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Identification of psychiatric distress by primary care physicians   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The aims of the present study were to evaluate the extent to which primary care physicians' (PCPs) identification of psychiatric distress is related to a number of nonpsychopathological factors, such as patient sociodemographic and health-related characteristics, and to assess the impact of depression on PCP identification of psychiatric distress, controlling for patient sociodemographic and health-related characteristics. Two patient samples were chosen to explore these issues: 1) patients not fulfilling any ICD-10-defined or subthreshold psychiatric diagnosis and, 2) patients with an ICD-10 diagnosis of current depression. Patients attending 46 primary care clinics during an index period were screened by the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ)-12 and selected for a second stage interview according to GHQ score. Among the 559 interviewed patients, 123 had no mental disorder and 66 had an ICD-10 current depressive disorder. Identification of psychiatric distress by the PCP was associated with retirement among subjects without mental disorders but not among depressed patients. Patient's negative overall health self-perception and severity of physical illness were significantly related to identification of psychiatric distress in the two groups, whereas neither disability nor reason for medical consultation had a significant effect. Patients with current depression, compared with those without, were 4.3 times more likely to be identified by PCPs as having psychiatric distress when adjusting for all the above nonpsychopathological variables. Patients with depression and comorbid anxiety disorders were more likely to be recognized by the PCP as compared with those with pure depression. Finally, among depressive symptoms, diurnal variation and symptoms related to suicidal tendencies were predictive of identification of psychiatric distress, whereas increase of appetite was negatively associated with PCP recognition.  相似文献   

Few studies have examined the stability of major psychiatric disorders in pediatric psychiatric clinical populations. The objective of this study was to examine the long-term stability of anxiety diagnoses starting with pre-school age children through adolescence evaluated at multiple time points. Prospective cohort study was conducted of all children and adolescents receiving psychiatric care at all pediatric psychiatric clinics belonging to two catchment areas in Madrid, Spain, between 1 January, 1992 and 30 April, 2006. Patients were selected from among 24,163 children and adolescents who received psychiatric care. Patients had to have a diagnosis of an ICD-10 anxiety disorder during at least one of the consultations and had to have received psychiatric care for the anxiety disorder. We grouped anxiety disorder diagnoses according to the following categories: phobic disorders, social anxiety disorders, obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD), stress-related disorders, and “other” anxiety disorders which, among others, included generalized anxiety disorder, and panic disorder. Complementary indices of diagnostic stability were calculated. As much as 1,869 subjects were included and had 27,945 psychiatric/psychological consultations. The stability of all ICD-10 anxiety disorder categories studied was high regardless of the measure of diagnostic stability used. Phobic and social anxiety disorders showed the highest diagnostic stability, whereas OCD and “other” anxiety disorders showed the lowest diagnostic stability. No significant sex differences were observed on the diagnostic stability of the anxiety disorder categories studied. Diagnostic stability measures for phobic, social anxiety, and “other” anxiety disorder diagnoses varied depending on the age at first evaluation. In this clinical pediatric outpatient sample it appears that phobic, social anxiety, and stress-related disorder diagnoses in children and adolescents treated in community outpatient services may have high diagnostic stability.  相似文献   

This study examined the confidence levels of physicians in assessing the risk of suicide among older adults in clinical settings. Of the 300 physicians who were selected from a population of 4980 family practice, internal medicine, and geriatric physicians in Illinois, 63% responded to the mail survey. Several categorical items inquired about specific assessment and treatment approaches, referral resources used, barriers to meeting the mental health needs of older patients, and sources of training in suicide risk assessment. All the training items (suicide assessment in medical school, residency, and CME courses; rating of medical school training; and insufficient training in geriatric mental health) were significantly (p < 0.01) associated with confidence in assessing suicidality. The overall model consisting of six variables explained 57% of the variation in confidence scores [F (6, 130) = 28.48, p < 0.001]. Three variables accounted for 50% of the explained variance: confidence in diagnosing depression, residency training in the assessment of suicide risk, and assessment of the intentional misuse of medication. Confidence in diagnosing depression (beta = 0.38, p < 0.001) was the strongest predictor. More effective mental health care will require specific preparation in treating geriatric patients through the full spectrum of medical training, including medical school, residency, and CME courses. Improved prevention of elderly suicide hinges on the enhancement of clinical skills in diagnosing and treating geriatric depression.  相似文献   

