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The hippocampus may play a role in categorization because of the need to differentiate stimulus categories (pattern separation) and to recognize category membership of stimuli from partial information (pattern completion). We hypothesized that the hippocampus would be more crucial for categorization of low‐density (few relevant features) stimuli–due to the higher demand on pattern separation and pattern completion–than for categorization of high‐density (many relevant features) stimuli. Using a touchscreen apparatus, rats were trained to categorize multiple abstract stimuli into two different categories. Each stimulus was a pentagonal configuration of five visual features; some of the visual features were relevant for defining the category whereas others were irrelevant. Two groups of rats were trained with either a high (dense, n = 8) or low (sparse, n = 8) number of category‐relevant features. Upon reaching criterion discrimination (≥75% correct, on 2 consecutive days), bilateral cannulas were implanted in the dorsal hippocampus. The rats were then given either vehicle or muscimol infusions into the hippocampus just prior to various testing sessions. They were tested with: the previously trained stimuli (trained), novel stimuli involving new irrelevant features (novel), stimuli involving relocated features (relocation), and a single relevant feature (singleton). In training, the dense group reached criterion faster than the sparse group, indicating that the sparse task was more difficult than the dense task. In testing, accuracy of both groups was equally high for trained and novel stimuli. However, both groups showed impaired accuracy in the relocation and singleton conditions, with a greater deficit in the sparse group. The testing data indicate that rats encode both the relevant features and the spatial locations of the features. Hippocampal inactivation impaired visual categorization regardless of the density of the category‐relevant features for the trained, novel, relocation, and singleton stimuli. Hippocampus‐mediated pattern completion and pattern separation mechanisms may be necessary for visual categorization involving overlapping irrelevant features.  相似文献   

We propose a computational model of perceptual categorization that fuses elements of grounded and sensorimotor theories of cognition with dynamic models of decision-making. We assume that category information consists in anticipated patterns of agent–environment interactions that can be elicited through overt or covert (simulated) eye movements, object manipulation, etc. This information is firstly encoded when category information is acquired, and then re-enacted during perceptual categorization. The perceptual categorization consists in a dynamic competition between attractors that encode the sensorimotor patterns typical of each category; action prediction success counts as “evidence” for a given category and contributes to falling into the corresponding attractor. The evidence accumulation process is guided by an active perception loop, and the active exploration of objects (e.g., visual exploration) aims at eliciting expected sensorimotor patterns that count as evidence for the object category. We present a computational model incorporating these elements and describing action prediction, active perception, and attractor dynamics as key elements of perceptual categorizations. We test the model in three simulated perceptual categorization tasks, and we discuss its relevance for grounded and sensorimotor theories of cognition.  相似文献   

We used the Land Colour Mondrian experiments in a Bayesian context to test the degree to which subjects vary in categorizing the colour of different patches, when each patch is made to reflect light of the identical wavelength‐energy composition. The brain uses a ratio‐taking mechanism to determine the ratio of light of every waveband reflected from a surface and from its surrounds. Our (Bayesian) hypothesis was that this ratio‐taking mechanism is similar in all humans and therefore leads to a constant categorization of colours that differs little between them. The similarly categorized colours are the initial priors, with initial hues attached to them. Twenty subjects of different ethnic and cultural backgrounds, for all but one of whom English was not the primary language, viewed eight patches of different colour in two Mondrian displays; each patch, when viewed, was made to reflect identical ratios of long‐, middle‐ and short‐wave light. Subjects were asked to match the colour of the viewed patch with that of the Munsell chip coming closest in colour to that of the viewed patch, without using language. In terms of hue, there was less variability in matching warm hues than cool ones. In terms of colour categorization, there was little variability overall. We take the lack of significant variability between subjects in the matches made as a pointer to similar computational mechanisms being employed in different subjects to perceive colours, thus permitting them to assume that their categorization of colours has universal agreement and assent.  相似文献   

Recent neuropsychological theories emphasize the influence of maladaptive learning and memory processes on pain perception. However, the precise relationship between these processes as well as the underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood; especially the role of perceptual discrimination and its modulation by associative fear learning has received little attention so far. Experimental work with exteroceptive stimuli consistently points to effects of fear learning on perceptual discrimination acuity. In addition, clinical observations have revealed that in individuals with chronic pain perceptual discrimination is impaired, and that tactile discrimination training reduces pain. Based on these findings, we present a theoretical model of which the central tenet is that associative fear learning contributes to the development of chronic pain through impaired interoceptive and proprioceptive discrimination acuity.  相似文献   

