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Adherence with colorectal cancer screening guidelines: a review   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
OBJECTIVE: To review screening rates and factors impacting patient utilization of colorectal cancer screening tests. METHODS: We searched Medline, CancerLit, and PsycInfo for articles on colorectal cancer screening adherence. US studies on average-risk individuals were reviewed to identify: (1) utilization/adherence rates, (2) predictors of patient adherence, (3) correlation between long-term adherence and type of test selected, (4) predictors of physician recommendation of screening tests, and (5) patterns in the type of test recommended by physicians. RESULTS: In 2000, only 34% of the US population obtained screening within recommended time frames (fecal occult blood test annually, flexible sigmoidoscopy every 5 years, or colonoscopy every 10 years). Positive attitude toward screening and physician recommendation result in high adherence while fear of finding cancer and the belief that cancer is fatal result in low adherence. Physician specialty impacts the type of test recommended, while perceived lack of patient adherence is not a consistent barrier to recommending screening tests. Matching individuals with their choice of screening test and newer technology, such as virtual colonoscopy, may help increase adherence. CONCLUSION: Additional studies are required on differences in adherence between tests, whether patient preferences impact adherence, and how the physician-patient relationship can be fostered to increase adherence.  相似文献   

Renal cell carcinoma accounts for 2% of all cancers. Medical progress has improved the outcome of early but not advanced disease. This article highlights the current practice for the management of renal cell carcinoma.  相似文献   

Lung cancer and diesel exhaust: a review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The evidence from animal studies indicates that organic extracts of diesel particulate are mutagenic and carcinogenic. Of four animal inhalation studies, two have been positive and two have been largely negative. The most recent data indicate that inhalation studies may be positive only with high doses of exhaust. Human studies of diesel-exposed occupations have been inconclusive. These studies have focused on truck drivers, bus drivers and garage workers, railroad workers, and heavy equipment operators. Most human studies have not been able to estimate exposure to diesel exhaust. Negative studies have frequently suffered from insufficient potential latency. Positive studies have often failed to control for smoking, and have sometimes involved confounding occupational exposures. In general, the occupational epidemiology of diesel-exposed workers is made difficult by the fact that many of the suspected toxic components of diesel-exhaust are also present in cigarette smoke and in ambient air. There are two ongoing epidemiologic studies in the United States, focusing on railway workers and truck drivers, which attempt to overcome prior difficulties. Preliminary data from the study of truck drivers indicates an excess of lung cancer among workers in the trucking industry compared to the U.S. population, but these data need to be controlled for smoking and analyzed according to diesel exposure.  相似文献   

目的 对全球现有结直肠癌家族史高危人群筛查指南的更新进展及推荐意见进行系统总结和评价。方法 以“结直肠癌”“筛查”“指南”“共识”“推荐”“家族史”以及“colorectal cancer”“screening”“guideline”“recommendation”“family history”为关键词,并补充其自由词,系统检索中国知网、万方数据知识服务平台、PubMed、Embase、Cochrane Library、Web of Science,并且同时检索官网刊登的结直肠癌筛查指南/共识作为补充,语种限定为中文和英文。截至2022年5月24日,共20篇有效文献。对纳入文献的基本信息、针对家族史人群的推荐意见等进行摘录整理及汇总描述。结果 在20篇文献中,大多数国家/地区/机构根据结直肠癌家族史人群的亲属关系等级,对筛查起止年龄、筛查方式及筛查周期提出建议。多数指南针对有1例60岁前患结直肠癌一级亲属的人群,推荐筛查起始年龄为40岁或比患病亲属诊断年龄提前10年,推荐的筛查方式多为结肠镜。结论 目前全球多数结直肠癌家族史高危人群筛查指南主要针对一级亲属家族史、以结肠镜作为主要筛查方式。本文将为我国针对结直肠癌家族史高危人群筛查策略的更新提供参考依据,进而完善结直肠癌筛查与早诊早治实践。  相似文献   

