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The neural organization of the superior colliculus (SC) projection to horizontal ocular motoneurons was analyzed in anesthetized cats using intracellular recording and transneuronal labeling. Intracellular responses to SC stimulation were analyzed in lateral rectus (LR) and medial rectus (MR) motoneurons and internuclear neurons in the abducens nucleus (AINs). LR motoneurons and AINs received excitation from the contralateral SC and inhibition from the ipsilateral SC. The shortest excitation (0.9-1.9 ms) and inhibition (1.4-2.4 ms) were mainly disynaptic from the SC and were followed by tri- and polysynaptic responses evoked with increasing stimuli or intensity. All MR motoneurons received excitation from the ipsilateral SC, whereas none of them received any short-latency inhibition from the contralateral SC, but some received excitation. The latency of the ipsilateral excitation in MR motoneurons (1.7-2.8 ms) suggested that this excitation was trisynaptic via contralateral AINs, because conditioning SC stimulation spatially facilitated trisynaptic excitation from the ipsilateral vestibular nerve. To locate interneurons mediating the disynaptic SC inputs to LR motoneurons, last-order premotor neurons were labeled transneuronally after injecting wheat germ agglutinin-conjugated horseradish peroxidase into the abducens nerve, and tectoreticular axon terminals were labeled after injecting dextran-biotin into the ipsilateral or contralateral SC in the same preparations. Transneuronally labeled neurons were mainly distributed ipsilaterally in the paramedian pontine reticular formation (PPRF) rostral to retrogradely labeled LR motoneurons and the vestibular nuclei, and contralaterally in the paramedian pontomedullary reticular formation (PPMRF) caudomedial to the abducens nucleus and the vestibular nuclei. Among the last-order premotor neuron areas, orthogradely labeled tectoreticular axon terminals were observed only in the PPRF and the PPMRF contralateral to the injected SC and seemed to make direct contacts with many of the labeled last-order premotor neurons in the PPRF and the PPMRF. These morphological results confirmed that the main excitatory and inhibitory connections from the SC to LR motoneurons are disynaptic and that the PPRF neurons that receive tectoreticular axon terminals from the contralateral SC terminate on ipsilateral LR motoneurons, whereas the PPMRF neurons that receive tectoreticular axon terminals from the contralateral SC terminate on contralateral LR motoneurons.  相似文献   

1. To describe in detail the secondary neurons of the horizontal vestibuloocular reflex (VOR), we recorded the extracellular activity of neurons in the rostral medial vestibular nucleus of alert, trained rhesus monkeys. On the basis of their activity during horizontal head and eye movements, neurons were divided into several different types. Position-vestibular-pause (PVP) units discharged in relation to head velocity, eye velocity, eye position, and ceased firing during some saccades. Eye and head velocity (EHV) units discharged in relation to eye velocity and head velocity in the same direction so that the two signals partially canceled during the VOR. Two cell types discharged in relation to eye position and velocity but not head velocity; other types discharged in relation to head velocity only. 2. The position in the neural path from the primary vestibular afferents to abducens motoneurons was examined for each type. Direct input from the vestibular nerve was indicated if the cell could be activated by shocks to the nerve at latencies less than or equal to 1.4 ms. A projection to abducens motoneurons was indicated if spike-triggered averaging of lateral rectus electromyographic (EMG) activity yielded responses with a sharp onset at monosynaptic latencies. 3. PVP neurons were the principal interneuron in the VOR "three-neuron arc." Eighty percent received primary afferent input, and 66% made excitatory connections with contralateral abducens motoneurons. Surprisingly few, approximately 11%, made inhibitory connections with ipsilateral abducens motoneurons. This imbalance in the ipsi- and contralateral projections was confirmed by measuring the EMG activity evoked by electrical microstimulation in regions where PVP neurons were located. 4. EHV neurons whose activity increased during contralaterally directed head or eye movements were also interneurons in the ipsilateral inhibitory pathway. Eighty-nine percent received ipsilateral primary afferent input, and 25% projected to ipsilateral abducens motoneurons. EHV neurons excited during ipsilateral movements received neither direct primary afferent input nor projected to either abducens nucleus. A small proportion of each of two other cell types having sensitivity to contralateral eye position made excitatory connections with contralateral abducens motoneurons. Other types rarely were activated from the eighth nerve or projected to the abducens nucleus. 5. The significance of the connections of VOR interneurons and the signals they convey is discussed for three situations: smooth pursuit of a moving target, suppression of the VOR, and the VOR itself. PVP neurons convey a signal with a ratio of eye position and velocity components that is inappropriate to drive motoneurons during pursuit or the VOR.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Summary Excitatory inputs to neurons in the Forel's field H (FFH) related to visually induced vertical saccades from the ipsilateral superior colliculus (SC) were investigated in chronically prepared alert cats. By stimulation of the deep or intermediate layer of the SC, upward augmenting neurons (ANs) and one long-lead downward burst neuron (BN) were found to be activated monosynaptically, while medium-lead BNs were activated disynaptically. The monosynaptically activated neurons were not antidromically activated from the oculomotor nucleus, whereas disynaptically activated neurons were also activated antidromically from the inferior rectus subdivision of the nucleus. These results suggest that an excitatory input to the FFH from the SC for inducing vertical saccades of visual origin first reaches upward ANs and/or long-lead downward BNs in the FFH, which in turn drive medium-lead BNs in the same area synapsing with motoneurons related to vertical eye movements.Research fellow from the Department of Pathophysiology, Hebei Medical College, China  相似文献   