Perceptual judgments are frequently made during uncertain situations. Previous human brain imaging studies have revealed multiple cortical and subcortical areas that are activated when decision uncertainty is linked to outcome probability. However, the neural mechanisms of uncertainty modulation in different perceptual decision tasks have not been systematically investigated. Uncertainty of perceptual decision can originate either from highly similar object categories (e.g. tasks based on criterion comparison) or from noise being added to visual stimuli (e.g. tasks based on signal detection). In this study, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to investigate the neural mechanisms of task‐dependent modulation of uncertainty in the human brain during perceptual judgements. We observed correlations between uncertainty levels and fMRI activity in a network of areas responsible for performance monitoring and sensory evidence comparison in both tasks. These areas are associated with late stages of perceptual decision, and include the posterior medial frontal cortex, dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex, and intraparietal sulcus. When the modulation of uncertainty on the two tasks was compared, dissociable cortical networks were identified. Uncertainty in the criterion comparison task modulated activity in the left lateral prefrontal cortex related to rule retrieval. In the signal detection task, uncertainty modulated activity in higher visual processing areas thought to be sensory information ‘accumulators’ that are active during early stages of perceptual decision. These findings offer insights into the mechanism of information processing during perceptual decision‐making.  相似文献   

Detection of animals in natural images using far peripheral vision   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
It is generally believed that the acuity of the peripheral visual field is too poor to allow accurate object recognition and, that to be identified, most objects need to be brought into foveal vision by using saccadic eye movements. However, most measures of form vision in the periphery have been done at eccentricities below 10 degrees and have used relatively artificial stimuli such as letters, digits and compound Gabor patterns. Little is known about how such data would apply in the case of more naturalistic stimuli. Here humans were required to categorize briefly flashed (28 ms) unmasked photographs of natural scenes (39 degrees high, and 26 degrees across) on the basis of whether or not they contained an animal. The photographs appeared randomly in nine locations across virtually the entire extent of the horizontal visual field. Accuracy was 93.3% for central vision and decreased almost linearly with increasing eccentricity (89.8% at 13 degrees, 76.1% at 44.5 degrees and 71.2% at 57.5 degrees ). Even at the most extreme eccentricity, where the images were centred at 70.5 degrees, subjects scored 60.5% correct. No evidence was found for hemispheric specialization. This level of performance was achieved despite the fact that the position of the image was unpredictable, ruling out the use of precued attention to target locations. The results demonstrate that even high-level visual tasks involving object vision can be performed using the relatively coarse information provided by the peripheral retina.  相似文献   

Contrast discrimination in the cat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cats were trained to discriminate between two sinusoidal grating patterns differing only in contrast. The smallest discriminable contrast difference was determined for a number of different baseline contrast levels, and the resulting contrast increment thresholds plotted in the form of a contrast discrimination function. The resulting function was linear when plotted on log/log coordinates and the slope of this function varied with spatial frequency. These behavioural results are compared to the contrast/response properties of retinal and cortical neurones.  相似文献   

It is well established that many individuals with traumatic brain injury (TBI) are impaired at facial affect recognition, yet little is known about the mechanisms underlying such deficits. In particular, little work has examined whether the breakdown of facial affect recognition abilities occurs at the perceptual level (e.g., recognizing a smile) or at the verbal categorization stage (e.g., assigning the label “happy” to a smiling face). The aim of the current study was to investigate the integrity of these two distinct facial affect recognition subskills in a sample of 38 individuals with moderate-to-severe TBI and 24 demographically matched healthy individuals. Participants were administered an affect matching (perceptual skills) and an affect labeling (verbal categorization skills) task. Statistical analyses revealed that, while individuals with TBI showed significantly higher levels of impairment in the verbal categorization task than in the perceptual task, they performed less well than healthy comparison participants on both tasks. These findings indicate that facial affect recognition impairment can occur at different cognitive stages following TBI, suggesting the necessity of careful screening to offer targeted treatment. Moreover, they provide further neuropsychological evidence supporting the notion that distinct types of subskills are necessary to achieve successful recognition of facial affects.  相似文献   

