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The present fMRI study attempts to identify brain areas that may underlie the effect of different background noises on functional brain asymmetry in a dichotic listening task. Previous studies have shown that the prominent right ear advantage in dichotic listening to consonant-vowel syllables is affected by background noise. To explore the underlying neuronal processes, haemodynamic brain responses using fMRI were recorded while participants performed the dichotic listening task in two different noisy backgrounds (conversational “babble” and traffic noise). The behavioural results showed a reduction of the right ear advantage in the background noise conditions, especially in the traffic noise condition. The behavioural results are discussed in terms of alertness-attentional mechanisms. The effects of background noise on brain activation involved significant activations in a speech-processing network. Specifically the changes in activations in the peri-Sylvian region of the superior temporal gyrus and in the temporo-parietal junction part in the left hemisphere, as well as in the superior temporal gyrus/sulcus area in the right hemisphere may mirror the effects of noise on behavioural performance. The effects of noise on brain activation are discussed with regard to pre-activation mechanisms.  相似文献   

Text processing requires inferences for establishing coherence between successive sentences. In neuropsychological studies and brain imaging studies, these coherence-building processes have been ascribed to the right hemisphere. On the other hand, there is evidence for prefrontal brain damage causing non-aphasic language disorders, in which text level processes are impaired. In this study, we used an event-related, whole-head fMRI methodology to evaluate the contributions of prefrontal areas and the right hemisphere to coherence building. We scanned 12 participants while they read 120 sentence pairs and judged their coherence. Four conditions were used, resulting from crossing coherence and cohesion (i.e. the presence of a lexical connection). A behavioral pretest confirmed that cohesion aided establishing coherence, whereas it hindered the detection of coherence breaks. In the fMRI study, all language conditions yielded activation in left frontolateral and temporolateral regions, when compared to a physical control task. The differences due to coherence of the sentence pairs were most evident in larger activation for coherent as compared to incoherent sentence pairs in the left frontomedian wall, but also in posterior cingulate and precuneal regions. Finally, a left inferior prefrontal area was sensitive to the difficulty of the task, and in particular to the increase in processing costs when cohesion falsely indicated coherence. These results could not provide evidence for a special involvement of the right hemisphere during inferencing. Rather, they suggest that the left frontomedian cortex plays an important role in coherence building.  相似文献   

Neuroimaging studies of written and spoken sentence processing report greater left hemisphere than right hemisphere activation. However, a large majority of our experience with language is face-to-face interaction, which is much richer in information. The current study examines the neural organization of audio-visual (AV) sentence processing using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) at 4 Tesla. Participants viewed the face and upper body of a speaker via a video screen while listening to her produce, in alternating blocks, English sentences and sentences composed of pronounceable non-words. Audio-visual sentence processing was associated with activation in the left hemisphere in Broca's area, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, the superior precentral sulcus, anterior and middle portions of the lateral sulcus, middle superior portions of the temporal sulcus, supramarginal gyrus and angular gyrus. Further, AV sentence processing elicited activation in the right anterior and middle lateral sulcus. Between-hemisphere analyses revealed a left hemisphere dominant pattern of activation. The findings support the hypothesis that the left hemisphere may be biased to process language independently of the modality through which it is perceived. These results are discussed in the context of previous neuroimaging results using American Sign Language (ASL).  相似文献   

The neurobiological mechanisms of nocebos are still poorly understood. Thirty-eight women participated in a ‘smell study’ using functional magnetic resonance imaging. They were presented with an odorless stimulus (distilled water) together with the verbal suggestion that this fluid has an aversive odor which enhances disgust feelings. The nocebo was presented while the participants viewed disgusting, fear-inducing, and neutral images. Participants’ affective and neuronal responses during nocebo administration were compared with those in a control condition without nocebo. Twenty-nine women (76%) reported perceiving a slightly unpleasant and arousing odor. These ‘nocebo responders’ experienced increased disgust during the presentation of disgusting images in combination with the nocebo and showed enhanced left orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) activation. It has been suggested that the OFC is involved in the generation of placebo/nocebo-related expectations and appraisals. This region showed increased functional connectivity with areas involved in interoception (insula), autobiographical memories (hippocampus), and odor imagery (piriform cortex) during nocebo administration. The nocebo-induced change in brain activation was restricted to the disgust condition. Implications for psychotherapy are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent neuropsychological and functional imaging evidence has suggested a role for anterior temporal cortex in sentence-level comprehension. We explored this hypothesis using event-related fMRI. Subjects were scanned while they listened to either a sequence of environmental sounds describing an event or a corresponding sentence matched as closely as possible in meaning. Both types of stimuli required subjects to integrate auditory information over time to derive a similar meaning, but differ in the processing mechanisms leading to the integration of that information, with speech input requiring syntactic mechanisms and environmental sounds utilizing non-linguistic mechanisms. Consistent with recent claims, sentences produced greater activation than environmental sounds in anterior superior temporal lobe bilaterally. A similar speech > sound activation pattern was noted also in posterior superior temporal regions in the left. Envirornmental sounds produced greater activation than sentences in right inferior frontal gyrus. The results provide support for the view that anterior temporal cortex plays an important role in sentence-level comprehension.  相似文献   