The vestibular nuclei and the interstitial nucleus of Cajal (INC) have been regarded as key elements of the velocity-to-position integrator for vertical eye movements. This paper reports a class of type II vestibular neurons that receives input from the INC and carries vertical eye movement signals that appear to represent an intermediate stage of the integration process. Extracellular recordings were made from neurons in and near the vestibular nuclei in alert cats. We encountered 39 neurons that exhibited an intense burst of spikes for downward saccades and a position-related tonic activity during intersaccadic intervals (d-type II neurons). They had a very high saccadic sensitivity (4.3±2.7 spikes/deg, mean ± SD) as well as a high position sensitivity (3.2±1.6 (spikes/sec)/deg). Unlike the bursts of motoneurons, the bursts of these neurons declined gradually with an exponential-like time course and lasted well beyond the end of saccades. The mean time constant of the burst decay was 139±43 ms. The d-type II neurons were excited with disynaptic or trisynaptic latencies following stimulation of the contralateral vestibular nerve. The responses to vertical head rotations suggested inputs from the contralateral posterior canal. The d-type II neurons were excited with short latencies following stimulation of the ipsilateral INC, suggesting that they receive a direct excitatory input from vertical eye movement-related INC neurons with downward on-directions. The d-type II neurons were located in the rostral portion of the vestibular nuclei and the underlying reticular formation. These results suggest that d-type II neurons may be interposed between the burst-tonic neurons in the INC and pure tonic neurons in the vestibular nuclei and contribute to the oculomotor velocity-to-position integration.  相似文献   

The oculomotor system must convert signals representing the target of an intended eye movement into appropriate input to drive the individual extraocular muscles. Neural models propose that this transformation may involve either a decomposition of the intended eye displacement signal into horizontal and vertical components or an implicit process whereby component signals do not predominate until the level of the motor neurons. Thus decomposition models predict that premotor neurons should primarily encode component signals while implicit models predict encoding of off-cardinal optimal directions by premotor neurons. The central mesencephalic reticular formation (cMRF) and paramedian pontine reticular formation (PPRF) are two brain stem regions that likely participate in the development of motor activity since both structures are anatomically connected to nuclei that encode movement goal (superior colliculus) and generate horizontal eye movements (abducens nucleus). We compared cMRF and PPRF neurons and found they had similar relationships to saccade dynamics, latencies, and movement fields. Typically, the direction preference of these premotor neurons was horizontal, suggesting they were related to saccade components. To confirm this supposition, we studied the neurons during a series of oblique saccades that caused "component stretching" and thus allowed the vectorial (overall) saccade velocity to be dissociated from horizontal component velocity. The majority of cMRF and PPRF neurons encoded component velocity across all saccades, supporting decomposition models that suggest horizontal and vertical signals are generated before the level of the motoneurons. However, we also found novel vectorial eye velocity encoding neurons that may have important implications for saccade control.  相似文献   

