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Recombinant hepatitis B core antigen carrying preS1 epitopes induce immune response against chronic HBV infection 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
Many studies have provided evidence that core antigen of hepatitis B virus (HBcAg) is extremely immunogenic, HBcAg can be function as both a T-cell-dependent antigen and a T-cell-independent antigen, and thus may be a promising candidate for therapeutic vaccine for control of chronic HBV infection. HBcAg is also an effective carrier for heterologous peptide epitopes. The preS1 is a surface protein of HBV and is immunogenic at the T and B cell level. The amino acid sequence 21-47 of preS1 is crucial for HBV binding to human hepatocytes as well as to PBMC and haematopoietic cell lines of the B cell lineage. Here we expressed a chimeric protein named HBVCS1, created by fusing the preS1 sequence 3-55 to the carboxyl terminus of the truncated HBcAg sequence 1-155 in E. coli. Analysis of its antigenicity and immunogenicity revealed that both HBc and preS1 epitopes are surface accessible, and that fusion of preS1 did not affect the HBc antigenicity and immunogenicity of the truncated HBc sequence. HBVCS1 induced strong anti-HBc and moderate anti-preS1 immune responses as well specific T-cell response in Balb/c mice. HBVCS1 vaccination reduced of the titer of HBsAg and HBV DNA in sera of HBV-Tg mice. These results indicate that HBVCS1 may have potential as a therapeutic vaccine for treatment of HBV chronic infection. 相似文献
Recombinant heat shock protein 65 carrying hepatitis B core antigen induces HBcAg-specific CTL response 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Many studies have provided evidence that heat shock protein 65 (Hsp65) can elicit potent specific cellular adaptive immune responses (e.g. CD8(+) cytotoxic T-cell effectors or classic CTLs) based on their ability to chaperone antigenic peptides. Hsp65 is thus an effective carrier for heterologous peptide epitopes for therapeutic vaccines against cancer or chronic infectious diseases. The core antigen of hepatitis B virus (HBcAg) is extremely immunogenic, and functions as both a T-cell-dependent and a T-cell-independent antigen. Therefore, HBcAg may be a promising candidate target for therapeutic vaccine control of chronic HBV infection. Here, a chimeric protein, Hsp65Bc, was created by fusing the HBcAg sequence to the carboxyl terminus of the Hsp65 sequence in E. coli. Analysis of its antigenicity and immunogenicity revealed that HBc epitopes are surface accessible. Hsp65Bc induced moderate anti-HBc immune responses as well as a strong specific T-cell response in BALB/c mice. These results indicate that Hsp65Bc may have potential as a vaccine for treatment of HBV chronic infection. 相似文献
D. M. Tappin K. Greer S. Cameron R. Kennedy A. J. Brown R. W. Girdwood 《Epidemiology and infection》1998,121(2):387-390
Despite Department of Health recommendations, universal antenatal testing for hepatitis B virus (HBV) is not performed throughout Scotland. We describe the evaluation of an assay to document past or present infection with HBV, by identifying maternal antibody in routine Guthrie dried neonatal blood spot samples taken when infants are 7 days old. A modified haemagglutination assay to detect antibody to hepatitis B core antigen (CORECELL, Green Cross) was validated and found to be 79% sensitive (44/56) and 100% (105/105) specific when used with dried blood spot samples made from panels of serum of known reactivity. Ninety-three percent (13/14) of HBV carriers were CORECELL positive. Sixty-six (0.5%) of 14044 routine Guthrie samples taken from babies born in Scotland from June August 1992 were CORECELL positive indicating past or present maternal infection with HBV. A cross-sectional survey would document the maternity hospitals where universal antenatal hepatitis B screening should be urgently established. 相似文献
