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本实验采用墨汁硝酸银水溶液局部动脉灌注方法,对40例卵巢(家兔20例,大白鼠,20例)器官内淋巴管的分布进行观察,所见结果表明:在皮质和髓质的结缔组织内存在淋巴管和毛细淋巴管;在皮质成熟卵泡膜外层及黄体内也存在淋巴管和毛细淋巴管。  相似文献   

本文采用墨汁硝酸银水溶液局部动脉注入方法,对15例(30侧)胎儿(5~10个月)及新生儿舌下腺器官内淋巴管和毛细淋巴管的微细分布进行观察。所见结果表明:舌下腺小叶间结缔组织内及舌下腺被膜内存在淋巴管和毛细淋巴管;淋巴管与小叶间血管或腺导管伴行;舌下腺小叶内未见淋巴管和毛细淋巴管。  相似文献   

本实验采用墨汁硝酸银水溶液局部动脉灌注方法,对20例胎儿肺器官内淋巴管的分布进行观察,所见结果表明:肺内的淋巴管分为浅深两组,浅组分布于肺表面的脏层胸膜下,深组分布于肺实质内的大血管和支气管周围的结缔组织内,在肺泡表面及呼吸支气管周围无淋巴管或毛细淋巴管。  相似文献   

本实验采用墨汁硝酸银水溶液局部动脉注入方法和色素间接注入方法,对80例胎儿、10例犬的颌下腺器官内淋巴管的分布进行了观察,所见结果表明:在颌下腺小叶内不存在淋巴和毛细淋巴管,但可见大量的毛细血管,并在腺泡周围吻合成网;颌下腺器官内淋巴管是以盲端起始于小叶门附近;淋巴管和毛细淋巴管只存在颌下腺小叶间结缔组织内和被膜内。  相似文献   

本实验采用墨汁硝酸银水溶液局部动脉灌注法及组织切片HE染色法,观察了5只成年家兔和10例胎几及新生儿眼球器官内的淋巴管。所见结果表明:在球结膜内存在丰富的淋巴管和毛细淋巴管;在眼球壁的巩膜、脉络膜及视网膜内,仅存在血管并无淋巴管或毛细淋巴管;在眼球内容物内,既无血管也无淋巴管;在脉络膜的周围,存在较明显的结缔组织间隙。  相似文献   

本实验采用墨汁硝酸银水溶液局部动脉灌注方法,对20例(新生儿10例,胎儿10例)心器官内淋巴管的分布进行观察。所见结果表明:在心外膜下、肌层和心内膜下均存在淋巴管和毛细淋巴管,心外膜下的淋巴管较丰富,心肌层和心内膜下的淋巴管较少。  相似文献   

本实验采用墨汁硝酸银水溶液局部动脉灌注方法,对犬20例肾器官内淋巴管的分布进行观察,所见结果表明:肾器官内的淋巴管主要分布于肾段动脉、弓形动脉和小叶间动脉周围的结缔组织内,在肾皮质和髓质的实质内仅存在丰富的毛细血管而无淋巴管或毛细淋巴管。  相似文献   

本实验采用染料间接注射方法和墨汁硝酸银水溶液局部动脉注入方法,对30例大白鼠肾上腺器官内淋巴管的分布进行观察,所见结果表明:在肾上腺皮质和髓质的实质内及皮髓质交界处,不存在淋巴或毛细淋巴管,而有丰富的毛细血管或静脉窦;淋巴管和毛细淋巴管只存在肾上腺被膜内。  相似文献   

本实验采用墨汁生理盐水和墨汁硝酸银水溶液局部静脉逆行灌注,光镜和电镜观察方法,对30例牛肾上腺器官内淋巴管的分布进行观察。所见结果如下:在肾上腺被膜内和腺体内的较粗大静脉周围,存在淋巴管和毛细淋巴管;肾上腺皮质和髓质的实质内及皮质髓质交界处,仅有丰富的毛细血管和静脉窦,不存在淋巴管或毛细淋巴管。  相似文献   

