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Decades of concerns about the quality of care provided by nursing homes have led state and federal agencies to create layers of regulations and penalties. As such, regulatory efforts to improve nursing home care have largely focused on the identification of deficiencies and assignment of sanctions. The current regulatory strategy often places nursing home teams and government agencies at odds, hindering their ability to build a culture of safety in nursing homes that is foundational to health care quality. Imbuing safety culture into nursing homes will require nursing homes and regulatory agencies to acknowledge the high-risk nature of post-acute and long-term care settings, embrace just culture, and engage nursing home staff and stakeholders in actions that are supported by evidence-based best practices. The response to the COVID-19 pandemic prompted some of these actions, leading to changes in nursing survey and certification processes as well as deployment of strike teams to support nursing homes in crisis. These actions, coupled with investments in public health that include funds earmarked for nursing homes, could become the initial phases of an intentional renovation of the existing regulatory oversight from one that is largely punitive to one that is rooted in safety culture and proactively designed to achieve meaningful and sustained improvements in the quality of care and life for nursing home residents.  相似文献   

The US health care industry increasingly agrees that sharing information about quality of care is necessary to stimulate providers' efforts to improve the quality of health care. The availability of mandated, uniform clinical data in all nursing homes and home health agencies has facilitated the rapid adoption of public reporting of comparative quality data. This paper examines the conceptual and technical challenges underlying the application of information about long-term care provider quality to judge and compare the quality of care provided by nursing homes and home health agencies. In general, the impetus to apply the emerging set of quality "tools" based on mandated clinical assessments may have outstripped the evidence for their valid application in selecting top providers or for rewarding their superior performance.  相似文献   

The hospital home care social worker has a unique opportunity to develop a home-keeping, health-promoting group for frail elderly couples within his or her caseload. Through home visits, working as a filial professional, the worker enters, then strengthens the couples' pre-illness formal and informal support networks, and then goes on to create an additional informal peer support group, that meets in each other's homes. The group is capable of decreasing the chance of nursing home placement for all its members. It is proposed that home health care agencies within hospitals incorporate such groups into their regular programs.  相似文献   

The hospital home care social worker has a unique opportunity to develop a home-keeping, health-promoting group for frail elderly couples within his or her caseload. Through home visits, working as a filial professional, the worker enters, then strengthens the couples' pre-illness formal and informal support networks, and then goes on to create an additional informal peer support group, that meets in each others' homes. The group is capable of decreasing the chance of nursing home placement for all its members. It is proposed that home health care agencies within hospitals incorporate such groups into their regular programs.  相似文献   

Hospitals were the first providers to experience the change in Medicare reimbursement from a cost basis to the prospective payment system (PPS). In the 1980s, this switch was accomplished through the development of diagnosis-related groups, a unique formula for Medicare reimbursement of inpatient hospital services. During that time, the concern was that, with the anticipated reduced payments to hospitals, adverse impacts on Medicare beneficiaries were likely, including premature release of patients from hospital care resulting in medical complications, increased readmissions, prolonged episodes of recuperation, and preventable mortality. The Balanced Budget Act of 1997 (BBA) mandated the implementation of the PPS for Medicare providers of skilled nursing home care and home health care. This change from cost-based reimbursement to PPS raised concerns that these providers would react as hospitals had done-that is, skilled nursing homes might limit their admission of Medicare patients and home health agencies might cut back on visits. As a result of that, hospitals might be faced with providing care for these post-acute patients without receiving additional reimbursement, and these changes in utilization patterns would be of critical importance to both providers and Medicare beneficiaries. This article examines the decisions that providers made in response to the perceived impact of the BBA. Qualitative data were derived from provider interviews. The article concludes with a discussion of how changes in Medicare reimbursement policy have influenced providers of post-acute care services to alter their level of participation in Medicare and the impact this may have on the general public as well as on Medicare beneficiaries.  相似文献   

《Healthcare benchmarks》1998,5(10):150-151
Henry Ford saw the value of vertical integration early in the automobile industry and applied it to health care as well when he founded a hospital in 1915 that eventually would anchor the Henry Ford Health System. Provider components include hospitals, home health agencies, nursing homes, a managed care plan, physician practices, and freestanding outpatient surgery centers. Strong governance and information systems are key to successful integration.  相似文献   

