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目的:探讨护士素质与护患交流技巧的关系。方法:针对护患交流过程中不同环节、不同对像、不同病情对护士素质的要求,有目的的培养护士的综合素质。结果:通过不断提高护士的综合素质,丰富了护士的交流技巧,明显地改善了护患关系。结论:提高护士的综合素质是丰富护患交流技巧、改善护患关系的有效手段。  相似文献   

目的了解急诊科护士对护患纠纷的预见性,为护患纠纷防范提供参考依据。方法抽取菏泽市10所医院的232名急诊科护士,应用急诊护士护患纠纷预见性现状调查问卷进行调查。结果急诊护士护患纠纷预见性总分(156.00±41.49)分。性别、年龄、学历、工作年限、职称是急诊科护士护患纠纷预见性影响因素。结论急诊科护士护患纠纷预见性处于中等水平,强化培训与演练,增强急诊护士护患纠纷的预见性,降低护患纠纷,能有效提升急诊护理质量。  相似文献   

目的:通过护患沟通不良言行仿真情景演练,提高护士换位思考与护患沟通能力。方法:选择演练病种,收集资料,进行演练分工,组织实施演练。结果:演练提升了护士的护患沟通能力,使护士注重了换位思考,提高了护士的服务意识。结论:护患沟通不良言行仿真情景演练锻炼了护士的心理稳定素质及发现问题、解决问题的能力,护士掌握了有效沟通的技巧,有利于建立良好的护患关系,落实优质护理服务。  相似文献   

护士对护患沟通与护患纠纷关系认知调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:了解影响护患沟通及护患纠纷的相关因素,并寻求有效途径以加强护患沟通,减少护患纠纷。方法:采用自制问卷对176名工作年限在1年以上,持有护士执照并且愿意参加本研究的在职护士进行调查。结果:大多数护士能意识到护患沟通的重要性。71.6%的护士在校期间仅学过部分护患沟通知识,77.3%的护士并未参加过任何关于护患沟通的培训;89.2%的护士有因沟通不良而发生过护患纠纷或小摩擦,63.6%的护士认为工作太忙是导致护患沟通不良的最主要原因,60.2%的护士认为护患纠纷的发生与护士的技术水平有一定的关系,54.0%的护士认为出现并发症或延期出院最易导致护患纠纷。42.6%的护士认为建立沟通长效机制是加强护患沟通的最好办法。结论:护息沟通与护患纠纷两者存在一定的关系,可以从加强沟通知识教育。提高自身技术,履行告知义务,医院建立沟通长效机制等途径加强护患沟通,减少或避免护患纠纷。  相似文献   

护患关系与人际交流   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
健康服务过程中涉及多方面的人际关系 ,护士在健康服务过程中 ,也会面对许多复杂的人际关系 ,如护士与病人 ,护士与医生 ,护士与护士 ,护士与家属等。但其中最重要的是护士和病人之间的人际关系 ,即护患关系。它是整个护理保健服务过程中的关键环节之一。2 护患关系2 1 护患关系的概念及特征2 1 1 护患关系的概念护患关系是在护理过程中护士与病人之间产生和发展的一种工作性、专业性、帮助性的人际关系。2 1 2 护患关系的特征及意义2 1 2 1 护患关系是以治疗为目的的专业性、帮助性关系。护患关系是以解决病人在患病期间所遇到的…  相似文献   

护患沟通知识培训与临床应用效果评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的通过护患沟通知识培训,提高全院护士护患沟通技能,促进沟通技巧在临床护理工作中的应用,改善护患关系,提高病人满意度。方法对全院护士采取集体讲课、模拟训练、分组讨论、经验交流、护理查房等方法培训,并自行设计护患沟通调查表对护士及患者进行调查。结果全院护士培训后,护士对沟通知识掌握情况及临床应用较培训前显著改善(p〈0.01或0.05)。结论对护士实行护患沟通知识培训能加强护患沟通,改善护患关系,提高护理质量。  相似文献   

目的 找出影响护患关系的因素及缓解护患矛盾的途径.方法 查阅文献,运用哲学原理分析护患矛盾的影响因素.结果 护士是矛盾的主要方面,克服护士自身局限性有助于缓解护患矛盾.结论 影响护患关系的因素有很多种,护士是护患关系的主导者,需要全社会的关心和理解,其各方面素质的提高有利于构建和谐护患关系.  相似文献   