S Abdel-Fattah M S el-Kholy S M Abdel-Fattah S el-Shimi M M el-Rasad T H Mikhail E Wassef 《The Journal of the Egyptian Public Health Association》1991,66(3-4):427-439
This work was carried out on 45 patients with chronic liver diseases, including 24 cases of liver cirrhosis and 21 cases of chronic hepatitis. Their ages ranged from 2 to 15 years (median 5). All cases were examined clinically and assessed biochemically for liver function tests. Serological studies were performed to detect hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and delta IgG antibody (IgG anti-HD) using Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA) technique. The study showed that IgG anti-HD was detected in 8.9% of cases with chronic liver diseases (all positive cases were with liver cirrhosis). On the other hand, HBsAg was detected in 53.3% of cases (54.2% of them with cirrhosis and 45.8% with chronic hepatitis) with no significant association between HBsAg positivity and type of hepatic illness. Moreover, IgG anti-HD was positive in only 4.2% of HBsAg positive cases, while 14.3% of HBsAg negative cases were positive for IgG anti-HD. A significant association was also found between delta positivity and serum glutamic oxaloacetic transferase level (SGOT). We concluded that chronic delta hepatitis appeared to be more severe than other types of chronic viral hepatitis, as all delta positive cases were with liver cirrhosis and had elevated SGOT levels. Screening of delta markers in addition to hepatitis B viral markers could improve the understanding of a number of obscure cases of chronic hepatic illnesses and would help in the control of HBV and consequently HDV infection in the general population. 相似文献
影响慢性乙型肝炎(CHB)IFN疗效的因素很多,宿主免疫遗传背景的差异是重要原因之一.最近关于基因多态性和CHB患者IFN疗效的相关性研究越来越多,此文就相关的研究进展进行了简要综述. 相似文献
影响慢性乙型肝炎(CHB)IFN疗效的因素很多,宿主免疫遗传背景的差异是重要原因之一.最近关于基因多态性和CHB患者IFN疗效的相关性研究越来越多,此文就相关的研究进展进行了简要综述. 相似文献
影响慢性乙型肝炎(CHB)IFN疗效的因素很多,宿主免疫遗传背景的差异是重要原因之一.最近关于基因多态性和CHB患者IFN疗效的相关性研究越来越多,此文就相关的研究进展进行了简要综述. 相似文献
To determine the duration of antibody after low-dose, intradermal (i.d.), plasma-derived hepatitis B vaccination and the response to a booster dose, we studied two classes of medical students who were immunized with 2 micrograms doses i.d. In one class, 73/88 (85%) who had been immunized by skilled personnel at 0, 1 and 6 months, had protective concentrations (greater than or equal to 10 mIU ml-1) of anti-HBs at 20 months after the first dose. Twelve (92%) out of 13 students who received only two doses at 0 and 1 months also had protective concentrations at month 20. At month 27, 11/16 (69%) with antibody less than or equal to 10 mIU ml-1 responded to a fourth dose of 2 micrograms i.d. with protective concentrations of anti-HBs. In the second class, after three doses of vaccine at 0, 1, and 6 months, protective concentrations of anti-HBs were present in 90/93 (97%) at 14 months and in 71/80 (89%) at 25 months. In those who received only two doses, protective concentrations were found in 24/31 (74%) at 14 months and 9/16 (56%) at 25 months. After a booster dose of 2 micrograms i.d. at month 25, anti-HBs concentrations rose from a geometric mean of 78 to 1198 mIU ml-1 in 60 subjects previously immunized with three doses and from 18 to 1054 mIU ml-1 in 16 students previously immunized with only two doses. Overall, 73/76 (96%) of students in the second group had protective concentrations of antibody after the booster dose.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS) 相似文献
