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Interprofessional collaboration is fundamental to providing optimal patient care. The readiness of the team entering a framework of interprofessional collaborative practice is critical to its success. In this study, we conducted an interprofessional education (IPE) activity for medical and nursing students in an acute care setting. Over nine occasions, 21 student pairs (one nursing and one medical student per pair) jointly assessed a patient and created a list of problems and interventions to achieve the patient’s goals. Immediately after the activity, students were debriefed to gain insight into their experiences. Debriefing sessions were audiotaped and analysed using a phenomenological approach and four major themes were identified. Overall, students felt responsible for representing their profession and were initially apprehensive about the interprofessional task. Nevertheless, they identified their own shortcomings and recognized the value in their partner’s approach. These realizations promoted convergence on a shared vision to provide optimal care for patients as a team. Acknowledging and understanding these perceptions may help design better ways to improve patient care. This educational model may be utilized by others who are seeking IPE activities in acute care.  相似文献   


Patient care and patient safety can be compromised by the lack of interprofessional collaboration and communication between healthcare providers. Interprofessional education (IPE) should therefore start during medical training and not be postponed until after graduation. This case study explored the current situation in the Dutch context and interviewed experts within medical education and with pioneers of successful best practices to learn more about their experiences with IPE. Data analysis started while new data were still collected, resulting in an iterative, constant comparative process. Using a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis framework, we identified barriers and facilitators such as lack of a collective professional language, insufficient time or budget, stakeholders’ resistance, and hierarchy. Opportunities and strengths identified were developing a collective vision, more attention for patient safety, and commitment of teachers. The facilitators and barriers relate to the organisational level of IPE and the educational content and practice. In particular, communication, cohesiveness, and support are influenced by these facilitators. An adequate identification of the SWOT elements in the current situation could prove beneficial for a successful implementation of IPE within the healthcare educational system.  相似文献   


Interprofessional education (IPE) is an important component of medical education, preparing students for the collaboration necessary for high-quality patient care. This study aimed to compare IPE readiness in pre-qualification physical therapy (PT) and medical (MD) students before and after an interprofessional workshop and identify factors influencing the workshop’s perceived educational value. In two consecutive years, students were surveyed with the Readiness for Interprofessional Learning Scale (RIPLS) following a four-hour, case-based workshop. During the second year, students were also surveyed before the workshop and answered open-ended questions about its educational value. PT and MD students had similar mean pre-workshop RIPLS scores (83.0, SD 5.3 vs. 80.7, SD 7.9; p = .27), but post-workshop scores were higher among PT students (86.3, SD 6.5 vs. 80.3, SD 8.8; p < .001). Qualitative thematic analysis of responses to open-ended questions revealed students valued IPE within the workshop. However, MD students in particular identified improvement opportunities in workshop delivery, timing, and content. These factors undermined the perceived educational value for MD students and may have contributed to their lower post-workshop RIPLS scores. This study suggests that a brief workshop can improve readiness for IPE among pre-professional students and highlights the importance of content, delivery, and timing to IPE success.  相似文献   

In Finland, policy requirements have demanded providers to work collaboratively together with regard to intimate partner violence (IPV). This research and development project seeks to identify efficient tools for stopping IPV. The project included staff training to recognize and respond to IPV, the development of a research-based guideline for use in the care situations of victims and perpetrators and the integration of the guideline into practices and staff development. Networking was developed during the project through interprofessional and multiagency collaboration, whereas appraisal information was collected at different stages of the process. This paper focuses on the issues of interprofessional collaboration, and uses psychiatric care as an example. There is some evidence that interprofessional interventions reduce the cost of patient care and improve the quality of IPV services. That is why it is important to discuss these issues and solve possible problems arising in interprofessional patient care.  相似文献   