High dosage buprenorphine is actually the principal treatment for substitution medication in France. Clinical trials have demonstrated the clinical efficacy of HD buprenorphine for narcotic addiction, but few data are published concerning the prognostic factors of treatment response in daily practice. A naturalistic study was performed in 1998. 200 generalist practitioners were recruited and 956 patients were included. Sociodemographic, medical and addiction history were collected. A quantitative socio-comportemental and medical indicator (SCMI) was performed. The psychometric properties of the SCMI were analyzed. Simple and multivariate analysis was performed. Patients with good social adjustment and past withdrawal are good responders to HD buprenorphine. Not treated psychiatric pathology was a prognostic factor associated with a relatively poor response to HD buprenorphine. A long duration of treatment (one year) and a clear therapeutic program were associated with good response.  相似文献   

The detection of psychiatric disorder by primary care physicians in Greece was investigated using four non-psychiatric physicians. The General Health Questionnaire indicated a high probable prevalence of psychiatric disorder (77.8%), but the physicians rated only 9.3% of the sample as cases. Eighty eight per cent of the probable cases were undetected by the doctors. The doctors' reporting of cases was not affected by the demographic characteristics of the sample and only weakly affected by the patients' total GHQ score. The high probable prevalence and low detection rate is a cause for concern and requires further investigation.  相似文献   

A survey of 350 family practice physicians nationwide showed that 22.6% of their patients had significant psychiatric disorders. Physicians reported treating most psychiatric problems themselves, usually through a combination of psychotropic drugs, advice, and reassurance. The results suggest that anxiolytics are more conservatively used and referrals for mental health care more often made than past studies indicate. Physicians cited patient resistance and time limitations as the most important barriers to primary care mental health treatment, followed by limited third-party payment for mental health services, poor coordination between the primary care and mental health care sectors, and insufficient training to treat psychiatric disorders.  相似文献   

BackgroundPhysicians are at risk of anxiety and depression.ObjectivesTo determine the prevalence of anxiety and depression in a national sample of young physicians and their associated factors.MethodsThe study is a cross-sectional observational epidemiological national study. An online anonymous questionnaire was administered to the young physicians of all French medical faculties. Anxiety and depression were assessed with the Hamilton Anxiety & Depression scale subscores for anxiety and depression. Psychotropic drug consumption, psychotherapy follow-up and other variables were self-declared.ResultsOf the 2003 study participants, 32.3% reported a current anxiety disorder and 8.7% a current major depressive disorder according to their HAD scores and less than one on five of them was followed-up in psychotherapy or treated by antidepressant. Moral harassment, a bad quality of initial formation regarding dealing with disease and alcohol consumption were all associated with respectively anxiety disorder and major depression in multivariate analyses. Medical vocation was specifically associated with decreased major depression while being woman and increased coffee consumption were specifically associated with increased anxiety disorders.ConclusionAlmost one third of medical students reported anxiety disorder or major depression and less than one on five received the recommended treatment (psychotherapy or antidepressant). The prevention and treatment of psychiatric disorders should be improved in this population. Moral harassment exposure, alcohol and coffee consumptions, bad quality of initial formation regarding dealing with disease have been identified as modifiable factors associated with poor mental health. Despite the absence of causal associations, these results yield some clues to guide future mental health prevention strategies in this population.  相似文献   

