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近年来关于青年卒中的报道逐渐增加,青年卒中的发病率越来越高。青年卒中不但严重影响患者的生活质量及工作,而且给家庭及社会造成沉重的经济负担。青年卒中的病因与老年人相比更加复杂。对于青年卒中,虽然有些病因及危险因素是先天性的,是不可预防和控制的,例如先天性脑血管畸形、脑淀粉样血管病;但是多数病因及危险因素还是可预防和控制的,例如高血压、糖尿病、吸烟、饮酒等。然而,遗憾的是这些病因及危险因素在发病前大多不被人知晓或重视,以至最终造成脑血管病发病越来越年轻化。探讨青年卒中的病因及危险因素对及早预防具有重要意义。  相似文献   

目前国内外学者已对青年缺血性卒中危险因素及病因进行了广泛研究,本文拟对可干预和不可干预的危险因素,以及动脉粥样硬化、非动脉粥样硬化性血管病、心源性栓塞、凝血系统疾病、单基因遗传性脑血管等病因进行文献复习及综述,旨在青年缺血性卒中的危险因素及病因深入探究提供新的线索。  相似文献   

目的 探讨青年脑卒中患者的病因及危险因素.方法 回顾性分析45例青年缺血性卒中患者的临床资料,并与33例中老年缺血性卒中资料进行比较分析.结果 青年卒中组病因及危险因素依次为高血压、高血脂、动脉粥样硬化、吸烟、饮酒、高纤维蛋白原血症、高同型半胱氨酸血症,糖尿病,偏头痛,动脉夹层,卵圆孔未闭,大动脉炎.两组比较,青年组高脂血症、偏头痛、动脉夹层具有显著性统计学意义.结论 青年卒中病因及危险因素与中老年组不完全相同,积极治疗高血脂症、偏头痛及动脉夹层,对青年缺血性卒中的预防意义更大.  相似文献   

目的分析缺血性脑卒中各TOAST亚型的危险因素及短期预后。方法连续收集急性缺血性脑卒中患者300例,按照TOAST分型标准进行病因分型。采用美国国立卫生院神经功能评分标准(NIHSS)对所有患者入院当天、3 d、7 d、14 d、出院当天进行神经功能评分。治疗期间筛查并记录各亚型患者的危险因素。对比分析各亚型患者治疗期间神经功能改善情况,并采用logistic回归模型对各TOAST亚型患者的危险因素进行分析。结果TOAST分型情况:心源性脑栓塞(CE)40例;大动脉粥样硬化性卒中(LAA)47例;小动脉卒中(SAA)143例;其他原因引发的缺血性卒中(SOE)5例;原因不明的缺血性卒中(SUE)65例。与大动脉粥样硬化性卒中相关的危险因素为高血压和高血脂(P<0.05);与小动脉卒中(SAA)相关的危险因素仅为高血压(P<0.05)。心源性栓塞患者神经功能缺损最严重,恢复较慢,预后最差;小动脉卒中患者神经功能缺损最轻,恢复最快,预后最好;其他类型卒中介于两者之间。结论 TOAST作为一种病因分型方法可以有效地为缺血性脑卒中的预后估计及危险因素预防提供帮助。  相似文献   

目的探讨青年缺血性卒中患者的病因分型构成特点和相关危险因素。方法回顾性分析北京市海淀医院神经内科2010年1月~2014年6月连续登记的120例青年首发缺血性卒中患者,同时选取同期住院的中老年缺血性卒中患者136例作为对照,收集所有研究对象的临床资料,根据中国缺血性卒中亚型(China Ischemic Stroke Subclassification,CISS)明确所有研究对象的病因分型及其危险因素,比较两组患者的病因分型特点及相关危险因素特点。结果青年缺血性卒中组男性82例(68.3%),女性38例(31.7%);中老年组男性76例(55.9%),女性60例(44.1%)。两组性别相比差异具有显著性(χ2=4.183,P=0.041)。CISS分型青年组依次为大动脉粥样硬化(large artery atherosclerosis,LAA)25.8%,原因不明(stroke of other undetermined etiology,SUE)22.5%,穿支动脉闭塞(perforating branch artery occlusion,PAO)20.8%,心源性(cardioembolism,CE)19.2%,其他病因(stroke of other etiology,SOE)11.7%。中老年组依次为LAA 40.5%,PAO 33.8%,CE 21.3%,SOE 2.9%,SUE 1.5%。青年缺血性卒中和中老年缺血性卒中两组间病因分型除CE差异无显著性外,LAA、PAO、SOE、SUE两组比较均差异具有显著性(P0.05)。其中青年组SOE、SUE病因分型比例明显高于中老年组,差异有显著性(P0.05)。青年组排前5位的危险因素分别是吸烟48.3%,高血压44.2%,高脂血症40.8%,饮酒36.7%,卒中家族史23.3%。而中老年组分别是高血压57.4%,糖尿病47.1%,高脂血症43.4%,颈动脉粥样硬化37.5%,吸烟35.3%。两组间相关危险因素比较,青年组吸烟、饮酒、卒中家族史明显高于中老年组,两组比较差异有显著性(P0.05)。结论青年缺血性卒中病因分型构成特点和相关危险因素与中老年患者分布不同。早期明确病因分型和发现危险因素有利于青年缺血性卒中的防治。  相似文献   

