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目的:对比研究开窗减压术、负压吸引术、刮治术对牙源性颌骨囊性病变的临床疗效。方法:选取牙源性颌骨囊性病变30例,病变最大径>3.5 cm的20例患者进入甲组,并根据患者意愿分为甲组A(开窗减压)11例、甲组B(开窗负压吸引)9例;最大径<3.5 cm的10例患者进入乙组,根据患者意愿分为乙组A(开窗减压)5例和乙组B(手术刮治)5例。测量治疗过程中囊腔体积变化及曲面体层片缺损面积,比较囊性缺损缩小速度,应用SPSS 11.0软件包对病变范围的缩小情况量化后进行统计学分析。结果:甲组A开窗减压和甲组B负压吸引囊腔愈合良好,6个月后囊腔体积减少平均百分率为63.66%和83.52%,囊腔面积减少平均百分率为65.86%和88.65%,甲组B与甲组A有显著差异,P<0.05;乙组B一次手术刮治治疗组6个月后颌骨形态与结构基本恢复正常,有效率100%,乙组A有效率为60%。结论:负压吸引术较开窗减压术对大型牙源性颌骨囊性病变有更好的治疗作用,具有广阔的应用前景;小型牙源性颌骨囊性病变最好选择一次性手术刮治治疗。  相似文献   

目的基于风险评估对上海6岁儿童进行龋病分级管理,并评价临床效果。 方法2018年在上海采用随机整群抽样的方法,抽取城郊4个区19所学校2127名儿童参与调查,按学校随机整群分为试验组和对照组。参照美国儿童牙科学会(AAPD)提出的龋病风险评估指南(CAT),评估所有参与研究儿童的患龋风险等级,得到基线。试验组儿童根据高、中、低患龋风险等级,按照CAT中相对应的干预措施实施龋病分级管理。对照组儿童按照上海市基本口腔公共卫生服务项目管理。采用EpiData3.1软件建立数据库,应用SPSS 21.0软件进行统计分析。采用卡方检验的方法分析干预1年前后的患龋情况及新发龋发病状况。采用多因素Logistic一般线性回归分析的方法建立回归模型,分析比较试验组和对照组儿童的龋病相关影响因素。 结果共1691名儿童参与了2019年复查,失访率为20.50%。去除部分无效问卷后,最终获得有效口腔检查表与问卷调查表的儿童共1655名,其中试验组826人、对照组829人。2018年参与研究儿童总患龋率为62.25%,干预1年后,总患龋率升高至68.22%,其中试验组儿童患龋率的升高程度低于对照组。试验组儿童干预1年后患龋风险等级升高比例远低于对照组儿童。试验组和对照组儿童的新发龋发病率分别为37.6%、47.6%,差异有统计学意义(χ2 = 16.954,P = 0.000)。每天三餐之外进食含糖零食或饮料的频率(P对照 = 0.031,OR对照 = 0.573;P试验 = 0.002,OR试验 = 0.471)、晚上睡前吃甜点或喝甜饮料的频率(P对照 = 0.043,OR对照 = 0.708;P试验 = 0.026,OR试验 = 0.706)、每天刷牙次数(P对照 = 0.000,OR对照 = 0.456;P试验 = 0.000,OR试验 = 0.178)是试验组和对照组儿童共同的龋病相关危险因素。对照组儿童的龋病相关危险因素还包括孩子开始刷牙的年龄(P = 0.037,OR = 0.380),开始刷牙年龄越小,患龋可能性越低。局部涂氟为试验组儿童的龋病保护性因素(P = 0.000,OR = 0.554)。 结论基于风险评估的龋病分级管理能有效降低上海6岁儿童患龋状况,值得推广。  相似文献   

目的: 对下颌牙龈癌颌骨侵犯进行影像学评估及分析,为进一步优化手术方案及术后治疗提供影像学依据。方法: 选择60例下颌牙龈癌手术患者,分析术前曲面体层片、平扫和增强CT,并对其中符合条件的30例手术标本进行micro-CT三维重建,分析骨密度、骨小梁厚度、骨小梁分离度等相关参数。采用SPSS 22.0软件包对数据进行统计学分析。结果: 常规影像学检查,曲面体层片、平扫及增强CT均有不足,micro-CT三维重建可以准确区分骨松质及骨皮质,评估下颌骨侵犯的范围及程度,相应的数据参数分析癌边缘及癌中心与正常下颌骨组织的皮质骨骨密度显著降低(P<0.05),骨小梁厚度显著变薄(P<0.05),松质骨骨密度显著降低(P<0.05)。癌中心与正常下颌骨组织骨小梁分离度增加(P<0.05)。结论: 目前对于下颌牙龈癌的手术方案还存在争议,进一步提高CT检查精度,可能会为制定下颌牙龈癌手术方案提供更精确的指导。  相似文献   

