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Whereas short-term (minutes) facilitation at Aplysia sensory–motor neuron synapses is presynaptic, long-term (days) facilitation involves synaptic growth, which requires both presynaptic and postsynaptic mechanisms. How are the postsynaptic mechanisms recruited, and when does that process begin? We have been investigating the possible role of spontaneous transmitter release from the presynaptic neuron. In the previous paper, we found that spontaneous release is critical for the induction of long-term facilitation, and this process begins during an intermediate-term stage of facilitation that is the first stage to involve postsynaptic as well as presynaptic mechanisms. We now report that increased spontaneous release during the short-term stage acts as an orthograde signal to recruit postsynaptic mechanisms of intermediate-term facilitation including increased IP3, Ca2+, and membrane insertion and recruitment of clusters of AMPA-like receptors, which may be first steps in synaptic growth during long-term facilitation. These results suggest that the different stages of facilitation involve a cascade of pre- and postsynaptic mechanisms, which is initiated by spontaneous release and may culminate in synaptic growth.  相似文献   

The induction of different phases of memory depends on the amount and patterning of training, raising the question of whether specific training patterns engage different cellular mechanisms and whether these mechanisms operate in series or in parallel. We examined these questions by using a cellular model of memory formation: facilitation of the tail sensory neuron-motor neuron synapses by serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) in the CNS of Aplysia. We studied facilitation in two temporal domains: intermediate-term facilitation (1.5-3 h) and long-term facilitation (LTF, >24 h). Both forms can be induced by using several different temporal and spatial patterns of 5-HT, including (i) repeated, temporally spaced pulses of 5-HT to both the sensory neuron soma and the sensory neuron-motor neuron synapse, and (ii) temporally asymmetric exposure of 5-HT to the soma and synapse under conditions in which neither exposure alone induces LTF. We first examined the protein and RNA synthesis requirements for LTF induced by these two patterns and found that asymmetric (but not repeated) 5-HT application induced LTF that required postsynaptic protein and RNA synthesis. We next focused on the patterning and protein synthesis requirements for intermediate-term facilitation. We found that intermediate-term facilitation (i) is induced locally at the synapse, (ii) requires multiple pulses of 5-HT, and (iii) requires synaptic protein synthesis. Our findings show that different temporal and spatial patterns of 5-HT induce specific temporal phases of long-lasting facilitation in parallel by engaging different cellular and molecular mechanisms.  相似文献   

High levels of corticosteroids (as circulate after stress) quickly and reversibly enhance hippocampal glutamatergic transmission via nongenomic actions requiring mineralocorticoid receptors. Subsequently, the hormone slowly and long-lastingly normalizes hippocampal cell function, through nuclear glucocorticoid receptors. Here we describe a rapid mineralocorticoid receptor-dependent enhancement of glutamatergic transmission in basolateral amygdala neurons. Contrary to the hippocampus, this rapid enhancement is long-lasting, potentially allowing an extended window for encoding of emotional aspects during stressful events. Importantly, the long-lasting change in state of amygdala neurons greatly affects the responsiveness to subsequent surges of corticosterone, revealing a quick suppression of glutamatergic transmission, which requires the glucocorticoid receptor. Responses of basolateral amygdala neurons to the stress hormone corticosterone can thus switch from excitatory to inhibitory, depending on the recent stress history of the organism.  相似文献   

Presynaptic facilitation of transmitter release from Aplysia sensory neurons is an important contributor to behavioral sensitization of the gill and siphon withdrawal reflex. The enhanced release is accompanied by reduction of the serotonin-sensitive S current in the sensory neurons and a consequent increase in duration of the presynaptic action potential (ranging from 10% to 30%). We find that changes of similar magnitude in the duration of depolarizing voltage-clamp steps in sensory neurons in intact abdominal ganglia yield increases in synaptic potentials of 45-120%. In dissociated cell culture, these changes lead to increases of 25-60% in the synaptic potential. Prolongation of presynaptic depolarization using voltage clamp or prolongation of the duration of the action potential by K+-channel blockers leads to prolongation of the time-to-peak of the synaptic potentials; similar changes in time-to-peak occur during presynaptic facilitation. The time-to-peak is not changed by homosynaptic depression or by changing the Ca2+ concentration, procedures that alter release without changing the duration of the action potential. Preventing the spike from broadening by voltage clamping the presynaptic neuron substantially reduces or blocks the facilitation. These results suggest that broadening of the action potential during facilitation is a causal factor in the enhancement of transmitter release.  相似文献   

