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Andriy Noshchenko Lilian Hoffecker Emily M Lindley Evalina L Burger Christopher MJ Cain Vikas V Patel Andrew P Bradford 《World journal of orthopedics》2015,6(7):537-558
AIM: To evaluate published data on the predictors of progressive adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) in order to evaluate their efficacy and level of evidence.METHODS: Selection criteria: (1) study design: randomized controlled clinical trials, prospective cohort studies and case series, retrospective comparative and none comparative studies; (2) participants: adolescents with AIS aged from 10 to 20 years; and (3) treatment: observation, bracing, and other. Search method: Ovid MEDLINE, Embase, the Cochrane Library, PubMed and patent data bases. All years through August 2014 were included. Data were collected that showed an association between the studied characteristics and the progression of AIS or the severity of the spine deformity. Odds ratio (OR), sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values were also collected. A meta-analysis was performed to evaluate the pooled OR and predictive values, if more than 1 study presented a result. The GRADE approach was applied to evaluate the level of evidence.RESULTS: The review included 25 studies. All studies showed statistically significant or borderline association between severity or progression of AIS with the following characteristics: (1) An increase of the Cobb angle or axial rotation during brace treatment; (2) decrease of the rib-vertebral angle at the apical level of the convex side during brace treatment; (3) initial Cobb angle severity (> 25o); (4) osteopenia; (5) patient age < 13 years at diagnosis; (6) premenarche status; (7) skeletal immaturity; (8) thoracic deformity; (9) brain stem vestibular dysfunction; and (10) multiple indices combining radiographic, demographic, and physiologic characteristics. Single nucleotide polymorphisms of the following genes: (1) calmodulin 1; (2) estrogen receptor 1; (3) tryptophan hydroxylase 1; (3) insulin-like growth factor 1; (5) neurotrophin 3; (6) interleukin-17 receptor C; (7) melatonin receptor 1B, and (8) ScoliScore test. Other predictors included: (1) impairment of melatonin signaling in osteoblasts and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC); (2) G-protein signaling dysfunction in PBMC; and (3) the level of platelet calmodulin. However, predictive values of all these findings were limited, and the levels of evidence were low. The pooled result of brace treatment outcomes demonstrated that around 27% of patents with AIS experienced exacerbation of the spine deformity during or after brace treatment, and 15% required surgical correction. However, the level of evidence is also low due to the limitations of the included studies.CONCLUSION: This review did not reveal any methods for the prediction of progression in AIS that could be recommended for clinical use as diagnostic criteria. 相似文献
目的 探讨青少年特发性脊柱侧凸(AIS)与褪黑素合成间的关系.方法 在103例AIS患者和108例埘照(性别和年龄匹配)中,对TPH1基因上的单核甘酸多态性(SNPs)位点进行基因分型筛查,并对筛查结果进行Hardy-Weinberg遗传半衡、单位点分析和连锁不半衡检验及其单倍体分析.结果 7个筛查的SNPs位点中只有3个佗点满足MAF≥5%,在单位点分析中发现m10488682与AIS的发牛相关(P=1e-04),但在单倍体分析中未见阳性位点.结论 TPH1基因是AIS的一个易感基因,它所导致的褪黑素合成障碍可能与AIS的发病相关. 相似文献
青少年特发性脊柱侧凸患者褪黑素信号传导通路的初步研究 总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6
目的:了解青少年特发性脊柱侧凸(adolescentid iopathic scoliosis,AIS)患者褪黑素信号传导通路是否存在异常。方法:7例女性AIS患者,年龄13~17岁,平均14.7岁;最大Cobb角40°~80°,平均59.3°,行后路手术时取髂骨组织进行成骨细胞培养,并用碱性磷酸酶染色、骨钙素免疫荧光检测方法对培养细胞进行成骨细胞鉴定。取原代培养的成骨细胞,先采用福斯可林刺激成骨细胞内cAMP升高,然后用不同浓度褪黑素刺激细胞,检测细胞内cAMP水平。结果:碱性磷酸酶染色、骨钙素免疫荧光检测结果均证实所培养细胞表现为成骨细胞特性,所有AIS患者成骨细胞的cAMP的基础水平都很低,在给予福斯可林刺激以后cAMP的水平明显升高,此后再给予生理剂量的褪黑素后,cAMP的水平未见明显下降;给予药理剂量的褪黑素后同样没有观察到cAMP水平明显的下降。结论:AIS患者的褪黑素信号传导通路存在异常。 相似文献
目的 :探讨青少年特发性脊柱侧凸(adolescent idiopathic scoliosis,AIS)患者的冠状位畸形和矢状位平衡间的关系。方法:回顾2006年6月~2012年10月收治的AIS患者的影像学资料,测量参数包括:结构性侧凸的Cobb角、胸椎后凸(thoracic kyphosis,TK)、腰椎前凸(lumbar lordosis,LL)、骶骨倾斜角(sacral slope,SS)、骨盆入射角(pelvic incidence,PI)、骨盆倾斜角(pelvic tilt,PT)、脊柱骶骨角(spine-sacral angle,SSA)以及C7转移比值(C7 translation ratio,C7TR)。记录患者侧凸的Lenke类型和Roussouly类型,比较不同Lenke曲线类型(curve types,CT)、Lenke腰弯修正(lumbar modifiers,LM)、侧弯数量(curve amounts,CA)组间的矢状位参数;对冠、矢状面的参数进行相关性研究。结果:共获得165例AIS患者的影像学资料,男45例,女120例,平均年龄14.8±2.0岁。Lenke 1型70例,2型33例,3型15例,4型21例,5型17例,6型9例。PI平均值为43.0°±9.3°。不同CT组的TK、PT间的差异有统计学意义,其他参数间的差异无统计学意义。不同CA组的TK、LL、PT间的差异显著(P0.05),而不同LM仅有TK不同(P0.05)。不同侧凸类型患者的Roussouly类型的分布情况相似(P=0.753)。胸弯的Cobb角与LL、SS、SSA呈负相关(P0.05),腰弯的Cobb角与矢状位参数间无显著相关性。结论:AIS患者的冠状位畸形可影响部分矢状位参数的值,但不影响整体矢状位类型的分布情况。不同AIS类型的TK、LL和PT不同,而其他参数并无明显差异。脊柱侧凸矫形手术需要考虑冠、矢状位参数间的上述关系。 相似文献
