorophenyl)-N-methyl-N-1(1-methylpropyl)-3-isoquinolinecarboxamide), a positron emission tomography (PET) ligand, can be used to quantify microglial activation in vivo. The purpose of this study was to assess whether increased (R)-[11C]PK11195 binding is present in AD and mild cognitive impairment (MCI), currently also known as “prodromal AD.”  相似文献   

Activated microglia may promote neurodegeneration in Alzheimer's disease (AD) and may also help in amyloid clearance in immunization therapies. In vivo imaging of activated microglia using positron emission tomography (PET) could assist in defining the role of activated microglia during AD progression and therapeutics. We hypothesized that PK11195, a ligand that binds activated microglia, could label these cells in postmortem AD tissues and in vivo in an animal model of AD using PET. [(3)H](R)-PK11195 binding was significantly higher in AD frontal cortex compared to controls and correlated mainly with the abundance of immunohistochemically labeled activated microglia. With age, the brains of APP/PS1 transgenic mice showed progressive increase in [(3)H](R)-PK11195 binding and [(11)C](R)-PK11195 retention in vivo assessed using microPET, which correlated with the histopathological abundance of activated microglia. These results suggest that PK11195 binding in AD postmortem tissue and transgenic mice in vivo correlates with the extent of microglial activation and may help define the role of activated microglia in the pathogenesis and treatment of AD.  相似文献   

Positron emission tomography (PET) has been used extensively to evaluate the neuropathology of Alzheimer's disease (AD) in vivo. Radiotracers directed toward the amyloid deposition such as [18F]-FDDNP (2-(1-{6-[(2-[F]Fluoroethyl)(methyl)amino]-2-naphthyl}ethylidene)malononitrile) and [11C]-PIB (Pittsburg compound B) have shown exceptional value in animal models and AD patients. Previously, the glucose analogue [18F]-FDG (2-[(18)F]fluorodeoxyglucose) allowed researchers and clinicians to evaluate the brain glucose consumption and proved its utility for the early diagnosis and the monitoring of the progression of AD. Animal models of AD are based on the transgenic expression of different human mutant genes linked to familial AD. The novel transgenic 5XFAD mouse containing 5 mutated genes in its genome has been proposed as an AD model with rapid and massive cerebral amyloid deposition. PET studies performed with animal-dedicated scanners indicate that PET with amyloid-targeted radiotracers can detect the pathological amyloid deposition in transgenic mice and rats. However, in other studies no differences were found between transgenic mice and their wild type littermates. We sought to investigate in 5XFAD mice if the radiotracers [11C]-PIB, and [18F]-Florbetapir could quantify the amyloid deposition in vivo and if [18F]-FDG could do so with regard to glucose consumption. We found that 5XFAD animals presented higher cerebral binding of [18F]-Florbetapir, [11C]-PIB, and [18F]-FDG. These results support the use of amyloid PET radiotracers for the evaluation of AD animal models. Probably, the increased uptake observed with [18F]-FDG is a consequence of glial activation that occurs in 5XFAD mice.  相似文献   

HIV encephalitis (HIVE) is a neurodegenerative disease seen in approximately one in four terminally infected patients. Macaques infected with the simian immunodeficiency virus develop encephalitis (SIVE) very similar to the human disease. Neurodegeneration in both these conditions occurs from the effects of toxic viral proteins and neurotoxins derived from activated brain macrophages. Activated macrophages in the brain of macaques with SIVE can be labeled in vivo using positron emission tomography (PET) using PK11195, a ligand that binds the peripheral benzodiazepine receptor (PBR). However, the functional significance and mechanisms mediating increased PK11195 binding in activated brain macrophages are not known. Using post mortem tissues from macaques with SIVE and macrophages cell cultures activated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS), we show that [3H](R)-PK11195 binding is increased in activated macrophages. Increased [3H](R)-PK11195 binding in LPS-activated macrophages was reversed by pharmacologically inhibiting class III phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (PI3-kinase), but was not altered by inhibiting the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAP-kinase) pathway. Our results suggest that activated macrophages in lentiviral encephalitis show increased [3H](R)-PK11195 binding in a PI3-kinase-dependent fashion which may help elucidate the function of PBR in activated brain macrophages in HIVE and other neuroinflammatory diseases.  相似文献   

