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<正> 经络生物物理学的近代研究表明经络系统是一个复杂的多功能系统。在经脉线上就有声、光、热、电和同位素循经扩散等多种信息的传导。本实验室在80年代初期发现:当以一个适当力量振动经脉线时,经脉即发出一种特异的音调,与振动非经脉线的体表有显著的差别,称为高叩诊音,或简称为经络音,经络音的发生有连续性和循经性,甚至当肢体被截下以后仍然存在,这就为探讨经脉发出这一特异音调的物质结构创  相似文献   

本文归纳了《内经》经络之望色,切脉,内脏病变在经络循行的特定部位以及经络腧穴之反映,来说明经络的诊断作用,并且分述了针刺治疗的手法:进针前手法,进针时手法,进针后之补泻手法。  相似文献   

<正> 前文已经报道大鼠的体表也和人类相似,存在经脉循行线。本文应用组织学和生物物理学相结合的方法,初步证明在这条循经的低阻线下,大鼠皮肤在毛囊和神经血管的分布方面具有形态学特征。实验用大白鼠,雌性、体重250~350克。毛囊观察组动物22只。取材前,先依前文测出背部膀胱经和腿部、腹部胃经的低阻线,分别用炭素墨水标记。然后在乙醚麻醉下断头处死。取材时,用锐刀切取宽为沿低阻线两侧3毫米,长为7毫米的皮肤块,尽可能连同皮下组织和肌肉取下,放在冰托  相似文献   

以视网膜电反应为指标观察加压阻滞对针刺效应的影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
吴宝华  黎宝娇 《针刺研究》1993,18(2):132-136
对30例无感传者和23例循经感传显著者观察的结果表明,针刺合谷穴(或光明穴)可引起视网膜电图(ERG)增大或减小二种反应。但有感传者的 ERG 针刺效应大于无感传者。机械压迫手三里穴(或阳陵泉穴)可使 ERG 的针刺效应减弱或消失。压迫手三里穴(或阳陵泉穴)两侧旁开的对照点则对针效无明显影响。上述结果提示,除了已知的神经体液综合调节机制之外,针刺效应的实现可能还有其他途径参与。  相似文献   

Some patients with hypothyroidism still remain symptom after prolonged treatment with thyroxine. Alternative treatment needs to be explored. The treatment is described as overlapof acupunture, supplemented with electric acupuncture, magnetic acupuncture, ear acupuncture, herbaltreatment, and acupressure of thyroid. The result of two case studies will be discussed in the presentation.The theoretical basis for the approach will also be explored.In Chinese medicine, hypothyroidismis often defined as spleen deficiency in the early stage and can be treated with ISRQ recipes (Invigorating the Spleen and Replenishing the Qi). In the chronic stage, hypothyroidism can be seen as kidneydeficiency and can be treated with KRR (Kidney Reinforcing Regimen). Hypthyroidism symptoms aresometimes diffcult to treat. However, TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) diagnosis and treatmentare based on an overall analysis of the illness according to patients' condition. After successful treamentof TCM, patients can stop taking Thy  相似文献   

Subjective: To observe the effect of electroacupuncture (EA) of acupoints of the Heart Meridian and Lung Meridian on ischemic cardiac systolic ability for analyzing the relative specific relationship between the Heart Meridian and the heart. Methods: Acute myocardial ischemia (AMI) was produced by intravenous infusion of pituitrin (40 u + 5% glucose injection 500 ml, 60 drips/min) in the rabbit. Left intraventricular pressure (LVP), maximal rising velocity of LVP (dp/dt max), isovolumetric pressure (IP) and end-diastolic pressure (EDP) of the left cardiac ventricle were used as the indexes. Three points of Heart Meridian [HM, from "Shenmen" (HT 7) to "Lingdao" (HT 4)] and the three points of Lung Meridian [LM, from "Taiyuan" (LU 9) to "Lieque" (LU 7)] were punctured with filiform needles and stimulated with hand-manipulation and electrically with ZY2-1 EA Therapeutic Apparatus. 30 rabbits anesthetized with urethane (1 g/kg) were randomly and evenly divided into control group, HM group and LM group. Resul  相似文献   

