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目的 总结并初步分析成人心脏术后在应用体外膜肺氧合(ECMO)期间出现的相关并发症.方法 收集2008年1月至2012年1月82例成人心脏术后应用体外膜肺氧合期间的相关并发症资料,主要包括肾功能衰竭、感染、出血、下肢缺血、微栓、溶血、肝功能障碍、淋巴漏等并发症.82例患者中男50例,女32例;年龄(51.3±11.0)岁.结果 44例发生并发症,占53.7%.肾衰的发生率及病死率最高,分别为36.6%及56.7%.感染次之,其发生率及病死率分别为34.1%及40.0%.对ECMO与持续性肾替代治疗(CRRT)的最初应用时间的间隔和死亡比例进行回归分析,P=0.012,两者存在相关性,随时间的延长死亡比例增加.结论 肾功能衰竭及感染是成人心脏术后应用ECMO期间的最主要并发症,对预后有明显影响,对高危患者进行早期预防和及时治疗具有重要的临床意义.  相似文献   

心源性休克是由于左、右或双心室衰竭导致低心输出量引起循环的衰竭状态,致死率极高。近年来,体外膜肺氧合(extracorporeal membrane oxygenation,ECMO)因其便携、辅助流量大、专家熟悉度高、可同时提供心肺支持等优点,成为维持心源性休克短期血流动力学稳定的首选设备,帮助器官渡过恢复期以及移植等待期或作为进一步决策的桥梁。本文就ECMO在心源性休克治疗中的适应证、管理策略及未来应用领域进行综述,为临床实践提供相关参考。  相似文献   

体外膜式氧合相关并发症分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 分析体外膜式氧合(ECMO)辅助过程中相关并发症情况,以期对提高ECMO辅助抢救成功率.方法 回顾2005年3月至2008年6月117例接受ECMO辅助者的临床资料,其中静脉-静脉转流2例,静脉-升主动脉转流5例,股静脉-股动脉转流110例.结果 ECMO平均辅助时间61h.死亡48例,病死率41.0%.74例治疗过程中发生各种并发症,发生率为63.2%.主要并发症为感染32例次、肾功能衰竭需要透析29例次、氧合器血浆渗漏29例次、二次开胸止血24例次潲化道出血14例次、溶血7例次、肢体血栓5例次、神经系统并发症4例次、离心泵故障1例次.结论 出血是ECMO早期最常见的并发症,随辅助时间延长,感染、肾功能衰竭及氧合器血浆渗漏等并发症明显增加.积极预防、治疗并发症对提高ECMO病人抢救成功率非常重要.  相似文献   

目的 总结体外膜肺氧合(ECMO)在肺移植围手术期应用的经验.方法 30例原发性终末期肺病伴继发性肺动脉高压的患者在肺移植术中应用了ECMO,其中单肺移植18例,不横断胸骨序贯式双肺移植12例.在术前使用ECMO维持者2例,分别维持19 d和6 d;其他患者在麻醉完成后开始置ECMO管道.受者在氧合和血流动力学平稳后撒除ECMO.结果所有受者均顺利完成移植.27例于移植术后顺利撤除ECMO;3例术后继续使用ECMO,其中2例分别于术后36 h和7 d时顺利撤除,另1例未能撤除ECMO,术后5 d出现急性肾功能衰竭,术后2周时死于多器官功能衰竭.发生股动、静脉切口感染并发症者2例,股动脉血栓形成(中度)者1例,经治疗后均好转.结论 体外膜肺氧合可应用于伴有原发性或继发性肺动脉高压患者的肺移植手术,其并发症的发生可能与患者病情较重、血流动力学不稳定等因素有关,早期发现和积极有效地治疗可以改善患者的预后.
Objective To explore the perioperative application of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) in lung transplantation. Methods Thirty patients with primary and end-stage pulmonary disease accompanied by pulmonary hypertension were subjected to operation under the accessory of ECMO. Eighteen patients received single-lung transplantation and 12 patients bilateral sequential lung transplantation without sternal division in our hospital from November 2005 to July 2009. In 2 patients ECMO was given before operation and maintained for 19 days and 6 days respectively. In the remaining patients, ECMO pipeline was placed after anesthesia. After lung trarnsplantation,ECMO was removed after the recipients' oxygen saturation and hemodynamics were stable. Results In all recipients lung transplantation was successfully done. ECOM was removed in 27recipients after operation, and the rest 3 recipients were supported by ECMO after operation: the ECMO was removed at 36th h and 7th day after lung transplantation in two patients respectively,and another one was supported by ECMO for 5 days after operation and suffered acute kidney failure, and died of multiple organ failure 2 weeks post-transplantation. Two recipients were infected in thigh arteriovenous cut and one suffered femoral artery thrombosis, but all of them got better and discharged from hospital after treatment. Conclusion ECMO can be used for lung transplantation on patients with primary and secondary pulmonary hypertension. The complications may be associated with patients'serious condition and unstable hemodynamics. Early detection and active and effective treatment can improve patient's prognosis.  相似文献   