Saccade-related burst neurons were recorded in the caudal part of the fastigial nucleus (fastigial oculomotor region) during spontaneous eye movements and fast phases of optokinetic and vestibular nystagmus in light and darkness from three macaque monkeys. All neurons (n=47) were spontaneously active and exhibited a burst of activity with each saccade and fast phase of nystagmus. Most neurons (n=31) only exhibited a burst of activity, whereas those remaining also exhibited a pause in firing rate before or after the burst. Burst parameters varied considerably for similar saccades. For horizontal saccades all neurons, except for three, had a preferred direction with an earlier onset of burst activity to the contralateral side. For contralateral saccades the burst started on average 17.5 ms before saccade onset, whereas the average lead-time for ipsilateral saccades was only 6.5 ms. Three neurons were classified as isotropic with similar latencies and peak burst activity in all directions. None of the neurons had a preferred direction with an earlier onset of burst activity to the ipsilateral side. Burst duration increased with saccade amplitude, whereas peak burst activity was not correlated with amplitude. There was no relationship between peak burst activity and peak eye velocity. In the dark, neurons generally continued to burst with each saccade and fast phase of nystagmus. Burst for saccades in the dark was compared with burst for saccades of similar amplitude and direction in the light. Saccades in the dark had a longer duration and peak burst activity was reduced on average to 62% (range 36–105%). In three neurons a burst in the dark was no longer clearly distinguishable above the ongoing spontaneous activity. These data suggest that the saccade-related burst neurons in the FOR modify saccadic profiles by directly influencing acceleration and deceleration, respectively, of individual eye movements. This could be achieved by an input to the inhibitory and excitatory burst neurons of the saccadic burst generator in the brainstem. From neuroanatomical studies it is known that FOR neurons project directly to the brainstem regions containing the immediate premotor structures for saccade generation.  相似文献   

1. Monkeys were trained to perform a variety of horizontal eye tracking tasks designed to reveal possible eye movement and vestibular sensitivities of neurons in the medulla. To test eye movement sensitivity, we required stationary monkeys to track a small spot that moved horizontally. To test vestibular sensitivity, we rotated the monkeys about a vertical axis and required them to fixate a target rotating with them to suppress the vestibuloocular reflex (VOR). 2. All of the 100 units described in our study were recorded from regions of the medulla that were prominently labeled after injections of horseradish peroxidase into the abducens nucleus. These regions include the nucleus prepositus hypoglossi (NPH), the medial vestibular nucleus (MVN), and their common border (the "marginal zone"). We report here the activities of three different types of neurons recorded in these regions. 3. Two types responded only during eye movements per se. Their firing rates increased with eye position; 86% had ipsilateral "on" directions. Almost three quarters (73%) of these medullary neurons exhibited a burst-tonic discharge pattern that is qualitatively similar to that of abducens motoneurons. There were, however, quantitative differences in that these medullary burst-position neurons were less sensitive to eye position than were abducens motoneurons and often did not pause completely for saccades in the off direction. The burst of medullary burst position neurons preceded the saccade by an average of 7.6 +/- 1.7 (SD) ms and, on average, lasted the duration of the saccade. The number of spikes in the burst was well correlated with saccade size. The second type of eye movement neuron displayed either no discernible burst or an inconsistent one for on-direction saccades and will be referred to as medullary position neurons. Neither the burst-position nor the position neurons responded when the animals suppressed the VOR; hence, they displayed no vestibular sensitivity. 4. The third type of neuron was sensitive to both eye movement and vestibular stimulation. These neurons increased their firing rates during horizontal head rotation and smooth pursuit eye movements in the same direction; most (76%) preferred ipsilateral head and eye movements. Their firing rates were approximately in phase with eye velocity during sinusoidal smooth pursuit and with head velocity during VOR suppression; on average, their eye velocity sensitivity was 50% greater than their vestibular sensitivity. Sixty percent of these eye/head velocity cells were also sensitive to eye position. 5. The NPH/MVN region contains many neurons that could provide an eye position signal to abducens neurons.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

