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A variety of evidence suggests that 5-HT participates in presynaptic facilitation of the siphon sensory cells contributing to dishabituation and sensitization of the gill- and siphon-withdrawal reflex in Aplysia. Most recently, Glanzman et al. (1989) have shown that the 5-HT neurotoxin 5,7-DHT markedly reduces both the synaptic facilitation and behavioral dishabituation produced by tail shock. To provide more direct evidence for a role of 5-HT, I have used histological techniques to try to locate individual serotonergic facilitator neurons. I first used a modification of the glyoxylic acid histofluorescence technique to map serotonergic and dopaminergic neurons in the CNS of Aplysia. Intracellular fluorescent labeling combined with histofluorescence indicates that the previously identified L29 facilitator neurons are not serotonergic. Nerve transection experiments suggest that most of the perisomatic 5-HT histofluorescence in the abdominal ganglion (the location of the siphon sensory cells) comes from neurons whose cell bodies are located in the pedal or cerebral ganglia. As there are at least 500 serotonergic neurons in those ganglia, I combined retrograde fluorescent labeling with histofluorescence to identify a small subset of those neurons which send processes to the abdominal ganglion and are therefore potential serotonergic facilitators. In the following paper, Mackey et al. (1989) show that stimulation of 2 of those neurons in the cerebral ganglia (the CB1 cells) produces presynaptic facilitation of the siphon sensory cells contributing to dishabituation and sensitization of the withdrawal reflex.  相似文献   

Several lines of evidence suggest that 5-HT plays a significant role in presynaptic facilitation of the siphon sensory cells contributing to dishabituation and sensitization of the gill- and siphon-withdrawal reflex in Aplysia. Most recently, Glanzman et al. (1989) found that treatment with the 5-HT neurotoxin, 5,7-DHT markedly reduced both synaptic facilitation and behavioral dishabituation. To provide more direct evidence for a role of 5-HT, we have attempted to identify individual serotonergic facilitator neurons. Hawkins (1989) used histological techniques to locate several serotonergic neurons in the ring ganglia that send axons to the abdominal ganglion and are therefore possible serotonergic facilitators. These include one neuron in the B cluster of each cerebral ganglion, which we have identified electrophysiologically and named the CB1 cells. Both glyoxylic acid histofluorescence and 5-HT immunofluorescence indicate that the CB1 neurons are serotonergic. In a semiintact preparation, the CB1 neurons respond to cutaneous stimulation which produces dishabituation and sensitization (such as tail shock) with an increase in firing, which may outlast the stimulation by 15 min. Intracellular stimulation of a CB1 neuron in a manner similar to its response to tail shock produces facilitation of the EPSPs from siphon sensory neurons to motor neurons, as well as broadening of the action potential in the sensory neurons in tetraethylammonium solution. These results strongly suggest that the identified serotonergic CB1 neurons participate in mediating presynaptic facilitation contributing to dishabituation and sensitization of the gill- and siphon-withdrawal reflex in Aplysia.  相似文献   

Tail shock-induced modulation of the siphon withdrawal reflex of Aplysia has recently been shown to have a transient inhibitory component, as well as a facilitatory component. This transient behavioral inhibition is also seen in a reduced preparation in which a cellular reflection of the inhibitory process, tail shock-induced inhibition of complex EPSPs in siphon motor neurons, is observed. The biogenic amine serotonin (5-HT) is known to play a role in the facilitatory aspects of sensitization in Aplysia. The aim of this article was to examine whether 5-HT might also contribute to the inhibitory effects of tail shock in the siphon withdrawal reflex. To examine this question, we carried out two kinds of experiments. First, in the isolated abdominal ganglion, we recorded intracellularly from siphon motor neurons and examined the effects of 5-HT on (1) complex (polysynaptic) EPSPs, produced by siphon nerve stimulation, and, simultaneously, (2) monosynaptic EPSPs from siphon sensory neurons. We found that, paralleling the effects of tail shock in the reduced preparation, 5-HT produced transient inhibition of the complex EPSP; the monosynaptic EPSP was facilitated by 5-HT. Second, we examined the behavioral effects of 5-HT on siphon withdrawal in a reduced preparation. We found that 5-HT again paralleled tail shock by producing transient inhibition of the siphon withdrawal reflex. Our results suggest that, in addition to its well-established facilitatory role in reflex modulation in Aplysia, 5-HT might play an important inhibitory role, as well.  相似文献   

