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Transdermal osseointegrated prostheses (TOPs) are emerging as an alternative to socket prostheses. Electron beam melting (EBM) is a promising additive manufacturing technology for manufacture of custom, freeform titanium alloy (Ti6Al4V) implants. Skin ongrowth for infection resistance and mechanical stability are critically important to the success of TOP, which can be influenced by material composition and surface characteristics.We assessed viability and proliferation of normal human epidermal keratinocytes (NHEK) and normal human dermal fibroblasts (NHDF) on several Ti6Al4V surfaces: solid polished commercial, solid polished EBM, solid unpolished EBM and porous unpolished EBM. Cell proliferation was evaluated at days 2 and 7 using alamarBlue® and cell viability was analyzed with a fluorescence-based live–dead assay after 1 week.NHDF and NHEK were viable and proliferated on all Ti6Al4V surfaces. NHDF proliferation was highest on commercial and EBM polished surfaces. NHEK was highest on commercial polished surfaces.All EBM Ti6Al4V discs exhibited an acceptable biocompatibility profile compared to solid Ti6Al4V discs from a commercial source for dermal and epidermal cells. EBM may be considered as an option for fabrication of custom transdermal implants.  相似文献   

The main requirement of bone regenerative scaffolds is to enhance the chemical reactions leading to the formation of new bone while providing a proper surface for tissue in-growth as well as a suitable degradation rate. Calcium phosphate ceramics are conformed by different shaping methods. One requirement is to design implants and scaffolds with suitable shapes and sizes, but also with interconnected porosity to ensure bone oxygenation and angiogenesis. In this work we present the in vivo performance of hierarchically arranged glutaraldehyde crosslinked, gelatin-coated nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite (HABP) scaffolds (1-400μm), with high potential as bone regenerators and excellent osteointegration performance, as well as an appropriate bioresorption rate. 6×10mm bone defects were made in the lateral aspect of both distal femoral epiphysis of 15 mature (9months old) male New Zealand rabbits. The bone defect in the left femur was then filled by using HABP foam cylinders, allowing the surgeon to carve the appropriate shape for a particular bone defect with high stability intra-operatively. The foam becomes swollen with body fluid and fills the cavity, ensuring good fixation without the need for a cement. Histological and radiographical studies after 4months implantation showed healing of all treated bone defects, with bone integration of the HABP foam cylinders and bone conduction over the surface. This in vivo behaviour offers promising results as a scaffold for clinical applications, mainly in orthopaedics and dentistry.  相似文献   

In vitro and in vivo behaviour of Ca- and P-enriched anodized titanium.   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
The influence of different surface preparations on titanium biocompatibility and bone integration was evaluated. Commercially grade 2 titanium rods (diameter 2 mm, length: 3 mm), vacuum annealed and hydrofluoric acid etched was selected for its promising surface characteristics to achieve good direct osseointegration. Some rods were surface modified by Anodic Spark Discharge anodization and a thin layer (approximately 5 microm) of amorphous TiO2 containing Ca and P (Ti/AM) was obtained. Some of the Ti/AM specimens underwent a further hydrothermal treatment to produce a thin outermost layer (approximately 1 microm) of hydroxyapatite (Ti/AM/HA). Cytotoxicity tests (direct contact: ISO 10993-5) showed good cytocompatibility for all tested samples. Ti and tissue culture substrate + DMEM control, respectively, were associated with a significant higher proportion of attached cells than Ti/AM and Ti/AM/HA (P < 0.0005), but this was in the normal range of 10-20% of unattached cells for cytocompatible materials. Histomorphometric analysis conducted on samples inserted in the cancellous bone of distal femoral epiphysis of Sprague-Dawley rats gave the following results at 4 and 8 weeks: Affinity index (AI%) data proving the surface osteconductive properties of non-anodized acid etched Ti (AI-4 weeks: 67.1 +/- 17.0%; AI-8 weeks: 74.8 +/- 11.5%). Ti/AM samples showed the lowest values (AI-4 weeks: 45.8 +/- 15.9%; AI-8 weeks: 68.5 +/- 13.6%) while the best performances of the Ti/AM/HA samples (AI-4 weeks: 60.4 +/- 21.8%; AI-8 weeks: 79.5 + 9.37%) indicated that hydroxyapatite allowed a higher bone to implant contact respect to Ti only. Further investigations should be performed in order to better understand the mechanism of observed in vitro behaviour and to achieve information on long-term osseointegration process.  相似文献   

