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目的:确认土家族中一个先天性无虹膜家系的PAX6基因致病突变并分析其临床特点。方法:实验研究。详细询问家族病史并对该家系中所有7 例成员(4 例患者,3 例正常人)进行详细的眼部检查,采集家系成员及100例(50例土家族人和50例汉族人)正常对照者的外周静脉血,提取DNA;对先证者PAX6基因的全部外显子进行PCR扩增及测序;对家系中所有成员和正常对照者进行PAX6基因突变位点的验证检测。结果:该家系中患者主要以虹膜缺损、白内障、眼球震颤、黄斑中心凹发育不良和角膜病变为主要临床表现,虹膜缺损轻重不一,角膜病变和白内障情况随年龄增加而加重。该家系的4 例患者均在第3 外显子与内含子3 交界处出现一个杂合突变(c.357+1G > A),正常家系成员及正常对照者均无此突变。结论:该先天性无虹膜家系患者虹膜缺损程度不一。PAX6是该家系的致病基因,该家系患者PAX6基因的突变位点是杂合突变(c.357+1G > A)。  相似文献   

Purpose: Primary congenital glaucoma is a common disorder in the Middle East mainly caused by mutations in the the CYP1Bl gene. We report a family with three siblings that presented with recalcitrant childhood glaucoma, aniridia in two siblings with a novel CYP1B1 gene mutation.

Materials and methods: Review of pedigree, clinical history and clinical course of the family. Genetic testing in the affected family members.

Results: Three sisters presented with clinical findings of severe congenital glaucoma and a positive family history. Clinical examination of two of sisters revealed corneal scarring, bilateral aniridia with severe glaucoma that required multiple surgical procedures to control intraocular pressure. The third sibling presented with garden-variety primary congenital glaucoma. Genetic analysis revealed a novel CYP1B1 gene mutation (g.8291 C?>?T; p.S485F).

Conclusion: CYP1B1 mutation related congenital glaucoma can present with an extreme form of anterior segment dysgenesis that includes recalcitrant glaucoma, corneal opacification and aniridia.  相似文献   




结果:无虹膜患者在PAX6的第5外显子中存在杂合缺失突变(c.113_129del GGCCGTGCGACATTTCC, p.Arg38ProfsTer12),该患者同时合并妊娠期糖尿病,产前诊断结果提示胎儿具有相同的突变,易患先天性无虹膜症,经产后随访证实。

结论:在中国先天性无虹膜患者中发现了PAX6基因缺失突变,为人类PAX6等位基因变异数据库提供了更多的文献资料,为产前诊断提供了分析依据。  相似文献   

背景 人类配对盒基因(PAX6)编码一个转录调节子,对眼和大脑形态的形成起关键作用.PAX6突变可导致许多先天性眼部发育异常,如先天性无虹膜症,通常为常染色体显性遗传方式. 目的 对三个先天性无虹膜症家系成员进行PAX6基因分析,探索这些家系发病的遗传基础. 方法 收集三个先天性无虹膜症家系的5例患病者和正常成员13名的外周血标本提取DNA,根据PAX6基因的序列设计4~ 13外显子序列,通过聚合酶链反应(PCR)扩增引物并测序,将目标序列与已发表的PAX6基因序列进行对比分析.结果 三个家系中共有5例患病者,在家系A中2例患者发现一个杂合突变(c.718 C>T),导致第240位氨基酸由精氨酸突变为终止密码子(p.A rg240X),而其他正常表型者未发现此突变.家系B中的患病者和正常成员均未检测到PAX6基因的突变.家系C中1例患病者发现c.331 delG(p.Val111SerfsX13)的缺失突变,此单个碱基的缺失造成了移码突变,使PAX6蛋白羧基端的299个氨基酸缺失,而此家系的其他正常表型成员未发现此突变. 结论 家系A和家系C先天性无虹膜症的致病与PAX6基因的突变有关.  相似文献   

