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Implantation of Rectal Cancer Cells in a Fistula in Ano: Report of a Case   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We report a case of implantation of tumor cells within a fistula in ano. A 36-year-old man with a 16-year history of an anal fistula underwent an operation for rectal carcinoma. Three weeks later, the anal fistula was resected. A histological examination of the specimen showed atypical cells; moreover, rectal carcinoma had proliferated in the granulation tissue lying underneath the intact squamous epithelium. Because there was no continuity to the rectal carcinoma or the anal glands, we diagnosed implantation of rectal cancer cells in a fistula in ano. Received: February 19, 2001 / Accepted: July 17, 2001  相似文献   

Implantation of Rectal Cancer in an Anal Fistula: Report of a Case   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 53-year-old man who had had an anal fistula for 20 years was admitted to our hospital with a large intestinal obstruction. Barium enema and colonoscopy confirmed advanced rectal cancer and we palpated a soft tumor, 3 cm in diameter, with inflammatory induration on the right side of the rectum. After draining a perianal abscess caused by the anal fistula, we performed low anterior resection. Histological examination of the perianal necrotic tissue obtained during resection of the perianal tumor encompassing the anal fistula revealed adenocarcinoma. Since the histology of the perianal lesion was identical to that of the rectal cancer, a diagnosis of cancer implantation rather than carcinoma originating in the anal fistula was entertained. Although the recurrence of rectal cancer by mucosal implantation is not uncommon, the coincidental implantation of rectal cancer in an anal fistula is extremely rare.  相似文献   

Most cholecystocutaneous fistulas are postoperative complications of liver and biliary tract surgery or trauma. External biliary fistulas rarely occur spontaneously as a result of intrahepatic abscess (pyogenic or parasitic), necrosis or perforation of the gallbladder, or other inflammatory process involving the biliary tree. A cholecystocutaneous fistula as a presentation of an underlying cancer arising from the gall bladder is an extremely uncommon finding. Over the past 50 years fewer than 20 cases of spontaneous cholecystocutaneous fistulas have been described in the medical literature but so far there has been no published report of a cholecystocutaneous fistula arising from adenocarcinoma of gall bladder. We here report a case of a patient presenting with spontaneous cholecystocutaneous fistula from cancer of gall bladder.  相似文献   

Fistula‐in‐ano and pilonidal disease are not known to occur together. In a retrospective study, all patients having fistula‐pilonidal disease coexisting simultaneously were included. Out of 1284 patients, 933 were operated (fistula‐in‐ano, 849; pilonidal disease, 77; and coexisting fistula‐pilonidal, 7). A total of 351 patients did not undergo any surgery (two patients had coexisting fistula‐pilonidal). Thus, a total of nine patients having coexisting fistula‐pilonidal sinus were included in the study (mean age 35.8 ± 19.9 years, M/F 7/2). pIn 6/9 patients, the pilonidal tract was communicating with fistula‐in‐ano, and in 3/9 patients, they were not communicating/connected. The connection could be established preoperatively with the help of MRI. In all patients with communicating fistula‐pilonidal sinus (n=6), the fistula was posterior. 6/9 patients had recurrent fistula and all (9/9) had multiple tracts. The fistula was high and complex in 8/9 patients (grade IV‐7, grade V‐1). 4/9 patients tested positive for tuberculosis while one patient was suffering from hidradenitis suppurativa. The latter improved on medical treatment. One patient did not agree for surgery and seven were operated. The disease healed in four patients, the disease did not heal in one patient, and two patients were in the convalescent stage. Anal fistula and pilonidal disease can coexist in a same patient and can even be connected. Such diseases are more complex and have a higher incidence of associated diseases like tuberculosis. Magnetic resonance imaging plays a pivotal role in diagnosis. If the connection is missed, the disease treatment becomes difficult.  相似文献   

An aortoesophageal fistula is uncommon, but almost always fatal. We report a case of an aortoesophageal fistula that developed after stent dilation for an esophageal stricture caused by benign esophagitis. As soon as esophageal hemorrhaging was identified by endoscopy, the patient was transferred to the operating theater; however, the uncontrollable and massive bleeding resulted in pulseless shock. The digestive surgeon put side-clamps on the descending aorta and esophagus and transferred the patient to our hospital. We identified an aortoesophageal fistula, 3.0 mm in diameter, in the descending aorta, and performed a graft replacement of the descending aorta and esophagectomy. It was immediately evident that the edge of the stent had been sticking into the aortic wall, which had caused the fistula. To our knowledge, this is the first report of successful surgical treatment of an aortoesophageal fistula caused by esophageal stent dilatation.  相似文献   