本实验运用墨汁硝酸银水溶液局部动脉灌注法,对5例胎儿脾内淋巴管的分布进行了观察,结果表明:淋巴管仅存在于脾的被膜和脾小粱内,脾髓中未发现淋巴管。  相似文献   

目的观察钩藤碱(rhynchophylline,Rhy)对离体大鼠逼尿肌的作用并探讨其作用机制。方法采用逼尿肌体外张力实验法检测Rhy对大鼠逼尿肌L-型钙通道(ICa-L)及大电导钙离子激活钾离子通道(BKCa)作用。以维拉帕米为对照观察膀胱逼尿肌肌条的收缩及对乙酰胆碱(ACh)依赖细胞内、外钙所致肌条收缩程度的拮抗作用。结果 Rhy和BKCa激动剂NS1619作用相似,亲和力指数(pD2)分别为4.78±0.17、4.53±0.22;BKCa拮抗剂iberiotoxin能竞争性拮抗Rhy,使Rhy累积量效曲线平行右移,拮抗参数(pA2)为7.27±0.16;当Rhy浓度为1~20μmo.lL-1时,使CaCl2累积量效曲线非平行右移,最大反应降低,呈非竞争性拮抗。结论 Rhy通过离子通道(阻滞ICa-L、激活BKCa)抑制膀胱逼尿肌收缩。低浓度(10μmol.L-1)Rhy仅对细胞内钙引起的肌条收缩有抑制作用,而对细胞外钙所致的肌条收缩无影响;随着浓度的增高,Rhy对细胞内、外钙引起的肌条收缩均有抑制作用,且抑制作用逐渐增加。  相似文献   

Urinary bladder augmentation with a segment of the stomach, i.e., gastrocystoplasty, has been used to improve capacity and compliance in patients with bladder dysfunction. In the present study, rats were subjected to gastrocystoplasty (using the oxyntic segment) with or without fundectomy (removal of the oxyntic part of stomach), and the acid secretion in the augmented bladder was measured. In freely fed rats, the pH values were neutral and not significantly decreased in the rats subjected to gastrocystoplasty with or without fundectomy compared to controls (no operation or sham operation). In response to food intake after being fasted, the rats subjected to gastocystoplasty + fundectomy produced significant amounts of acid. Immunohistochemical examination revealed that the ECL cells and parietal cells seemed to be normal in rats with gastrocystoplasty alone, and that micronodules of ECL appeared to develop in rats with gastrocystoplasty + fundectomy. We suggest that the rats subjected to gastrocystoplasty + fundectomy are capable of producing acid secretion in the bladder, probably due to the secretagogue and trophic effects of gastrin on the ECL cells in the segment of the oxyntic mucosal segment of the bladder.  相似文献   

Systemic alkalosis has been postulated to enhance tumorigenesis, whereas systemic acidosis has been implicated to exert a favourable influence on tumour control and regression. In the present study the urinary pH was influenced by feeding acid-forming or base-forming diets, and the effect of alkaline or acid urine on the early and late progression phase of urinary bladder carcinogenicity was investigated in male Wistar rats. Bladder lesions were initiated by N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl) nitrosamine (0.05% BBN in the drinking water during 4 weeks) and promoted by sodium bicarbonate (3.4% NaHCO3 in the diet during 15 or 25 weeks). After short- (15 week) and more long-term (25 week) promotion with NaHCO3, groups of 20 rats were fed a diet containing the acidifying salt ammoniumchloride (2.1% NH4Cl) or the control diet. All surviving rats were killed after a total study duration of 52 weeks. Additional control groups were, after initiation, fed diets containing NaHCO3 and killed after 15 wk or 25 wk of promotion, or at the end of the study. In rats fed diets with added salts, water intake and the amount of urine produced were increased and the urinary density was decreased compared to rats fed control diet. During NaHCO3 feeding, urinary pH and sodium concentration were increased. During NH4Cl feeding, urinary pH was decreased and urinary chloride and calcium concentrations were increased. Initiation by BBN followed by treatment with NaHCO3 caused a high incidence of papillary/nodular hyperplasia, papillomas and carcinomas of the bladder epithelium. These lesions progressed with time or longer duration of NaHCO3 promotion. A tumour protective effect of urinary acidification by NH4Cl was not found. In fact, both acidification and prolonged alkalinization tended to aggravate the malignancy of bladder carcinomas.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress has been increasingly recognized as a possible mechanism in the toxicity and carcinogenicity of various chemicals, including arsenic. Therefore, treatment with antioxidants may afford a protective effect against arsenic-induced cytotoxicity and carcinogenesis. Dimethylarsinic acid (DMAV) has been shown to be a bladder carcinogen in rats when administered at high doses (100 ppm) in the diet or in the drinking water. The main purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effects of co-administration of antioxidants with arsenicals on the rat urinary bladder epithelium in vitro and in vivo. In a previous experiment, treatment with 1000 ppm melatonin for two weeks did not inhibit cell proliferation induced in the rat urothelium by 100 ppm DMAV. In the current study, we examined the effects of five antioxidants that act via different mechanisms, on the in vitro cytotoxicity of various arsenicals, for the purpose of determining which antioxidants might have protective effects against arsenic-induced cytotoxicity. The antioxidants that inhibited cytotoxicity in vitro were then studied also in vivo. Melatonin showed slight inhibition of the cytotoxicity of arsenite, but had no effect on the other arsenicals. N-acetylcysteine (NAC) inhibited the cytotoxicity of monomethylarsonous acid (MMAIII), DMAV, dimethylarsinous acid (DMAIII), and trimethylarsine oxide (TMAO). Vitamin C inhibited cytotoxicity induced by arsenate, arsenite, MMAIII) and DMAIII. Tiron and Trolox had no effect on the cytotoxicity of any arsenical. The in vitro inhibitory effects of NAC and vitamin C on DMAV and on DMAIII, suggested that these antioxidants might afford preventive effects on DMAV-induced bladder cytotoxicity and carcinogenesis in rats. To test this hypothesis, a 10-week rat bioassay was conducted. Melatonin was also included to clarify the results of the previous two-week experiment. The sodium salt of vitamin C (Na-Asc), but not melatonin or NAC, inhibited the proliferative effects of DMAV on the bladder epithelium in rats. These results suggest that oxidative stress is at least in part involved in DMAV-induced rat bladder toxicity and proliferation, and therefore, vitamin C may afford inhibitory effects in DMAV-induced bladder carcinogenesis in rats. Microarray analysis of DMAV-responsive genes revealed that DMAV did not have a consistent modifying effect on gene expression in the rat bladder epithelium, suggesting that proteins and/or lipids may be the targets of damage by DMAV-induced oxidative stress.  相似文献   

