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Toxocariasis is a common disease around the world. Our objective was to determine Toxocara seroprevalence in humans in the city of Isparta, Southwest Turkey, in respect of some determinants such as age, socio-economic level, residence in city center or rural area etc.


Five hundred and thirty four individual participants from Isparta center and 85 from Asagi Gokdere village were included in the study. T. cati specific antibodies were analyzed using excretory-secretory (ES)-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method.


T. cati antibodies were detected as positive in 73 (13.6%) of 534 samples which were collected from subjects living in the city center and 24 (28.2%) of 85 samples from Asagi Gokdere village. Toxocara seropositivity was detected among 15.6% of whole study group. The seroprevalence of toxocariasis was significantly higher among subjects from village than in subjects from city center (P=0.001). While gender, high school education, source of the water which is used, family income and geophagia/eating nail behaviors were the features which were detected as being associated with toxocariasis seropositivity (odds ratios=0.5; 6.52; 3.61; 0.43; 0.13 respectively), owning dogs or cats and hand washing were detected as being not associated with toxocariasis seropositivity (P>0.05). Furthermore, Toxocara seropositivity was significantly higher among subjects in 0–10 than >40 year-old group (P=0.02).


It can be suggested that untreated lost pet population, environmental contamination, and way of life have influence on the epidemiology of toxocariasis.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the seroprevalence of toxocariasis in adult asthmatics and to assess its relationship with risk factors. A total of 124 asthmatic and 60 control group subjects were included in the study. Of the asthmatic patients, 61 (49.2%) were atopic and 63 non-atopic (50.8%). The anti-Toxocara IgG (Toxocara IgG CELISA Cellabs, Australia) positivity rate for all asthmatic cases was 9.7%. There was no significant difference between the asthmatic cases and the control group regarding anti-Toxocara IgG positivity (P>0.05). When risk factors were analyzed, there was a statistically significant difference between the control group subjects and patients with non-atopic asthma and also between the atopic asthmatic patients and the patients with non-atopic asthma regarding pets being under veterinary control (P<0.05). The percentages of those who had their pets defecate indoors were 0, 15 and 8.6%, respectively, for the control subjects, patients with non-atopic asthma and those with atopic asthma. There was a statistically significant difference when the control group subjects were compared to the patients with atopic asthma (P<0.05).  相似文献   



The hydatidosis is endemic in our region. Some of the recent studies revealed that hydatid cyst prevalence is decreasing gradually in Turkey. The aim of this study was to investigate the actual prevalence of hydatidosis in an endemic region of Turkey, and to share our experiences in the medical and surgical management of hydatidosis.


Data were collected retrospectively from the records of 193 patients who had a diagnosis of hydatidosis, and admitted to Diyarbakir Education and Research Hospital. Imaging techniques, histology and serology were used for diagnosis.


From records of 772 cystic patients whose cysts were localized in the lung and liver, 193 (25%) of them were diagnosed with cyst hydatidosis. Lung hydatidosis was found statistically significant among these cases (Chi-square=24.88, P< 0.0001). Postoperative recurrence was detected in seven (3.62%) patients. All postoperative recurrences were observed in the consequent three years period.


The prevalence of hydatidosis is still high in southeast Turkey and not only in children but also in adult cases in our region lung hydatidosis is frequent corresponding with other organ hydatidosis. We also found that the most risky period in recurrence rates is the consequent post-operative three years. According to our experiences, transthoracic approach in lung hydatidosis, external drainage, and cystectomy in liver hydatidosis is safe and effective choices in surgical treatment.  相似文献   

1987年8~10月,采用ELISA间接法对贵州省三地市不同年龄组的577份血清作CMV-IgG的检测。抗体阳性率在87.5~92.4%,平均为88.9%。各年龄组人群抗体阳性率为80.9~94.9%均持续在较高水平,成年组略高于低年龄组。提示本省CMV感染方式主要是母婴传播,但也存在着一定的个体间密切接触的传播方式。因而尚需继续调查CMV感染对婴幼儿发育的影响,以便进一步评价其危害程度并采取防制措施。  相似文献   



The aim of this study was to assess the performance of Antigen B (AgB) isolated from different Echinococcus granulosus intermediate hosts and from different cyst locations for immunodiagnosis of human cystic echinococcosis (CE).


Hydatid cyst fluids were collected from lung and liver cysts of sheep, liver cysts of goats, lung cysts of camels and cattle, and liver cysts of human. AgB was purified from each of these hydatid cysts fluids. Serum samples obtained from 47 pathologically confirmed cases of CE along with 30 sera samples from non-CE patients and 40 sera from healthy individuals were tested by ELISA using AgB prepared from different hosts or cyst locations.