Peripheral benzodiazepine receptors (PBRs) are upregulated on activated microglia. We recently developed a promising positron emission tomography (PET) ligand, [11C]PBR28, with high affinity and excellent ratio of specific to nonspecific binding. We assessed the ability of [11C]PBR28 PET to localize PBRs in a rat permanent middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) model of neuroinflammation. [11C]PBR28 was intravenously administered to rats at 4 and 7 days after permanent MCAO. In all experiments, arterial blood was sampled for compartmental modeling of regional distribution volumes, and rat brains were sampled after imaging for in vitro [3H]PK 11195 autoradiography and histological evaluation. [11C]PBR28 PET and [3H]PK 11195 autoradiography showed similar areas of increased PBRs, especially in the peri-ischemic core. Results from these in vivo and in vitro methods were strongly correlated. In this first study to demonstrate neuroinflammation in vivo with small animal PET, [11C]PBR28 had adequate sensitivity to localize and quantify the associated increase in PBRs.  相似文献   

In patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD), postmortem and imaging studies have revealed early and prominent reductions in cerebral serotonin 2A (5-HT2A) receptors. To establish if this was due to a selective disease process of the serotonin system, we investigated the cerebral 5-HT2A receptor and the serotonin transporter binding, the latter as a measure of serotonergic projections and neurons. Twelve patients with AD (average Mini Mental State Examination [MMSE]: 24) and 11 healthy age-matched subjects underwent positron emission tomography (PET) scanning with [18F]altanserin and [11C]N,N-Dimethyl-2-(2-amino-4-cyanopheylthio)benzylamine ([11C]DASB). Overall [18F]altanserin binding was markedly reduced in AD by 28%-39% (p = 0.02), whereas the reductions in [11C]DASB binding were less prominent and mostly insignificant, except for a marked reduction of 33% in mesial temporal cortex (p = .0005). No change in [11C]DASB binding was found in the midbrain. We conclude that the prominent reduction in neocortical 5-HT2A receptor binding in early AD is not caused by a primary loss of serotonergic neurons or their projections.  相似文献   

Adequate estimation of neuroinflammatory processes following ischemic stroke is essential for better understanding of disease mechanisms, and for the development of treatment strategies. With the TSPO (18 kDa translocator protein) positron emission tomography (PET) radioligand [11C]PBR28, we monitored longitudinally the inflammatory response post-transient cerebral ischemia in rats, using a recently developed rat stroke model that produces isolated focal cortical infarcts with clinical relevance in size and pathophysiology. Six Sprague–Dawley rats were subjected to 90 min transient endovascular occlusion of the M2 segment of the middle cerebral artery (M2CAO). Animals were imaged with a nanoScan® PET/MRI system at 1, 4, 7 and 14 days after M2CAO with a bolus injection of [11C]PBR28. In the infarct region, we found a significantly increased uptake of [11C]PBR28 on day 4, 7 and 14 compared to day 1 as well as compared to the contralateral cortex. No significant increase was detected in the contralateral cortex during the 14 days of imaging. The activation in the infarct region gradually decreased between day 4 and day 14. In an additional group of animals (n = 26), immunofluorescence studies were performed with antibodies for activated microglia/monocytes (Cd11b), phagocytes (Cd68), astrocytes (glial fibrillary acidic protein) and TSPO. The TSPO immunofluorescence signal indicated reactive microgliosis post injury, corresponding to PET findings. The present clinically relevant animal model and TSPO PET ligand appear to be well suited for studies on neuroinflammation after ischemic stroke.  相似文献   

