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Adenolipomas are rare benign neoplasms composed of mature adipose tissue and thyroid follicles. The preoperative fine-needle aspiration cytology of such lesion has rarely been cited. Approximately 12 cases have been reported in the literature worldwide, diagnosed solely on histopathology. A 65-year-old woman presented with a 4-month history of a thyroid nodule. A FNA cytology specimen showed a few benign follicular cells with adipose tissue. Right lobectomy was performed and the specimen revealed a solid yellowish mass measuring 3 x 2.5 cm. Microscopic findings showed a solid tumor predominantly composed of mature adipose tissue intermixed with thyroid follicles. The pathological diagnosis was adenolipoma of the thyroid gland. The presence of adipose tissue is a common finding within the cytologic specimen, especially in obese individuals or with inadequate sampling. But suspicion may be possible if excess amounts of adipose tissue are present in the submitted sample.  相似文献   

Mixed medullary-follicular carcinoma (MMFC) of thyroid is an extremely rare tumor, characterized by coexistence of morphological and immunohistochemical features of both medullary carcinoma and follicular (or papillary) carcinoma. We herein present fine needle aspiration (FNA) findings of a histology-confirmed MMFC along with a review of literature. The patient was a 64-year-old woman who had a history of Hashimoto's thyroiditis and presented with enlargement of preexisting right thyroid nodule. An US-guided FNA of the thyroid nodule was performed and conventional smears were prepared. A cytologic diagnosis of "positive for malignancy, consistent with medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC)" was rendered based on the presence of features characteristic for MTC, and the absence of components of follicular neoplasm (adenoma and carcinoma) or papillary carcinoma. However, microscopic examination of the follow-up total thyroidectomy specimen with the aid of immunocytochemical study detected minor portion of follicular carcinoma in addition to MTC. A histologic diagnosis of MMFC was then established. While specific identification of MMFC by FNA may be difficult, it should be emphasized that adequate sampling in conjunction with the proper immunostaining panel could have highlighted the different aspects of the mixed tumor.  相似文献   

Reporting schemes for thyroid fine-needle aspirations in the literature were reviewed and classified according to the number of categories in the scheme and the significance of each category. The sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive and negative values were determined for each scheme, if possible. A reporting scheme based on the probability of finding carcinoma on histology is proposed.  相似文献   

We present our experience of fine-needle aspiration (FNA) cytology of the thyroid in a community hospital setting and discuss the cancer probability of the indeterminate FNA results. There were 1,621 FNAs, 401 of which have follow-up thyroidectomies during a 10-yr period. The initial FNA diagnoses of these 401 cases were benign non-neoplastic (BNN) 159, malignant 34, atypical 33, suspicious 19, follicular neoplasm (FN) 88, follicular lesion (FL) 51, and inadequate 17. There were no false-positive cases. Cancer was found in 11 cases diagnosed as BNN (7%), 6 cases were due to sampling errors (incidental microcarcinomas), and 5 cases were due to failure to identify focal atypia in the smears of a follicular variant of papillary carcinoma. The false-negative rate was 3%, with the exclusion of cases of incidental microcarcinomas. Among the indeterminate FNA results, the follow-up operations revealed malignant tumors in 16 of 33 (48%) cases of atypical, 13 of 19 (68%) cases of suspicious, 29 of 88 (33%) cases of FN, and 7 of 51 (14%) cases of FL. Malignant tumors were also found in 2 of 17 (12%) of inadequate specimens with follow-up. When compared to the cancer rate (3%) for FNA diagnosis of BNN, the likelihood of finding cancer in the thyroidectomy is 5 times more for a FL, 11 times more for a FN, 16 times more for atypical, and 23 times more for suspicious. The sensitivity and specificity are 87 and 100%, respectively.  相似文献   

Psammoma bodies (PBs) form an important diagnostic criterion of papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC), but their mechanism of formation is not clear. Following our observation in a case of PTC that laminated hyaline globules may be the precursor form of PBs, the present study was undertaken to find out their relation to PBs in PTC cases. Fifty-four cases of PTC and 14 follicular neoplasms, diagnosed by fine-needle aspiration (FNA) cytology, were studied by one of the investigators (DKD) to find out the PBs, irregular calcifications, hyaline globules, and other forms made of similar material. PBs along with irregular calcification were present in five PTC cases, PB alone was present in 1 case, and irregular calcification alone was present in 4 cases. Large hyaline globules (LHGs), small hyaline globules (SHGs), branching hyaline cylinders (BHCs), and irregular hyaline deposits (IHDs) were identified in 10, 14, 6, and 9 cases, respectively. One or more of these four forms were present altogether in 18 (33.3%) of PTC cases and none of the follicular neoplasms (P=0.0142). These forms were present in 80.0% of cases with PB/irregular calcifications as opposed to 22.7% in cases without them (P=0.0012). Our observations suggest that LHGs, SHGs, and BHCs are precursors of PBs and IHDs serve as a nidus for irregular calcification.  相似文献   