Recent behavioral experiments examining the siphon withdrawal reflex of Aplysia have revealed inhibitory effects of strong tail shock, a stimulus commonly used as an unconditioned stimulus in studies of associative and nonassociative learning in Aplysia. We utilized a reduced preparation to perform a cellular analysis of tail shock-induced inhibition in the siphon withdrawal reflex. First, we carried out behavioral studies that showed that the reduced preparation exhibits a siphon withdrawal reflex to water jet stimuli, and that tail shock produces inhibitory behavioral effects comparable to those in the intact animal: (1) strong shock produces transient inhibition of nonhabituated responses, and (2) a habituated response is facilitated by weak shock, but not by strong shock, suggesting that increasing tail shock intensity recruits the inhibitory process that competes with facilitation of habituated reflexes. Next, we carried out cellular studies that showed that the amplitude of the complex EPSP in siphon motor neurons elicited by water jet stimuli to the siphon also exhibits the inhibitory patterns produced by tail shock: (1) the nondecremented complex EPSP (a neural correlate of a nonhabituated siphon withdrawal reflex) is significantly inhibited 90 sec after strong tail shock and recovers to preshock levels 10 min later, and (2) the decremented complex EPSP (a neural correlate of a habituated reflex) is significantly facilitated by weak shock, but is not facilitated by strong shock. In addition to the complex EPSP, we simultaneously examined the monosynaptic connection between siphon sensory neurons and siphon motor neurons. The monosynaptic EPSP does not show the pattern of inhibitory modulation by tail shock exhibited by the siphon withdrawal reflex and the complex EPSP: (1) the nondecremented monosynaptic EPSP is not inhibited 90 sec after strong shock, but tends to be above preshock levels; and (2) the decremented monosynaptic EPSP is facilitated by weak as well as strong tail shock. Our results suggest that an important component of the inhibitory process triggered by strong tail shock is mediated by neural elements presynaptic to the siphon motor neurons. Because modulation of the monosynaptic connection between identified siphon sensory and siphon motor neurons does not parallel the tail shock-induced inhibitory patterns observed in the siphon withdrawal reflex and in the complex EPSP, other synaptic connections are likely to play an important role in mediating tail shock-induced inhibition in the siphon withdrawal reflex.  相似文献   

Until recently, dishabituation and sensitization have commonly been considered to reflect a unitary process: Sensitization refers to a general facilitation produced by strong or noxious stimuli that enhances subsequent responding; dishabituation has been thought to represent a special instance of sensitization in which the facilitation is simply superimposed on a habituated response level. The unitary process hypothesis was based on the observation that both decremented and nondecremented responses are facilitated by a common noxious or strong stimulus. However, this observation does not rule out the possibility that dishabituation and sensitization could reflect separate processes that are activated in parallel by a strong stimulus. Recent cellular experiments by Hochner et al. (1986) suggest that this, in fact, occurs in the sensory neurons of the gill withdrawal reflex in Aplysia. A developmental analysis of learning in the marine mollusc Aplysia permits a direct behavioral test of this hypothesis. If dishabituation and sensitization reflect a unitary process then they should emerge at the same time ontogenetically. On the other hand, if they reflect different processes, then they might emerge according to different ontogenetic timetables. In the present study we examined the temporal emergence of dishabituation and sensitization in the defensive siphon withdrawal reflex in 3 stages of juvenile Aplysia: stage 11, early stage 12, and late stage 12. Animals received one of 2 kinds of training: Dishabituation training, in which the effect of strong tail shock on habituated responses were observed, and Sensitization training, in which the effect of strong tail shock on nondecremented responses was observed. We found that, while dishabituation was present in all stages examined, sensitization did not emerge until several weeks later, in late stage 12. These results were confirmed and extended in a group of animals that were tested twice: first in stage 11, when they showed no sensitization, and again 13 weeks later, in late stage 12, when they then showed significant sensitization. Our analysis of nondecremented responses prior to the emergence of sensitization also revealed an unexpected inhibitory component of tail shock that produces reflex depression. Moreover, there was a clear progression in the net effects of tail shock during development: reflex depression was produced in stages 11 and early stage 12, followed by a transition to reflex facilitation (sensitization) in late stage 12. Finally, when sensitization emerged in late stage 12, the process of dishabituation showed a significant increase compared with previous developmental stages.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