Activated microglia are associated with amyloid plaques in transgenic mouse models of cerebral amyloidosis and in human Alzheimer disease; yet, their implication in Alzheimer disease pathogenesis remains unclear. It has been suggested that microglia play dual roles depending on the context of activation, contributing negatively to disease pathogenesis by secreting proinflammatory innate cytokines or performing a beneficial role via phagocytosis of amyloid beta (Aβ) deposits. Toll-like receptors, most of which signal through the adaptor protein myeloid differentiation factor 88 (MyD88), have been suggested as candidate Aβ innate pattern recognition receptors. It was recently reported that MyD88 deficiency reduced brain amyloid pathology and microglial activation. To assess a putative role of MyD88 in cerebral amyloidosis and glial activation in APPswe/PS1ΔE9 (APP/PS1) mice, we crossed MyD88-deficient (MyD88−/−) mice with APP/PS1 mice, interbred first filial offspring, and studied APP/PS1 MyD88+/+, APP/PS1 MyD88+/−, and APP/PS1 MyD88−/− cohorts. Biochemical analysis of detergent-soluble and detergent-insoluble Aβ1-40 or Aβ1-42 in brain homogenates did not reveal significant between-group differences. Furthermore, no significant differences were observed on amyloid plaque load or soluble fibrillar Aβ by quantitative immunohistochemical analysis. In addition, neither activated microglia nor astrocytes differed among the three groups. These data suggest that MyD88 signaling is dispensable for Aβ-induced glial activation and does not significantly affect the nature or extent of cerebral β-amyloidosis in APP/PS1 mice.Alzheimer disease (AD) is an insidious public health threat characterized by deposition of β-amyloid as senile plaques, formation of neurofibrillary tangles, and large-scale cortical neuronal loss leading to dementia. In addition to these pathognomonic features of the disease, AD patients exhibit low-level chronic neuroinflammation. This is hallmarked by the spatial and temporal occurrence of activated microglia with amyloid beta (Aβ) deposits. Yet, the mechanisms by which microglia recognize and respond to Aβ accumulation remain unclear. Current evidence suggests that there are varied forms of activated microglia in AD, some of which are detrimental and others beneficial.1 Because microglial activation is a complex continuum of varied responses,2 it stands to reason that a wide array of immune molecules may orchestrate microglial responses to Aβ. Ultimately, a clearer understanding of the pathways leading to beneficial microglial responses and clearance of misfolded proteins could open new avenues for AD treatment.Numerous recent studies have proposed that Toll-like receptors (TLRs) play a role in the microglial response to Aβ and, more specifically, that aggregated Aβ can activate microglia via TLRs.3–11 Most TLRs (except TLR3) signal through the adaptor protein myeloid differentiation factor 88 (MyD88), suggesting that it may play an important role in microglial activation in response to cerebral amyloid accumulation. To test this possibility, two recent studies crossed MyD88 knockout mice with APP/PS1 mouse models of cerebral amyloid deposition and examined effects on cognitive deficits and AD-like pathology. In one study, it was reported that MyD88 deficiency of the doubly transgenic APPswe/PS1dE9 mouse reduced cerebral amyloid pathology and microglial activation and decreased expression of CX3CR1 in 10-month-old animals.12 Lim and coworkers12 suggested that inhibiting MyD88-associated TLR signaling would alter the microglial activation state, and they reported less cerebral amyloid deposition in this cross. However, their findings were perplexing given previous reports showing that activation of TLRs leads to decreased amyloid load and increased Aβ phagocytosis, leading to the hypothesis that MyD88 deficiency would either cause buildup of amyloid or have no effect on amyloid levels in APP/PS1 mice.4,6,11,13–15 Another recent study published findings more consistent with this hypothesis, demonstrating that APPswe/PS1A246E mice heterozygous for MyD88 had accelerated spatial learning and memory deficits and increased levels of soluble Aβ oligomers. These results led the authors to conclude that MyD88-mediated activation of microglia was protective in the context of cerebral amyloid deposition.16 In an attempt to clarify the uncertainty surrounding this critical question, we crossed APPswe/PS1dE9 (APP/PS1) mice with MyD88 knockout (MyD88−/−) mice (both on a C57BL/6 background) and analyzed APP/PS1 MyD88+/+, APP/PS1 MyD88+/−, and APP/PS1 MyD88−/− cohorts for Alzheimer-like pathology at 15 months of age.  相似文献   