In this study, Titanium (Ti) surfaces were modified using anodization. The electrolyte used for anodization was a mixture of calcium glycerophosphate and calcium acetate. The anodized surfaces were divided into three groups. Hydrothermal treatments were performed on two of the anodized groups for either 2 or 4 h. In vitro osteoblast response to anodized oxide and the hydrothermal treated oxide after anodization was evaluated in this study. Calcium and phosphorus ions were deposited on the Ti oxide during anodization. Anodized surfaces following a 4-h hydrothermal treatment were observed to promote the growth apatite-like crystals as compared with anodized surfaces after a 2-h hydrothermal treatment. Cellular function and onset of mineralization, as indicated by protein production and osteocalcin production, respectively, also were observed as enhanced on hydrothermal-treated surfaces. It was thus concluded from this study that calcium phosphate and apatite-like crystals could be deposited on Ti surfaces using anodization and a combination of anodization and hydrothermal treatment. It was also concluded that the phenotypic expression of osteoblast was enhanced by the presence of calcium phosphate or apatite-like crystals on anodized or hydrothermally treated Ti surfaces.  相似文献   

Titanium has limitations in its clinical performance in dental and orthopaedic applications. This study describes a coating process using pulsed laser deposition (PLD) technology to produce surfaces of titanium carbide (TiC) on titanium substrates and evaluates the biological response both in vitro and in vivo. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis revealed the presence of 18.6-21.5% TiC in the surface layer, accompanied by oxides of titanium 78.5-81.4% in the following concentrations: 11.1-13.0% Ti(2)O(3), 50.8-55.8% TiO(2), 14.5-14.7% TiO. Expression of genes central to osteoblast differentiation (alkaline phosphatase, A2 pro-collagen type 1, osteocalcin, BMP-4, TGFbeta and Cbfa-1) were up-regulated in all cell lines (primary human osteoblasts, hFOB1.19 and ROS.MER#14) grown on TiC compared with uncoated titanium when measured by semiquantitative PCR and real time-PCR, whilst genes involved in modulation of osteoclastogenesis and osteoclast activity (IL-6 and M-CSF) were unchanged. Bone density was shown to be greater around TiC-coated implants after 2 and 4 weeks in sheep and both 4 and 8 weeks in rabbits compared to uncoated titanium. Rapid bone deposition was demonstrated after only 2 weeks in the rabbit model when visualized with intravital staining. It is concluded that coating with TiC will, in comparison to uncoated titanium, improve implant hardness, biocompatibility through surface stability and osseointegration through improved bone growth.  相似文献   

In vitro response of human fibroblasts to commercially pure titanium.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The generation of metal particles through surface wear of prosthetic joints has been associated with biological reactions that may lead to prosthetic component loosening. The role of the macrophage in these reactions has been studied extensively, but that of the fibroblast has not. The few fibroblast studies that there have been have shown that particles of several metals, with sizes over a wide range, can promote cytokine release and may cause cell necrosis. The intent of this study was to determine if there are metal particle exposure threshold levels that result in morphological changes and cell necrosis of fibroblasts in peri-articular tissues. Retrieved human fibroblasts (superior medial plica) were cultured in standard fashion and then were exposed to various particle dosages of commercially pure Titanium (cpTi). Cell morphological changes and necrosis were observed to occur when the total mass of the particle dosage exceeded a threshold level. These data imply that these cell responses occur at threshold levels of wear particle exposure.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that cultured normal human endocervical cells (HENs) form epithelium resembling squamous metaplasia in vivo. To analyze the cellular origin of squamous metaplasia, the cytokeratin and mucin expression and morphological features of HENs in monolayer cultures and in implants beneath the skin of nude mice were examined. Primary HENs had two distinct morphological phenotypes in vitro pleomorphic epithelial cells and keratinocytelike cells. Using a panel of monoclonal antibodies for various cytokeratins (CKs), we observed that the pleomorphic cells, which were the primary outgrowths, expressed CK7 and CK18 and produced mucin, suggesting their origin to be the mucosecretory columnar cells (CCs) of the endocervix. Keratinocytelike cells were observed in proximity of the CC-like cells after a few days of HEN culture. Interestingly, these cells were homogeneously negative for CK7 expression, as for native reserve cells (RCs), and homogeneously positive for CK13 expression with the antibody that is specific for RCs. During early passages, the culture consisted mostly of the RC-like keratinocytelike cells, and in the late passages, the CC-like cells were predominant. HEN implants in nude mice morphologically formed epithelia similar to immature squamous metaplasia and showed variable CK18 expression. Moreover, they showed homogeneous CK13 expression throughout all layers and expressed mucin and CK7 in the suprabasal cells. The possibility that the HEN culture was originally a mixed population of CCs and RCs, that we failed to detect, cannot be eliminated. Our results support the more likely view that the endocervical simple epithelia, which form squamous metaplasia, are bipotential cells and undergo differentiation readily and reversibly to give rise to CC-like and RC-like cells in culture.  相似文献   