This report describes a patient with radiation-induced rectal cancer with an unusual history. A 51-year-old man was admitted in 2000 because of ichorrhea of the skin on the left loin. The patient had received irradiation for a suspicious diagnosis of a malignant tumor in the pelvic cavity in 1975. A subcutaneous abscess in the right loin appeared in 1989, and rectocutaneous fistula was noted in 1992. Moreover, radiation-induced rectal cancer developed in 2000. Plain computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging of the pelvis demonstrated a presacral mass and tumor in the rectum. Finally, we diagnosed the presacral mass to be an abscess attached to the center of the rectal cancer. The rectum was resected by Miles operation and a colostomy of the sigmoid colon was also performed. Many cases of radiation-induced rectal cancer have been reported. However, this is a rare case of radiation-induced rectal cancer originating from a presacral abscess and rectocutaneous fistula.  相似文献   

Abstract The delayed presentation of traumatic diaphragmatic hernia is associated with high morbidity and mortality. Acute colobronchial fistula complicating delayed presentation of traumatic diaphragmatic hernia is previously unreported. A 52-year-old woman presented with a 4-day history of dyspnoea, feculent sputum and chest and abdominal pain 3 months after a road traffic accident. The diagnosis of Chilaiditi's syndrome, diaphragmatic hernia and colobronchial fistula was confirmed with computed tomography (CT) and treated by chest drain, primary hernia repair and right hemicolectomy. Spontaneous decompression through the bronchus had prevented tension fecopneumathorax. The diagnosis of diaphragmatic hernia is difficult but delay is associated with increased mortality. Symptoms include dyspnoea, chest and abdominal pain, with decreased respiratory sounds and visceral sounds in the thorax. Abdominal visceral structures or gas on CXR, CT or contrast studies will confirm the diagnosis. The initial operative approach is laparotomy but thoracotomy must be considered as abdominal viscera may be adherent to thoracic structures.  相似文献   

We report a case of multiple ileal diverticula causing an ileovesical fistula in an 85-year-old man. The patient was admitted for investigation and treatment of intractable urethrocystitis, which he had suffered for 5 years. Cystography showed an ileovesical fistula, and contrast study of the small bowel revealed about 80 diverticula in the ileum. The segment involved by diverticula was resected and a pathological diagnosis of diverticulitis leading to ileovesical fistula was confirmed. His postoperative clinical course was uneventful. Received: September 13, 2001 / Accepted: March 5, 2002  相似文献   

We report a rare case of pancreaticobronchial fistula caused by chronic pancreatitis. A 46-year-old man with a history of chronic alcoholic pancreatitis was referred to us for investigation of dyspnea and bloody sputum. Chest radiography showed a bilateral pneumonia-like shadow, with severe atelectasis in the left lower lung field. Abdominal computed tomography showed a huge pancreatic pseudocyst in the left upper abdomen. The pseudocyst extended as a soft mass from the retroperitoneum into the posterior mediastinum with gas. The pancreatic amylase level in the sputum was 57 500 IU/l. The organism cultured from the sputum was Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Based on these findings, we diagnosed a pancreaticobronchial fistula created by the infected pseudocyst penetrating directly through the dome of the diaphragm to the bronchial tree. External drainage of the infected pseudocyst improved the patient's respiratory condition, allowing him to undergo distal pancreatectomy and splenectomy. Thereafter, he did not suffer any further symptoms.  相似文献   

We report an extremely rare case of pseudo-Meigs' syndrome caused by ovarian metastases from colon cancer, and review the literature on this unusual entity. A 41-year-old woman was admitted for investigation of abdominal fullness and dyspnea. Preoperative examinations revealed a huge pelvic tumor, adenocarcinoma of the sigmoid colon, marked ascites, and bilateral pleural effusion. Laparotomy confirmed that the huge mass was comprised of bilateral ovarian tumors. Resection of the sigmoid colon and bilateral oophorectomies were performed. Although short-term intrathoracic drainage was required, the hydrothorax and ascites rapidly resolved in the postoperative period. The patient died of disseminated liver and bone metastases 8 months after her operation; however, ascites and hydrothorax were not clinically noted until death. This and five other reported cases demonstrate that ovarian metastasis from colorectal cancer may occasionally cause pseudo-Meigs' syndrome, and that resection of the ovarian lesions could improve the prognosis. Received: April 3, 2002 / Accepted: September 3, 2002 Reprint requests to: H. Ishida  相似文献   

Alveolar echinococcosis is a parasitosis endemic to red fox habitats in the northern hemisphere. The liver is the most commonly affected organ, followed by the lungs. We report the case of an elderly woman with hepatic alveolar echinococcosis (HAE) complicated by a hepatopulmonary fistula. We performed a one-stage operation for the hepatic and pulmonary lesions through the transdiaphragmatic route via a laparotomy. We report this case to emphasize that the first-line treatment for a hepatopulmonary fistula caused by HAE should be radical surgery, which results in relief of symptoms and a good outcome.  相似文献   

Small intestine metastasis from primary lung cancer is uncommon and jejunojejunal intussusception secondary to metastatic lung cancer is extremely rare. We report a case presenting with a one-week history of abdominal pain associated with poor appetite, vomiting and absent defaecation. Physical examination revealed abdominal distention with decreased bowel sounds. Chest roentgenogram showed a mass lesion in the right upper lung zone. Biopsy of the lung mass lesion confirmed adenocarcinoma of the lung. Computed tomography (CT) of the abdomen demonstrated a “target mass” lesion in the right lower abdomen, representing a small intestinal intussusception. Emergency segmental resection of the affected small intestine with jejunojejunal anastomosis was performed. Histological examination of the specimen revealed metastatic adenocarcinoma of lung origin. The patient had an uneventful postoperative course and was discharged home two weeks after surgery.  相似文献   