1. With the use of single-unit recording, the reticular formation immediately caudal to the abducens nucleus was searched for saccadic burst neurons in alert, trained rhesus monkeys. We recorded 80 short- and long-lead burst neurons, investigated their connections, and quantitatively analyzed their discharge characteristics. 2. Like excitatory burst neurons located rostral to the abducens, these caudal burst neurons fire optimally for ipsilaterally directed saccades, fire less for vertical saccades, and fire minimally, if at all, for contralateral saccades. The direction associated with the maximum number of spikes was approximately along the horizontal axis (1 +/- 12 degrees (SD); n = 33). 3. The first spike of the burst led the saccade by 2-120 ms, depending on the unit. Neurons were divided into short lead (45%) and long lead (55%) using a burst-lead criterion of 15 ms. In the on-direction, the discharges of both types exhibited strong correlations between number of spikes in the burst and size of the horizontal saccade component; duration of the burst and duration of the saccade; and peak frequency of the burst and peak velocity of the saccade. These relations were looser for long-lead neurons than for short-lead neurons. 4. Horseradish peroxidase injected into the abducens nucleus retrogradely labeled cells in the contralateral reticular formation where burst neurons were recorded, showing that cells in this region make crossed monosynaptic connections. There was good agreement between the limits of this region, as determined physiologically and anatomically. 5. Microstimulation at the locus of recorded burst neurons elicited EMG potentials in the contralateral lateral rectus muscle of the appropriate sign and latency for a monosynaptic inhibitory projection to abducens motoneurons. Stimulation also elicited eye movements consistent with inhibition of the contralateral lateral rectus. 6. It is argued that these characteristics make it likely that the short-lead neurons are the source of the afference which generate the pause in contralateral abducens motoneuron firing during adducting saccades. These neurons are therefore analogous to the inhibitory burst neurons (IBNs) found in the cat. The characteristics of long-lead burst neurons, particularly their lead, make them less likely to subserve this function. These cells might be better suited to providing input to omnipause neurons or to the short-lead IBNs.  相似文献   

The neural organization of the pathways from the superior colliculus (SC) to trochlear motoneurons was analyzed in anesthetized cats using intracellular recording and transneuronal labeling techniques. Stimulation of the ipsilateral or contralateral SC evoked excitation and inhibition in trochlear motoneurons with latencies of 1.1-2.3 and 1.1-3.8 ms, respectively, suggesting that the earliest components of excitation and inhibition were disynaptic. A midline section between the two SCs revealed that ipsi- and contralateral SC stimulation evoked disynaptic excitation and inhibition in trochlear motoneurons, respectively. Premotor neurons labeled transneuronally after application of wheat germ agglutinin-conjugated horseradish peroxidase into the trochlear nerve were mainly distributed ipsilaterally in the Forel's field H (FFH) and bilaterally in the interstitial nucleus of Cajal (INC). Consequently, we investigated these two likely intermediaries between the SC and trochlear nucleus electrophysiologically. Stimulation of the FFH evoked ipsilateral mono- and disynaptic excitation and contralateral disynaptic inhibition in trochlear motoneurons. Preconditioning stimulation of the ipsilateral SC facilitated FFH-evoked monosynaptic excitation. Stimulation of the INC evoked ipsilateral monosynaptic excitation and inhibition, and contralateral monosynaptic inhibition in trochlear motoneurons. Preconditioning stimulation of the contralateral SC facilitated contralateral INC-evoked monosynaptic inhibition. These results revealed a reciprocal input pattern from the SCs to vertical ocular motoneurons in the saccadic system; trochlear motoneurons received disynaptic excitation from the ipsilateral SC via ipsilateral FFH neurons and disynaptic inhibition from the contralateral SC via contralateral INC neurons. These inhibitory INC neurons were considered to be a counterpart of inhibitory burst neurons in the horizontal saccadic system.  相似文献   

Summary Field potentials and postsynaptic potentials were recorded in the vestibular and abducens nuclei and neurons following vestibular nerve stimulation in anesthetized newborn kittens (within 72 h after birth). Stimulation of the ipsilateral vestibular nerve evoked an initial P wave and an N1 field potential in the vestibular nuclei. No N2 potential was evoked. Latencies of the peak of the P wave, the onset and the peak of the N1 potential were 0.99±0.16 ms, 1.66±0.18 ms, and 2.51±0.23 ms, respectively. Ipsilateral vestibular nerve stimulation evoked monosynaptic excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) and polysynaptic inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs) in vestibular nuclear neurons. Stimulation of the contralateral vestibular nerve evoked polysynaptic IPSPs in vestibular nuclear neurons. In abducens motoneurons, ipsilateral vestibular nerve stimulation evoked monosynaptic EPSPs and disynaptic IPSPs; contralateral vestibular nerve stimulation produced disynaptic EPSPs. We conclude that short circuit pathways of the vestibul-ovestibular and vestibulo-ocular reflex arc are present in the kitten already at birth.Supported by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Science, and Culture Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research nos. 572 140 30 and 575 700 53  相似文献   