Cyanoacrylates have known for their ability to polymerize rapidly in the presence of traces of weakly basic moieties such as water. The tissue adhesive, Histoacryl(R) (N-butyl 2-cyanoacrylate), has been reported to control bleeding through endoscopic sclerotherapy. But the commercially available Histoacryl(R) is expensive, and it has the problem like other cyanoacrylates that the glue tends to flow/run away from the point of application, which is inherent to the low viscosity, making precise application difficult. In this study, ethyl cyanoacrylate (ECA), the main constituent of "super glue," was employed instead of Histoacryl(R) due to its lower cost. The aim of the research is to modify the compositions of ECA regimen and evaluate its feasibility for sclerosant application through both in vitro flow circuit model and in vivo animal tests. It was noted that the difference in the relative hardening rate between the in vitro Hepes-Tyrodes buffer flowing model and the in vivo rat model for the ECA and Histoacryl(R) was related to the existence of the blood protein, such as albumin, in the physiological milieu. It was also noticed that the ECA setting rate was greatly increased either in Hepes-Tyrodes buffer or in blood (to a comparable rate as Histoacryl(R) in vivo) by adding a few doses of caffeine, which acts as a polymerization initiator. This would lead to far better injection precision during sclerotherapy. Furthermore, in vivo histological examination for the occluded lumen of the rat's inferior vena cava and a clinical piglet portal vein occlusion experiment have suggested this new sclerosant regimen, caffeine/ECA, is of great promise in endoscopic sclerotherapy.  相似文献   

In the study, characterization of the anodized titanium surface was performed. In addition, histological evaluation and interfacial strength at the bone-implant interface of the characterized surfaces were then evaluated with the use of a rabbit model at 6 and 12 weeks after implantation. Surface treatments consisted of either anodization or anodization followed by hydrothermal treatments. Nontreated titanium surfaces were used as controls in this study. Using scanning-electron microscopy, porous oxide layers were observed on surfaces of anodized titanium implants, whereas porous oxide layers and HA needles were observed on anodized titanium implants following hydrothermal treatments. X-ray diffraction analysis showed the oxide layers were consisted mainly of anatase and a little of rutile. By the hydrothermal treatment on the anodizing surface, HA peaks, as well as the peaks of anatase and trace amounts of rutile peaks were observed. In EPMA analysis, the Ca/P ratio for the anodic oxide was 1.54 for anodized surfaces, whereas the Ca/P ratios for HA needles and the anodic oxide were 1.64 and 0.57, respectively, for anodized surfaces following hydrothermal treatments. Although no significant difference was observed for the percent bone contact on all implants evaluated in the in vivo study, the removal torque strength was significantly higher for anodized implants (48.02+/-5.92 N/cm) than the untreated implants (controls) (27.83+/-1.78 N/cm) at 6 weeks after implantation. As such, it was concluded that the surface anodized implants resulted in a high interfacial strength at an early implantation period as compared to the nontreated titanium implants.  相似文献   

To evaluate how aging and estrogen deficiency influence the success rate of Sandblasted Titanium (Ti/SA) implants, the osteointegration of Ti/SA rods was studied in the cortical and trabecular bone of 5 young, 5 aged and 5 ovariectomized (OVX) sheep. The characterization of the host bone by transiliac biopsies of the iliac crest showed a progressive rarefaction of trabecular bone in aged and OVX animals when compared to young ones. A significant reduction, both in cortical and trabecular bone, of the osteointegration rate of Ti/SA rods in the presence of estrogen deficiency compared to young animals was observed, while only a minor reduction was observed in aged animals. These results were confirmed by the pushout test in cortical bone. Bone quality affected the biological response of bone to Ti/SA implants in both trabecular and cortical bone; consequently, strategies to maximize the bone osteogenic properties of osteoporotic patients should be adopted.  相似文献   

The professional phagocytes, such as macrophages and dendritic cells, are the subject of numerous research efforts in immunology and cell biology. The use of primary phagocytes in these investigations however, are limited by their inherent resistance to transfection with DNA constructs. As a result, the use of phagocyte-like immortalized cell lines is widespread. While these cell lines are transfection permissive, they are generally regarded as poor biological substitutes for primary phagocytes. By exploiting the phagocytic machinery of primary phagocytes, we developed a non-viral method of DNA transfection of macrophages that employs intraphagosomal sonoporation mediated by internalized lipid-based microbubbles. This approach enables the transfection of primary phagocytes in vitro, with a modest, but reliable efficiency. Furthermore, this methodology was readily adapted to transfect murine peritoneal macrophages in vivo. This technology has immediate application to current research efforts and has potential for use in gene therapy and vaccination strategies.  相似文献   