An adenylate cyclase inhibitor, RMI 12330A, is able to depress cAMP synthesis stimulated by serotonin in the abdominal ganglion of Aplysia depilans and punctata. This substance reversibly blocked the heterosynaptic facilitation, induced by activation of serotonergic pathways, of the EPSP recorded from L7 motoneuron in abdominal ganglion after electrical stimulation of the siphon nerve. RMI 12330A, injected into whole unrestrained animals, inhibited the short-term dishabituation of the siphon withdrawal reflex. These findings demonstrate that the increase of endogenous cAMP in the sensory neurons mediating the gill and siphon withdrawal reflex is an essential step in the mechanism of potentiation of the transmitter output underlying heterosynaptic facilitation and short-term behavioral sensitization.  相似文献   

The defensive withdrawal reflex of the mantle organs of Aplysia californica has 2 major components, siphon withdrawal and gill withdrawal. In the previous paper of this series (Rankin and Carew, 1987), the development of 2 forms of nonassociative learning, habituation and dishabituation, was examined in the siphon withdrawal component of the reflex. In the present study we examined these same forms of learning in the gill withdrawal component of the reflex. The purpose of these experiments was 2-fold: to examine the development of learning in the other major component of the reflex; and to establish preparations in which it is possible to carry out a cellular analysis of the development of learning in the CNS. We first established that the gill withdrawal reflex in intact animals exhibited significant habituation in response to repeated tactile stimulation of the siphon and significant dishabituation in response to tail shock. We next determined the contribution of the CNS to the gill withdrawal reflex by surgically removing the abdominal ganglion from intact animals. Using the same stimulus intensity (4 mg) that produced habituation in the previous experiments, we found that the CNS accounted for approximately 95% of the reflex. Finally, we developed 2 preparations that allowed us to relate behavioral observations of learning directly to neural plasticity exhibited in the CNS. In a semi-intact preparation gill withdrawal was behaviorally measured as in the intact animal, but tactile stimulation of the siphon (to produce habituation) and shock to the tail (to produce dishabituation) were replaced by electrical stimulation of the siphon nerve and left connective, respectively. Stimulation parameters were matched to produce behavioral responses comparable with those in the intact animal. In an isolated CNS preparation the same nerve stimuli were used as in the semi-intact preparation, but the response measure used was the evoked neural discharge recorded in an efferent nerve innervating the gill. Both preparations exhibited response decrement and facilitation that was quantitatively as well as qualitatively similar to that observed in intact animals, indicating that 2 simple forms of learning exhibited by the gill withdrawal reflex in juvenile Aplysia can be localized to neural circuits within the abdominal ganglion.  相似文献   

Recent studies examining the development of learning and memory in the gill and siphon withdrawal reflex of Aplysia have shown that different forms of learning emerge according to very different developmental timetables. For example, in the previous paper, Rankin and Carew (1988) showed that, whereas habituation and dishabituation emerge early in juvenile development (in stages 9 and 10, respectively), sensitization emerges at least 60 d later (in late stage 12). This developmental separation of different learning processes provides the opportunity to examine the unique contribution of specific cellular mechanisms to each form of learning. As a first step in this cellular analysis, in the present paper we have examined the development of the cellular analog of sensitization (facilitation of nondecremented EPSPs) in the identified giant neuron R2, which can serve as a monitor of the afferent input in the gill and siphon withdrawal reflex (Rayport and Camardo, 1984). We have found 2 striking parallels between the development of behavioral sensitization and the development of its cellular analog: (1) Behavioral sensitization, produced by tail shock, emerges very late in juvenile development (stage 12), and the cellular analog of sensitization (produced by activation of the tail pathway) emerges by exactly the same late juvenile stage; (2) prior to the emergence of behavioral sensitization, tail shock unexpectedly was found to produce significant reflex depression (Rankin and Carew, 1988), and prior to the emergence of the cellular analog of sensitization, activation of the tail pathway was found to produce significant depression of the synaptic input in the reflex pathway. Thus, the cellular analog of sensitization in the CNS develops and matures in close temporal register with the development of behavioral sensitization in juvenile Aplysia.  相似文献   