目的本研究旨在探讨青年缺血性卒中患者在病因、危险因素等方面的性别差异,为提高青年卒中病因诊治水平提供一定支持证据。方法回顾性分析2013年1月-2019年1月连续收治于北京协和医院的年龄18~50岁的缺血性卒中患者,收集人口学、危险因素、临床、影像及其他辅助检查资料,应用规范化筛查流程根据TOAST分型进行病因诊断,比较上述变量间的性别差异。结果共入组青年卒中236例(男性69.1%),平均年龄37.4±8.10岁。男女患者在发病年龄,入院NIHSS和出院mRS评分无显著差异。67.4%的患者具有至少一种常见卒中危险因素,其中高血压最常见(43.6%),其次为吸烟(33.5%)和高脂血症(31.4%)。男女患者合并常见卒中危险因素的比例具有显著差异(78.5%vs 42.5%,P=0.000)。病因分布上存在显著的性别差异(P=0.000),其中男性更多为大动脉粥样硬化(50.3%),女性其它病因更常见(50.7%)。结论青年缺血性卒中病因和危险因素存在显著性别差异。相较于女性,男性更多合并常见卒中危险因素,病因更多为大动脉粥样硬化。提示在青年卒中病因诊断和危险因素筛查过程中应充分考虑性别因素,有助于优化诊断流程,改善患者预后。  相似文献   

目的探讨青年缺血性卒中患者病因及危险因素。方法收集71例青年缺血卒中患者及80例中老年缺血性卒中患者的临床资料,同时选取140例青年健康体检自然人群作为对照,进行病因及相关危险因素分析。结果青年缺血组TOAST病因分型按比例依次为大动脉粥样硬化型(LAA)40.8%、小动脉闭塞型(SAO)28.2%、不明原因型(UND)15.5%、其它原因型(OTH)9.9%、心源性栓塞型(CE)5.6%。与中老年缺血组比较,其UND型比例明显增高(P〈0.05)。青年缺血性脑卒中易患因素依次为吸烟、高脂血症、高血压病、糖尿病、心脏病。与中老年缺血性组相比,青年缺血组中男性患者比例显著增高(P〈0.05)。结论青年缺血性卒中以LAA型最常见;其发病为多因素共同作用结果。  相似文献   

目的探讨急性缺血性卒中中国缺血性卒中亚型(CISS)分型与不同危险因素的关系。方法回顾性分析连续登记的急性缺血性脑梗死患者,记录其危险因素,并按CISS分型标准将急性缺血性卒中分为5种类型并分析相关因素对其发生风险的影响。结果在纳入标准的212例急性缺血性卒中患者中,大动脉粥样硬化型99例(46.7%)、心源性卒中型35例(16.5%)、穿支动脉疾病45例(21.2%)、其他病因型5例(2.4%)、病因不确定型28例(13.2%)。吸烟者、高血压病、冠心病、心房颤动者在5亚型间比例差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。相关和回归分析显示冠心病、心房颤动与心源性卒中亚型有正相关性(β=1.34、2.206,P〈0.05),高血压病与穿支动脉疾病亚型有相关性,为正相关性(β=1.074,P〈0.05)。结论不同类型缺血性脑卒中与不同的危险因素有关,心房颤动、冠心病是心源性卒中亚型的危险因素,高血压病是穿支动脉疾病亚型的危险因素。  相似文献   

青年卒中危险因素研究新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卒中好发于老年人,但近年来研究显示青年人卒中发病率呈逐年上升趋势。青年卒中病因复杂繁多,主要的病因有早发性动脉粥样硬化、颈部动脉夹层、心源性脑栓塞、免疫性疾病等。现就青年卒中的病因、危险因素予以综述。  相似文献   