Objective: To observe the segmental distribution of afferent electroacupuncture (EA) signals from acupoints of the Pericardium (PC) Meridian and try to analyze the relative specificity of running route of PC Meridian. Methods, A total of 85 Wistar rats anesthetized with mixed solution of Chloralose (5 mg/100 g) and Urethane (42mg/100g) were used in this study. Under microscopic observation, the micro-filaments of the distal end of the dorsal root were carefully separated after tearing the spinal pia mater to attach to a recording electrode. The reference electrode was placed beneath the skin of the incision. Two caudal and two rostral dorsal roots near the recorded one were cut off separately. Electrical activity of the isolated micro-filaments was observed before and after EA of “Daling“(PC 7)-“Jianshi“ (PC 5), “Quze“ (PC 3) of PC Meridian, “Yangchr“(TE 4)-“Zhigou“ (TE 6), “Tianjing“ (TE 10)-“Qinglengyuan“ (TE 11) of the Triple Energizer (TE) Meridian with electric current 1 mA and 2 mA and double pulses. Resuits: ① After EA (1 mA) of “Daling“ (PC 7)-“Jianshi“ (PC 5), the firing rates of 3 out of 10 (33.3%) micro-fila-ments in 05 segment, 5 out of 10 (50.0%) in C6, 7 out of 10 (70.0%) in C7, 3 out of 10 (30.0%) in C8 and 3 out of 13 (23.1% ) in T1 increased considerably; and after EA of “Quze“ (PC 3), those of 3/10 of C5, 4/10 of C6, 6/10 of C7, 3/10 of C8 and 3/10 of T1 increased significantly. ② After EA (1 mA) of “Yangchr“(TE 4) -“Zhigou“ (TE 6) and “Tianjing“ (TE 10)-“Qinglengyuan“ (TE 11), the firing rates of 2/10, 2/10 of micro-filaments In Cs, 7/10, 3/10 of C6, 5/10 and 4/10 of C7, 1/10 and 1/10 of C8, and 2/13 and 1/10 of T1 increased significantly. It indicates that C7 dorsal root may play the first important role in conveying EA signals from PC Meridian acupoints to the spinal cord, while C6 and C7 may be mainly responsible for conveying EA signals from TE Meridian acupoints to the spinal cord. Conclusion: The peripheral afferent pathway for transmitting EA signals from PC Meridian acupoints probably has a relative specificity.  相似文献   

加压阻滞对足三里针刺效应的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
许金森  黄晓卿 《针刺研究》1993,18(2):137-142
本文以胃电图为指标,针刺足三里穴,比较机械压迫梁丘穴和梁丘穴两侧旁开对照点对针刺效应的影响。观察对象为33名无感传健康成年人。结果表明:针刺足三里穴对胃运动有双向性调节作用。机械压迫梁丘穴可减弱甚至消除由针刺足三里引起的效应,而压迫梁丘穴两侧旁开对照点则对针效无显著影响。上述结果再次表明,在经脉循行线路上施加机械压迫可以阻滞针刺的效应,这种特点可能具有普遍的意义,为进一步探讨针刺效应的途径提供了一个重要的事实。  相似文献   

30 cases of arrhythmia were treated with the meridian conducting apparatus,96.6% of the cases were remarkably improved in their clinical symptoms and ECG.The improvementof ECG was slower than that of symptoms.In the past,the treatment of bradycardia was not ideal,but remarkably improvement and satisfactory results have been obtained after the treatment withmeridian conducting apparatus.  相似文献   

This thesis has further studied the low resistance of meridian points with a new in-strument called Model TZ-03 of resistance detector for Acupoints. Through experiments and clinicalobservation, the author found that the changes of skin resistances of points are closely related to thechanges of human physiology and pathology. The experiments also show that the factors which influ-ence the results are complicated and changeable in many ways. Therefore, the absolute values of theresistances of points are not precise and stahle f and the ratio of the resistance of bilateral point of thesame name is more re1iable. In healthy people, the resistances of the sarne points on two sides of thebody are similar, and there is much difference of these resistances among people with diseases.  相似文献   