Jeff L. Gum Marc A. Asher Douglas C. Burton Sue-Min Lai Leah M. Lambart 《European spine journal》2007,16(10):1579-1586
Several studies have suggested that the pelvis is involved in the etiology or pathogenesis of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis
(AIS). The purpose of this retrospective, cross-sectional radiographic study is to identify any correlation between the transverse
plane rotational position of the pelvis in stance and operative-size idiopathic or congenital scoliosis deformities, using
Scheuermann’s kyphosis and isthmic spondylolisthesis patients for comparison. The hypothesis tested was that the direction
of transverse pelvic rotation is the same as that for a thoracic scoliosis. As a group, AIS patients had a significant transverse
plane pelvic rotation in the same direction as the thoracic curve. When subdivided into the six Lenke curve patterns, this
was true for the groups with a major thoracic curve: thoracic (1), double thoracic (2) and double curve patterns (3). It was
not true for patterns with a major thoracolumbar/lumbar curve: single thoracolumbar/lumbar (5) and double thoracic-thoracolumbar/lumbar
(6). Nor was it true for triple (4) curves. The Lenke 1 and 2 major thoracic curves without compensatory thoracolumbar/lumbar
curves did not have the predicted pelvic rotation. All congenital scoliosis patients studied had main thoracic curves and significant transverse plane pelvic rotation in the
same direction as the thoracic curve. There was no transverse plane pelvic rotation in the Scheuermann’s kyphosis or isthmic
spondylolisthesis patients. We interpret these findings as consistent with a compensatory rotation of the pelvis in the same
direction as the main thoracic curve in most patients with a compensatory thoracolumbar/lumbar curve as well as in patients
with main thoracic congenital scoliosis. 相似文献
There have been great advances in the conservative and surgical treatment for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis in the last few decades. The challenge for the physician is the decision for the optimal time to institute therapy for the individual child. This makes an understanding of the natural history and risk factors for curve progression of significant importance. Reported rates of curve progression vary from 1.6% for skeletally mature children with a small curve magnitude to 68% for skeletally immature children with larger curve magnitudes. Although the patient''s age at presentation, the Risser sign, the patient''s menarchal status and the magnitude of the curve have been described as risk factors for curve progression, there is evidence that the absolute curve magnitude at presentation may be most predictive of progression in the long term. A curve magnitude of 25° at presentation may be predictive of a greater risk of curve progression. Advances in research may unlock novel predictive factors, which are based on the underlying pathogenesis of this disorder. 相似文献
Mauno Ylikoski 《European spine journal》1993,1(4):236-239
Summary The spinal growth in scoliotic segments (T4-L4) of 110 girls with untreated idiopathic scoliosis was measured from two successive radiographs taken at a mean interval of 1.1 years. At the first visit the mean age of the patients was 14 years (range 11–16 years), the mean magnitude of the major curves 24° (range 9°–38°) and that of the minor curves 14° (range 2°–38°). Spinal growth was most rapid at the age of 11–12 years. The progression of the curves (major plus minor) correlated with the spinal growth (r=0.384). The greater the initial curves were, the stronger the correlation was between the spinal growth and the progression of the curves (r=0.046–0.639), and the correlation was more significant in thoracic scoliosis (r=0.560) than in thoracolumbar and lumbar scoliosis (r=0.152). 相似文献
Ranjith Unnikrishnan J Renjitkumar Venugopal K Menon 《Indian Journal of Orthopaedics》2010,44(1):35-41
The surgical treatment of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) has taken great strides in the last two decades. There have been no long term reported studies on AIS from India with documented long term followup. In this study we review a single surgical team''s series of 235 surgically treated cases of AIS with a follow-up from two to six years.Materials and Methods:
Pre operative charts, radiographs and MRI scans for 235 patients were collected for this study. The patients were grouped into three groups where anterior correction and fusion (n=47), posterior correction and fusion (n=123) and combined anterior release and posterior instrumentation (n=65) was performed. Each group was divided into two subgroups based on the surgical approach and instrumentation strategy (all screw construct or hybrid construct) used. Patients were followed up for coronal and saggital plane corrections, apical vertebral translation (AVT), trunk balance and back pain. The percentage of correction was calculated in each group as well as sub groups.Results:
The incidence of MRI detected intraspinal anomaly in this series is 5.9% with 3.4% of them requiring neurosurgical procedure along with scoliosis correction. Average coronal major curve correction was 66% in the all screw group and 58.5% in the hybrid group. The coronal plane correction was better when the all screw constructs were employed. Also, the AVT and trunk balance was better with the all screw constructs. The anterior corrections resulted in better correction of the AVT and trunk balance as compared to the posterior correction. There were eight (3.4%) complications in this series. The coronal and saggital plane correction paralleled the published international standards.Conclusion:
The coronal plane correction was better when all screw constructs were employed. Use of all pedicle screw systems obviated the need for costoplasty in most cases. The increased incidence of intraspinal anomaly may warrant a routine pre operative MR imaging of all adolescent scoliosis needing surgical treatment. 相似文献9.
Height of girls with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis 总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13
Mauno Ylikoski 《European spine journal》2003,12(3):288-291
In a Finnish population, the standing height of 1500 consecutive female patients aged 9-24 years (mean 13.9 years) with untreated idiopathic scoliosis of at least 10 degrees in their lateral curves was compared with the standing height of average girls. The mean magnitude of the major curves was 29.4 degrees (range 10 degrees-80 degrees), and that of the minor curves 20.3 degrees (range 0 degrees-66 degrees). A formula for the height loss caused by the lateral curves, and that caused by thoracic kyphosis, was derived. The corrected height of the girls with idiopathic scoliosis was highly significantly (P<0.001) greater than the height of average girls at the age of 11-15, and this high level of significance was present at the age of 11-13, even without correcting for the height loss caused by scoliosis. After maturation, the girls with idiopathic scoliosis were not significantly taller than average girls. On average, the magnitude of thoracic kyphosis did not affect the height of patients with scoliosis as compared with the height of normal girls of the same age. 相似文献
To identify pelvic rotation and/or distortion in able-bodied and untreated AIS girls with moderate and severe scoliosis and verify association of pelvic morphological changes with Cobb angle increase.Methods
The 3D coordinates of nine anatomic bony landmarks were identified to estimate pelvic orientation using a Flock of Birds system. The distances between the first sacral vertebral body (S1) and each of the eight iliac spine landmarks in all three planes were calculated to identify pelvic distortion. Analysis of variance was used to assess pelvic orientation and determine pelvic distortion. Pearson coefficients of correlation were used to identify any relationships between Cobb angle and pelvic morphological parameters.Results
Pelvic orientation was similar in able-bodied and scoliotic girls regardless of the severity of the spinal deformity. Significant differences were observed in pelvic morphology between AIS with severe untreated scoliosis and those with a moderate scoliosis for the right anterosuperior iliac spines (ASIS), the tip of the superior iliac crest (TSIC) and the widest tip of the iliac crest (WTIC) widths from S1. Statistically significant correlations were observed between the Cobb angles and the iliac crest distances measured from S1.Conclusions
Differences in iliac spine geometries occurred in the transverse plane correlating to Cobb angles which suggest altered bone growth in AIS girls. Such findings could indicate right thoracic spinal deformity as a result of pelvic torsion.11.