The globalisation of healthcare is changing the demands placed on health professionals. It requires different skills and thought processes across national borders. Thinking in an innovative manner may provide healthcare workers with some of the necessary tools to facilitate international change by increasing students’ mental flexibility and ability to apply solutions in multiple contexts. We created the International Innovation Program for health profession education students to learn about and implement the innovation process. The programme provides students the opportunity to learn in interprofessional, international teams and apply didactic knowledge to community problems using the innovation process. The purpose of this article is to describe student perceptions across 4 years of programme implementation. Through analysis of closed-ended survey data, we found that students who participated in the programme reported improvements in collaboration and teamwork, project management, interprofessional teamwork, professional growth and development, thinking in an innovative manner, research and development skills, information seeking, and willingness to work on international projects. Analysis of the open-ended questions revealed five themes: language, teamwork and collaboration, cultural awareness, innovation process, and personal growth and self-improvement. The long-term, follow-up data indicate that these attributes can be transferred into a clinical context which have implications for improved collaboration and patient care.  相似文献   

Healthcare professionals are increasingly expected to work in interprofessional teams. Students therefore need opportunities to learn and practise skills that will allow them to be effective team members when they enter the workforce. This article summarises an interprofessional learning experience for 289 undergraduate and graduate students representing 13 programmes in a College of Health Professions (CHP) at a US public university. The half-day workshop provided an opportunity for participants with no prior interprofessional education to collaborate in a problem-solving case study and to inform students of other professions about their professions. Faculty members from all CHP programmes collaborated in writing the case study and facilitating student discussions during the event. Attitudes related to interprofessional collaboration and professional roles were assessed prior to and after workshop participation. A paired t test showed a statistically significant difference in four attitude questions. Participants reported a significant increase in understanding the roles of other professionals in healthcare and community situations. They also reported an increased understanding of the benefits and challenges of working in interprofessional teams. This event successfully introduced participants to interprofessional collaboration and provided them the opportunity to share their professional expertise and understand the expertise of others.  相似文献   

The American Diabetes Association announced in 2012 that 86 million Americans were diagnosed with prediabetes compared to 79 million in 2010. Prediabetes + Me (PreDiaMe) is an innovative educational programme developed by pharmacy students at Nova Southeastern University College of Pharmacy, which provides collaborative interprofessional care for patients with prediabetes. A literature review using EBSCOhost, EMBASE, and MEDLINE databases searching the terms education, health services, interprofessional team, and prediabetes was conducted. Human studies published in English between 2006 and 2016 were included. Investigators interviewed a community pharmacist and a consultant pharmacist certified in diabetes education. Based on these interviews and the literature found, PreDiaMe was created to unite healthcare professionals through a three-step community outreach programme. The goal of PreDiaMe is to identify patients at risk of prediabetes, to decrease the prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), to reduce healthcare costs, and to improve the quality of life for patients with prediabetes. PreDiaMe benefits patients with prediabetes, the healthcare system, and pedagogy as it aims to decrease in the prevalence and economic burden and increase health outcomes of patients with prediabetes while being used as a tool to provide integrative education in health professional programmes.  相似文献   

This article presents a qualitative research protocol to explore and understand the interprofessional collaboration (IPC) preparation process implemented by clinical tutors and students of different professions involved in interprofessional education (IPE).

Many studies have shown that IPE initiatives improve students’ understanding of the roles and responsibilities of other professionals. This improves students’ attitudes towards other professions, facilitating mutual respect, and IPC. However, there is limited information about how students are prepared to work collaboratively within interprofessional teams. This is a constructivist grounded theory (GT) study, which will involve data collection through in-depth semi-structured interviews (to 9–15 students and 6–9 clinical tutors), participant observations, and the analysis of documentation. After analysing, coding, integrating, and comparing the data if necessary, a second round of interviews could be conducted to explore any particularly interesting aspects or clarify any issues. This will then be followed by focused and theoretical coding. Qualitative data analysis will be conducted with the support of NVivo 10 software (Victoria, Australia). A better conceptual understanding will help to understand if IPE experiences have contributed to the acquisition of competencies considered important for IPC, and if they have facilitated the development of teamwork attitudes.  相似文献   

