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As it is no longer readily permissible to propagate polioviruses, adenoviruses will probably become more frequently used for virucidal testing of broad-spectrum disinfectants. We tested prototype strains of different adenovirus serotypes belonging to the subgenera C and D for sensitivity to liposomal povidone-iodine (PVP-I), peracetic acid (PAA) and formaldehyde. Virucidal assays were performed as suspension tests in accordance with the German guidelines for testing the effectiveness of chemical disinfectants against viruses. The sensitivity of the adenovirus serotypes to test disinfectants varied greatly. Prototype strains of adenovirus 5 and 44 statistically selected as 'little sensitive' to PVP-I, PAA and formaldehyde were found to be the most resistant. These might be suitable as model viruses for testing the broad-spectrum virucidal activity of disinfectants and might even replace the resistant poliovirus type 1. The main reason for the different chemical sensitivity of adenovirus serotypes may be the composition of the viral capsid proteins. Alternatively a different chemical inactivation of the viral genome could be involved.  相似文献   

How to write a critical letter and respond to one   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Critical letters are important. They correct the published record. To write a critical letter requires tact; to respond to one requires tact--and the humility that comes with the realisation that belief in an observation or an idea does not make it true.  相似文献   

We present a classification of Spanish mosquitoes according to their different life cycles. The bio-ecological parameters analyzed in our study were oviposition sites, overwintering stages, preferred hosts, and number of generations per year for each species. The results revealed 13 different functional groups. To assess the validity and robustness of the classification system, we analyzed the data from an intensive sampling carried out over a period of 4 years (2005-08) in eastern Spain. In this area, 9 of the 13 functional groups were found. The Jaccard cluster and the principal components analysis (between-group analysis method) revealed 3 different mosquito groups: the tree hole species, the aedine species (except dendrolimnic ones), and the rest of the non-dendrolimnic culicid species. The importance of the different overwintering patterns in distinguishing these 3 classes is also discussed.  相似文献   

The relationship between combat stress, DSM-III-defined post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and a variety of behavioral factors was examined in a large nonclinical population. A total of 2858 randomly selected American Legion members who had served in Southeast Asia completed a questionnaire which elicited information on military service, personal health, and a variety of mental health outcomes. The data confirm the utility of the PTSD diagnosis as a distinct clinical entity. The frequency of PTSD and the extent of symptoms developed varied with the severity of criteria used for determining the extent of traumatic exposure. The PTSD rate ranged from 1.8 to 15.0% of the total sample, depending on whether "exposure" to combat was defined relatively narrowly or broadly. A distinct linear dose-response relationship between combat stress and a quantitative measure of PTSD intensity was observed. The frequency of PTSD diagnosis was not affected by the presence of either physical or mental health problems which predated military service. A strong, stable relationship was found between combat stress and PTSD intensity for cohorts with differing intervals since the experience of combat trauma, which persisted up to 20 years after discharge from the military. The data thus support a broader approach to defining traumatic events which recognizes individual differences in response to combat, as well as the existence of other behavioral outcomes as residual effects of combat. Implications of these findings and the importance of treating veterans with varying presentations of PTSD are discussed.  相似文献   

In this work, emission and Fourier transform infrared spectra of the jackfruit seed, in powdered form, are recorded. Analysis of the emission spectrum confirms the presence of two hitherto undetected elements, manganese and magnesium. The Fourier transform infrared spectrum reveals the presence of some specific functional groups, attributed to the different bands present in the spectrum.  相似文献   

In this work, emission and Fourier transform infrared spectra of the jackfruit seed, in powdered form, are recorded. Analysis of the emission spectrum confirms the presence of two hitherto undetected elements, manganese and magnesium. The Fourier transform infrared spectrum reveals the presence of some specific functional groups, attributed to the different bands present in the spectrum.  相似文献   

Given the chemical properties of synthetic pyrethroids, it is probable that compounds, including esfenvalerate, that enter surface waters may become incorporated into aquatic insect food sources. We examined the effect of dietary esfenvalerate uptake in aquatic insects representing different functional feeding groups. We used three field-collected aquatic insect species: A grazing scraper, Cinygmula reticulata McDunnough (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae); an omnivorous filter feeder, Brachycentrus americanus Banks (Trichoptera: Brachycentridae); and a predator, Hesperoperla pacifica Banks (Plecoptera: Perlidae). Laboratory-cultured algae were preexposed for 24 h to esfenvalerate concentrations of 0, 0.025, 0.05, and 0.1 microg/L and provided to two C. reticulata age classes (small and final-instar nymphs). Reduction in small nymph growth was observed following three weeks of feeding on algae exposed to 0.05 and 0.1 microg/L of esfenvalerate, and the highest dietary exposure reduced egg production in final-instar nymphs. The diet for B. americanus and H. pacifica consisted of dead third-instar Chironomus tentans larvae preexposed for 24 h to esfenvalerate concentrations ranging between 0.1 and 1.0 microg/L. Consumption of larvae exposed to 0.5 to 1.0 microg/L of esfenvalerate caused case abandonment and mortality in B. americanus caddisfly larvae. Although H. pacifica nymphs readily consumed esfenvalerate-exposed larvae, no adverse effects were observed during the present study. Furthermore, no evidence of esfenvalerate-induced feeding deterrence was found in any of the species tested, suggesting that aquatic insects may not be able to distinguish between pyrethroid-contaminated and uncontaminated food sources. These findings indicate that feeding deterrence is not a factor in regulating aquatic insect dietary exposures to synthetic pyrethroids.  相似文献   