Dopamine has been hypothesized to modulate response inhibition. To test this hypothesis, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to measure the effects of the dopamine prodrug levodopa on the brain responses to a well-validated response inhibition task (go/no-go, or GNG). Since abnormalities of response inhibition and dopamine have been thought to underlie tics and other symptoms of Tourette syndrome, we studied 8 neuroleptic-naive adults with tic disorders as well as 10 well-matched healthy controls. Subjects were pretreated with the peripheral decarboxylase inhibitor carbidopa, then scanned during GNG and control blocks, both before and during i.v. levodopa infusion. Both groups had similar task performance and task-related regional brain activity before and during levodopa infusion. Levodopa did not affect reaction times or accuracy, so fMRI findings can be interpreted without concern that they simply reflect a performance difference between conditions. Levodopa did affect the magnitude of GNG-related fMRI responses in the right cerebellum and right parietal cortex, significantly reducing both. Pre-levodopa activity in the right cerebellum correlated with reaction times (higher magnitudes associated with faster reaction times), and pre-levodopa activity in the right parietal cortex correlated with false alarm rate (higher magnitudes associated with higher error). In summary, right parietal and cerebellar regions important in mediating specific aspects of the GNG task were modulated by levodopa, suggesting a region-specific role for dopamine in response inhibition.  相似文献   

Recent neuropsychological studies in healthy volunteers suggest that antidepressants enhance the processing of positive emotional information. However, the neural substrates underpinning these changes have not been fully elucidated. The current study, therefore, used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to map brain systems activated during successful categorization and subsequent recognition of self-referent positive and negative personality characteristics in healthy volunteers following short-term (7 days) repeated administration of the selective noradrenergic reuptake inhibitor reboxetine. Twenty-four healthy volunteers were randomly assigned to 7-day double-blind intervention with reboxetine or placebo. On day 7, neural responses during the categorization and subsequent recognition of positive and negative characteristics were assessed using fMRI. Questionnaires monitoring mood, hostility and anxiety were given before and during this intervention. During categorization, reboxetine was associated with greater activation to positive words, relative to negative words, in left precuneus and right inferior frontal gyrus. By contrast, at subsequent recognition reboxetine was associated with reduced response to positive words, relative to negative words, in left precuneus, anterior cingulate and medial frontal gyrus. These changes in the neural processing of positive and negative words occurred in the absence of significant differences in ratings of mood and anxiety. Such adaptations in the neural processing of emotional information support the hypothesis that antidepressants have early effects on emotional processing in a manner which would be expected to reverse negative biases in depression.  相似文献   

A prominent issue in cognitive neuroscience is whether language function is instantiated in the brain as a single undifferentiated process, or whether regions of relative specialisation can be demonstrated. The contrast between regular and irregular English verb inflection has been pivotal to this debate. Behavioural dissociations related to different lesion sites in brain-damaged patients suggest that processing regular and irregular past tenses involves different neural systems. Using event-related fMRI in a group of unimpaired young adults, we contrast processing of spoken regular and irregular past tense forms in a same-different judgement task, shown in earlier research with patients to engage left hemisphere language systems. An extensive fronto-temporal network, linking anterior cingulate (ACC), left inferior frontal cortex (LIFC) and bilateral superior temporal gyrus (STG), was preferentially activated for regularly inflected forms. Access to meaning from speech is supported by temporal cortex, but additional processing is required for forms that end in regular inflections, which differentially engage LIFC processes that support morpho-phonological segmentation and grammatical analysis.  相似文献   