Efforts to improve interprofessional education (IPE) are informed by attitudes of health professional students, yet there are limited US data on student characteristics and experiences associated with positive attitudes towards IPE. A cohort of US medical, nursing, and physician associate students was surveyed in their first and third years, using the Readiness for Interprofessional Learning Scale and Interdisciplinary Education Perception Scale. Information was also collected on demographics and experiences during training. Health professional students differed in their attitudes towards IPE; characteristics associated with having more positive attitudes at both time points included being a nursing student, female, older, and having more previous healthcare experience. Students who participated in interprofessional extracurricular activities (particularly patient-based activities) during training reported more positive attitudes in the third year than those who did not participate in such activities. Based on these findings, schools may consider how student characteristics and participation in interprofessional extracurricular activities can affect attitudes regarding IPE. Building on the positive elements of this interprofessional extracurricular experience, schools may also want to consider service-learning models of IPE where students work together on shared goals.  相似文献   

Within the care of people living with respiratory conditions, nursing, physiotherapy, and respiratory therapy healthcare professionals routinely work in interprofessional teams. To help students prepare for their future professional roles, there is a need for them to be involved in interprofessional education. The purpose of this project was to compare two different methods of patient simulation in improving interprofessional competencies for students in nursing, physiotherapy, and respiratory therapy programmes. The Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative competencies of communication, collaboration, conflict resolution patient/family-centred care, roles and responsibilities, and team functioning were measured. Using a quasi-experimental pre-post intervention approach two different interprofessional workshops were compared: the combination of standardised and simulated patients, and exclusively standardised patients. Students from nursing, physiotherapy, and respiratory therapy programmes worked together in these simulation-based activities to plan and implement care for a patient with a respiratory condition. Key results were that participants in both years improved in their self-reported interprofessional competencies as measured by the Interprofessional Collaborative Competencies Attainment Survey (ICCAS). Participants indicated that they found their interprofessional teams did well with communication and collaboration. But the participants felt they could have better involved the patients and their family members in the patient’s care. Regardless of method of patient simulation used, mannequin or standardised patients, students found the experience beneficial and appreciated the opportunity to better understand the roles of other healthcare professionals in working together to help patients living with respiratory conditions.  相似文献   

The hierarchical relationship between nursing and medicine has long been known, yet its direct influence on procedural tasks has yet to be considered. Drawing on the theory of conformity from social psychology, we suggest that nursing students are likely to report incorrect information in response to subtle social pressures imposed by medical students. Second-year medical and third-year nursing students took vital signs readings from a patient simulator. In a simulation exercise, three actors, posing as medical students, and one nursing student participant all took a total of three rounds of vital signs on a high-fidelity patient simulator. In the first two rounds the three actors individually stated the same correct vital signs values, and on the third round the three actors individually stated the same incorrect vital sign values. This same procedure was repeated with actors posing as nursing students, and one medical student. A two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed that nursing student participants (M = 2.84; SD = 1.24) reported a higher number of incorrect vital signs than did medical student participants (M = 2.13; SD = 1.07), F (1,100) = 5.51, p = 0.021 (Cohen’s d = 0.61). The study indicated that social pressure may prevent nursing students from questioning incorrect information within interprofessional environments, potentially affecting quality of care.  相似文献   

This article presents results from an organizational evaluation of an interprofessional clinical study unit (ICS) in Denmark. The aim of this study was to test whether the ICS was based on a durable organizational concept and to identify the prerequisites for the unit to be successful. The evaluation framework was “theory-based evaluation”. A program theory was developed based on the concepts and expectations of the steering committee which initiated and designed the ICS. The program theory was tested for conflicts of interest among the stakeholders related to the ICS regarding prerequisites for the study unit to function organizationally. Further analysis examined whether these conditions had been present during the project period and whether all elements had been correctly implemented. The results suggested that although the ICS had taken into account stakeholders' requests, it was not possible to fully implement all the necessary conditions identified as essential for the unit to function successfully. The results generate a set of recommendations for future ICS units to function successfully.  相似文献   

