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例1,患儿,男,出生30d,早产儿,妊娠35周娩出,娩出时体重约2.6kg,1个月后体重3kg。因皮疹半个月,咳嗽、气喘2d,院外就诊,给予一般处理后转我院儿科治疗。出生以来,患儿发育滞缓,食母乳尚好。平素既有腹胀,精神发育欠佳,但无呛奶史。发病以来。精神萎靡,嗜睡,大小便正常。患儿为第一胎第一产,父母均为城镇职工,平素健康。体格检查:T:37.5℃,P:130次/分,R:50次/分,体重3kg,发育差,营养差,呈老年状面貌,精神反应不佳,萎靡嗜睡,哭声小,无嘶哑。全身无淋巴结肿大。  相似文献   

魏萍,女,30岁,工人。阴道断续出血已有5个多月,每日出血量70-100毫升,伴有身体倦怠,气短懒言,不欲饮食,面色苍白,出血色淡红,加有少量的紫血块,舌质淡,苔薄白,脉细弱。李乐,女,14岁,中学生。月经不调,周期紊乱已1年,常迟来,滴漏10多天、20多天不净,看中医服中药后已准时,但仍量多,一直滴漏不停。上述2人均被诊断为“崩漏”。  相似文献   

1.病例介绍:例1,赖某,男,28岁,干部,1996年2月24口初诊,患习惯性便秘多年,长期服用三黄片以治疗便秘。初诊前4个月开始腹泻,完谷不化,每日3~4次,畏寒,体重减轻,腹痛,肠鸣,矢气。查体:T36.8C,R26次/min,his次/min,腹软,肠呜音亢进,左下腹压痛,左下腹可触及肠型。连续化险大使常规3次,偶见粘液,大使培养未见致病菌,纤维结肠镜检未见明显病理改变。经按肠易激综合征治疗疗效显著。例2,周某,男,34岁,干部,1994年1月3日初诊,因经常便秘而服用三黄片有效。1991年6月始腹痛腹泻,每天4~5次,于餐后有使意,…  相似文献   

患儿,男,3岁,因烦燥不安,夜眠不宁1周入院。体检:生长发育迟缓,智力低下,不能独行,小头,眉毛粗而浓,鼻上翘,耳低位,上唇菲薄,口角下垂,短肢,手指短小,内弯畸形,拇指近似植入,通贯手,男性生殖器右侧睾丸未下降,心肺腹无异常。胸部X线片未见异常。血常规、尿常规正常。印象:DeLange综合征。讨论DeLange综合征又称Amsterdom型佛儒症(阿姆斯特丹畸形)。该病以浓眉,小头,短肢为主要特点。1916年由Brochmamn首先报道,本症病因未明,可能与遗传因素或染色体异常有关。临床表现,出身时体重轻,生长迟缓,智力障碍,行…  相似文献   

菠萝过敏抢救体会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
例1:患者男,24岁,水果仓库搬运工人。吃生菠萝约1000g,30分钟后出现腹部绞痛,全身皮肤瘙痒发红,腹泻、呕吐各1次。由同伴送来我院,途中出现面色苍白,大汗淋漓,意识丧失。查体:血压测不出,体温不升,心率112次/分,心音弱,呼吸26次/分,面色苍白,汗多,全身皮肤紫绀,瞳孔4mm,双侧等大,光反射迟钝,呼之不应,双肺未闻干湿罗音。立即给予洗胃,  相似文献   

患者,女,31岁。因服驱虫净98片1个多小时急诊入院。患者因家事受刺激,到医药公司门市部购买驱虫净100片,每片25mg,于下午4时左右空腹吞服。当时被人发现抢走药瓶,仅剩下2片。服后无呕吐,被送进医院途中神志遂不清,伴四肢抽搐2次。既往有慢性气管炎病史。人院体检:体温37.2℃,脉搏150次/min,呼吸26次/min,血压19/12kPa。发育营养较差,神志不清,口吐白沫,口唇紫绀,瞳孔两侧等大,直径2mm,对光反应迟钝。颈软,胸呈椭状,呼吸促,双肺闻及痰鸣音,心律齐,无病理性杂音,肝在肋下2cm,质软,脾未触及。四肢肌张力增强,…  相似文献   