The highest sensitivity (97.8%) for diagnosis of CE was seen with AgB prepared from human liver cysts. This maximal sensitivity was followed by AgB isolated from those of sheep liver and lung cysts. The least sensitivity was found with AgB prepared from bovine lung cysts. The highest specificities (97.1%) were observed with AgB isolated from human liver cysts followed by those of sheep and goat liver cysts while the lowest specificity was seen with AgB isolated from bovine lung cysts. In view of the specificities and sensitivities of the different AgB, the best validity was found for AgB prepared from human liver cysts while the least validity was found with AgB prepared from bovine lung cysts.


For any AgB-based tests, obtaining of the antigen from one of these sources will significantly increase the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of the assay.  相似文献   

A seroepidemiological study was conducted to assess the seroprevalence of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBs Ag) and antibodies to hepatitis C virus (Anti-HCV) in 14,196 patients hospitalized in our cardiology clinics. Threehundred and fifty five (355) patients (2.43%) were found to be positive for HBs Ag, a hundred and sixty six (166) patients (1.09%) were positive for Anti- HCV and ten patients (0.07%) were positive for both. The presence of HBs Ag and Anti-HCV was similar in patients living in rural and urban areas. The presence of risk factors was greater in the patients with Anti-HCV. The prevalences of HBs Ag and Anti-HCV were found to be comparable with those reported in other mediterranean countries in Europe.  相似文献   

目的 了解四川省人群棘球蚴病患病情况.方法 采用分层随机系统抽样方法,对四川省棘球蚴病流行区的甘孜州和阿坝州31个县人群进行腹部B超检查结合血清抗棘球蚴抗体IgG检测的方法筛查棘球蚴病患者,统计患病率,推算患病人数.结果 四川省棘球蚴病标化患病率为1.06%,患者数约2万人,其中甘孜州棘球蚴病标化患病率1.55%,推算患者15335人,主要分布在石渠7720人,色达2755人,甘孜1760人,德格835人,白玉404人,炉霍333人,新龙305人和理塘265人;阿坝州棘球蚴病标化患病率0.48%,推算患者4112人,主要分布在若尔盖748人,马尔康595人,阿坝579人,金川497人,红原302人,松潘301人和壤塘294人.结论 四川省包虫病主要流行于甘孜州石渠等8县和阿坝州若尔盖等7县.防治重点和经费投入应主要集中在这15个县.  相似文献   

目的了解各级临床实验室开展HIV血清学筛查试验的情况。方法采用问卷调查方式对141家临床艾滋病检测筛查实验室进行调查,利用Excel表建立数据库并进行分析。结果141家实验室2006年度共检测样本303045份,筛查阳性样本2404份,确认阳性样本276份,筛查阳性检出率和确认符合率分别为0.09%和11.48%。送检样本最多的科室是外、内、急诊和妇儿科。多数实验室采用国产酶联免疫吸附试剂。多数实验室缺少生物安全防护设备。结论进一步加强对实验室的管理,提高检测质量。  相似文献   

The aim of this cross-sectional study was to determine the immunity status of children to pertussis by socio-demographic characteristics in Eastern Turkey. The study sample consisted of 840 randomly selected and healthy children aged 0-71 months. The seroprevalence of pertussis was 30.1%. Age, parent education and economic status were not associated with the geometric mean titers (GMT) of pertussis antibody, while gender, residential area and the application number of diphtheria-tetanus-whole-cell pertussis vaccine were associated with GMT. Most preschool children are susceptible to pertussis and current vaccination efforts do not provide adequate immunization.  相似文献   



The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of hydatidosis in west Azerbaijan, Iran during a 10 year period (2000-2009).


We surveyed medical records of infected patients with hydatid cyst who had been operated in four hospitals in Urmia City, the capital of West Azerbaijan Province, Iran. Several parameters were analyzed including age, sex, place of residency, hospitalization time, and the location of cysts.


Of 294 cases, 53.3% were female and 46.7% were male with the mean age of 39.4 years (5–93). The average number of operated cysts per year was 29.4 (0.98/100,000 of population). The most affected age group was 20-30 year olds (18.7% of the cases). Cysts were localized in liver and lung in 57.5% and 21.8% of cases respectively and the average hospitalization time was 9 days. Single organ involvement was seen in the majority of patients and 28 (9.5%) cases had multiple involvement. The distribution of residence in patients showed 108 (36.9%) of them to have urban origin and 185 (63.1%) were rural residents. The lowest number (n = 17) and the highest number of operation (n= 48) recorded in 2000 and 2007, respectively.