Alcohol intoxication effects on visual perception: an fMRI study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We examined the effects of two doses of alcohol (EtOH) on functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) activation during a visual perception task. The Motor-Free Visual Perception Test-Revised (MVPT-R) provides measures of overall visual perceptual processing ability. It incorporates different cognitive elements including visual discrimination, spatial relationships, and mental rotation. We used the MVPT-R to study brain activation patterns in healthy controls (1) sober, and (2) at two doses of alcohol intoxication with event-related fMRI. The fMRI data were analyzed using a general linear model approach based upon a model of the time course and a hemodynamic response estimate. Additionally, a correlation analysis was performed to examine dose-dependent amplitude changes. With regard to alcohol-free task-related brain activation, we replicate our previous finding in which SPM group analysis revealed robust activation in visual and visual association areas, frontal eye field (FEF)/dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), and the supplemental motor area (SMA). Consistent with a previous study of EtOH and visual stimulation, EtOH resulted in a dose-dependent decrease in activation amplitude over much of the visual perception network and in a decrease in the maximum contrast-to-noise ratio (in the lingual gyrus). Despite only modest behavior changes (in the expected direction), significant dose-dependent activation increases were observed in insula, DLPFC, and precentral regions, whereas dose-dependent activation decreases were observed in anterior and posterior cingulate, precuneus, and middle frontal areas. Some areas (FEF/DLPFC/SMA) became more diffusely activated (i.e., increased in spatial extent) at the higher dose. Alcohol, thus, appears to have both global and local effects upon the neural correlates of the MVPT-R task, some of which are dose dependent.  相似文献   

Two previous studies in which we recorded slow brain potential shifts over the scalp revealed performance-dependent effects that sustained one prominent model of timing mechanisms. These effects seemed to be derived from the supplementary motor area (SMA). Event-related functional magnetic resonance imagery (fMRI) was used to check this hypothesis. Brain activations were contrasted in Time production and (control) Force production tasks involving left-hand responding. These tasks, presented in mixed order, were designed to be of equivalent difficulty and involve comparable levels of attention. Several brain areas were activated in both tasks relative to baseline: the SMA, the putamen, and the lateral cerebellum. Contrasts between tasks gave clear-cut differences. Activations specific to the Time task were found in the SMA proper and the left primary motor cortex. The Force task activated the right sensorimotor cortex and the left cerebellum, and, bilaterally, the infero-parietal cortex and the insula. The main result, i.e. prominent activation of the SMA proper in relation to temporal production, corroborates our previous studies based on slow cortical potentials. The data are referred to current evidence suggesting that timing processes are subtended by a striato-thalamo-cortical pathway including the SMA.  相似文献   

Women are more vulnerable to psychosocial stressors such as interpersonal conflicts than men, and are more susceptible to some psychiatric disorders. We hypothesized that there are differences in the brain activity of men and women while perceiving unpleasant linguistic stimuli concerning interpersonal relationships, and that they underlie the different sensitivity toward these stressful stimuli. We carried out a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study on 13 young female adults and 13 young male adults who performed an emotional decision task including sets of unpleasant words concerning interpersonal relationships and sets of neutral words. In the women, the unpleasant words more significantly activated the bilateral caudate nuclei and left putamen than the neutral words. However, among the men, there was no difference in the level of activation of any brain area induced by the unpleasant or neutral word stimuli. Upon performing the task, there was a significant gender difference in brain activation. Moreover, among the female subjects, the activation in the bilateral caudate nuclei and left thalamus was negatively correlated with the average rating of pleasantness of the words concerning interpersonal conflicts by the subject. These results demonstrate gender differences in brain activity in processing unpleasant linguistic stimuli related to interpersonal conflicts. Our data suggest that the bilateral caudate nuclei and left putamen play an important role in the perception of words concerning interpersonal conflicts in women. The bilateral caudate nuclei and left thalamus may regulate a woman’s sensitivity to unpleasant information about interpersonal difficulties.  相似文献   

Neural response to pleasant stimuli in anhedonia: an fMRI study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this study was to investigate the neural correlates of affect processing in depressed anhedonic patients and healthy controls. Whole brain functional magnetic resonance imaging scans were obtained from seven females with a diagnosis of chronic unipolar major depression and high levels of anhedonia, and seven healthy females, while they were presented with positive valence and neutral images. Patients, compared to controls, showed decreased activation in medial frontal cortex, and increased activation in inferior frontal cortex, anterior cingulate, thalamus, putamen and insula. Reduced activation in medial frontal cortex may underlie abnormal positive affect processing in patients. Increases in neural activation in putamen and thalamus, previously found in transient sadness, and anterior cingulate could point to an involvement of these structures in anhedonia.  相似文献   