S E Schonfeld  S Herles 《Immunology》1980,41(2):475-481
Enamel matrix proteins taken from neonatal C57Bl/6 mice were shown to be able to elicit in vitro proliferative responses in C57Bl/6 splenic lymphocytes taken from animals which had not been exposed to exogenous enamel proteins. Animals which had been injected with enamel matrix proteins in Freund's complete adjuvant made IgG antibodies against enamel proteins which were detected by indirect immunofluorescence. Spleen cells from the immune animals gave an augmented in vitro proliferative response to enamel proteins, while spleen cells from C57Bl/6 nu/nu mice or anti-Thy 1 and complement-treated normal C57Bl/6 spleen cells were incapable of responding to enamel proteins in vitro. Thus, enamel matrix proteins appear to be T-cell dependent autoantigens. The natural history of enamel matrix proteins is reviewed, and it is suggested, based on the anatomic details of enamel synthesis, secretion, and maturation, that enamel matrix proteins are autoantigenic because they are anatomically sequestered.  相似文献   

In the present study, we investigate the in vivo and in vitro stability of modified poly(urethaneurea) (BioSpan MS/0.4) blood sacs. Blood sacs were utilized primarily in left ventricular assist devices that were implanted in calves for times ranging from 5 to 160 days. Cyclic testing in vitro was also conducted on similar sacs. Various analytical methods were employed to characterize the sacs after in vivo or in vitro service and corresponding retained "control" sacs. These methods included ATR-FTIR spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and gel permeation chromatography. In general, the characteristics of implanted and in vitro cycled sacs were similar to their control sacs. Thermal and microtensile properties were unchanged after testing. The same was true for the ATR-FTIR spectra, indicating relative chemical stability for the time frames explored here. The only significant changes occurred in molecular weight and gross surface morphology. A modest increase in weight average molecular weight was observed for most implanted blood sacs, indicating some type of chain extension or branching reaction in vivo. Although the surface morphologies of implanted blood sacs were often similar to their control sacs, we sometimes observed limited pitting on the nonblood contacting surfaces in regions of the sac that experience maximum bending during service.  相似文献   

Wang H  Eliaz N  Xiang Z  Hsu HP  Spector M  Hobbs LW 《Biomaterials》2006,27(23):4192-4203
Three different implants, bare Ti-6Al-4V alloy, Ti-6Al-4V alloy coated with plasma-sprayed hydroxyapatite (PSHA), and Ti-6Al-4V alloy coated with electrochemically deposited hydroxyapatite (EDHA), were implanted into canine trabecular bone for 6 h, 7, and 14 days, respectively. Environmental scanning electron microscopy study showed that PSHA coatings had higher bone apposition ratios than those exhibited by bare Ti-6Al-4V and EDHA coatings after 7 days; however, at 14 days after implantation, EDHA and PSHA coatings exhibited similar bone apposition ratios, much higher than that for bare Ti-6Al-4V. The ultrastructure of the bone/implant interface observed by transmission electron microscope showed that the earliest mineralization (6 h-7 days) was in the form of nano-ribbon cluster mineral deposits with a Ca/P atomic ratio lower than that of hydroxyapatite. Later-stage mineralization (7-14 days) resulted in bone-like tissue with the characteristic templating of self-assembled collagen fibrils by HA platelets. Though adhesion of EDHA coatings to Ti-6Al-4V substrate proved problematical and clearly needs to be addressed through appropriate manipulation of electrodepositon parameters, the finely textured microstructure of EDHA coatings appears to provide significant advantage for the integration of mineralized bone tissue into the coatings.  相似文献   