The prevalence of hydatidosis is high in this city and further studies are needed for evaluation of economic burden and risk factors for CE in this region.  相似文献   

To describe hepatitis A virus (HAV) seroprevalence and associated factors in adolescents (10–19 years) and young adults (20–25 years) in different Mexican regions, using 2012 National Health and Nutrition Survey data. A random selection of 1581 serum samples was analyzed. Weighted HAV seroprevalence with 95% confidence intervals (95%CI) and its association with sociodemographic factors were estimated. Mean weighted HAV seroprevalence was 69.3% (95%CI: 64.8–73.4) overall, with 58.8% (95%CI: 53.4–64.1) in adolescents and 83.0% (95%CI: 75.3–88.7) in young adults. By age of 10, 46.7% (95%CI: 33.9–60.0) were seropositive and by age of 15, 52.8% (95%CI: 36.5–68.5), corresponding to intermediate endemicity nationally. Factors associated with HAV seropositivity (adjusted odds ratio, aOR) included: lower socioeconomic status (SES) (aOR = 4.09 for low and aOR = 2.31 for medium versus high SES), older age (aOR = 0.29 for adolescents versus young adults), living in the South (aOR = 2.12 versus Central Mexico) or in rural areas (aOR = 2.25 versus urban areas). Regional differences and increased seroprevalence of HAV in marginalized populations present an important public health issue, as a relatively large proportion of young adults are susceptible to infection. The burden of symptomatic disease must be addressed further to support specific programs of continued sanitation and education improvement, and the possibility of vaccination in more susceptible regions.  相似文献   

高明 《现代保健》2010,(32):140-141
目的探讨腹部超声和阴道超声对卵巢囊性肿块的诊断及鉴别诊断的临床价值。方法对186例门诊拟诊为卵巢囊肿患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析,比较其经腹部及经阴道超声的诊断符合率。结果经腹部超声检查阳性患者88例,误诊17例,临床诊断符合率为80.68%。经阴道超声检查阳性患者98例,误诊8例,临床诊断符合率为91.83%。经x2检验,两组临床诊断符合率比较差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论高分辨率的阴道超声检查在诊断卵巢囊性肿块中具有明显的优势,较腹部超声检查具有更高的准确性,必要时可联合应用经阴超声和经腹超声,正确识别声像图特征,提高诊断的准确性。  相似文献   

目的了解双酚A在深圳市人群血清中污染现况,为双酚A与人类生殖健康的关系提供科学依据.方法抽取来疾病预防控制中心进行职业性体检的健康人的血清,100份为双酚A的职业性密切接触者,100份为无任何双酚A职业接触者,采用高效液相色谱法对血清进行检测. 结果双酚A的职业密切接触者100%检出,双酚A含量均大于27.16 ug/L最大值为41.61 ug/L;非职业接触者51%检出,检出最小值为0.58 ug/L,最大值为13.54 ug/L.结论职业密切接触者与非职业接触者血清中双酚A的检出率有显著性差异,职业密切接触者血清中双酚A检出率高于非职业接触者.  相似文献   



The aim of this study was to conduct a seroprevalence survey in Meshkin-Shahr, Ardabil Province, north western Iran to detect the rate of human fascioliasis in the city and nearby villages. Literature shows that no such study has been conducted so far.


Overall, 458 serum samples were collected by randomized cluster sampling method from 153 males and 305 females referred to different health centers of the region after recalling by staff in those centers in 2012. All cases filled out a questionnaire and an informed consent. Sera were analyzed using indirect-ELISA test. Ten μg /ml antigens (Liver Fluke Homogenate), serum dilutions of 1:500 and conjugate anti-human coombs with 1:10000 dilutions were utilized to perform the test. Data analysis was conducted using SPSS software ver. 18.


Nine cases (1.96%) were positive for fascioliasis by ELISA test. The seroprevalence of fascioliasis among females was 1.63% and 2.6% in males. There was no significant difference as regards age groups, sex, job, residency, literacy and consuming row vegetable. According to job, unemployment subjects had the highest rate of infection as 5.9%. The seroprevalence of infection was 1.52% in illiterate people. As for residency, urban life showed no significant difference with rural life (2.4% vs 1.42). Age group of 40-49 yr old, with 3.3% seropositivity had the highest rate.


Obtained seroprevalence of fascioliasis shows immediate attention of health authorities to the diseases in the area. The adjacent of Ardabil Province to endemic areas of fasciolosis accentuates this attention.  相似文献   



This study was designed to assess and compare the quantity and quality of Iranian and Turkish researchers working in the field of Parasitology from bibliometric point of view.


To assess the contributions and achievements of the Iranian and Turkish parasitologists, bibliometric analysis was carried out based on the citation data retrieved from Web of Science.