胃癌筛查领域指南方法学质量和报告质量的系统评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的系统评价国内外现有胃癌筛查指南的方法学质量,为今后同类指南的制定和更新提供标准和参考依据。方法以“指南”“共识”“规范”“标准”“胃癌”“胃部肿瘤”“筛查”“筛检”“诊断”“Gastric Cancer”“Gastric Tumor”“guideline”“recommendation”“Early Detection of Cancer”“Screening”为检索关键词,系统检索中国知网、万方知识服务平台、中国生物医学文献数据库、中国临床指南文库、PubMed、The Cochrane Library、EMBASE、Web of Knowledge等数据库截止到2018年9月的中、英文文献,并同时检索美国预防服务工作组、美国癌症学会、国际癌症研究机构、澳大利亚癌症委员会、国际指南协作网的机构官网刊登的指南作为补充。纳入标准为胃癌筛查的独立指南文件,且符合美国医学研究所对指南的定义;排除标准包括指南的摘要、解读及评价类文献、重复发表、已更新的原始版指南以及胃癌临床治疗或实践指南。采用欧洲指南研究与评估工具(AGREEⅡ)和实践指南报告标准(RIGHT)对胃癌筛查指南的质量和报告规范程度进行比较和评价。结果共纳入5篇指南。AGREEⅡ质量评价结果显示,5篇指南整体质量参差不齐,其中推荐等级为“A”的有1篇,等级为“B”的有1篇,等级为“C”的有3篇;各指南在范围和目的、清晰性领域得分较高,在严谨性、独立性领域得分差异较大,在参与人员、应用性领域得分普遍较低。RIGHT评价结果显示,5篇指南报告质量有待提高,报告质量较差的6个条目分别为背景、证据、推荐意见、评审和质量保证、资金资助与利益冲突声明和管理以及其他方面。结论纳入的胃癌筛查指南的质量整体一般,规范性有待加强。  相似文献   


The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) released new mammography screening guidelines in November 2009. The panel’s comprehensive review of evidence for this preventive service concluded that the net benefit of screening mammography was too small to justify universal screening for women younger than 50 years of age but advocated continuing universal screening, though biennially rather than annually, for women ages 50–74 years. Under these new recommendations, it is possible undetected early breast cancers may increase and result in increases in breast cancer morbidity. This policy analysis assessed the impact of the new guidelines regarding whether the policy changes have affected breast cancer detection and treatment in the ensuing 5 years, and whether these guidelines may affect morbidity and mortality from breast cancer in the future. Trade-offs are present in cost-effectiveness and earlier detection with better treatment for women ages 40–49 years. Follow-up studies will be crucial to monitor changes in outcome for mortality and surgical intervention and ascertain the full impact of the new guidelines for women younger than 50 years.  相似文献   

目的 使用系统综述的方法对全球范围内肝癌筛查指南进行系统梳理,并根据权威机构的癌症筛查指南制订框架,对肝癌筛查制订现状进行总结和评价,从而为后续制订肝癌筛查的循证指南提供重要参考。方法 系统检索多个中英文数据库和相关网站,2019年1月3日前发布的肝癌筛查指南。根据预先制订的纳入排除标准双人独立筛选文献、提取信息。对肝癌筛查指南基本信息、筛查推荐意见、证据来源等情况进行汇总描述和总结。结果 目前国内外均无独立的肝癌筛查指南,只有17部肝癌临床实践指南(Clinical practice guidelines,CPG)中简要提到肝癌筛查推荐意见。各国肝癌CPG仅推荐对乙肝、丙肝、肝硬化等肝癌高危人群进行筛查;大部分肝癌CPG推荐筛查间隔为6个月;欧美最新指南均推荐使用超声进行筛查,而亚洲则推荐使用US和甲胎蛋白联合使用。目前肝癌CPG主要基于筛查人群患肝癌风险、筛查工具准确性、筛查成本等要素推荐相应筛查策略,尚未综合考虑筛查有效性、安全性等关键要素。结论 目前尚无独立的肝癌筛查指南,仅在肝癌CPG中描述了筛查推荐意见。目前指南仅推荐对肝癌高危人群进行筛查,筛查间隔为6个月;欧美和亚洲指南推荐的肝癌筛查措施有所差异。建议相关机构参考国际公认的其他癌症筛查指南制订的理论框架,考虑肝癌筛查的各个环节和关键要素的特殊性,制订专用的肝癌筛查循证指南。  相似文献   

