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Nurse:Doyouwanttoseeadoctor?Patent:Yes,whereshallIregister?N:Here,haveyoubeenherebefore?P:No,thisismyfirstvisit.N:Haveyouaregistrationcard?P:No,Iforgottobringit.N:Doyourememberyourcardnumber?P:No,Ican’trememberit.N:Pleaseshowmeyouridentitycard.P:OK.护士:你要看病吗?患者:是的,在哪儿挂号?护士:这儿,你从前来过吗?患者:没有,这是第一次来。护士:你有挂号证吗?患者:没有,我忘记带了。护士:你记得你的挂号证号码吗?患者:不记得了。护士:请出示你的身份证。患者:好的。DIALOGUE…  相似文献   

正术后护理Postoperative Care6N:Are you feeling better today?今天感觉好些了吗?P:Not really.My hands ache a lot.不是很好,我的手很痛。N:Would you like some pain relief?你需要止痛药吗?P:Yes,please.My hands ache more in the mornings.是的。早上我的手疼得比较厉害。  相似文献   

N:Is there anything worrying you?有什么事让你发愁呢? P:Yes:I have a lump (mass) in my left breast.在我左乳房上有一个肿块.  相似文献   

正核对患者信息5.Do you have any allergies?您对什么过敏吗?Nurse:Mr.Connolly,have you got an ID bracelet on?护士:康诺利先生,你佩戴医疗腕带了吗?Patient:Yes.Here it is.患者:是的,在这儿。Nurse:I just need to check your personal details.Can I look at your ID bracelet,please?护士:我需要核查一下你的个人信息。我可以看一下你的腕带吗?Patient:Certainly.患者:当然可以。Nurse:Can you tell me your full name,please?护士:请问,您的全名怎么称呼?  相似文献   

Patient:Willyoushowmewherethesitting -room ,bathroomandtelephoneare?请告诉我起坐间、浴室和电话在哪儿好吗 ?Nurse :Ofcourse .AreyouMuslim ?当然可以 ,你是伊斯兰教徒吗 ?P :No ,Iamnot.不 ,我不是。N :Whichkindoffooddoyouprefer,ChineseorWest ern ?你喜欢吃中餐还是喜欢吃西餐 ?P :IlikeChinesefoodverymuch .我非常喜欢吃中餐。N :Haveyoueatenbreakfast (lunch ,supper)already ?你吃过早饭 (午饭 ,晚饭 )了吗 ?P :Yes,Ihave .是 ,吃过了。N :Howisyourappetite ?你的胃口怎样 ?P :Ihavenoappetiteatall.一点食欲也…  相似文献   

正测量生命体征N-Nurse,P-Patient N:Now,I'm going to take your temperature.现在我来给您量一下体温。P:OK.好的。N:I'm going to take it in your ear with this tympanic thermometer.我需要把这个鼓膜温度计放到您的耳朵里。P:That's new?这是新型的温度计吗?N:Yes.Can you turn your head to one side for me,please?是的。您可以把头扭到一边吗?P:Sure.This side?当然,这边吗?N:That's fine.I'll just wait for the beep.Right.It's37.3℃.好的。接下来只需要等温度计发出哔声。好  相似文献   

护士英语简易会话   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Registering(挂号 )护士 :您好 !您要看病吗 ?Nurse :Hello !Doyouwanttoseeadoctor ?病人 :是的。我想我要先挂号吧。Patient:Yes ,I’dliketoregisterfirst .护士 :你以前到这儿来过吗 ?Nurse :Haveyoueverbeenherebefore?病人 :没来过 ,这是第一次。Patient:No ,thisismyfirstvisit.护士 :您有挂号证吗 ?Nurse :Haveyouaregisteringcard ?病人 :有 ,我有的。Pati…  相似文献   

DIALOGUENurse:What seems to be the trouble?Patient:It’s my stomach.I think probably I had too muchat supper yesterday evening.N:Can you tell me what you had for supper yesterdayevening?P:Seafood,roastduck.,a great variety of things,I can’t name them exactly.N:Have you vomitted?P:Yes,I have vomitted three ti mes and made severaltrips to the bathroomlast night.N:I see.Nowyou haveto get your stools tested.I’ll writeout a slip and you can take it to the laboratory.Waitfor a while and …  相似文献   

正在麻醉恢复室Postanesthesia Care Unit(PACU)N-Nurse,P-Patient N:Hello,Mr.Brodzik.Can you open your eyes,please?你好,Brodzik先生,麻烦您睁一下眼睛。N:That's it.I'll just take off your oxygen mask.好的,我需要拿掉您的氧气面罩。N:Do you know where you are?您知道您在哪吗?P:Hospital.医院。N:That's right.You've had your operation.How do you feel?是的。您刚做完手术,现在感觉怎么样?  相似文献   

ConversationBetweenNurseandPatient护士和病人对话PePticUlcer消化性溃疡Nurse:Whereisyourpain?你觉得哪里痛?Patient:Inmystomach.我胃痛。N:Showmeexactlywhereitis.请告诉我准确的地方。P:Here.这里痛。N:Doyoufeelpainaftermeals?是饭后痛吗?P:Yes.Ithappensaftereverymeal·对。每顿饭后都痛。N:Howsoondoesthepaincomeonaftereachmeal?饭后多少时间病?P:Abouthalfanhour.大约半小时。N:Doyoufeelpainfulwhenyouarehungry?饥饿时痛吗?P:Yes.是的。N:Doyoufeelbetteraftereatingsomething?你吃点…  相似文献   