Introduction: [11C]Metomidate ([11C]MTO), the methyl ester analogue of etomidate, was developed as a positron emission tomography (PET) radiotracer for adrenocortical tumours and has also been suggested for imaging in primary aldosteronism (PA). A disadvantage of [11C]MTO is the rather high non-specific binding in the liver, which impacts both visualization and quantification of the uptake in the right adrenal gland. Furthermore, the short 20-minute half-life of carbon-11 is a logistic challenge in the clinical setting.Objectives: The aim of this study was to further evaluate the previously published fluorine-18 (T1/2=109.5 min) etomidate analogue, para-chloro-2-[18F]fluoroethyl etomidate; [18F]CETO, as an adrenal PET tracer.Methods: In vitro experiments included autoradiography on human and cynomolgus monkey (non-human primate, NHP) tissues and binding studies on adrenal tissue from NHPs. In vivo studies with [18F]CETO in mice, rats and NHP, using PET and CT/MRI, assessed biodistribution and binding specificity in comparison to [11C]MTO.Results: The binding of [18F]CETO in the normal adrenal cortex, as well as in human adrenocortical adenomas and adrenocortical carcinomas, was shown to be specific, both in vitro (in humans) and in vivo (in rats and NHP) with an in vitro Kd of 0.66 nM. Non-specific uptake of [18F]CETO in NHP liver was found to be low compared to that of [11C]MTO.Conclusions: High specificity of [18F]CETO to the adrenal cortex was demonstrated, with in vivo binding properties qualitatively surpassing those of [11C]MTO. Non-specific binding to the liver was significantly lower than that of [11C]MTO. [18F]CETO is a promising new PET tracer for imaging of adrenocortical disease and should be evaluated further in humans.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus encephalitis is characterized by infiltration of the brain with infected and activated macrophages; however, it is not known why disease occurs after variable lengths of infection in 25% of immunosuppressed acquired immune deficiency syndrome patients. We determined in vivo correlates (in peripheral blood and the central nervous system) for the development and progression of lentiviral encephalitis by longitudinally following infected and activated macrophages in the brain using positron emission tomography (PET). Using human postmortem brain tissues from both lentivirus-infected encephalitic patients and cell culture systems, we showed that the PET ligand [(3)H](R)-PK11195 bound specifically to virus-infected and activated macrophages. We longitudinally imaged infected and activated brain macrophages in a cohort of macaques infected with simian immunodeficiency virus using [(11)C](R)-PK11195. [(11)C](R)-PK11195 retention in vivo in the brain correlated with viral burden in the brain and cerebrospinal fluid, and with regions of both presynaptic and postsynaptic damage. Finally, longitudinal changes in [(11)C](R)-PK11195 retention in the brain in vivo correlated with changes in circulating monocytes as well as in both natural killer and memory CD4(+) T cells in the periphery. Our results suggest that development and progression of simian immunodeficiency virus encephalitis in vivo correlates with changes in specific cell subtypes in the periphery. A combination of PET imaging and the assessment of these peripheral immune parameters may facilitate longitudinal assessment of lentiviral encephalitis in living patients as well as evaluation of therapeutic efficacies.  相似文献   



Data indicates anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and pro-cognitive properties of noradrenaline and analyses of post-mortem brain of Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients reveal major neuronal loss in the noradrenergic locus coeruleus (LC), the main source of CNS noradrenaline (NA). The LC has projections to brain regions vulnerable to amyloid deposition and lack of LC derived NA could play a role in the progression of neuroinflammation in AD. Previous studies reveal that intraperitoneal (IP) injection of the noradrenergic neurotoxin N-(2-chloroethyl)-N-ethyl-2-bromobenzylamine (DSP-4) can modulate neuroinflammation in amyloid over-expressing mice and in one study, DSP-4 exacerbated existing neurodegeneration.