The purpose of this pretest-posttest study was to evaluate effects of a training program designed to improve primary care physicians' (PCPs) ability to recognize mental health problems (MHP) and to diagnose and manage depression according to clinical guidelines. The primary care settings were in the northern part of The Netherlands. There were eight intensive, hands-on training sessions of 2.5 hours, each of which three were targeting depression (7.5 hours). In the pretraining phase we screened 1778 consecutive patients of 17 PCPs with the 12-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) and interviewed a stratified sample of 518 patients about presence of current depression with the Primary Health Care version of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI-PHC). PCPs registered patient's mental health (status, severity, diagnosis) and treatment prescribed. Then we trained the PCPs. In the posttraining phase, we screened a new group of 1724 consecutive patients of the same PCPs and a new stratified sample of 498 patients went through the same interview and rating procedures as patients in the pretraining phase. Knowledge about depression was assessed pre- and posttraining. PCPs' knowledge of depression improved significantly. Recognition of MHP and accuracy of depression diagnosis improved, but was not statistically significant. The proportion of patients receiving treatment according to the clinical guidelines increased significantly. It was observed that training PCPs improves the management of depression.  相似文献   

Mental health services in the treatment of late-life depression are critical in the primary care arena. A significant proportion of elderly patients experience depression, a problem causing a far-reaching impact on morbidity, mortality, and quality of life. A number of barriers may prevent effective depression treatment including negative physician and patient attitudes toward the stigma of depression, somatically focused clinical presentations, health care plan constraints, and competing medical demands, as well as gender and geographic isolation. Screening for depression in primary care settings is not always standard fare as physicians may feel confident in their diagnostic abilities. Research addressing effective depression treatment in the primary care setting has been limited to few clinical trials and physician-focused academic detailing. Future research should address real-world scenarios encountered by the primary care physician in their treatment of the "old-old" patient with complex medical comorbidities and functional decline.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study evaluated the adequacy of pharmacological antidepressant treatment in major depressive episodes prescribed in 16 Spanish primary care centers, both during the acute phase of treatment and after the first three months of the continuation phase, under real-world naturalistic conditions (usual care). Factors that could be associated with adequacy of care also were explored. METHODS: A total of 333 patients from primary care who began pharmacological antidepressant treatment were followed up for six months. Treatment adequacy and associated factors were evaluated. RESULTS: Between 27% and 32% of patients received adequate antidepressant treatment during the acute phase. Percentages of adequacy were between 21% and 25% when considering the acute phase and the first three months of the continuation phase. Psychiatric consultations were found to be associated with treatment adequacy. CONCLUSIONS: In state-funded Spanish primary care centers, antidepressant treatment adequacy was poor during both the acute phase and the first three months of the continuation phase. Primary care physicians prescribed suggested antidepressants, mostly as recommended (99%) and at adequate dosages. However, they did not perform the recommended number of follow-up sessions and treated patients with depressive disorders other than major depression as if they had a major depressive episode. Collaborative interventions between primary and specialized care could improve treatment adequacy.  相似文献   