Stimulation of the rostral approximately 2 mm of the superior colliculus (SC) during a large, visual target-initiated saccade produces a spatial deviation of the ongoing saccade and then stops it in midflight. After the termination of the stimulation, the saccade resumes and ends near the location of the flashed target. The density of collicular projections to the omnipause neuron (OPN) region is greatest from the rostral SC and decreases gradually for the more caudal regions. It has been hypothesized that the microstimulation excites the OPNs through these direct connections, and the reactivation of OPNs, which are normally silent during saccades, stops the initial component in midflight by gating off the saccadic burst generator. Two predictions emerge from this hypothesis: 1) for microstimulation triggered on the onset of large saccades, the time from stimulation onset to resumption of OPN discharge should decrease as the stimulation site is moved rostral and 2) the lead time from reactivation of OPNs to the end of the initial saccade on stimulation trials should be equal to the lead time of pause end with respect to the end of control saccades. We tested this hypothesis by recording OPN activity during saccades perturbed by stimulation of the rostral approximately 2 mm of the SC. The distance of the stimulation site from the most rostral extent of the SC and the time of reactivation with respect to stimulation onset were not significantly correlated. The mean lead of reactivation of OPNs relative to the end of the initial component of perturbed saccades (6.5 ms) was significantly less than the mean lead with respect to the end of control (9.6 ms) and resumed saccades (10.4 ms). These results do not support the notion that the excitatory input from SC neurons-in particular, the fixation neurons in the rostral SC-provide the major signal to reactivate OPNs and end saccades. An alternative, conceptual model to explain the temporal sequence of events induced by stimulation of the SC during large saccades is presented. Other OPN activity parameters also were measured and compared for control and stimulation conditions. The onset of pause with respect to resumed saccade onset was larger and more variable than the onset of pause with respect to control saccades, whereas pause end with respect to the end of resumed and control saccades was similar. The reactivated discharge of OPNs during the period between the end of the initial and the onset of the resumed saccades was at least as strong as that following control movements. This latter observation is interpreted in terms of the resettable neural integrator hypothesis.  相似文献   

We examined the synaptic connections from upper cervical inspiratory neurons to phrenic and intercostal motoneurons in decerebrate rats using cross-correlation. Upper cervical inspiratory neurons (n=79) were recorded from the C1 and C2 segments of the spinal cord in 38 vagotomized, paralyzed, ventilated, and decerebrate rats. The neurons were identified by their inspiratory firing pattern and antidromic activation from the ipsilateral spinal cord at C7. Whole-nerve recordings were made using bipolar electrodes from the central cut ends of the C5 phrenic nerve and the external and internal intercostal nerves at various thoracic levels. Cross-correlation histograms were computed between these recordings to detect short time-scale synchronizations indicative of synaptic connections. The 55 cross-correlation histograms computed between the upper cervical inspiratory neurons and the ipsilateral phrenic nerve showed seven (13%) narrow peaks (mean half-amplitude width±SD, 1.09±0.15 ms) at short latencies (mean latency±SD, 1.29±0.26 ms) suggestive of monosynaptic excitation, and four (7%) broader peaks (mean half-amplitude width±SD, 1.50±0.17 ms) at short latencies (mean latency±SD, 1.40±0.24 ms) suggestive of oligosynaptic excitation. Another 14 (25%) cross-correlation histograms displayed a central broad peak (mean half-amplitude width±SD, 1.59±0.23 ms) suggestive of common activation. The eight cross-correlation histograms computed between the upper cervical inspiratory neurons and the contralateral phrenic nerve were featureless. The 77 cross-correlation histograms computed between the upper cervical inspiratory neurons and the internal and external intercostal nerves at various thoracic levels (T2–8) showed no peaks suggestive of synaptic connections. We conclude that some upper cervical inspiratory neurons make monosynaptic and paucisynaptic connections to phrenic motoneurons but not to intercostal motoneurons.  相似文献   