Case-mix differences between 653 home health care patients and 650 nursing home patients, and between 455 Medicare home health patients and 447 Medicare nursing home patients were assessed using random samples selected from 20 home health agencies and 46 nursing homes in 12 states in 1982 and 1983. Home health patients were younger, had shorter lengths of stay, and were less functionally disabled than nursing home patients. Traditional long-term care problems requiring personal care were more common among nursing home patients, whereas problems requiring skilled nursing services were more prevalent among home health patients. Considering Medicare patients only, nursing home patients were much more likely to be dependent in activities of daily living (ADLs) than home health patients. Medicare nursing home and home health patients were relatively similar in terms of long-term care problems, and differences in medical problems were less pronounced than between all nursing home and all home health patients. From the standpoint of cost-effectiveness, it would appear that home health care might provide a substitute for acute care hospital use at the end of a hospital stay, and appears to be a more viable option in the care of patients who are not severely disabled and do not have profound functional problems. The Medicare skilled nursing facility, however, is likely to continue to have a crucial role in posthospital care as the treatment modality of choice for individuals who require both highly skilled care and functional assistance.  相似文献   

This study's objective was to examine the relationships between rural residence and availability of nursing home and home health care to functional disability at the time of nursing home admission. Secondary data were obtained from the Minimum Data Set (MDS) 2.0 for Nebraska for 3,443 rural and 1,296 urban older people admitted to nursing facilities. Data from the MDS were merged with county-level data on home health agencies and nursing homes in Nebraska. The relationship of rurality of nursing home residents' prior residence and availability of nursing home and home health care to functional status at admission, controlling for demographic and health characteristics of older people, was estimated using multiple linear regression with robust variance estimates. After taking account of demographic and health status characteristics, rural residence and availability of home health and nursing home care had nonsignificant effects on functional status at admission. The findings indicate that functional disability at admission is associated with specific diseases and medical conditions, cognitive status, gender, living arrangements and marital arrangements. Rural older people are not at higher risk of admission at lower levels of functional disability compared to their urban counterparts.  相似文献   

COVID-19 has demonstrated the essential role of home care services in supporting community-dwelling older and disabled individuals through a public health emergency. As the pandemic overwhelmed hospitals and nursing homes, home care helped individuals remain in the community and recover from COVID-19 at home. Yet unlike many institutional providers, home care agencies were often disconnected from broader public health disaster planning efforts and struggled to access basic resources, jeopardizing the workers who provide this care and the medically complex and often marginalized patients they support. The exclusion of home care from the broader COVID-19 emergency response underscores how the home care industry operates apart from the traditional health care infrastructure, even as its workers provide essential long-term care services. This special article (1) describes the experiences of home health care workers and their agencies during COVID-19 by summarizing existing empiric research; (2) reflects on how these experiences were shaped and exacerbated by longstanding challenges in the home care industry; and (3) identifies implications for future disaster preparedness policies and practice to better serve this workforce, the home care industry, and those for whom they care.  相似文献   

Interventions to Reduce Acute Care Transfers (INTERACT) is a publicly available quality improvement program that focuses on improving the identification, evaluation, and management of acute changes in condition of nursing home residents. Effective implementation has been associated with substantial reductions in hospitalization of nursing home residents. Familiarity with and support of program implementation by medical directors and primary care clinicians in the nursing home setting are essential to effectiveness and sustainability of the program over time. In addition to helping nursing homes prevent unnecessary hospitalizations and their related complications and costs, and thereby continuing to be or becoming attractive partners for hospitals, health care systems, managed care plans, and accountable care organizations, effective INTERACT implementation will assist nursing homes in meeting the new requirement for a robust quality assurance performance improvement program, which is being rolled out by the federal government over the next year.  相似文献   

The public health significance of traditional religions in terminal care was studied in the Ryukyu Archipelago. The traditional religious view of life, in which death at home is ideal, is still maintained: while inhabitants seek modern medical care in facilities outside of the island, they are transported back to die in their homes when their condition becomes critical. Most of the general hospitals, special nursing homes for the aged, and psychiatric hospitals of Okinawa allow bereaved families to perform "Nujifa", a traditional religious ritual for transferring soul of the dead from the death to their own home, that functions as a significant factor in relieving grief. In many of the special nursing homes for aged, not a few aged women practiced activities uniquely associated with traditional religion on strongly reflecting the fact that endemic religion is deeply embedded in their thinking. Although acculturation is in rapid progress in the Ryukyu Archipelago, such endemic religion still has a significant effect on the people. Therefore these religious factors should be considered in the terminal medical care of these people.  相似文献   

