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In this paper we explore how aspects of the social world may be linked to mental health and psychiatric morbidity and propose that conditions should be created which allow individuals and communities greater opportunities for self-care and self-management. Specifically the focus is on social connections, disability and homelessness and work stress. There is a clear policy direction pursued by many national governments and international organizations such as the World Bank to build healthy communities. The environment as it relates to health and well-being can be thought of in terms of physical and social dimensions. We will argue that self-care and self-management at both the individual and the community level, in partnership with economic and health policies, are necessary to effectively address social determinants. It will also be suggested that although many in the profession will make the usual refrain that this has little relevance to mental health nurses, the opposite may be the case as mental health nurses have an important, albeit ill-defined, role to play in tackling social determinants.  相似文献   

People diagnosed with a mental illness experience poorer physical health than the general population. Nurses have been identified for their potential role in addressing physical health needs of consumers of mental health services. This paper reports on preliminary findings of a qualitative study on health-care services for physical and mental health in a regional area in Australia. A key purpose of the study was to explore the perceptions of nurses working in mental health settings of their physical care with consumers. A qualitative, exploratory approach was undertaken. Semi-structured focus groups were conducted with 38 nurses from one mental health service. Nurse participants described a common co-occurrence of physical problems and mental illness and expressed the importance of health-care services to treatment and prevention. Participants expressed divergent views on nurses' capacity to contribute to better health-care processes.  相似文献   

The landscape of mental health care and service delivery is changing, as is our understanding of the underlying causes for mental distress. It is now apparent that biogenic explanations have been overstated and instead experiences of trauma and adversity constitute the main contributor to people’s experiences of mental health challenges. The shortcomings of treatments traditionally used in mental health care are also evident, and with a contemporary focus on person-centred care, the utility of diagnostic labels has been called into question. Taking all this into consideration, this study sought to explore, what should be the future focus of mental health nursing? Three separate focus groups were conducted. One with a sample of senior clinical mental health nurses, one with a sample of consumer representatives and another with allied health professionals. The common theme across all three focus groups was the centrality of the therapeutic role of mental health nurses (MHNs). Consumers and allied health participants, in particular, advocated for a de-emphasis on medications, psychiatric diagnoses, and custodial practices. The MHNs role in health promotion, working collaboratively with consumers, being hopeful, understanding the individual perspective, and appreciating the social determinants of mental health were all highlighted in framing the future focus of MHN practice.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONTraditionalmedicineandmodernmedicineareconsideredastwomainmedicalsystemsandexistcooperatelyinourcountrylong-term.Theformationoftraditionalmedicinegoesbacktoancienttimes.TheauthorthinksthatextenttheprincipleandmethodofmodernrehabilitationaresimilaronsomeextentwiththerapyofhealthpreservingoftraditionalChinesemedicine.Thelatermainlystudythecontentsofbuildingbodyandpreventingdiseaseinordertoprolongthetimeoflife.Itisessentialofbringingintoplaythetherapyofhealthpreservingoftra…  相似文献   

Background:Diabetesneedsalongself-nursingtimeandthedeficiencyofknowledgeaboutdiabeteswilldirectlyinfluencepa-tients'healthylife.Healtheducationindiabetesistheimportantcontentofnursinginfact.Objective:Toinvestigatetheeffectofhealtheducationonself-nursingofpatientwithdiabetes.Unit:ShenyangGeneralHospitalofPLA.Subjects:FromJanuary2001toSeptember200186casesdia-betestreatedwithinsulinwereinvestigated,including54males,32females.Allcasesweredividedintotreatmentgroup(n=44)andcontrolgroup(n=42).I…  相似文献   

Although enrollment scale of College are amplifed every year,people are still very concerned about whether students are over line.The mental load of students under line is very heavy and their mental health is more to be worried.OBJECTIVE:To investigate state of mental health to students defeated in college entrance examination.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND:Althoughenrollmentscaleofcollegeareamplifedeveryyear,peoplearestillveryconcernedaboutwhetherstudentsareoverline.Thementalloadofstudentsunderlineisveryheavyandtheirmentalhealthismoretobeworried.OBJECTIVE:Toinvestigatestateofmentalhealthtostudentsdefeatedincollegeentranceexamination.UNIT:SecondPeople'sHospitalofTaizhouCity.SUBJECTS:280studentswererandomlysampledfromstu-dentsunderlinein2001collegeentranceexaminationincluding152males,128females,aged(19.8±3.8)yearsold.INT…  相似文献   

