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利用百科知识、临床指南、科技文献、专家经验等多源异构资源进行本体顶层范畴界定,借助Ontofox、Protégé等本体工具采集并组织黑色素瘤疾病、分子异常、症状、解剖结构、药物、干预与操作、并发症等顶层范畴的概念和术语,构建黑色素瘤单病种本体并对其评估,开发本体展示和检索工具,为相关领域研究提供参考。  相似文献   

对近10年来中医药领域本体研究进行文献调研、筛选和统计,梳理中医药领域现有本体相关研究进展、本体主题分布情况,总结当下中医药本体研究存在的不足,并提出建议,以期为我国中医药领域本体构建与应用提供借鉴。  相似文献   

目的/意义 分析解剖学本体的器官表征特点,为其他领域本体的研究和构建提供参考。方法/过程 对比医学系统命名法——临床术语标准(SCT)、跨物种解剖本体Uberon、解剖学基础模型本体(FMA)3种解剖学本体在器官分类方法、术语映射等方面的异同。结果/结论 SCT与Uberon主要依据器官功能分类,FMA主要依据器官解剖形态分类;FMA和Uberon中器官的概念与SCT中整体器官的概念相同,三者成对器官的表征形式较相近。  相似文献   

万维网本体语言(Web Ontology Language,OWL)旨在构建内容丰富、逻辑严谨、可在万维网上共享的领域本体,为表达复杂的中医证候知识体系提供了潜在的解决方案。研究探索如何基于OWL对中医证候知识进行建模,提出了针对证候层次结构、证候特征、证候疾病复合概念及“证候加减”的知识建模方法。  相似文献   

Objectives The verification of biomedical ontologies is an arduous process that typically involves peer review by subject-matter experts. This work evaluated the ability of crowdsourcing methods to detect errors in SNOMED CT (Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical Terms) and to address the challenges of scalable ontology verification.Methods We developed a methodology to crowdsource ontology verification that uses micro-tasking combined with a Bayesian classifier. We then conducted a prospective study in which both the crowd and domain experts verified a subset of SNOMED CT comprising 200 taxonomic relationships.Results The crowd identified errors as well as any single expert at about one-quarter of the cost. The inter-rater agreement (κ) between the crowd and the experts was 0.58; the inter-rater agreement between experts themselves was 0.59, suggesting that the crowd is nearly indistinguishable from any one expert. Furthermore, the crowd identified 39 previously undiscovered, critical errors in SNOMED CT (eg, ‘septic shock is a soft-tissue infection’).Discussion The results show that the crowd can indeed identify errors in SNOMED CT that experts also find, and the results suggest that our method will likely perform well on similar ontologies. The crowd may be particularly useful in situations where an expert is unavailable, budget is limited, or an ontology is too large for manual error checking. Finally, our results suggest that the online anonymous crowd could successfully complete other domain-specific tasks.Conclusions We have demonstrated that the crowd can address the challenges of scalable ontology verification, completing not only intuitive, common-sense tasks, but also expert-level, knowledge-intensive tasks.  相似文献   

本体论是研究宇宙本原的哲学问题,关乎一切存在的本性问题探讨.不同本性的本体论是通过与之相应的认识论而得到认识,且决定着不同的方法论,进而决定了不同思维模式的生成.关于对本体论的认识,气本体和物本体的生命认知路径是不同的.在中医学思想体系中,宇宙的本体是气,气本体比物本体更接近于宇宙本身.从气的基质、气化、多态、功用、感...  相似文献   

国际标准化组织(ISO)近期完成了一项关于中医药文献元数据的技术规范草案,它反映了中医药文献的特点,对于中医药文献资源的保护和利用具有重要意义。语义网(Semantic Web)技术为该规范在全球范围内的实施提供了潜在的解决方案。研究采用语义网技术,根据该草案构建了面向中医药文献元数据的本体,并采用该本体对中医药文献进行了示范性标注,为在语义网环境中实施该规范奠定基础。  相似文献   