An examination of the Washington State workers' compensation claims for home health care workers was conducted. Some comparisons were made with nursing homes, acute care hospitals, and all other industries in the state. Between 1998 and 2007, the average claims rate for home health care workers was 1,375 claims/10,000 full-time equivalents (FTEs) compared to 862 claims/10,000 FTEs for all other industries. The proportion of home health care workers' injuries resulting from interactions with another person (89.6%) was comparable to those for nursing homes and hospitals. Although this industry has important economic and social value, risks are poorly characterized. Continued research is necessary.  相似文献   

A decade ago, U.S. health administration costs greatly exceeded Canada's. Have the computerization of billing and the adoption of a more business-like approach to care cut administrative costs? For the United States and Canada, the authors calculated the 1999 administrative costs of health insurers, employers' health benefit programs, hospitals, practitioners' offices, nursing homes, and home care agencies; they analyzed published data, surveys of physicians, employment data, and detailed cost reports filed by hospitals, nursing homes, and home care agencies; they used census surveys to explore time trends in administrative employment in health care settings. Health administration costs totaled at least dollar 294.3 billion, dollar 1,059 per capita, in the United States vs. dollar 9.4 billion, dollar 307 per capita, in Canada. After exclusions, health administration accounted for 31.0 percent of U.S. health expenditures vs. 16.7 percent of Canadian. Canada's national health insurance program had an overhead of 1.3 percent, but overhead among Canada's private insurers was higher than in the U.S.: 13.2 vs. 11.7 percent. Providers' administrative costs were far lower in Canada. Between 1969 and 1999 administrative workers' share of the U.S. health labor force grew from 18.2 to 27.3 percent; in Canada it grew from 16.0 percent in 1971 to 19.1 percent in 1996. Reducing U.S. administrative costs to Canadian levels would save at least dollar 209 billion annually, enough to fund universal coverage.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to determine the magnitude of the charges and costs and the sources of reimbursements for the care of cerebrovascular disease (CVD) patients in an urban setting, Orleans Parish (County), Louisiana, in 1971. The study helps to put national data on the cost-burden of cerebrovascular disease into perspective at the community level. It is thought that such data may prove useful in planning and evaluation of intervention programs and more coordinated approaches to care. All hospitals, nursing homes, extended care facilities, and noninstitutional sources of care (home health and rehabilitation agencies) that were identified as providing services to CVD patients were invited to participate in the study, and a sample of such cases was selected from each participating facility. The billing records for these cases were then reviewed and analyzed to determine charges by category of service and sources of reimbursement. At government institutions, per diem rates were used to determine costs. Total charges for care of the CVD patients amounted to $6,070,000. Hospital care generated the major charge, amounting to $5,159,000 (85 percent of the total charges) during the study year. Nursing home care charges totaled $391,000 (6.5 percent), extended care services $373,000 (6.1 percent), and home health care and noninstitutional rehabilitation services $147,000 (2.4 percent). Analysis of the data according to type of service revealed that only a small percentage of the care dollar was spent for rehabilitation services. The greatest amounts were spent for room and board in institutional facilities and for drugs, diagnostic services, and miscellaneous other services in hospitals. Average expenditures per CVD case for rehabilitation services in institutions were highest in extended care facilities, being much lower in hospitals and negligible in nursing homes. Average expenditures for care by noninstitutional health service agencies were highest for home aide services, followed by nursing and rehabilitation services.  相似文献   

Publicly reporting information stimulates providers' efforts to improve the quality of health care. The availability of mandated, uniform clinical data in all nursing homes and home health agencies has facilitated the public reporting of comparative quality data. This article reviews the conceptual and technical challenges of applying information about the quality of long-term care providers and the evidence for the impact of information-based quality improvement. Quality "tools" have been used despite questions about the validity of the measures and their use in selecting providers or offering them bonus payments. Although the industry now realizes the importance of quality, research still is needed on how consumers use this information to select providers and monitor their performance and whether these efforts actually improve the outcomes of care.  相似文献   