目的了解国外结直肠癌(colorectal cancer,CRC)筛查指南更新进展,为我国人群结直肠癌筛查工作提供借鉴。方法采用文献综述的方法分析国外CRC筛查指南更新进展。检索以下数据库:Pubmed、Ovid EBMR、EBSCO MEDLINE、Springe For Hospital&Health。检索词为"colorectal cancer""guideline""recommendations""consensus"。文献发表时间为2009年1月至2019年7月,语言为英语并可获得全文文献者。结果共纳入5个指南及共识:美国预防服务工作组CRC筛查建议(2016)、美国结直肠癌多学会工作组筛查指南(2017)、加拿大卫生保健预防工作组CRC筛查指南(2016)、欧盟CRC筛查指南工作组指南(2010)、亚太地区CRC筛查共识(2015)。多数指南推荐筛查人群的年龄为50~75岁,筛查方法为粪隐血试验(化学法和免疫法)、乙状结肠镜检查和结肠镜检查,但推荐的优选试验和间隔时间不同。结论对CRC普通风险人群应于50-75岁间进行CRC筛查,筛查方法可依据所在地区的CRC流行...  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Extensive, overt asbestos exposure clearly causes lung cancer and mesothelioma. Elevated cancer risk has also been documented for short term or low levels of asbestos exposure. Automobile mechanics are potentially exposed to asbestos through brake repair work. Few studies have specifically examined the risk of lung cancer and mesothelioma associated with exposure to asbestos in brakes, but automobile mechanics are included in many studies of occupation and cancer. METHODS: We critically reviewed all epidemiologic studies of lung cancer and mesothelioma risk among male automobile mechanics identified through a broadly based Medline search and scrutiny of references in primary and review articles. We discuss the studies grouped by study design and control for smoking, the major risk factor for lung cancer. RESULTS/CONCLUSIONS: We reviewed all individual analytical studies meeting our criteria, plus all available case series and case reports. When examined in aggregate, the evidence did not support an increase in risk of either lung cancer or mesothelioma among male automobile mechanics occupationally exposed to asbestos from brake repair.  相似文献   

Beryllium metal was classified in Europe collectively with beryllium compounds, e.g. soluble salts. Toxicological equivalence was assumed despite greatly differing physicochemical properties. Following introduction of the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) regulation, beryllium metal was classified as individual substance and more investigational efforts to appropriately characterize beryllium metal as a specific substance apart from soluble beryllium compounds was required. A literature search on toxicity of beryllium metal was conducted, and the resulting literature compiled together with the results of a recently performed study package into a comprehensive data set. Testing performed under Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development guidelines and Good Laboratory Practice concluded that beryllium metal was neither a skin irritant, an eye irritant, a skin sensitizer nor evoked any clinical signs of acute oral toxicity; discrepancies between the current legal classification of beryllium metal in the European Union (EU) and the experimental results were identified. Furthermore, genotoxicity and carcinogenicity were discussed in the context of the literature data and the new experimental data. It was concluded that beryllium metal is unlikely to be a classical nonthreshold mutagen. Effects on DNA repair and morphological cell transformation were observed but need further investigation to evaluate their relevance in vivo. Animal carcinogenicity studies deliver evidence of carcinogenicity in the rat; however, lung overload may be a species-specific confounding factor in the existing studies, and studies in other species do not give convincing evidence of carcinogenicity. Epidemiology has been intensively discussed over the last years and has the problem that the studies base on the same US beryllium production population and do not distinguish between metal and soluble compounds. It is noted that the correlation between beryllium exposure and carcinogenicity, even including the soluble compounds, remains under discussion in the scientific community and active research is continuing.  相似文献   