Interprofessional education (IPE) is a key element in preparing current and future health professionals to function in a collaborative practice-ready workforce. California State University, Fresno’s College of Health and Human Services and Valley Children’s Healthcare have partnered together to create an IPE collaborative that organizes and provides interagency-sponsored workshops that align learning objectives of relevant healthcare topics with 2016 IPEC core competencies for university students and health professionals. Using a pre/post design with the IPEC Competency Self-Assessment Tool, two cross-sectional studies were conducted to measure whether interprofessional learning of core competencies improved after participation in IPE workshops, and if such improvements were different between students and health professionals. In Study 1, 67 participants attended a Pediatric Head Injury IPE workshop. Of these, 19 students and 22 health professionals consented to participate and complete the IPEC survey. In Study 2, 99 participants attended an Error Disclosure IPE workshop. Of these, 26 students and 29 health professionals consented to participate and complete the IPEC survey. This investigation showed that the IPEC Competency Self-Assessment Tool discriminated competency ratings between students and health professionals in both studies and demonstrated a positive impact of IPE workshops on students’ and health professionals’ self-assessment of interprofessional competencies.  相似文献   

The increasing complexity of healthcare needs underlines the growing importance of interprofessional education and collaborative practice (IPECP) in enhancing quality of patient care. In particular, clinician educators play an influential role in advocating IPECP. The primary goal of our exploratory pilot study is to explore 34 clinician educators’ attitudes towards IPECP by using the adapted 14-item Attitudes Toward Health Care Teams Scale (ATHCTS) and 15-item Readiness for Interprofessional Learning Scale (RIPLS). Mean scores of ATHCTS and RIPLS were 3.81 (SD = 0.90) and 4.02 (SD = 0.79), respectively. Using exploratory factor analysis, we identified four factors: team value (ATHCTS), team efficiency (ATHCTS), teamwork and collaboration (RIPLS), and professional socialisation (RIPLS). The “team efficiency” factor on the ATHCTS scored lowest (factor mean = 3.49) compared with other factors (factor means = 3.87–4.08). Correlation analyses revealed that the “team efficiency” factor had small correlations with other factors (r = ?0.05–0.37). Our clinician educators valued IPECP in promoting teamwork and professional socialisation but they perceived IPECP to compromise efficiency. The issue of perceived inefficiency by clinician educators merits attention in order to promote wider implementation of IPECP.  相似文献   

Interprofessional education seeks to encourage different health professions to interact and learn together during their training process which will eventually lead to collaborative healthcare practices and improved care for patients. This study determined whether student understanding of diabetes management and the role of health professionals in diabetes care improved after the implementation of an interprofessional health promotion program. Sixty-three students from five health professions led six educational sessions concentrating on critical components of diabetes management. The longitudinal program covered topics within the Alphabet Strategy (A–G). Students were surveyed to determine their understanding of diabetes management. Data were gathered at the beginning of the study and its conclusion. Forty-seven students completed the program and the pre- and post-survey. There were significant improvements in students' knowledge of diabetes care, understanding of the roles of healthcare professionals and ability to work with other healthcare professionals. Nineteen patients completed the study. There were no significant differences in patients' diabetes knowledge, understanding of diabetes care and clinical outcomes. This study acknowledged the potential value of an interprofessional team approach to care. This innovative model could be applied to other practice settings and used for the management of other chronic diseases.  相似文献   

Interprofessional learning (IPL) can influence affective domain development of students through teaching activities that facilitate learning with, from, and about other professions. Current quantitative evidence offers limited explanation of how this learning is achieved within IPL programmes. This article tests a conceptual framework drawn from theories on IPL and affective domain development (attitudes, values, and behaviours) to explain what works for whom, when, and in what circumstances. The objectives of the study were twofold: to evaluate the impact of the IPL programme on the student’s attitudes and values, and to identify behaviour changes in clinical practice towards interprofessional working. Using an action research approach, based in practice, an IPL programme was delivered over 6 weeks. Students from five professions, nursing, radiography, physiotherapy, social work, and podiatry (n = 63), participated over the two action research cycles and in semi-structured focus groups (n = 37). The recorded personal experiences of the IPL activities on the students were examined in relation to the type of activity; impact on the affective domain of learning (attitude, value, or behaviour) and self-reported outcome on application to their practice. Modification in affective domain development was measured to identification or internalisation stage for 30 of the students. Self-reported outcomes on application to practice included direct impact on patient care, personal resilience building, improved communication, and ability to challenge practice. This article presents a conceptual framework not evident in current research, in regard to what IPL works for whom, in what circumstances, and when. IPL activities that address a personal reward or incentive and are delivered over four weeks, imitating ‘circles of care,’ that explore self-assessment, team building, and reflection can lead to sustained change in values, attitudes, and behaviours.  相似文献   