Background:Blockingofcervicalnerveganglionisaneffectivemethodintreatmentofcervicalspondylopathy.Healtheducationbe-foreandafteroperationcouldsolvemanynursingproblems.Objective:Toinvestigateeffectofhealtheducationintreatmentofcervicalspondylopathybyblockingofnerveganglion.Unit:RongjunGeneralHospitalofShandong.Subjects:88casesofcervicalspondylopathywerediagnosedforcervicalstifness,painessandnumbofupperlimbs,Including61males,27females,aged31~78yearsold.Brachialplexuspulingtestandintervertebra…  相似文献   

BACKGROUND:Accordingtomodernhealthopinion,pa-tients'goodcompliancehascloserelationshipwithpatients'healthfaithandknowledge.Sopracticinghealtheducationandsynthetictherapyaccompaniedwithdrugtreatmentbenefitscontrolandreha-bilitationofdisease.OBJECTIVE:Toinvestigatetheeffectsofsystemicplannedhealtheducationontherehabilitationofhypertensionpatients.UNIT:DepartmentofRehabilitation,QinduHospitalofForthMilitaryMedicalUniversity.SUBJECTS:234hypertensioncasestreatedbetweenJanuary2000and…  相似文献   

张洪梅 《中国临床康复》2002,6(22):3463-3463
Background:The clinical symptoms of disorders of temporomandibular joint,clicking of joint and dyscinesia of mandibular,which treatment ways are virious and its curative effect is different.Objective:To explore the effect of the ulotrasonic wave treatment of 116 patients with disorders of temporomandibular joint.Unit:Affiliated Second Hospital of Qiqihaer Medical College.Subject:116 patients with temporomandibular joint,47 males and 69 females,aged 14-70 years old,average 36 years old.Disease history recorded from 2 days to several months.Pathosenic parts:18 cases were bilateral,42 cases were dextral and 56 cases were left.Pathogenic factors included mental,traumatic and others factors.clinical stages:75 cases in dysfunction period of masseter (65 per cent),36 cases in disturbance period of structure of joint (31 per cent) and 5 cases in period of organic changes.Intervention:With CSL-I type ultrasonic wave treatment machine produced by Shanghai,frequency 800 kHz,diameter 3.5cm,we used the method of contact and movement,which adopted liquid paraffin as coupled agent.We told patients open mouth slightly and placed sound-head on the part of temporomandibular joint,0.75-1.0W/cm,once 10 minutes,once each day and 10 days as a treatment course.We can observe the effect after two courses of treatment,meantime adopt comprehensive treatment like rehabilitative therapy to eliminate causes of diseases.Main result measurements index:recovery:joint pain disappears,extent of opening mouth normal,snap disappears and figure of opening mouth abnormity disappears;improved:joint pain obviously alleviates,extent of opening mouth obviously improves and snap and figure of opening mouth alleviate;ineffective:no changes before and after treatment.Results:75 cases disorders of masseter function,75 cured (58 in one treatment course,17 in two treatment course),recovery rate 100 per cent;36 cases of disorders of joint structure,28 cured (18 in one treatment course,10 in two treatment course),recovery rate 77.78 per cent.8 cases improved (two treatment courses),total effective rater 100 per cent;5 cases of organic changes,4 cases improved (two treatment courses),1 case ineffective,total effective rate 80 per cent.Conclusion:The treatment of ultra wave of temporomandibular joint can alleviate pain and improve blood circulation,ralax contracted muscle,and improve injury recovery.  相似文献   

The literature identifies that mental health services and those individuals working within them have the potential to facilitate inclusion for their client group, because of their power to initiate potential inclusive opportunities. However, evidence suggests that service users themselves perceive many aspects of mental health services as contributing to the problem of exclusion. This has been attributed to an accumulation of messages, attitudes and disempowering practices that have emanated from mental health care providers over a long period. This study employs focus group methodology in a residential rehabilitation unit in an industrial city in the UK. Discussion of the findings highlight how, in spite of alleged inclusive practices, the attitudes held by members of the unit team could impede the clients' opportunities to become socially included, as a result of defensive practice, paternalistic attitudes, expectations of the local community upon the team and the stagnant views that are embedded in the culture of mental health services. While mental health nurses may see themselves as promoting inclusion, the reality may be quite different.  相似文献   

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