高血压是缺血性卒中最常见的可调节危险因素之一,作为一种多病因、高度异质性的疾病,环境、遗传因素在高血压的发生、发展过程中发挥着重要作用。基因与环境之间的相互作用,也就是表观遗传修饰可能介导遗传因素、环境因素和缺血性卒中之间的关系,但具体机制仍不明确。表观遗传修饰包括DNA甲基化、组蛋白修饰、染色质重塑等,其中DNA甲基化是表观遗传的重要组成部分,也是研究相对成熟的机制。DNA甲基化可以调节基因的表达,同时也受环境因素的影响。本文介绍了DNA甲基化在高血压相关病理生理机制、危险因素及环境因素等方面的研究进展,探讨了与高血压相关的DNA甲基化影响卒中风险的潜在机制,提出DNA甲基化用于高血压诊断、治疗及预防缺血性卒中的新靶点和新思路。  相似文献   

Conditions associated with arterial ischaemic stroke in children include a great variety of diseases and triggers such as congenital heart malformations, sickle cell disease, infections and vasculopathies, although up to 50% are cryptogenic. An abnormal vascular status can be demonstrated by vascular imaging in up to 80% of children with ischaemic stroke, and case control studies demonstrate an association between ischaemic stroke in children and hereditary prothrombotic risk factors and infections such as Varicella. Conventional risk factors such as hypertension and dyslipidaemia may also play a role, and most children have several potential triggers rather than one single cause. This review focuses on clinical presentations, imaging methods, stroke subtypes, underlying conditions including prothrombotic risk factors, outcome and recurrence. Although data from randomised controlled trials, on which clinical practice might be based, are sparse, therapeutic approaches and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

Etiology of stroke in children   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Although the risk factors for stroke in children are numerous and differ greatly from the causes of stroke in adults, a thorough diagnostic evaluation can identify one or more risk factors in most patients. Cardiac disorders and hemoglobinopathy are the most common causes of ischemic infarction, whereas various congenital anomalies of the blood vessels or defects in coagulation or platelet function are often found in children with intraparenchymal hemorrhage. More than one risk factor is commonly identified, especially in children with dural venous thrombosis. Identification of the underlying risk factors for cerebrovascular disorders in children is important because many of the risk factors can be treated, reducing the risk of subsequent strokes.  相似文献   

《Pediatric neurology》2014,50(6):595-600
BackgroundAlthough stroke among children is rare, it can cause significant morbidity and mortality. We aim to share our experience of children with arterial ischemic stroke.MethodsThe initial symptoms, demographical features, risk factors, neurological examination, neuroradiological findings, and clinical follow-up data of 130 Turkish children seen between 2002 and 2013 were retrospectively analyzed.ResultsSixty-eight patients were male. Thirty of the children were aged from 1 to 12 months (seven of them died in this period). Focal neurological signs were the most common presentation, and hemiplegia or hemiparesis were the most common focal signs. Underlying risk factors were detected in 103 patients. Infections and congenital heart disease were the most common risk factors. Seven of the nine children with recurrent arterial ischemic strokes had one or more underlying diseases (moyamoya disease in two children along with factor V Leiden mutation, tuberculous meningitis, congenital heart disease, homocystinuria, and hemiconvulsion-hemiplegia-epilepsy syndrome). The arterial ischemic stroke was located in the middle cerebral circulation in 68 (36 left and 32 right) and in the posterior cerebral artery in 41. Eighteen children died. The neurological outcome was assessed in 98 children. Of these children, 66 children have neurological deficits and 52 children have seizures. Stroke in the first year of life is more often fatal. Recurrent stroke is associated with poor prognosis.ConclusionTuberculous meningitis is still a risk factor for arterial ischemic stroke in Turkey. Arterial ischemic stroke in the first year of life and recurrent arterial ischemic stroke represent poor prognostic features.  相似文献   

Risk factors for arterial ischemic stroke in children   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Since early recurrence occurs in at least 10% of patients presenting with their first stroke in childhood in the reported series, the search for modifiable risk factors should be a priority. Risk factors for stroke in adults include hypertension, diabetes, and smoking, as well as cardiac disease and sickle cell anemia; asymptomatic cerebrovascular disease and transient ischemic events may predict stroke in this age group. The investigation of a child with a stroke has traditionally focused on finding a single cause rather than looking for risk factors to which the patient may be exposed life long. Approximately half of children presenting with stroke have a known predisposing condition, but some have unexpected pathologies such as primary cerebrovascular disease associated with congenital heart anomalies, or may have modifiable risk factors such as hypertension associated with sickle cell disease. The literature on children presenting with initially unexplained (cryptogenic) stroke suggests that there is a daunting list of possible causes, but since the series have mainly been small, it has been difficult to evaluate the relative importance of the reported associations. This paper reviews the literature on congenital, genetic, and acquired risk factors for stroke in childhood, and includes data from the large series of patients seen at Great Ormond Street Hospital over the past 10 years. The majority have arteriographic abnormalities and there is little evidence for asymptomatic cardiac disease. Genetic predisposition, trauma, infection, and nutritional deficiencies appear to be important, although case-control studies will be required to prove causation. Appropriate screening for modifiable risk factors may lead to prevention of recurrence in some patients. In the long term, an understanding of the multiple etiologies of childhood cerebrovascular disease and ischemic stroke may lead to primary prevention in this age group, and perhaps in adults.  相似文献   