目的 探讨体外膜肺氧合(ECMO)辅助病人高胆红素血症的发病率及其对住院死亡的影响.方法 收集2005年至2008年65例应用ECMO辅助的成年病人资料,记录血流动力学、血牛化指标等以及临床转归.结果 51例成功脱离ECMO,脱机率为78.5%,33例生存出院,总病死率49.2%.55.4%的ECMO辅助病人发生高胆红素血症,其病死率明显高于非高胆红素血症组(P<0.01).Logis-tic回归分析显示,高胆红素血症明显增加病人住院死亡风险(OR=3.895,P<0.01).结论 高胆红素血症在ECMO辅助病人中的发病率较高,是增加术后病死率的影响因素之一,应及时处理,以改善病人的临床转归.  相似文献   

目的总结成人临床应用体外膜肺氧合(ECMO)的经验、教训。方法2004年12月至2006年4月对19例成人实施ECMO,男14例,女5例;年龄19~72岁,平均48.8岁;体重37~100kg,平均69.2kg。内科急性心肺衰竭4例,术后心肺衰竭15例。使用Medtmnic成人ECMO配套系统,经股动、静脉插管行心肺辅助。结果10例(52.6%)顺利出院,9例(47.4%)死亡,其中6例未能脱机,EC2V10成功脱机13例(68.4%),其中3例脱机后未能得到进一步有效治疗而死亡。EC2V10支持11~196h,平均83.3h。单一膜肺使用寿命40~134h。结论EC2V10可以作为临床难治性心肺衰竭的有效辅助手段,使危重症病人度过危险期,为进一步治疗争取宝贵的时间。  相似文献   

Objective The incidence of post-operative hyperbilimbinemia, which is associated with poor outcomes in patients, was reported to be increased in recent years though it has been a rare complication for cardiac operations. Post-opera-tive impairment of liver function is highlighted. We evaluated the incidence and prognosis of post-operative hyperbiliruhinemia in adult patients who underwent cardiotomy with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) support. Methods Sixty-five adult patients who had received ECMO support after cardiac surgery from 2004 to 2008 were enrolled and evaluated retrospec-tively. Post-oporative hypethilirubinemia was defined as the serum level of the total bilirubin more than 51.3 μmol/L during postoperative period. Demographic and clinical data included gender, age, types of surgery, perioperative hemodynamic param-eters, biochemical variables, duration of the ventilation support, ICU stay and outcomes. Results The mean age of the pa-tients was (50.1 ± 13.9) years, forty-six patients(70.8%) were male. The main cardiac procedures were heart transplanta-tion for 9 patients, coronary artery bypass grafting and/or valve operations for 47 patients, congenital heart disease correction for 4 patients and other operations for 5 patients. Among all patients, fifty-one patients(78.5%) were weaned from ECMO succeas-fully and thirty-thrce patients were discharged from hospital. The overall mortality rate was 49.2%. Overall incidence of post-operative hyperbilirubinemia was 55.4%. In patients with postoperative hyperbilirubinemia, the mean peak value for serum to-tal bilirubin was 104.8 (68.5-156.7) μmol/l. The hospital mortality in the hyperbilirubinemia group was significantly higher than that in the non-hyperbilirubinemia group(66.7% vs. 27.6%, P <0.01). Moreover, postoperative hypethilirubinemia (adds ratio = 3. 895, 95% confidence interval, 1.088 - 13.947 ; P = 0.037) and SOFA score (odds ratio = 1.214, 95% confidence interval, 0.987 - 1.494, P = 0.047) and APACHE Ⅲ score (odds ratio = 1.096, 95% confidence interval, 1.028 - 1.169 ; P = 0.004) were associated with hospital mortality after adjusting for preoperative levels of the total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, gender and age. Conclusion Postoperative hyperbilirubinemia is one of the complications in adult patients who undergo cardiotomy with ECMO support, and is associated with increased hospital mortality.  相似文献   

