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Background Problems associated with psychiatric diagnoses could be minimized by identifying behavioural clusters of specific psychiatric disorders. Methods Sixty persons with intellectual disability (ID) and behavioural problems, aged 12–55 years, were assessed with standardized Indian tools for intelligence and adaptive behaviour. Clinical diagnoses were conferred as per International Classification of Diseases – 10th Revision (ICD-10) criteria. Subsequently Reiss Screen for Maladaptive Behaviors (RSMB) and AAMD Adaptive Behavior Scale-Part II were administered independently. Results Aggression and rebellious behaviours were more common in affective disorders and personality disorders. Psychotic and paranoid features were significantly more in psychosis group. Those with behavioural problems had significantly low scores on the sub-scales of RSMB. Conclusion RSMB and AAMD Adaptive Behavior Scale-Part II will be useful to identify behavioural clusters, which will complement clinical psychiatric diagnoses in individuals with ID.  相似文献   

Background   Adolescents with intellectual disability (ID) (ID-adolescents) and adolescents with chronic diseases are both more likely to have emotional and behavioural problems. The aim of this study was to assess the association between chronic diseases in ID-adolescents and emotional and behavioural problems in a large school-based sample.
Methods   We obtained data on 1044 ID-adolescents, aged 12–18 years, attending secondary schools in the Netherlands. Parents of the adolescents completed the Dutch version of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire and questions about chronic diseases in their child and about the background of the child.
Results   Prevalence rates of emotional and behavioural problems were generally high in ID-adolescents with chronic diseases (45%), compared with ID-adolescents without chronic diseases (17%). The likelihood of emotional and behavioural problems was high in ID-adolescents with two [odds ratios (OR) 4.47; 95% CI: 2.97–6.74] or more than two chronic diseases (OR 8.01; 95% CI: 5.18–12.39) and for ID-adolescents with mental chronic diseases (OR 4.56; 95% CI: 3.21–6.47). Also ID-adolescents with somatic chronic diseases had a high likelihood of emotional and behavioural problems (OR 1.99; 95% CI: 1.33–2.99), in particular in the combination of somatic and mental chronic diseases (OR 5.16; 95% CI: 3.46–7.71).
Conclusions   The current study showed that chronic diseases in ID-adolescents, in particular mental chronic diseases, largely increase the likelihood of emotional and behavioural problems. This should be taken in the provision and planning of care for ID-adolescents.  相似文献   

Background Children with intellectual disability (ID) have a higher risk for psychiatric disturbance than their peers with normal intelligence, but research data on risk factors are insufficient and partially conflicting. Method The subjects comprised 75 children with ID aged 6–13 years. Data were obtained from case files and the following four questionnaires completed by their parents or other carers: Developmental Behaviour Checklist, American Association of Mental Deficiency (AAMD) Adaptive Behavior Scale, a questionnaire on additional disabilities, and a questionnaire on family characteristics and child development. Results The risk of psychopathology was most significantly increased by moderate ID, limitations in adaptive behaviour, impaired language development, poor socialization, living with one biological parent, and low socio‐economic status of the family. Conclusions The risk of psychopathology in children with ID is increased by factors related to family characteristics and child development. Identifying these factors will help diagnose and possibly prevent psychiatric disorders in these children.  相似文献   

Objectives The aims of the present study were to examine health characteristics and healthcare utilization in relation to people with intellectual disability (ID) having psychiatric disorders in Taiwan. Methods A cross-sectional study was employed; study subjects were recruited from the National Disability Registration Database. Taiwan, stratified by administrative geographical area for the study. Statistical analysis of 1026 carers for people with ID was made to examine the health status and healthcare utilization of individuals with ID having psychiatric disorders. Results Approximately 12.1% of people with ID had psychiatric disorders. These individuals were more likely to be poorer in health condition and consuming more medical services (in the outpatient, inpatient and emergency care areas), than those individuals without psychiatric disorders. These individuals with psychiatric disorders were also taking medicines regularly at a far greater percentage than did those without psychiatric disorders. Conclusions Given the high prevalence of psychiatric disorders among individuals with ID, the healthcare system should take further steps to develop an appropriate health status monitoring system and community-based and easily accessible mental health services for them.  相似文献   

Background Mental illness is more prevalent in people with intellectual disabilities (ID) than in the normal population. The association between mental illness and severity of ID is also of importance in the understanding and treatment of maladaptive and challenging behaviours. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between severity of ID and prevalence of mental illness. Methods Using The Mini PAS‐ADD, an instrument designed to identify psychiatric symptoms in people with ID, informants were interviewed about the presence of symptoms in 96 participants with moderate, severe and profound ID, and asked about the use of psychotropic medication. Results Mental illness, particularly anxiety, depression and psychosis, was far more prevalent in participants with moderate ID than in people with severe and profound ID. The use of psychotropic medication was not significantly different between the groups. Conclusions The prevalence of psychiatric illness decreases with severity of ID. The usefulness of psychiatric illness models, in explaining maladaptive and challenging behaviours, also decreases with severity of ID. Drug treatment may become more complicated, and behavioural and environmental interventions may become relatively more important, as severity of ID increases.  相似文献   