Tactile or electrical stimulation of the skin can be used to produce dishabituation, sensitization, and classical conditioning of the gill- and siphon-withdrawal reflex in Aplysia. These behavioral effects are thought to involve presynaptic facilitation at the synapses from siphon sensory neurons to gill and siphon motor neurons. Facilitation of PSPs onto the motor neurons can also be produced by intracellular stimulation of single identified neurons in the abdominal ganglion, including L29 and L28. In this paper, we further characterize L29 and L28. First, we show that they are excited by cutaneous stimuli similar to those used to produce dishabituation, sensitization, and classical conditioning and may therefore participate in mediating those behavioral effects. The results are also consistent with a possible role of L29 and L28 in higher-order features of conditioning. Second, we show that 5-HT does not mimic some of the PSPs of L29, in agreement with previous evidence that L29 is not serotonergic. Third, we present 2 types of evidence that L29 acts directly to produce facilitation of the sensory cells: (1) L29 comes into close contact with sensory cells in fluorescent double-labeling experiments, and (2) L29 produces facilitation of sensory cells in dissociated cell culture. Together with the results of the preceding paper (Mackey et al., 1989), these results indicate that facilitation of sensory cell synapses contributing to behavioral enhancement of the reflex can be produced by identified neurons that use 2 different transmitters: 5-HT (the transmitter of CB1) and the unknown transmitter of L29.  相似文献   

To examine the relationship between synaptic plasticity and learning and memory as directly as possible, we have developed a new simplified preparation for studying the siphon-withdrawal reflex of Aplysia in which it is relatively easy to record synaptic connections between individual identified neurons during simple forms of learning. We estimated that monosynaptic EPSPs from LE siphon sensory neurons to LFS siphon motor neurons mediate approximately one-third of the reflex response measured in this preparation, which corresponds to siphon flaring in the intact animal. To investigate cellular mechanisms contributing to dishabituation and sensitization, we recorded evoked firing of LFS neurons, the siphon withdrawal produced by stimulation of an LFS neuron, the complex PSP in an LFS neuron, and the monosynaptic PSP from an "on-field" or "off-field" LE neuron to an LFS neuron during behavioral training. Unlike the simplified gill-withdrawal preparation (Cohen et al., 1997; Frost et al., 1997), in the siphon-withdrawal preparation we found no qualitative differences between the major cellular mechanisms contributing to dishabituation and sensitization, suggesting that dissociations that have been observed previously may be attributable to transient inhibition that does not occur for this component of the reflex. Furthermore, in the siphon-withdrawal preparation, all of the various cellular measures, including monosynaptic PSPs from either on-field or off-field LE neurons, changed approximately in parallel with changes in the behavior. These results provide the most direct evidence so far available that both dishabituation and sensitization involve multiple mechanisms, including heterosynaptic facilitation of sensory neuron-motor neuron PSPs.  相似文献   

The development of several forms of nonassociative learning (habituation, dishabituation, and sensitization) has previously been examined in the gill and siphon withdrawal reflex of Aplysia. In the present study we analyzed the development of one of these forms of learning, sensitization, in a different response system in Aplysia, escape locomotion. A broad range of juvenile stages was examined: stages 10, 11, early 12, late 12, and 13 (early adult). We found that sensitization was completely absent in early developmental stages, not appearing until late stage 12. This stage of development is particularly interesting because it is at this same point that (1) sensitization first appears in the gill and siphon withdrawal reflex (Rankin and Carew, 1987), and (2) the cellular analog of sensitization first emerges in the CNS (the abdominal ganglion) of juvenile Aplysia (Nolen and Carew, 1987). The fact that sensitization emerges synchronously in the escape locomotion system and the gill withdrawal system is striking because the 2 response systems differ markedly in their intrinsic developmental timetables, response topography, and underlying neural circuitry. Thus, the emergence of sensitization in both systems at the same late stage of juvenile development suggests the possibility that a single, unified process during development may be responsible for the simultaneous expression of sensitization.  相似文献   