A 65-year-old man was diagnosed to have Crohn's disease in 1989. In 1991, frequent bronchitis developed, and bronchoesophageal fistula was diagnosed by esophagography. On esophagography and aortography, the disease was diagnosed to be Type IV based on Braimbridge's classification accompanied by pulmonary sequestration. A thoracoscope-assisted fistelectomy was performed. This paper reports the findings of a fistelectomy assisted by thoracoscopy for the treatment of a Type IV bronchoesophageal fistula according to Braimbridge's classification accompanied by Crohn's disease.  相似文献   

As a complication of hydatid cyst disease of the liver, bronchobiliary fistula is a rare condition and manifests as bilioptysis. We report the case of a 34 year-old man with echinococcosis of the liver who developed a bronchobiliary fistula which manifested as chronic cough and bile stained sputum. A chest X-ray showed an unilateral infiltrate in the costodiaphragmatic angle. Bronchoscopy revealed bile filling the right basal bronchi. Magnetic resonance cystography revealed that the hepatic bile ducts communicated with the right basal pleural space. Percutaneous transhepatic drainage was applied. When the patient was reevaluated, the hydatid cyst had eroded into the pleural space, and a pleural effusion had developed. The condition of the patient deteriorated. Hence, surgical therapy was performed. After surgery, the condition of the patient improved. He was discharged from the hospital in good condition.  相似文献   

(Received for publication on Apr. 30, 1996; accepted on Jan. 7, 1997)  相似文献   

We describe an unconventional method of localizing a colovesical fistula by using a guide-wire, successfully carried out in a 45-year-old man with recurrent dysuria, pneumaturia, and suprapubic tenderness. First, we performed a cystoscopy to establish the fistulous tract in the bladder and passed the guide-wire through it. Next, we performed a colonoscopy, and the guide-wire was identified and brought out through the anus. This created a wire loop through the fistula. The transparietal cathether enabled us to detect the exact fistulous tract at laparotomy, making it possible to resect the inflamed colon and identify and resect the fistulous opening on the vesical wall. This technique allowed for a safer resection and a shorter operation time.  相似文献   

A 55-year-old man presented with a massive hemorrhage from the ileal conduit of the left ureter. He had previously undergone a total pelvic exenteration with ileal conduit construction of the ureters due to rectal carcinoma. A right ureteroarterial fistula developed, and he underwent an excision of the right common iliac artery with a femorofemoral bypass and a right cutaneous ureterostomy. Seven months later, a pseudoaneurysm developed at the aortic stump, followed by an aorto-ileal-conduit fistula. The patient was treated successfully with endovascular stent grafting and has since showed a good recovery no sign of graft infection or a recurrence of hematuria at the 10-month follow-up.  相似文献   

Channel transurethral resection of prostate (TURP) is an accepted treatment for advanced carcinoma of prostate (CaP) to improve quality of life. We are presenting a case of penile gangrene and urethrocutaneous fistula following TURP in a CaP. This is the first case in literature to our knowledge.  相似文献   

This report describes the case of a 34-year-old premenopausal woman in whom bilateral huge ovarian metastases were found immediately after initial surgery for sigmoid colon cancer. Both ovaries had been intact at the time of sigmoidectomy, but 2 months later, she complained of persistent vaginal bleeding, and large bilateral metastases were detected in both ovaries. Oophorectomy with intraperitoneal chemotherapy proved ineffective and the patient died 3 months later, after a second operation, from peritoneal dissemination. This case report serves to demonstrate the importance of searching for synchronous or nonsynchronous metastases to the ovaries after surgery for colon cancer in young women. Consideration should also be given to the feasibility of performing prophylactic oophorectomy or administering intensive chemotherapy in association with colon resections for carcinoma for premenopausal women because of the ineffectiveness of these modalities as treatment for metastatic disease. Received: February 6, 2001 / Accepted: September 11, 2001  相似文献   

We report an unusual case of anorectal agenesis with a rectourethral fistula diagnosed in a 48-year-old man. The patient presented after noticing hematuria, although he had been aware of urinary leakage from his colostomy with occasional fecal urine for about 4 years. He had had a double-barrel colostomy created soon after birth for an imperforate anus, with revision at the age of 4 years to correct a prolapse of the stoma, but his malformation had never been repaired. We performed a physical examination, which did not reveal a perineal fistula, but urethrocystography demonstrated high anorectal agenesis with a rectourethral fistula. Thus, we resected the rectourethral fistula and created an end-colostomy. The patient had an uneventful postoperative course, and was discharged in good health on postoperative day 19. To our knowledge, this is the oldest patient to be diagnosed with anorectal agenesis and undergo resection of a rectourethral fistula.  相似文献   

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