Background Clinical experience has proven thus far that a monodisciplinary treatment approach to behavioural and psychiatric problems in persons with intellectual disability (ID), such as psychotropic medication or behaviour modification programmes, has yielded limited success. It is clear that the complexity of behavioural and psychiatric problems in this population calls for a treatment approach from different perspectives. Methods A multidimensional treatment approach to the persons with ID who suffer from behaviour problems and psychiatric disorders is described. Results Four dimensions – biological, psychological, social and developmental – are represented as well in an integrative diagnosis as in an integrative treatment, embodied by cooperation of different professionals, such as a psychiatrist, psychologist, pedagogues, social worker, nurse and, where possible, the person’s caretakers. The developmental dimension receives a salient attention of assessors. By introducing the developmental dimension in diagnostics and treatment, the bio‐psycho‐social dimensions are set in a new context, more appropriate for persons with ID. Conclusion The integrative treatment should not be primarily directed towards the symptoms of the disorder but towards restoring a person’s mental well‐being. The disorder is combated through treatment of the underlying processes that have led to its onset. Different treatment methods from different perspectives may be applied. Strategy and methodological procedures of an integrative treatment are discussed by way of case presentations.  相似文献   

Background Despite the increased prevalence of psychiatric disorder amongst offenders with an intellectual disability (ID), there is very little known about the characteristics and needs of those with dual disability. Method A study of admissions to a new community forensic dual disability clinic during the first 10 months of its operation. Results Typically, the offenders are male, are older than other offenders, exhibit long‐standing and continuing serious behavioural disturbance (independent of their psychiatric diagnosis or level of involvement with the criminal justice system) and require supported or custodial accommodation, despite only mild or borderline levels of ID. Although only one‐third have a diagnosable major nonparaphilic psychiatric disorder, three‐quarters have had prior or current contact with psychiatric services and two‐thirds suffer chronic medical illness. Conclusions These offenders suffer psychosocial disadvantages far more extensive than those implied by the ‘psychiatric’ or ‘disability’ label. The multiple services provided to this group have been ad hoc, poorly co‐ordinated and sometimes dangerously inappropriate. A service provision model is required which must be integrative and consistent. We suggest the use of multiskilled key workers, who maintain close contact with individual clients. Their role will be to implement management plans from the various specialist agencies who become involved with this group and provide long‐term follow‐up of their recommendations.  相似文献   

Background The present study examined the presenting problem of psychiatric outpatients, and resulting diagnostic and prescribing patterns, comparing patients with intellectual disability (ID) with non‐ID (N‐ID) patients seen in the same clinic. Methods This study was a retrospective medical chart review of information in the first psychiatric diagnostic evaluation for the most recent 100 adult patients with mild ID, 100 patients with moderate, severe or profound ID, and 100 matching N‐ID patients. Results There were significant differences in rates of medical illness, disabilities, history of marriage, children, independent living, and family history of psychiatric and neurological disorders. Individuals with ID were more likely to present with aggression, self‐injurious behaviour or physical complaints, whereas N‐ID subjects presented more frequently with depression and anxiety complaints. For all groups, depressive disorders were the most frequent class of diagnoses. For those with ID, antipsychotics were used in 32% of subjects, with mood stabilizers in 28% and antidepressants in 27%. The N‐ID subjects were most frequently prescribed antidepressants (40%) and anxiolytics (22%). Polypharmacy did not differ significantly among groups. Conclusions Psychiatric practitioners relied on the diagnostic examination to formulate their diagnosis, whereas the chief complaint reflected the view of caregivers of the subjects with ID. In contrast to previous studies, outpatient providers frequently diagnosed depression, and the prescribing pattern showed increased usage of antidepressants and mood stabilizers.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This study examines the rate of psychiatric diagnosis as per ICD-10 and Reiss Screen for Maladaptive Behaviours (RSMB), and distribution of psychiatric diagnosis with regard to the severity of intellectual disability (ID). It also explores the degree of agreement between Reiss screen and clinical diagnosis (ICD-10) in relation to dual diagnosis. METHODS: In this study Intelligence (IQ) and Social Quotient (SQ) were estimated on Indian adaptation of Binet's scale and Vineland Social Maturity Scales, respectively, in 60 consecutive persons with ID. Both ICD-10 and RSMB were used independently to determine the presence of psychiatric diagnosis. RESULTS: Clinically, according to ICD-10, about 60% of the sample was found to have dual diagnosis as compared to 48% on RSMB. Agreement between ICD-10 and RSMB about psychiatric comorbidity was 82%. Commonest psychiatric diagnosis was unspecified psychosis followed by bipolar affective disorders. CONCLUSION: Persons with ID do suffer from various psychiatric disorders. RSMB is a useful tool for differentiating between psychiatric problems and maladaptive behaviours. Hence RSMB can be used in the Indian context.  相似文献   

