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受HIV/AIDS影响儿童面临的问题及应对策略   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
受艾滋病病毒伎滋病(HIV/AIDS)影响儿童分为四类:(1)感染了HIV的儿童;(2)AIDS致孤儿童;(3)与HIV感染者或AIDS患者共同生活的儿童;(4)AIDS高发区中的儿童。受AIDS影响儿童面临许多问题,主要包括:家庭困难、社会歧视、教育问题、心理问题等。给予受艾滋病影响儿童生理、心理上的关怀是十分重要的,对儿童的成长发育起着积极作用。  相似文献   

目的分析受艾滋病影响儿童的救助政策落实情况,为制定和推动政策落实提供参考。方法采取文献回顾、深入访谈和专题小组讨论等方式,在3个省(自治区)开展调查研究,并对资料进行了定性分析。结果共调查243名受访者,其中深入访谈81人,与162名来自多部门的人员开展了专题小组讨论。调查发现,目前各地各部门针对受艾滋病影响儿童均制定了相关救助政策,开展了关怀救助活动,活动形式多样,内容涉及生活救助、教育支持、卫生保健、心理和职业发展等5方面,基本涵盖了儿童成长相关的各个方面。发现存在非义务教育阶段儿童教育缺乏政策保障、生活救助覆盖人数仍有限、对父母一方或双方存活的受艾滋病影响儿童关注度不够、心理关怀仍十分薄弱等问题。结论各地应针对现有政策制定实施细则或指导方案,进一步完善信息收集、交流和利用机制,提高有关部门和相关人员的政策认知程度,不断加大资源保障力度。  相似文献   

目的了解中国政府/联合国儿童基金会艾滋病预防关怀项目县艾滋病及其他脆弱家庭中心儿童的身心健康现况,为项目提供基线资料。方法通过随机抽样,在云南省某项目县选取250名0-17岁来自受艾滋病、吸毒和贫困影响家庭的儿童,测量身高,并对其中154名6岁以上儿童进行心理问卷调查。结果来自三种家庭的儿童的身高没有显著性差异,心理状况有显著性差异。近68%的受艾滋病影响儿童不能处理生活中的困难,对生活中的事也不能决定怎么办;58%的受艾滋病影响的儿童害怕别人不和他(她)玩;67%的受艾滋病影响的儿童比较自信,但仍低于受吸毒影响的儿童(89%)。结论受艾滋病影响家庭的儿童与其他脆弱家庭儿童的心理状况不同,社区关怀项目应考虑之间的区别。  相似文献   

正受艾滋病影响儿童更容易产生消极的社会心理和认知结果[1],迫切需要在对这些儿童的物质救助基础上进一步开展心理干预[2]。本研究拟对一名凉山州自我意识水平较低的受艾滋病影响儿童使用认知行为疗法进行心理咨询,目的是探究认知行为疗法对受艾滋病影响儿童自我意识水平的改善作用及其可行性,为受艾滋病影响儿童心理健康提供有效的干预方法。  相似文献   

目的了解中原部分农村地区受艾滋病(AIDS)影响儿童主观生活质量的现况,为进一步开展关怀和干预提供依据。方法使用《儿少主观生活质量量表》,对中原地区3个县117名受AIDS影响儿童进行调查。结果49%的儿童对目前的生活状况不满意;22%的儿童认知成分低于一般水平;情感成分极不满意和不太满意的儿童占39%;在情感成分和一些维度水平上受AIDS影响儿童低于一般农村儿童;受AIDS影响儿童的主观生活质量在不同的地区和年龄组之间存在一些差异。结论在社区、学校、家庭对受AIDS影响儿童的支持中,以儿童为中心,了解儿童的需求,关注儿童的心理健康,重视青春期教育和职业培训,尊重儿童的意见,提高儿童参与社会事务的程度,使受AIDS影响儿童生活质量得到全面的提高。  相似文献   