Objective:To compare the reproducibility of landmark identification on three-dimensional (3D) cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) images between procedures based on traditional cephalometric definitions (procedure 1) and those tentatively proposed for 3D images (procedure 2).Materials and Methods:A phantom with embedded dried human skull was scanned using CBCT. The acquired volume data were transferred to a personal computer, and 3D images were reconstructed. Eighteen dentists plotted nine landmarks related to the jaws and teeth four times: menton (Me), pogonion (Po), upper-1 (U1), lower-1 (L1), left upper-6 (U6), left lower-6 (L6), gonion (Go), condyle (Cd), and coronoid process (Cp). The plotting reliabilities of the two procedures were compared by calculating standard deviations (SDs) in three components (x, y, and z) of coordinates and volumes of 95% confidence ellipsoid.Results:All 27 SDs for procedure 2 were less than 1 mm, and only five of them exceeded 0.5 mm. The variations were significantly different between the two procedures, and the SDs of procedure 2 were smaller than those of procedure 1 in 21 components of coordinates. The ellipsoid volumes were also smaller for procedure 2 than procedure 1, although a significant difference was not found.Conclusions:Definitions determined strictly on each three sectional images, such as for procedure 2, were required for sufficient reliability in identifying the landmark related to the jaws and teeth.  相似文献   

目的:利用三维模型分析法比较不同印模材料印模对游离龈位置的变化量。方法:随机选取10位健康人的60颗上前牙为实验对象,实验前后分别行口内光学扫描(CEREC?AC Omnicam),获取光学模型数据。用3种印模材料(藻酸盐、聚醚、加成型硅橡胶)取口内印模,分别灌制超硬石膏模型,并扫描石膏模型获取三维数据。将口内扫描的光学模型数据通过软件(Geomagic Qualify 2013)与石膏模型扫描的光学模型数据进行重叠,比较不同印模材料制取印模后游离龈位置变化量。结果:3种印模材料印模后的游离龈位置变化量的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);藻酸盐印模与聚醚印模的游离龈位置的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);而加成型硅橡胶印模与藻酸盐印模和聚醚印模的游离龈位置之间的差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);加成型硅橡胶印模的游离龈位置的变化量最大(P<0.05)。结论:印模过程所产生的压力会导致游离龈位置发生不同程度的改变,不同印模材导致游离龈位置的改变不一样;口内光学印模可以精确评价游离龈位置。  相似文献   

This study used three-dimensional cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) to assist the accuracy of open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) for the unilateral subcondylar fracture and the long-term temporomandibular joint (TMJ) function impairment.Bilateral TMJs were analyzed postoperatively on CBCT images, involving the following three-dimensional (3D) parameters: condylar position and inclination; circumferential joint space, ramus, and mandible length; and the volumetric joint space. The inclusion criteria for adult patients included having a displaced fracture >5°, a shortening in ramus length >2 mm, and mouth opening limitation. The non-fracture side was used as the comparison group. The Helkimo index was employed for the clinical assessment of the outcomes, while the paired student t-test and Pearson coefficient test were used to compare both sides.The study included 60 joints in 30 consecutive patients. The condylar inclination to the horizontal plane on the fracture and non-fracture sides was 9.29 ± 3.9°, 12.46 ± 4.2°, (p < 0.001) and was positively related to the subjective (Helkimo Hi) and objective (Helkimo Di) clinical outcomes. In contrast, the condylar position to the midsagittal plane in the fracture and non-fracture sides was 51.95 ± 3.5 mm, 50.17 ± 3.6 mm (P = 0.038), and was positively related to the objective outcomes. Additionally, the objective outcome was negatively related to the change of the posterior joint space.ConclusionThe three-dimensional assessments seem to demonstrate that the ORIF is an accurate approach for obtaining a three-dimensional reduction to the displaced subcondylar fracture.  相似文献   