Summary Intra- and extra-cellular responses were recorded with glass microelectrodes from motoneurons in the VIth cranial nuclei of anesthesized rabbits. VIth nucleus motoneurons were identified by their antidromic activation from the VIth nerve. In these motoneurons stimulation of the ipsilateral VIIIth nerve produced IPSPs with disynaptic latencies (mean and S.D., 1.08 ± 0.1 msec) while stimulation of the contralateral VIIIth nerve produced EPSPs with disynaptic latencies (mean and S.D., 1.20 ± 0.18 msec). Correspondingly, direct stimulation of the ipsilateral medial vestibular nucleus (MV), produced IPSPs with monosynaptic latencies (mean and S.D., 0.61±0.15 msec) while direct stimulation of the contralateral MV produced EPSPs with monosynaptic latencies (mean and S.D., 0.61±0.09 msec). Further, with the recording electrode placed within the VIth nucleus to observe the extracellular potentials corresponding to the intracellularly recorded IPSPs and EPSPs, the medulla was systematically tracked with a monopolar stimulating electrode. It was demonstrated that the inhibitory relay cells could be effectively stimulated in the rostral half of the ipsilateral MV and the excitatory relay cells in the rostral half of the contralateral MV.Pharmacological investigation suggested that the inhibitory transmitter involved in the vestibular inhibition is gamma amino-butyric acid or a related substance.Electric stimulation of the flocculus produced a prominant depression in the inhibitory vestibulo-ocular reflex pathway to the VIth nucleus, while the excitatory pathway was free of any similar flocculus inhibition.  相似文献   

Burst neurons (BNs) in the paramedian pontine reticular formation provide the primary input to the extraocular motoneurons (MNs) during head-restrained saccades and combined eye-head gaze shifts. Prior studies have shown that BNs carry eye movement-related signals during saccades and carry head as well as eye movement-related signals during gaze shifts. Therefore MNs receive signals related to head motion during gaze shifts, yet they solely drive eye motion. Here we addressed whether the relationship between MN firing rates and eye movements is influenced by the additional premotor signals present during gaze shifts. Neurons in the abducens nucleus of monkeys were first studied during saccades made with the head stationary. We then recorded from the same neurons during voluntary combined eye-head gaze shifts. We conclude that the activity of MNs, in contrast to that of BNs, is related to eye motion by the same dynamic relationship during head-restrained saccades and head-unrestrained gaze shifts. In addition, we show that a standard metric-based analysis [i.e., counting the number of spikes (NOS) in a burst] yields misleading results when applied to the same data set. We argue that this latter approach fails because it does not properly consider the system's dynamics or the strong interactions between eye and head motion.  相似文献   

Cerebellar output changes during motor learning. How these changes cause alterations of motoneuron activity and movement remains an unresolved question for voluntary movements. To answer this question, we examined premotor neurons for saccadic eye movement. Previous studies indicate that cells in the fastigial oculomotor region (FOR) within the cerebellar nuclei on one side exhibit a gradual increase in their saccade-related discharge as the amplitude of ipsiversive saccades adaptively decreases. This change in FOR activity could cause the adaptive change in saccade amplitude because neurons in the FOR project directly to the brain stem region containing premotor burst neurons (BNs). To test this possibility, we recorded the activity of saccade-related burst neurons in the area that houses premotor inhibitory burst neurons (IBNs) and examined their discharge during amplitude-reducing adaptation elicited by intrasaccadic target steps. We specifically analyzed their activity for off-direction (contraversive) saccades, in which the IBN activity would increase to reduce saccade size. Before adaptation, 29 of 42 BNs examined discharged, at least occasionally, for contraversive saccades. As the amplitude of contraversive saccades decreased adaptively, half of BNs with off-direction spike activity showed an increase in the number of spikes (14/29) or an earlier occurrence of spikes (7/14). BNs that were silent during off-direction saccades before adaptation remained silent after adaptation. These results indicate that the changes in the off-direction activity of BNs are closely related to adaptive changes in saccade size and are appropriate to cause these changes.  相似文献   