Endogenous levels of serotonin (5-HT) and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) in specific regions of the pigeon central nervous system (CNS). High endogenous 5-HT levels in the visual wulst and brainstem and medium 5-HT content in the optic lobes were found. The cerebellum and retina showed low endogenous 5-HT levels. Similar endogenous 5-HIAA levels were measured in the visual wulst, optic lobes and brainstem, whereas the 5-HIAA content of the cerebellum and retina was significantly lower. The effects of para-chloroamphetamine (p-CA) and 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine (5,7-DHT) on the 5-HT and 5-HIAA content of the same regions were studied. Six days after p-CA treatment, the 5-HT content of the visual wulst, optic lobes, brainstem and the 5-HIAA content of the optic lobes and cerebellum markedly decreased. Nine days after 5,7-DHT administration, the 5-HT and 5-HIAA content of the visual wulst and optic lobes was significantly reduced. At longer survival times, serotonergic systems were differentially affected depending on both the neurotoxin treatment and the specific brain regions examined. The 5-HT content of the pigeon retina was not modified by p-CA treatment, whereas 5,7-DHT intravitreally injected caused a pronounced 5-HT depletion. Our results demonstrate that selective neurotoxins for serotonergic systems can provide a useful denervation tool for the study of serotonergic function in the pigeon CNS.  相似文献   

R J Milne  G D Gamble 《Brain research》1990,521(1-2):167-174
Habituation to the stress of sham nociceptive testing enhances a rat's sensitivity to noxious thermal stimuli and reduces the antinociceptive effect of a subsequent acute dose of morphine. Since serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) mediates stress responses, experiments were designed to elucidate the role of 5-HT in these phenomena. Intrathecal methysergide or 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine (5,7-DHT) reduced baseline tail-flick latencies of novice rats to those of habituated animals. Morphine dose-response relationships were fitted to a 4 parameter sigmoidal function. Baseline latencies of novice animals were increased by 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) and reduced by parachlorophenylalanine (PCPA) in both reflex tests and in the hot-plate test, but latencies of habituated animals were unchanged by either treatment. In both reflex tests, the maximum effect due to morphine was increased by 5-HTP and reduced by PCPA in novice but not in habituated animals. We conclude that the serotonergic component of morphine's bulbospinal action represents the stress of the testing environment rather than an essential part of morphine's action.  相似文献   

Previous phylogenetic analyses of learning and memory in an opisthobranch lineage uncovered a correlation between two learning-related neuromodulatory traits and their associated behavioral phenotypes. In particular, serotonin-induced increases in sensory neuron spike duration and excitability, which are thought to underlie several facilitatory forms of learning in Aplysia, appear to have been lost over the course of evolution in a distantly related aplysiid, Dolabrifera dolabrifera. This deficit is paralleled by a behavioral deficit: individuals of Dolabrifera do not express generalized sensitization (reflex enhancement of an unhabituated response after a noxious stimulus is applied outside of the reflex receptive field) or dishabituation (reflex enhancement of a habituated reflex). The goal of the present study was to confirm and extend this correlation by testing for the neuromodulatory traits and generalized sensitization in an additional species, Phyllaplysia taylori, which is closely related to Dolabrifera. Instead, our results indicated a lack of correlation between the neuromodulatory and behavioral phenotypes. In particular, sensory neuron homologues in Phyllaplysia showed the ancestral neuromodulatory phenotype typified by Aplysia. Bath-applied 10 microM serotonin significantly increased homologue spike duration and excitability. However, when trained with the identical apparatus and protocols that produced generalized sensitization in Aplysia, individuals of Phyllaplysia showed no evidence of sensitization. Thus, this species expresses the neuromodulatory phenotype of its ancestors while appearing to express the behavioral phenotype of its near relative. These results suggests that generalized sensitization can be lost during the course of evolution in the absence of a deficit in these two neuromodulatory traits, and raises the possibility that the two traits may support some other form of behavioral plasticity in Phyllaplysia. The results also raise the question of the mechanistic basis of the behavioral deficit in Phyllaplysia.  相似文献   