It is now well established that neurogenesis in the rodent subgranular zone of the hippocampal dentate gyrus continues throughout adulthood. Neuroblasts born in the dentate subgranular zone migrate into the granule cell layer, where they differentiate into neurons known as dentate granule cells. Suppression of neurogenesis by irradiation or genetic ablation has been shown to disrupt synaptic plasticity in the dentate gyrus and impair some forms of hippocampus-dependent learning and memory. Using a recently developed transgenic mouse model for suppressing neurogenesis, we sought to determine the long-term impact of ablating neurogenesis on synaptic plasticity in young-adult mice. Consistent with previous reports, we found that ablation of neurogenesis resulted in significant deficits in dentate gyrus long-term potentiation (LTP) when examined at a time proximal to the ablation. However, the observed deficits in LTP were not permanent. LTP in the dentate gyrus was restored within 6 wk and this recovery occurred in the complete absence of neurogenesis. The recovery in LTP was accompanied by prominent changes within the dentate gyrus, including an increase in the survival rate of newborn cells that were proliferating just before the ablation and a reduction in inhibitory input to the granule cells of the dentate gyrus. These findings suggest that prolonged suppression of neurogenesis in young-adult mice results in wide-ranging compensatory changes in the structure and dynamics of the dentate gyrus that function to restore plasticity.  相似文献   

Depending on the number or the length of exposure, application of serotonin can produce either short-term or long-term presynaptic facilitation of Aplysia sensory-to-motor synapses. The cAMP-dependent protein kinase, a heterodimer of two regulatory and two catalytic subunits, has been shown to become stably activated only during long-term facilitation. Both acquisition of long-term facilitation and persistent activation of the kinase is blocked by anisomycin, an effective, reversible, and specific inhibitor of protein synthesis in Aplysia. We report here that 2-hr exposure of pleural sensory cells to serotonin lowers the concentration of regulatory subunits but does not change the concentration of catalytic subunits, as assayed 24 hr later; 5-min exposure to serotonin has no effect on either type of subunit. Increasing intracellular cAMP with a permeable analog of cAMP together with the phosphodiesterase inhibitor isobutyl methylxanthine also decreased regulatory subunits, suggesting that cAMP is the second messenger mediating serotonin action. Anisomycin blocked the loss of regulatory subunits only when applied with serotonin; application after the 2-hr treatment with serotonin had no effect. In the Aplysia accessory radula contractor muscle, prolonged exposure to serotonin or to the peptide transmitter small cardioactive peptide B, both of which produce large increases in intracellular cAMP, does not decrease regulatory subunits. This mechanism of regulating the cAMP-dependent protein kinase therefore may be specific to the nervous system. We conclude that during long-term facilitation, new protein is synthesized in response to the facilitatory stimulus, which changes the ratio of subunits of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase. This alteration in ratio could persistently activate the kinase and produce the persistent phosphorylation seen in long-term facilitated sensory cells.  相似文献   