目的 分析某医院68例护患纠纷发生的原因,探讨管理对策.方法 回顾性分析68例护患纠纷发生的原因及不同护龄、不同学历低年资护士发生护患纠纷构成比.结果 护龄≤5年的护士护患纠纷发生构成比占57.35%,高于其他护龄段护士,差异具有统计学意义(p<0.01).不同学历低年资护士护患纠纷的发生构成比差异具有统计学意义(P<...  相似文献   

目的探讨护患双方对护患关系影响因素的认知。方法采用自行设计的护士和患者问卷对542名护士和330例患者进行问卷调查。结果护士问卷中得分居前3位的影响因素是疾病治疗效果、护士工作责任心、患者医疗费用,患者问卷中得分居前3位的影响因素是护士工作责任心、护士操作技能、护士服务态度;护患双方对护士服务态度、护士服务礼仪、护士服务质量、护士人性关怀能力、护士专业理论、护士操作技能、患者医疗费用、亲友、媒体等评价认知不同(P<0.01或P<0.05)。结论护患双方对护患关系影响因素的认知存在差异,作为护士应全面提升自身素质,为患者提供优质护理服务,促进患者早日康复,促进护患和谐。  相似文献   

韩平 《齐鲁护理杂志》2011,17(27):53-55
目的:探讨县级医院护理人员护患沟通能力及知识需求状况。方法:采用自行设计问卷调查表,随机抽取我县两所二级综合医院护理人员200名进行护患沟通能力及知识需求现状调查。结果:97.00%的护士认为护患沟通很重要;82.50%的护士认为护患沟通是护士应该做的,但47.00%的护士认为有效、融洽的护患沟通较难做到或做不到,80.00%的护士认为沟通不良是投诉的主要原因;95.00%的护士认为是护理人员少、93.50%的护士认为工作繁忙、62.00%的护士认为自身知识缺乏而影响护患沟通;沟通方式以口头沟通为主(92.50%),沟通时间以下午为主(93.00%);100.00%的护士认为需要护患沟通知识,92.50%的护士愿意接受在职规范化培训。结论:重视县级医院护理人员护患沟通技能的规范培训,使之端正沟通态度、灵活掌握沟通技巧、建立和谐的护患关系、提高患者满意度,是非常重要的。  相似文献   

朱儒红 《现代护理》2007,13(18):1711-1712
目的探讨专业组长在护理质量控制中的作用。方法具有大专学历,护师或以上职称者轮流担任,经过三年实践,评选出一部分工作出色的专业组长继续担任。结果低年资及聘用护士的工作能力得到明显提高;对病人实施系统化的健康教育,调动病人的积极性,促进病人的康复;协助护士长的督察、管理,提高护理质量,减少护理差错。结论专业组长在临床护理中,提高了临床护理的质量及健康教育的内涵,改善了护患关系,改变了护士的专业形象。  相似文献   

D Field 《Nursing times》1989,85(13):46-48
The conflict between professional distance and emotional involvement has been identified as a central problem for nurses in their care of dying patients. While some nurses may attempt to maintain their professional distance, individualised methods of patient care encourage the development of emotional involvement between nurses and their patients. Where such nursing methods are used it is essential that appropriate ways exist of handling the problems which such involvement may cause nurses. In the coronary care unit studied, the organisation of nursing work facilitated close and continuing contact between nurses and their patients, thereby increasing the chance that emotional involvement would develop. The death of a patient was not viewed by the nurses as a 'failure', but there were sometimes difficulties for them arising from their involvement with the patient. This paper describes the handling of death and dying in the unit, and some of the issues surrounding emotional involvement and communication with dying patients.  相似文献   