目的 模拟比较牙槽突裂植骨前后上颌扩弓对上颌牙槽骨位移影响。方法 在已建立的植骨前上颌骨有限元模型上,采用ANSYS软件模拟牙槽突裂植骨,形成植骨后上颌骨模型。在2组模型上分别施加相同上颌扩弓力,观察比较牙槽骨区域三维方向位移形变情况。结果 三维方向位移量比较,植骨前扩弓组均显著大于植骨后扩弓组(P<0.05)。水平向位移:植骨前扩弓,由前向后牙槽骨区域位移量逐渐降低;植骨后扩弓,由前向后牙槽骨区域位移量逐渐升高;植骨前后扩弓健侧牙槽骨位移量均显著大于患侧(P<0.05)。垂直向位移:植骨前后扩弓,牙槽骨前内侧均向下移动,牙槽骨后外侧均向上移动。矢状向位移:植骨前扩弓,牙槽骨前内侧向前移动,后外侧向后移动,植骨后扩弓移动趋势相反。结论 单侧完全性唇腭裂患者植骨前扩弓三维方向移动均较植骨后明显,植骨前扩弓建议扩弓器适当向后移动,植骨后扩弓建议扩弓器适当向前移动并配合前牵引治疗,同时治疗中需警惕不对称扩弓及前牙开的发生。  相似文献   

目的 探讨以主成分分析(principal component analysis,PCA)法分析口腔鳞状细胞癌(oral squamous cell carcinoma,OSCC)的差异表达基因(differentially expressed genes,DEGs)数据库构建的OSCC诊断模型的价值,为临床诊疗提供参...  相似文献   

This systematic review aimed to compare oral health‐related quality of life (OHRQoL) between two tooth replacement strategies – the shortened dental arch (SDA) concept and conventional treatment with removable partial dental prosthesis (RPDP) or implant‐supported fixed partial dental prosthesis (IFPDP) – for distal extension of edentulous space in the posterior area. We retrieved eligible randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and non‐RCTs published between 1980 and November 2016 retrieved from MEDLINE and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials. The primary outcome was OHRQoL evaluated using validated questionnaires. Two reviewers independently screened and selected the articles, evaluated the risk of bias and determined the standardised weighted mean difference (SWMD) in OHRQoL scores between the two strategies using a random effects model. Two RCTs and one non‐RCT involving 516 participants were included in this review. All studies employed the oral health impact profile (OHIP) for evaluation of OHRQoL. There was no statistically significant difference in OHIP summary scores between SDA and RPDP at 6 (SWMD = 0·24) or 12 (SWMD = 0·40) months post‐treatment. Only one non‐RCT had reported higher OHRQoL with IFPDP than with SDA; however, because of the small sample size, there was no significant difference in OHIP summary scores between the two strategies at 6 (SWMD = ?0·59) or 12 (SWMD = ?0·67) months post‐treatment. In terms of OHRQoL in partially dentate patients, the SDA concept appears to be as feasible as RPDP restoration. Further clinical trials are required to clarify the effect of IFPDP restoration on OHRQoL.  相似文献   

PurposeThe reconstruction of oromandibular defects can be challenging, particularly when considerable amounts of bone and soft tissues are lost. In such cases, the use of a single flap may be unsatisfactory and a concomitant free flap is needed. Here we present a chimeric, thoracodorsal perforator-scapular free flap based on the angular artery of the subscapular system (TDAP-Scap-aa) as an alternative technique for single flap reconstruction of extensive oromandibular defects.Materials and methodsThe authors studied patients who underwent reconstructions of extensive oromandibular defects with a TDAP-Scap-aa free flap. The operative technique and the clinical experiences are described. Postoperatively, surgical complications were classified with the Clavien-Dindo Classification.ResultsFive male patients (59.4 ± 8.8 years) were treated with the TDAP-Scap-aa. Average sizes for harvested hard and soft tissue components, which are both included in the flap and completely independently from each other, were 10.4 ± 1.5 cm of bone length, 2.6 ± 0.3 cm of bone height, 11.6 ± 4.8 cm of skin paddle length and 8.4 ± 1.7 cm of skin paddle width. The overall mean operation time (cut-suture) was 14.6 ± 0.9 h. The postoperative follow-up was 6 months. No complications requiring surgical treatment as well as donor site nerve damages were observed.ConclusionsIn comparison to other double free flaps, the TDAP-Scap-aa offers several advantages such as higher amounts of hard and soft tissues without prolonged operation times, and provides satisfying aesthetic outcomes and little donor site morbidity due to the preservation of muscle and nerve structures. Therefore, the TDAP-Scap-aa constitutes a clinically reliable alternative in extensive oromandibular defect reconstruction.  相似文献   

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