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1.微循环的现代概念:微循环是直接参与细胞、组织的物质、能量、信息传递的血液、淋巴液、组织液的流动,它包括血液微循环、淋巴微循环和组织微循环三个部分。目前血液微循环的研究较多,研究对象涉及人体和多种实验动物,研究部位包括体表组织和内脏器官;而淋巴微循环的研究相对较少,研究对象主要是实验动物;组织微循环(组织通道)的研究由于技术尚未成熟,所以少有报道。  相似文献   

目的 探讨改善脑微循环疗法在脑瘫患儿康复中的作用机理及应用价值。方法 对7月~8岁的80例脑瘫儿,给予东莨菪碱0.03~0.06mg/kg·d静滴,60d一疗程,配合康复训练及头针治疗。结果 用药前后甲襞微循环积分依次为,形态2.163±0.676与1.402±0.436,P<0.01,流态1.405±0.528与0.618±0.486,P<0.01。治疗后TCD血管阻力指数较治疗前显著降低,P<0.01。治疗后动脉血流速度较治疗前显著增快,P<0.01。治疗后头颅CT脑发育不良恢复正常者占26.25%。结论改善脑微循环疗法在脑瘫康复中有着重要的临床意义及价值。  相似文献   

微循环作为机体最小的循环单位,极大地影响纳米药物的运输、代谢,成为纳米医学研究的重要平台;特别是微血管内皮细胞在纳米医学的靶向性研究、安全性检测和疾病诊断中发挥了重要作用,推动了肿瘤及其他微血管相关疾病的诊断、治疗。建立纳米医学的微循环检测平台,对纳米药物的临床可应用性进行评估亟待进行。  相似文献   

张春芳  邱卓英  林伟 《医学信息》2007,20(3):413-415
本文探讨了网络康复医学信息资源特点、分析研究了网络康复医学资源和网络康复医学信息资源开发利用方法,并提出了开发网络资源的对策。  相似文献   

微循环障碍与血瘀症及中医治疗   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
<正> 血瘀症与活血化瘀治法在中国医学中,有着古老的渊源和丰富的内容。本文将就如何把微循环障碍与血瘀症密切联系起来,并按活血化瘀原则给予治疗等问题加以探讨。一、微循环障碍与血瘀症的特点:微循环障碍时,其病理变化有:微血管畸形,血流不畅;微血管痉挛造成血管狭窄及阻塞;内皮细胞损伤;微血管损害,脆性增强与通  相似文献   

阿尔茨海默病与微循环   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阿 尔茨海默病 (Alzheimer’sDisease,AD)是老年期最常见的痴呆性疾病 ,其确切的病因虽不十分清楚 ,但就已知病因 ,如自由基损伤、代谢紊乱、炎症等可导致微循环障碍 ,尤其是脑微循环障碍病理上表现脑组织弥漫性萎缩和退行变 ,本病在发达国家已成为第四位致死原因。随着世界人口日趋老龄化 ,AD已成为当前老年医学面临的严峻问题之一 ,该病不仅严重损害了患者的健康 ,也给家属和社会带来了沉重负担 ,引起了全世界的普遍关注。1 病因及发病机制1.1 基因学说目前已发现四种与AD有关基因 ,可以解释约 5 0 %AD患者的…  相似文献   

目的探讨改善脑微循环疗法在脑瘫患儿康复中的作用机理及应用价值。方法对80例脑瘫小儿进行大剂量东莨菪碱静点为主的微循环疗法。在常规康复训练的基础上 ,在微循环显微镜的监测下 ,东莨菪碱按0.03~0.06mg/kg·d加入50~100ml液内静点 ,用药60d一个疗程。辅以头针治疗。主要检查了用药前后的TCD ,甲襞微循环 ,头颅CT ,发育商 (DQ)。结果用药前后甲襞微循环分值差异显著。治疗前后的形态、流态、总积分值依次为 :形态积分2.163±0.676 ,1.402±0.436 ;流态积分1.405±0.528 ,0.618±0.486 ;总积分3.832±1.006 ,2.122±0.694。TCD颅内血管阻力指数 (PI) ,治疗后较治疗前显著降低 ,P<0.01。脑动脉血流速度 (VP)治疗后较治疗前显著增快 ,P<0.01。头颅CT显示脑萎缩、脑发育不良者 ,经治疗后有26.25 %的恢复正常。80例患儿经治疗后 ,临床显效29例 ,有效33例 ,总有效率77.5 %。治疗前、后大动作DQ值依次为31.65±6.46与42.34±10.486 ,P<0.01。治疗前后精细动作DQ值依次为29.667±9.887与38.96±7.656 ,P<0.01。结论改善脑微循环疗法在脑瘫康复中有着重要的临床意义及价值  相似文献   