TASTPM mice over-express human APP and beta amyloid protein and show age related cognitive decline and neuroinflammation. In the present studies, 5 month old C57/BL6 and TASTPM mice were injected once monthly for 6 months with a low dose of DSP-4 (5 mg kg-1) or vehicle. At 8 and 11 months of age, mice were tested for cognitive ability and brains were examined for amyloid load and neuroinflammation.


At 8 months of age there was no difference in LC tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) across all groups and cortical NA levels of TASTPM/DSP-4, WT/Vehicle and WT/DSP-4 were similar. NA levels were lowest in TASTPM/Vehicle. Messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) for various inflammatory markers were significantly increased in TASTPM/Vehicle compared with WT/Vehicle and by 8 months of age DSP-4 treatment modified this by reducing the levels of some of these markers in TASTPM. TASTPM/Vehicle showed increased astrocytosis and a significantly larger area of cortical amyloid plaque compared with TASTPM/DSP-4. However, by 11 months, NA levels were lowest in TASTPM/DSP-4 and there was a significant reduction in LC TH of TASTPM/DSP-4 only. Both TASTPM groups had comparable levels of amyloid, microglial activation and astrocytosis and mRNA for inflammatory markers was similar except for interleukin-1 beta which was increased by DSP-4. TASTPM mice were cognitively impaired at 8 and 11 months but DSP-4 did not modify this.


These data reveal that a low dose of DSP-4 can have varied effects on the modulation of amyloid plaque deposition and neuroinflammation in TASTPM mice dependent on the duration of dosing.  相似文献   

As a major characteristic of aging process, neuroinflammation is involved in the pathogenesis of several aging-related diseases including Alzheimer's disease (AD). Triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 2 (TREM2) is a newly identified risk gene for AD, which regulates inflammatory process in peripheral tissues via modulating the release of inflammatory cytokines. However, the role of TREM2 in aging-related neuroinflammation, cognitive deficiency, and AD-like neuropathology is unclear so far. Here, we detected the protein levels of TREM2 in brain of 3-, 7-, and 11-month-old senescence-accelerated mouse prone 8 (SAMP8) mice and observed that TREM2 levels were increased during aging process. We then knocked down TREM2 expression in brain of SAMP8 mice by nonviral RNA interference and found a significant increase in proinflammatory cytokines including tumor necrosis factor-α and interleukin (IL)-6, which was accompanied by a reduction in IL-10. Meanwhile, more obvious neuronal and synaptic losses and cognitive impairment were observed. These findings indicate that TREM2 may play a protective role against aging-related neuroinflammation and cognitive impairment.  相似文献   

In this study 5 patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and 9 Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients underwent respectively 3- and 5-year follow-up positron emission tomography (PET) studies with N-methyl [11C] 2-(4-methylaminophenyl)-6-hydroxy-benzothiazole (11C-PIB) and 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG) to understand the time courses in AD disease processes. Significant increase in PIB retention as well as decrease in regional cerebral metabolic rate of glucose (rCMRglc) was observed at group level in the MCI patients while no significant change was observed in cognitive function. At group level the AD patients showed unchanged high PIB retention at 5-year follow-up compared with baseline. At the individual level, increased, stable, and decreased PIB retention were observed while disease progression was reflected in significant decrease in rCMRglc and cognition. In conclusion, after a long-term follow-up with PET, we observed an increase in fibrillar amyloid load in MCI patients followed by more stable level in clinical AD patients. The rCMRglc starts to decline in MCI patients and became more pronounced in clinical stage which related to continuous decline in cognition.  相似文献   