受艾滋病影响儿童关爱救助政策落实情况的实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的分析受艾滋病影响儿童相关政策的落实情况。方法采用问卷调查、个案访谈、深入访谈等方法,获得我国艾滋病流行较为严重的四个省份的相关数据,通过定量、定性分析相结合的方法分析。结果共得到有效抚养人问卷149份,涉及受艾滋病影响儿童323名;有效多部门工作人员问卷23份,多部门深入访谈35次。其中县/市级深入访谈30次(含多部门研讨会7次),省级深入访谈5次(含多部门研讨会3次)。调查家庭中有57.7%的家庭儿童获得了生活救助,20.1%的家庭儿童获得了教育救助,5.4%的家庭儿童获得了医疗救助,17.6%的家庭儿童参加过心理关怀活动。但现有政策在执行过程中,仍面临缺乏资金和人员等保障条件、信息收集和共享困难等问题。结论国家及地方都出台了一系列针对受艾滋病影响儿童的关怀救助政策,为减轻艾滋病对儿童的影响发挥了积极作用,但政策落实尚不均衡,阻碍政策有效实施的因素仍然存在。  相似文献   

目的评价卧龙区第三轮全球基金艾滋病项目中,居家艾滋病脆弱儿童关怀支持项目工作开展5年后的效果,为下一步工作方案的制订提供依据。方法对卧龙区全部18岁以下居家艾滋病致孤和脆弱儿童进行问卷调查。结果2004年12月和2008年12月分别调查儿童199人和123人。2004年和2008年接受过关怀支持的艾滋病致孤和脆弱儿童分别占93.97%和100%,对关怀支持项目满意度为47.24%和87.00%,下一步关怀需求中,需要生活补助、技能培训、心理健康的分别为36.18%、49.25%、47.24%和20.33%、60.98%、60.98%;两次调查结果的差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论卧龙区第三轮艾滋病项目中,居家致孤及脆弱儿童关怀支持项目取得了一定的成效,但存在着生活技能、心理关爱等需进一步加强的问题。  相似文献   

目的探索能够有效促进受艾滋病影响儿童心理健康的干预策略。方法选取河南省某县受艾滋病影响的10~15岁儿童45名,进行为期10个月的综合心理支持,干预前后进行问卷调查测量干预效果。结果干预前有焦虑不安等负性心理体验的儿童占44.4%(20/45),干预后下降到20.0%(9/45);症状自评量表SCL-90测量的强迫症状、人际关系敏感、抑郁、焦虑以及偏执等各个因子,干预之后均显著改善。结论综合心理支持对于促进受艾滋病影响儿童的心理健康具有积极意义。  相似文献   

目的通过儿童和儿童抚养人的视角,初步了解中国部分农村地区父母感染艾滋病对儿童社会心理健康的影响。方法采用半结构化访谈的方法,对19名受艾滋病影响的儿童,20名儿童抚养人以及8名社区关键知情人进行调查。结果大多数儿童存在害怕、焦虑、悲伤、自卑等心理问题。针对儿童的歧视现象仍然存在,主要表现为对儿童的孤立、漠视和拒绝。儿童依赖抚养人和同伴获得心理上的支持。结论受艾滋病影响的儿童心理健康问题不容忽视,应该采取适当的干预措施改善这些儿童的心理健康状态。  相似文献   

AIDS心理和行为干预的循证医学证据   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
主要参照国内外研究,从循证医学角度综述了艾滋病病毒感染者/艾滋病病人(HIV/AIDS)的不同心理反应.对HIV感染者实施心理关怀、情感治疗和社会支持.借鉴他国经验,广泛、深入的全民健康教育;反对歧视HIV/AIDS;对患者的知识教育、道德教育、行为干预;全身支持疗法;发展咨询等服务;启动非政府组织力量是目前干预的重要措施.  相似文献   

