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We present a new fistulectomy method for the second pharyngeal arch remnants.

Materials and Methods

Between 1991 and 2003, 4 patients have been treated with a new fistulectomy method.

Surgical Procedure

Under general anesthesia with nasotracheal intubation, the neck and mouth are prepared as one operative field. A nylon thread is inserted into the cervical opening. On the oral site of the nylon thread, a small gauze ball is tied and gently pulled from the neck site. At both opening sites of the fistula, a very small incision around the nylon thread is performed. Using the nylon thread as a guide, a fistulectomy is carried out.


In all 4 patients, no complications have occurred during and after the fistulectomy. No recurrences were seen during 15 months to 9 years.


This is a simple and useful procedure for the treatment of second pharyngeal arch remnants. It produces an excellent cosmetic result compared with the standard method because only one small incision is necessary.  相似文献   

Reconstruction of vaginal agenesis by Singapore flap   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Various surgical methods for reconstruction of vaginal agenesis have been described in the past. One of these is the neurovascular pudendal thigh flap described by Wee and Joseph [20] after they studied the blood and nerve supply of upper thigh skin, medial groin, and perineum in fresh cadavers. This technique involves elevation of two flaps extending laterally to labia majora in the groin crease and suturing them to each other in the midline after bringing them through tunnels formed under the labia majora, thus, creating a new vagina. In our clinic, 24 cases of vaginal agenesis have been reconstructed with neurovascular pudendal thigh flaps in a period of 33 months. The patients were observed for eight months to three years following the operation, and only in three cases did necrosis of the distal flaps occur; hair grew in the vagina in five cases, and shrinkage was observed in only one case. This rather easy technique is the ideal reconstructive method in the vaginal agenesis. However, hair growth in the vagina must be prevented, since this is the main patient complaint.Presented at the 7th Congress of the European Section of the International Confederation for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Berlin, Germany, June 2–5, 1993  相似文献   

球海绵体肌瓣重叠法阴道缩窄术治疗产后阴道松弛   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
目的:探讨一种有效的阴道缩窄整形术的方法。方法:经阴道口皮肤黏膜交界处切开.剥离阴道黏膜,分离出撕裂的球海绵体肌.形成肌瓣。将肌瓣折叠缝合,然后纵行缝合阴道黏膜,并形成阴道黏膜隆突。结果:本组11例患者均采用球海绵体肌重叠缝合法行阴道缩窄术,9例患者术后随访3个月至2年,夫妻性生活的质量均有明显提高,效果满意。结论:经此手术后可以矫正阴道松弛,提高患者性生活质量,效果确切。  相似文献   

目的探讨改良肌皮瓣法在混合型睑袋整形术中的应用价值和注意事项。方法 2004年7月~2010年4月以斜切口改良肌皮瓣法行混合型睑袋整形术733例1466只睑袋。于下睑缘下方1~2mm处作横行皮肤切口,再于皮肤切口下方1~2mm作眼轮匝肌斜行切口,钝性剥离肌皮瓣达眶骨缘水平。切开眶隔(横向,长1.5cm),切除突出的眶隔内脂肪。嘱求美者双目向额部凝视,将肌皮瓣平铺后呈斜面剪去多余的眼轮匝肌和皮肤。以7-0单股尼龙美容线连续缝合皮肤。结果术后7d~14个月随访,最终满意率为100%。733例1462只睑袋术后下睑紧绷,皱纹减少或消失;4只睑袋局部脂肪轻度膨出。术后即刻出现复视2例,12h内消失;下睑淤血发青711例1375只睑袋,21只睑袋术后2周消失,其余均在1周内消失。术后睑外翻189例,其中187例于1周内消失,另2例于术后2个月内消失。结论对于混合型睑袋,采用皮肤与肌肉切口错开1~2mm的改良肌皮瓣法,切除突出的眶隔内脂肪、松弛的皮肤和多余的眼轮匝肌,方法安全可靠,疗效显著,睑缘下外形自然。  相似文献   

