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宋小白 《中国药店》2014,(10):10-10
人才都去哪儿了?这是一个令管理者眼前一亮又忧心忡忡的话题。求贤若渴的人才需求与走马灯似的人员更迭,成为药店难以打破的人才瓶颈。留人的关键在于“留心”,俗话说:“留人千万招,招招在留心。”  相似文献   

贺敏  洪国灿 《华夏医药》2003,7(3):55-57
卫生行业正尤如国民经济,向买方市场和整体素质提高为特征的新阶段过渡。为适应新阶段的挑战,作为医疗中心的医院必须构筑卫生人才高地,营造一个有利于人才资源开发的良好环境。卫生人才高地的构筑从以下机构方面进行探索:①实行全员聘用合同制,增加人才流动活力;②开发引智与育智战略,提高人才素质的水准。③设置重点学科、构筑人才高地的制高点;④通过设立人才基金、改革分配机制、建立管理人才库,实现人才产出的高效率;⑤通过挂编交流形式,达到人才结构的高对应。  相似文献   

护士长对护理人才的使用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文概述护士长在任职期间,要善于使用人才,按照各有所长,人尽其才,事竞其功的原则,在护士长管理过程中逐步学会合理地使用人才,让护士们能以本人的特长出色地参与病区管理工作,笔者有以下5点体会:一是“任人唯贤”是护士长用人的聪明举措;二是“用人所长”是护士长擅长指挥的体现;三是“量才使用”是护士长惜才的体现;四是“用人不疑”能使护士长身边涌现出不少能人,无形中护士长的工作将得到更多护士的理解和支持;五是“用当其时”,护士长要树立用人时效观念,大胆使用和资助最佳年龄区的人才,从而提高护理人才的使用效率。  相似文献   

实施高原地区卫生人才战略工程,是摆在高原人面前一项刻不容缓的战略任务;随着西部大开发的不断深入,卫生人才建设,是关系到高原地区卫生事业发展与否的当务之急。  相似文献   

为培养符合全球医学教育最低基本要求的实用型医学人才,必须要结合具体的情况进行循证教学。我们从加强临床基本知识与技能训练、加强循证师资培训、实习前及实习中循证医学的教学、临床循证教学效果评价等方面入手,在培养实用型医学人才方面进行了一些探讨。  相似文献   

随着我国教育体制的改革,培养高技能型、实用型人才已成为中等卫生职业教育办学的方向和目标。若想较好地把学生培养为社会需要的,具有较强竞争能力的实用型人才,加强技能训练的作用尤为突出。在培养的过程中,可以从三方面着手:一方面是实验课的技能训练;第二方面是见习:的技能训练;第三方面是实习的技能训练。以下针对实验课如何加强技能训练,并为见习、实习的技能训练打下基础,更利于实用型人才的培养,谈点粗浅看法。[第一段]  相似文献   

本文分析了当前疾病预防控制机构人才工作中存在的问题和原因,并就如何在吸引、培养和使用人才环节实行改革和创新进行了系统探讨,总结如下:  相似文献   

围绕大学是知识创新的教育使命,从强化教学管理,建立教学保障机制;加强教学环节监控,保证教学质量稳步提高;多途径筹措资金,构建创新教学平台;建立综合性实验考核制度,强化三层一体化的实验教学模式;注重毕业实践教学环节的科学管理,着力培养学生的创新意识和能力等方面探讨药学专业创新人才的培养。  相似文献   

在医药,保健品行业,营销人才被重视的程度日趋上升,整个行业对销售精英的需求与争夺也呈白热化态势,据说某保健品公司老总曾打出年薪300万的招聘广告,京、沪、穗三地寻访营销高手……人才市场如此,也带动了书市的繁荣,闲逛书店,打着营销旗号的各式书刊,层出不穷;中外营销大家也一拔接一拔地出场,讲座、论坛,墨水灌多了,人也见多了,而市场还是那块市场,唯一不同的,是这一切的汹涌来势,让我们再次打量起“营销人才”时,那“眼光”也不断地被抬高!那么,就让我们在感叹这个行业的风起云涌时,把目光聚集在“营销人才”上,看看我们需要什么样的人才?市场需要什么样的人才?而营销人才又是如何在市场上被历炼出来的?  相似文献   