Objective The incidence of post-operative hyperbilimbinemia, which is associated with poor outcomes in patients, was reported to be increased in recent years though it has been a rare complication for cardiac operations. Post-opera-tive impairment of liver function is highlighted. We evaluated the incidence and prognosis of post-operative hyperbiliruhinemia in adult patients who underwent cardiotomy with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) support. Methods Sixty-five adult patients who had received ECMO support after cardiac surgery from 2004 to 2008 were enrolled and evaluated retrospec-tively. Post-oporative hypethilirubinemia was defined as the serum level of the total bilirubin more than 51.3 μmol/L during postoperative period. Demographic and clinical data included gender, age, types of surgery, perioperative hemodynamic param-eters, biochemical variables, duration of the ventilation support, ICU stay and outcomes. Results The mean age of the pa-tients was (50.1 ± 13.9) years, forty-six patients(70.8%) were male. The main cardiac procedures were heart transplanta-tion for 9 patients, coronary artery bypass grafting and/or valve operations for 47 patients, congenital heart disease correction for 4 patients and other operations for 5 patients. Among all patients, fifty-one patients(78.5%) were weaned from ECMO succeas-fully and thirty-thrce patients were discharged from hospital. The overall mortality rate was 49.2%. Overall incidence of post-operative hyperbilirubinemia was 55.4%. In patients with postoperative hyperbilirubinemia, the mean peak value for serum to-tal bilirubin was 104.8 (68.5-156.7) μmol/l. The hospital mortality in the hyperbilirubinemia group was significantly higher than that in the non-hyperbilirubinemia group(66.7% vs. 27.6%, P <0.01). Moreover, postoperative hypethilirubinemia (adds ratio = 3. 895, 95% confidence interval, 1.088 - 13.947 ; P = 0.037) and SOFA score (odds ratio = 1.214, 95% confidence interval, 0.987 - 1.494, P = 0.047) and APACHE Ⅲ score (odds ratio = 1.096, 95% confidence interval, 1.028 - 1.169 ; P = 0.004) were associated with hospital mortality after adjusting for preoperative levels of the total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, gender and age. Conclusion Postoperative hyperbilirubinemia is one of the complications in adult patients who undergo cardiotomy with ECMO support, and is associated with increased hospital mortality.  相似文献   

目的总结循环衰竭患者实施体外膜肺氧合(extracorporeal membrane oxygenation,EC-MO)支持的方法和效果。方法对3例患者实施ECMO支持,年龄17~32岁,体质量45~60 kg。3例患者中,2例为急性暴发性重症心肌炎;另一例为法洛氏四联症矫治术后低心排综合征。采用静脉-动脉转流,辅助流量40~70 ml/(kg.min),间断检测活化凝血时间(activated coagulation time,ACT)150~200 s。结果 ECMO支持时间96~135 h,均成功脱机,康复出院。结论 ECMO支持是抢救危重循环衰竭的有效方法。  相似文献   

目的 探讨体外膜式氧合(ECMO)治疗心脏术后急性心肺功能衰竭的经验.方法 回顾性分析2005年3月至2008年6月心脏术后接受ECMO辅助的117例患者的临床资料.男性85例,女性32例,平均年龄(48.7±16.5)岁.其中80例患者因术中无法脱离心肺转流、35例因术后急性心脏功能衰竭进行静脉-动脉转流,2例因术后急性呼吸功能衰竭进行静脉-静脉转流.结果 平均ECMO辅助时间61 h,平均监护室停留时间5 d.87例(74.4%)成功脱离ECMO,69例(59.0%)痊愈.主要并发症为出血38例、感染32例、肾功能衰竭需要透析29例、氧合器血浆渗漏29例、溶血7例、肢体血栓5例、神经系统并发症4例.结论 ECMO是一种有效的短期机械辅助方法,应掌握适应证尽早建立,积极防治并发症可降低死亡率.  相似文献   