BackgroundPenile urethral stones are very and constitutes less than 1% of the urinary tract stones and commoner in males. They are either primary or secondary. The clinical diagnosis require high index of suspicion.Case presentationA 30-year-old male was complaining of penile pain, weak urinary stream and dribbling at the end of micturition for 2 months, later on he developed severe dysuria and a tender nodule over the dorsal penile surface. An attempted urethral catheterization was failed. There was no history of urethral trauma or instrumentation. Examination of genitalia revealed a normal meatus with a fistula at dorsal mid penile shaft and the urine were coming out from that opening with surrounding redness and edema with palpable firm nodule in the penile shaft. A pelvic x-ray revealed a mid-urethral radiopaque shadow, cystoscopy revealed an impacted stone in mid-bulbar urethra, attempts of stone extraction was failed. An open ventral urethral incision was made and the stone was removed, dorsal fistulectomy and repair was performed. Foley's catheter was placed and removed later after 21 days. The patient had uneventful postoperative period and the follow up was done up to 6 months with no postoperative complications.ConclusionThe clinical diagnosis of penile urethral stones require high index of suspicion. Management options are variable depending on impaction site, the size, and associated urethral pathologies. The fistula tract require excised and repair.  相似文献   

提肛肌肌瓣对合重叠缝合法治疗产后阴道松弛   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 探讨一种有效治疗产后阴道松弛的手术方法。方法 经阴道口皮肤黏膜交界处切开,剥离阴道黏膜,分离出撕裂的提肛肌,形成两个肌瓣。将两肌瓣对合重叠拉紧缝合后缝合阴道黏膜,并形成阴道黏膜隆突。结果 1998年6月至2002年6月将此法用于2l例产后阴道松弛的患者,术后随访16例,随访3个月至2年,患者均感手术后提高了性生活质量。结论 此方法可以提高患者性生活质量,效果确切。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The clinical problems of advanced malignancy with invasion of cancers into adjacent organs or structures, fistulizing complications from radiation therapy, postoperative infections, and delayed postoperative healing continue to challenge pelvic surgeons, regardless of subspecialty. The use of autologous muscle and myocutaneous flaps has been applied to the management and prevention of these clinical problems and found to be most helpful. METHODS: Records of patients undergoing abdominopelvic procedures in a single unit during the 15-year period from 1990 to 2005 were reviewed, and patients undergoing autologous tissue flaps were reviewed with respect to indications, complications, and outcomes. RESULTS: Thirty-four patients underwent 35 autologous muscle or myocutaneous flaps for the following indications: large anticipated defects in primary or reoperative cancer surgery (13 patients); malignant, traumatic, inflammatory, or radiation-induced fistulae (12 patients); excision of (an) adjacent organ(s) with need for reconstruction (7 patients); and chronic nonhealing pelvic wounds (2 patients). Wound complications occurred in 41% of patients; however, primary healing of flaps occurred in 88% of patients. CONCLUSIONS: The use of autologous tissue flaps in select patients can be a useful adjunct in pelvic surgery in dealing with a wide variety of problems, specifically in filling large defects, providing vascularized tissue for fistula closure, and avoiding delayed wound healing commonly seen after high-dose radiation.  相似文献   

岛状阴股沟皮瓣阴道形成术的临床应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 介绍岛状阴股沟皮瓣的解剖学基础及临床应用。方法 以阴唇后血管神经束为蒂在邻近大阴唇之阴肥沟区设计岛状阴股沟皮瓣。结果 自1993~2001年共用以行阴道形成术47例,获得满意效果。结论 岛状阴股沟皮瓣血运丰富,易成活,转移时带有部分感觉神经,并发症少,是形成阴道的理想术式。  相似文献   

High voltage electrical contact to hand result in injuries at multiple levels that may require more than a single flap for effective coverage. We present here a simple technique to utilise preputial flap as an adjunct to groin flap in cases where simultaneous coverage was required at more than one site in hands. In the past two years, 15 patients with unilateral involvement of hands due to electrical contact injury underwent this procedure. In addition to a comfortable position of the hand, stable and purposeful coverage at the wrist and various areas of hands was achieved in all the patients and none had flap failure. Minor complications related to penile erection were encountered that resulted in partial wound dehiscence that was managed with resuturing, pain relief and temporary suppression of erection. In our opinion, preputial flap is a good addition in our armamentarium to be used alongside groin flap for effective coverage of more than a single site requiring flap cover in electric injuries of the hand.  相似文献   