In children, stroke is as common as brain tumour and causes substantial mortality and long-term morbidity, with recurrence in up to 20%. There are three sets of international clinical guidelines relating to childhood stroke; however, acute and preventive treatment recommendations are based on interventions effective in adults, rather than data regarding efficacy in children. A wide spectrum of risk factors underlies childhood stroke, and these risk factors vary from those encountered in adults. Specific disease mechanisms implicated in childhood arterial ischaemic stroke have received little attention, but an increased understanding of disease pathogenesis could lead to novel targeted treatment approaches. Here, we consider insights into the pathogenesis of childhood arterial ischaemic stroke and cerebral arteriopathy, provided by current knowledge of Mendelian diseases that are associated with an increased risk of these conditions. We give particular attention to aspects of vascular development, homoeostasis, and response to environmental effects. Our analysis highlights a potential role for interventions already licensed for pharmaceutical use, as well as new therapeutic targets and avenues for further research.  相似文献   

Stroke in young adults and children   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Data from studies of 337 children and 1606 young adults are summarized to identify the major causes of stroke in these age groups. In children under 15 years of age, stroke occurs in patients with congenital heart disease, nonatherosclerotic vasculopathies, infection, and hematologic defects like sickle cell disease. In patients 15 to 35 years of age, dissection, cardioembolism, nonatheroslerotic vasculopathies, and prothrombotic states cause a significant percentage of strokes. In adults over 35 years of age, traditional atherosclerotic risk factors predominate. Lifestyle choices (eg, cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, and illicit drug use) can significantly increase the rate of stroke among young adults in a community. Limited access to healthcare may increase the role of infectious disease and peripartum complications.  相似文献   

To investigate the risk factors and treatment outcomes for ischemic stroke in children, we reviewed the charts of 93 children with ischemic stroke seen at our hospital between 1997 and 2006. Age at stroke, sex, medical history, family history, clinical findings upon admission, history of seizure, and radiological findings were recorded. Mean age at onset of the initial stroke was 56.6 ± 46.9 months, ranging from 1 month to 14 years. The male:female ratio was 1.6:1. Cardiac and infectious disease were the most common risk factors (37.7%). There were five children (5.4%) who had recurrent stroke and three (3.2%) who had multiple risk factors. Cardiac and infectious causes appeared to be the most important risk factors for ischemic stroke in children in the Adana region of Turkey.  相似文献   

The clinical presentation, risk factors, causes, vital or functional prognosis, and acute management options for stroke occurring in neonates and children are specific, differing from those observed in young adults. Compared with the adult population, less is known about the epidemiology of stroke in the under-18 population where the disease could become more frequent because of advances in both neonatal resuscitation techniques for cerebral disorders and neuroimaging techniques enabling the diagnosis of small lesions. Clinical features are often delayed, especially in neonates, and unlike epilepsy or dystonia of the affected limb, which are frequent complications, aphasia is rather rare. The most frequent causes of stroke at the beginning of life are cardiac embolism, for ischemic stroke, and arteriovenous malformations, for intracerebral hemorrhage. Acute management at this age is specific. This article reviews the literature on the epidemiological and clinical features, the main causes, and the acute management guidelines of stroke occurring in newborn infants and children and highlights the need for neurologists to have comprehensive knowledge of this disease.  相似文献   

The role of plasma-phase risk factors for stroke in the pediatric age group is presently unclear due to the lack of sufficiently large prospective studies, and due to the fact that these risk factors do not apply uniformly to newborns, children with sickle cell disease, and older children. Available evidence indicates that factor V Leiden, prothrombin 20210A, and lipoprotein (a) are all important in the pathogenesis of arterial ischemic stroke in older children, but the role of other plasma-phase risk factors remains uncertain. The contribution of these risk factors to newborn stroke and the stroke of children with sickle cell disease is similarly unclear, likely because the ischemia in affected children is predominantly due to nonhematologic perinatal events and erythrocyte adhesion to endothelium with obstruction of flow in the cerebral microcirculation, respectively. Evaluation of childhood stroke should, in our view, always be performed from the standpoint of the presenting clinical symptoms, diagnostic imaging, and determination of plasma-phase risk factors. Therapeutic anticoagulation and use of antiplatelet agents at present focus on the older child.  相似文献   

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