又名 Alcacua,Alcazuz,Chinese Licorice,Gan Cao,Gan Zao,Glycyrrhiza,Lakritze,LicoriceRoot,Liquiritiaeradix,Liquirizia,Liquorice,Orozuz,Phytoestrogen, Reglisse,Regliz,RussianLicorice,SpanishLicorice,Subholz,Sweet Root。 植物名 Glycyrrhiza glabra;G.glabratypica;G.glabra violacea;G.glabra glandulifera;G.uralensis,Reglisse。  相似文献   

本期市场还是以菊花领先,其价位持续上涨,统货19元,好货20元以上,市上上市较少,大集上货量只有二、三吨,看来药农及小贩手中确无多少库存了,菊花以到用季,看来价格上涨已成定局,且今年菊花秧苗不多,种植跟不上,如大户持续拿货,菊花将超出历史价位。白芷走动快,由于与其它产区价位相差较大,使其销量增加,目前纯白芷7.5元,统货7.3元,白芷片8.5元,近期药厂拿货较多。天花粉价位稳于10—11元。市场无大户收货。但上市量也少。山药较前期稍有下滑,统货成交价8.5—9元,市场走动较慢,药农急于出售,上市量较大。桔梗走动快。价位上涨0.4元,已多为加工户成交,其价位以接近药农成本价,如价再落,压货商可能会入手囤积。青木香已大量上市价,格稳中下滑,由于是小品种,收货商较少。荆芥穗走动缓慢,价在9元左右。防风走动快,上市量大,主要以药厂拿货为主。丹参上市量大,成交量大,地产从7—9元价不等,山东产6.2—6.5元,主要加工户收货量大。地丁产新快到,陈货存量较大,商贩想急于出售,使价下滑,市场收货商较少。小品种鸡冠花、马齿苋、射干成交量小。板蓝根走动快,但价位持续下滑,看来市场存量不小。知母片前期较快,近期又恢复平静。北沙参价位上升1元,现成交10一12元,外地商客拿货较少,牛膝由畅转稳,价闻于3.8元左右,市场收货大户减少。  相似文献   

本文研究了丙嗪对正常人和肝硬化患者的药动学参数及其与半乳糖单点法(GSP)的相关性,以期对肝硬化患者进行剂量调整提供临床指导。选择9名肝硬化患者,6名健康志愿受试者。每人口服丙嗪2片(每片50ms),24OmL水,夜间禁食,随后第15,25,4O,6Omin,1.5,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,IO,12,16,24,36,48,6O,72h抽取7~12mL静脉血样,于涂有肝素的玻璃管中,离心,将血浆和血细胞分开,于一3O”C贮存备用。服药后0,1,2,4,6,8,12,24,4872h收集尿样,于一30C贮存,并记录尿样体积和PH值。各样品用HPLC法分析。,使用双室…  相似文献   

次仁,女,岁,藏族,住院号:921020。患儿因发烧,咳嗽11天,音哑,憋气气喘6天,双侧眼睑下垂2天,以肺炎心衰于正规年6月20日入院。患儿系第二胎第二产,足月顺产,既往健康,近期无预防接种史,家族无同类病史。体检:T36.8℃,P130次/分,R34次/分。发育营养良好,神志清,表情缺乏,口唇发绀,呼吸急促。双侧上眼睑下垂,鼻翼掮动(+),瞳孔等大等园,光反射正常,咽反射及咳嗽反射减弱,颈软。心率130次/分,音纯、律齐,双肺可闻及较多喘鸣音、痰呜音及湿罗音。肝脏助下Zcm。四肢活动自如,肌力及肌张力正常,双膝反射正常…  相似文献   

《Substance use & misuse》2013,48(12):1109-1113
The paper considers six connections between spirituality and intoxication or addiction. They are: intoxication as a means of communication with a spiritual world; intoxication as destroying spirituality; shared use and intoxication as creating and validating community; spirituality and religion as a means of collective sobering-up; spirituality in individual sobering up; and abstinence as a spiritual practice, a witness, or a badge of membership in a spiritual community. Intoxication can either enhance or impede spirituality, both at individual and collective levels. Spirituality is often important in sobering up, both individually and collectively, and abstinence is a part of spiritual or religious practice in some traditions. But a full account must acknowledge the diversity in the interactions of spirituality and intoxication or addiction.  相似文献   


1. Mouse Cyp4a subfamily, including Cyp4a10, Cyp4a12a, Cyp4a12b and Cyp4a14, demonstrate a gender- and strain-specific expression in liver and kidney. In C57BL/6 mouse liver and kidney, Cyp4a12a and 4a12b are male-predominant, whereas Cyp4a14 is female-predominant. Cyp4a10 is female-predominant in liver, but shows no gender difference in kidney.