The effect hyperoxia had on the hemodynamic response to visual stimulation (black and white checkerboard alternating at a frequency of 8 Hz) of human VI was investigated using a blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) contrast with an fMRI technique. Data were acquired with a 5 on/5 off block paradigm using single-shot gradient-echo echo-planar imaging. Using a two-tailed paired t-test (p < 0.05, n = 13) it was found that the mean percentage signal change and the mean number of activated pixels was significantly increased for hyperoxia (5.7 +/- 0.9, 187 +/- 73, mean +/- SD) relative to those for normoxia (5.4 +/- 0.9, 168 +/- 58). We believe that these results indicate that hyperoxia enhances the activation-induced hemodynamic response in human VI.  相似文献   

Whole-head functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used in nine neurologically intact subjects to measure the hemodynamic responses in the context of dichotic listening (DL). In order to eliminate the influence of verbal information processing, tones of different frequencies were used as stimuli. Three different dichotic listening tasks were used: the subjects were instructed to either concentrate on the stimuli presented in both ears (DIV), or only in the left (FL) or right (FR) ear and to monitor the auditory input for a specific target tone. When the target tone was detected, the subjects were required to indicate this by pressing a response button. Compared to the resting state, all dichotic listening tasks evoked strong hemodynamic responses within a distributed network comprising of temporal, parietal, and frontal brain areas. Thus, it is clear that dichotic listening makes use of various cognitive functions located within the dorsal and ventral stream of auditory information processing (i.e., the 'what' and 'where' streams). Comparing the three different dichotic listening conditions with each other only revealed a significant difference in the pre-SMA and within the left planum temporale area. The pre-SMA was generally more strongly activated during the DIV condition than during the FR and FL conditions. Within the planum temporale, the strongest activation was found during the FR condition and the weakest during the DIV condition. These findings were taken as evidence that even a simple dichotic listening task such as the one used here, makes use of a distributed neural network comprising of the dorsal and ventral stream of auditory information processing. In addition, these results support the previously made assumption that planum temporale activation is modulated by attentional strategies. Finally, the present findings uncovered that the pre-SMA, which is mostly thought to be involved in higher-order motor control processes, is also involved in cognitive processes operative during dichotic listening.  相似文献   

The calculating brain: an fMRI study   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
To explore brain areas involved in basic numerical computation, functional magnetic imaging (fMRI) scanning was performed on college students during performance of three tasks; simple arithmetic, numerical magnitude judgment, and a perceptual-motor control task. For the arithmetic relative to the other tasks, results for all eight subjects revealed bilateral activation in Brodmann's area 44, in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (areas 9 and 10), in inferior and superior parietal areas, and in lingual and fusiform gyri. Activation was stronger on the left for all subjects, but only at Brodmann's area 44 and the parietal cortices. No activation was observed in the arithmetic task in several other areas previously implicated for arithmetic, including the angular and supramarginal gyri and the basal ganglia. In fact, angular and supramarginal gyri were significantly deactivated by the verification task relative to both the magnitude judgment and control tasks for every subject. Areas activated by the magnitude task relative to the control were more variable, but in five subjects included bilateral inferior parietal cortex. These results confirm some existing hypotheses regarding the neural basis of numerical processes, invite revision of others, and suggest productive lines for future investigation.  相似文献   

Language comprehension in everyday life requires the continuous integration of prior discourse context and general world knowledge with the current utterance or sentence. In the neurolinguistic literature, these so-called situation model building processes have been ascribed to the prefrontal cortex or to the right hemisphere. In this study, we use whole-head event-related fMRI to directly map the neural correlates of narrative comprehension in context. While being scanned using a spin-echo sequence, 20 participants listened to 32 short stories, half of which contained globally inconsistent information. The inconsistencies concerned either temporal or chronological information or the emotional status of the protagonist. Hearing an inconsistent word elicited activation in the right anterior temporal lobe. The comparison of different information aspects revealed activation in the left precuneus and a bilateral frontoparietal network for chronological information. Emotional information elicited activation in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex and the extended amygdaloid complex. In addition, the integration of inconsistent emotional information engaged the dorsal frontomedial cortex (Brodmann's area 8/9), whereas the integration of inconsistent temporal information required the lateral prefrontal cortex bilaterally. These results indicate that listening to stories can elicit activation reflecting content-specific processes. Furthermore, updating of the situation model is not a unitary process but it also depends on the particular requirements of the text. The right hemisphere contributes to language processing in context, but equally important are the left medial and bilateral prefrontal cortices.  相似文献   