Summary In recent studies disorders of colour vision in Parkinsonian patients have been demonstrated. Up to now, the influence of dopaminergic treatment on those phenomena remains unclear. We therefore performed a colour vision test (Farnsworth-Munsell 100 Hue Test) in 19 patients with Parkinson's disease before and aater the oral application of the morning dose of L-dopa. The colour discrimination was significantly improved after the ingestion of L-Dopa. There was no different effect of L-Dopa on the blue-yellow or red-green axis of colour vision. The morphological structures responsible for these colour vision disturbances are unknown, but it can be concluded that the dopamine deficiency in Parkinson's disease is not restricted to the basal ganglia but may involve the visual system as well.  相似文献   

Wai-keung  Yun-hui 《Neural networks》2003,16(10):1403-1420
Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART) networks are employed in robot behavior learning. Two of the difficulties in online robot behavior learning, namely, (1) exponential memory increases with time, (2) difficulty for operators to specify learning tasks accuracy and control learning attention before learning. In order to remedy the aforementioned difficulties, an adaptive categorization mechanism is introduced in ART networks for perceptual and action patterns categorization in this paper. A game-theoretic formulation of adaptive categorization for ART networks is proposed for vigilance parameter adaptation for category size control on the categories formed. The proposed vigilance parameter update rule can help improving categorization performance in the aspect of category number stability and solve the problem of selecting initial vigilance parameter prior to pattern categorization in traditional ART networks. Behavior learning using physical robot is conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed adaptive categorization mechanism in ART networks.  相似文献   

To aid our understanding of age-related changes in brain activation during visuoperceptual processing, we designed an experiment to test the effect of task difficulty on regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) as measured by positron emission tomography (PET). We report here the results from 10 young subjects engaged in match-to-sample tasks of progressively degraded faces. The tasks consisted of a control task, a face matching task with no stimulus degradation, and five levels of degradation: 20%, 40%, 50%, 60%, and 70%. Both performance accuracy and reaction times deteriorated significantly with increasing face degradation. There was a significant increase of rCBF in bilateral fusiform gyri during all face-matching conditions compared to the control task, and bilateral prefrontal activation during the 70% degradation condition. Linear regression analyses revealed a significant increase of rCBF in the right prefrontal cortex, and linear decreases of rCBF in the striate and fusiform cortex as face degradation increased. Performance on the 70% task was correlated positively with rCBF in right prefrontal and bilateral fusiform gyri, and negatively with left prefrontal and striate rCBF. These results show that the right prefrontal, striate, and ventral extrastriate cortex are the principal brain regions that modulate their activity as this visual discrimination task becomes more difficult. The right prefrontal increase probably represents an increasing demand on working memory or attention, whereas decreased rCBF in the striate cortex may be due to changes in the characteristics of the stimuli, or to suppression of low-level processing by one of a number of mechanisms. This experiment has implications both for the design of neuroimaging experiments, and for interpreting differences in rCBF activation between groups. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
  • 1 This article is a US Government work and, as such, is in the public domain in the United States of America.
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    The vision of cats which were monocularly deprived during early infancy, of kittens, and of young human infants shares two limitations: detection in the nasal visual field is far poorer than detection in the temporal visual field, and optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) is difficult to elicit when a pattern moves nasally to temporally.Here we report similar limitations on the vision of children who had a dense central cataract in one eye during early infancy. Extensive static perimetry with one of these children whose visual acuity was good in both eyes revealed that her threshold for detection all along the horizontal meridian was higher in her aphakic than in her normal eye, with this difference much more pronounced in the nasal visual field than in the temporal visual field. Three children who developed cataracts after 6 months of age showed no such discrepancy between thresholds in the temporal and nasal fields.We tested the symmetry of OKN in 12 children treated for unilateral congenital cataract. In every test of an aphakic (n = 4) or normal eye (n = 12), OKN occurred significantly more often when stripes moved temporally to nasally than when they moved nasally to temporally. In contrast, no asymmetry was observed in any of 13 children treated for traumatic cataracts incurred after 3 years of age.We conclude that children treated for unilateral congenital cataract, like young human infants and monocularly deprived cats, show asymmetric OKN and relatively poor detection in the nasal visual field.  相似文献   