ObjectiveIn most health care organizations there is still insufficient awareness for recognizing and treating malnourished patients. To gain more insight into nutritional care policies in Dutch health care organizations, this study investigated screening, treatment, and other quality indicators of nutritional care.MethodsIn 2007 a cross-sectional multicenter study was performed that included 20 255 patients (hospitals, n = 6021; nursing homes, n = 11 902; home care, n = 2332). A standardized questionnaire was used to study nutritional screening and treatment at the patient level and quality indicators at institutional and ward levels (e.g., malnutrition guidelines/protocols, nutritional education, and weighing policy).ResultsNutritional screening was performed more often in nursing homes (60.2%) than in hospitals (40.3%) and home care (13.9%, P < 0.001). In general, one in every five patients was malnourished, and nutritional treatment was applied in fewer than 50% of all malnourished patients in nursing homes, hospitals, and home care. At ward level nursing homes focused more on the quality of nutritional care than did hospitals and home care, especially with respect to controlling the use of nutritional guidelines (54.6%, P < 0.03), weighing at admission (82.9%, P < 0.01), and mealtime ambiance (91.8%, P < 0.01).ConclusionThis large-scale study shows that malnutrition is still a considerable problem in one of every five patients in all participating health care settings. It furthermore demonstrates that recognizing and treating malnutrition continues to be problematic. To target the problem of malnutrition adequately, more awareness is needed of the importance of nutritional screening, appropriate treatment, and other nutritional quality indicators.  相似文献   

The Medicare DRG-based Prospective Payment System (PPS) encourages hospitals to reduce length of stay for elderly patients. Thus, discharges to long-term care services are expected to increase. Maryland hospital data for 1980 are used to identify those DRGs which most frequently represent patients discharged to nursing home and home health care services; explores the incentive to discharge earlier under PPS those patients needing long-term care versus short-term care; and describes characteristics of patients most likely to face increased pressure of earlier discharge to nursing homes and home health programs. Because only a limited set of patient characteristics are available from Maryland hospitals, data from a study of San Diego nursing homes are used to explore further the sociodemographic and health status measures associated with unusually long stays in a hospital prior to nursing home placement. This research suggests that the DRG reimbursement system gives hospitals a strong incentive for earlier discharge of patients needing long-term care services. However, hospitals that target only long-term care patients for early discharge will not substantially gain under PPS because these patients represent a small portion of the cases treated in the hospital and a small percentage of unreimbursed days.  相似文献   

The fast-growing home health agencies and nursing homes are taking acute and subacute patients from the nation's hospitals, but their labor costs are soaring. And personnel problems may slow their growth, writes Donald E.L. Johnson  相似文献   

Knowledge of rural nurses' aides about end-of-life care   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Currently, little is known about the role of nurses' aides (NAs) in rural long-term care facilities or their impact on the process of death and dying in rural healthcare environments. Focus groups with NAs were held in 6 rural counties located in 5 states to assess attitudes and perceptions about end-of-life care and training needs. Key informants from 8 states and the District of Columbia added to the understandings. Nurses' aides (N = 63) and key informants (N = 21) worked in a variety of rural settings that provide end-of-life care (ie, nursing homes, hospitals, hospices, home healthcare agencies). Five themes about the needs of rural NAs around end-of-life care were identified in the focus groups, and 4 themes emerged from key informant interviews. A prototype computer-based training module on communication about end-of-life issues was developed, tested, and found useful and compelling.  相似文献   

It is useful for health care managers to understand Medicare's history and the impact on providers of ever-changing Medicare payment methods. Initially, Medicare payments resembled those of commercial insurance plans and Blue Cross Blue Shield plans. When Congress became concerned about the increasing costs of Medicare, new payment methods were created to limit payments to providers. The prospective payment system, imposed on hospitals in 1987 and later on nursing homes, home health agencies, and other services, has been adapted by commercial plans, Blue Cross Blue Shield associations, and state Medicaid programs. Changes in payer reimbursements require health care managers to adjust the department's charge master and exert more control of departmental costs. The story of Medicare's beginnings and development can provide some insight into the possibility of national health insurance, given the historic and current politics that limit publicly financed social programs. This article discusses the development of Medicare and its administration and serves as an introduction to the complex realities of health care reimbursement policy.  相似文献   

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