乔美珍  王美德 《护士进修杂志》2007,22(3):F0004-F0004
肾移植病人的全程护理Total Nursing Care for a Patientwith kidney Transplartation情景三Scene3交流:Interactions:护士:小陈,手术后你恢复得很好。再过几天,你就可以回家了。Nurse:Mr.Chen,you are recovering very well after theoperation.You may go home in a few days.病人:可以回家了?Patient:I may go home?护士:是的,但回家后,希望你能坚持服药,并在饮食、活动及自我监测等方面与我们配合。Nurse:Yes.But you should keep taking your medicine,and continue cooperate with us on your diet,daily activities,and self …  相似文献   

DIALOGUEJack :HaveyoueverbeentoNewYork ?Mary :Yes,Iwastherelastyear .Jack :Howlongwereyouthere ?Mary :Onlyfortwodays .Jack :Wheredidyoustay ?Mary :InasmallhotelnearCentralPark .Jack :Whatdidyouseewhileyouwerethere ?Mary :Oh ,mostofthesights———Broadway ,Fifthavenue……WhatIlikebestwastheMuseumofModernArt .Jack :DidyougouptheEmpireStateBuilding ?Mary :No ,Ididn’t ;butIsawitfromtheair .ItookahelicopterflightoverManhattan .Itwasfantastic .杰克 :你曾经去过纽约吗 ?玛丽 :是的 ,…  相似文献   

DIALOGUENurse:What seems to be the problem?Patient:Well,I was crossingthe road,where a car cameround the corner too quickly,and when the driversaw me,it was too late to stop.I was knockedto the ground,and whenI got up,myleft ar mandelbow were grazed and now,I have a painin myribs.N:I’ll just take alook.Where does it hurt?P:It’s hard to say.It hurts all over.N:Does it hurt when I do this?P:Ouch!The pain is very bad when you press here.N:Your ar m and elbowseemto be all right.But,to…  相似文献   

护士:约翰太太,有你的电话。病人:是长途电话吗?护士:不是。是从你们大使馆打来的。医生:明天我们就要给你做手术了,希望你不要紧张。病人:我会做到,但是否会痛呢?医生:我们会用麻药的。手术期间你若觉得痛就告诉我们。护士:你交手术志愿书了吗?病人:该怎么写呢?医生:“我(名字)签名人申请并同意做某种手术。”然后签上名字就行了。我们需要在这张志愿书上盖上你们大使馆的印鉴,还需要你们大使的签字。Nurse(N):Mrs.John,you are wanted on the phone.Patient(P):Is it a long distance call?N:No. It’s from your embassy.Doctor(D):…  相似文献   

Anaemia 贫血P: I have felt weak recently.last few days I've felt worse.I don't know what is the matter with me. 我最近觉得乏力。这几天更加重。我不知道出了什么问题。N: You look very pale. We'll give you a thorough check-up. Now, first of all, I would like to have a detailed history. How long have you felt sick? 你看起来很苍白。我给你仔细检查一下。现在,首先我想知道详细的病史。你病了多久了? P: I am not quite certain. I've be-  相似文献   

曹影婕  王美德 《护士进修杂志》2007,22(10):F0004-F0004
冠脉搭桥术后病人便秘的护理指导Post-operative Nursing Instructions on Constipationfor a Coronary Artery Bypass Graft(CABG)Patient护士:你这些天不太敢吃蔬菜和水果是吗?(一边按摩一边微笑着说)Nurse:You haven’t eaten vegetables and fruits thesedays,haven’t you?(Speaking with a smile while massagingthe patient)病人:是啊,你怎么知道的?以前我每天都是吃很多水果的,排便一直很正常。但是开完刀后就什么都不敢吃,每天就吃点米饭和鱼汤啊什么的。Patient:Yes,how do you know?I used to eat manyfruits and have r…  相似文献   

P:The paper for the driving licence needs my height.驾驶执照上要有我的身高. N:Do you know your height in centimeters?你知道你身高多少厘米吗?  相似文献   

消化性溃疡病人用药指导Medication Instructions for a patient with Peptic Ulcer病人:好吧。他真的好了吗?Patient:OK.Has he really recovered?护士:是真的。你现在最主要的是放松心情,保持愉快良好的情绪,我这有一本《笑话全集》介绍给你看,希望对你有所帮助。Nurse:Really.Nowthe most i mportant thing for youto do is to relax and try to be in a cheerful mood.I have acomic book.I’ll let you readit and hope it will help you re-lax.护士:我一会儿再来看你,有什么不舒服告诉我或者直接按铃呼我好吗?Nurse:I will come backto see you after a while.If youfeel uncomfortable in the meanti me,please tell me or pressthe call button.OK?病人:好的。P...  相似文献   


Conversation Between Ward Nurse and Patient 病房护士和病人对话 Health Advice for the Aged 老年保健指导Nurse: Good afternoon, Mr. Li. How are you feeling now? Do you still have pain in your chest? 护士:李先生,你好。现在你感觉如何?胸还疼吗?Patient: No, There is no more pain, but I feel a little tight in my chest. I also feel dizzy when I stand up. 病人:不痛了,但胸部有点紧迫的感觉。我站立时还 感到眩晕。N: Your electrocardiogram shows that you have coronary heart disease. Your attack…  相似文献   

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