Background People with intellectual disabilities (ID) have an increased vulnerability to develop psychiatric problems. Moreover, the early recognition and the accurate diagnosis of psychiatric disorders in the population of persons with ID are challenging. Method A Dutch version of the Mini PAS‐ADD, which is a screening instrument for identification of mental health problems in people with ID, was evaluated in terms of internal consistency, interinformant reliability, item grouping and criterion validity based on a large‐scale random sample (n = 377) and a clinical sample (n = 99) of adults with ID. Results The Dutch version of the Mini PAS‐ADD showed moderate internal consistency, and moderate concordance among informants. Both aspects of the reliability were comparable for different levels of ID. A factor analysis largely confirmed the scale structure. Concurrent validity with the Reiss Screen for Maladaptive Behavior was high for the Depression, Psychosis and Autism scale. The outcome of the criterion‐validity analysis indicated high specificity. The sensitivity for specific psychiatric disorders by the corresponding scales was moderate, but the general sensitivity for the presence of psychopathology on the basis of any of the scales was satisfying. Conclusions The present research reconfirmed the use of the Mini PAS‐ADD as a primary screening device for the identification of mental health problems among people with ID.  相似文献   

Encopresis is a major problem in high-dependency fields such as intellectual disability. Little information is available with respect to either the prevalence or aetiology of encopresis, probably because it is widely regarded as part and parcel of the handicapping condition. Consequently, treatment reports are rare and confined to a small number of case studies. There is a dearth of long-term follow-up on the behavioural treatment of encopresis in the general population, and no long-term follow-up studies are available for the treatment of encopresis in intellectual disability. The present report provides follow-up data for nine out of 10 people with mainly severe intellectual disability who had received behavioural treatment for primary retentive or non-retentive encopresis between 5 and 17 years previously. Six out of the nine subjects for whom data were available were accident-free and a further two clients were very substantially improved. Interestingly, those whose former encopresis was retentive in nature maintained more successfully, despite the severity of their original impaction. The limitations of the present study are discussed.  相似文献   

Background Although the majority of adult persons with intellectual disabilities are cared for by their families, remarkably little is known of the characteristics of their carers, the support services they receive and their unmet needs. A particular concern is whether or not carers have equitable access to services. Method Information was gathered from service staff who knew best the person with the disability. A standard pro forma was used with a representative sample of over 1500 family carers in Northern Ireland (26% of the estimated population). Results Nearly half of the people were being cared for by both parents, but around one third lived with lone carers and 20% with another relative. These subgroups of carers varied significantly in their personal characteristics and in terms of the person for whom they cared. However, Regression Analyses identified that their relative's higher dependency in person care was the only common variable that was predictive of carers’ access to support services. A possible measure of unmet need for various support services was derived. Conclusions Services need to pay greater attention to the characteristics of family carers so as to overcome some of the present inequities in supports offered to them. Further areas for future research are identified.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Adults with intellectual disability (ID) and mental illness may use general or specialist psychiatric services. This review aims to assess if there is evidence for a difference in outcome between them. METHODS: A literature review was conducted using a variety of electronic databases and hand-search strategies to identify all studies evaluating the outcome of people with ID and mental illness using general psychiatric services. RESULTS: There is no conclusive evidence to favour the use of general or specialist psychiatric services. People with ID stay less time on general psychiatric than specialist inpatient units. People with severe ID appear not to be well served in general services. Older studies of inpatient samples suggest a worse outcome for people with ID. Novel specialist services generally improve upon pre-existing general services. Assertive outreach in general services may preferentially benefit those with ID. Recent studies suggest similar lengths of stay in general psychiatric beds for people with and without ID. CONCLUSIONS: Although 27 studies were located, only two were randomized controlled trials. The evidence is poor quality therefore further evaluation of services employing a variety of designs need to be employed to give more robust evidence as to which services are preferred.  相似文献   

Background   There are a variety of models for the mental health care of adults with comorbid intellectual disability (ID) and mental illness. There has been a long-running debate as to whether this should be provided by general psychiatric or specialised ID services. A previous review concluded that there was no clear evidence to support either model with research being often of a poor quality, lacking replication, and outcome measures were often inappropriate or varied between studies. This review aims assess differences in outcome for patients with ID and mental disorders treated in general or specialised ID mental health services.
Method   A literature review was conducted using electronic databases and websites of ID and mental health organisations to locate all references where people with ID receive mental health care in general psychiatric services from 2003. No meta-analysis was attempted because of the divergent nature of the studies.
Results   People with ID (especially severe ID) have reduced access to general psychiatric services. General psychiatric inpatient care is unpopular especially with carers but can be improved by providing specially trained staff and in-reach from community ID teams. Opportunities may exist to enhance the care of people with borderline intellectual functioning within general psychiatric services.
Conclusions   Although no new randomised controlled trials have been published, the weight of research is accumulating to suggest that provision of general psychiatric services without extra help is not sufficient to meet the needs of people with ID.  相似文献   

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