The study investigated psychosocial factors associated with the use/non-use of services by primary carers of people with dementia (caring for relative/friend with dementia). The factors considered were individual differences, health, stress, family/social support, years of caring, age of carers/person with dementia, gender and level of behavioural disturbance presented by the person with dementia. The participants were referred to the study by health services, social services representatives and GPs. The carers (N=50) were divided into two groups (service user/non-user). The findings indicated that primary carers in the non-user service group scored significantly higher on a measure (sense of coherence; SOC) estimating an individual's ability to deal with stressful situations. The individual's ability to deal with caring responsibilities was associated with a reduction in the level of diagnosable psychiatric disorder or ‘caseness’ and the non-use of services. None of the other factors considered were found to be significantly different between the two carer groups. However, a significant inverse association between health, stress and individual ability to deal with stressful situations was found when the two carer groups were combined. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: That subjects with subthreshold depression have an increased probability of developing major depression has been confirmed by many studies. However, the factors which may predict the onset of major depression have yet to be fully examined. METHOD: We examined the control group of a randomized trial in primary care patients with subthreshold depression (N = 109), of whom 20 had developed major depression 1 year later. Using the vulnerability-stress theory, we examined which factors predicted the onset of major depression. RESULTS: In both univariate and multivariate analyses, family history and chronic illnesses predicted the onset of major depression. CONCLUSION: It is possible to predict to a certain degree whether a subject with subthreshold depression will develop major depression within a year.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study examined patterns of mental health service use among depressed children and adolescents and factors associated with help seeking and treatment modalities. METHODS: The sample consisted of 206 children and adolescents aged 9 to 17 years who were assessed as part of a larger survey of mental health service use in five service systems and in the community and who met DSM-III-R criteria for depressive disorders (major depression or dysthymia). RESULTS: Among the 206 children, 75 (36 percent) never received professional help for depressive symptoms. Among the 131 children who received professional help for depression, antidepressants were prescribed for 40 (31 percent) in the year before the interview. The findings indicate possible undertreatment of depression among children and adolescents, especially among African Americans. Socioeconomic factors, such as the mother's education and the child's health insurance, were not associated with receiving professional help for depressive symptoms but were associated with receiving antidepressants. Parental perception of a child's mental health service need was associated with receiving professional help but not with receiving antidepressants. Also, depressed children were more likely to receive antidepressants when they had life-threatening or severe symptoms, such as a suicide attempt or drug abuse. CONCLUSIONS: Whether a depressed child receives mental health services and the types of treatment received are influenced by different individual and family factors and by the type of symptoms exhibited. Better understanding of these factors will help in meeting the service needs of depressed children and adolescents.  相似文献   

In this paper, false-negative and false-positive cases of depressive illness are examined, differentiating levels of disagreement between a primary care physician's diagnosis and a standardized research diagnosis. Two stratified random samples of primary care patients in Seattle, USA (N = 373) and Groningen, The Netherlands (N = 340) were examined with the Composite International Diagnostic Interview-Primary Health Care Version (CIDI-PHC). Physician's severity ratings and diagnosis of psychological disorder were obtained. Three levels of disagreement between physician and CIDI diagnosis were distinguished: 1) complete disagreement about the presence of psychiatric symptoms (true false-negative and true false-positive patients); 2) disagreement over severity of recognized psychological illness (underestimated or overestimated); and 3) disagreement over the specific psychiatric diagnosis among those given a diagnosis (misdiagnosed or given another CIDI diagnosis). All three levels of disagreement were common. Only 27% of the false-negative cases were due to complete disagreement (true false-negatives), and 55% of the false-positives were due to complete disagreement (true false-positives). The true false-negative patients were younger, more often employed, rated their own health more favorably, visited their doctor for a somatic complaint and made fewer visits than the underestimated, misdiagnosed, and concordant positive patients. Complete disagreement in depressive diagnoses between the primary care physician and research interview is not as frequent as indicated by an undifferentiated false-negative/ false-positive analysis. Differentiating levels of disagreement does more justice to diagnostic practice in primary care and provides guidance on how to improve the diagnostic accuracy of primary care physicians.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE To investigate the factors that may predict the occurrence of depression in patients with primary hypertension.

METHODS We conducted a cross-sectional survey on 891 hypertensive patients and 651 normal subjects (control group) from a single community. Zung self-rating depression scale (SDS) was applied to evaluate the symptoms of depression, which was diagnosed when the SDS score was >41.

RESULTS There was no significant difference in gender distribution (female, 48.5 vs. 47.6%) and age (65.3±9.2 vs. 64.0±7.9 years) between the hypertensive control groups (P>0.05). Depression was diagnosed in 139 hypertensive patients (15.6%) and 27 (4.2%) control subjects (P<0.01). The average SDS score was higher in patients with hypertension duration of more than 3 years (33.3±9.0 vs. 30.6±7.6, P<0.001), in patients with severe hypertension (44.0±7.8 vs. 28.9±4.9, P<0.001) and in patients with a history of hospitalization for cardiovascular disorders (38.1±9.3 vs. 32.0±8.4, P<0.001). Multivariate regression analysis showed that the degree and the duration of hypertension, as well as hospitalization history, were independent predictors of depression in the hypertensive patients.