目的 总结50例成人心脏外科术后体外膜肺治疗的临床经验,并尝试确定院内死亡的预测因子.方法 2004年至2008年,50例心脏外科术后病人接受体外膜肺治疗.记录病人基本资料,体外膜肺建立时的临床特征,并发症及院内死亡比例,以逻辑回归计算院内死亡的预测因子.结果 38例病人脱机,33例出院,生存比例66%.经逻辑回归计算,体外膜肺建立前的乳酸水平为院内死亡的预测因子.结论 体外膜肺可治疗心脏手术后顽固性心源性休克及呼吸功能异常.
Objective Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation is a cardiopulmonary supportive therapy. Since 2004, our institution has adopted venoarterial ECMO for adult patients who otherwise could not be weaned from cardiopulmonary bypass and patients experiencing postcardiotomy cardiogenic shock and/or pulmonary dysfunction unresponsive to conventional treatment algorithms. In this study, we reviewed our experience with ECMO support and tried to identify measurable values which might predict in-hospital mortality. Methods From January 2004 through December 2008, 50 of 21,298 adult patients received VA ECMO. We retrospectively analyzed clinical records of these 50 consecutive patients. Demographics, preoperative measurements, clinical characteristics at the time of ECMO implantation, ECMO related complications and in-hospital mortality were collected. Logistic regression analyses were performed to investigate predictors of mortality. A p value ≤0. 05 was accepted as significant. Results Mean ECMO duration was ( 110 ± 17 ) hours. 38 patients were weaned from ECMO and 33 patients survived upon discharge. The overall survival was 66%. In univariate analyses, duration of ECMO support, receiving cardiopulmonary resuscitation prior to ECMO setup, ECMO setup in ICU, pre-ECMO plasma lactate level, infection, lower limbs ischemia, renal failure, experiencing at least one ECMO related complications were all associated with in-hospital death. In a multiple logistic regression adjusted for other factors mentioned above, blood lactate level before initiation of ECMO was a risk factor associated with in-hospital mortality (OR 1. 27 95% CI 1. 042-1. 542 ). To evaluate the utility of pre-ECMO lactate in predicting mortality, a conventional receiver operating characteristic curve was produced. Sensitivity and specificity were optimal at a cut-off point of 12.6 mmol/L, with an AUC of 0. 752. The positive and negative predictive values were 73.3% and 83.9% respectively. Conclusion ECMO is a justifiable alternative treatment for postoperative refractory cardiac and pulmonary dysfunction which could rescue more than 60 percent of otherwise fatal patients. Patients with pre-ECMO lactate above 12.6mmol/L are at higher risks for in-hospital death. Evidence based therapy for this group of high risk patients is needed.  相似文献   

Patients with cardiogenic shock refractory to conventional management require advanced mechanical circulatory support such as extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). In hospitals lacking ECMO facilities, interhospital transportation is necessary for further patient management. Thirty-one adult cardiac patients, who were transported to our hospital by our ECMO transport team between January 1998 and July 2004, were enrolled in this study. The median transportation distance was 200 km (range: 3-300 km). During transportation, the ECMO circuit per se and the patients did not have complications. Of the 31 patients, 20 (64.2%) were weaned off ECMO or bridged to ventricular assist devices and 10 patients (32.1%) survived to discharge. Delayed transfer (>2 days) and high organ dysfunction score were associated with poor outcomes. The survival rate was similar to that of our in-hospital group (survival rate: 32.8%, n = 64). In conclusion, adult cardiogenic shock patients requiring interhospital ECMO transport had a reasonable chance of survival.  相似文献   