Introduction: Reports from around the world confirm that heterozygous PAX6 mutation is the major cause of hereditary aniridia (with a classic phenotype of iris hypoplasia, keratopathy, lens opacity, and foveal hypoplasia). However, genotype/phenotype reports are lacking from the Arabian Peninsula, a historically isolated region with a relatively high incidence of recessive disease and thus a potential for phenocopy and pseudodominance. The purpose of this study to assess for PAX6 mutation in two unrelated families with classic hereditary aniridia from the Arabian Peninsula. Methods: Interventional cases series of two unrelated affected Saudi Arabian families. Available family members underwent ophthalmic examination and venous blood sampling for PAX6 sequencing. Results: The pedigrees of both families suggested dominant (or pseudodominant) inheritance of the classic aniridia phenotype. Affected individuals in Family #1 were heterozygous for a novel frameshift PAX6 mutation (c.delA1294). Affected individuals in Family #2 had heterozygosity for a commonly-reported PAX6 nonsense mutation (p.Arg240X). Conclusions: PAX6 haploinsufficiency, the major cause of classic hereditary aniridia worldwide, is also associated with the phenotype in two different families from the Arabian Peninsula. Homozygosity by descent is not expected to affect genotype/phenotype correlation for the classic phenotype.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To report four patients with aniridia, preserved visual function, and no detectable mutations in PAX6. DESIGN: Retrospective case series. METHODS: The clinical records and molecular genetic findings of four patients from three clinical practices were reviewed retrospectively. RESULTS: All four patients had anterior segment findings characteristic of aniridia with good vision, no nystagmus in three of four patients, and no mutations on PAX6. An optical coherence tomography study from one of the patients showed a very shallow foveal pit. At the latest examination, none of the patients demonstrated a Wilms tumor. CONCLUSIONS: These four cases provide evidence for genetic heterogeneity in aniridia. In aniridic patients without a PAX6 mutation, vision seems to be relatively well preserved.  相似文献   

背景 先天性无虹膜是临床上罕见的先天性遗传性眼病.研究显示,配对盒转录因子6基因(PAX6)与先天性无虹膜症密切相关,但不同患者中PAX6基因的突变位点不同. 目的 对中国一常染色体显性遗传先天性无虹膜家系进行PAX6基因突变位点分析. 方法 于2014年8月在郑州大学第一附属医院收集一汉族先天性无虹膜家系,采集该家系9名成员及同期100名健康体检者的外周静脉血10 ml,采用标准酚-氯仿提取法提取基因组DNA,对PCR扩增产物进行测序、对比及突变分析.采用实时荧光定量PCR法验证和比较该家系中患病者与该家系表型正常者和健康对照者淋巴细胞中PAX6 mRNA的相对含量. 结果 该家系共3代9名成员,遗传方式符合常染色体显性遗传.家系中共5例患病者,成年患病者均表现为虹膜缺失和白内障,儿童患病者表现为无虹膜;其他4名家系成员表型正常.测序结果显示,家系患病者均存在11号染色体PAX6基因10号外显子的移码突变,第796位核糖核苷酸G缺失(c.796 del G),产生提前终止密码子,而家系正常成员及100名对照者均无此突变.实时荧光定量PCR结果显示,家系中患病者淋巴细胞中PAX6 mRNA表达水平比家系中正常成员约低50%,差异有统计学意义(Z=-2.449,P=0.016). 结论 PAX6基因c.796 del G为此先天性无虹膜家系的致病突变位点,扩增了PAX6基因突变谱.  相似文献   