针对地方本科院校片面强调知识教育、与社会结合松散以及创新教育比较薄弱的现象,开展产学研互动培养应用型药学创新人才的尝试。建立包括与行业实体开展教学互动、师资互动,与校内外科研机构的互动等在内的产学研合作教育互动机制,总结尚待完善之处。  相似文献   

Within health science programs there has been a call for more faculty development, particularly for teaching and learning. The primary objectives of this review were to describe the current landscape for faculty development programs for teaching and learning and make recommendations for the implementation of new faculty development programs. A thorough search of the pertinent health science databases was conducted, including the Education Resource Information Center (ERIC), MEDLINE, and EMBASE, and faculty development books and relevant information found were reviewed in order to provide recommendations for best practices. Faculty development for teaching and learning comes in a variety of forms, from individuals charged to initiate activities to committees and centers. Faculty development has been effective in improving faculty perceptions on the value of teaching, increasing motivation and enthusiasm for teaching, increasing knowledge and behaviors, and disseminating skills. Several models exist that can be implemented to support faculty teaching development. Institutions need to make informed decisions about which plan could be most successfully implemented in their college or school.  相似文献   

Part-time and job-share policies may allow pharmacy practice faculty members to achieve work/life balance while pursuing their professional goals. Precedent for alternative work schedules within the health professions community can be found throughout the literature; however, little is known about part-time roles in academic pharmacy. The design and implementation of 3 different alternative faculty appointments are described and department chair and faculty perspectives are shared. Teaching, service, and scholarship responsibilities, as well as outcomes before and after changes in appointment, are described. Advantages and disadvantages, including advice for other colleges of pharmacy, are presented. Alternate appointments may be a key factor in retaining highly qualified faculty members who continue to bring their expertise to teaching, precepting, and scholarship within a college or school of pharmacy.  相似文献   

朱家勇  郭姣  齐平 《药学教育》2004,20(2):11-14
以提高教育质量为核心 ,创新办学理念 ,依托特色谋发展。宏观教育质量方面 ,围绕规模、结构和效益协调发展 ,既有办学空间和规模的扩大 ,又有具体办学条件的强化 ,依托特色 ,优化专业结构。微观质量方面 ,围绕多样化、适应性、特色化等人才质量观 ,推行学分制 ,强化教学质量监控 ,改善师资队伍 ,加大教改力度 ,学生素质稳步提高  相似文献   

Residents play a pivotal role in the education of medical students and junior house staff but are rarely provided with the tools to help them teach effectively. Residents value their roles as teachers and desire training programs in teaching skills. Teaching skills courses for residents have been shown to improve residents' self-confidence and self-assessed use of effective teaching behaviors. They have also been shown to improve residents' evaluations by students. The Institute for Medical Education at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine has developed a successful, multidisciplinary curriculum to improve the teaching and leadership skills of all of our residents at the Mount Sinai Hospital and its affiliate institutions. The Resident Teaching Development Program (RTDP) has already been implemented in the departments of Medicine, Surgery, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, and Obstetrics and Gynecology. This adaptable, seven-hour curriculum has been well received by residents and faculty. We are currently evaluating the effects of the program on residents' confidence and use of learned skills. And we are working to expand this program to every department and to create innovative means of measuring resident competency in teaching and its ultimate effect on student learning.  相似文献   

This paper describes the faculty enrichment activities and outcomes of a faculty orientation and development committee at a college of pharmacy. The committee used a continuous quality improvement (CQI) framework that included needs assessment, planning and implementation of programs and workshops, assessment of activities, and evaluation of feedback to improve future programming. Some of the programs established by the committee include a 3-month orientation process for new hires and development workshops on a broad range of topics including scholarship (eg, research methods), teaching (eg, test-item writing), and general development (mentorship). Evidence of the committee's success is reflected by high levels of faculty attendance at workshops, positive feedback on workshop evaluations, and overall high levels of satisfaction with activities. The committee has served as a role model for improving faculty orientation and retention.  相似文献   