The host inflammatory response to particulate wear debris has been implicated as a principal cause of osteolysis and aseptic loosening following total joint arthroplasty. While it has long been assumed that this inflammatory response is mediated solely by a chronic process, there has been evidence to suggest that an acute response to particulate debris may be important in initiating the chronic response. We studied the in vitro and in vivo acute inflammatory responses mediated by polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) to both retrieved particulate from a catastrophically failed uncemented metal-backed acetabular component and to commercially pure particulate (polyethylene, cobalt-chrome, and titanium). Isolated, nonactivated human PMNs in vitro exhibited both a dose- and time-dependent degranulation response to opsonized particulate debris, as evidenced by release of both specific (increased lysozyme activity) and azurophilic (increased beta-glucuronidase activity) granule contents. In the rat subcutaneous pouch model in vivo, PMNs were recruited within 3-6 h after exposure to particulate debris and were noted to phagocytize particulate and subsequently degranulate, as evidenced by increased beta-glucuronidase and PMN-specific myeloperoxidase (azurophilic granule enzymes) activities. This response peaked within the first 6 h and gradually declined by 24 h. The results of this study demonstrate the presence of an acute inflammatory response mediated by PMNs both in vitro and in vivo to particulate debris, which may be important in the sequence of events that lead to the macrophage-dominated chronic inflammatory process culminating in osteolysis and aseptic loosening of total joint arthroplasties.  相似文献   

Degradable starch microspheres (DSMs) are starch chains cross-linked with epichlorhydrin, forming glycerol-ether links. DSMs have been used for many years for temporary vascular occlusion and drug delivery in treatment of malignancies. They are also approved and used for topical haemostasis by absorbing excess fluid from the blood and concentrating endogenous coagulation factors, thereby facilitating haemostasis. This mechanism of action is not sufficient for larger bleedings in current chemical formulations of DSMs, and modification of DSMs to trigger activation of platelets or coagulation would be required for use in such applications. Chemical modifications of DSMs with N-octenyl succinic anhydride, chloroacetic acid, acetic anhydride, diethylaminoethyl chloride and ellagic acid were performed and evaluated in vitro with thrombin generation and platelet adhesion tests, and in vivo using an experimental renal bleeding model in rat. DSMs modified to activate platelets in vitro were superior in haemostatic capacity in vivo. Further studies with non-toxic substances are warranted to confirm these results and develop the DSM as a more effective topical haemostatic agent.  相似文献   

Calcium phosphate (Ca-P) coatings have been applied onto titanium alloys prosthesis to combine the srength of metals with the bioactivity of Ca-P. It has been clearly shown in many publications that Ca-P coating accelerates bone formation around the implant. However, longevity of the Ca-P coating for an optimal bone apposition onto the prosthesis remains controversial. Biomimetic bone-like carbonate apatite (BCA) and Octacalcium Phosphate (OCP) coatings were deposited on Ti6Al4V samples to evaluate their in vitro and in vivo dissolution properties. The coated plates were soaked in alpha-MEM for 1, 2, and 4 weeks, and they were analyzed by Back Scattering Electron Microscopy (BSEM) and by Fourier Transform Infra Red spectroscopy (FTIR). Identical coated plates were implanted subcutaneously in Wistar rats for similar periods. BSEM, FTIR, and histomorphometry were performed on the explants. In vitro and in vivo, a carbonate apatite (CA) formed onto OCP and BCA coatings via a dissolution-precipitation process. In vitro, both coatings dissolved overtime, whereas in vivo BCA calcified and OCP partially dissolved after 1 week. Thereafter, OCP remained stable. This different in vivo behavior can be attributed to (1) different organic compounds that might prevent or enhance Ca-P dissolution, (2) a greater reactivity of OCP due to its large open structure, or (3) different thermodynamic stability between OCP and BCA phases. These structural and compositional differences promote either the progressive loss or calcification of the Ca-P coating and might lead to different osseointegration of coated implants.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to characterize the capacity of a combination of genetically modified bacteria to lower elevated levels of urea and uric acid and thus to serve as a potential adjunct to maintenance dialysis in patients with chronic renal failure. Two strains of genetically modified bacteria expressing enzymes, urease to degrade urea and uricase to degrade uric acid, were identified, combined, and dispersed in 600-microm alginate microcapsules suitable for oral administration. In 24 h in vitro experiments, 5 mL of these capsules completely cleared 95% of the urea and >99% of the uric acid from 100 mL of a challenge solution formulated to the concentration of these solutes in a presenting hemodialysis patient. The process of urea degradation was found to be intracellular and each bacterial strain was specific for its substrate. Solute degradation in vivo was evaluated with a chemically induced model of acute renal failure, using Sprague-Dawley rats. Orally administered capsules were found to remain in the gastrointestinal tract for at least 6 h. The severity of azotemia and hyperuricaemia after chemical induction of acute renal failure was reduced by 64 and 31%, respectively, on administration of the capsules. Reduction of urea concentration (but not uric acid concentration) in vivo required coadministration of an ion-exchange resin to adsorb ammonia. Oral delivery of a combination of genetically modified microorganisms should be further explored in chronic renal failure models as a useful adjunct to dialysis or to immunosorption for the treatment of uremia.  相似文献   

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