目的 了解住院患者对实习护士职业形象的评价,提出实习护士职业形象建设的思考和建议.方法 采用自制问卷对2所医院580例住院患者进行问卷调查,了解实习护士在其心目中的职业形象.结果 25.2%的患者认为实习护士的服务质量未达到期望的标准.大部分患者认为应加强护士的护理技能培训,语言沟通能力的堵训及职业礼仪的培训.结论 实习护士目前的职业形象与患者的期望还存在差距,需要加强实习护士的业务水平、语言沟通能力和职业礼仪等培养.  相似文献   

severinsson e. & sand å. (2010) Journal of Nursing Management  18, 669–677
Evaluation of the clinical supervision and professional development of student nurses Aim The aim of the present study was to evaluate the clinical supervision and professional development of student nurses during their undergraduate education. Background Nursing education has undergone radical changes as a result of improvements in the academic-based clinical education required for the Bachelor’s degree. Methods The sample consisted of student nurses (n = 147) and data were collected by means of questionnaires. Results The results demonstrated that the frequency of sessions and the supervision model employed influence the student nurses’ professional development. Several significant correlations were found, most of which were related to the development of the student nurses’ professional relationships with their supervisors and reflection on the development of their skills. From the patients’ perspective, a high correlation was found between the factors ‘preserving integrity’ and ‘protecting participation by patients and family members’. Conclusions Clinical supervision strongly influences the student nurses’ development of a professional identity, enhancing decision-making ability and personal growth. However, development of documentation skills should include a greater level of user involvement. Implications for nursing management The findings highlight the need for management and staff nurses to engage in on-going professional development. Transformative leadership, which is value driven, can facilitate and enhance the supervision and development of student nurses.  相似文献   

The currenttendency for nurses to be on a first name basis with their patients and to wear less professonal clothing provides new metaphors for interpreting nurses' work status. We argue that this prevailing social informality in communications and dress perpetuates themes that diminish the professional image of nurses, masks the cognitive nature of their work, threatens nurses' therapeutic effectiveness, and continues to reinforce the hierarchical relationship between nurses and physicians. Strategies are presented to help nurse educators, administrators, and clinicians transform nurses' work environments into clinical settings that enhance their professional presentation.  相似文献   

This paper reviews current literature to offer a discussion related to burnout, an issue that affects the entire healthcare sector, including nurses and patients. Literature suggests a correlation between moral distress and burnout in nurses. These issues are considered to be current and affect recruitment and retention of nurses. The authors propose supporting nurses by using knowledge of resilient behaviours as a means of transcending burnout and workplace stress. The authors believe that this process can be achieved through existing hospital professional development processes, for example supervision, reflective practice, in-service education and other forms of professional development.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the construct validity and reliability of the Nursing Stress Indicator (NSI) and to identify differences between occupational stressors of professional and enrolled nurses. A cross-sectional survey design was used. A sample of professional nurses (N = 980) and enrolled and auxiliary nurses (N = 800) in South Africa was used. The NSI was developed as measuring instrument and administrated together with a biographical questionnaire. Five reliable stress factors, namely Patient Care, Job Demands, Lack of Support, Staff Issues, and Overtime were extracted. The most severe stressors for nurses included health risks posed by contact with patients, lack of recognition and insufficient staff. Watching patients suffer, demands of patients and staff issues were also severe stressors for professional nurses. The severity of stressors was higher for professional nurses (compared with enrolled and auxiliary nurses). Organisations that employ nurses should implement programmes to monitor and manage stress, specifically regarding staff issues and job demands.  相似文献   

This article focuses on social workers and nurses who complement each other's work in providing health care services to their patients. The professional literature suggests that understanding the professional differences between social workers and nurses may lead to more collaboration between these groups. This study empirically compares empowerment, skills, and values of social workers (n = 213) and nurses (n = 152). Nurses reported higher scores in all empowerment and value variables. Nurses also claimed to use more therapeutic and communication skills, and social workers reported the use of more social action skills. The differences in empowerment, skills and values between social workers and nurses are discussed in light of their different professional roles and work environments.  相似文献   

手术室护士在职教育有效形式探讨   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
目的探讨手术室在职教育的有效形式和效果。方法手术室每周1次采用课堂教学或现场演示法组织手术室护士、进修生、实习生进行系统专业学习。以系统性、多样化的学习形式丰富学习内容,包括手术室专业知识、专业素质、专业写作理论等内容,营造了浓厚的学术氛围;开设专科小课、专科讲座,巩固专科知识。结果手术医生、病人对手术室的满意度分别由84.5%及78.3%上升到95.5%、86.5%。手术室护士年度发表论文3年增长21%。结论定期专业学习是手术室护士在职教育的有效形式。能提高手术室护士的专业素质和整体业务水平。  相似文献   

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