Memory formation is highly sensitive to specific patterns of training, but the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying pattern sensitivity are not well understood. We explored this general question by using Aplysia californica as a model system. We examined the regulation of MAPK (ERK1/2) activation by small G proteins in the CNS by using different patterns of analog stimuli that mimic different patterns of behavioral training for memory induction. We first cloned and characterized the Aplysia homologs of the small G proteins, Ras and Rap1 (ApRas and ApRap, respectively). We next examined changes in ApRas and ApRap activity that accompany MAPK activation. Last, by delivering recombinant ApRas and ApRap into the CNS, we directly manipulated their activity and examined the resultant MAPK activation. We found that MAPK activation induced by analog training depends on the combined activity of ApRas and ApRap, rather than the individual activity of either one alone. Also, ApRas and ApRap have a complex role in MAPK activation: they can act as activators or inhibitors, depending on the specific pattern of the training. The pattern-sensitive regulation of MAPK by interactive ApRas and ApRap activity that we have identified could contribute to the molecular routing of different downstream effects of spatially localized MAPK required for the induction of specific pattern-sensitive forms of synaptic facilitation and memory.  相似文献   

When activity levels are altered over days, a network of cells is capable of recognizing this perturbation and triggering several distinct compensatory changes that should help to recover and maintain the original activity levels homeostatically. One feature commonly observed after activity blockade has been a compensatory increase in excitatory quantal amplitude. The sensing machinery that detects altered activity levels is a central focus of the field currently, but thus far it has been elusive. The vast majority of studies that reduce network activity also reduce neurotransmission. We address the possibility that reduced neurotransmission can trigger increases in quantal amplitude. In this work, we blocked glutamatergic or GABA(A) transmission in ovo for 2 days while maintaining relatively normal network activity. We found that reducing GABA(A) transmission triggered compensatory increases in both GABA and AMPA quantal amplitude in embryonic spinal motoneurons. Glutamatergic blockade had no effect on quantal amplitude. Therefore, GABA binding to the GABA(A) receptor appears to be a critical step in the sensing machinery for homeostatic synaptic plasticity. The findings suggest that homeostatic increases in quantal amplitude may normally be triggered by reduced levels of activity, which are sensed in the developing spinal cord by GABA, via the GABA(A) receptor. Therefore, GABA appears to be serving as a proxy for activity levels.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of cholera toxin on insulin release by monolayer cultures of endocrine pancreas has been studied. The toxin has a marked stimulatory effect upon insulin release at concentrations as low as 10–10M. The toxin had a small effect at low glucose concentrations, but was strongly stimulatory at high glucose concentrations and in the presence of arginine. Its effect could be detected within 30 min of application and only two minutes' exposure to the toxin was required for it to subsequently stimulate release. In comparative studies on insulin release the toxin was equal to, or slightly more potent than, 1.5 M glucagon and significantly more potent than cyclic AMP (10 mM) or theophylline (5 mM).  相似文献   

J Sand  I Nordback  P Arvola  I Porsti  A Kalloo    P Pasricha 《Gut》1998,42(4):507-510
Background—Botulinum toxin A is a potentinhibitor of the release of acetylcholine from nerve endings. Localinjection of botulinum toxin has recently been suggested to be helpfulin sphincter of Oddi dyskinesia by decreasing sphincter of Oddi pressure.
Aims—To explore the mechanism of action ofbotulinum toxin A on sphincter of Oddi (SO) muscle.
Methods—Four piglets underwent duodenoscopy andSO manometry was performed. After obtaining a baseline pressure, the SOwas injected with normal saline and the experiment repeated after oneweek. The SO was then injected endoscopically with botulinum toxin (40 U) with follow up manometry one week later. The sphincter of Oddi wasremoved from 10 pigs, cut into three rings, and placed in an organbath. The force of contraction was measured and registered on apolygraph. Rings were stimulated by 70 V (10 Hz, 0.5 ms) electricalfield stimulation for 20 seconds, exogenous acetylcholine (100 µM),and KCl (125 mM). Botulinum toxin (0.1 U/ml) or atropine (1 µM) wasadded to the incubation medium and the stimulation was repeated.
Results—Mean basal SO pressure in the pigsremained unchanged after saline injection but decreased to about 50%of baseline value following botulinum toxin injection (p=0.04). Thecontractions induced by direct stimulation of SO smooth muscle with KClwere not significantly affected by either atropine or botulinum toxin. In all rings exogenous acetylcholine induced contractions, which weretotally blocked by atropine, but not by botulinum toxin. Electricalfield stimulation induced contractions that were inhibited by bothatropine and botulinum toxin.
Conclusion—Botulinum toxin inhibits pig sphincterof Oddi smooth muscle contractions by a presynaptic cholinergicmechanism, similar to that described in skeletal muscle.