目的:探讨女性青少年特发性脊柱侧凸(adolescent idiopathic scoliosis,AIS)患者自我形象评估的影响因素。方法:回顾性分析2010年9月~2011年3月在我院就诊的252例女性AIS患者,年龄12~18岁,平均14.5±1.8岁。均摄取患者站立位全脊柱正侧位X线片,并独立填写一份简体中文版SRS-22问卷。在站立位全脊柱正侧位X线片上测量Cobb角、顶椎旋转度、胸椎后凸角、腰椎前凸角、脊柱冠状面力线偏移及脊柱矢状面力线偏移等参数。采用相关分析研究各临床指标与自我形象评分的相关性。结果:患者平均Cobb角35.5°±12.8°;平均顶椎旋转度2.0°±0.7°;平均胸椎后凸角16.2°±9.0°;平均腰椎前凸角51.3°±9.8°;平均脊柱冠状面力线偏移1.2±0.7cm;平均脊柱矢状面力线偏移2.4±1.5cm;平均体重指数18.3±2.2;平均自我形象评分16.7±2.8分。胸弯和胸腰弯/腰弯的自我形象评分均与主弯Cobb角有相关性(r分别为-0.171,-0.225,P均<0.05);其中大角度胸弯组呈显著相关(r=-0.484,P=0.005)。而其他参数与患者自我形象评估均无明显相关性(P均>0.05)。结论:女性AIS患者的自我形象主要受主弯Cobb角的影响,其中大角度胸弯患者的自我形象受主弯Cobb角的影响最大。 相似文献
Markus Rafael Konieczny Hüsseyin Senyurt Rüdiger Krauspe 《Journal of children's orthopaedics》2013,7(1):3-9
Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis is a common disease with an overall prevalence of 0.47–5.2 % in the current literature. The female to male ratio ranges from 1.5:1 to 3:1 and increases substantially with increasing age. In particular, the prevalence of curves with higher Cobb angles is substantially higher in girls than in boys: The female to male ratio rises from 1.4:1 in curves from 10° to 20° up to 7.2:1 in curves >40°. Curve pattern and prevalence of scoliosis is not only influenced by gender, but also by genetic factors and age of onset. These data obtained from school screening programs have to be interpreted with caution, since methods and cohorts of the different studies are not comparable as age groups of the cohorts and diagnostic criteria differ substantially. We do need data from studies with clear standards of diagnostic criteria and study protocols that are comparable to each other. 相似文献
Ilkka Helenius 《Journal of children's orthopaedics》2013,7(1):63-68
Anterior open scoliosis surgery using the dual rod system is a safe and rather effective procedure for the correction of scoliosis (50–60 %). Thoracic hypokyphosis and rib hump correction with open anterior rather than posterior instrumentation appear to be the better approaches, although the latter is somewhat controversial with current posterior vertebral column derotation devices. In patients with Risser grade 0, hyperkyphosis and adding-on may occur with anterior thoracic spine instrumentation. Anterior thoracoscopic instrumentation provides a similar correction (65 %) with good cosmetic outcomes, but it is associated with a rather high risk of instrumentation (pull-out, pseudoarthrosis) and pulmonary complications. Approximately 80 % of patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) curves of >70° have restrictive lung disease or smaller than normal lung volumes. AIS patients undergoing anterior thoracotomy or anteroposterior surgery will demonstrate a significant decrease in percentage of predicted lung volumes during follow-up. The thoracoabdominal approach and thoracoscopic approach without thoracoplasty do not produce similar changes in detrimental lung volume. In patients with severe AIS (>90°), posterior-only surgery with TPS provides similar radiographic correction of the deformity (44 %) with better pulmonary function outcomes than anteroposterior surgery. Vascular spinal cord malfunction after segmental vessel ligation during anterior scoliosis surgery has been reported. Based on the current literature, the main indication for open anterior scoliosis instrumentation is Lenke 5C thoracolumbar or lumbar AIS curve with anterior instrumentation typically between T11 and L3. 相似文献