目的探讨应用含部分肌肉的纵行腹直肌肌皮瓣阴道形成术的效果及优缺点。方法应用含部分肌肉的纵行腹直肌肌皮瓣形成阴道9例,年龄20~35岁,均为先天性无阴道。术前常规用超声多普勒血流探测仪探测腹壁下动脉血管走行,设计纵行6cm×20cm的类梭形皮瓣,将穿支点包括在皮瓣内。于腹股沟韧带与耻骨下方沿耻骨结节及耻骨上支内侧面形成腹膜外隧道,将皮瓣经隧道转移至剥离的人工阴道腔隙中,对折缝合成皮面朝内的皮筒状,形成阴道。结果9例形成阴道的肌皮瓣均成活,腹壁供区无并发症发生。术后随访2~12个月,形成阴道质地柔软、宽敞,6例均暂未有性生活,但患者感觉满意,3例已结婚,诉性生活满意。结论应用含部分肌肉的纵行腹直肌肌皮瓣形成阴道是一种较理想的术式。  相似文献   

This article pays tribute to two Argentinian surgeons whose work has been published in their local journals but is unknown internationally. Goldtraj's pioneering work on the treatment of vascular ulcers of the leg using a muscular flap, presented in 1954, and Spadafora's work on the treatment of tissue defects with myocutaneous and fasciocutaneous flaps, presented in 1964, are discussed. Both papers deserve a place among the pioneering contributions on the subject of muscular as well as myocutaneous and fasciocutaneous flaps.  相似文献   

目的 解决小腿外伤后皮肤缺损并骨折、骨外露、骨髓炎创面的修复问题。方法 术前行创面分泌物培养 +药敏试验 ,清创 ,去除坏死的组织及内固定 ,术后采用敏感抗生素滴注引流。感染控制后 ,应用带蒂皮瓣、肌皮瓣修复 ,并继续滴注引流 ,至感染消失。结果 临床应用 11例 ,10例获得满意效果。结论 应用带蒂皮瓣、肌皮瓣是修复小腿皮肤缺损并骨折、骨外露、骨髓炎创面较好的方法。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This report introduces a new method for correction of congenital severe upper eyelid ptosis. METHODS: The poor levator-function upper eyelid ptosis of 22 patients was corrected using suspension of the frontal muscle flap overlapped with an inferiorly based orbital septum flap as a motor unit, which substituted for the function of the levator muscle. The frontal muscle flap and orbital septum flap were formed in the frontal part and upper eyelid, respectively. Two flaps were overlapped and sutured to suspend the upper eyelid and to correct the congenital severe upper eyelid ptosis. This technique avoids the need for the linking structure necessary with the standard frontalis sling approach and improves the direction of pull to mimic that of a normal levator more closely than that of frontalis muscle advancement. RESULTS: The follow-up period ranged from 6 to 20 months (mean, 12 months). A total of 4 patients had bilateral surgery, whereas 18 patients underwent unilateral surgery (26 eyelids). In 22 cases (26 eyes), congenital severe upper eyelid ptosis was treated using suspension of the frontal muscle flap overlapped with an inferiorly based orbital septum flap. After the operation, 17 cases (19 eyes) were followed up and analyzed retrospectively. The average follow-up period was about 12 months (range, 6-20 months). The 17 corrected eyes had a symmetric redundant fold of preseptal skin according to the marginal reflex distance-1 (MRD-1) measurement used to judge efficacy. Two eyes in this series required reoperation for undercorrection. Complications such as ectropion and corneal exposure were avoided. CONCLUSION: Use of a frontalis muscle lap overlapped with an inferior based orbital septum flap to manage severe congenital upper eyelid ptosis is a useful procedure that results in substantial cosmetic and functional improvement with few complications.  相似文献   

Attention is drawn to the fact that the anterior vaginal wall is not a simple mucous membrane but an active organ, with a hammock-like effect on the urethra. It also functions during intercourse to transmit the effect of penile introduction into the vagina to the clitoris, by stretching the two ligaments that insert around its base.  相似文献   

额部皮瓣是面颈部修复中最常用的皮瓣之一,具有皮瓣色泽和质地良好、毗邻受区、血供丰富等优点。近年来,由于CT血管造影(computed tomographic angiography,CTA)等新型检查技术的出现,使得手术前对额部皮肤的血液供应情况有了更好的了解;而随着皮瓣设计及切取方式的创新,额部皮瓣的应用范围也更加广泛。本文就CTA与螺旋桨皮瓣转移技术在额部皮瓣中的应用现状进行综述。  相似文献   



Female urethral stricture is a rare condition. Different types of urethroplasty have been described. However, high quality studies are sparse. The most common technique used—the Blandy's technique—has resulted in our cases in a retrusive meatus and an inward urinary stream.