Keywords:sphincter of Oddi; botulinum toxin; pig; ex vivo


Background:Botulinum toxin A injection is an established method of treatment. Clinical practitioners use it widely in their practice to prevent the occurrence of facial scars. However, the effectiveness and safeness of has not been comprehensively established. The objective of the current systematic review is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of using botulinum toxin A injection to improve facial scars.Methods and analysis:This systematic review involves browsing a number of electronic databases to search for related articles. The search will include databases in both English (PubMed, EMBASE, Web of Science, Spocus, and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials) and Chinese (WanFang database, China Nation Knowledge Infrastructure, and VIP database), the periods of searching will be from inception till the 15th of September 2020. Completing the search in databases allows to consider randomized controlled studies that compares botulinum toxin A interventions to any comparison interventions in those who have facial scars. The review will be inclusive of papers in both languages, English and Chinese. The independent screening of studies for eligibility is conducted by 2 independent authors. Discussion was used to resolve discrepancies between the authors. The Cochrane Risk of Bias Tool V.2.0 is adopted for evaluating the methodological quality of each study. Data extraction was performed by 2 independent authors. For dichotomous outcomes, the were expressed as relative risk (RR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI). For continuous outcomes the results were expressed as the mean difference (MD) or standardized mean difference (SMD) with 95% CI. The statistical analysis of the present study is carried out in RevMan 5.3 software.Results:This study will output a comprehensive synthesis of existing evidence in relation to botulinum toxin A. Moreover, the results will also provide an interpretation of the effectiveness and safety of botulinum toxin A.Conclusion:The present review contributes to the existing body of knowledge by adding more evidence to evaluate if botulinum toxin A is effective and safe to be used as an intervention for improving facial scars.OSF registration number:DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/94TXP (https://osf.io/94TXP/).  相似文献   

Summary Pancreatic tissue was obtained during therapeutic subtotal pancreatectomy from five infants with persistent hyperinsulinaemic hypoglycaemia of infancy (so-called nesidioblastosis). Collagenase digests of the specimens were cultured in RPMI 1640 medium on extracellular matrix-coated plates. Acute insulin secretion showed minimal sensitivity to changes in glucose concentration. Sensitivity to other nutrient secretagogues such as glyceraldehyde, leucine, -ketoisocaproic acid and arginine was variable, showing either diminished or absent response. On the other hand, stimulators of Beta cell cAMP and modulators of the phosphoinositide-protein kinase C pathway were effective inducers of insulin release. The response to cAMP stimulators was independent of the glucose concentration. Although insulin output was high in the absence of glucose, this was not due to passive leak of hormone, since both removal of calcium and addition of somatostatin and epinephrine inhibited the secretion. Beta cells were more sensitive to somatostatin than epinephrine; however, both agents failed to completely suppress the release even at suprapharmacological concentrations. Although it cannot be excluded that the culture conditions affected Beta cell function, the present findings may suggest that cultured Beta cells in persistent hyperinsulinaemic hypoglycaemia of infancy behave like fetal Beta cells at early developmental stages.  相似文献   