The analysis of positron emission tomography (PET) images at the pixel level may yield unreliable parameter estimates due to the low signal-to-noise ratio of pixel time activity curves (TAC). To address this issue it can be helpful to use techniques developed in the pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic area and referred to as ‘population approaches.’ In this paper, we describe a new estimation algorithm, the Global-Two-Stage (GTS), and assess its performances through Monte Carlo simulations. GTS was compared to the basis function method on synthetic [11C](R)-PK11195 data, and to weighted nonlinear least squares on synthetic [11C]WAY100,635 data. In both cases, GTS produced parameter estimates with lower root mean square error and lower bias than the well-established estimation methods used for comparison, with a negligible increase of computational time. GTS was applied first to all the pixels of the simulated slices. Then, after a preliminary segmentation of pixels into more homogeneous populations, GTS was applied to each subpopulation separately: this last approach provided the best results. In conclusion, GTS is a powerful and fast technique that can be applied to improve parametric maps, as long as preliminary estimates of parameters and of their covariance are available.  相似文献   



The purpose of this study was to investigate whether localized peripheral inflammation, such as osteoarthritis, contributes to neuroinflammation and neurodegenerative disease in vivo.


We employed the inducible Col1-IL1βXAT mouse model of osteoarthritis, in which induction of osteoarthritis in the knees and temporomandibular joints resulted in astrocyte and microglial activation in the brain, accompanied by upregulation of inflammation-related gene expression. The biological significance of the link between peripheral and brain inflammation was explored in the APP/PS1 mouse model of Alzheimer's disease (AD) whereby osteoarthritis resulted in neuroinflammation as well as exacerbation and acceleration of AD pathology.


Induction of osteoarthritis exacerbated and accelerated the development of neuroinflammation, as assessed by glial cell activation and quantification of inflammation-related mRNAs, as well as Aβ pathology, assessed by the number and size of amyloid plaques, in the APP/PS1; Col1-IL1βXAT compound transgenic mouse.


This work supports a model by which peripheral inflammation triggers the development of neuroinflammation and subsequently the induction of AD pathology. Better understanding of the link between peripheral localized inflammation, whether in the form of osteoarthritis, atherosclerosis or other conditions, and brain inflammation, may prove critical to our understanding of the pathophysiology of disorders such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and other neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

Healthy brain aging is characterized by neuronal loss and decline of cognitive function. Neuronal loss is closely associated with microglial activation and postmortem studies have indeed suggested that activated microglia may be present in the aging brain. Microglial activation can be quantified in vivo using (R)-[(11)C]PK11195 and positron emission tomography. The purpose of this study was to measure specific binding of (R)-[(11)C]PK11195 in healthy subjects over a wide age range. Thirty-five healthy subjects (age range 19-79 years) were included. In all subjects 60-minute dynamic (R)-[(11)C]PK11195 scans were acquired. Specific binding of (R)-[(11)C]PK11195 was calculated using receptor parametric mapping in combination with supervised cluster analysis to extract the reference tissue input function. Increased binding of (R)-[(11)C]PK11195 with aging was found in frontal lobe, anterior and posterior cingulate cortex, medial inferior temporal lobe, insula, hippocampus, entorhinal cortex, thalamus, parietal and occipital lobes, and cerebellum. This indicates that activated microglia appear in several cortical and subcortical areas during healthy aging, suggesting widespread neuronal loss.  相似文献   

The pathophysiology of post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome (PTLDS) may be linked to overactive immunity including aberrant activity of the brain’s resident immune cells, microglia. Here we used [11C]DPA-713 and positron emission tomography to quantify the 18?kDa translocator protein, a marker of activated microglia or reactive astrocytes, in the brains of patients with post-treatment Lyme disease symptoms of any duration compared to healthy controls. Genotyping for the TSPO rs6971 polymorphism was completed, and individuals with the rare, low affinity binding genotype were excluded. Data from eight brain regions demonstrated higher [11C]DPA-713 binding in 12 patients relative to 19 controls. [11C]DPA-713 PET is a promising tool to study cerebral glial activation in PTLDS and its link to cognitive symptoms.  相似文献   