We present results from a household-based survey that was conducted in Mabvuku, a high-density community in Zimbabwe. The objective of the study was to improve understanding of social and economic consequences of HIV and AIDS on children. Children affected by HIV and AIDS (CABA) formed the treatment group while those not affected by HIV and AIDS (non-CABA) were the control group. We found that many of the differences in the socio-economic indicators that we studied between CABA and non-CABA were not significant. Therefore our results indicate a gloomy scenario for all the children. These results are consistent with existing literature which indicates that the impact of HIV and AIDS is exacerbated by poverty. Based on evidence from this paper, we conclude that programmes and interventions targeted at children should encompass both CABA and non-CABA within a framework of sustained commitment to improving the lives of these children. We hope that our findings will be used in the formulation of interventions and strategies to improve the situation of children affected by HIV and AIDS and/or living in impoverished communities.  相似文献   

目的了解艾滋病致孤儿童的心理健康问题,提出相关对策和建议。方法采用访谈、追踪调查和心理干预相结合的方法,对受艾滋病影响儿童的心理发展进行了5年的系列研究。结果共追踪调查1 625名儿童,其中孤儿755名,非孤儿童466名,对照儿童404名。发现艾滋孤儿存在着严重的心理问题,艾滋孤儿具有仇恨的心理,封闭、自卑和孤独心理严重,未来发展压力大,悲伤情绪异常严重,双孤和单孤的心理健康状况都很差。在心理干预和3年追踪研究的基础上,提出了相关对策和建议。结论时间解决不了艾滋孤儿的心理健康问题,要重视对艾滋孤儿的心理救助。  相似文献   

艾滋病对中国儿童影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解和认识艾滋病对中国儿童的影响。方法利用方差分析等方法,提出一个多层次的分析框架,设计以儿童成长为核心的家庭调查表及儿童访谈提纲,并进行实地调查。结果受艾滋病影响儿童的家庭人均生产收入减少;救助活动对改善艾滋病孤儿家庭的经济状况起到了一定的作用;父母存活的受艾滋病影响儿童的缺课率最高;受艾滋病影响儿童感受到心理压力和忧伤。结论艾滋病对儿童的影响主要反映在儿童的生活环境、生存状况和身心健康三个层面。在这三个层面,受艾滋病影响儿童与非艾滋病家庭的儿童存在明显的差异。  相似文献   

Demmer C 《AIDS care》2011,23(7):873-879
In South Africa, 2.5% of children are living with HIV. KwaZulu-Natal is the province most affected by the epidemic and has the highest number of pregnant women living with HIV. This study reports on a qualitative study to assess the views and experiences of those involved in caring for a child with HIV/AIDS. In-depth interviews were conducted in KwaZulu-Natal with 13 women who were the primary caregivers of a child with HIV/AIDS and 12 key informants who worked with children and families living with HIV/AIDS. The combination of widespread poverty and HIV-related stigma was perceived to compromise the health of a child with HIV/AIDS. Caregivers' primary focus was on economic survival and there was little income to meet basic human needs including the child's. Stigmatizing attitudes caused some caregivers to keep their child's sickness a secret and symptoms were sometimes ignored or treatment delayed. Little material and emotional support was available to caregivers who were overwhelmed by multiple stresses in this context. Support group interventions for caregivers of children with HIV/AIDS can be a useful resource provided that they jointly address the economic and psychological needs of caregivers. A stronger commitment at the national level to reduce poverty and HIV-related stigma is needed to strengthen the capacity of families who are caring for children with HIV/AIDS.  相似文献   

目的全面了解和掌握安徽省感染艾滋病病毒/艾滋病(HIV/AIDS)儿童的免疫学及病毒学状况。方法对2007年安徽省HIV/AIDS儿童进行病史调查,并检测CD4、CD8细胞计数和CD4/CD8比值以及病毒载量。结果安徽省HIV/AIDS儿童的传播途径以母婴传播为主,治疗组和未治疗组儿童病毒载量的对数值存在统计学差异(P〈0.01),治疗组62.5%的儿童病毒载量低于最低检出限,未治疗组儿童病毒载量均高于最高检出限。母婴传播感染HIV/AIDS儿童的感染时间与CD4细胞计数和病毒载量水平呈反向相关关系(P〈0.05),CD8细胞计数与CD4细胞计数呈正向回归关系(r=0.553),病毒载量对数值与CD4细胞计数呈反向回归关系(r=0.273)。结论安徽省HIV/AIDS儿童以母婴传播为主,抗病毒药物能有效抑制HIV的增殖。  相似文献   