    Practice improves our perceptual ability. However, the neural mechanisms underlying this experience‐dependent plasticity in adult brain remain unclear. Here, we studied the long‐term neural correlates of motion perceptual learning. Subjects’ behavioral performance and BOLD signals were tracked before, immediately after, and 2 weeks after practicing a motion direction discrimination task in noise over six daily sessions. Parallel to the specificity and persistency of the behavioral learning effect, we found that training sharpened the cortical tuning in MT, and enhanced the connectivity strength from MT to the intraparietal sulcus (IPS, a motion decision‐making area). In addition, the decoding accuracy for the trained motion direction was improved in IPS 2 weeks after training. The dual changes in the sensory and the high‐level cortical areas suggest that learning refines the neural representation of the trained stimulus and facilitates the information transmission in the decision process. Our findings are consistent with the functional specialization in the visual cortex, and provide empirical evidence to the reweighting theory of perceptual learning at a large spatial scale. Hum Brain Mapp 38:6029–6042, 2017. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

    Group membership is an important aspect of our everyday behavior. Recently, we showed that existing relevant in-group labels increased activation in the medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC) compared with out-group labels, suggesting a role of the MPFC in social categorization. However, the question still remains whether this increase in MPFC activation for in-group representation is solely related with previous experience with the in-group. To test this, we randomly assigned participants to a red or blue team and in a subsequent functional magnetic resonance imaging experiment they categorized red and blue team words as belonging to either the in-group or the out-group. Results showed that even under these minimal conditions increased activation was found in the MPFC when participants indicated that they belonged to a group, as compared with when they did not. This effect was found to be associated with the level of group identification. These results confirm the role of MPFC in social categorization.  相似文献   

    Continuous training enhances perceptual discrimination and promotes neural changes in areas encoding the experienced stimuli. This type of experience‐dependent plasticity has been demonstrated in several sensory and motor systems. Particularly, non‐human primates trained to detect consecutive tactile bar indentations across multiple digits showed expanded excitatory receptive fields (RFs) in somatosensory cortex. However, the perceptual implications of these anatomical changes remain undetermined. Here, we trained human participants for 9 days on a tactile task that promoted expansion of multi‐digit RFs. Participants were required to detect consecutive indentations of bar stimuli spanning multiple digits. Throughout the training regime we tracked participants’ discrimination thresholds on spatial (grating orientation) and temporal tasks on the trained and untrained hands in separate sessions. We hypothesized that training on the multi‐digit task would decrease perceptual thresholds on tasks that require stimulus processing across multiple digits, while also increasing thresholds on tasks requiring discrimination on single digits. We observed an increase in orientation thresholds on a single digit. Importantly, this effect was selective for the stimulus orientation and hand used during multi‐digit training. We also found that temporal acuity between digits improved across trained digits, suggesting that discriminating the temporal order of multi‐digit stimuli can transfer to temporal discrimination of other tactile stimuli. These results suggest that experience‐dependent plasticity following perceptual learning improves and interferes with tactile abilities in manners predictive of the task and stimulus features used during training.  相似文献   

    The brain is organized such that it encodes and maintains category information about thousands of objects. However, how learning shapes these neural representations of object categories is unknown. The present study focuses on faces, examining whether: (1) Enhanced categorical discrimination or (2) Feature analysis enhances face/non‐face categorization in the brain. Stimuli ranged from non‐faces to faces with two‐toned Mooney images used for testing and gray‐scale images used for training. The stimulus set was specifically chosen because it has a true categorical boundary between faces and non‐faces but the stimuli surrounding that boundary have very similar features, making the boundary harder to learn. Brain responses were measured using functional magnetic resonance imaging while participants categorized the stimuli before and after training. Participants were either trained with a categorization task, or with non‐categorical semblance analyzation. Interestingly, when participants were categorically trained, the neural activity pattern in the left fusiform gyrus shifted from a graded representation of the stimuli to a categorical representation. This corresponded with categorical face/non‐face discrimination, critically including both an increase in selectivity to faces and a decrease in false alarm response to non‐faces. By contrast, while activity pattern in the right fusiform cortex correlated with face/non‐face categorization prior to training, it was not affected by learning. Our results reveal the key role of the left fusiform cortex in learning face categorization. Given the known right hemisphere dominance for face‐selective responses, our results suggest a rethink of the relationship between the two hemispheres in face/non‐face categorization. Hum Brain Mapp 38:3648–3658, 2017. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