目的对中国一先天性无虹膜家系进行PAX6基因突变检测,以确定其突变位点。方法实验研究。收集一先天性无虹膜家系,采集该家系患者及健康成员的外周静脉血,收集100名健康人外周血作为正常对照,采用Sanger测序的方法对PAX6基因的11个外显子(外显子4-14)以及外显子-内含子连接区域进行测序,随后进行家系共分离分析以及正常样本的对照分析。结果该家系8名成员经全面眼科检查,3名确诊为先天性无虹膜,且合并有复杂的眼部表型,包括不同程度的角膜病变、不同类型的白内障、黄斑发育不良、轻度上睑下垂和轻度眼球水平震颤等。在该家系患者中发现一个新杂合突变[c.569_570delinsACGG(p.Ile190Asnfs*18)],该突变可致PAX6基因编码的蛋白截短,该突变符合共分离且在100名正常对照者中未检测到。结论PAX6基因第8外显子上一个新的杂合突变[c.569_570delinsACGG(p.Ile190Asnfs*18)]为本研究中先天性无虹膜家系的致病突变,该突变与先天性无虹膜有关,本研究扩大了PAX6基因的突变频谱。  相似文献   

目的探讨我国常染色体显性遗传先天性无虹膜一家系患者的致病基因突变位点及其临床表型。方法实验研究。于南京医科大学第一附属医院眼科收集一先天性无虹膜家系,共8名家庭成员,其中3名患者,2名正常同胞,3名配偶。完善该家系内所有参与者的眼科检查,采集该家系成员的外周静脉血,提取基因组DNA,扩增PAX6基因的全部编码区及外显子-内含子交界区剪切位点附近的序列,直接测序法确定该家系的致病突变。结果遗传学筛查结果证实该家系的致病突变为位于PAX6基因第7号外显子与第7号内含子交接处的杂合突变(c.357+5G>A)。生物信息学分析结果表明该突变可导致正常剪切位点的缺失,产生移码突变,形成截短蛋白p.Ser121Asnfs*30。该家系中3例患者均表现出典型的先天性无虹膜症的临床表型,表现为虹膜发育不全,与此同时,该家系内患者还具有上睑下垂、白内障、眼球震颤、青光眼及玻璃体混浊等眼部异常。结论PAX6 c.357+5G>A杂合突变为该家系的致病突变,是该家系发生先天性无虹膜及上睑下垂、白内障、眼球震颤、青光眼及玻璃体混浊等一系列临床表型的主要致病原因。  相似文献   

目的 探讨先天性无虹膜症一家系的致病基因突变情况与发病机制.方法 采用病例对照研究方法.对该家系所有成员21人进行全面的眼科检查,同时进行家系调查并采集外周血样本,分离单个核细胞;用基因组DNA纯化试剂盒提取基因组DNA,以先证者DNA为模板聚合酶链反应法扩增转录因子PAX6基因全部14个外显子,用双脱氧末端终止法进行测序分析.结果 测序结果发现先证者Ⅲ2的PAX6基因在第11外显子上有Q310X(c.1378C>T)无义突变.它导致了第301位氨基酸密码子由CAA改变为TAX(Q301X),编码的谷氨酰胺突变为强终止密码子.对该家系中所有21名成员PAX6基因测序,结果发现所有10例患者都携带这一突变,而11名正常人则未检测到这一改变.结论 PAX6基因Q310X的无义突变所致PAX6蛋白翻译提前终止是此先天性无虹膜症家系的致病原因.  相似文献   

《Ophthalmic genetics》2013,34(1-2):115-117
Congenital cataract is a leading cause of visual impairment in children and brings approximately 10% of childhood blindness worldwide. Molecular analysis revealed ~60 loci to be associated with several phenotypes of childhood cataracts. Until now, more than 30 loci and 18 genes on different chromosomes have been associated with autosomal dominant congenital cataract (ADCC). Here, we present a three-generation Italian family with a non syndromic ADCC. A linkage analysis carried out using HumanCytoSNP-12 DNA Analysis BeadChip led us to identify ten genomic regions virtually involved in the disease. All the genes located in these regions were scored for possible relationship with ADCC and, according to a strict clinical and genetic selection, 4 genes have been analyzed. A novel sequence variant was found in the CRYBB2 gene (p.Ser143Phe). This variant affects a conserved aminoacid in the third Greek key motif of the protein, cosegregates with the disease phenotype in all affected individuals and is not present both in the unaffected family members and 100 healthy control subjects. Finally, we identified the first CRYBB2 mutation in an Italian family causing a clinical picture of ADCC.  相似文献   

Purpose: Congenital aniridia, a severe bilateral panocular visual disorder, is an autosomal dominantly inherited eye anomaly. Mutations in the paired box 6 gene (PAX6) have been shown to be responsible for congenital aniridia in most patients. The purpose of the present study was to report clinical features of a Chinese family with congenital aniridia and to screen novel genetic mutations for congenital aniridia.