In the CNS, microglia become activated, i.e. change their functional state and phenotype, in response to a wide variety of pathological stimuli. Since this activation is triggered at a very low threshold and at the same time remains territorially restricted, the spatial distribution of activated microglia can be used as a sensitive, generic measure of the anatomical localisation of ongoing disease processes. One protein complex, undetectable in resting microglia but highly up-regulated upon activation in vivo and in vitro, is the peripheral benzodiazepine binding site, as measured by binding of the isoquinoline derivate PK11195. Particularly numerous in the outer membrane of mitochondria, this binding site has also been referred to as the mitochondrial benzodiazepine receptor. The de novo expression of this receptor by activated microglia suggests that the process of activation may be associated with important qualitative changes in the state of mitochondria. Here, we provide confocal light- and electron microscopic evidence that the activation of microglia indeed entails conspicuous mitochondrial alterations. In cultured rat microglia stained with the fluorescent probe, JC-1, a sensitive indicator of mitochondrial membrane potential, we demonstrate that stimulation by bacterial lipopolysaccharide and interferon- increases the number of microglial mitochondrial profiles and leads to marked changes in their morphology. Prominent elongated, needle-like mitochondria are a characteristic feature of activated microglia in vitro. Electron microscopically, an abundance of abnormal profiles, including circular cristae or ring- and U-shaped membranes, are found. Our observations support the notion that the previously reported increase in microglial binding of PK11195, that labelled with carbon-11 ([11C] (R)-PK11195) has clinical use for the visualisation of activated microglia in vivo by positron emission tomography, may at least in part relate to an increased number and altered functional state of microglial mitochondria.  相似文献   

The high-performance liquid chromatographic determination of 1-(2-chlorophenyl)-N-methyl-N-(1-methylpropyl)-3-isoquinoline carboxamide ([11C]PK 11195) is described. The method was successfully applied for plasma and tissue analysis after i.v. injection of [11C]PK 11195 in mice and for plasma analysis after administration of [11C]PK 11195 to humans. Separation is effected on a RP-C18 column, using a mixture of acetonitrile-water-triethylamine (65:35:0.5, v/v). Quantitative measurements of radioactivity are performed on a one-channel gamma-ray spectrometer equipped with a 2 x 2 in. NaI(Tl) detector. For humans rapid metabolisation of [11C]PK 11195 was observed. At 5, 20 and 35 min post injection 5%, 22% and 32%, respectively, of the plasma activity consisted of at least two more polar metabolites. Despite the extensive metabolisation rate in mice (up to 42% at 10 min post injection of [11C]PK 11195), no 11C-labelled metabolites could be detected in the extracts of brain and heart.  相似文献   

Obesity and consumption of a high-fat diet are known to increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Diets high in fat also increase disease neuropathology and/or cognitive deficits in AD mouse models. However, the effect of a high-fat diet on both the neuropathology and memory impairments in the triple-transgenic mouse model of AD (3xTgAD) is unknown. Therefore, groups of 2-month-old male 3xTgAD and control (non-Tg) mice were maintained on a high-fat or control diet and memory was assessed at the age of 3–4, 7–8, 11–12, and 15–16 months using a series of behavioral tests. A comparable increase in body weight was observed in non-Tg and 3xTgAD mice after high-fat feeding at all ages tested but a significantly greater increase in epididymal adipose tissue was observed in 3xTgAD mice at the age of 7–8, 11–12, and 15–16 months. A high-fat diet caused memory impairments in non-Tg control mice as early as the age of 3–4 months. In 3xTgAD mice, high-fat consumption led to a reduction in the age of onset and an increase in the extent of memory impairments. Some of these effects of high-fat diet on cognition in non-Tg and 3xTgAD mice were transient, and the age at which cognitive impairment was detected depended on the behavioral test. The effect of high-fat diet on memory in the 3xTgAD mice was independent of changes in AD neuropathology as no significant differences in (plaques, oligomers) or tau neuropathology were observed. An acute increase in microglial activation was seen in high-fat fed 3xTgAD mice at the age of 3–4 months but in non-Tg control mice microglial activation was not observed until the age of 15–16 months. These data indicate therefore that a high-fat diet has rapid and long-lasting negative effects on memory in both control and AD mice that are associated with neuroinflammation, but independent of changes in beta amyloid and tau neuropathology in the AD mice.  相似文献   

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