Efficacy of screening for cervical cancer: a review.   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Cytologic screening for cervical cancer currently enjoys wide acceptance, but there remains controversy in the literature concerning its efficacy in prolonging life. On the basis of a literature review, several conclusions are reached: 1) Cervical screening can identify women who are at greater-than-average risk of developing invasive cervical cancer by detecting asymptomatic lesions that would frequently progress to invasion if left untreated; 2) Therapy based on confirmed positive smears can reduce the incidence and mortality rates of invasive cervical cancer, as shown by declining rates in many centers that had constant or increasing rates before screening began, lower rates for geographic areas and occupational groups having less screening, and lower rates among screened women than unscreened women; and 3) Attempts to estimate the amount of life prolongation attributable to cervical screening have not yet yielded reliable figures, because of difficulties with the models or data used. However, in view of the available evidence, it is suggested that incomplete data should not prevent a vigorous continuation of screening where it is already extensive, and an escalation where it is not.  相似文献   

Breast cancer remains a major health problem among Canadian women. Efforts directed at primary prevention of the disease are limited. Secondary prevention through screening appears to be the most promising intervention available in controlling the disease. In recent years, there have been ongoing debates over the effectiveness of available breast screening modalities (breast self-examination [BSE], clinical breast examination [CBE], and screening mammography). In this article I provide an overview of evidence related to each of the three breast screening modalities. The evidence shows that screening mammography and proper examination of breasts can be useful in reducing breast cancer mortality.  相似文献   

全球肺癌筛查卫生经济学研究的系统评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目的 了解全球肺癌筛查的卫生经济学评价研究进展,为我国相关研究和筛查工作开展提供参考。方法 系统检索PubMed、EMbase、The Cochrane Library、中国知网及万方数据知识服务平台自建库至2018年6月30日间肺癌筛查卫生经济学研究相关文献,摘录其经济学评价方法及结果等信息,并进行质量评价。成本统一货币单位后计算增量成本效果比(ICER)后计算与当年当地人均GDP比值。结果 共纳入23项研究(1项基于人群随机对照试验,20项完全基于模型评价),整体质量较好;22项来自发达国家,11项筛查起始年龄为55岁,18项目标人群考虑了吸烟史;评价的筛查技术全部涉及低剂量螺旋CT(LDCT),筛查频率以每年1次(17项)和终生1次(7项)居多。22项研究可获得与未筛查相比的ICER,其中17项研究报道的ICER低于3倍当年当地人均GDP。各有15项和7项研究可获得每年1次和终生1次的ICER,其中各有12项和7项支持其经济有效,且终生1次略优于每年1次;不同筛查起始年龄和吸烟包年的经济有效性优劣差异不明显。结论 发达国家多开展基于模型LDCT肺癌筛查卫生经济学评价,并结合年龄和吸烟史进行高危人群选择,初步提示该方案经济有效;可为证据有限的欠发达地区提供参考,但实施需结合当地卫生资源现状;预算有限时低频次LDCT筛查更佳,而筛查起始年龄和吸烟史等细节确定需结合人群特征进行精准评价。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To describe a methodology used to keep practice guidelines up to date and to summarize data collected during the first year of implementing this plan with a cancer practice guidelines program. METHODS: The updating strategy includes regular searches of peer-reviewed literature and meeting proceedings, review and interpretation of new evidence, review and revision of clinical recommendations, and notification to practitioners and policy makers about new evidence and its impact on recommendations. RESULTS: Eighty pieces of new evidence were found relating to seventeen of the twenty guidelines included in this study. On average, four pieces of new evidence were found per guideline, but there was considerable variation across the guidelines. Of the eighty pieces, nineteen contributed to modifications of clinical recommendations in six practice guidelines, whereas the remaining evidence served to support the original recommendations. None of the modifications led to changes that advised against original recommendations. MEDLINE, the Cochrane Library, and meeting proceedings yielded many pieces of evidence, whereas CancerLit and HealthStar did not contribute significantly to the overall yield. Furthermore, key pieces of evidence that led to modifications to the recommendations were often identified by members of the disease site groups before appearing in electronic databases. CONCLUSIONS: The updating process is resource intensive but yields important findings. In response to this evaluation, the updating protocol has been revised such that literature searches are conducted quarterly and the scope of sources searched routinely is restricted to MEDLINE, the Cochrane Library, and meeting proceedings.  相似文献   

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