Methods: All members of a three-generation family underwent comprehensive ophthalmic examination, and 8 of its 25 members were diagnosed with congenital aniridia. The proband was analyzed by exome sequencing and whole genome sequencing, and linkage analysis was performed for the family. The mutation was confirmed by direct DNA sequencing.

Results: Using Illumina’s Human Linkage-12 beadchip microarray (including 6090 SNPs) whole genome scan, the LOD score value showed that the interval on chromosome 11 between rs1389423 to rs910090 exhibited a strong linkage. A novel heterozygous 469 kb deletion mutation within the downstream region of PAX6 (chr11:31189937–31659379) was identified in all affected family members, but not in unaffected family members or 2000 ethnically matched controls.

Conclusion: A novel deletion mutation was identified within the PAX6 downstream region that results in congenital aniridia.  相似文献   



To report recurrent mutation of the KIF21A gene in three Japanese families in which some members have congenital fibrosis of the extraocular muscles type 1 (CFEOM1), and to describe the clinical characteristics of the families.


Standard ocular examinations were performed on 18 normal and affected members of three unrelated families. To detect mutations, we determined the DNA sequence of exons 8, 20, and 21 and the splice sites of the KIF21A gene.


All affected members had a heterozygous mutation of the KIF21A gene in exon 21 (R954W). Clinically, each patient had congenital bilateral ptosis, an infraducted primary position of each eye, and the inability to raise either eye above midline.


The KIF21A gene mutation R954W was detected in the patients with CFEOM1 screened in this study, all of whom were Japanese, reflecting similar reports from Europe, America, the Middle East, and Japan. We suggest that mutations of the KIF21A gene contribute to the development of CFEOM1 regardless of ethnicity. We also found that the delimitation of the KIF21A gene mutation site enabled us to efficiently detect the KIF21A gene mutation despite the large number of KIF21A gene exons. Jpn J Ophthalmol 2005;49:443–447 © Japanese Ophthalmological Society 2005  相似文献   

背景 先天性无虹膜是一种罕见的先天性常染色体显性遗传疾病,表现为双眼无虹膜,目前已知配对盒基因6(Pax6)突变与先天性无虹膜相关. 目的 对先天性无虹膜患者进行Pax6基因突变筛查.方法 纳入2012年8月至2015年10月在天津市眼科医院就诊的先天性无虹膜患者11例,包括来自3个先天性无虹膜家系的6例患者及5例散发病例,所有患者均接受常规眼科检查.采集所有患者的外周静脉血各3 ml,按照DNA分离试剂盒说明书描述的标准流程提取DNA,对Pax6和Elp4基因全部外显子、外显子5'和3'端与内含子拼接部序列、SIMO序列进行PCR扩增,采用Sanger直接测序法以及多重连接探针扩增技术(MLPA)对患者的Pax6基因进行序列分析,并与500例无眼前节异常的眼外伤患者的测序结果进行比对.结果 所有患者均虹膜缺如,视力为手动/眼前,1例患者存在晶状体脱位.直接测序结果发现,AN-01家系中的3例患者均携带Pax6基因c.688g>t(p.E230X)突变,5例散发病例中3例携有Pax6基因突变,分别为c.468g>a(p.W156X)、c.613c>t(p.Q205X)和c.141+2t>c突变,其中c.688g>t (pE230X)为新发现的突变.AN-02家系的1例患者、AN-03家系的2例患者及另2例散发病例经直接测序和MLPA验证,均未发现Pax6、Elp4基因以及SIMO片段的突变.500名正常个体均未发现上述突变.结论 先天性无虹膜可由Pax6基因突变引起,c.688g>t(p.E230X)为新发现的Pax6突变体,扩大了Pax6基因突变谱.  相似文献   