经脉线的全程均可用隐性感传(LPSC),低阻抗(LIP)和高振动声(PAP)三种生物物理学方法严格定位,而且三种方法所测定的经脉线完全重合在一起,其宽度仅为1毫米,其位置终生相对不变,并和古典经络图基本互相吻合。显微镜下观察发现经脉线的三种生物物理特性分别与不同层次的四种组织形态结构相关。经络线角质层变成可能与经络的低阻抗特性有关;人体和大鼠循经低阻线下在表皮层和真皮层、皮下结缔组织小,神经末稍、神经束、血管以及肥大细胞相对集中可能与循经敏感现象有关;在经脉线下的深肌层内,特殊结构的结缔组织复合体,可能与循经高振动声的发生有关。由此可见,经脉线实乃一多层次、多形态、多功能的立体结构。经脉线的多种生物物理特性都有相应的形态学结构进一步证明早在2000年前中国《黄帝内经》和960年前宋代铜人所载的十四条经脉是真实的,科学的。  相似文献   

Background: To understand the meridian system properly, we have to start from understanding the origin and clinical significance of the meridian system.Using the example of low-back pain, we suggest a new model of the meridian system based on biomedical information about meridians and acupoints.Purposes and methods:(1) In order to understand the relationship between the location of the disease and the sites of relevant acupoints, we investigated acupuncture treatment regimens for lowback pain in 37 clinical studies.(2) To analyze the patterns of the combinations of acupoints, we used acupoint information from clinical trials to calculate the modified mutual information value, integrated these data, and visualized the network.Results:(1) We found that the most frequently used acupoints in the treatment of low-back pain were BL23(51%), BL25(43%), BL24(32%), BL40(32%), BL60(32%), GB30(32%), BL26(28%), BL32(28%), and GB34(21%).For the example of low-back pain, we visualized the biomedical information(frequency rates) about acupuncture treatment on the meridians of a three-dimensional(3D) model of the human body.We foundthat both local and distal acupoints were used to treat low-back pain in clinical trials based on the meridian theory.(2) From the network analysis of the combinations of acupoints, we have confirmed that the three basic principles of acupuncture regimens(local acupoints, distal acupoints along the meridian, and distal acupoints based on the internal organ problems) are also applied to the treatment of low-back pain.Conclusion: We suggest a new model for the visualization of a data-driven 3D meridian system of biomedical information about the meridians and acupoints.Understanding the essence of the meridian channels enables people to grasp the principles of the selection of acupoints and to enhance the clinical efficacy of acupuncture treatment in various diseases.  相似文献   

五年来我国经络现象研究的新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 自1972年开始,我国的经络研究即进入了以探讨经络现象,特别是循经感传现象为中心的阶段。在1979年第一次全国针灸针麻学术讨论会以后的五年中,经络现象的研究又取得了一些新的进展,现分五个部分概括介绍如下: 一、循经感传主要特征的观察 1.感传路线的循经性安徽、福建、辽宁、陕西等四省感传研究协作组对100名受试者的14经感传路线作了7000次以上的测定,并初步绘制成图。结果表明,感传路线在四肢与古图基本相符,胸  相似文献   

吴宝华  黎宝娇 《针刺研究》1993,18(2):128-131,114
本文以视网膜电图(ERG)为指标:机械压迫为手段,观察针刺时体表出现的经络轨迹。针刺穴为合谷。压迫穴分别为温溜、手三里、曲池、臂臑和肩髃,并以压迫上述穴位的两侧旁开部位作为对照。观察对象为5例感传显著者和5例无感传者。结果表明:当机械压迫施加在经线上,各平面的 ERG 振幅变化不明显,而压迫非经线时,则ERG 反应都明显大于压迫经线时,二者对比有非常显著的差异。从而成功地检测出针刺合谷时体表出现的经络轨迹,其路线与大肠经的循行路线基本一致。经络轨迹的测定为经络循行路线的客观检测开辟了一个新的途径。  相似文献   