In the past ten years, the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in biomedicine has increased rapidly, which roots in the rapid growth of biomedicine data, the improvement of computing performance, and the development of deep learning methods. At present, there are great difficulties in front of AI for solving complex and comprehensive medical problems. Ontology can play an important role in how to make machines have stronger intelligence and has wider applications in the medical field. By using ontologies, (meta) data can be standardized so that data quality is improved and more data analysis methods can be introduced, data integration can be supported by the semantics relationships which are specified in ontologies, and effective logic expression in nature language can be better understood by machine. This can be a pathway to stronger AI. Under this circumstance, the Chinese Conference on Biomedical Ontology and Terminology was held in Beijing in autumn 2019, with the theme “Making Machine Understand Data”. The success of this conference further improves the development of ontology in the field of biomedical information in China, and will promote the integration of Chinese ontology research and application with the international standards and the findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability(FAIR) Data Principle.  相似文献   

赵少英  许二平 《中医学报》2021,36(4):759-762
中医药治疗糖尿病抑郁具有辨证论治、整体调节、早期干预的特色和优势。目前,对糖尿病抑郁的中医基础研究已取得了一定的进展。临床研究方面,中药治疗、非药物疗法、心理干预等均取得了较好的临床疗效。但糖尿病抑郁尚未形成系统的病因病机理论、证候分类及疗效判定标准,在临床辨证论治中的指导作用有待加强,且临床研究质量不高,中医药早期干预糖尿病抑郁的文献偏少。针对于此,今后应借助现代科学技术开展糖尿病抑郁中医基础理论体系框架构建的系统性研究;同时,基于顶层设计,应用中医真实世界研究方法开展高质量的临床研究,为中医药临床推广提供更高级别的循证医学证据;充分发挥中医学"治未病"的特色和优势,针对糖尿病抑郁发病的危险因素及患者体质分类进行早期干预,从而全面提升中医临床诊疗水平。  相似文献   

目的针对国内图书馆在海外中医药书籍资源建设中存在的问题,提出海外中医药书籍资源建设策略。方法介绍海外中医药书籍的产生和发展情况,对海外中医药书籍的发展现状进行整理,最后探讨"一带一路"背景下海外中医药书籍资源建设的基本策略。结果海外中医药书籍种类多样、版本复杂、数量庞大、分布较广,但良莠不齐。图书馆可以从顶层设计、管理机制、交流与合作、科研、特色阅览室建设、团队建设6个方面优化海外中医药书籍资源。结论图书馆应意识到海外中医药书籍资源的学术价值和重要性,利用"一带一路"为海外中医药书籍资源建设提供的机会,为中医药在海外更好地传播提供帮助和指导。  相似文献   

目的研究和开发支持中医和现代生物医学本体和术语集的语义标注系统。方法以MedPortal本体库和中医临床术语集等为术语资源库,设计语义标注系统工作流程和功能框架,并开发Web应用系统。结果构建了一个基于Web的中医药文献语义标注系统,支持语料库管理与维护、术语词典管理、语义标注和语义检索等功能,既可以为基于机器学习的信息抽取算法研究提供训练集,又能实现语义层面的多来源数据集成与知识融合。结论该中医药文献语义标注系统设计方案已经过实际项目验证,可为其他同类系统研发提供参考。  相似文献   

建国以来中医药文献研究的二次高潮,在整理出版大量古籍的同时,构筑了现代中医药学术体系的基本框架。迈向21世纪的中医药文献研究,在继续进行古籍整理的同时,应对文献学术进行全面系统的研究,解决中医药理论、临床的重大学术问题,充分认识中医药文献研究兼具文理学科的性质,根据时代的发展,提出科技含量高的文献课题,必须造就一批高水准复合型文献整理和研究专家。  相似文献   