Ricardo Durlach Stella Laugas Cristina B Freuler Viviana E Rodriguez Marta Costa 《Infection control and hospital epidemiology》2003,24(10):773-776
This study estimated the number of HCWs with protective antibody levels 5 and 10 years after HBV vaccination. Kaplan-Meier probabilities of protective levels were 0.95 at 60 days after vaccination, 0.87 at 5 years, and 0.79 at 10 years. Those without protective levels displayed good response 7 and 30 days after a booster. 相似文献
Transplacentally acquired maternal antibodies in infants may inhibit active immune responses to vaccines. In this study, we compared the immunogenicity of the recombinant hepatitis B vaccine, which was intramuscularly injected at 0, 1, and 6 months of age, in 71 infants born to mothers with positive or negative antibody against hepatitis B surface antigen (anti-HBs). Forty-one infants born to anti-HBs positive mothers were all positive at birth. At 2 months after the second injection, anti-HBs in 30 infants with negative maternal antibody was significantly higher than that in 41 infants with positive maternal anti-HBs (191.1mIU/ml vs. 96.2mIU/ml, P=0.018). At one month after the full immunization, the anti-HBs levels had no statistical difference between maternal anti-HBs negative and positive groups, but the antibody response in infants with high maternal anti-HBs (>1000mIU/ml) was significantly inhibited. Nevertheless, all infants had anti-HBs higher than the protective level. In conclusion, passively acquired maternal anti-HBs in infants may to some extent impair the antibody response to hepatitis B vaccine. The long-term efficacy of hepatitis B vaccine in infants with high titers of maternal anti-HBs remains to be further evaluated. 相似文献
抗—HBs不同水平者接种乙型肝炎疫苗的初探 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
After hepatitis B vaccine immunization, serum antibody response was of primary type in 33 cases with anti-HBs less than 2.1 S/N (S/N Ratio Unit) at T0, the anti-HBs positive rate was 39.4%, 84.8%, 96.7% and 96.7% in T1, T2, T0 and T12 respectively. Anti-HBs S/N rose gradually month by month, the antibody response in younger children was better than that in adult. Anamnestic type in 38 cases with anti-HBs greater than 2.1 S/N at T0, the antibody levels rose rapidly in T1, T2 and began to fall in T8. The children were negative for HBsAg, anti-HBs and anti-HBc in sera by RPHA, PHA and ELISA respectively, most (100% in 1-4 age group and 63.2% in 5-9 age group) of them were also negative for HBV serological markers by SPRIA repeatedly, thus they were susceptible and need for hepatitis B vaccine immunization. Indication of hepatitis B vaccination for adult population was also discussed. 相似文献
IFN-α以抗病毒及免疫调节双莺作用用于慢性乙型肝炎的治疗,对治疗反应的早期预测有利于治疗的持续.随着人类基因组学和蛋白质组学的研究进展,国内外对HBV感染发病及治疗反应遗传易感因素有较多报道,主要集中于抗病毒蛋白和免疫调节相关细胞因子的基因多态性.此文就遗传易感因素对IFN-α治疗慢性乙型肝炎疗效的影响作了综述. 相似文献
HBsAg定量在慢性乙型肝炎诊治中相当重要。已有研究证明,HBsAg和HBV DNA水平的结合检测可鉴别非活动性HBV携带者。抗HBV治疗过程中,检测HBsAg定量可反映抗病毒疗效。HBAg水平快速下降可预测持续应答。此文就HBsAg定量在慢性乙型肝炎诊治中的临床应用和价值进行了综述。 相似文献
目的 分析原发性肝癌(HCC)患者乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)前C区和C基因基本核心启动子(BCP)变异情况及与HBeAg的关系,为HCC的发病机制及预后提供理论依据.方法 收集39例原发性肝癌患者血清,采用巢式PCR法扩增前C/BCP区基因片段,PCR产物直接测序以检测前C/BCP区基因变异情况.结果 BCP区T1762/A1764双变异28例,前C区A1896变异19例,T1762、A1764、A1896聚集变异16例,在HBeAg阴性者中分别出现17、10、10例,HBeAg阳性者则分别为11、9、6例,上述3种变异HBeAg阴性组与HBeAg阳性组比较,差异无统计学意义;其他变异位点有C1753、T1846、A1899和T1846变异,其中T1846变异7例HBeAg阴性者中出现6例,HBeAg阳性者中出现1例,比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 原发性肝癌HBV前C/BCP区A1896、T1762、A1764双变异及T1762、A1764、A1896聚集变异在HBeAg阴性者中较常见,但对HBeAg表达影响不明显. 相似文献