红外热像图用于针刺原理和经络现象的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
红外热像方法是一较先进的技术手段,它在针灸和经络研究中具有广阔的应用前景。我们使用AGA-182型红外热像仪及7C-800型电子计算机对热补手法、面瘫的针刺疗效、留针时间长短与针刺的升温作用、针刺谬刺法、手针与电针升温的比较、上下肢穴位对面部升温的比较、经络的温度特姓及面部循经特异性温度显示等八个方面进行了观察和研究,目的在于将热像技术方法应用于针灸原理和经络现象的研究之中,探讨用这一技术揭示针灸作用机制的实验方式。本研究结果表明,红外热像技术在针灸和经络的研究中具有一定的使用价值,该方法所具直观、客观、简便等优越之处在本研究领域中可以得到充分地发挥和体现,通过本研究,希望能对热像方法在针灸和经络研究中的应用有所促进。  相似文献   

经络现象的生理学和生物物理学研究的新进展和展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在生理学和生物物理学方面,经典的生理学方法已普遍用于循经感传现象(PSC)的研究。采用肌电图、血流图、脑电图、心电图、胃电图等方法记录到和 PSC 相关的客观反应。用热像图、超微弱冷光、声信息探测、同位素示踪以及皮肤电阻抗和电位测定等技术发现 PSC 和隐性循经感传线(LPSC)具有多种生物物理学特性。在经络现象的普遍性方面,大量工作进一步证明隐性循经感传现象在人类普遍存在,其循行路线与我国古典经络图基本符合,从而证实我国2000年前的伟大经络学说是真实的,科学的。  相似文献   

Objective: To observe the therapeutic effect of acupuncture in the treatment of post-stroke depression (PSD) with the method of activating the Du Meridian and clearing the mind. Methods: Two hundred and thirty one cases of PSD were randomly divided into two groups, acupuncture and control groups. In acupuncture group, Baihui (百会 GV 20), Dazhui (大椎 GV 14), Neiguan (内关 PC 6), Taichong (太冲 LR 3) and Shenmen (神门 HT 7) were selected as the main points to invigorate flow of qi in the Du Meridian and clear the mind. Patients in the control group received Fluoxetine orally, 20 rng once per-day. In addition, the same routine treatments were given to both groups, strengthened with rehabilitation exercises as early as possible; 8 weeks constituted one therapeutic course. HAMD and severity of neuro-functional defect of each case were evaluated before and 8-week after the treatment. Results: The total effective rate of acupuncture group was 92.37%, the control group, 72.88%. According to x2 test, the difference between the two groups was remarkably significant (P<0.05). Conclusion: Acupuncture therapy of activating the Du Meridian and clearing the mind in the treatment of PSD was safe and effective.  相似文献   

<正> 针灸科学是祖国医学宝贵财富之一,近三十年来,随着针刺麻醉的发展,越来越受到全世界人民的重视,并在世界医学科学中占有重要地位。但是,针灸科学就其作用机理问题,尽管国内外学者都做了大量的工作,仍然在百家争鸣阶段,不能获得一致公认的见解。到底经络实质是什么?针刺麻醉和针灸治疗疾病的作用机理是什么?这仍是医学界一项很有兴趣的且尚未解决的课题。一、目前学术界公认的几个学说  相似文献   

It is recorded that in Chapter 5- “Corre-spondence between Yin-Yang of the Universe and Yin-Yang of the Human Body“ of classical medical book Plain Questions:(《素问》) “as a qualified acupuncturist, when treating diseases, he or she should understand the deficiency or excess of the meridian first, then he or she can reduce the fin-excess by enhancing the deficient yang, or suppress hyperactivity of the yang by reinforcing the yin , or needle the points on the right side of the body to treat the disease on the left side, and vice versa“; and those in Chapter 9 of book Miraculous Pivot (《灵枢》): “in treatment of diseases in the upper part of the body, the acupoints in the lower part may be selected, while in treatment of diseases in the lower part, the acupoints in the upper part may be selected.  相似文献   

<正> 以前工作证明隐性循经感传线(LPSC)和该线的低阻抗性(LIP)都是普遍存在的经络现象。本文报导这种经络现象的发生和表皮层的关系。实验在4例志愿者的心包经前臂一段进行。先在正常情况下测出该经的LPSC和LIP,然后在消毒的情况下,用抽空减压或斑矛素的方法施在该段皮肤上,当表皮层及角质层与皮肤分离形成水泡后,用锐剪剥离。以后保持创伤区清洁,待皮肤自然愈合。在恢复过程中,不断测试正常区和创伤区的LPSC和LIP。  相似文献   

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