To show the efficacy and safety of an alternative vaginal wall flap urethroplasty.

Design, setting, and participants

A cross-sectional observational study was undertaken in a single University Hospital. Nine female patients previously diagnosed with urethral stricture at our institution underwent open surgery from 1993 to 2015. They were contacted and agreed to undergo a medical examination.

Surgical procedure

A ventral lateral-based anterior vaginal wall flap urethroplasty inspired by the Orandi technique for male urethroplasty was performed.


A chart review was performed.

Results and limitations

The mean age was 56 yr (41–78 yr). The mean follow-up was 80.7 mo (12–198). All patients had relief of symptoms. The meatus of all patients stayed in an orthotopic position without any impact on the direction of the urinary stream. The average caliber of the urethra increased from 10.8 Fr (6–18 Fr) to ≥20 Fr. Peak flow improved from a mean of 6.8 ml/s (3–11 ml/s) to 21 ml/s (14–35 ml/s). No patient developed stricture recurrence or de novo stress urinary incontinence. There were no other immediate or delayed complications. All patients achieved a better score on the Patient Global Impression of Improvement questionnaire.


Our study, with the same limitations that the few studies published in this field had, that is the few patients included, demonstrates that lateral anterior vaginal wall flap urethroplasty is an effective technique, offering durable results without apparent complications.

Patient summary

We studied an alternative surgical technique for the treatment of female urethral stricture. We conclude that it is safe and effective with no apparent complications and good long-term results.  相似文献   

阴股沟岛状皮瓣阴道成形术的应用解剖及疗效评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的进一步明确阴股沟岛状皮瓣阴道成形术的应用解剖,综合评价该术式的治疗效果。方法5具成年女尸,采用动脉灌注红色明胶观察10侧阴股沟区血管构筑。随访采用阴股沟岛状皮瓣行阴道成形术后3年以上且已婚者20例。结果阴股沟区血供来源于阴唇后动脉、阴部外动脉及闭孔动脉的前皮支;阴唇后动脉为阴部内动脉的分支之一,其起点外径为0.9~1.7mm(平均1.3mm),距会阴中线22~35mm(平均26mm),血管走行于大阴唇外侧,可见伴行的静脉及神经,途中发出4~7条分支分布于大阴唇及阴股区后2/3段。20例被访者对外阴形态满意,平均阴道深度为10.2cm,可容纳两指,性生活满意。结论阴股沟岛状皮瓣以阴唇后血管神经束为蒂,血运丰富,形成的阴道可以满足生理需求。  相似文献   

A wrist synovial fistula is rare. The author reports a patient who developed a synovial fistula following excision of a recurrent dorsal wrist ganglion.  相似文献   

The Medpor implant is another choice for a new auricular framework besides autogenous costal cartilage. However, its relatively frequent exposure and less-matching skin coverage discourage surgeons from using it. In this article, we present a new two-flap method, a combination of the temporoparietal fascial flap and the expanded skin flap, for wrapping the Medpor implant in microtia reconstruction. A staged surgical procedure was performed, including soft tissue expansion in the mastoid region, soft tissue expander removal, expanded skin flap and temporoparietal fascial flap formation, Medpor framework implantation, and the combined two-flap envelopment. Conventional lobule transposition and tragus reconstruction were accomplished for selected patients. In this study, a total of 22 microtias were reconstructed consecutively using this method. Eighteen patients were followed since the first surgery. The postoperative follow-up time ranged from 3 to 12 months. The draped soft tissue covering was thin enough to show the reconstructed ear with excellent, subtle contour when edema gradually vanished 3-6 months postoperatively. The new ear had a stable shape, and its skin color and texture matched the normal surrounding skin very well. No exposure or extrusion of the framework was observed in the series. The Medpor implant enveloped by both a temporoparietal fascial flap and an expanded cutaneous flap appears to be a promising alternative for the auricular framework in microtia reconstruction. Because of the wrapping tissues, auricular construction using a Medpor implant can be a safe, steady, and easily acceptable choice for both microtia patients and their physicians.  相似文献   

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