A small nonprofit private college with limited resources and a high proportion of junior faculty developed a nontraditional external faculty mentor program in the summer of 2011 in response to the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) faculty survey data regarding the professional development needs of pharmacy faculty members. Experienced faculty members with national reputations from other colleges and schools of pharmacy were hired as consultants to serve as mentors for assigned faculty members. Program goals were to provide directed, individual mentorship for pharmacy practice and basic science faculty members, expand peer review of faculty teaching prowess, and enhance monthly faculty development programming. The latter was based upon the specific needs assessment of the faculty. Program outcomes reported will include faculty satisfaction (AACP faculty survey data) changes over time, achievement of board certification for clinical faculty members and other credentialing, and other benchmarks, eg, publications, grant funding, service engagement (site development, professional organizations), after the implementation of the nontraditional faculty-mentoring program.  相似文献   

《Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal》2021,29(12):1492-1497
ObjectivesAntimicrobial resistance is one of the main global problems faced by healthcare institutions. Healthcare professionals as service providers must have a basic understanding of this emerging threat; additionally, considering the evolving role of pharmacists in both the community and hospital setting, it is crucial that pharmacists are part of the fight against this threat. Therefore, this study aimed to assess infectious disease subjects covered in the pharmacy curriculum in Saudi Arabia, to evaluate teaching and knowledge assessment strategies concerning infectious diseases, and to explore challenges faced by faculty members in teaching infectious disease courses.MethodsWe constructed a questionnaire with 26 items and sent it to infectious disease faculty members at 26 Saudi Arabian pharmacy colleges. It included questions regarding the faculty and institution, infectious disease topics, hours dedicated to each topic, and tools and strategies used in the courses for better understanding and assessment of students. In addition, we enquired about the faculty members’ current satisfaction of, and future plans for, the curriculum.ResultsThe questionnaire was completed by infectious disease faculty members, department chairs, or college deans. Among the respondent schools, 85.5% were governmental and 14.5% were private institutions. The majority of colleges (98.2%) followed a semester format schedule, with 67.3% offering solely the Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) program. More than 78% of respondents covered all tier 1 infectious disease topics from the American College of Clinical Pharmacy Pharmacotherapy Didactic Curriculum Toolkit. The main tool used for teaching was lectures (94.5%), while patient case application was the main teaching strategy (54.5%). Approximately 63% of respondents thought that the curricula were adequate when they were asked about their opinion of the curricula coverage, and 63.64% thought that the curriculum provided adequate baseline knowledge on infectious diseases for the following 5 years.ConclusionsThe study revealed variations in infectious disease topics covered and the time dedicated to them among pharmacy colleges in Saudi Arabia. The faculty members who responded to our questionnaire were generally satisfied with their infectious disease curriculum. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to assess infectious disease curricula among Saudi pharmacy colleges. Thus, the findings of this study may encourage faculty members to advocate for the standardization of infectious disease courses offered at Saudi Arabian pharmacy colleges.  相似文献   

This review describes 30 years of experience at the University of Kansas Medical Center in using computers in the teaching of pharmacology to medical students and other health professionals. The Computer-Assisted Teaching System contains both Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) and Computer-Managed Instruction (CMI). The system has evolved from mainframe to microprocessors to the current World Wide Web system. The greatest challenge has been to meet the changes in technologies and teaching approaches. The system has been well received by students and has provided the faculty with the means of providing a novel approach to teaching pharmacology.  相似文献   

医学有机化学实验绿色化改革的探索与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道对医学有机化学实验进行绿色化改革的情况。通过删去污染大的实验,精选并设计具有典型性且污染小的实验、微型实验、回收利用实验和引入新技术和新合成路线,同时结合医学专业教育开展绿色化学意识教育和有机实验绿色化改革,收到了良好效果,提改了学生的综合素质及绿色化学意识。  相似文献   

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