刘文军 《中国脊柱脊髓杂志》2009,19(12):882-886
目的:探讨青少年特发性脊柱侧凸(adolescent idiopathic scoliosis,AIS)患者脊柱柔韧性的可能影响因素.方法:选取2006年12月~2008年4月在我院脊柱外科手术治疗的204例AIS患者,男性36例,女性168例,平均年龄15.0岁;平均Cobb角50.1°;平均Risser征3.4度;主弯跨度平均6.8个椎体;主弯顶椎旋转度平均2.0度.摄站立位全脊柱正侧位及仰卧左右侧屈位X线片,计算主弯柔韧性.采用相关分析研究各临床指标与主弯柔韧性的相关性.结果:女性AIS患者的脊柱柔韧性明显高于男性(P<0.05);胸腰弯组和腰弯组AIS患者的脊柱柔韧性显著大于胸弯组(P<0.05),胸腰弯和腰弯组之间无显著性差异(P>0.05).女性AIS患者中的年龄及主弯Cobb角(站立位与侧屈位)均与脊柱柔韧性显著负相关(P<0.05),且胸弯女性AIS患者的月经初潮至手术时间及顶椎旋转度也与脊柱柔韧性显著负相关(P<0.05).男性胸弯AIS患者中侧屈位主弯Cobb角、胸腰弯/腰弯组中主弯Cobb角(站立位与侧屈位)均与脊柱柔韧性显著负相关(P<0.05).主弯跨度及Risser征与脊柱柔韧性均无明显相关性(P>0.05).结论:女性AIS患者脊住柔韧性受年龄、月经初潮至手术时间、主弯Cobb角(站立位与侧屈位)、弯型及顶椎旋转度等因素影响;男性AIS患者的脊柱侧凸柔韧性主要受主弯Cobb角及弯型影响. 相似文献
Evandro F. Sperandio Anderson S. Alexandre Liu C. Yi Patrícia R. Poletto Alberto O. Gotfryd Milena C. Vidotto Victor Z. Dourado 《The spine journal》2014,14(10):2366-2372
Background context
Exercise limitation has been described in patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS); however, whether the walking performance is impaired in these patients should be elucidated.Purpose
Thus, we aimed to evaluate the physiologic responses to the incremental shuttle walk test (ISWT) in patients with AIS.Study design/setting
Cross-sectional study.Patient sample
Twenty-nine patients with AIS and 20 healthy adolescents aged between 11 and 18 years old.Outcome measures
Oxygen uptake (VO2), incremental shuttle walk distance (ISWD), ΔVO2/Δwalking velocity, ΔHR/ΔVO2, ΔVE/ΔVCO2, and linearized Δtidal volume (VT)/ΔlnVE, forced expiratory volume in the first second of expiration (FEV1), and forced vital capacity (FVC).Methods
We performed two ISWTs, and the data used were acquired in the second test. We also evaluated the lung function and respiratory muscle strength through spirometry test and manovacuometry, respectively. All authors confirm that there are no conflicts of interest. To compare the means or medians of variables between patients and healthy subjects, we used the unpaired t test or Mann-Whitney U test, respectively. The correlations were assessed by Pearson or Spearman coefficients according to the distribution of the studied variables. The probability of alpha error was set at 5% for all analyses.Results
Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis patients showed significant lower values of ISWD, VO2, and ventilation at the end of the ISWT, as well as lower FEV1 and FVC; they also presented significantly shallower slope of ΔVT/ΔlnVE, whereas VO2 related significantly with ISWD (r=0.80), FVC (r=0.78), FEV1 (r=0.73), and ΔVT/ΔlnVE (r=0.58).Conclusions
Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis correlated to walking limitation and was associated to reduced pulmonary function and worse breathing pattern during exercise. Our results suggest that walking-based aerobic exercises should be encouraged in these patients. 相似文献16.