Interactions between enteric noradrenergic and serotonergic neurites in the myenteric plexus were examined. The influence of exogenous norepinephrine (NE) and endogenously released NE on the release of 3H-serotonin (3H-5-HT) from electrically stimulated, everted segments of guinea pig small intestine were analyzed. In addition, methods were employed to permit the ultrastructural identification of enteric serotonergic and noradrenergic neurites. These included electron microscopic radioautographic localization of 3H-5-HT in gut from animals treated with 6-hydroxydopamine (6-HD; 100 mg/kg) and examination of NaMnO4-fixed tissue from animals given desmethylimipramine and the indolic neurotoxin, 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine (5,7-DHT). Exogenous NE antagonized the stimulated release of 3H-5-HT; this action was mediated through alpha adrenoceptors. Evidence was obtained, however, that endogenous NE liberated from sympathetic postganglionic nerve terminals had a different action on the stimulated release of 3H-5-HT from that of exogenous NE. Endogenous NE appeared to facilitate 3H-5-HT release through an action on beta adrenoceptors. Terminals identified as probably serotonergic by radioautographic labeling with 3H-5-HT or by loading with 5,7-DHT were most often found to end on neuronal somata or proximal dendrites. Synaptic specializations were found by radioautography in these locations. Terminals, dendrites, and cell bodies that took up 5,7-DHT could be identified in NaMnO4-fixed material that also permitted the simultaneous recognition of noradrenergic varicosities. Apparent noradrenergic-serotonergic axoaxonic contacts were found by means of this double-labeling technique. Together with the results of the experiments on the release of 3H-5-HT, these anatomical observations suggest that noradrenergic axons form facilitatory axoaxonic synapses with enteric serotonergic neurons.  相似文献   

Degeneration of serotonergic fibers in the rat striatum was produced by local administration of the serotonergic neurotoxin 5, 7-dihydroxytryptamine (5,7-DHT) or the dopaminergic neurotoxin 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (MPP(+)), which is also toxic to serotonergic neurons. One week before neurotoxin administration, fibroblasts engineered to express the human BDNF gene were grafted into the mesencephalon, dorsal to the substantia nigra. Rats implanted with fibroblasts expressing the LacZ gene were used as controls, as well as sham-operated animals (not injected with any neurotoxin). After a survival period of 1 week, the serotonergic innervation of the striatum was assessed by measuring serotonin (5-HT) content and by immunohistochemical detection of 5-HT positive fibers. BDNF-producing cells prevented the striatal 5-HT loss induced by local administration of either 5,7-DHT or MPP(+), as well as the striatal dopamine (DA) loss induced by the latter neurotoxin. Grafting of fibroblasts carrying the BDNF or the Lac-Z gene did not modify striatal 5-HT or DA content in sham-operated animals. In 5, 7-DHT-lesioned rats, implanted or not with control Lac-Z fibroblasts, a striking reduction in the density of 5-HT immunoreactive fibers was observed. By contrast, the density of 5-HT fibers was similar in rats implanted with BDNF-producing fibroblasts as compared to sham-operated controls. The protective effect of BDNF on the damage to serotonergic terminals induced by the two neurotoxins suggests the interest of this neurotrophin in the treatment of behavioral disorders associated to neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