介绍《军用医学主题词表》基本情况、词间关系、款目格式及存在的问题,阐述运用本体工具对词表进行电子化升级的方法和过程,使其得到更便捷、直观的利用,为构建军事医学顶层本体奠定基础。  相似文献   

Ontology engineering covers issues related to ontology development and use. In Case Based Reasoning (CBR) system, ontology plays two main roles; the first as case base and the second as domain ontology. However, the ontology engineering literature does not provide adequate guidance on how to build, evaluate, and maintain ontologies. This paper proposes an ontology engineering methodology to generate case bases in the medical domain. It mainly focuses on the research of case representation in the form of ontology to support the case semantic retrieval and enhance all knowledge intensive CBR processes. A case study on diabetes diagnosis case base will be provided to evaluate the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

The National Center for Biomedical Ontology is now in its seventh year. The goals of this National Center for Biomedical Computing are to: create and maintain a repository of biomedical ontologies and terminologies; build tools and web services to enable the use of ontologies and terminologies in clinical and translational research; educate their trainees and the scientific community broadly about biomedical ontology and ontology-based technology and best practices; and collaborate with a variety of groups who develop and use ontologies and terminologies in biomedicine. The centerpiece of the National Center for Biomedical Ontology is a web-based resource known as BioPortal. BioPortal makes available for research in computationally useful forms more than 270 of the world's biomedical ontologies and terminologies, and supports a wide range of web services that enable investigators to use the ontologies to annotate and retrieve data, to generate value sets and special-purpose lexicons, and to perform advanced analytics on a wide range of biomedical data.  相似文献   

调查黑龙江省各级中医医院业务应用系统与信息化服务水平情况,分析中医医院信息化建设现状以及存在的问题,提出相应对策,包括制定顶层规划、健全中医药统一标准体系、注重中医药信息化人才储备等。  相似文献   

证候研究中的边缘   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的从与证候研究相关的边缘学科--哲学、语言学、思维学、数学等相关学科对证候研究中已出现和可能出现的问题进行拷问,藉以引发证候研究者在证候研究中进行深层次的思考.方法从西方哲学本体论的角度分别讨论中西医学的本体论基础,从东方哲学讨论证候的"象"与"意";从语言学的角度分析证候的表层结构与深层结构;从思维学的角度论述思维所考虑的"事实问题"与"规范问题";从数学的角度讨论构成证候的症状体征串的有序与无序.结果中医证候本体论的基础多为"本体论的承诺"少见"本体论的事实",虽然重"象"但更重从"象"中取"意";证候宜分为宏观层次与微观层次,两者的关系多呈先后关系,且两者本为一体;症状体征串应该是有序的.结论证候研究过程中,应时刻不忘中医理论形成过程中所做出的"本体论承诺",理解它是如何应用"虚构"来弥补认识论的欠缺;我们的思维需要规范,"本体论的承诺"与"本体论的事实"是不同的,它们是构建理论体系的两种不同的方法.  相似文献   

近年来,领域本体在生物医学钡域广泛应用,在知识的获取、管理和检索中发挥了积极作用。通过文献调研找出了牛物医学领域中的小体,选取其中的代表件本体进行调研与分析,并讨论了存在的问题和发展趋势。  相似文献   

目的:构建医疗设备技术培训在线学习平台,加强青年工程师的技术学习和经验交流。方法基于本体理论,采用OWA框架构建医疗设备技术知识体系;采用本体开发工具Protege和网络本体语言(OWL)创建基于XML的技术培训课程体系。结果该学习平台的应用,使医疗设备技术培训课程的知识体系规范化、系统化,便于后台管理与统计分析。结论该平台能够满足青年工程师的在线学习与经验交流的需求。  相似文献   

对近年来中医药领域本体研究进行回顾,梳理传统知识组织系统为领域本体研究提供的支撑,总结成功经验及不足,提出共同构建中医药本体集的倡议,更好地支持中医药领域多源数据的整合与智能分析。  相似文献   

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