Susanne Gahl 《Aphasiology》2013,27(12):1173-1198
Background: This study investigates the role of lexical information in normal and aphasic sentence comprehension. Effects of verb biases in normal comprehension have been well documented in previous studies (e.g., Spivey-Knowlton & Sedivy, 1995; Trueswell, Tanenhaus, & Kello, 1993), but their role in aphasic language processing has largely been ignored (with the exceptions of Menn et al., 1998, and Russo, Peach, & Shapiro, 1998). Aims: The aim of the study is to test the lexical bias hypothesis, i.e., the hypothesis that sentence comprehension is influenced by lexical biases in aphasic listeners, as well as in normals. Method & Procedures: Using a sentence plausibility judgement task, we probe for sensitivity to verb transitivity bias, i.e., the likelihood, as estimated from corpus counts, that a verb will be transitive, rather than intransitive. Five normal controls and eighteen participants with aphasia (six with Broca's aphasia, four with Wernicke's aphasia, two with conduction aphasia, and six with anomic aphasia) are included in the study. Based on the lexical bias hypothesis, we predicted that participants would make more errors in sentences with a mismatch of verb bias and syntactic structure, such as a transitive sentence containing a verb with intransitive bias. Outcomes & Results: Both the group of normal controls and the mixed group of aphasic patients make significantly more errors on sentences in which there is a mismatch between verb bias and syntactic structure, as predicted by the lexical bias hypothesis. Specifically, patients with fluent aphasia types, particularly anomic aphasia, show a sensitivity to verb bias, contrary to earlier findings. Conclusions: These results are consistent with the view that lexical factors, not purely syntactic ones, are to blame for many previously observed patterns in aphasic comprehension. The results are further consistent with the view that many aphasic errors differ not qualitatively but quantitatively from normal comprehension errors.  相似文献   

The ease with which humans are able to perform symmetric movements of both hands has traditionally been attributed to the preference of the motor system to activate homologous muscles. Recently, we have shown in right-handers, however, that bimanual index finger adduction and abduction movements in incongruous hand orientations (one palm down/other up) preferentially engaged parietal perception-associated brain areas. Here, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging to investigate the influence of hand orientation in left-handers on cerebral activation during bimanual index finger movements. Performance in incongruous orientation of either hand yielded activations involving right and left motor cortex, supplementary motor area in right superior frontal gyrus (SMA and pre-SMA), bilateral premotor cortex, prefrontal cortex, bilateral somatosensory cortex and anterior parietal cortex along the intraparietal sulcus. In addition, the occipito-temporal cortex corresponding to human area MT (hMT) in either hemisphere was activated in relation to bimanual index finger movements in the incongruous hand orientation as compared with the same movements in the congruous hand orientation or with simply viewing the pacing stimuli. Comparison with the same movement condition in right-handed subjects from a former study support these hMT activations exclusively for left-handed subjects. These results suggest that left-handers use visual motion imagery in guiding incongruous bimanual finger movements.  相似文献   



The visual cortex of the human brain contains specialized modules for processing different visual features of an object. Confronted with multiple objects, the system needs to attribute the correct features to each object (often referred to as 'the binding problem'). The brain is assumed to integrate the features of perceived objects into object files – pointers to the neural representations of these features, which outlive the event they represent in order to maintain stable percepts of objects over time. It has been hypothesized that a new encounter with one of the previously bound features will reactivate the other features in the associated object file according to a kind of pattern-completion process.  相似文献   

Previous evidence suggests that ‘social gaze’ can not only cause shifts in attention, but also can change the perception of objects located in the direction of gaze and how these objects will be manipulated by an observer. These findings implicate differences in the neural networks sub-serving action control driven by social cues as compared with nonsocial cues. Here, we sought to explore this hypothesis by using functional magnetic resonance imaging and a stimulus–response compatibility paradigm in which participants were asked to generate spatially congruent or incongruent motor responses to both social and nonsocial stimuli. Data analysis revealed recruitment of a dorsal frontoparietal network and the locus coeruleus for the generation of incongruent motor responses, areas previously implicated in controlling attention. As a correlate for the effect of ‘social gaze’ on action control, an interaction effect was observed for incongruent responses to social stimuli in sub-cortical structures, anterior cingulate and inferior frontal cortex. Our results, therefore, suggest that performing actions in a—albeit minimal—social context significantly changes the neural underpinnings of action control and recruits brain regions previously implicated in action monitoring, the reorienting of attention and social cognition.  相似文献   

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