A new era in the surgical treatment of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) opened with the introduction of pedicle screw instrumentation, which provides 3-column vertebral fixation and allows major deformity correction on the coronal, sagittal, and axial planes. A steep learning curve can be expected for spinal surgeons to become familiar with pedicle screw placement and correction techniques. Potential complications including injury to adjacent neural, vascular, and visceral structures can occur due to screw misplacement or pull-out during correction maneuvers. These major complications are better recognized as pedicle screw techniques become more popular and may result in serious morbidity and mortality. Extensive laboratory and clinical training is mandatory before pedicle screw techniques in scoliosis surgery are put to practice. Wider application, especially in developing countries, is limited by the high cost of implants. Refined correction techniques are currently developed and these utilize a lesser number of pedicle anchors which are strategically positioned to allow optimum deformity correction while reducing the neurological risk, surgical time, and blood loss, as well as instrumentation cost. Such techniques can be particularly attractive at a time when cost has major implications on provision of health care as they can make scoliosis treatment available to a wider population of patients. Pedicle screw techniques are currently considered the gold standard for scoliosis correction due to their documented superior biomechanical properties and ability to produce improved clinical outcomes as reflected by health-related quality-of-life questionnaires. Ongoing research promises further advances with the future of AIS treatment incorporating genetic counseling and possibly fusionless techniques. 相似文献
青少年特发性脊柱侧凸患者骨密度变化的分析 总被引:8,自引:8,他引:8
目的 :探 讨青 少年 特 发性 脊柱 侧 凸患 者的 骨 密度 变化 规 律。方 法:应用 双 能 X 线骨 密 度吸 收仪 测 定 101例特 发 性 脊 柱侧 凸 患 者 腰椎 (L2 ̄L4)和 股 骨 近 端 (股 骨 颈 、大 转 子 、W ard's 三 角 )的 骨 密 度 ,结 合 脊 柱 侧 凸 严 重程度 进行 分 析,并 与 62名 同 年龄 段正 常 青少 年骨 密 度进 行比 较 。结 果:特发 性脊 柱 侧凸 患者 所 测各 部位 的 骨密度均 明显 低 于正 常对 照 组(P<0.05),腰 椎 骨 密 度的 降 低 比 股骨 明 显 ,股 骨 近 端 的三 个 部 位 ,以 W ard's 三 角的 骨密度 降低 尤 为显 著。有 75.2% 的 特发 性脊 柱 侧凸 患者 发生 骨 密度 降低 ,其 中 26.7% 发 生骨 量 减少 , 48.5% 符 合骨质疏 松症 的 诊断 标准 ;但 其骨 密 度的 降低 程 度与 侧凸 严 重程 度无 明 显相 关性 。 结论 :青 少年 特 发性 脊 柱 侧凸 患者存 在着 骨 密度 的降 低 ,其与 侧 凸的 严重 程 度无 关,可能 与 特发 性脊 柱 侧凸 的发 病 机理 有关 。 相似文献
目的:研究青少年特发性脊柱侧凸(adolescent idiopathic scoliosis,AIS)患者心脏异常的发生率,探讨可能影响AIS患者心脏异常发生的相关因素.方法:2008年6月~2011年6月收治AIS患者719例,其中男113例,女606例,年龄10~18岁,平均15.1±2.2岁.术前均行心脏超声多普勒检查,统计AIS患者心脏异常的发生率.将心脏异常患者分为先天性心脏病及其他心脏异常2组,分别按性别(男组与女组)、弯型(胸弯组与腰弯/胸腰弯组)分组比较先天性心脏病发生率;分别按弯型(胸弯组与腰弯/胸腰弯组)、Cobb角(≤70°组与>70°组)及胸椎后凸角(<10°、10°~40°与>40°组)分组比较其他心脏异常的发生率.利用二分类Logistic回归分析探讨AIS患者弯型(胸弯组与腰弯/胸腰弯组)、Cobb角(连续变量)及胸椎后凸角(连续变量)是否为其他心脏异常发生的显著相关因素.结果:AIS患者心脏异常发生率为6.68%(48/719),其中先天性心脏病发生率为4.59%(33/719),包括房间隔缺损2.50%(21/719)、室间隔缺损0.56%(4/719)、动脉导管未闭0.28%(2/719)、永存左上腔静脉0.28%(2/719)、法洛四联症0.14%(1/719)、二尖瓣狭窄0.14%(1/719)、单心房单心室0.14%(1/719)及房间隔膨出瘤0.14%(1/719);其他心脏异常的发生率为2.09%(15/719),其中二尖瓣脱垂1.11%(8/719)、肺动脉高压0.97%(7/719).48例存在心脏异常的AIS患者中,36例在入院前未获知存在心脏异常,其中3例(8.33%)入院后需先行心脏干预手术(2例行房间隔缺损修补术,1例行动脉导管未闭封堵术),二期行脊柱侧凸矫正手术:12例入院前已获知有心脏异常,其中10例为先天性心脏病,均在脊柱侧凸发现前已行心脏干预手术.AIS患者先天性心脏病的发生率,按性别、弯型分组组间比较均无显著性差异(P>0.05);二尖瓣脱垂、肺动脉高压的发生率,按弯型、Cobb角以及胸椎后凸角分组组间比较均无显著性差异(P>0.05).二分类Logistic回归分析显示,二尖瓣脱垂及肺动脉高压的发生与弯型、Cobb角及胸椎后凸角无显著相关性(P>0.05).结论:AIS患者有较高的心脏异常发生率,部分心脏异常可能严重影响脊柱手术安全性,需要在脊柱矫形术前先行心脏干预手术.AIS患者脊柱矫形术前应常规行心脏超声多普勒检查以评估心脏情况. 相似文献