We investigated the mutual interactions between hypothalamic norepinephrine (NE) and serotonin (5-HT) in mediating the ACTH and corticosterone responses to direct stimulation of the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) with adrenergic and serotonergic agonists. The hormone responses to the intrahypothalamic injection of the alpha1-adrenergic agonist phenylephrine (20 nmol/2 microl) were significantly reduced by prior depletion of hypothalamic 5-HT with intra-PVN injection of the serotonergic neurotoxin 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine (5,7-DHT), but not after depletion of hypothalamic NE by intra-PVN injection of the noradrenergic neurotoxin 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA). The ACTH and corticosterone responses to intrahypothalamic injection of the 5-HT(1A) receptor agonist 8-OH-DPAT (20 n mol/2 microl) were significantly reduced by depletion of hypothalamic NE with 6-OHDA, but not after depletion of hypothalamic 5-HT with 5,7-DHT. These mutual interactions between the NE and 5-HT neuronal systems, which innervate the PVN, may explain previous findings of equivalent reductions in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis responses to neural stimulation after neurotoxic lesioning of either the NE or 5-HT systems.  相似文献   

Tail sensory neurons in the pleural ganglion that mediate the afferent portion of the tail withdrawal reflex in Aplysia californica undergo heterosynaptic facilitation of transmitter release during sensitization. As in the siphon sensory neurons, the transmitter serotonin produces facilitation and also elicits a slow, decreased conductance excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) in these neurons. Using voltage clamp and biochemical analyses, we have found that the slow EPSP in the pleural sensory neurons is due to a decrease in a potassium conductance identical to the S potassium current characterized in siphon sensory neurons. Like the S current, the current modulated by serotonin in the pleural sensory neurons is a non-inactivating potassium current, and it contributes to both the resting and action potentials. The current reverses in 120 mM external K+ at -20 mV, close to the predicted Nernst equilibrium potential. Intracellular cesium blocks the serotonin response, but the current is not blocked by equimolar substitution of barium for calcium, nor by 50 mM tetraethylammonium chloride. The effect of serotonin is cAMP dependent, since serotonin elevates cAMP and both cAMP injection and forskolin mimic the serotonin response. These results indicate that the mechanism associated with sensitization of the siphon-gill withdrawal reflex, a slow decreased potassium conductance, is also a component of the neuronal circuitry underlying modulation of another reflex, the tail withdrawal reflex. Therefore, two distinct populations of neurons subserving similar behavioral functions have related biophysical and biochemical properties.  相似文献   

Summary In order to establish whether the 5-HT1A or the 5HT1B agonists, 8-OH-DPAT or TFMPP, produce their facilitatory or inhibitory actions on masculine sexual behaviour via a mechanism involving: (a) the serotonin synthesis or release; (b) the stimulation of presynaptic receptors, or (c) the stimulation of somatodendritic receptors, three series of experiments were performed. The administration of the serotonin synthesis inhibitor, p-chlorophenylalanine (p-CPA, 300mg/kg×3 days), facilitated sexual behaviour but does not interfere neither with the inhibitory nor with the facilitatory effects of TFMPP (0.5mg/kg) or 8-OH-DPAT (0.5 mg/kg), respectively. The icv or the intraraphé administration of the serotonergic neurotoxin, 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine (5,7-DHT), slightly stimulated masculine sexual behaviour and produced a decrease in serotonin and its metabolite levels. In lesioned animals TFMPP (0.5 mg/kg) resulted in an inhibitory effect reflected as a prolongation of the ejaculation latency. The inhibitory effect of this drug on mounting behaviour was not observed in 5,7-DHT treated rats. In lesioned animals 8-OH-DPAT (0.5 mg/kg) produced the same facilitatory effect. Present data indicate that serotonergic postsynaptic receptors mediate both the inhibitory and the facilitatory actions of TFMPP or 8-OH-DPAT in copulation. All data further support the idea that endogenous serotonin acts via the stimulation of 5-HT1B receptors to induce its inhibitory effects on masculine sexual behaviour.  相似文献   

Intrahemocoelial administration of 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine (5,7-DHT) to Aplysia californica induces a transient (less than 4 h) behavioral alteration. About 5 weeks after 5,7-DHT treatment, 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)-containing neurons develop dark brown pigmentation. These labeled 5-HT neurons have normal physiological and pharmacological properties when investigated electrophysiologically. This contrasts with the long-term neurotoxic effect of 5,7-DHT on vertebrate neurons. This technique will greatly facilitate visual identification of 5-HT-containing neurons and study of their physiology and actions.  相似文献   

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