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对38例冠心病患者进行舌诊与舌尖微循环的观察,中医舌诊主要观察舌质变化,舌尖微循环的观察采用彩色录像机与改造的裂隙灯显微镜放大75倍、130倍,观察指标和判断标准均参照田牛主编的微循环方法学。观察  相似文献   

目的比较高血压患者与健康人外周微循环状态。方法用 WZD 多部位微循环显微镜观察 100例高血压患者和 60例健康人的甲襞微循环及球结膜微循环状态、结果高血压病人的甲襞微循环及球结膜微循环的积分值比健康人高(P<0.05P<0.05),甲襞微循环的形态积分值及流态积分值山比健康人高(P<0.05,P<0.05)。其变化与中医肝气郁结、瘀血阻络的病理改变相似。结论高血压患者多有不同程度的外周微循环功能障碍,可以用疏肝解郁。活血通络的方法治疗高血压。  相似文献   

用活体微循环检查与舌尖取材作超微结构切片法,对14例白血病和10例健康人作了研究。结果表明:1.白血病的舌质微循环与超微结构有多样变异。2.微循环状态与超微结构间有密切的关系。3.舌质超微结构多种变化与微循环是中医舌诊的病理生理基础之一。  相似文献   

102例部队良性关节痛患者体表多部位血流量研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用LDF3多普勒微循环血流计检查102例部队良性关节痛患者体表多部位的血流量。结果:舌尖2.89±4.00V,舌下2.93±0.48V,下唇3.09±0.89V,甲襞3.02±0.57V,耳垂2.86±0.37V,左膝眼3.56±0.75V,右膝眼3.35±0.37V,左犊鼻3.52±0.68V,右犊鼻3.33±0.81V。除耳垂外,各部位检测结果均明显低于正常人组(P<0.01或0.001)。研究结果表明,良性关节痛患者膝关节局部和全身均存在有明显微循环障碍表现。  相似文献   

我们用微循环显微镜配以录相系统检测了218名健康儿童的舌尖微循环,同时观察其舌质、舌苔等情况。1.舌质淡红205例占94%,淡白13例占6%。舌苔薄白165例占75.6%;厚白苔38例占17.5%;薄黄苔6例占2.7%;黄腻苔3例占1.4%;厚黄干苔1例占0.5%;无苔5例占2.3%。2.中医认为舌质的颜色能反映脏腑、气血各种变化,正常呈淡红色,病理下则呈淡白、鲜红、暗红等。本  相似文献   

对铀作业者199例及无毒物接触史的正常人101例行甲襞微循环检测。结果,铀作业人员甲襞微循环有改变,其加权积分值大于对照组。主要表现在管袢数减少(P<0.01)、管径增粗(P<0.01)、毛细血管运动增加(P<0.01)、乳丛增多(P<0.01)。通过对铀致微循环改变的机理试以分析,提出这种微循环改变是铀中毒的病理表现,亦是铀中毒的重要发病环节;提示铀中毒治疗中应注重改善微循环。  相似文献   

本文对不同辨证分型的哮喘患者进行了甲襞和舌尖微循环观察,探讨中医辨证分型与外周微循环的关系.结果表明:132例哮喘患者中除16例甲襞微循环正常或大致正常外,其余患者均有不同程度的异常改变.微循环异常程度与病程、病情相一致.辨证分型不同,微循环各项指标异常程度和病理改变也不尽相同;舌尖微循环改变与舌象变化的关系更为密切.  相似文献   

冠心病中医舌质与舌尖微循环的观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对38例冠心病患者进行了中医舌质与舌尖微循环的观察。冠心病患者正常舌色——淡红舌较少占5.26%(2例),舌尖微循环扩张、瘀血、变异的微血管丛>10%的病例占31.58%(12例),有出血渗出的病例占13.16%(5例),舌乳头微血管丛开放的程度与对照组比较,有极显著意义(P<0.01),为临床上采用活血化瘀法提供了客观依据。  相似文献   

观察18例慢性肾功能不全尿毒症终末期患者甲襞微循环的改变及其中11例用血液透析治疗的患者第一次血透前与血透4~8次(平均5.9次)后甲襞微循环的变化,结果表明,尿毒症患者甲襞微循环加权积分综合判断,中度异常者占83.3%,重度异常者占16.7%。其中11例作血透的患者在治疗前与治疗后总积分值分别为6.90±0.72与5.10±0.70,二者有非常显著差异。提示尿毒症患者甲襞微循环障碍经血透治疗后可有明显改善,但仍在中度异常范围。给尿毒症患者进行甲襞微循环检查,对其病情的估价有着一定的临床意义。  相似文献   