To report a novel mutation within the CHST6 gene, as well as describe light and electron microscopic features of a case of macular corneal dystrophy. A 59-year old woman with macular corneal dystrophy in both eyes who had decreased visual acuity underwent penetrating keratoplasty. Further studies including light and electron microscopy, as well as DNA analysis were performed. Light microscopy of the cornea revealed glycosaminoglycan deposits in the keratocytes and endothelial cells, as well as extracellularly within the stroma. All samples stained positively with alcian blue, colloidal iron, and periodic acid-Schiff. Electron microscopy showed keratocytes distended by membrane-bound intracytoplasmic vacuoles containing electron-dense fibrillogranular material. These vacuoles were present in the endothelial cells and between stromal lamellae. Some of the vacuoles contained dense osmophilic whorls. A novel homozygous mutation (c.613 C>T [p.Arg205Trp]) was identified within the whole coding region of CHST6. A novel CHST6 mutation was detected in a Korean macular corneal dystrophy patient.  相似文献   

布娟  李静  杜伟  卓彦伶  王乐今 《眼科研究》2010,28(8):783-785
目的研究PAX6基因突变是否是导致一先天性无虹膜家系致病的原因。方法收集一先天性无虹膜家系,制备外周血基因组DNA,PCR扩增PAX6基因的外显子及其邻近的内含子,应用单链构象多态性(SSCP)法检测,如果发现变异条带,将相应的扩增产物回收并纯化后进行PAX6基因测序。测序结果与GenBank公布的PAX6基因正常序列比对,寻找有无突变。结果本家系43名成员中有8例患病,遗传方式符合常染色体显性遗传特点,40岁以上的4例患者眼压高于35mmHg。所有患者中未发现全身并发症。在家系所有患者中均未发现异常条带。结论 PAX6基因与该先天性无虹膜家系无关。该家系的致病基因有待进一步通过全基因组扫描的方法来确定。  相似文献   

张清炯  张丰生 《眼科学报》1999,15(4):204-206
目的:对国人视网膜色素变性(retinitis pigmentosa RP)患者中视紫红质基因不同突变与临床表型相关性进行初步研究。方法:对经异源双链-SSCP和序列分析确定为视紫红质基因不同位点突变的3例RP患者,收集其详细临床资料,比较其异同。结果:详细描述了3例已知突变患者的临床表现。视紫红质基因不同位点突变,临床表现不尽相同,发生在杆细胞外节胞液侧的突变,常导致严重类型的Ⅰ型视网膜色素变性;而发生在杆细胞外节盘膜内的突变,常引起相对较轻的Ⅱ型视网膜色素变性。结论:本文3例视紫红质基因不同位点突变与临床表型有一定关系,但要建立基因突变与表型间确切的对应关系和规律,尚需积累更多病例资料进一步分析研究。眼科学报1999;15:204-206。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To describe the ophthalmic findings and mutation analyses of the PAX6 gene in Thai aniridia patients. METHODS: Ten patients from six unrelated families underwent a comprehensive ophthalmic examination. Mutations in the PAX6 gene were screened by single-strand conformational polymorphism (SSCP) and direct DNA sequencing of the SSCP variants. RESULTS: Seven patients developed cataracts and six developed glaucoma. Mutation analysis demonstrated four different truncating mutations, two of which were de novo. These included one novel insertion/deletion mutation (c.474del12insGA in exon 5) and three nonsense mutations. R203X and R240X are common recurrent mutations, while Q277X in exon 10 is novel. All mutations resulted in loss of function of the PAX6 protein. CONCLUSION: Our data confirm inter- and intrafamilial variable phenotypic manifestations of which the underlying mechanisms may be haploinsufficiency or dominant-negative mutation.  相似文献   

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