    Feng L  Liu J  Wang Z  Li J  Li L  Ge L  Tian J  Lee K 《Neuropsychologia》2011,49(13):3739-3749
    The present study was the first to use the functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) methodology to investigate the neural correlates of race categorization of own- and other-race faces. We found that Chinese participants categorized the race of Caucasian faces more accurately and faster than that of Chinese faces, replicating the robust effect of the other-race categorization advantage. Regions of interest (ROI) analyses revealed greater neural activations when participants were categorizing own-race faces than other-race faces in the bilateral ventral occipito-temporal cortex (VOT) such as the fusiform face areas (FFAs) and the occipital face areas (OFAs). Within the left FFA, there was also a significant negative correlation between the behavioral difference of own- and other-race face categorization accuracy and the activation difference between categorizing own- and other-race faces. Whole brain analyses showed that categorizing own-race faces induced greater activations in the right medial frontal cortex (MFC) and right inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) than categorizing other-race faces. Psychophysiological interaction (PPI) analyses revealed that the frontal cortical regions interacted more strongly with the posterior VOT during the categorization of own-race faces than that of other-race faces. Overall, our findings suggest that relative to the categorization of other-race faces, more cortical resources are engaged during the categorization of own-race faces with which we have a higher level of processing expertise. This increased involvement of cortical neural sources perhaps serves to provide more in-depth processing of own-race faces (such as individuation), which in turn paradoxically results in the behavioral other-race categorization advantage.  相似文献   

    Converging evidence suggests a relationship between aerobic exercise and hippocampal neuroplasticity that interactively impacts hippocampally dependent memory. The majority of human studies have focused on the potential for exercise to reduce brain atrophy and attenuate cognitive decline in older adults, whereas animal studies often center on exercise‐induced neurogenesis and hippocampal plasticity in the dentate gyrus (DG) of young adult animals. In the present study, initially sedentary young adults (18–35 years) participated in a moderate‐intensity randomized controlled exercise intervention trial ( ClinicalTrials.gov ; NCT02057354) for a duration of 12 weeks. The aims of the study were to investigate the relationship between change in cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) as determined by estimated MAX, hippocampally dependent mnemonic discrimination, and change in hippocampal subfield volume. Results show that improving CRF after exercise training is associated with an increased volume in the left DG/CA3 subregion in young adults. Consistent with previous studies that found exercise‐induced increases in anterior hippocampus in older adults, this result was specific to the hippocampal head, or most anterior portion, of the subregion. Our results also demonstrate a positive relationship between change in CRF and change in corrected accuracy for trials requiring the highest level of discrimination on a putative behavioral pattern separation task. This relationship was observed in individuals who were initially lower‐fit, suggesting that individuals who show greater improvement in their CRF may receive greater cognitive benefit. This work extends animal models by providing evidence for exercise‐induced neuroplasticity specific to the neurogenic zone of the human hippocampus.  相似文献   

    Chen A  Xu P  Wang Q  Luo Y  Yuan J  Yao D  Li H 《Human brain mapping》2008,29(9):1028-1039
    We designed a novel task, partially incongruent categorization (PIC), to examine the timing of cognitive control. In the PIC task, participants categorized the probe stimulus according to a specific concept, and the number of features corresponding to the concept was varied. When there was one feature (c1 condition), the probe would elicit only categorization, but when there was more than one feature (c2 and c3 conditions), the probe would also elicit cognitive control. Here, the high temporal resolution of event-related potentials (ERPs) was utilized to investigate the temporal patterns of activity during conflict detection and control. Cognitive control elicited a N2 that was much larger in response to c2 and c3 than c1 in stimulus-locked waveforms, and no difference was evident between c2 and c3. The N2 was followed by a P3 that was much less on c2 and c3 than c1 trials, with no difference between c2 and c3. A dipole source analysis for two difference waves, c2-c1 and c3-c1, further showed that the corresponding dipoles of the N2 and P3 in the cognitive control conditions were in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and prefrontal cortex (PFC), respectively. Taken together, the present findings support that ERP components in response to the PIC task reflect the time course of cognitive control: the N2 responds to conflict information and subsequently activates the P3 to control this conflict. The connection between the ACC and PFC is supported by their sequential activation within trials.  相似文献   

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