目的:脑康复冲剂临床用于治疗脑血栓血瘀证患者,本实验观察其对在大鼠实验性软脑膜微循环障碍的影响。方法:大鼠预防性给药,用高分子右旋糖酐水溶液静脉注射形成大鼠软脑膜的微循环障碍,观察脑康复冲剂对大鼠微循环的影响。结果:用高分子右旋糖酐造模后,大鼠软脑膜的微循环发生障碍,表现为血液流速减慢、血细胞聚集等,脑康复冲剂组血流速度开始减慢的时间明显比生理盐水对照组延长,且分级数也明显优于生理盐水组,对高分子右旋糖酐造成的血液流态障碍,脑康复组明显好于生理盐水组(P<0.05),毛细血管网交叉点数开始减少的时间也比生理盐水对照组延长,差异显著(P<0.01)。结论:脑康复冲剂使大鼠血流速度和血液流态得到改善,具有预防和改善动物脑微循环障碍的作用。  相似文献   

血瘀证与微循环障碍   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
血瘀证与微循环障碍综述/朱起贵,朱建红微循环学是当今广泛研究的课题之一。近年来认识到许多急性和慢性疾病与微循环障碍有密切关系,而且用改善微循环方法,尤其是运用祖国医学活血化瘀治法,改善微循环,对于某些疾病取得了较满意的疗效。为了进一步认识由于微循环障...  相似文献   

高压氧对人体微循环的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高压氧对人体微循环的影响文/高奎山,火翠香,胡庆玲,李玉荣,李小苗我科于1992年8月至1993年10月对住院的60名患者在高压氧(简称HBO)治疗前后行甲襞微循环检查,发现HBO治疗后异常的甲襞微循环均有明显改善。1资料、方法与结果本组病例为脑血栓...  相似文献   

影像实物建模的医学应用价值与局限   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
评估基于快速成型技术的影像实物建模在医学中的应用价值,并讨论其进一步应用增长的限制因素与未来前景。  相似文献   

目的 探讨中西医结合治疗抑郁症的疗效和不良反应.方法 选择符合中国精神疾病分类方案与诊断标准(第3版)(CCMD-3)抑郁症诊断标准的77例病人,Hamilton抑郁量表(HAMD)17项≥18分.随机分为两组,研究组:服中药汤剂加固产阿米替林口服,共36例;对照组:单用阿米替林口服,共41例.治疗6周末进行临床疗效和HAMD量表评定.结果 研究组疗效肯定,显效率为80.53%,对照组为78.05%;研究组比对照组见效快约1周;不良反应相似,均较轻微,无一例因副作用严重而中途停药者.结论 运用中西医结合方法治疗抑郁症有效安全,有广问的应用前景.  相似文献   

Tao-Hong-Si-Wu-Tang (THSWT) is a famous traditional Chinese herbal medicine formula, which has traditionally been used in China for about one thousand years. The present study investigated the effect of THSWT on physical fatigue. 32 male mice were randomly divided into 4 groups with 8 in each group. All were administered orally and daily for 28 days. Group I received isotonic saline solution as control; Group II, III and IV obtained 5, 10 and 20ml/ kg body weight of THSWT solutions, respectively. After 28 days, the anti-physical fatigue effect of THSWT was evaluated by using a forced swimming test, along with the determination of blood lactic acid, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), liver glycogen and muscle glycogen contents. The data showed that THSWT could extend exhaustive swimming time of mice, as well as decrease the BLA and BUN contents and increase the liver glycogen and muscle glycogen contents. The results support that THSWT had anti-physical fatigue effect.  相似文献   



To determine the physical activity level of the Croatian population in different domains of everyday life.