Rhesus monkeys were trained to make saccadic eye movements to visual targets using detection and discrimination paradigms in which they were required to make a saccade either to a solitary stimulus (detection) or to that same stimulus when it appeared simultaneously with several other stimuli (discrimination). The detection paradigm yielded a bimodal distribution of saccadic latencies with the faster mode peaking around 100 ms (express saccades); the introduction of a pause between the termination of the fixation spot and the onset of the target (gap) increased the frequency of express saccades. The discrimination paradigm, on the other hand, yielded only a unimodal distribution of latencies even when a gap was introduced, and there was no evidence for short-latency "express" saccades. In three monkeys either the frontal eye field or the superior colliculus was ablated unilaterally. Frontal eye field ablation had no discernible long-term effects on the distribution of saccadic latencies in either the detection or discrimination tasks. After unilateral collicular ablation, on the other hand, express saccades obtained in the detection paradigm were eliminated for eye movements contralateral to the lesion, leaving only a unimodal distribution of latencies. This deficit persisted throughout testing, which in one monkey continued for 9 mo. Express saccades were not observed again for saccades contralateral to the lesion, and the mean latency of the contralateral saccades was longer than the mean latency of the second peak for the ipsiversive saccades. The latency distribution of saccades ipsiversive to the collicular lesion was unaffected except for a few days after surgery, during which time an increase in the proportion of express saccades was evident. Saccades obtained with the discrimination paradigm yielded a small but reliable increase in saccadic latencies following collicular lesions, without altering the shape of the distribution. Unilateral muscimol injections into the superior colliculus produced results similar to those obtained immediately after collicular lesions: saccades contralateral to the injection site were strongly inhibited and showed increased saccadic latencies. This was accompanied by a decrease of ipsilateral saccadic latencies and an increase in the number of saccades falling into the express range. The results suggest that the superior colliculus is essential for the generation of short-latency (express) saccades and that the frontal eye fields do not play a significant role in shaping the distribution of saccadic latencies in the paradigms used in this study.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

1. The discharge of antidromically identified medial rectus and abducens motoneurons was recorded in restrained unanesthesized goldfish during spontaneous eye movements and in response to vestibular and optokinetic stimulation. 2. All medial rectus and abducens motoneurons exhibited a similar discharge pattern. A burst of spikes accompanied spontaneous saccades and fast phases during vestibular and optokinetic nystagmus in the ON-direction. Firing rate decreased for the same eye movements in the OFF-direction. All units showed a steady firing rate proportional to eye position beyond their recruitment threshold. 3. Motoneuronal position (ks) and velocity (rs) sensitivity for spontaneous eye movements were calculated from the slope of the rate-position and rate-velocity linear regression lines, respectively. The averaged ks and rs values of medial rectus motoneurons were higher than those of abducens motoneurons. The differences in motoneuronal sensitivity coupled with structural variations in the lateral versus the medial rectus muscle suggest that symmetric nasal and temporal eye movements are preserved by different motor unit composition. Although the abducens nucleus consists of distinct rostral and caudal subgroups, mean ks and rs values were not significantly different between the two populations. 4. Every abducens and medial rectus motoneuron fired an intense burst of spikes during its corresponding temporal or nasal activation phase of the "eye blink." This eye movement consisted of a sequential, rather than a synergic, contraction of both vertical and horizontal extraocular muscles. The eye blink could act neither as a protective reflex nor as a goal-directed eye movement because it could not be evoked in response to sensory stimuli. We propose a role for the blink in recentering eye position. 5. Motoneuronal firing rate after ON-directed saccades decreased exponentially before reaching the sustained discharge proportional to the new eye position. Time constants of the exponential decay ranged from 50 to 300 ms. Longer time constants after the saccade were associated with backward drifts of eye position and shorter time constants with onward drifts. These postsaccadic slide signals are suggested to encode the transition of eye position to the new steady level. 6. Motoneurons modulated sinusoidally in response to sinusoidal head rotation in the dark, but for a part of the cycle they went into cutoff, dependent on their eye position recruitment threshold. Eye position (kv) and velocity (rv) sensitivity during vestibular stimulation were measured at frequencies between 1/16 and 2 Hz. Motoneuronal time constants (tau v = rv/kv) decreased on the average by 25% with the frequency of vestibular stimulation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Previous work in goldfish has suggested that the oculomotor velocity-to-position neural integrator for horizontal eye movements may be confined bilaterally to a distinct group of medullary neurons that show an eye-position signal. To establish this localization, the anatomy and discharge properties of these position neurons were characterized with single-cell Neurobiotin labeling and extracellular recording in awake goldfish while monitoring eye movements with the scleral search-coil method. All labeled somata (n = 9) were identified within a region of a medially located column of the inferior reticular formation that was approximately 350 microm in length, approximately 250 microm in depth, and approximately 125 microm in width. The dendrites of position neurons arborized over a wide extent of the ventral half of the medulla with especially heavy ramification in the initial 500 microm rostral of cell somata (n = 9). The axons either followed a well-defined ventral pathway toward the ipsilateral abducens (n = 4) or crossed the midline (n = 2) and projected toward the contralateral group of position neurons and the contralateral abducens. A mapping of the somatic region using extracellular single unit recording revealed that position neurons (n > 120) were the dominant eye-movement-related cell type in this area. Position neurons did not discharge below a threshold value of horizontal fixation position of the ipsilateral eye. Above this threshold, firing rates increased linearly with increasing temporal position [mean position sensitivity = 2.8 (spikes/s)/ degrees, n = 44]. For a given fixation position, average rates of firing were higher after a temporal saccade than a nasal one (n = 19/19); the magnitude of this hysteresis increased with increasing position sensitivity. Transitions in firing rate accompanying temporal saccades were overshooting (n = 43/44), beginning, on average, 17.2 ms before saccade onset (n = 17). Peak firing rate change accompanying temporal saccades was correlated with eye velocity (n = 36/41). The anatomical findings demonstrate that goldfish medullary position neurons have somata that are isolated from other parts of the oculomotor system, have dendritic fields overlapping with axonal terminations of neurons with velocity signals, and have axons that are capable of relaying commands to the abducens. The physiological findings demonstrate that the signals carried by position neurons could be used by motoneurons to set the fixation position of the eye. These results are consistent with a role for position neurons as elements of the velocity-to-position neural integrator for horizontal eye movements.  相似文献   