Fine-needle aspirates from two histologically, immunohistochemically, and ultrastructurally confirmed mammary myofibroblastomas (MM) of two elderly women revealed abundant, randomly arranged single and clustered benign spindle-shaped mesenchymal cells with scant cytoplasm and elongated or oval nuclei displaying a finely granular chromatin pattern and inconspicuous nucleoli. In one case a few cells showed inconspicuous nuclear grooves. The aspirated tumor cells from the other case stained positively with desmin and CD34 antibodies and negatively with cytokeratin and S-100 protein antibodies, in keeping with an MM. A review of the literature was briefly presented.  相似文献   

Diagnosis of nodal lymphomas on fine-needle aspiration (FNA) cytologic specimens has been well established. However, cytodiagnosis of primary lymphoma of bone has not been well documented because of its rarity. We undertook a retrospective study of 25 cases of FNA cytologic specimens of primary lymphoma of bone. The slides were available for review in 20 cases; each case was evaluated with 15 cytologic features in conjunction with immunophenotyping and available surgical materials. Three diagnostic categories were assigned, including nondiagnostic (4/16%), suspicious (3/12%), and malignant (18/72%). Among the 18 malignant lymphoma, all were diagnosed on the basis of cytologic materials together with immunocytochemistry, except that two cases also relied on the cell blocks. The nondiagnostic and suspicious cases were subsequently confirmed to be malignant lymphoma on the surgical core biopsies. Of the 25 cases, 23 cases were large B-cell lymphoma, one follicular lymphoma large cell type, and one small lymphocytic lymphoma. False-positive or false-negative cases were not present in this study series. In conclusion, the vast majority of primary lymphoma of bone can be accurately diagnosed and classified on FNA cytologic specimens in conjunction with immunocytochemistry. The nondiagnostic and suspicious categories can be further reduced or eliminated by improving FNA techniques or by recommendation of surgical core biopsies together with other techniques such as flow cytometry and molecular analysis.  相似文献   

Scrape and fine-needle aspiration cytology of extraskeletal osteosarcoma   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Extraskeletal osteosarcoma is a rare malignant soft tissue tumor whose cytologic findings are infrequently reported. We describe scrape and fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) cytology findings of an extraskeletal osteosarcoma in the right shoulder of a 24-yr-old man. Initial computed tomography revealed multiple ossification foci within the lesion. After excision of the primary tumor, the tumor recurred 13 months later. Scrape smears of both the primary tumor and FNAB smears of the recurrent tumor revealed moderate cellularity, cell clusters, and individual cells, closely associated with dense, homogeneous, acellular matrix material. The cells had elongated, oval, or partially bizarre-shaped nuclei with a coarse chromatin pattern and prominent nucleoli. The scrape smears contained large fragments of matrix material consistent with osteoid.  相似文献   

Subacute thyroiditis (SAT) is usually diagnosed clinically without the need for fine-needle aspiration. The cytologic literature on this condition is therefore rare. We report on 14 cases of SAT presenting with thyroid nodules. The majority of patients were women with a mean age of 46 yr. All had pain/tenderness in the thyroid area accompanied by fever or an elevated ESR. The salient cytologic features included cellular smears; multinucleated giant cells in 100% of cases, some ingesting colloid or neutrophils; fibrous fragments with enmeshed inflammatory cells were a constant feature; follicular cells were scant to absent in most cases. Granulomas were rare. Colloid, when present was thick, with central cracks and frayed edges. One case was suspicious for malignancy. We conclude that the cytologic features of SAT are predictable, particularly, in the appropriate clinical setting. FNA is also helpful in ruling out concomitant neoplastic conditions.  相似文献   