Use of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), one of an increasing variety of mechanical circulatory support strategies, was first used close to 50 years ago. For decades, it was mostly applied to the pediatric population. However, during the past several years, its use has dramatically increased as therapy for pulmonary and cardiac failure in the adult. In particular, ECMO is being used more and more for postcardiotomy shock. Unfortunately, despite its increased application in this setting, improved outcomes have been hard to come by. Improved results must be grounded on an approach that honors the tenets of myocardial recovery, minimizing the work done by the heart during the recovery period. Left ventricular decompression should be a tenet of ECMO support in the setting of postcardiotomy shock, universally applied if we are to see any significant improvement in our results. Furthermore, the point is made that surgeons should play a leadership role in the immediate counseling of patients' families to assure realistic expectations on their part. To address the need for family support during this very difficult time, ECMO centers should design a programmatic approach to care for patients and their families so as to provide them with education, guidance, and emotional support.  相似文献   

Open in a separate windowOBJECTIVESAssessment of early outcomes in patients with normal preoperative left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) in whom venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (VA-ECMO) was implanted for postcardiotomy cardiogenic shock (PCCS) during the first postoperative 48 h. METHODSRetrospective single-centre analysis in adult patients with normal LVEF, who received VA-ECMO support for PCCS from May 1998 to May 2018. The primary outcome was 30-day perioperative mortality during the index hospitalization.RESULTSA total of 62 125 adult patients underwent cardiac surgery at our institution during the study period. Among them, 173 patients (0.3%) with normal preoperative LVEF required VA-ECMO for PCCS. Among them, 71 (41.1%) patients presented PCCS due to coronary malperfusion and in 102 (58.9%) patients, no evident cause was found for PCCS. Median duration of VA-ECMO support was 5 days (interquartile range 2–8 days). A total of 135 (78.0%) patients presented VA-ECMO-related complications and the overall 30-day perioperative mortality was 57.8%. Independent predictors of mortality were: lactate level just before VA-ECMO implantation [odds ratio (OR) 1.27; P < 0.001], major bleeding during VA-ECMO (OR 3.76; P = 0.001), prolonged cardiopulmonary bypass time (OR 1.01; P < 0.001) and female gender (OR 4.87; P < 0.001).CONCLUSIONSMortality rates of VA-ECMO in PCCS patients are high, even in those with preoperative normal LVEF. Coronary problems are an important cause of PCCS; however, the aetiology remains unknown in the vast majority of the cases. The implantation of VA-ECMO before development of tissue hypoperfusion and the control of VA-ECMO-associated complications are the most important prognostic factors in PCCS patients. Lactate levels may help guide timing of VA-ECMO implantation and define the extent of therapeutic effort.  相似文献   

Currently there is a lack of consensus on guidelines in the clinical application of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) in neonatal and pediatric cardiac transplantation patients. In this context, given the limited data presently available through the Extracorporeal Life Support Organization (ELSO) Registry, we conducted a preliminary survey to specifically evaluate the practice of using ECMO as a bridge to cardiac transplantation or as posttransplantation therapy for failure to wean from cardiopulmonary bypass or graft failure. We received responses to our questionnaire from 95 of 118 (81%) centers located in the U.S.A. and abroad. Of the 95 centers that responded, 36 were performing neonatal/pediatric cardiac transplants, with 29 centers reporting the concomitant use of ECMO to support cardiac transplant patients. There was wide variability in the responses from the 29 centers to a selected list of relative ECMO contraindications. However, only 7 centers had specific ECMO entry criteria for cardiac transplant patients. Fifteen of the 29 centers provided relevant data on cardiac transplant patients including the proportions of neonatal (11 of 37) and pediatric (63 of 217) patients requiring ECMO; neonatal (2 of 5) and pediatric (16 of 27) patients surviving to transplant; and neonatal (1 of 5) and pediatric (12 of 27) patients surviving to hospital discharge. These findings confirm the important role of ECMO in providing perioperative support in neonatal and pediatric cardiac transplantation patients. However, the lack of consensus among centers contributes to uncertainty in the decision making process to offer ECMO and to utilize ECMO effectively in this high risk population. We recommend that institution-specific information be collected, either using the ELSO Registry (or by a similar multicentric database) to develop specific guidelines for ECMO applications in cardiac transplant patients, and to carefully monitor and follow up EMCO treated patients to further evaluate the efficacy of this limited resource.  相似文献   