2. The present study was aimed to determine whether sex hormones and/or growth hormone (GH) secretion patterns are responsible for the gender-specific Cyp4a expression in C57BL/6 mice. Gonadectomized mice, GH-releasing hormone receptor-deficient little (lit/lit) mice and hypophysectomized mice were used with replacement of sex hormones or GH in male or female secretion patterns. Both androgens and male-pattern GH regulated the gender-divergent Cyp4a10, 4a12a and 4a12b in liver, whereas androgens played an exclusive role in regulating Cyp4a10 and 4a12a in kidney. In contrast, Cyp4a12b was increased by male-pattern GH but not androgens in kidney.

3. The female-predominant Cyp4a14 in liver and kidney was due to a combined effect of male-pattern GH and androgens. In addition, estrogens played a minor role in regulation of Cyp4a isoforms through an indirect pathway.

4. In conclusion, gender-divergent Cyp4a mRNA expression in liver is caused by male-pattern GH secretion pattern and androgens, whereas in kidney, Cyp4a mRNA expression is primarily regulated by androgens.  相似文献   

In the present study, the effects of resveratrol on 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA)-induced p-aminohippurate (PAH) transport impairment were investigated in vitro using rat renal cortical slices. Cisplatin and cephaloridine (CPH), known nephrotoxins, were used as positive controls. In one series of experiments, renal cortical slices were incubated in a cisplatin-containing medium or a cisplatin-free medium. In another series of experiments, renal cortical slices were incubated in a CPH-containing medium, in a CPH- and probenecid-containing medium, or in a CPH-free medium. Subsequently, for each series of experiments kidney slices were incubated in a media containing PAH or tetraethylammonium. In a further series of experiments, renal cortical slices were incubated in a 6-OHDA-containing medium and in a 6-OHDA-free medium. In another series of experiments, renal cortical slices were incubated in a medium containing 50 µM 6-OHDA, in a 6-OHDA- and resveratrol-containing medium or in a 6-OHDA- and resveratrol-free medium. Subsequently, for each series of experiments kidney slices were incubated in media containing PAH. The results of this study in which slices were incubated in 6-OHDA-containing media indicate that 6-OHDA induced a time- and concentration-dependent decrease in PAH accumulation by renal cortical slices. Resveratrol inhibited the 6-OHDA-induced time-dependent decrease of PAH accumulation in a concentration-dependent manner. Therefore, 6-OHDA causes functional injuries of renal proximal tubule cell membrane, thus leading to impairment of transport processes across the cell membrane and to nephrotoxicity. Resveratrol has a nephroprotective effect.  相似文献   

New heterocyclic compounds containing pyrazol-5-one coupled with benzimidazole, benzothiazole, benzoxazole, quinoline, naphthyridin, and pyrazole were synthesized. Comparative investigations to synthesize these interesting classes of heterocyclic compounds through conventional heating or under microwave-irradiation conditions were presented. Synthesized compounds 1a, 2a, 4k, 3a, c, 5a, b, 6b, 7a, b, d, 8a, and 9a were evaluated for their antitumor activity. Some of these compounds exhibited promising antitumor activity.  相似文献   

Bilateral acute iris transillumination (BAIT) is a relatively new clinical entity characterized by bilateral acute loss of iris pigment epithelium, iris transillumination, pigment dispersion in the anterior chamber and atonic pupilla. We report herein a 50-year-old female who presented with bilateral ocular pain, severe photophobia and red eyes. One month ago, a fly hit her eye, and she instantly complained of a discomfort and sensation of a foreign body in both eyes. She used a fumigation therapy, a traditional method for the treatment of ophthalmomyiasis. During follow-up examinations, intraocular pressures increased over 40?mmHg bilaterally despite maximal medical therapy, which necessitated trabeculectomy surgery with mitomycin. This is a typical BAIT case with no antecedent fluoroquinolone use or viral disease, but a fumigation therapy. There might be a possible relationship between BAIT and traditional fumigation therapy or this association might be coincidental, both of which need further evaluation.  相似文献   