The absolute productivity of Turkish and Iranian parasitologists’ papers has almost tripled for Turkey, from 12 papers in 2002 to 36 papers in 2011, and decuple for Iran, from 10 papers to 123 from 2002 to 2010. The average number of citation per article is about 5.8 and 4 for Turkish and Iranian parasitologists’ papers, respectively. The “Veterinary Parasitology” journal was the most cited journal in both countries. The majority (more than 90%) of cited items was foreign journal articles and one half of all references in journals articles dated 11 and 12 years while one half of cited books was dated within 14 to16 years for Turkish and Iranian papers, respectively.


Based on observed data and applied model, it is anticipated that the total number of Iranian and Turkish parasitologists’ publications in Web of Science will exceed of 2512 and 240 articles per annum for Iranian and Turkish in 2020, respectively.  相似文献   

包虫病为人畜共患寄生虫病,在农、牧区已成为当地居民因病致贫、因病返贫的主要原因之一.为探讨造成包虫病患者经济负担的影响因素和卫生决策者提供参考依据,本研究利用2004-2008年乌鲁木齐市某三级医院包虫病住院患者资料,分析其经济负担.  相似文献   

The hepatitis B virus (HBV) seroprevalence rate is known to be 25-60% in Turkey with the highest prevalence in the east and south-east. There are insufficient data on sero-epidemiology of HBV infection in children living in East Turkey. The objective of this study was to estimate the seroprevalence of HBV infection in 6-17 year olds living in the largest city in East Turkey, and to correlate the serological results with epidemiological data. A total of 1091 serum samples were tested for hepatititis B surface antigen (HBsAg), antibody to HBsAg (anti-HBs) and antibody to hepatitis B core antigen (anti-HBc) using a commercially available enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The overall seroprevalence rate was 9.7% and was correlated with age (P = 0.011). No statistical difference was detected between subjects with or without risk factors (P = 0.77). The seroprevalence of HBsAg was 1.8%, and it was higher in children with a low socio-economic status (P = 0.047). The educational status of the parents and sibling size did not affect the rate of total seroprevalence or HBsAg seroprevalence. Although we found that the HBV seroprevalence rate in East Turkey was not as high as reported previously, we emphasize the importance of screening children in order to identify asymptomatic patients in Turkey until HBV infection is entirely eradicated with vaccination programmes.  相似文献   

Aim: To evaluate epidemiologic and clinical features of the patients with malaria followed in our clinic, and to review current status of malaria in our country. Patients and methods: Epidemiologic, clinical, diagnostic, and therapeutic features of 33 patients with malaria (4 female, 29 male, mean age: 28 ± 11 years, range: 15–60) followed in our clinic between 1981 and 2000 were evaluated retrospectively. Malaria data of our country for 1926–2000 were obtained from Health Ministry. Results: Diagnosis was established by thin smears of blood preparations obtained in the febrile period in all cases. Plasmodium vivax was detected in 26 patients (25 domestic and one imported), and P. falciparum in seven (two domestic and five imported). Sixty-one percent of the patients had the prodromal symptoms of the disease and used various antibiotics. All cases demonstrated the typical pattern of fever with chills. Fever (100%), splenomegaly (91%), hepatomegaly (55%), anemia (70%), leukopenia (48%), thrombocytopenia (48%), a rise in sedimentation rate (100%), and abnormalities in hepatic enzymes (30%) were determined in the patients. Chloroquine+primaquine were given to all patients with P. vivax, chloroquin (for three) or mefloquin (for four) alone were given to the patients with P. falciparum. One patient with P. falciparum died soon after admission, all the remaining recovered. Data from Health Ministry revealed that the most common (100%) species in our country is P. vivax. Although an eradication program against malaria initiated in 1926 achieved success, it still remains as an important health problem. Conclusion: Every febrile patient with a history of travel to the regions where malaria is endemic (tropical regions for the world, southeast regions for our country) should raise the suspicion of malaria. Every country should fight against malaria and global cooperation is essential.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to develop a simple prediction rule for the diagnosis of typhoid fever. A model for the prediction of patients with typhoid fever at hospital admission was derived and validated by assigning weighted point values to independent predictive factors associated with a diagnosis of typhoid fever at hospital admission. Patient demographic, clinical and laboratory variables were used to compare patients with blood culture-confirmed typhoid fever with patients with fever of unknown origin. The model was derived and validated in two separate cohorts of patients from Dicle University Hospital in Diyarbakir, Turkey. A total of 371 patients were enrolled. A diagnostic index score was created using seven independent predictive factors associated with typhoid fever at hospital admission: age <30 years, abdominal distention, confusion, leukopenia, relative bradycardia, positive Widal test and a typhoid tongue. A clinical prediction rule helped to differentiate patients with typhoid fever.  相似文献   

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