To determine the effect of stereotactic core-needle biopsy (SCNB) on the utilization of breast fine-needle aspirate (FNA) biopsy, we retrospectively reviewed 1,568 cases of breast FNAs that were obtained from 1,188 patients between the years 1990 and 2000. There were 378 positive and atypical cases and 497 negative and unsatisfactory cases in the pre-SCNB group (between 1990 and 1996; 7 years); and 225 positive and atypical cases and 468 negative and unsatisfactory cases in the post-SCNB group (between 1997 and 2000; 4 years). The average number of cases per year in the pre- and post-SCNB groups was 125 and 173, respectively. While the average positive/atypical cases per year in both groups remained relatively constant, the average negative/unsatisfactory cases per year were significantly increased in the post-SCNB group (117 in the post-SCNB vs. 71 in the pre-SCNB). The increase in this group was due to a true increase in the negative diagnoses, since unsatisfactory rate decreased in the post-SCNB group (12.6% in the post-SCNB vs. 9.3% in the pre-SCNB). The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value were 90%, 79%, 92%, and 82% in the pre-SCNB group and 93%, 86%, 91%, and 90% for the post-SCNB group, respectively. In conclusion, the implementation of SCNB did not result in a decrease in the total number of breast FNAs; however, the distribution of cases changed. FNA is increasingly used to complete the triple test in clinically and radiographically negative cases.  相似文献   

We describe the clinical, cytological, histological, and immunohistochemical features of primary and metastatic pancreatoblastoma (PBL), a rare primary pancreatic malignancy of both adults and children. An 18-yr-old male patient presented with abdominal pain, weight loss, and diarrhea and had a 9-cm pancreatic mass that was revealed by CT scan. The fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) smears from the pancreas specimen and the lung metastasis were cellular and were composed of a combination of solid sheets, three-dimensional, loosely cohesive epithelial groups, and primitive spindled mesenchymal tissue with focal cartilage formation. Acinar formations were best appreciated on cell block preparations, and squamoid corpuscles were seen only on cell block. Zymogen granules were demonstrated in a subset of the epithelial cells using periodic-acid Schiff stains with and without diastase and dual acinar-endocrine differentiation was evident using a focused panel of immunohistochemical stains. Acinar-cell carcinoma (ACC) is the most difficult neoplasm to distinguish from PBL, both clinically and cytologically, especially in young children. The key to distinguishing them is to note the presence of squamous corpuscles and/or heterologous elements such as cartilage. Given the increasing utility of FNAB in the investigation of pancreatic masses, it is important for the pathologist to be familiar with the morphological features of this tumor, especially because preoperative diagnosis provides an opportunity for preoperative therapy before resection.  相似文献   

We reviewed 111 bronchoscopy-guided transtracheal and transbronchial fine-needle aspiration (TT/TBNA) specimens from 97 patients to determine the sensitivity and specificity for diagnosing neoplasia compared to surgical biopsy and clinical follow-up and to determine the optimal number of passes. Fifty were positive for neoplasia, seven were suspicious, one was atypical, 51 were negative, and two were unsatisfactory. Of 57 positive/suspicious cases, 56 were confirmed neoplastic, with one patient lost to follow-up (specificity with follow-up: 100%). A positive diagnosis was rendered on the first pass in 29 cases (58%), second in six (12%), third in five (10%), fourth in three (6%), fifth in four (8%), and sixth, ninth, and eleventh passes in one case each (2% each). Twenty-seven negative cases had confirmed malignancies after their index FNA (sensitivity for neoplasia: 67%). We conclude that TT/TBNA is a highly specific but not always successful diagnostic technique. It appears to be limited by mechanical difficulties that prevent tumor access and cellular uptake in some masses. Little information is gained by procuring more than six samples.  相似文献   

Angiomatoid malignant fibrous histiocytoma (AMFH) is a rare, low-grade malignant mesenchymal neoplasm that affects mostly the extremities of children and young adults. Excisional surgery is the adequate treatment. The cytologic, immunocytologic, and histologic features noted in two patients having AMFH are presented. Cytologic smears showed histiocyte-like cells dispersed and in clusters, in close relation with eosinophilic mesenchymal fragments in a bloody background with lymphocytes. The tumor cells showed mild to moderate anisocariosis, often with nucleolus and vast, fragile cytoplasm. A fibroblastic-like spindle to ovoid cell population was also present in one patient. Immunohistochemical results are most consistent with myofibroblastic cell differentiation. When accompanied by adequate clinical information and ancillary techniques, a specific preoperative cytologic diagnosis is possible.  相似文献   

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