Clinical errors due to human mistakes are estimated to result in 400,000 preventable deaths per year. Strategies to improve patient safety often rely on healthcare workers’ ability to speak up with concerns. This becomes difficult during critical decision-making as a result of conflicting opinions and power differentials, themes underrepresented in many interprofessional initiatives. These elements are prominent in our interprofessional initiative, namely Crucial Conversations. We sought to evaluate this initiative as an interprofessional learning (IPL) opportunity for pre-licensure senior healthcare students, as a way to foster interprofessional collaboration, and as a method of empowering students to vocalise their concerns. The attributes of this IPL opportunity were evaluated using the Points for Interprofessional Education Score (PIPES). The University of the West of England Interprofessional Questionnaire was administered before and after the course to assess changes in attitudes towards IPL, relationships, interactions, and teamwork. Crucial Conversations strongly attained the principles of interprofessional education on the PIPES instrument. A total of 38 volunteers completed the 16 hours of training: 15 (39%) medical rehabilitation, 10 (26%) medicine, 7 (18%) pharmacy, 5 (13%) nursing, and 1 (2%) dentistry. Baseline attitude scores were positive for three of the four subscales, all of which improved post-intervention. Interprofessional interactions remained negative possibly due to the lack of IPL opportunities along the learning continuum, the hidden curriculum, as well as the stereotyping and hierarchical structures in today’s healthcare environment preventing students from maximising the techniques learned by use of this interprofessional initiative.  相似文献   

While supported by the Affordable Care Act, in the United States, interprofessional training often takes place after healthcare providers graduate and are practicing in the field. This article describes the implementation and evaluation of an interprofessional training for graduate-level healthcare trainees. A group of interprofessional healthcare faculty provided a weeklong interprofessional immersion for doctoral-level healthcare trainees (n = 24) in Pharmacy, Counselling Psychology, Nursing, and Family Medicine residents. Healthcare faculty and staff from each profession worked side-by-side to provide integrated training utilising the Interprofessional Education Collaborative core competency domains. Trainees were placed into small teams with representatives from each profession; each team observed, learned, and practiced working within teams to provide quality patient care. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected to identify the effect of the training on trainees’ self-reported team skills, as well as the extent to which the trainees learned and utilised the competencies. The results suggest that after completing the training, trainees felt more confident in their ability to work within an interprofessional team and more likely to utilise a team-based approach in the future.  相似文献   


Clinical systolic heart failure (HF) guidelines specify recommendations for ACE inhibitors (ACEI), angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB), and beta blockers according to doses used in clinical trials. However, many HF patients remain suboptimally treated. We sought to determine which provider type, between an interprofessional HF team, non-HF cardiologists, and primary care physicians (PCP), most optimally manages HF medications and doses. A retrospective chart review was performed on adult patients at an academic county hospital with an ejection fraction ≤40% and a diagnosis of HF, seen by a single provider type (HF team, cardiologist, or PCP) at least twice within a 12-month period. Utilization rates of any ACEI/ARB and any beta blocker were robust across provider types, though evidence-based ACEI/ARB and beta blocker were greatest from the HF team. Doses of evidence-based therapies dropped markedly in the non-HF team groups. The percent of patients prescribed optimal doses of an evidence-based ACEI/ARB AND beta blocker was 69%, 33%, and 25% for the HF team, cardiologists and PCPs, respectively (p?<?0.0167). Patients followed by the HF team were more frequently prescribed evidence-based medications at optimal doses. This supports using specialized interprofessional HF teams to attain greater adherence to evidence-based recommendations in treating systolic HF.  相似文献   

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