Scientific literature has systematically documented the negative effects of social stigma for people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA). HIV/AIDS stigma has the potential to negatively impact self-care strategies for those already affected, and simultaneously hinder prevention efforts to deter the emergence of new infections. When health professionals manifest these negative attitudes access to quality health-care and prevention strategies can be seriously affected. Scientifically tested interventions to reduce HIV/AIDS stigma among health professionals are still scarce. Although the number of tested interventions has increased over the past decade, few of them target Latino health professionals or Spanish-speaking populations. Furthermore, although some of those interventions have been reported as effective for stigma reduction, more work is needed to better understand the underlying variables that account for the reduction of stigma attitudes in those efforts. The SPACES intervention has been documented as an effective HIV/AIDS stigma-reduction intervention focusing on health-care professionals in training. The intervention, which is delivered in Spanish, has been previously tested with medical students in Puerto Rico and shown significant results in addressing negative attitudes toward PLWHA. The main objective of this study was to document the underlying variables that fostered reduction of HIV/AIDS stigma due to participation in the SPACES intervention. Results evidence that health professionals in training who participated in the intervention (n?=?507) had less stigmatizing attitudes toward PLWHA due to an increase in their positive emotions toward this population. In light of these results, we discuss the importance of engaging health professionals in HIV/AIDS stigma-reduction interventions that go beyond the provision of information and skills for interacting with PLWHA, and address the emotional component of HIV/AIDS stigma.  相似文献   

The escalating HIV/AIDS epidemic worldwide demands that on-going prevention efforts be strengthened, disseminated, and scaled-up. System-level interventions refer to programs aiming to improve the functioning of an agency as well as the delivery of its services to the community. System-level interventions are a promising approach to HIV/AIDS prevention because they focus on (a) improving the agency’s ability to adopt evidence-based HIV prevention and care programs; (b) develop and establish policies and procedures that maximize the sustainability of on-going prevention and care efforts; and (c) improve decision-making processes such as incorporating the needs of communities into their tailored services. We reviewed studies focusing on system-level interventions by searching multiple electronic abstracting indices, including PsycInfo, PubMed, and ProQuest. Twenty-three studies out of 624 peer-reviewed studies (published from January 1985 to February 2007) met study criteria. Most of the studies focused on strengthening agency infrastructure, while other studies included collaborative partnerships and technical assistance programs. Our findings suggest that system-level interventions are promising in strengthening HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment efforts. Based on our findings, we propose recommendations for future work in developing and evaluating system-level interventions.  相似文献   

This paper describes the challenges faced by elderly persons (50 years and above) in Uganda, as parents and/or relatives of persons infected by HIV and as caregivers of the infected relatives and their uninfected children. Little is known regarding these indirect impacts of HIV/AIDS on the elderly in sub-Saharan Africa. Yet, the elderly are most often the main caregivers of HIV-infected persons and their families. Data used in this study were obtained from focus group discussions and in-depth interviews conducted among elderly respondents in 10 rural and urban communities within two Ugandan districts, Luwero and Kamuli. Findings indicate that the elderly do provide care to patients with AIDS at the terminal stage of the illness-when patients most need constant care. In most cases, the challenge of caring for the sick patients is compounded by the responsibility to care for the children affected by HIV/AIDS, which also starts when their parents are still living, not when the children become orphans. This demanding work was reported to negatively affect the elderly in various dimensions (economic, emotional, physical, and nutritional), all of which impacts their health and well-being. The responsibility for day-to-day patient care is borne primarily by elderly females, who reported a higher rate of physical ailments than male respondents-perhaps an indication of their disproportionate contribution to the care responsibilities. Most of the elderly respondents interviewed have a lot of anxiety about their future health and well-being, which they attributed in most part to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. These challenges do appear to exacerbate the aging process of the elderly whose health and well-being are already affected by the poor resource base and weak health infrastructure in this setting.  相似文献   

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