Primary achalasia is a motility disorder of the esophagus involving impaired relaxation of the esophageal sphincter and, in later stages, dilatation and aperistalsis of the tubular esophagus. Endoscopic botulinum toxin injection to the lower esophageal sphincter is an effective and safe option in the treatment algorithm of achalasia, particularly in high‐surgical‐risk patients. In the present case report, we describe a rare complication of esophageal perforation following botulinum injection, resulting in associated inflammatory mediastinitis and formation of a pseudoaneurysm in the descending aorta. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first report in the literature of this rare complication of endoscopic botulinum injection. A contributing factor might have been the use of an injecting device with a significantly longer adjustable needle. Endoscopists should remain clinically vigilant to the potential complications associated with this common procedure.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND & AIMS: Despite the proven ability of immunization to prevent Helicobacter infection in mouse models, the precise mechanism of protection has remained elusive. METHODS: We explored the cellular events associated with Helicobacter clearance from the stomach following vaccination by flow cytometry analysis and histological and molecular studies. RESULTS: Kinetic studies showed that the infection is undetectable in vaccinated mice at day 5 postbacterial challenge. Flow cytometry analysis showed that the percentages of mast cells (CD3 - CD117 + ) increased in the lymphoid cells isolated from the stomach at day 4 postchallenge in urease + cholera toxin (CT)-vaccinated mice in comparison with mice administered with CT alone (9.4% +/- 4.4% and 3.1% +/- 1%, respectively, for vaccinated and CT administered, n = 5; P < .01). Quantitative PCR analysis showed an increased messenger RNA (mRNA) expression of the mast cell proteases 1 and 2 at day 5 postchallenge in the stomach of vaccinated mice. In contrast to wild-type mice, mast cell-deficient mice (W/W v mice) were not protected from H felis colonization after vaccination. Indeed only 1 out of 12 vaccinated W/W v mice showed a negative urease test. Remarkably, vaccinated W/W v mice reconstituted with cultured bone marrow-derived mast cells recovered the ability to clear the infection after vaccination (8 out of 10 mast cell-reconstituted mice showed negative urease tests [ P < .006 as compared with wild-type mice]). CONCLUSIONS: These experiments show that mast cells are, unexpectedly, critical mediators of anti- Helicobacter vaccination.  相似文献   

Chronic pelvic pain (CPP) is an extremely bothersome condition which leads to major effects in women's everyday life. In addition to visceral sources of pain, pelvic floor dysfunction including myofascial pain and spasm on the pelvic floor muscles causing hypertonicity are causes often overlooked. Injecting botulinum toxin type A (BoNT-A) into hypertonic pelvic floor muscles may aid the relaxation of pelvic floor musculature. The muscles that are injected in CPP treatment include the obturator internus, levator ani (pubococcygeus, iliococcygeus, and puborectalis), and coccygeus. Generally, injections can be performed tolerably with safety under conscious sedation combined with local anesthesia. Most practitioners perform BoNT-A injection of pelvic floor muscles using anatomical landmarks identified by manual palpation only. For the precise location of injection sites, some needle guidance techniques were proposed, including electromyography, electrical stimulation, ultrasound, fluoroscopy, and/or computed tomography. Side effects of BoNT-A injection in CPP are rare and self-limiting. Because of the reversible nature of BoNT-A, reinjection appears to be necessary. Increasing proof points out that BoNT-A is a promising treatment option for CPP in women. We conducted a review of published literature in Pubmed, using chronic pelvic pain in women, hypertonic pelvic floor, and botulinum toxin as the keywords. This article aims to summarize the treatment techniques and results of BoNT-A injection for hypertonic pelvic floor in women with chronic pelvic pain.  相似文献   

A culture of dispersed rat anterior pituitary cells was used to test the ability of pimozide and sulpiride to affect the basal gonadotropin release and their effects on the response to GnRH. Sulpiride did not alter either the basal or the Gn-RH-induced release of LH, and the lowest dose (500 ng/ml) seemed to potentiate the Gn-RH-induced FSH release. On the other hand, both doses of pimozide (100 ng/ml and 10 μg/ml) significantly inhibited the release of FSH and LH induced by Gn-RH but did not affect the basal release of the two gonadotropins. From these results it is evident that pimozide, at the doses used, is a powerful inhibitor of the pituitary response to Gn-RH in vitro. Sulpiride on the other hand had no effect on the pituitary response to Gn-RH in vitro, except on FSH release, using the lower dose.  相似文献   

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