盐酸丙哌维林对膀胱平滑肌收缩的影响(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
观察了盐酸丙哌维林 ( Pro)对离体豚鼠膀胱平滑肌自动节律性收缩和 KCl诱导离体豚鼠膀胱平滑肌收缩的影响 ;同时观察了 Pro对家犬在体膀胱自动节律性收缩的影响 .Pro在 1 ,1 0 μmol· L-1浓度时 ,对离体豚鼠膀胱平滑肌自动节律性活动具有兴奋作用 ,可使自动节律性收缩频率增加 ,幅度加大 ;在 1 0 0μmol· L-1浓度时则表现为抑制作用 ,可完全抑制豚鼠膀胱平滑肌的自动节律性收缩 ,同时可使平滑肌松弛 ,基础张力降低 .Pro对 KCl引起的豚鼠离体膀胱平滑肌的收缩具有明显的抑制作用 ,在 1 ,1 0 ,1 0 0 μmol· L-1浓度时对 KCl诱导豚鼠离体膀胱平滑肌收缩的抑制率分别为 ( 7.4±6.5) % ,( 31 .3± 1 2 .8) % ,( 68.4± 7.1 ) % ,其 IC50 为( 2 5.2± 4.7) μmol·L-1.十二指肠给 Pro对在体家犬膀胱自动节律性收缩具有明显的抑制作用 ,60 ,30mg· kg-1可明显降低膀胱自动节律性收缩频率和幅度且具有剂量依赖性 ,与药前比有显著性差异 ,60 mg· kg-1药后 1 0 min即可起效 ,药效可持续 90min,Pro在上述剂量下对血压 ,心率无明显影响 .本实验结果提示 Pro在低剂量时对离体膀胱自动节律性收缩具有一定的兴奋作用 ,在高剂量时则表现为明显的抑制作用 ;Pro对 KCl诱导的豚鼠离体膀胱平滑肌收缩和膀胱扩张诱导的家?  相似文献   

The contractile effect of bombesin on the rat isolated urinary bladder   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We have investigated and compared the myotropic effects of bombesin (BB) and carbachol (C) in the rat isolated urinary bladder. BB (0.5 x 10(-9) to 0.5 x 10(-5) M) and C (2.7 x 10(-8) to 5.4 x 10(-5) M) were found to produce dose-dependent increases of the basal tone of the rat detrusor muscle. The maximal contraction produced by C was about 4 times greater than that elicited by BB or substance P (SP). However, the threshold concentrations of BB and SP required to stimulate the detrusor muscle were much lower than those of C. The pD2 (-log ED50) values of BB, SP and C were respectively 7.63, 7.05 and 5.8. The tissues exposed to BB relaxed more slowly after washout than those challenged with C or SP. The contractile effects of medium range concentrations of BB were not affected by pretreating the tissues with tetrodotoxin, atropine, antihistaminics, indomethacin, alpha- and beta-adrenergic blockers, methysergide or 8-leucine-angiotensin II. Tissues desensitized with high concentrations of bradykinin maintained their sensitivity to BB. The result suggest that the contractile effect of BB on the rat isolated urinary bladder is likely to be the result of a direct effect on the smooth muscle cells.  相似文献   