同期对64例过敏原皮试阳性的哮喘患者(以螨、蟑螂、屋尘、豕草、霉菌等阳性率较高)及50例健康人甲襞微循环进行对比观察,发现患者组较健康组有明显的微循环障碍(P<0.01)。将哮喘患者的病情程度与其甲襞微循环、过敏原皮试的相关性作比较,结果表明:患者病情程度与其甲襞微循环改变相关非常显著(P<0.0001);与过敏原皮试阳性程度有相关性(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

We observed the external surface and connective tissue cores (CTCs), after exfoliation of the epithelium of the lingual papillae (filiform, fungiform, foliate and vallate papillae) of the common raccoon (Procyon lotor) using scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy. The tongue was elongated and their two-third width was almost fixed. Numerous filiform papillae were distributed along the anterior two-thirds of the tongue and fungiform papillae were distributed between the filiform papillae. Eight vallate papillae that had a weak circumferential ridge were distributed in a V-shape in the posterior part of the tongue and numerous taste buds were observable in the circumferential furrows of vallate papillae. Weak fold-like foliate papillae were observable at the lateral edge in the posterior part of the tongue and a few salivary duct orifices were observable beneath the foliate papillae. An islet-like structure with numerous taste buds, was observable on the deep part of the salivary duct of foliate papillae. Large conical papillae were distributed at the posterior part and root of the tongue. After removal of epithelium, filiform papillae of CTCs were appeared to be a thumb or cone-like main core and associating several finger-like short accessory cores. These cores were surrounded an oval concavity. The main core was situated behind the concavity and associated with accessory cores. CTCs of fungiform papillae were cylinder-like with numerous vertically running ridges and with a few concavities seen at the top of the cores. CTCs of vallate papillae and their surrounded circumferential ridge were covered with numerous pimple-like protrusions. The lingual papillae of Common raccoon's tongue had morphological feature of carnivore species.  相似文献   

We observed the external surface and connective tissue cores (CTCs) of the lingual papillae (filiform, fungiform and vallate papillae) of adult Spotted seals (Phoca largha) using SEM and light microscopy. The tongue was V-shaped and its apex was rather rounded. On the dorsal surface from apex to the one-third posterior of the tongue, the lingual mucosa was densely covered by filiform papillae, with a scatted distribution of dome-like fungiform papillae, which have orthokeratinized epithelium. At the posterior part of the tongue, filiform papillae were totally diminished and their epithelium was parakeratinized. Approximately 6-7 vallate papillae were arranged in a V-shape on the posterior of the tongue. After removal of the epithelium, the CTCs of the filiform papillae that were distributed at apex consisted of a primary core and approximately 5-6 rod-shaped small accessory cores. The CTCs of filiform papillae that were distributed at anterior part of the tongue lacked primary protrusions and possessed approximately 10-15 rod shaped small accessory cores that were arranged in a horseshoe manner. The CTCs offungiform papillae had cylindrical primary cores and were fringed with accessory protrusion. In the Vallate papillae, taste buds were only seen at the dorsal epithelium.  相似文献   

The tongues of adult silver foxes were studied using scanning electron microscopy. Five types of lingual papillae were found on the dorsal surface of the tongue. The most numerous papillae were filiform papillae covering the apex and body of the tongue. The filiform papillae on the anterior part of the tongue are divided into 1 main and 10-12 accessory processes. In the posterior part of the body of the tongue the number of accessory processes is reduced. Fungiform papillae are located between the filiform papillae. A cluster of 12 large fungiform papillae was found on the apex of the tongue. Conical papillae are located in the area of the vallate papillae and cover the posterior part of the root of the tongue. Their size increases towards the pharynx, where they are distributed more sparsely. In the silver foxes there were two pairs of vallate papillae. The wall surrounding each papilla and its gustatory trench forms partly connected 6-8 conical papillae. The foliate papillae on both margins of the tongue body are small and consist of 4-5 laminae. The distribution and type of lingual papillae found in the silver fox are similar to those in the other species belonging to the family Canidae.  相似文献   