A random stratified sample of 1032 Croatians aged 15 years and older was interviewed using the official Croatian long version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). Total physical activity and physical activity in each of the 4 life domains – work, transport, domestic and garden, and leisure-time – were estimated. Physical activity was expressed as metabolic equivalent-hours per week (MET-hour/week).


Median total physical activity for the whole sample was 58.2 MET-hour/week. Median physical activity in MET-hour/week was 30.4 for work, 5.0 for transportation, 13.1 for domestic and garden, and 6.0 for leisure-time domain. The lowest physical activity was found in the 15-24 age group (42.7 MET-hour/week) and the highest in the 55-64 age group (72.0 MET-hour/week). Multiple regression analysis showed a significant relationship of socio-demographic and health-related characteristics (size of settlements, household income, educational level, age, body mass index, self-rated physical health, and self-rated mental health) with physical activity in all domains (P < 0.001).


Studies on physical activity in transition countries should include the domains of work and domestic and garden, since if only leisure-time domain is examined, the total physical activity level could be underestimated. As the lowest physical activity was reported by adolescents and young adults, strategies for increasing physical activity in this age group should be developed.Insufficient physical activity is related to the progress of different diseases (1-11), causing 1.9 million premature deaths per year globally (12). Furthermore, physical activity is closely related to mental health and well-being (13-17). Therefore, many strategies for promoting physical activity have been developed and implemented, such as “Global Strategy of Diet, Physical Activity and Health” (18) and “Healthy People 2010” (19). The development of these strategies created a need for standardization of physical activity measurements, which would allow the comparison between different studies from different countries. Although, there is no internationally accepted measure of physical activity (12), International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) is widely used in physical activity studies across the world (20). The long form of IPAQ measures frequency, duration, and intensity of physical activity in 4 domains of life: work, transport, domestic and garden, and leisure-time. Studies have shown an acceptable validity and reliability of IPAQ for use in population-based studies of physical activity (21,22).Although in the European Union and other developed countries a number of population-based studies on physical activity have been conducted, in transition European countries, such as Croatia, there is a lack of such data. In Croatia, there have been some studies on the prevalence of physical inactivity (23,24), but there has been no quantitative data on physical activity, especially with physical activity expressed as metabolic units (MET), which are the units that enable comparison between the studies. To the best of our knowledge, there has been no population-based study in Croatia which examined all 4 domains of physical activity. The aim of our study was to determine physical activity levels in a representative sample of Croatian population aged 15 years and older, using the long form Croatian version of IPAQ.  相似文献   

中国近代中医药期刊《国医正言》中,时任编辑的国医齐志学撰写并连载了《煎药须知》,共计5期,博采众长,并结合自身临床经验,详细描述了煎药用水、用火及火候、蒸露法、服法等,于今日临床仍然有所借鉴。既是对现代煎药法研究的重要补充,又可为中医药临床提供可靠的借鉴,值得中医文献工作者和临床医师引起重视。  相似文献   

联合图像专家组2000图像压缩方法的核医学应用研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为研究联合图像专家组2000(Jo in t Photograph ic Expert G roup 2000,JPEG 2000)图像压缩方法在核医学中的应用,将无病变和有病变核医学静态图像用JPEG 2000软件压缩。对无损压缩图像,测量其压缩比。对有损压缩图像,由医生阅片,根据其结论作接收器操作特性(R ece iver operating characteristic,ROC)分析,获得各种图像压缩比的ROC曲线下的面积(A rea under curve,AUC),以其大小评价图像诊断质量;并将原始图像组AUC与各有损压缩图像组的AUC作配对t检验。实验发现,无损压缩的图像压缩比为(1.34±0.05)∶1。而有损压缩比越大,AUC越小。原始图像与压缩图像比较,压缩比为10∶1时没有显著性差异,压缩比更大时则有显著性差异。实验结果表明,无损压缩方法压缩比低,实用意义不大。有损压缩比不大于10∶1时,核医学静态图像的诊断质量得以保留。对核医学中的其它图像形式,可根据的图像性质,特别是固有统计噪声的大小,适当增减压缩比。  相似文献   

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