Carrier geometry is a key parameter of drug delivery systems and has significant impact on the drug release rate and interaction with cells and tissues. Here we present a piezoelectric inkjet printing system as a simple and convenient approach for fabrication of drug-loaded polymer microparticles with well-defined and controlled shapes. The physical properties of paclitaxel (PTX)-loaded poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) inks, such as volatility, viscosity and surface tension, were optimized for piezoelectric inkjet printing, and PTX-loaded PLGA microparticles were fabricated with various geometries, such as circles, grids, honeycombs, and rings. The resulting microparticles with 10% (w/w) PTX exhibited a fairly homogeneous shape and size. The microparticle fabrication by piezoelectric inkjet printing was precise, reproducible, and highly favorable for mass production. The microparticles exhibited a biphasic release profile with an initial burst due to diffusion and a subsequent, slow second phase due to degradation of PLGA. The release rate was dependent on the geometry, mainly the surface area, with a descending rate order of honeycomb>grid, ring>circle. The PTX-loaded microparticles showed a comparable activity in inhibiting the growth of HeLa cells. Our results demonstrate that a piezoelectric inkjet printing system would provide a new approach for large-scale manufacturing of drug carriers with a desired geometry.  相似文献   

Complement factor 5a (C5a) is formed upon complement system activation in response to infection, injury or disease. Whilst C5a is a potent mediator of immune and inflammatory processes, excessive production or inadequate regulation of C5a has been implicated in the pathogenesis of numerous immuno-inflammatory diseases, predominantly through experimental studies utilising animal models of disease. Both acute and chronic conditions may benefit from C5a inhibition, including rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, asthma, psoriasis, haemorrhagic shock and neurodegenerative conditions. The potentially broad clinical application for treatments that inhibit the activity of C5a at C5a receptors and the large global market for anti-inflammatory therapeutics have made C5a and the C5a receptor attractive targets for academic and commercial drug development programmes. In the past 5 years, interest in C5a as a drug target has grown substantially, and this activity has resulted in a collection of patents and scientific papers reporting novel C5a and C5a receptor inhibitors and antagonists, and generated a secondary stream of patent applications broadly claiming the use of C5/C5a inhibitors as a method of treating various immune and inflammatory conditions. This paper will review the physiology and pathophysiology of C5a and discuss the development of C5a and C5a receptor inhibitors in light of the recent scientific and patent literature.  相似文献   

A series of 3- or 4-phenyl-1,8-naphthyridine derivatives variously substituted in the positions 2, 6 and 7 were synthesized and evaluated for in vitro evaluation for their antimycobacterial activity as part of a TAACF TB screening program under the direction of the US National Institute of Health, NIAID division. Several compounds showed an interesting activity when tested at a concentration of 6.25 microg/ml against Mycobacterium tuberculosis H(37)Rv and in particular compounds 2a, 4a,d, 8a,d and 8i, exhibit a % inhibition from 91 to 99. Among these, compounds 2a, 8a and 8d appeared to have a good activity with minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of 6.25 microg/ml. On the basis of the biological results, the most effective substituent in position 2 or 7 seems to be the piperidinyl group. The introduction of a morpholinyl group either in position 2 or 7 of the heterocycle ring caused a decrease in activity. The 1,8-naphthyridine derivatives were also tested in vitro for their antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus as Gram-positive bacteria and Escherichia coli as Gram-negative bacteria.  相似文献   

Because UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (Ugt) 1a6 and Ugt1a7 are highly expressed in the rat brain, changes in Ugt1a6 and Ugt1a7 expression may affect the pharmacokinetics of drugs and endogenous compounds in the brain. The present study aimed to elucidate the effect of carbamazepine (CBZ), a typical UGT inducer, on Ugt1a6 and Ugt1a7 expression in the rat brain. Sprague-Dawley rats were treated intraperitoneally for 7 d with CBZ (100 mg/kg/d). Ugt1a6 and Ugt1a7 mRNAs were induced by CBZ in the cerebellum, piriform cortex, and hippocampus (Ugt1a6: 3.1-, 2.4-, and 1.9-fold, respectively, Ugt1a7: 2.3-, 1.6-, and 3.1-fold, respectively); serotonin glucuronidation, which is catalyzed by Ugt1a6, was also increased by 2.8-, 1.7-, and 1.8-fold in these regions, respectively. The nuclear translocation of the constitutive androstane receptor was increased 1.4-fold in the cerebellum and piriform cortex, suggesting that brain Ugt1a6 and Ugt1a7 might be induced via the constitutive androstane receptor. However, the pregnane X receptor and nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 did not play decisive roles in the induction. Histone H3 lysine 9 acetylation, H3 lysine 4 pan-methylation, and H3 lysine 9 mono-methylation may not be required for the induction. This study clarified that CBZ affected Ugt1a6 and Ugt1a7 in the brain.  相似文献   

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