  1. Purinergic and cholinergic components of parasympathetic neurotransmission and contractile responses to exogenous α,β-methylene ATP, acetylcholine, substance K, substance P, calcitonin gene-related peptide, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide and capsaicin have been investigated in the urinary bladder of hibernating hamsters (4 weeks), cold exposed (4 weeks) and age-matched controls.
  2. Electrical field stimulation (EFS) evoked increased frequency-dependent contractions in the detrusor strips from hibernating hamsters compared with those obtained from cold-exposed and age-matched animals. Tetrodotoxin (10−6M) completely blocked the frequency-dependent contractions in all groups.
  3. The purinergic component of the parasympathetic neurotransmission was not affected in hibernating and cold-exposed animals while the cholinergic component was increased with respect to age-matched animals. The neurogenic response to EFS, still present after incubation with atropine (10−6M) and suramin (10−4M), was attenuated by indomethacin (10−6M) and blocked by tetrodotoxin (10−6M).
  4. Exogenous administration of α,β-methylene ATP elicited a significantly reduced contraction in strips from hibernating and cold-exposed hamsters relative to age-matched animals. The contractile response to exogenous acetylcholine was greater in the detrusors from hibernating hamsters than in cold-exposed and age-matched animals. Substance K elicited reduced contractions in preparations from hibernating animals compared with cold-exposed and control animals. Calcitonin gene-related peptide, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, substance P and capsaicin did not elicit any relaxant or contractile response either at resting tone or in carbachol (5×10−7M)-precontracted tissues.
  5. In summary, our findings indicate that 4 weeks of hibernation can significantly increase neurogenic responses in the hamster urinary bladder. This appears to be due to an increase in postjunctional responses to acetylcholine. In contrast, there was a decrease of the postjunctional responses to the parasympathetic cotransmitter ATP and also to the sensory-motor neurotransmitter substance K.

目的:为了了解叶绿素衍生物(CPD4)口服后在膀胱粘膜内含量变化的状况,以便为临床应用提供实验依据。方法:13条实验犬分为3个不同剂量组,应用荧光检测法作服药后不同时段膀胱粘膜CPD4含量的测定。结果:CPD4用于实验犬的合适剂量是100mg/kg,明显低于此值将显著影响组织的吸收,从而降低光动力作用。在禁食组中,组织内吸收的最高峰值出现在服药后2h,而进食组却推迟出现在服药后6 ̄12h。结论:为  相似文献   

盐酸丙哌维林对豚鼠离体膀胱平滑肌条的钙拮抗作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 研究盐酸丙哌维林 (P 4)对豚鼠离体膀胱平滑肌条的钙拮抗作用及作用机制。方法 采用离体平滑肌条浴槽实验方法 ,以维拉帕米为对照 ,测定P 4对CaCl2 和组胺 (His)所致离体膀胱平滑肌条的收缩及对乙酰胆碱 (ACh)所致膀胱平滑肌依赖细胞内钙、外钙收缩的影响。结果 P 41~ 1 0 0 μmol·L- 1 使CaCl2 累积量效曲线非平行右移 ,最大反应降低 ,pD2 ′为 4 73± 0 1 4。P 41 μmol·L- 1 使His量效曲线平行右移 ,最大效应不变 ,pA2 为 5 44± 0 1 4 ;1 0~ 1 0 0μmol·L- 1 使His量效曲线非平行右移 ,最大效应降低 ,pD2 ′为 4 71± 0 1 0。P 41、1 0和 1 0 0 μmol·L- 1 对ACh所致依赖细胞内钙收缩的抑制率分别为 45 77%± 6 54 %、86 2 6 %± 5 59%和 90 55 %± 3 1 1 % ,对依赖细胞外钙收缩的抑制率分别为 7 30 %± 2 89%、49 1 6 %± 6 0 9%和 88 2 5 %±3 70 %。结论 P 4低浓度时竞争性拮抗His所致膀胱平滑肌条的收缩反应 ,明显抑制膀胱平滑肌条依赖细胞内钙释放的收缩反应 ;高浓度时非竞争性拮抗His和CaCl2 所致膀胱平滑肌条的收缩反应 ,明显抑制膀胱平滑肌条依赖细胞内钙释放和外钙经钙通道内流所致收缩反应  相似文献   

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