CONCLUSIONS Hypertension is associated with a higher prevalence of depression that can be predicted by the duration and severity of hypertension as well as a history of hospitalization.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study compared time to first remission for elderly depressed patients in primary care for practices that implemented a care management model versus those providing usual care. In addition, it sought to identify risk factors for nonremission that could guide treatment planning and referral to care managers or specialists. METHOD: Prevention of Suicide in Primary Care Elderly: Collaborative Trial (PROSPECT) data were analyzed. Participants were older patients (> or =60 years) selected following screening of 9,072 randomly identified primary care patients. The present analysis examined patients with major depression and a 24-item Hamilton Depression Rating Scale score of 18 or greater who were followed for at least 4 months (N=215). Primary care practices were randomly assigned to offer the PROSPECT intervention or usual care. The intervention consisted of services of trained care managers, who offered algorithm-based recommendations to physicians and helped patients with treatment adherence over 18 months. RESULTS: First remission occurred earlier and was more common among patients receiving the intervention than among those receiving usual care. For all patients, limitations in physical and emotional functions predicted poor remission rate. Patients experiencing hopelessness were more likely to achieve remission if treated in intervention practices. Similarly, the intervention was more effective in patients with low baseline anxiety. CONCLUSIONS: Longitudinal assessment of depression, hopelessness, anxiety, and physical and emotional functional limitations in depressed older primary care patients is critical. Patients with prominent symptoms or impairment in these areas may be candidates for care management or mental health care, since they are at risk for remaining depressed and disabled.  相似文献   

Pramipexole in treatment-resistant depression: a 16-week naturalistic study   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Lattanzi L, Dell'Osso L, Cassano P, Pini S, Rucci P, Houck PR, Gemignani A, Battistini G, Bassi A, Abelli M, Cassano GB. Pramipexole in treatment‐resistant depression: a 16‐week naturalistic study. Bipolar Disord 2002: 4: 307–314. © Blackwell Munksgaard 2002 Objective: To assess the antidepressant efficacy and tolerability of adjunctive pramipexole, a D2–D3 dopamine agonist, in patients with drug‐resistant depression. Methods: The study sample consisted of in‐patients with major depressive episode, according to the DSM‐IV, and drug resistance. Pramipexole was added to antidepressant treatment with TCA or SSRI, at increasing doses from 0.375 to 1.0 mg/day. Two independent response criteria were adopted: a >50% reduction of the Montgomery–Asberg Depressive Rating Scale (MADRS) total score and a score of 1 or 2 on the Clinical Global Impression scale (CGI‐I) at endpoint. Side‐effects were assessed by the Dosage Record Treatment Emergent Symptom Scale (DOTES). Results: Thirty‐seven patients were enrolled. Of these, 16 had unipolar depression and 21 had bipolar depression. Six patients dropped out in the first week. Of the 31 patients included in the analyses, 19 completed the 16‐week follow‐up. Mean maximal dose of pramipexole was 0.95 mg/day. Mean scores on MADRS decreased from 33.3 ± 8.4 at baseline to 13.9 ± 11.5 at endpoint (p < 0.001) and the CGI‐S decreased from 4.6 ± 0.8 at baseline to 2.8 ± 1.3 at endpoint (p < 0.001). At endpoint, 67.7% (21/31) of patients were responders on MADRS and 74.2% on CGI‐I. Of the 37 patients enrolled, 10 discontinued pramipexole because of adverse events. Conclusions: These preliminary data suggest that pramipexole adjunction to antidepressant treatment may be effective and well tolerated in patients with resistant major depression.  相似文献   

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