Long-term three-dimensional changes of the spine after posterior spinal instrumentation and fusion in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
P. Papin H. Labelle S. Delorme C.-E. Aubin J. A. de Guise J. Dansereau 《European spine journal》1999,8(1):16-21
This is a prospective study comparing the short- and long-term three-dimensional (3D) changes in shape, length and balance
of the spine after spinal instrumentation and fusion in a group of adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis. The objective of
the study was to evaluate the stability over time of the postoperative changes of the spine after instrumentation with multi
rod, hook and screw instrumentation systems. Thirty adolescents (average age: 14.5 ± 1.6 years) undergoing surgery by a posterior
approach had computerized 3D reconstructions of the spine done at an average of 3 days preoperatively (stage I), and 2 months
(stage II) and 2,5 years (stage III) after surgery, using a digital multi-planar radiographic technique. Stages I, II and
III were compared using various geometrical parameters of spinal length, curve severity, and orientation. Significant improvement
of curve magnitude between stages I and II was documented in the frontal plane for thoracic and lumbar curves, as well as
in the orientation of the plane of maximum deformity, which was significantly shifted towards the sagittal plane in thoracic
curves. However, there was a significant loss of this correction between stages II and III. Slight changes were noted in apical
vertebral rotation, in thoracic kyphosis and in lumbar lordosis. Spinal length and height were significantly increased at
stage II, but at long-term follow-up spinal length continued to increase while spinal height remained similar. These results
indicate that although a significant 3D correction can be obtained after posterior instrumentation and fusion, a significant
loss of correction and an increase in spinal length occur in the years following surgery, suggesting that a crankshaft phenomenon
may be an important factor altering the long-term 3D correction after posterior instrumentation of the spine for idiopathic
Received: 3 March 1998 Revised: 22 August 1998 Accepted: 15 September 1998 相似文献
目的从成骨细胞(osteoblast,OB)水平探讨巨噬细胞集落因子(macrophage colony stimulating factor,MCSF)与青少年特发性脊柱侧凸(adolescent idiopathic scoliosis,AIS)患者骨量降低的关系。方法AIS患者27例,其中男25例,女2例;年龄12~18岁,平均14.9岁;Cobb角40°~94°,平均57.3°。将所有AIS患者分为两组:A组14例,为骨量正常患者;B组13例,为骨量减低患者。正常对照组8例(定为C组),年龄12~18岁,平均15.3岁。3组均采用双能X线吸收测量仪(dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry,DEXA)测量骨密度(bone mineral density,BMD),测量部位包括非优势侧股骨近端及腰椎。所有受试者术中取适量髂前上嵴的松质骨,运用植块法培养成骨细胞。培养至P3代后行表型鉴定,用RT-PCR检测AIS组和正常对照组中M-CSF mRNA的表达水平。结果B组中M-CSFmRNA的表达量均较A组(P〈0.05)和C组高(P〈0.05),A组与C组M-CSFmRNA的表达量无显著统计学差异(P〉0.05)。结论M-CSF在OB水平mRNA表达强度的异常可能与AIS骨量降低的分子机制相关。 相似文献