西南地区不同性别、学历、年龄、工龄人群职业紧张比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨不同性别、学历、年龄、工龄人群的职业紧张。方法采用职业紧张量表(OSI-R),测试4278例职工的职业紧张、紧张反应、应对资源。结果职业任务、紧张反应总均分及各子项得分(除工作环境、业务、心理紧张反应外):男性均高于女性,且差异有显著性(P<0·01)。自我保健子项:女性显著高于男性(P<0·01),同时在社会支持、人际关系和工作满意度方面女性也高于男性。在年龄方面,40岁~及≥50岁两个组,职业任务总均分及任务过重、任务冲突、责任感、任务不适四个子项得分均显著高,而应对资源子项中,≥50岁组,在社会支持子项得分最低(P<0·05)。在工龄方面,也表现出最长工龄组:≥30年组职业任务总均分及任务过重、任务冲突、责任感等子项得分均高,而应对资源子项中:20年~组在社会支持子项得分最低(P<0·05)。在文化程度方面,低学历组职业任务、紧张反应得分高,而应对资源得分却最低(P<0·05)。结论针对不同性别、年龄、工龄、学历群体的职业紧张源、紧张反应、应对资源,采取有效的干预措施,降低不同职工,特别是中、老年职工的职业紧张,提高职工的劳动能力及生活质量是职业卫生面临的重要任务之一。  相似文献   

Summary Soil lead levels were found to decrease significantly in all traffic areas as distance from the highway increased. Areas of higher traffic volume had greater soil lead levels. Strong trends were shown in vegetation with areas of greater traffic density having greater lead levels than areas of lower traffic density. A decrease in lead levels was also noted in vegetation as distance from highway increased.  相似文献   

Dengue, a viral disease transmitted by mosquitoes, is endemic and frequently epidemic in many tropical countries. Because low-incidence periods vary in length, it is difficult to know in advance when an epidemic will occur. Response efforts, despite being logical, have been counter-productive at times. Furthermore, experience has demonstrated that dengue epidemics last a long time, making it important that government control efforts be sustainable while they last.This article describes priority activities requiring attention in order to minimize the impact of dengue epidemics. Such activities, which in many cases can be adapted to combat other types of epidemics as well, are as follows: (1) establishment of an inter-sectoral action committee, (2) formalization of an emergency action plan, (3) epidemiologic surveillance, (4) diagnostic laboratory testing, (5) mosquito control, (6) protection of sources of employment and special populations, (7) patient care, (8) education of medical personnel, (9) research, and (10) transparency before the mass media.The best way to reduce the ravaging effects of dengue epidemics is to anticipate their emergence so that infection can be prevented and steps can be taken to protect the ill. Relying on improvisation to solve all the problems that arise in moments of crisis is inefficient and reckless.  相似文献   

The microbial communities in the soil are responsible for material cycling and thus also for maintaining the fertility of agricultural soils. In order to assess pesticide side effects on the soil processes, detailed knowledge is required about the structure and function of the soil microflora. Therefore, the degradation and humification of 14C-labeled maize straw was studied in process-oriented microcosms. Apart from a native orthic luvisol, a heat-treated soil was used that has been freed from organic carbon by incineration at 600 degrees C. Microbial communities involved in the turnover of the crop residues were investigated using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of 16S rDNA sequences. Both 13C-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and gel permeation chromatography were used to analyze humic acids produced in the microcosms. To evaluate the sensitivity of the microcosms, the influence of the fungicide dithianon was used in a case study at a concentration of 50 mg/kg. Microbial activity was reduced because of the application of the pesticide, especially in the native soils, while mineralization of 14C-labeled maize straw was only slightly affected. The buildup of fungal biomass was inhibited for at least three weeks. Despite these effects on the microbial communities, no significant differences in the humification products after 26 weeks of incubation were observed.  相似文献   



To clarify the distribution of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and the factors contributing to its development and progression in middle-aged Japanese workers/employees.


This was a retrospective study involving 3,964 men and 2,698 women aged 35–64 years in 2009 who had been followed-up until 2003. Data on proteinuria determined with a dipstick and glomerular filtration rate estimated from serum creatinine concentration (eGFR) were collected in the annual health check-ups.


Proteinuria was detected in 2.9 and 1.1 % of the men and women, respectively, and total CKD was detected in 16.0 and 16.1 % of the men and women respectively. Moderate or severe CKD associated a high risk of cardiovascular diseases and end-stage kidney disease was found mostly in the male subjects [2.0 (men) vs. 0.6 % (women)]. High-risk CKD was found in 3.3 % of the men aged 55–64 years. A body mass index (BMI) of ≥30, hypertension, diabetes mellitus (DM), current smoking and some job types were independently related to the development of proteinuria, while age, BMI, hypertriglyceridemia, and job types were related to total CKD. The development of high-risk CKD was related to preceding mild CKD signs of reduced eGFR and proteinuria as well as to hypertension, DM, smoking, and job type.


Chronic kidney disease was found in 16 % of middle-aged workers with an equal prevalence in both sexes, while high-risk CKD was found mostly in men, of whom 3.3 % were aged 55–64 years. Obesity, hypertension, DM, smoking and some job types were related to the development and progression of CKD.  相似文献   

近年,我国正大力推进并努力实现全民健康。本期“关注维吾尔族人群慢性病危险因素”栏目的论文,是对新疆喀什地区维吾尔族人群的健康状况专项调查分析。综合国内外同类研究可见,不同民族、国家和地区人群的健康数据存在差异,同一民族在不同地理区域,健康相关的数据也各有迥异。只有充分了解不同民族疾病及相关影响因素的差异性,制定因人而异的健康指标,实施个性化干预策略,才能最终实现真正意义上的全民健康。  相似文献   

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