When a saccade occurs to an interesting object, visual fixation holds its image on the fovea and suppresses saccades to other objects. Electrical stimulation of the frontal eye field (FEF) has been reported to elicit saccades, and recently also to suppress saccades. This study was performed to characterize properties of the suppression of visually guided (Vsacs) and memory-guided saccades (Msacs) induced by electrical stimulation of the FEF in trained monkeys. For any given stimulation site, we determined the threshold for electrically evoked saccades (Esacs) at < or =50 microA and then examined suppressive effects of stimulation at the same site on Vsacs and Msacs. FEF stimulation suppressed the initiation of both Vsacs and Msacs during and about 50 ms after stimulation at stimulus intensities lower than those for eliciting Esacs, but did not affect the vector of these saccades. Suppression occurred for ipsiversive but not contraversive saccades, and more strongly for saccades with larger amplitudes and those with initial eye positions shifted more in the saccadic direction. The most effective stimulation timing for suppression was about 50 ms before saccade onset, which suggests that suppression occurred in the efferent pathway for generating Vsacs at the premotor rather than the motoneuronal level, most probably in the superior colliculus and/or the paramedian pontine reticular formation. Suppression sites of ipsilateral saccades were distributed over the classical FEF where saccade-related movement neurons were observed. The results suggest that the FEF may play roles in not only generating contraversive saccades but also maintaining visual fixation by suppressing ipsiversive saccades.  相似文献   

The projection from the nucleus prepositus hypoglossi (PH) to the superior colliculus (SC) has been proposed to provide a feedback control of collicular saccadic activities. The present study aimed to identify the functional properties of PH neurones projecting to the SC relative to eye movement parameters. Preposito-collicular neurones were identified in alert cats by antidromic invasion and collision tests following electrical stimulations of the contralateral SC. Their discharges were then correlated with the horizontal component of eye movements. Particular attention was given to the timing of discharges relative to saccade onsets. Most prepositocollicular neurones (12/14) displayed transient activities associated to eye velocity, and onsets preceded the saccade onset by 9.4–19.9 ms. The mean eye velocity sensitivity of these early preposito-collicular neurones (1.46±0.53 spikes/s per degree per second) was quite similar to that calculated from a sample of putative motoneurones or interneurones that have been recorded within abducens nucleus and quantified in the same conditions. The remaining two preposito-collicular neurones exhibited transient activity related to saccades, but this followed the transient putative motoneuronal discharge. These delayed neurones also had lower eye velocity sensitivities (0.38 sp/s per degree per second and 0.58 sp/s per degree per second, respectively) compared with early neurones. Both classes of preposito-collicular neurones also displayed a subsequent tonic activity correlated with the eye position. Taken together, these results demonstrate that preposito-collicular neurones code both eye position and eye velocity just like ocular motoneurones, but in a predictive manner. The anticipatory discharge of early neurones makes them likely candidates for the control of peak activities of saccade-related collicular neurones, particularly in the caudal colliculus. Delayed preposito-collicular neurones may also participate in the control of collicular activities, but probably in more rostral SC, where peak activities occur later during eye movements together with smaller motor error coding.  相似文献   

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