The novel Permanent Life Support (PLS; Maquet, Jostra Medizintechnik AG, Hirrlingen, Germany) as peripheral veno‐arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) support system has been investigated as treatment for patients with refractory cardiogenic shock (CS). Between January 2007 and July 2011, 73 consecutive adult patients were supported on peripheral PLS ECMO system at our institution (55 men; age 60.3 ± 11.6 years, range: 23–84 years). Indications for support were failure to wean from cardiopulmonary bypass in the setting of postcardiotomy (n = 50) and primary donor graft failure (n = 8), post‐acute myocardial infarction CS (n = 12), and CS on chronic heart failure (n = 3). Mean support time was 10.9 ± 7.6 days (range: 2–34 days). Overall, 26 (35.6%) patients died on ECMO. Among survivors on ECMO, 44 (60.2%) patients were successfully weaned from support, and three (4.1%) were switched to a mid–long‐term ventricular assist device. Thirty‐three (45.2%) were successfully discharged. The following variables were significantly different if survivors and nonsurvivors on ECMO were compared: age (P = 0.04), female gender (P < 0.01), cardiopulmonary resuscitation before ECMO (P < 0.01), lactate level before ECMO (P = 0.01), number of platelets, fresh frozen plasma units, and packed red blood cells (PRBCs) transfused during ECMO support (P = 0.03, P = 0.02, and P < 0.01), blood lactate level (P = 0.01), and creatine kinase isoenzyme MB (CK‐MB) relative index 72 h after ECMO initiation (P < 0.001), and multiple organ failure on ECMO (P < 0.01). Stepwise logistic regression identified blood lactate level and CK‐MB relative index at 72 h after ECMO initiation, and number of PRBCs transfused on ECMO as significant predictors of mortality on ECMO (P = 0.011, odds ratio [OR] = 2.48; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.11–3.12; P = 0.012, OR = 2.81, 95% CI = 1.026–2.531; and P = 0.012, OR = 1.94, 95% CI = 1.02–5.21; respectively). Patients with an initial poor hemodynamic status could benefit by rapid peripheral installation of PLS ECMO. The blood lactate level, CK‐MB relative index, and PRBCs transfused should be strictly monitored during ECMO support.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Postcardiotomy cardiogenic shock occasionally develops in patients who have undergone cardiac procedures. We report our experience using extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) in adult patients with postcardiotomy cardiogenic shock, and analyze the factors that affected outcomes for these ECMO patients. METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of ECMO patients. RESULTS: From August 1994 to May 2000, 76 adult patients (48 men, 28 women; mean age, 56.8+/-15.9 years) received ECMO support for postcardiotomy cardiogenic shock at the National Taiwan University Hospital. The mean ECMO blood flow was 2.53+/-0.84 L/min. The cardiac operations included coronary artery bypass grafting (n = 37), coronary artery bypass grafting and valvular operation (n = 6), valvular operation alone (n = 14), heart transplantation (n = 12), correction of congenital heart defects (n = 3), implantation of a left ventricular assist device (n = 2), and aortic operations (n = 2). Fifty-four patients received ECMO support after intraaortic balloon pumping, but 22 patients directly received ECMO support. Two patients were bridged to heart transplantation and two bridged to ventricular assist devices. Thirty patients died on ECMO support. The causes of mortality included brain death (n = 3), refractory arrhythmia (n = 2), near motionless heart (n = 2), acute graft rejection (n = 1), primary graft failure (n = 1), uncontrolled bleeding (n = 5), and multiple organ failure (n = 16). Twenty-two patients were weaned off ECMO support but presented intrahospital mortality. The cause of mortality included brain death (n = 1), sudden death (n = 4), and multiple organ failure (n = 17). Twenty patients were weaned off ECMO support and survived to hospital discharge. During the follow-up of 33+/-22 months, all were in New York Heart Association functional status I or II except two cases of late deaths. Among the ECMO-weaned patients, "dialysis for acute renal failure" was a significant factor in reducing the chance of survival. CONCLUSIONS: The ECMO provided a satisfactory partial cardiopulmonary support to patients with postcardiotomy cardiogenic shock, and allowed time for clinicians to assess the patients and make appropriate decisions.  相似文献   

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