The dorsal lingual surface of a bush dog (Speothos venaticus) was examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The tongue was about 7 cm in length. Filiform, fungiform and vallate papillae were found. The filiform papillae were distributed over the entire dorsal surface of the tongue. Each filiform papillae on the apical surface of the tongue had several conical processes, in the midportion were larger than those on the apex in size. In the region of the vallate papillae, the filiform papillae had not the conical processes and more larger than those on the midportion of the tongue. The fungiform papillae were present rounded bodies and more densely distributed on the tip of the lingual apex. There were 5 vallate papillae on both sides. The vallate papillae were located on both sides of the posterior end of the lingual body. Each papilla was surrounded by a groove and a crescent pad. In the dorsal surfaces of the papillae, small conical papillae were observed.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the spatial distribution of fungiform papillae on the rat's tongue. Since each fungiform papilla in the rat has a single taste bud, the spatial distribution of fungiform papillae is equivalent to the location of taste buds on the anterior tongue. A mean total number of 187 fungiform papillae per tongue were found which were about equally divided between the two lateral halves of the tongue. Over 50% of the total number of fungiform papillae were located on the tongue tip for an average density of 3.4 papillae/mm2, while the dorsal surface of the tongue had an average density of 1.3 papillae/mm2 of tongue surface. Papillae were absent on the dorsal midline, but a paracentral line of papillae running from anterior to posterior was a consistent finding. Though not identical, the distribution of papillae was essentially the same on different tongues. The functional significance of the papilla distribution is not understood, but electrophysiological experiments show evidence of neural interaction of papillae which are clustered together. The distribution of papillae and the distribution of nerve fibers which innervate them must be evaluated together in order to appreciate the significance of the distribution of fungiform papillae and their associated taste bunds.  相似文献   

The distribution of taste buds on the fungiform and circumvallate papillae of the cow tongue has been determined. The two tongues studied were from Holstein-Friesian cows four to six years of age; they contained 14,765 and 21,691 taste buds, respectively. The tip of the tongue is well supplied with fungiform papillae, and the posterior portion contains the circumvallate papillae. The midportion of the tongue contains relatively few taste papillae. The fungiform papillae contained 1,580 and 1,838 taste buds on the two tongues, respectively, and the circumvallate papillae were estimated to contain 13,185 and 19,853 taste buds. The highest concentration of taste buds therefore occurs in the circumvallate papillae; these relatively few papillae contain approximately 90% of the taste buds. On a circumvallate papilla, taste buds are found only on the papillary sidewall, with none either on the apical surface of the papilla or on the outer wall of the moat.  相似文献   

The lingual papillae and the connective tissue cores (CTC) of the American beaver were examined by light and scanning electron microscopy. The tongue of American beaver was about 9 cm in length, 3.5 cm in width, and has a lingual prominence. Four types of papillae (filiform, fungiform, vallate and foliate papillae) were observed. The filiform papillae can be classified into three types (filiform, large filiform and dorm-like papillae). Filiform papillae distributed on the anterior tongue and posterior of the lingual prominence consisted of a posterior thick main process and several small accessory processes. After removal of the epithelium, the CTCs of the filiform papillae had U-shaped, horseshoe-like primary cores with 10-15 rod-shaped small accessory cores. Large filiform papillae were distributed at the anterior margin of the lingual prominence. Dome-like papillae were distributed at the top of lingual prominence. Fungiform papillae were observed two types. Fungiform papillae, which were distributed at the anterior tongue, were round shaped. Fungiform papillae of the posterior of the lingual prominence were large and surrounded with a papillary groove. At the posterior of the tongue, three vallate papillae were arranged in a triangular pattern. Foliate papillae were on 22 to 25 parallel ridges and grooves.  相似文献   

We observed the three-dimensional structures on the external surface and the connective tissue cores (CTCs) of the California sea lion (Zalophus californianus californianus), after exfoliation of the epithelium of the lingual papillae (filiform, fungiform, and vallate papillae), using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and conventional light microscopy. Macroscopically, the tongue was V-shaped and its apex was rounded. At the posterior area of the tongue, five vallate papillae were arranged in a V shape. In the epithelium, numerous taste buds were distributed on the top of the vallate papillae. On the dorsal surface from the apex to the boundary between the anterior and posterior tongue, filiform papillae were densely distributed. The CTCs of the filiform papillae consisted of a main protrusion (primary core) and many small cores (secondary cores). From the apex to the anterior one-third of the tongue, dome-like fungiform papillae were densely distributed, whereas fewer were located at the posterior two-thirds of the tongue. Several taste buds were found in the epithelium on the fungiform papillae. The size of the filiform papillae gradually increased from the apex to the boundary between the anterior and posterior tongue. At the lingual radix, the conical papillae, which were bigger than any filiform papillae, were densely distributed. The morphological characteristics of the tongue of the California sea lion appear to have been transformed to adapt to an aquatic environment; however, they possess some structures similar to those of land mammals.  相似文献   

The dorsal lingual surface of Microtus montebelli was examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The filiform papillae were distributed over the entire dorsal surface of the tongue. The filiform papillae notably differed in morphology by their location on the tongue and could be classified into 4 types: 1) simple conical papillae, 2) true filiform papillae, 3) giant conical papillae, and 4) saw-like papillae. The fugiform papillae were present rounded bodies scattered over the anterior dorsal surface of the tongue. A vallate papilla was located at the middle end of the lingual body. The surface of the radix zone was smooth and without lingual papillae.  相似文献   

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